Core 1
Core 1
Core 1
Learning Outcome 1
Clean, Sanitize and Store Kitchen Tools and Equipment
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
Cooking Materials
is mostly used in the kitchen and the most
popular because it is lightweight, attractive and
less expensive; It requires care to keep it shiny
and clean; It also gives even heat distribution no
matter what heat temperature you have. It is
available in sheet or cast aluminum. Since it is a
soft metal, the lighter gauges will dent and
scratch easily, making the utensil unusable.
Aluminum turns dark when used with alkalis,
such as potatoes, beets, carrots and other
vegetables. While acid
vegetables like tomatoes will brighten it.
1. To remove stain, use 2 table spoon of liquid bleach per cup of water
when soaking and cleaning.
2. Use baking soda to remove grease crust and boiled vinegar as final
3. Use a nylon scrub.
Equipment may refer to a small electrical appliance, such as a mixer, or
a large, expensive, power-operated appliance such as ranges or a
Refrigerators/freezers are
necessary in preventing
bacterial infections from foods.
Most refrigerators have
special compartment for meat,
fruits and vegetables to keep
the moisture content of each
type of food. Butter
compartment hold butter
separately to prevent food
odors from spoiling its flavor.
Basically, refrigerator or freezer is an insulated box, equipped with
refrigeration unit and a control to maintain the proper inside temperature for
food storage
Oven is a chamber or compartment used for
cooking, baking, heating, or drying.
Cleaning is the process of removing food and other types of soil from a
surface, such as a dish, glass, or cutting board. Cleaning is done with a
cleaning agent that removes food, soil, or other substances. The right
cleaning agent must be selected because not all cleaning agents can be used
on food-contact surfaces. (A food-contact surface is the surface of equipment
or utensil that food normally comes into contact.) For example, glass cleaners,
some metal cleaners, and most bathroom cleaners cannot be used because
they might leave an unsafe residue on the food contact surface. The label
should indicate if the product can be used on a food contact surface. The right
cleaning agent must also be selected to make cleaning easy
Cleaning Compound
Detergents These are cleaning
agents, solvents or any substance
used to wash tablewares, surfaces,
and equipments. Example: soap, soap
powders, cleaners, acids, volatile
solvents and abrasives.
1. 2. 3.
Are you ready to clean kitchen tools and equipment? Below are procedures
on how to wash dishes.
Load it Up
The kitchen cutting board gets a lot of use and this means that it gets a
lot of exposure to bacteria. Proper cleaning of the cutting board is essentials
to your good health. Whether you use a wood or plastic cutting board, you
should clean and sanitize it after use.
After you used the cutting board for slicing, dicing, or chopping all kinds
of neat goodies, use a metal scraper or spatula to scrape away any remaining
bits and pieces of food. Throw the scraps into the garbage disposal, garbage
receptacle, or trash bin.
Scrub the board with hot, soapy water thoroughly. If your dishwasher
reaches a temperature of at least 165°F, then you can probably place a high-
density plastic cutting board into the dishwasher. Moreover, if your dishwasher
has an antibacterial cycle, use it to wash the cutting board. Otherwise, scrub it
by hand. Allow the board to air dry.
To remove stains from the cutting board, you can use the following
procedure: wet the stained area with water and sprinkle it with salt and allow
the salt to melt undisturbed for twenty-four hours.
Rinse the salt from the cutting board with clean water. Using the salt
and clean water, create a paste. Use a clean nylon scrubbing sponge or a
clean toothbrush to scour or scrub the paste on the stained area of the cutting
board. Rinse the area clean with fresh water. Repeat the procedure to
guarantee that you have removed all of the stain. Rinse the board clean.
Scrub the cutting board with hot, soapy water and rinse with clean water.
Allow it to air dry.
If you prefer, you may use a vinegar solution in place of the bleach
solution. Simply combine one part vinegar to five parts water. Use this
solution in the same manner as the one explained for the bleach solution.
Clean In Place (CIP) – It is utilized to clean the
interior surfaces of tanks and pipelines of liquid
process equipment. A chemical solution is
circulated through a circuit of tanks and or lines
then return to a central reservoir allowing the
chemical solution to be reused. Time,
temperature and mechanical force are
manipulated to achieve maximum cleaning.
Clean Out of Place (COP) – is utilized to clean the parts of filters and parts of
other equipment. This requires disassembly for proper cleaning. Parts
removed for cleaning are placed in a circulation tank and cleaned using a
heated chemical solution and agitation.
