Training For Trainers
Training For Trainers
Training For Trainers
COACHES a pactlco model to make
We thank God for the response of each one of you, for the
institutions and brothers in particular who are supporting the
realization of this training, to the brothers of Cuba for sharing
their experience and to the First Baptist Church of Mexico City
for opening your doors to us so kindly.
10 National Baptist Convention of Mexico
FIRST TIME;..................................................................94
SECOND TIME;.............................................................94
MEDITATION, BIBLE STUDY....................................94
II. make a disciple.........................................................94
III. Let him be baptized..............................................95
IV. And teach him “to observe all things that the Lord
has commanded.”............................................................95
THIRD TIME: TASKS...................................................95
First time.........................................................................98
Second time: Meditation, Bible study.............................98
Third period: homework..................................................99
Acts 2:38-47..................................................................102
First time:......................................................................102
Second time: Meditation...............................................102
Third time......................................................................103
Luke 9:23.......................................................................106
First time:......................................................................106
Second time: Meditation...............................................106
Third period: homework................................................107
Acts 2:38; John 16:13; 7-11..........................................110
First time:......................................................................110
Second time: Meditation...............................................110
Third period: homework................................................111
Matthew 28:20...............................................................114
First time: sharing experiences......................................114
Second time: meditation................................................114
Third time: to do............................................................115
MY ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS...............................115
MY THANKS Hebrews 12:28......................................115
OUR MISSION (To the ends of the earth)...................116
MY FAMILY................................................................116
COACH (Multiplier).....................................................116
! LIVE ON MISSION!..................................................116
MATTHEW 28.19-20...................................................119
I. The voice from above. – The voice of God that
commands us.................................................................119
II. The voice within – the voice of the spirit that
constrains us..................................................................119
III. The voice from outside – the voice of the lost that
cries out to us.................................................................119
Remembering the love of Jesus.....................................127
HOPE IS JESUS............................................................130
WHO IS JESUS?...........................................................130
WHAT HE ALREADY DONE FOR US.....................133
WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU?....................................133
EPE CNBM / SERMON 4................................................136
PAY THE COST...............................................................136
MATTHEW 28.19-20...................................................138
2. Attention................................................................140
3. Please others...........................................................140
4. Perseverance..........................................................141
5. Energy....................................................................142
6. Taking the Initiative...............................................142
7. Time.......................................................................143
1) For what it symbolizes...........................................148
2) Because it was the model that Jesus left us............148
3) Because it was the last ordinance that Jesus left us
4) Because it was the model that the early church
1. The glorious Church..................................................154
EPE CNBM / SERMON 7................................................159
FOLLOW JESUS..............................................................159
11. The Entangled Disciple (vv. 59-60)...................162
DOCTRINES BAPTISTS................................................175
1. THE HOLY SCRIPTURE:....................................176
2. THE TRUE GOD:..................................................176
3. THE MAN:............................................................178
4. SALVATION IS BY GRACE:..............................179
5. REGENERATION:................................................179
6. REPENTANCE AND FAITH:..............................179
7. THE JUSTIFICATION:.........................................180
8. THE PURPOSE OF DIVINE GRACE:.................180
9. SANCTIFICATION:.............................................181
11. THE LAW AND THE GOSPEL:......................182
12. A TRUE CHURCH:...........................................182
13. CHRISTIAN BAPTISM:...................................182
14. THE LORD'S SUPPER:....................................183
15. THE DAY OF THE LORD:...............................183
16. THE CIVIL GOVERNMENT:..........................183
17. THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST:...........184
18. THE FINAL JUDGEMENT:.............................184
19. THE HEAVEN AND THE HELL:....................184
20. STEWARDSHIP:...............................................184
BIBLE BAPTISTS............................................................187
5- THE SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLE: Religious freedom.
Missionary Work...........................................................189
2- THE BIBLICAL PRINCIPLE...............................191
THE IDEAL OF A CHURCH......................................191
4- THE SOCIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLE....................194
5- THE SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLE.............................195
6- POLITICAL PRINCIPLE......................................196
14 National Baptist Convention of Mexico
22 National Baptist Convention of
The word disciple in Greek is “mathetes” which means “one who
learns instruction from another.” A disciple was not only a
student but also an adherent, that is why they were spoken of as
an imitator. dores of their teachers.
