Derm - ETS - 100
Derm - ETS - 100
Derm - ETS - 100
Select the layer that does not make the microstructure of the skin:
A) reticular dermis
B) epidermis
C) hypodermis
D) the endometrium
E) papillary dermis
2. Select the layer that is not a layer of the epidermis:
A) horny
B) prickle-cell
C) synovial
D) basal
E) granular
3. Indicate the structure, which is not a skin appendages:
A) hair
B) sweat glands
C) sebaceous glands
D) nails
E) mucous membranes
4. True polymorphism - is:
A) tendency of elements to peripheral growth
B) the presence of secondary elements of different types
C) the presence of secondary elements of the same type
D) the existence of different types of primary elements
E) the presence of the primary elements of the same species
5. Specify the primary morphological element:
A) ulcer
B) vesicle
C) crack
D) scale
E) scar
6. Specify the primary morphological element:
A) crack
B) ulcer
C) lichenification
D) excoriation
E) papules
7. Specify the primary morphological element:
A) lichenification
B) scale
C) vegetation
D) nodule (tuberculum)
E) excoriation
8. Specify the primary morphological element:
A) crust
B) erosion
C) nodus
D) vegetation
E) scale
9. Specify the primary exudative morphological element:
A) tubercle
B) nodus
C) blister
D) spot
E) pustula
10. Specify the secondary morphological element:
A) vesicle
B) spot
C) pustule
D) scale
E) papule
11. Specify the secondary morphological element:
A) tubercle
B) blister
C) nodus
D) bubble
E) crust
12. Specify the secondary morphological element:
A) tubercle
B) pustula
C) blister
D) papule
E) erosion
13. Specify the secondary morphological element:
A) tubercle
B) blister
C) spot
D) ulcer
E) bulla
14. Specify the secondary morphological element:
A) tubercle
B) bulla
C) nodus
D) blister
E) crack
15. Diascopy (vitropression) - is:
A) tingling element
B) scraping element
C) grinding element
D) an element pressure by slide
E) palpation element
16. Select a spot which disappears by diascopy:
A) purpura
B) hyperpigmented spot
C) roseola
D) depigmented spot
E) petechiae
17. Select a spot which disappears by diascopy:
A) petechiae
B) purpura
C) depigmented spot
D) hyperpigmented spot
E) erythema
18. Specify a disease that relates to bacterial dermatosis:
A) trichophytiya
B) leishmaniasisof the skin
C) pyoderma
D) scabies
E) warts
19. Specify a disease that relates to bacterial dermatosis:
A) tinea cruris
B) pediculosis
C) molluscum contagiosum
D) mikrosporiya
E) cutaneous tuberculosis
20. Which group of dermatoses include pyoderma:
A) allergic
B) neyrodermatosis
C) bullous dermatosis
D) occupational dermatosis
E) infectious dermatoses
21. Specify causative agent of pyoderma:
A) Chlamydia trachomatis
B) Trichomonas vaginalis
C) Demodex folliculorum
D) Streptococcus pyogenes
E) Trichophyton verrucosum
22. The Causative agents of pyoderma are:
A) fungi
B) parasites
C) viruses
D) simple (protozoa)
E) bacteria
23. Specify the type of pyoderma, which refers to staphylococcal dermititis:
A) panaricium
B) angulus infections
C) vulgar ecthyma
D) ostiofolliculitis
E) streptococcal impetigo
24. Specify type of pyoderma, which refers to staphylococcal dermititis:
A) panaricium
B) angulus infections
C) streptococcal impetigo
D) vulgar ecthyma
E) folliculitis
25. Specify type of pyoderma, which refers to the streptococcal :
A) hydradenitis
B) folliculitis
C) furuncle
D) carbuncle
E) streptococcal impetigo
26. Specify type of pyoderma, which refers to the streptococcal:
A) sycosis vulgaris
B) ostiofolliculitis
C) ecthyma vulgar
D) furuncle
E) hydradenitis
27. Specify type of pyoderma, which refers to the streptococcal:
A) ostiofolliculitis
B) furuncle
C) hydradenitis
D) angular cheilitis
E) sycosis vulgaris
28. Specify type of pyoderma, which is not common in children:
A) streptococcal impetigo
B) multiple abscesses
C) epidemic pemphigus newborns
D) veziculopustulesis
E) sycosis vulgaris
29. Specify type of pyoderma, which takes place in men and localized on the
beard and moustache:
A) carbuncle
B) impetigo
C) folliculitis
D) hydradenitis
E) sycosis vulgaris
30. Specify the disease which should be differentiated with epidemic pemphigus
of newborns:
A) ichthyosis
B) matotsitoz
C) lentiginosis