1. Range
A. Remove all burnt sediments and wipe grease from top of range after
each use
B. Scrape grease from curbs and openings hinges
C. When cool, wash top of range
D. Run oiled cloth over top of range
E. Clean oven by removing grates, scraping off food deposits, washing
and drying
F. Keep burners clean. Gas burners can be soaked and scrubbed with
stiff brush while electric burners should be cleaned with a brush or
with a damp cloth
2. Dishwashing machine
A. Remove strainer pans; wash and stock outside machine until next
B. Scrub inside frequently with stiff brush
C. Remove and clean the wash and rinse arms and fits daily to remove
foreign particles
D. Wash tables and top of machine
E. Clean nozzles
F. Do a special periodic cleaning in hard water area
3. Slicers
4. Refrigerator
B. Test Yourself
1. Not Much
2. A Little
3. A Lot
How interested
How skilled am I in
How much do I know am I in learning
Competency about this? more about
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Tools and equipment used
in the preparation of foods
Use of chemicals in
cleaning and sanitizing
kitchen tools, equipment
and working premises
Clean and sanitize kitchen
tools, equipment and
Store kitchen tools and
equipment in the
designated place
Kitchen premises to be
Safety and first aid
Tell me a Story
Situation: Your mother assigned you the task to clean all the tools and
kitchen utensils used in the preparation of food for lunch. In two or three
paragraphs. Explain the different tasks to be fulfilled/accomplished. Write your
answer in your test notebook.
Below is the rubric to guide you in assessing the tasks of cleaning and
sanitizing kitchen tools and equipment.
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Exceptionally Generally clear, Lacks clarity, Unclear,
Clear clear, easy to able to follow difficult to follow impossible to
follow follow
The following topics are the methods of sanitizing kitchen tools and
equipment after cleaning them.
Sanitizing is done using heat, radiation, or chemicals. Heat and
chemicals are commonly used as a method for sanitizing in a restaurant than
radiation. The item to be sanitized must first be washed properly before it can
be properly sanitized. Some chemical sanitizers, such as chlorine and iodine,
react with food and soil and so will be less effective on a surface that has not
been properly cleaned
Methods of Sanitizing
1. Thermal Sanitizing. It involves the use of
hot water or steam. There are three methods
of using heat to sanitize surfaces – steam, hot
water, and hot air. Hot water is the most
common method used in restaurants. If hot
water is used in the third compartment of a
three-compartment sink, it must be at least
171F (77C). If a high-temperature ware
washing machine is used to sanitize cleaned
dishes, the final sanitizing rinse must be at
least 180F (82C). For stationary rack, single temperature machines, it
must be at least 165F (74C). Cleaned items must be exposed to these
temperatures for at least 30 seconds.
2. Chemicals. Approved chemical sanitizers are chlorine, iodine, and
quaternary ammonium. Different factors influence the effectiveness of
chemical sanitizers. The three factors that must be considered are:
a. Concentration. The presence of too little sanitizer will result in an
inadequate reduction of harmful microorganisms. Too much can be
b. Temperature. Generally, chemical sanitizers work best in water
that is between 55F (13C) and 120F (49C).
c. Contact time. In order for the sanitizer to kill harmful
microorganisms, the cleaned item must be in contact with the
sanitizer (either heat or approved chemical) for the recommended
length of time
Characteristics of ideal chemical sanitizer
Approved for food contact surface application
Have a wide range or scope of activity
Destroys microorganisms rapidly
Stable under all types of conditions
Tolerate a broad range of environmental conditions
Readily solubilizes and possesses some detergency
Low in toxicity and corrosivity
Heat sanitizing has several advantages over chemical sanitizing agents?
can penetrate small cracks and crevices
non-corrosive to metal surfaces
non-selective to microbial groups
leaves no residues
easily measurable
Chemical Concentration Time Advantage Disadvantage
Chlorine 50ppm in water 7 Effective on a Corrosive, irritating
between 75% seconds wide variety of to the skin,
and 100% bacteria; highly effectiveness
effective; not decreases with
affected by increasing pH of
hard water; solution; deteriorates
generally during storage and
inexpensive when exposed to
light; dissipates
rapidly; loses activity
in the presence of
organic matter
Iodine 12.5-25ppm in 30 Forms brown Effectiveness
water that is at seconds color that decreases greatly
least 75F indicates with an on crease in
strength; not pH most active at pH
affected by 3.0; very low acting
hard water; less at pH 7.0); should
irritating to the not be used in water
skin than is that is at 120F or
chlorine; and hotter; and might
activity not lost discolor equipment
rapidly in the and surfaces
presence of the
organic matter.
