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EXERCISE 1. Find the verb and write it in the blank space.


Ben was at the door. was

They must have been treated badly. must have been treated

1. Mindy has a lot of friends.

2. The water is boiling in the microwave.

3. I should have listened to you.

4. He must have been pushed by someone

in the crowd.

5. Did the light bother you?

EXERCISE 2. Write the simple subject in the S.S. space, the predicate in the P.
space, and the verb in the V. space.


The pond froze during the night. S.S. pond

P. froze during the night
V. froze

Wash your hands. S.S. You (understood)

P. Wash your hands
V. Wash

Did you hear the wind? S.S. You

P. Did hear the wind
V. Did hear

1. Comb your hair. S.S.


2. The bus will come at any minute. S.S.



3. Has it been coming on time lately? S.S.


4. For some time, light rain has been S.S.

falling. P.


5. It must have been raining since dawn. S.S.



6. In my pocket was the missing glove. S.S.



7. Fuel bills have been increasing S.S.

every year. P.


8. The cold weather has been affecting S.S.

the spring crops. P.


9. Does your remote control need fresh S.S.

batteries? P.


10. Someone must have taken my books S.S.

by mistake. P.


12 PA R T S O F S P E E C H
Action and Linking Verbs

What Is an Action Verb?

An action verb is a verb that expresses action.

There are two kinds of action verbs:

1. Verbs that express physical action—action that can be seen or heard:

The car skidded, left the road, and smashed into a telephone pole.
(Skidded, left, and smashed express physical action.)

2. Verbs that express mental action—action that takes place in the mind and
therefore cannot be seen or heard:

We believed and trusted them because we knew them.

(Believed, trusted, and knew express mental action.)

EXERCISE 1. If the italicized verb expresses physical action, write P in the space
provided. If it expresses mental action, write M.


Pat tagged the runner. P

Did you understand the lesson? M

1. I forgot the combination.

2. Open a window.

3. Who rang the bell?

4. He considers me his best friend.

5. We are hoping for the best this season.

Not all verbs are action verbs. The verb is in the following sentence does not express
action. It is a linking verb.

Jordan is angry at us.


What Is a Linking Verb?
In the preceding sentence, the verb is has little meaning of its own. Its main function is
to link (connect) Jordan with angry. For this reason, we call is a linking verb.

A linking verb links (connects) the subject with a word in the

predicate that describes or identifies the subject.

The road was slippery.
(Slippery describes the subject road.)

Ama is the captain of the volleyball team.
(Captain identifies the subject Ama.)

What Are Some Common Linking Verbs?

1. The most frequently used linking verb is be, whose forms include the following:
am, are, is, was, were.
Of course, verb phrases ending in be, being, and been are also linking verbs:
will be, would be, are being, have been, could have been, etc.
2. In addition, each of the following verbs can be either an action verb or a linking
verb, depending on the way it is used.


appear The principal appeared at 10 a.m. Fred appeared tired.
become The haircut becomes (suits) her. My room becomes messy.
feel Did you feel the cloth? I feel nervous.
grow Farmers grow crops. The days grow longer.
look We looked the place over. He looked unhappy.
smell I smelled smoke. The air smelled salty.
sound Who sounded the alarm? Her voice sounded hoarse.

14 PA R T S O F S P E E C H
taste I tasted the soup. The soup tasted delicious.
turn She turned the page. The weather turned cold.

How Can a Linking Verb Be Recognized?

If a verb can be replaced with some form of the verb be, it is a linking verb.

Question 1: Is feels a linking verb in the following sentence?

Jordan feels angry.
Answer: We can replace feels with is (a form of the verb be).
Jordan is angry.
Therefore, feels, in the above sentence, is a linking verb.

Question 2: Is feels a linking verb in the following sentence?

The patient feels pain.
Answer: In this sentence, we cannot replace feels with is.
Therefore, feels here is not a linking verb. It is an action verb.

Summary: An action verb expresses action, either physical or mental.

A linking verb connects the subject with a word in the predicate that
describes or identifies the subject.

EXERCISE 2. Is the verb in the sentence an action verb or a linking verb? Write
your answer in the space provided.


Nancy broke her arm. action

Joe looks tired. linking

1. Today, I feel better.

2. This blouse looks new.

3. I smelled the fish.

4. Mei tasted the melon.

5. Her cookies tasted delicious.

6. Your voice sounded hoarse.

7. She looked through the whole book.

8. We were exhausted.

9. Courtney looked amazed by the whole event.

10. Did you feel the energy in that room?

Helping Verbs and Verb Phrases

What Is a Helping Verb?

Sometimes a verb consists of more than one word:

The letters have been mailed.


In have been mailed, mailed is the main verb; have and been are helping verbs.

The letters have been mailed.

H.V. H.V. M.V.

Helping verbs are verbs that come before and “help” the
main verb.

A main verb may have as many as three helping verbs.

ONE HELPING VERB: Anne has mailed the letters.

H.V. M.V.

TWO HELPING VERBS: The letters have been mailed.

H.V. H.V. M.V.

THREE HELPING VERBS: They should have been mailed earlier.

H.V. H.V. H.V. M.V.

What Is a Verb Phrase?

When a verb consists of one or more helping verbs plus a
main verb, it is called a verb phrase.

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