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Water Electrolysis

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Water electrolysis

Leidy Guzmán, Rosaly Ríos, Angie Rodelo, Stephanie Jimenez and Leonardo Gómez
Analytical Chemistry IV
Chemistry Program, Faculty of Basic Sciences

The electrolysis of water was carried out by constructing an electrolytic cell in order to obtain
oxygen and hydrogen using a pair of steel electrodes (nails), water and sodium bicarbonate in
solution, the electrodes were previously connected to a charger. 12 v. Finally, the collection of
hydrogen was observed in the presence of liquid soap and oxygen.

INTRODUCTION cells are mainly used for two purposes, a)

converting chemical energy into electrical
An electrochemical cell is a simple device energy and b) converting electrical energy
consisting of two conductors called into chemical energy.
electrodes, immersed in an electrolyte
solution (see figure 1). These act as an Electrolysis is an electrochemical process
interface between an ionic conductor and in which electrical energy is the driving
an electrical one, in the oxidation and force of chemical reactions. This process
reduction reaction, together with the is carried out in a device known as an
electrolyte they are capable of producing electrolytic cell. Substances are separated
electricity by chemical action within the into the ions that form them, by passing a
cell, or of producing a chemical action by current through them. Water breaks down
the passage of electricity to through the into hydrogen and oxygen, the electrical
solution. current causes positively charged
hydrogen ions to migrate toward the
negatively charged cathode, and oxygen
forms at the other electrode (the
positively charged anode) (see figure 1).

Figure 1.electrolytic cell

The cathode in an electrochemical cell is

the electrode at which reduction occurs, Figure 2. Water electrolysis
while the anode is the electrode at which METHODOLOGY.
oxidation takes place. Electrochemical
The water electrolysis setup was carried
out using the following steps.
1. The duplex cable was cut at the
ends (positive and negative
identification), leaving the conductor
(copper) exposed.
2. The end of the cable was cut off
from a cell phone charger, exposing the
conductor, which would later be
connected to the duplex cable using two
3. Once the charger was connected to
the duplex cable, the ends were soldered
to keep it fixed.
4. With the help of a soldering iron, Image 1. Electrolysis setup.
the lid of the container (plastic bottle)
was pierced, leaving two holes for the
exit of oxygen and hydrogen gases, By supplying electric current to the cell,
using two 5 ml syringes. bubbling was immediately noticed in the
5. The plastic bottle was pierced on electrodes and in the solution, it was
the sides, to allow the exit of the observed that the bubbling in the
conductive cables attached to the electrode connected to the black wire was
charger, then the alligators were placed much faster than the electrode connected
at the ends of the cable that remained to the red wire, which indicates that the
inside the bottle, to connect the release of hydrogen gas occurred at the
electrodes. electrode connected to the black cable,
6. After having passed the cables since, for each water molecule, two
through the holes in the jar, they were hydrogen atoms are released in the form
covered with silicone to prevent water of H 2 (g).
Image 2. Electrolysis of water.
7. Electrodes (steel nails) were
placed inside the syringes.
8. The container was filled with
water and baking soda was added.
9. Power was supplied when
plugging the charger into the power
10. Oxygen was collected and
hydrogen was released.
Once the hydrogen gas was collected in the excess energy electrolysis of pure
liquid soap water, it was tested by water occurs very slowly or not at all.
exploding the bubbles, which gave a low This is due in part to the limited self-
sound because not as many bubbles ionization of water. Pure water has an
accumulated. electrical conductivity about one
millionth that of seawater. Many
Under the action of a potential difference
electrolytic cells may also lack
of a few volts, an electrochemical
electrocatalysts. The efficiency of
reaction appears at the level of the
electrolysis is increased through the
electrodes: The cathode releases electrons
addition of an electrolyte (such as a salt,
that decompose the water according to the
acid or base) and the use of
reduction reaction:
−¿=2 H2( ac) ¿
+¿+2 e ¿
2 H(ac )

At the anode, water molecules undergo

the following oxidation reaction:
+¿+ 4 e ¿
2 H 2 O(l)=O2 (g) +4 H (ac )

The reaction produces twice as much

diatomic hydrogen than diatomic oxygen.
Avogadro's law justifies that the volume
of gas in the tube on the left (H 2 ) is
twice as important as the volume of gas
recovered in the tube on the right (O 2 ). Image 4. Oxygen test.

Image 3. Hydrogen Test . CONCLUSION

Through electrolysis we can separate any

substance into the ions that make it up
and thus use them for our interest,
however we must take into account the
conditions of the system such as
temperature, the necessary voltage, the
type of electrodes, etc.
In general, we know that there is an
oxidation-reduction reaction in this
process, where the electrical power source
is responsible for providing the energy
necessary to carry out the electrolysis.
The amount of product that will be
Electrolysis of pure water requires excess formed during the electrolysis process is
proportional to the amount of current
energy in the form of surge to overcome
supplied to the system, and the equivalent
the activation of various barriers. Without
mass of the substance present in the

1. Chang. R, and Goldsby K. (2013).
Chemistry, 11th edition, Mc Graw Hill,
interamericana editors, p.843-845

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