Every Christian is called to be a disciple of Jesus and this
means ca that will follow Jesus no matter what it costs him to do
so. So a Christian disciple is a person who is determined to
follow Jesus Christ, with the desire to learn from Him and live
according to His example.
-We need to serve God first, then others and finally ourselves.
20th National Baptist Convention of Mexico
Discipleship is the best method to reach our world for God. The
impact that the twelve disciples of Jesus including Paul had on
the world shows us the value of discipleship. A small number of
committed disciples who have been well trained will achieve
much more for God than large numbers of converts who lack
spiritual depth.
The true believer must grow in his knowledge but also in making
new disciples, to do this he has to make an effort, he has to be
motivated and he has to be willing to submit to biblical
discipleship and this is not easy, it has a cost.
We, the children of God, must show the world the trans
presence formative of Jesus in our lives, even within the church.
God wants us to imitate his best disciples and ultimately the
Lord Jesus himself.
Putting God first is best, both for the disciples and for all their
loved ones. Jesus demanded a high price for discipleship, so he
encourages us to know the cost first.
It is not surprising that the Lord ended with few followers. dores
and few disciples because it meant leaving everything for him.
However, those who stayed with him were enough to change the
world of their time.
The disciple must grow and mature spiritually, this will require
sacrifice of time, strength and sometimes even relationships.
God has a personal discipleship program for each of us. He
wants us to give our lives to this program so that we may truly
be transformed into the image of his Son Jesus. Philippians
2:13, 2 Corinthians 9:8 and 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24.
4 .-Spiritual hunger.
28th National Baptist Convention of Mexico
In Luke 6:46-49 Jesus describes two ways of building: on top of
sand (an unstable foundation) or on top of rock (a stable
foundation). Many people, including many Christians, are
building their lives on shaky foundations such as materialism,
ambition, sports, education. cation, philosophies, traditions of
man, human wisdom, etc. The only stable foundation of solid
rock is the Lord Jesus Christ to, which is the living Word.
(III) What is he like who hears and does the Word? (v.48a)
“He is like a man who, while building a house, fell and dug deep
and laid the foundation on the rock. He removed everything
between him and the rock. He made sure it was in a solid
position even though he had to dig deep, which is expensive and
38 National Baptist Convention of
“When the flood came, the river crashed against that house.” It is
part of the nature of life that there are storms (Hebrews 12:25-
29). No one escapes the storms.
The house could not be moved because it was well built, this It
was founded on the rock. There will be storms in our Christian
life, but if we are hearing and doing the Word of God, we will
storm them. They won't move us.
Many Christians are immature, even many who are born. two
again for years. This is a tragedy. Many of these people should
be teaching others or training their own disciples, but instead
they are still like spiritual babies in Christ, still in need of spiritual
milk instead of solid food (Hebrews 5:11-14).
- The testimony of the Spirit (Romans 8:16).
40 National Baptist Convention of
Are you willing to do this with the help of the Holy Spirit?
When you hear and read the Word of God, do you obey as you
should, or do you do little or nothing about it?
Are there any areas of your life in which you have been
God the Father's desire is for all Christians to grow and mature
in Him.
God wants us to lay the right foundation and then He will take us
from spiritual milk to more solid food so that we can be mature
42 National Baptist Convention of
36th National Baptist Convention of Mexico
44 National Baptist Convention of
The Greek word for "salvation" is "soteria." This word could also
be translated as "security and robustness." How When we are
born again and become children of God, healthy and safe.
d. Be filled with the Holy Spirit: Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you
and anoint you to exalt Jesus Christ, and to empower you for his
g. Speak his word: ask the Holy Spirit to put his words in your
mouth, may it be with words of power, authority, challenge,
conviction, life, freedom, love and compassion.
h. Pray that God will guide you to the very person whose heart
He has already prepared (Ephesians 2:10; John 16:7-11).
The Word of God says that he is cleansed from all sin and has
the gift of eternal life. I may not be touched emotion nally, but
you will know that it is different in some way. This may take time
to become evident.
It should also be remembered that the church may not yet have
achieved these ideals, but at the very least, they should be its
Jesus said that we are to be the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13-
16). Salt purifies, heals, preserves, disinfects and fertilizes.
