Course Outline For D of Rehabilitation
Course Outline For D of Rehabilitation
Course Outline For D of Rehabilitation
2 Describing works and Simple present Wh-questions and Syllable stress Senior citizen
duties of social workers statements; Listening to descriptions of Types of social services
asking for and giving question: when; time expressions: jobs and daily routines Caring about senior
opinions; at, in, on, around, early, late, until, The role of social workers in citizen
describing daily schedules before, and after forming society Vocabulary
3 Talking about prices; Demonstratives: this, that, these, The International Classification Classification of
giving opinions; those; of Functioning, Disability and disabilities
discussing preferences; one and ones; Health Benefits for people who
making comparisons; questions: how much and which; cannot work.
buying and selling things comparisons with adjectives Education of students
with special needs
4 Talking about likes and Yes/no and Wh-questions with Intonation in questions Children’s social
dislikes; do; Listening for likes and dislikes services
Giving opinions; Question: what kind; Positive activities for
Making invitations and Object pronoun; young people
excuses Modal verb would; verb + to + Dealing with Bullies
verb Vocabulary
10 Describing past Present perfect yes/no and Wh- Linked sounds Social Policy
experiences; questions, statements, and short Listening to descriptions of Social Security
Exchanging information answers with regular and events Important social
about past experiences and irregular past participles; problems
events Already and yet Vocabulary
Present perfect vs simple past
For and since
11 Asking about and Adverbs before adjectives; Can’t and shouldn’t Education
describing cities; Conjunctions: and, but, though, Listening to description of Children Education
Asking for and giving and however; cities, towns and countries Adult Education
suggestions; Modal verbs can and shuold Outstanding
Talking about travel personalities
12 Talking about health Adjective + infinitive; Reduction of ‘to’ Social services
problems; Noun + infinitive; Listening to health problems Structure of public
Asking for and giving Modal verbs could and should and advice services
advice and suggestions for suggestions; A care home
Making requests Modal verbs can, could, and may Vocabulary
for requests
13 Expressing likes and So, too, neither, and either; Stress in responses Social and Educational
dislikes; Modal verbs would and will for Listening to the description of policies
Agreeing and disagreeing; requests funded project Education, Youth, Sport
Ordering a meal and Vocational Training
14 Making comparisons; Comparative and superlative Questions of choice Counselling services
Expressing opinions; forms of adjectives; Good and bad care
Talking about distances and Questions: how far, how big, People who could be
measurements how high, how deep, how long, looking for social
how hot, and how cold services
15 Talking about plans; Future with present continuous Reduction of ‘could you’ and Parents and children
Making invitations; and be going to; messages with ‘would you’ Help for families and
Accepting and refusing ‘tell’ and ‘ask’ Listening to telephone children
invitations; messages Lone parents
Giving reasons; Vocabulary
Talking and leaving
16 Exchanging personal Describing changes with the Vowel sounds /oʊ/ and /ʌ/ Projects and grants
information; present tense, the past tense, the Listening to descriptions of Types of grants
Describing changes; present perfect, and the changes Project work
Talking about plans for the comparative; Vocabulary
future Verb + infinitive