Mini Test ICT

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Section A

1. Choose the correct answers for the following questions. (20 Marks)
1.In banking, railways which computers are used?

 Mini  Micro  Mainframe  Super

Computers Computers Computer

2.Which type of software is an operating system?

 Utility  System  Application  Firmware

Software Software Software Software

3.Random Access Memory (RAM) is which storage of device?

 Primary  Secondary  Both primary and  None of the

secondary above

4.Microsoft office is type of _______.

 Application  System  firmware  all of the

software software above

5.In which of the following form, data is stored in computer?

 decimal  octal  binary  hexadecimal

6.Which of the following are components of Central Processing Unit (CPU)?

 Arithmetic logic unit, Mouse

 Arithmetic logic unit, Control unit
 Arithmetic logic unit, Integrated Circuits
 Control Unit, Monitor

7.Where are saved files stored in computer?

 RAM  Hard Disk  Cache  None of the above

8.Modern processors are so small they are called _____.

 processors  microprocessors  modern  small

processors processor

9.Where are saved files stored in computer?

 RAM  Hard Disk  Cache  None of the above

10.The three parts of a CPU are joined together by connections called ______.

 buses  signals  connections  all of the above

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2. Match column A and column B by writing the Letter of your answer before the Number.
(6 Marks)

Column A Column B

1. It is where the data and a. Fetch

------------- programs that the CPU
currently needs are
2. The sequence of b. Software
------------- instructions performed to
execute one program
3. It is small and high- c. Buses
------------- speed memory storage
integrated within the

b 4. A set of instructions that d. Immediate access

------------- a computer needs to store
carry out its tasks
5. Communication system e. Fetch execute
------------- that transfers data cycle
between components
inside a computer

6. The instruction travels f. Cache memory

------------- down the bus from RAM
to the control unit


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