Then, without realizing it, you have a tremendous effect
wherever you are because Christ is in you. Another vital thing
that salt does is cause people to feel thirsty. Your life should
make people thirst for the life of Christ because He radiates from
you. As you genuinely live your life as a disciple of Jesus before
others, you will draw them to Christ.
7. Begin to pray and seek in faith for those you can bring to the
Lord and those you can disciple.
1. Salvation in Jesus is total and complete for those who find it.
Our purpose, as disciples of Jesus, should be to make other
new disciples for Jesus. He said: Therefore go and make
disciples of all nations. (Matthew 28:19)
This calling involves not only leading someone to know the Lord
Jesus for himself, but also bringing him to the proper degree of
maturity so that he can also lead another to Christ, who in due
time will also reach maturity in the Mister.
There is no need to wait until we
are perfect and expert in the When we disciple
entire spiritual area before we others need
can make disciples. I need we concentrate our
should be doing as we efforts in faithful people
God has asked for it, and then 00000000000000000000000000 we give him
our lives and let him
that adjusts and develops us as we do the work.
b. If you have the power to decide:
Jesus prayed to God before
choosing those he trusted would
bring his discipleship program do
(Luke 6:12-13).
the people we already know so that
we can disciple them. So, we need
to keep our eyes open and look. It
may also be that God has chosen
group of people) that you (or others) have brought (or have to
bring) to the Lord.
When you are looking for someone to disciple, you should look
for those people who are willing to listen, learn, forgive, trust,
serve, sacrifice, love God, grow spiritually. tually, be faithful,
recognize your needs, remain open to God, and commit to the
wisdom of God's Word and His Spirit.
Do not compete with the leaders above you, nor with your
If they don't already know what you intend to do, then explain
the program to them and submit to any decisions they make.
Nor do you take on too many disciples. Are you per People will
need your help, and if you spread yourself too thin across a
number of people, you will decrease your effectiveness. It is
better to disciple one person well than many people poorly.
Quality often produces quantity, but quantity itself does not
necessarily produce quality. We need to pass on to others the
quality of life we have in Christ. So those few who receive this
quality of life in Christ need to be encouraged. two to pass it
again. Over time, if this process continues, the few will multiply
into the many.
6. Could you say to another person, 'limit me,' and know that if
they did, they would live a life like Jesus intended them to live?
Jesus Christ has
commissioned to
God has always wanted his people to be
all that
blessed (Genesis 22:16-18; Psalms 67:1-7;
they follow him
1 Timothy 2:3-4;
Revelation 7:9-11).
When man rebelled against God, He had disciples, to
already planned to send His Son Jesus to preach the
be the last witness to humanity (John 3:16, Gospel and
20:21). do
After Jesus finished his work,
God sent his Holy Spirit in power so that all who follow Jesus will
be equipped to be his witnesses, even to the ends of the earth
(Acts 1:8).
God has promised that we will be his witnesses in the power of
the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8).
But you will receive power when the Essence has come upon
you. Holy Spirit, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem (the
local area), in all Judea (the country where you live), in Samaria
(neighboring countries). us), and to the ends of the earth. (Acts
- More than half of the population has never heard the Gospel.
As true disciples of Jesus, we must commit ourselves
wholeheartedly to God's desire to see everyone reached (John
How then will they call upon him in whom they have not
And how will they believe in him of whom they have not heard?
And how can they hear without a preacher? And how will they
preach if they are not sent?
As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who
announce peace, of those who announce Good News!
Romans 10:14-15
Jesus also said: The kingdom of God will not come with warning,
nor will they say, Lo here, or lo there: for lo, the kingdom of God
is among you . Luke 17:20-21.
In the end, Jesus will return in power and in great glory and will
gather all those He has chosen to be with Him in eternity (Ma
Theo 24:30-31; 1 Thessalonians 4:16; Revelation 17:4). God will
then establish a new heaven and a new earth, the home of
righteousness (2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1-27, 22:1-5),
populated by all who have their names written in the li brother of
life of the Lamb (Revelation 20:15, 21:27; Luke 10:20). As
disciples of Jesus, we need to be ready and prepared for that
day (Matthew 24:37-44; 2 Peter 3:10-14).