D) tuberous sclerosis
E) syphilitic pemphigus of newborns
31. Indicate a type of pyoderma , localized in the axilla:
A) ichthyosis
B) angulus infections
C) impetigo of the nail folds
D) sycosis vulgaris
E) hydradenitis
32. Specify the primary morphological element in pyoderma:
A) bulla
B) nodule
C) spot
D) vesicle
E) pustula
33. Which group of dermatoses is lupus:
A) allergic
B) bullous dermatosis
C) neyrodermatosis
D) occupational deasesis
E) infectious dermatosis
34. Specify Mycobacterium tuberculosis of skin:
A) Malassezia furfur
B) Mycobacterium tuberculosis
C) Candida albicans
D) Chlamydia trachomatis
E) Microsporum ferrugineum
35. A necessary condition for the transfer of exogenous skin tuberculosis is:
A) X-ray on the skin
B) contact with nettles
C) insolation skin
D) a mosquito bite
E) the damaged skin and mucosal barrier
36. Specify diagnostic test for lupus:
A) Wickham test
B) Balser test
C) lepromin test
D) Mantua sample
E) Kveym test
37. Specify the clinical type of skin tuberculosis with possible localization on the
oral caviti:
A) verrucous lupus
B) lichenoid lupus
C) indurated lupus
D) papulonecrotic tuberculosis
E) ulcerative miliary tuberculosis
38. Specify type of tuberculosis of the skin, which can be regarded as an
occupational disease:
A) indurated lupus
B) tuberculosis papulonecrotica
C) skrofuloderma
D) tuberculous lupus
E) verrucous lupus
39. Specify the primary morphological element in tuberculosis erythematous:
A) blister
B) spot
C) bubble
D) pustule
E) tuberculum
40. Specify the uncharacteristic clinical features for tuberculous lupus:
A) a tendency to join of tubercles
B) a reddish-brown color of tubercles
C) scar atrophy
D) solid consistency tubercle
E) soft consistency tubercle
41. Describe the most common site of tuberculous lupus:
A) the skin and genital mucosa
B) and axillary skin folds inguinal-femoral
C) facial skin, lips and oral mucosa
D) the skin of the scalp and nails
E) the skin of feet and interdigital spaces
42. Specify the disease which should be differentiate with tuberculous lupus:
A) pemphigus
B) tinea versicolor
C) Vitiligo
D) gummatous syphilide (tertiary syphilis)
E) Melasma
43. Which group of dermatoses is leprosy:
A) allergic
B) occupational dermatosis
C) neyrodermatosis
D) infectious dermatosis
E) bullous dermatosis
44. What type of microorganism is the causative agent of leprosy:
A) simple
B) parasites
C) viruses
D) bacteria
E) fungi
45. Specify the source of infection in leprosy:
A) water
B) soil
C) infected persons
D) rodents
E) pets
46. Specify the main way of transmission of leprosy infection:
A) per continentum
B) transmissive
C) sexual
D) airborne
E) transplacental
47. Material for microscopy studies in case of Mycobacterium leprae is:
A) urine and fecals
B) blood and saliva
C) from the genital organs
D) scraping the mucous membranes of the nose and the dissected tissue from the
affected areas
E) nails and hair
48. Specify feature unusual for lepromatous type of leprosy:
A) negative lepromin test
B) erythematous spots with indistinct contours convertible into infiltration and knots
C) later numbness
D) a large number of Mycobacterium leprae in scrapings from the nasal mucosa
E) a positive lepromin test
49. Specify feature unusual for tuberculoid type of leprosy:
A) early loss of vellus hair
B) early violation of the sensitivity
C) erythematous and hypopigmented macules, plaques clearly defined
D) a large number of Mycobacterium leprae in scrapings from the nasal mucosa
E) a positive lepromin test
50. Which type of leprosy is characterized by Facies leonine:
A) tuberculoid
B) bordeline
C) lepromatous
D) border tuberculoid
E) indeterminate
51. Describe the clinical diagnostic test that confirms the diagnosis of leprosy:
A) test Balser
B) test "tweak"
C) Test Wickham
D) test for the sensitivity
E) test for latent peeling
52. Specify what type of leprosy is highly contagious:
A) inderterminate
B) border tuberculoid
C) borderline
D) lepromatous
E) tuberculoid
53. Leishmaniasis of the skin belong to:
A) allergic dermatosis
B) dermatosis bullous
C) neyrodermatosis
D) occupational dermatosis
E) infectious dermatosis
54. Which group of infectious diseases is cutaneous leishmaniasis:
