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Colors Human Design

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[ THE DIMENSION OF COLOR ] February 23, 2018





BASES, SHADES, COLORS AND LINES IN NUMBERS.......................................3
RESEARCH YOUR COLOR......................................................................................4
There is a natural thematic resonance between color and line....................................7
THE SIX COLORS......................................................................................................8
COLOR 1. FEAR. SEPARATIST/COMMUNITY.....................................................9
COLOR 2. HOPE. BELIEVER/ATHEIST................................................................10
COLOR 3. DESIRE. FOLLOWER/LEADER...........................................................11
COLOR 4. NEED. MASTER/NOVICE....................................................................13
FLA RAVE PSYCHOLOGY........................................................................................15
COLOR 5. BLAME. CONDITIONER/CONDITIONING........................................15
The conditioner/conditioned binary...........................................................................16
COLOR 6. INNOCENCE. OBSERVER/OBSERVED.............................................16
[ THE DIMENSION OF COLOR ] February 23, 2018


Color in HUMAN DESIGN represents motivations. Color indicates the underlying

motivation that drives us to act, think or feel in a certain way.

Under each definition or activation in our DH chart, we find a COLOR, a BASE and a
TONE. This study is very specific and complicated to understand, its analysis is only
recommended if you want an in-depth study.

Awakening is seen in the dimension of color, when you see something you had not seen
before, when you identify your ultimate motivation. When your motivation is fixed, that
awakening occurs, it is a very sweet surprise.

It is also interesting to see what is the specific motivation that underlies the conditioning
that other beings produce in us. When another person is defining a door for us, for
example, in turn, we are being affected by the motivation of that door, by its color.

Color provides a certain nuance, a way of feeling human, complementary to the rest of
the analysis of your rave menu. In essence, being yourself or not being yourself is a
quality of how much harmony there is between your psyche and your body. It is
recognizing: “it hurts, but that's me.” In the good and in the bad. That's loving yourself
[ THE DIMENSION OF COLOR ] February 23, 2018

no matter what, not just the good.

Almost everyone has a fixed motivation and your NOT BEING does not let that
motivation be fixed, it has you oscillating from one motivation to another without
knowing which one is yours. Each activation has its own motivation.

Although behind each door, planet or node there is a COLOR, we say that the MAIN
COLOR of a person is the COLOR of the SUN OF PERSONALITY , it is who you believe you
are, it is your CROSS OF INCARNATION, IT IS YOUR PROFILE. We have the same color in
the sun of personality as on the Earth of personality. The sun color of personality
motivates 70% of conscious perception. 70% of the time we say I, we are expressing our
character, that sun of personality.

Your cross has four arms and you perceive the four arms in a single point that
synthesizes them all, in the sun's door of personality.

The rest of the planets and doors also have their color but it is not necessary to know it,
except if you want to delve into one of them and see its motivation. But it is also
interesting to see how many colors predominate in your design, on all the planets. For
example, you have 9 second colors, hope will rule your life more than the color of your
personality sun. Then we will see that the second color or line two is about hope.

The sun takes 24 hours to change its line. The color changes every four hours. The tone
and base change much faster. That explains the profound difference between twins,
their structure is the same, but not their motivation. Every moment is different, a
different step on the wheel of evolution.

The precise time of your birth is very important to know your real color , since if you
do not know exactly that time, you will not accurately obtain the color, base and tone
that corresponds to you.


Under each LINE, there are 6 COLORS, under each color there are 6 TONES, and under
each TONE there are 5 BASES. They are layers located increasingly deeper.

1 LINE contains 6 COLORS x 384 lines = 2,304 COLORS

1 COLOR contains 6 SHADES x 2304 colors = 13,824 SHADES

1TONE contains 5 BASES x 13,824 tones = 69,120 BASES.

These are the crosses of incarnation.

The Crosses of Incarnation are obtained from these BASES. Therefore there are 69,200
incarnation crosses in the mandala of DH.

1 .- The BASE sets the PERSPECTIVE. Imagine a five-sided crystal. Having a base means
[ THE DIMENSION OF COLOR ] February 23, 2018

that you only see through one of those five faces. That specific perspective is the way
you process the information of that tone, that color, that line, and that door.