Chemical Concentration Time Advantage Disadvantage
Quaternary U to 200ppm in 30 Non-toxic, Slow destruction of
Ammonium water that is at seconds odorless, some
Compounds least 75F colorless, non- microorganisms; not
corrosive, non- compatible with
irritating; stable some detergents and
to heat and hard water.
relatively stable
in the presence
of organic
matter; active
over a wide pH
C. Views of Ways
Watch a video presentation on how to sanitize kitchen tools and equipment
and make a narrative report about what you have learned in the presentation.
Be guided by the following questions:
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Exceptionally Generally Lacks clarity, Unclear,
Clear clear, easy to clear, able difficult to impossible to
follow to follow follow follow
Pretend it has a glass door and that everyone is going to see what’s inside.
1. Remove all the equipment and scrub shelves with soapy water.
2. Think about what you reach most often and make sure it gets a
position that is easy to reach.
3. Take a cabinet full of glasses and line them up by color. Make sure all
of the front are facing out and straight. (Jeff Lewis-Style)
4. Take a step back after one shelf is done and make someone else look
at what you have done.
5. They should be stored in a clean dry place adequately protected
against vermin and other sources of contamination
Cups, bowls, and glasses must be inverted for storage.
6. When not stored in closed cupboards or lockers, utensils and
containers must be covered or inverted whenever possible. Utensils
must be stored on the bottom shelves of open cabinets below the
working top level.
7. Racks, trays and shelves must be made of materials that are
imperious, corrosive-resistant, non-toxic, smooth, durable and resistant
to chipping.
Drawers must be made of the same materials and kept clean. Full-lined
drawers are not acceptable, but the use of clean and removable towels for
lining drawers is acceptable.
Fill Me In
Below are some of the kitchen tools and equipment. In
column A, draw a smiling face if you are familiar with
the materials and a sad face if you are not. In column B,
put a check if
you have experienced cleaning, sanitizing, and storing the given kitchen tools
and equipment, and an X if no experience.
Column A Column B
Kitchen Tools and Equipment’s I know I can clean, sanitize and store
1. Pots and pans
2. Silverware
3. Chinaware
4. Range
5. Refrigerator
G. Skills Trial
Situation: You were tasked to help the cook in the canteen in
the preparation and cooking of foods particularly in cleaning,
sanitizing and storing of the tools and equipment after using
Materials Needed:
Dish soap
Hot wate
Double sink or dishpan
Dishcloths, scrubbers, sponges, steel wool
Dish rack for drying
Lint-free cloth for silverware
Paper towels to dry pots and pans
Dimension P E R F O R M A N C E L E V E L
Needs No Attempt (0
Excellent (4 pts.) Very Satisfactory (3 Satisfactory (2 Points
pts.) pts.) Improvement (1 pt.) Earned
1. Use of tools Uses tools and equipment Uses tools and Uses tools and Uses tools and No attempt
and equipment correctly and equipment correctly equipment correctly but equipment incorrectly
confidently at all times and less confidently and
confidently most of the sometimes less confidently most
times of the time
2. Application of Manifests very clear Manifests clear Manifests understanding Manifests less No attempt
procedures understanding of the step- understanding of the of the step-by-step understanding of the
by- step procedure step- by-step procedure step- by-step procedure
procedure but sometimes seeks seeking clarification
clarification most of the time
Works independently with Works independently Works independently Works independently but No attempt
ease and confidence at with ease and with ease and with assistance from
all times confidence most confidence others most
of the time sometimes of the time
3. Safety work Observes safety Observes safety Observes safety Most of the time not No attempt
habits precautions at precautions most of precautions sometimes observing safety
all times the time precautions
4.Completeness of Task is completed Task is completed Task is nearly Task is started but not No attempt
Task following the procedures following the completed following the completed following the
in the activity procedures in the procedures in the procedures in the project
improvement/ innovations project plan project plan plan
Dimension P E R F O R M A N C E L E V E L
Needs No
Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Points
Improvemen Attempt
(4 pts.) (3 pts.) (2 pts.) Earned
t (1 pt.) (0 pt.)
