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Course Outline For D of Rehabilitation

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ENGLISH IN FOUR SKILLS (Department of Rehabilitation)

Course outline up to pre-intermediate level

Speaking Grammar Pronunciation/Listening Writing/Reading

1  Introducing oneself;  Wh-questions and statements  Linked sounds  Social welfare and
introducing someone; with be;  Formal/Informal ways of Rehabilitation
checking information;  questions with what, where, who greeting  Functions of the social
 Exchanging personal  yes/no questions and short  Responding “Hello” welfare and
information; answers with be; rehabilitation
 Saying hello and good-bye;  subject pronoun; possessive adj
 Talking about office objects

2  Describing works and  Simple present Wh-questions and  Syllable stress  Senior citizen
duties of social workers statements;  Listening to descriptions of  Types of social services
 asking for and giving  question: when; time expressions: jobs and daily routines  Caring about senior
opinions; at, in, on, around, early, late, until,  The role of social workers in citizen
 describing daily schedules before, and after forming society  Vocabulary
3  Talking about prices;  Demonstratives: this, that, these,  The International Classification  Classification of
 giving opinions; those; of Functioning, Disability and disabilities
 discussing preferences;  one and ones; Health  Benefits for people who
 making comparisons;  questions: how much and which; cannot work.
 buying and selling things  comparisons with adjectives  Education of students
with special needs
 Vocabulary
4  Talking about likes and  Yes/no and Wh-questions with  Intonation in questions  Children’s social
dislikes; do;  Listening for likes and dislikes services
 Giving opinions;  Question: what kind;  Positive activities for
 Making invitations and  Object pronoun; young people
excuses  Modal verb would; verb + to +  Dealing with Bullies
verb  Vocabulary

Speaking Grammar Pronunciation/Listening Writing/Reading

5  Talking about your own  Present continuous yes/no and  Intonation in statements  Types of crimes
ministry Wh-questions, statements, and  Young Offenders
 Exchanging information short answers;  Addiction (drugs,
about the present  Quantifiers; all, nearly all, most, alcohol, smoking, etc.)
 Describing your life many, a lot of, some, not many,  Vocabulary
and few;
 Pronoun: no one
6  Asking about and  Adverbs of frequency: always,  Intonation in statements  Refugee,
describing routines and almost always, usually, often,  Listening to the description of  immigrants,
exercise; sometimes, hardly ever, almost lives of the refugees  Ethnic issues
 Talking about frequency; never, and never;  Social exclusion
 Discussing and talking  Questions: how often, how long,  Vocabulary
about abilities how well, and how good;
 Short answers
7  Talking about past events;  Simple past yes/no and Wh-  Reduction of did you  Successful families
 giving opinions about past questions, statements, and short  Listening to descriptions and  Disciplining and
experiences; answers with regular and opinions of past events and punishing children
 talking about field trips irregular verbs field trips  Parental responsibility
 Past of be  Pronunciation /t/ /d/ /id/  Vocabulary
8  Asking about and  There is/ther are; one, any, and  Reduction of there is/there are  Employment and
describing locations of some;  Listening for locations and Unemployment
places;  Prepositions of place; descriptions of places  Applying for a job
 Asking about and  Quantifiers;  Application for
describing neighbourhoods;  Questions: how many and how employment
 Asking about quantities much;  Vocabulary
 Countable and uncountable
9  Asking about and  Questions for describing people:  Contrastive stress  Homelessness
describing people’s What…look like, how old, how  Listening to descriptions of  Housing associations
appearance; tall, how long, and what colour; people;  Salvation homeless
 Identifying people  Modifiers with participles and  Identifying people  Vocabulary

10  Describing past  Present perfect yes/no and Wh-  Linked sounds  Social Policy
experiences; questions, statements, and short  Listening to descriptions of  Social Security
 Exchanging information answers with regular and events  Important social
about past experiences and irregular past participles; problems
events  Already and yet  Vocabulary
 Present perfect vs simple past
 For and since
11  Asking about and  Adverbs before adjectives;  Can’t and shouldn’t  Education
describing cities;  Conjunctions: and, but, though,  Listening to description of  Children Education
 Asking for and giving and however; cities, towns and countries  Adult Education
suggestions;  Modal verbs can and shuold  Outstanding
 Talking about travel personalities
 Vocabulary
12  Talking about health  Adjective + infinitive;  Reduction of ‘to’  Social services
problems;  Noun + infinitive;  Listening to health problems  Structure of public
 Asking for and giving  Modal verbs could and should and advice services
advice and suggestions for suggestions;  A care home
 Making requests  Modal verbs can, could, and may  Vocabulary
for requests
13  Expressing likes and  So, too, neither, and either;  Stress in responses  Social and Educational
dislikes;  Modal verbs would and will for  Listening to the description of policies
 Agreeing and disagreeing; requests funded project  Education, Youth, Sport
 Ordering a meal and Vocational Training
 Vocabulary
14  Making comparisons;  Comparative and superlative  Questions of choice  Counselling services
 Expressing opinions; forms of adjectives;  Good and bad care
 Talking about distances and  Questions: how far, how big,  People who could be
measurements how high, how deep, how long, looking for social
how hot, and how cold services
 Vocabulary

15  Talking about plans;  Future with present continuous  Reduction of ‘could you’ and  Parents and children

 Making invitations; and be going to; messages with ‘would you’  Help for families and
 Accepting and refusing ‘tell’ and ‘ask’  Listening to telephone children
invitations; messages  Lone parents
 Giving reasons;  Vocabulary
 Talking and leaving
16  Exchanging personal  Describing changes with the  Vowel sounds /oʊ/ and /ʌ/  Projects and grants
information; present tense, the past tense, the  Listening to descriptions of  Types of grants
 Describing changes; present perfect, and the changes  Project work
 Talking about plans for the comparative;  Vocabulary
future  Verb + infinitive

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