2 .- TONE regulates the ORIENTATION of our senses, if you are more visual, (or splenic
or emotional) - social, corporal or you tend to be more sensory. In some one sense
predominates and in others another sense. The tone is the format, we have no access or
way to modify it, but we are aware of what enters through the senses, the illusion of
Maya, and a specific way of responding to that illusion. Based on the format, that is, the
tone, the color creates a response, receives its stimuli and responds in a certain way to
those stimuli. The tome is where consciousness is already chained to the body. They are
the systems of our physical, endocrine, sexual, lymphatic, etc. organism . We have
access to color but not to tone. The way your immune system is set up. Ra gave a course
called “The primary health system.” In it he was referring to the tone of your design
sun , not your personality sun. It is from the structure of the body, from the structure of
the design. Differentiates the immune systems of human beings by groups.

3 .- COLOR determines MOTIVATION. Color gives rave cards their psychology . When
your form and your expression in the world follow the impulses of your own motivation,
you are aligned and flow without resistance. When you follow your motivation,
everything works. Motivation is magic. Color is an intermediary between line and tone,
it is the bridge between them, it has a spirit of consensus, a meeting point. Your
biological mechanism and your mental psychic world act in unison if your motivation is

When you discover your motivation, your color is fixed. You no longer look for other
motivations, you already know what your thing is and you move on from other things.

THE LINE plays THE MECHANICS, the exterior, the superficial.



That will be your MAIN COLOR.

In your profile it is indicated in the sun of personality. For example, if your profile is
1/3, your personality line is line 1, the investigator.

Knowing what your color is will explain to us what your motivation is so that you
investigate what interests you.

• If your researcher resonates with color 1 motivation, your motivation is FEAR.

• If your color is color 2, your motivation is HOPE.
• Yeah youcoloris he3, your motivation is DESIRE.
• Yeah youcolor ishe 4,you motivation is THE NEED.
[ THE DIMENSION OF COLOR ] February 23, 2018

• Yeah youcolor ishe 5,youmotivation is THE BLAME.

• Yeah youcolor ishe 6,you motivation is INNOCENCE.
[ THE DIMENSION OF COLOR ] February 23, 2018

These are the motivations that confer psychological qualities to the profile and the force
that drives the character's dynamics. One can investigate, for example, consciousness,
out of FEAR, or out of NEED...etc.

Mechanical activation. The lines








Psychological motivation. The color








[ THE DIMENSION OF COLOR ] February 23, 2018

There is a natural thematic resonance between FLA RAVE PSYCHOLOGY

color and line. ' Mechanical

Each color resonates or harmonizes with the LINE

corresponding lines. If your LINE resonates with
your color, it is easier and there is more harmony. MODEL GUILT
Color 1 affects the first line and the fourth line.
Color 2 affects the second line and the fifth line

Color 3 affects the third and sixth lines.

Harmony and Resonance between Line and


Transference means that your conditioning drags you to live with another color. When
someone does not live in their being, we say that they live conditioned. Then it identifies
itself with the color of the Angle that complements it. If we look at the detriment of all
Iching lines, we will see guidelines that explain the transfer process. If you are living in a
harmonious color instead of your own, you have a way back.

Color 1 resonates with 4

Color 2 resonates with 5

Color 3 resonates with 6

If your color is FEAR (color 1) and you live far from your true being (what you have
defined, your strategy), the transference process leads you to live motivated by NEED
instead of FEAR (1 and 4 are harmonious) . So instead of worrying about yourself, yours
and the basics of your life, you live trapped in relationships of dependency, your
teacher, your girlfriend, your mother, the other. And you think it's because of the other
person that you can't take care of your own thing.

And the same transfer occurs in reverse. If you have a color 4, your process of
transferring motivations is complete, when you are totally identified with color 1. If your
color is 4 and instead of resonating with your real motivation, which is NEED, you
resonate with FEAR, it is because you are not living according to your design. You have
to say to the need, “I don't know if I need it that much”, go back to fear as motivation,
go back to being helpless and incompetent, surrendered to nature, and that starts with
your nature.

If your color is 2, HOPE , basically your NOT BEING is crystallized when you are identified
with GUILT as motivation. If you live nurturing, giving hope and comfort to others
instead of attending to your own hope, you are in transference. The detriment of the
hermit is the resentment of exile, he is like this because he does not know how to be
[ THE DIMENSION OF COLOR ] February 23, 2018

with anyone. The others have made him isolate himself.

If you have a color 3, DESIRE , your NOT BEING is totally crystallized when you identify
with INNOCENCE as a motivation, that is, when you are someone eager for power who
pretends that power does not matter to you. The bad thing is that you are sibylline in
your way of pursuing power. Power is beautiful when used correctly.


