COMP p2 026
COMP p2 026
COMP p2 026
Instructions to candidates.
a) Indicate your name and index number at the top right hand corner of each printout.
b) Write your name and index number on the CD provided.
c) Write the name and version of the software used for each question attempted.
d) Answer all questions.
e) All questions carry equal marks.
f) Passwords should not be used while saving.
g) Make a print out of the answers on the answer sheet.
h) Hand in all the print out and the CD.
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1. The table below shows the admission numbers and names of five students and their scores in six
subjects in a mock examination.
a) Enter the above data into a worksheet and save the file as ‘mock results’ (13mks)
d) A student is awarded a ‘pass’ if their mean score is 60% or more. Use a function to determine
the number of students who are awarded ‘pass’ (2mks)
f) Copy the contents of the worksheet to a blank worksheet and insert a blank column after every
Label the new columns as Eng B, math B, Bio B, Chem B, Phy B, and Hist B respectively. On the
inserted columns, compute the grades using IF function based on the following criteria.
Mean score Grade
score≥75 A
60 ≤ score <75 B
50≤score < 60 C
45 ≤score <50 D
Score < 45 E
g) Hide all the columns containing score values and save the worksheet as “Mock results 2”
i)Create a bar chart to compare students mean score and label the chart accordingly. (10mks)
j) Print the two worksheets and the bar chart (4mks)
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2. The data in the table was extracted from a survey data on employment.
iii) Use forms to enter data into the tables (10 ½ mks)
b) i) Generate a report to display the name year of birth, age and employer’s name for the
employees who will be over 30years old by the year 2015 (10mks)
ii) Compute the mean age of employees on the report you created in b(i) above. (2mks)
c) i) Create a query to display the employees and their jo description. Save the query as
“STAFF TYPE” (3mks)
ii) Create a pie chart based on the query in c(i) above to display the proportion of
employees in various job description.
Save the report as CHART
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d) Print i) Three tables
ii) Two reports
iii) Output of query results for STAFF TYPE.
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