A) virus infection
B) fungal infections
C) infection, sexually transmitted
D) protozoal infections
E) bacterial infections
55. Specify the causative agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis:
A) Pediculus pubis
B) Leishmania tropica
C) Chlamydia trachomatis
D) Demodex folliculorum
E) Sarcoptes scabiei
56. Specify the types of cutaneous leishmaniasis:
A) positive and negative
B) common and local
C) the progressive and regressive
D) acute and chronic
E) zoonotic and anthroponosis
57. Select a carrier of infection in case of cutaneous leishmaniasis:
A) mites
B) dogs
C) parrot
D) cats
E) mosquitoes
58. Specify the source of infection of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis:
A) water
B) soil
C) animals (rodents, dogs, wolves)
D) people
E) underwear and bed linen
59. Specify the disease which should be differentiated with zoonotic cutaneous
A) pemphigus
B) Tinea versicolor
C) furuncle
D) vitiligo
E) Melasma
60. Which group of dermatoses include dermatomycosis:
A) allergic
B) neyrodermatosis
C) viral dermatosis
D) bullous dermatosis
E) infectious dermatosis
61. Which group of infectious diseases include dermatomycosis:
A) protozoal infections
B) bacterial infections
C) fungal infections
D) parasitic infections
E) viral infection
62. Specify type of dermatomycosis which does not affect the nail plate:
A) favus
B) trichophytia
C) Tinea pedis
D) Tinea cruris
E) candidiasis
63. Specify type of dermatomycosis, which does not affect hair:
A) favus
B) nodular trichophytia (Piedra)
C) Tinea pedis
D) trichophytia
E) mikrosporiya
64. Specify type of dermatomycosis, which is not common in children:
A) favus
B) Tinea cruris
C) mikrosporiya
D) candidiasis
E) trichophytia
65. Specify the causative agent of pityriasis versicolor:
A) Candida albicans
B) Epidermophyton floccosum
C) Trichophyton verrukozum
D) Microsporum ferrugenium
E) Pityrosporum orbiculare (Malossezia furfur)
66. Specify the source of infection in case of pityriasis versicolor:
A) rodents
B) water
C) persons
D) cattle
E) soil
67. Specify way of transmission of pityriasis versicolor:
A) transmissive
B) transplacental
C) sexual
D) exogenous
E) endogenous
68. Specify way of transmission of rubromycosis:
A) sexual
B) exogenous
C) transmissive
D) endogenous
E) transplacental
69. Specify the typical morphological elements of pityriasis versicolor:
A) pustula
B) bubble
C) nodule
D) spot
E) blister
70. Describe how to conduct probe Balzera confirming diagnosis of colored
A) scratching
B) palpation of the lesion
C) lesion lubrication with oil
D) vitropression lesion
E) of the lesion with iodine
71. Specify color of the glow of the lesions under Wood's lamp with colorful
(pityriasis) versicolor:
A) blue
B) green
C) black
D) red
E) yellow
72. Specify the localization uncharacteristic for pityriasis versicolor:
A) the face and scalp
B) axillary and inguinal folds
C) the shoulders and hips
D) neck and torso
E) the palms and soles
73. Specify uncharacteristic clinical sign for Pityriasis versicolor:
A) yellowish-green fluorescence under the Wood’s lamp
B) positive test Balser
C) erythematous-squamous, brownish or depigmented circular spots
D) localization of the neck and trunk
E) bubbles
74. Specify which disease should be differentiate with pityriasis versicolor:
A) Duhring dermatitis
B) acne vulgaris
C) carbuncle
D) syphilitic leucoderma
E) eczema
75. Specify the source of infection in case of epidermophytosis inguinal :
A) water
B) pets
C) rodents
D) soil
E) persons
76. Specify the source of infection in rubromikoze:
A) water
B) soil
C) pets
D) persons
E) rodents
77. Specify the path of transmission is unusual for epidermophytosis inguinal:
A) through contaminated bedding
B) through the infected bath accessories
C) through infected underwear
D) close direct contact with an infected person
E) in close direct contact with infected cattle
78. Specify uncharacteristic clinical sign of epidermophytosis inguinal:
A) erythematous patches in the lesions
B) a tendency to join of patches and peripheral spread
C) well-demarked lesions
D) localization in the inguinal folds
E) nodus
79. Specify the morphological element of epidermophytosis inguinal:
A) abscess
B) tubercle
C) blister