- - COLOR 1. FEAR. The most basic motivation of human beings is fear. There is a
resonance between fear and need.
- - COLOR 2. HOPE. Hope is the second motivation, when all we have left is to wait.
All the second lines resonate with hope. For them there is no fear because there
is still hope.
- I- COLOR 3. DESIRE. All third lines resonate with DESIRE. Wishes of
To be a martyr, of
power, I want to and I


Each motivation is accompanied by a fundamental binary.




[ THE DIMENSION OF COLOR ] February 23, 2018


Guilt/Innocence BLAME FILL A VOID


- Colors 1 and 2, Fear and Hope, are the first two lines and both deal with the
BASICS , the most basic needs for survival.

- Colors 3 and 4, Need and Desire, have as their objective DEVELOPMENT , finding a
way to grow, to prosper.

- Colors 5 and 6, Guilt and Innocence, are the CULMINATION , or peak of a person's
psychological growth process. Colors 5 and 6 are where the colors below them
aspire to go.


The first line moves around the question WHAT AM I.

Color 1 is fear and represents the beginning of an evolutionary process, a journey into
the unknown. They look for a safe territory for the body, they seek to cover the basic
needs of their loved ones and the fear alarm goes off through anxiety and depression if
they perceive that the situation they are going to enter is reckless or unsafe.

It is authoritarian, caveman, primary, strong or weak, it is the base, that is where we

come from. Everything is unknown. If you don't confront fear, you stay stuck in the
mousetrap. There is a pressure of survival that makes it impossible to stay in the
mousetrap, you have to go out to fight and survive, have enough strength to prevail, to
confront fear.

Fear is the driving force, it warns us with every step we take. Fear tells us if the territory
you are traveling through is safe or not.

Fear is an energy that distances you from your being, it is SEPARATIST . On the other
hand, the other side of fear is what gives you confidence, known territory is

Let's say your sun is at door 37, THE FAMILY. If the color of that sun is the 1st line, that
is, COLOR 1, what moves you to put your energy into supporting your FAMILY is fear.
Fear of not subsistence, of not surviving, of going through hardships, fears of not being
able to cover the most basic needs. You have to read the line and understand the
motivation of the line.

In color we can see when we operate with the CORRECT MOTIVATION and when we do
[ THE DIMENSION OF COLOR ] February 23, 2018

so with WRONG MOTIVATION. The entire range of possibilities is contained there.

The same fact produces different responses in people depending on their motivations.
The color gives the profiles their psychology, it is not the line. The line gives it its
mechanics, a certain limitation to the personality. The line is connected to the color and
there is resonance and harmony between the color and the lines. The martyr can be
described in a certain way. The opportunist can be described in a certain context, that of
necessity. An innocent person is not an opportunist nor is an opportunist innocent.

Is it fear that has to condition your decisions? No, it's something you have to learn to
live with. The fear is not yours, it is just fear, you are not responsible. Fear alerts you to
danger and makes you aware of what your life is and what others' are.

Ra has 11 first lines, his color is not fear. His motivation is not fear but by having so
many lines in his design, he is someone like a scared little bird. If you have many first
lines you live in terror.

The first line represents the beginning of a life of knowledge, courageously entering
the territory of the unknown, without guarantees, but only by moving forward can one
learn. Fear as motivation, attentive to the base, the form, the facts. It has to maintain
the form, it is an individual task. Confronting the fears of your NOT BEING, that is the
foundation of our psychology, the foundation of all hopes. The first line tells you what is
right and wrong in terms of survival.

The first line of color deals with the most basic questions of our consciousness, of our
psychology, what am I, what is life, how to stay alive, how to take care of my business,
how to provide myself with a solid and secure base. There is nothing transcendent, only
the immediate. Behind the immediate is the unknown, fear.

The community/separatist binary. It is a 1st line that is trying to investigate what to join
and what to avoid, what path to follow and what paths to leave, always looking for what
agrees most with my experience.


Wherever they see a chance to rest, they go there.

What motivates him is to find out “ WHY I AM”.

HOPE , is not afraid of what is. “I'm human, and that's how humans work,” he tells
himself. He doesn't investigate anything. You start from a series of assumptions and
hope that those assumptions will happen as you expect. But he is not going to
investigate, he is simply going to maintain those assumptions. A situation gives you hope
or you don't expect anything from it. It depends on the circumstances and motivation.
Its theme is how you live a situation, either hopeful or hopeless.
[ THE DIMENSION OF COLOR ] February 23, 2018

On a collective level, color 1 represents the structures of the state and color 2
represents the church.