5. Time Work Work completed Work completed Work completed No
management completed within allotted (mins./hours/ (mins./hours/d attempt
ahead of time time days) beyond ays) beyond
Learning Outcome 2
Clean and Sanitize Kitchen Premises
The lesson deals with the various types of chemicals and equipment for
cleaning and sanitizing premises and first aid procedure for accidents caused
by chemicals. Specifically after this module you will be able to:
There are various types of chemicals use for sanitizing and disinfecting
equipment, and first aid procedures for accidents caused by chemicals.
1. Chemical
A. chlorine
B. carbolic acid
C. ammonia
D. detergents
E. dishwashing liquid
F. timsen
G. soap
H. alcohol
I. boric acid
2. Heat Sanitizer
A. Hot water
B. Steam
C. Dry heat
D. UV light (ultraviolet light)
E. Filtration
Procedure for disinfecting premises
Regular cleaning of counter tops and floors needs to be done daily and is
usually assigned as part of the your regular daily duties. Other cleaning tasks
that need to be done less frequently must be scheduled and assigned as
needed for instance, daily, weekly, monthly. General cleaning of floors,
windows, walls and certain equipment should be assigned to personnel and it
is often done in cooperation with the housekeeping and maintenance
departments of the organizations.
Although they are not visible threats, the many micro-organisms waiting
in your kitchen can infect your cooking and eating, and consequently have a
negative effect on your health. Food poisoning and diarrhea are just some
conditions which might be caused by preparing food in a dirty, germ- infested
kitchen. In order to prevent these, you need to make sure that your kitchen is
kept clean and safe from bacteria and other germs.
Here are ways to ensure the cleanliness of your kitchen and keep
bacteria at bay.
3. Use a rubbish bin with a lid to keep odors out that attracts flies and
other insects. Empty it as soon as it smells, even if it is not yet full. You
should ideally do this every day.
4. Wash and disinfect your rubbish bin once a week. This will ensure
that any germs which might have remained even after you emptied out
the rubbish will die and cannot multiply. Also, this will remove any foul
smells which might be emanating from the trash bin.
6. Change the dishcloth you wipe surfaces with every day. Use a
different cloth for surfaces than for dishes. Wash the cloth with hot water
and, as appropriate, bleach. Use separate towels for hands and dishes,
and change both of those regularly, too.
7. Use a paper towel for any mess that is particularly likely to cause
contamination, such as raw meat or eggs, and anything that has
fallen on the floor. It is better to use cleaning material that you can
easily throw out after and prevent from contaminating other food,
instead of using towels or sponges which you would still be likely to use
again afterwards.
8. Keep kitchen floors free from debris and grease by sweeping and
washing regularly. If something has spilled, make sure to mop it right
away instead of letting the mess stay there. Aside from making sure that
germs do not use the spillage as a breeding ground, immediate mopping
would also prevent unwanted accidents such as slipping from occurring.
9. Don't leave dirty crockery and pans to fester where they can attract
harmful bacteria. Wash dishes with hot water and soap as soon as
you're done using them.
11. Wash your hands before handling food and again if you sneeze or
cough, blow your nose, go to the bathroom, or touch high-use surfaces.
Safety measures
The following are safety measures that you should do when using cleaning
1. Keep them in a separate area, away from food and other products
2. Keep on lower shelves to prevent accidents and to keep chemicals
from falling into food products
3. Store in a cool, well-lit and well ventilated room
4. Do not store near heat
5. Do not keep punctured aerosol cans
6. Store chemicals with lids tightly on
7. Make sure chemicals and other cleaning agents are clearly labelled,
specifying their content and use
8. Ensure that the use by date or manufactured date is clearly readable
9. Storage containers should be free of corrosion and moisture
10. The storage area should be kept secure and locked when not in use
11. Always store chemicals in designated container
12. Do not mix chemicals
A Reminder!
5 Creatively and neatly done showing much relevance to the given
4 Creatively done and neat enough with relevance to the given
3 Creatively done and neat enough but no relevance to the given
2 Simply done and neat enough but not so relevant to the given
1 Poorly done with erasures and irrelevant to the given topic
B. Skills Trial
Situation: You were tasked to help the cook in the school
canteen in the cleaning and sanitizing kitchen premises after
preparation and cooking of foods. Demonstrate in class using
the provided materials.
Materials Needed
Dish soap
Hot water
Double sink or dishpan
Dishcloths, scrubbers, sponges, steel wool.
Dish rack for drying.
Lint-free cloth
Paper towels