The Effect of Temperature On Reaction Rate
The Effect of Temperature On Reaction Rate
The Effect of Temperature On Reaction Rate
Figure 1
4. Put the conical flask over a piece of paper with a cross drawn on it.
5. Add the acid and start timing. Swirl the flask to mix the contents. Take the initial temperature of
the mixture and record it in a table like the one below.
6. Repeat the experiment using different temperatures in the range 30 o C to 80o C. Remember that
one of your experiments can be carried out at room temperature and so will not require heating.
7. Look down on the cross from above. When the cross disappears, stop timing and note the time
taken. Record the final temperature of the mixture in the flask.
8. Immediately wash the solution down a sink with plenty of water.
Post-Lab Question
2 What does the graph indicate about the effect of temperature on this chemical reaction?