The motivation of color 2 is no longer just to control and make the form, the body,
survive, but it has its expectations that there is a higher order connection with the

The second color is the hope that life is something more. What the second line wants to
know is WHY I AM . What has caused me and what purpose does that serve? Are we all
equal? Is there a god for everyone, what is our place in the cosmos, is there an order
behind this battle for survival? The hope is that this will be the case. Or maybe not, he
thinks there is no hope left. Either they fervently believe yes, or they fervently believe
no. They don't know why, it's a matter of faith and hope. Every second line you have in
your design resonates with hope. Hope feeds them because they perceive that peace
within. The second line is the Believer/Atheist.

They have a natural gift, spirituality. The second lines, who live in a strictly mundane
renunciation, experience a great emptiness. For the second line that has the basics
covered, there is a void that can only be filled from within in a spiritual dimension.

The only way to know if there is a God is to receive the call. God cannot be found by
searching, he has to call from within. And the only thing you can do is hold on to hope.
The closest thing to patience. The patience of a believer is infinite, he is even willing to
sacrifice his life for what he believes. Something that nourishes your hope.


Power struggles.

The binary of colors 3 and 4 (DESIRE AND NEED) is a DEVELOPMENT binary. For them,
the important thing is not to know what “what I am” is, but rather “what I can become”,
to see how far I can develop. It is the most unstable binary in human psychology when it
comes to motivational issues.

Both tell us what the motivation is to develop, but they are two different ways of
experiencing said process of individual development. One plant does not need the same
nutrients as others.

All of the 3 and 4 lines that you have in your design, regardless of the color of your
personality sun, resonate deeply with those motivations, desire and need. Having a line
3 or 4 in your profile gives you guidelines on how to develop naturally without wasting
time with what are forms and paths of development that are not for you.

Just as line 3 of the hexagram is the most material, color 3 is the most materialistic
motivation: DESIRE . Desire to have more than what you have, more than what you
need. Desire seeks something that is beyond the basic needs for its survival. Let's say for
[ THE DIMENSION OF COLOR ] February 23, 2018

example that art is not necessary for survival, but it is necessary for humans in many
other aspects.

So the interest of a color 3 is to materialize, it is to discover something that is of interest

to others. And sell it, make money, they are buying it from you, the more interest it
arouses, the more money you accumulate, and you have done nothing, just discover it.
Open to more. All the 3 lines in your design represent the material potential you have,
all the profiles that have a third line in their design are aware of how much everything
costs. It's a question of knowing how far you are able to ADAPT. It's a bet, they are
raising the bet. It's a relationship. "I love you. I love you more.” It's more and more.

In life, resources always run out. I ran out of money, it says a color 3, can we continue
together with your money? It is also a community sharing.

Any search for development requires a material provision, taking into account how
much we have to achieve it. The gods consume a lot of money, making churches,
convents, hospitals. To be fulfilled, the desire first needs sponsorship, a material
investment, it needs material development. You see something and you want it. But you
don't have to take it, keep in mind that this color 3 is a generator, you have to wait for it
to come. You just want it. Without forcing it to come.

Upon reaching color level 3 , leaving the individuality of the previous two, THE OTHER
, the others, the community comes into play. And that is when the issue of authority
arises. Do we do what you say or what I say? Color 3 seeks to accumulate power. Seeks
to command to control matter. At this level are the leader and the follower. The
question becomes who to follow, who's in charge here, who has the money, who cuts
the slack. They don't want to be followers, they want to rule, and for that they need
money. Eight of the 12 profiles contain an aspect of line 3. Everyone seeks to get rich.
The third line doesn't mind believing in God, they want to have a life rich in experiences
and not have to follow others. Others follow him. Desire wants others to follow you,
others to accompany you in the experience. You are going to have to convince someone
to adapt , to accompany you, to want the same thing as you.

The lines are revealed in depth when you know the motivation for the color. 3/27 is
called greed, it is targeting the spleen, it is nutrition, it is wanting more.

The system that uses a color 3 to achieve its main motivation, which is to produce
development, is SELF-HELP. It is a self-taught process in which you learn through your
experience. The dynamic of the third line covets accumulating the power that its own
experience provides.

Here we have the leader who is an anarchist, who cannot follow others, who is forged in
the mistakes of having followed other leaders, where the important thing is not who
you follow, but what you are learning. The third color does not need to be in the
leader's aura, nor does it need personal contact with him, it is enough to adapt his
ideas, his guidelines and see if they serve his own experience and development without
giving greater importance to the figure of the leader. leader.
[ THE DIMENSION OF COLOR ] February 23, 2018

If you have color 3 in your personality sun, you are not designed to follow a leader. You
look for a way to not have to follow anyone. It is a self-taught process. They are the
people who can help others grow the most.