D) nodus
E) spot
80. Specify the disease whic should be differentiate with epidermophytosis
A) lichen planus
B) scleroderma
C) candidiasis of skinfolds
D) tinea pedis
E) lupus erythematosus
81. Specify the way of transmission of infection uncharacterized for
epidermophytosis pedum:
A) through the infected nail accessories
B) initiated through the mats, benches in sports centers, saunas
C) direct contact with infected cattle
D) through the infected socks and shoes
E) close direct contact with an infected person
82. Specify the location, unusual for uncharacterized for epidermophytosis
A) nail plate 1, 5 toes
B) interdigital folds 3, 4
C) side of the foot
D) the plantar surface of the foot
E) ankle
83. Onychomycosis - is:
A) fungal infection of the hair
B) fungal infection of the mucous membranes
C) fungal infection of the interdigital webs
D) fungal infection of the nail plate
E) fungal infection of nail fold
84. Specify a factor which is not a predisposing factor for epidermomikoza of feet:
A) tight shoes
B) flat-footedness (platypodia) planus
C) the narrowness of the interdigital folds
D) mosquito bite
E) excessive sweating or dry feet
85. Indicate the medicine, which is not used in the systemic treatment of fungal
A) terbinafin
B) itrakonazol
C) ketoconazole
D) griseofulvin
E) methotrexate
86. Indicate the medicine, which is not used in the topical treatment of
A) nizoral
B) lamisil
C) clotrimazol
D) iodine 20%
E) acyclovir cream
87. Indicate the medicine, which is not used in the topical treatment of
A) terbizil cream
B) nizoral cream
C) Lamisil Spray
D) zovirax Cream
E) clotrimazole cream
88. Specify disease which do not differentiate with epidermomikoz of feet:
A) plantar warts
B) pustular psoriasis Barber
C) palmar-plantar psoriasis
D) eczema dyshidrotic
E) vitiligo
89. Specify causative agent of rubromikoza:
A) Trichophyton mentagrophytes
B) Trichophyton violaceum
C) Candida albicans
D) Trichophyton rubrum
E) Microsporum ferrugineum
90. Rubromikosis should be differentiate with:
A) furunculosis
B) acne vulgaris
C) vitiligo
D) pemphigus
E) psoriasis
91. Specify the disease with which dermatophytosis of large folds is differentiated
A) vitiligo
B) acne vulgaris
C) furunculosis
D) pemphigus
E) psoriasis
92. Specify the source of infection that is not typical for dermatophytosis of the
A) cats
B) cattle
C) infected headdress
D) person
E) water
93. Specify the mechanism of infection transmission that is not typical for
dermatophytosis of the scalp
A) through infected hats, combs, hair dryers
B) close direct contact with infected cattle, cats
C) close direct contact with an infected person
D) through infected underwear, bed linen, bath accessories
E) mosquito bite
94.Specify the mechanism of infection transmission that is not typical for
candidacies of smooth skin
A) through infected underwear, bed linen, bath accessories
B) tick bite
C) through the soil
D) close direct contact with infected people, dogs, cats
E) through infected hats, combs, hair dryers
95.Specify the mechanism of infection transmission that is not typical for
dermatophytosis of the scalp
A) through infected underwear and bed linen
B) through infected hats, combs, hair dryers
C) through infected bath accessories
D) close direct contact with an infected person
E) direct contact through saliva
96. Which group of infectious dermatoses include scabies:
A) sexually transmitted infections
B) viral dermatoses
C) fungal infections of the skin
D) parasitic dermatoses
E) bacterial dermatoses
97. Specify the causative agent of scabies:
A) Treponema pallidum
B) Pediculus pubis
C) Demodex folliculorum
D) Trichophyton verrucosum
E) Sarcoptes scabiei
98. Specify the source of infection of scabies:
A) soil
B) rodents
C) bar
D) cats
E) persons
99. Specify the clinical signs, unusual for a typical scabies:
A) itching, worse at night, in the warmth
B) the presence of burrows
C) polymorphism
D) large skinfolds, abdomen, buttocks, and flexor surfaces of the extremities
E) mucous membranes
100. Specify unusual way of transmission for peduculosis:
A) infected bath accessories
B) infected underwear and bed linen
C) mosquito bite
D) sexual contact with a patient inguinal lice
E) infected hats