In the third lines you can give the figure of the fan who is willing to share his experience
and make his experience everyone's. He is the most stubborn because he does not see
that his experience is good only for himself.

When color 3 acts from its NON-SELF, it takes an impersonal attitude towards others. It
is an impersonal leadership, it does not take into account how it can affect people
personally, it does not assume the consequences that its direction has on its followers.
However, the point is to be impersonal for yourself, to know what you have to adapt to
without that meaning that you have to deny yourself. It's not about convincing either.
The only thing that accredits you as a leader to the third color is that you lead those who
follow you to prosperity, to improvement. Facts are the only thing that can make them a
leader. If your leadership causes others to prosper, to escape misery, you have earned

It is leaving attachment and knowing that everything can be gained and lost in a
moment. It is learning that we are not here to win or lose but to learn from the
experience. Learning to let go, we learn NOT to RETAIN, to use power and not just flaunt
it. We learn to move energy, move through life, enrich each other, be lighter in
exchange, give and receive impersonally, know that life gives everything and life takes
everything, and that in the end the only wealth is having cultivated yourself, refined, in
the end only your experience remains, a rich story to tell. And knowing how to have all
kinds of resources to get ahead. Having all kinds of gods without being subject to one or
the other. It is a leadership that cannot be preached except by example. The
detachment. Motivation is the ability to move others to risk, to go after a desire,
together, I risk for me, and you risk for yourself. The responsibility to go beyond the
personal rests on this color.


“I'm going because my friend is going.”

In the fourth color, if there is no other, there is no development. In this color 4,

development demands personal contact with another. Here we have the externalization
of fear. Resonates with color 1. It is not a question of desires, it is not power for power's
sake. The motivation of the color 4 we are is the first glimpse of the transpersonal. The
motivation is the need. He is the Master and the novice. It is letting yourself be taught
by someone who already has experience. The teacher teaches you what to identify with,
what to distance yourself from. In color 1, when you are born, everything is unknown,
you don't know who to associate with. The teacher is the authority of the other based
on the personal relationship you have with him. It's how the other behaves with you.

If you have a line 4 in your profile, you need the intermediation of another to develop,
and for that you need to have the right teachers. The only way to be a teacher is to learn
[ THE DIMENSION OF COLOR ] February 23, 2018

from a novice, to learn from another. If you are fourth line, if your motivation is the
fourth color, your thing is to share experiences, study with others, that others give you
the opportunity to develop. Be the novice who learns and the teacher who initiates
others, who allows the externalization of fear based on trust. The color 4 in the
hexagram is in the Right Angle, it is in the juxtaposition, it acts as a hinge for the
hexagram, but it never appears in any transpersonal profile. Never. There is no
transpersonal profile that has the fourth line. It has a different motivation than the rest
of the colors. Color 4 is the only color that is not made to work with a fixed motivation.
What is necessary is what changes all the time. Each moment requires different things.
Color 4 is a mutation agent. Its only function is to mutate another. He is responsible for
restoring motivations to their rightful place. Reveals the false friend, the broken trust,
the opportunity that was not. Color 4 is motivated to adapt to the other. Treat others as
if we need the same thing. Establish a master, novice relationship. If you live it correctly,
you are both at the same time.
[ THE DIMENSION OF COLOR ] February 23, 2018

Color 4 is responding all the time FLA RAVE PSYCHOLOGY

to the immediate, to what is ' Mechanical
necessary at each moment, to
define who learns and who
teaches. Detect if your motivation 6.Transition
is not correct. Color 4 sees if you 5. Universalization
are acting correctly. It is the
brotherhood, it is the confidant, 2. Projection
but it wants to mutate you, it 1. Introspection
wants you to develop, to learn.
1Fear2 Hope 3 Desire 4 Need 6 Innocence
They see people as an opportunity
for development, they are the
opportunists. They seek to find
someone with whom they can
develop as they are.

In color 4 motivation, if you seek your development, stop trying to do it alone, you
need others.

It is fixed, the only thing that matters to it is to mutate, it is to expand, beyond

adaptation. It is to stop fluctuating, stop searching, being and trusting what you are.


Color 5 has guilt as its underlying motivation.

The motivation that moves them is guilt for not meeting expectations, for not being
enough, for not having shown the way to others.

The fifth line embodies THE SAVIOR, subject to projections of others. It embodies an
“ideal of perfection.” “Oh! “You are so special to me.” It connects you to something that
is not of this world and happens without you knowing it. The basic motivation of a 5
color is to try to fill in the other what seems empty, to shape what you don't have and to
shape it in a consistent way. A color 5 defines what you have undefined, NOT BEING. It is
a projection of which they are the object since it emits with its aura a seductive
message: “I could save you.”

It is the messenger of color 6, which is at the top. And having contact with him, he has
the keys that are useful for others. He knows the answer to what others are looking for.
It is the messenger who everyone waits for. It destroys conceptions of the past and
brings new methods. And he is aware that if his revolutionary methods as a heretic are
not what was expected of him, he will be burned at the stake, he will be the culprit, the
object of all other people's frustrations.
[ THE DIMENSION OF COLOR ] February 23, 2018

The true mutation consists of the quantum jump from color 5 to 6.

The conditioner/conditioned binary.

Conditioning is in life itself, it is in everything and it occurs because everything is

connected. Everything is interdependent, everything affects each other. Everything
influences everything, butterfly effect.

The basic motivation of color 5 is to condition, to seduce. In turn, they seek to be

conditioned. “I want you to teach me that and learn it, to be able to seduce others, to
explain the solution to their problems.” Look for new ways to condition, influence.

The heretic breaks one order to establish another. He's a moron, a crazy man. Color 5
disrupts what is established and offers a new way of looking at the issue. If the
alternative he presents doesn't make life more practical, doesn't reveal a clearer
universal order, he's going to be burned at the stake. Bearer of a universal message. He
knows how to tell you what kind of god is perfect for you. The nerve of the fifth line is
the only one that allows him to knock on the hermit's door and have it open.


(English pun: Innocence. In not sense. Innocent - senseless). Life is a vibration, it does
not have or need meaning. It is our brains that need to make sense of all the flow of
information that passes through us.

Color 6 is responsible for taking us towards that new consciousness, its motivation is
innocence, returning our innocence. The psychology of the human being has to go
through fear, hope, desire, need and guilt to become aware of innocence. And only
when you know the duality of those things is that you can access innocence. Innocence
in this case is wisdom, which is not rational, it is the current of knowledge, capable of
structuring language and articulating it based on tone and acoustics. It is capable of
expressing non-linear, existential forms of thought, not subject to yesterday or
tomorrow, that resonate with the reality of now. Wisdom. What is useful for evolution
one day is not useful at another time. Language in the distant future, in evolutionary
terms, will be our limitation and creatures will be born that have another means of
communicating. The mutation of the solar plexus. The consciousness of the awakened
solar plexus is going to detach itself from language. Through channel 12/22, Innocence
means that you don't care about the world because the world is a veil that doesn't let
you feel like you are floating in space. Follow your strategy and you will end up knowing
innocence. Innocence does not even think of interfering in others.

The sixth color offers us the binary OBSERVER/OBSERVED . It is the witness who
[ THE DIMENSION OF COLOR ] February 23, 2018

observes, who observes himself in it. Only when your internal authority is aligned, can
you be a MODEL for others. You can motivate others. There is nothing that motivates
innocence in others as much as one's own innocence. If you are innocent you can get
into a den of thieves and come out intact. It has nothing to do with having door 25,
called false innocence. Innocence is not having a sense of anything, not knowing the
world, not comparing, not having data to compare. Or the state of wisdom where you
don't care about the result of comparing anything with nothing, you are beyond data
and information.

The only innocent thing in us is the form. The information is not innocent. Transfer your
control to a part of your mind called HELPLESSNESS. The sixth line in the world of non-
being is the line of HYPOCRISY, false innocence, cheap wise men. Do as I say, not as I do.
The evolution of consciousness goes towards a place where the observer and the
observed are the same, where what you say and what you do are the same.

Color 6 harmonizes with color 3, desire. Desire – detachment. Color 6 has learned to
manage desire. The motivation for innocence is reached through the following process:

1 The loss of innocence

2 . The return of Chiron, the famous descent from the roof.

3 The recovery of innocence.

All harmonic profiles (1/4, 4/1, 2/5, 5/2 5/2, 3/6, 6/3) always have the same color, color
6, the innocence of a passenger that resonates or harmonizes with your vehicle. For a
profile that is not harmonious, it is easier to accept tensions. Having a harmonious
profile in a world full of tensions makes you want everything to change quickly, which is

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