God has a heart of love for the world. He revealed the extent
sion of his love by sending his Son Jesus into the world to die for
humanity (John 3:16; 1 Timothy 2:3-6; Isaiah 53:10-12).
God values the souls of men very highly (Mark 8:38) and does
not want anyone to perish (1 Peter 5:8; John 10:27-30).
-God loves humanity so much that he sent his Son Jesus to die
for us. If humanity does not accept God's provision, it will be
eternally lost. We as disciples of Jesus, need to reach out to
others in the Power of the Holy Spirit to prevent this from
-Jesus will return and the end will come when the gospel of the
Kingdom of God is preached to every nation.
Christians, for the most part, have lost the art of being
"supernaturally natural" in their daily relationships and their daily
dealings with other people.
As witnesses of Jesus, our lives must be different and not
contradict what we say God is capable of doing. But more than
this, we need to receive the power of the Holy Spirit in us. We
also need to lose our reservation about witnessing Jesus
publicly, even if we are branded as extremists or crazy.
1. Experience
Our testimony grows from our experience with Christ. There is
no real and vital truth apart from the experiential truth. tada,
because the truth is not effective in us unless we experience it.
Then it becomes real and powerful in our lives. This is what
Jesus meant when he said we would know the truth and the
truth would set us free (John 8:32). This is the heart of
For many who never enter a church or never read a Bible, our
lives will be the first and most important testimony of the power
of God that they may ever know. As someone said, "Our lives
are probably the first Bibles many people read." The material for
personal testimony is built by the Holy Spirit in the very fiber of
our own experience of life in Christ.
2. Certainty
The Holy Spirit is Himself, first of all, a witness of Jesus Himself.
It is the Holy Spirit who points us to Jesus and reveals to us the
meaning of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection (John 16:13-14).
But it is also a witness within us. This is the foundation of our
certainty and confidence as believers (Romans 8:16).
Having believed in him, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of
promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance until the re
dention of the acquired possession, to the praise of his glory.
(Ephesians 1:13-14)
The word "arras" here also means "engagement ring." so" from
the original Greek. Therefore, the Holy Spirit is given as an
engagement ring between two people who love each other: God
80 National Baptist Convention of
3. Boldness
And now, Lord, look at their threats, and grant to your servants
that they speak your word with all boldness. (Acts 4:29)
The early Christians spoke and acted with a boldness that did
not come from themselves, but was the result of the work of the
Holy Spirit in their hearts. Jesus had promised his disciples that
they would not have to be afraid when they were given He
wanted them to give an account of themselves to Him, because
they would be given at that very moment what to say. The book
of Acts clearly demonstrates that the Holy Spirit gives the words
and power to those who faithfully testify about what Jesus
means to them.
4. Understanding
Some people are afraid to share their faith and experience of
God's work in their lives because they lack confidence. This fear
arises from ignorance, that is, they do not feel that they know
enough to answer questions or difficulties that may result from
their testimony.
There are three simple steps you can take to overcome this fear.
First, start where you are. A testimony is talking about how you
have come to know God in your own life.
People don't want a theological treatise, and Satan is likely to try
to paralyze you with fear anyway, asking questions you would
never be asked! You know something that no one else in the
world knows: what God has done for you in Christ and by the
power of the Holy Spirit.
Second, resolve to move forward from where you are. The Holy
Spirit himself is your Teacher. You will be amazed at how much
you can grow in your understanding if you take the time and
effort with the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 2:12-13).
5. Ability
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are nowhere more relevant It is in our
life that in the area of testimony. The Holy Spirit not only gives
us the power to speak, but through his gifts of wisdom and
discernment, he shows us when and how to speak in any given
situation. We all live under the shadow of the great commission
to go and make disciples of all nations, but we are not alone in
this task. Jesus promised his cousins We were disciples that He
would always be with them and He is always with us, giving us
power and guidance through the Spirit that He has sent, to
enable us each day in our testimony for Him.
6. Chance
The Holy Spirit leads men and women in areas of witness
effective mon. He is always taking the initiative, opening the right
doors where He has prepared the ground for
82 National Baptist Convention of
7. Love
It is the love of Christ that forces us to be his witnesses.
We are not led by fear, guilt or condemnation. Everything
is They have been removed by the forgiving power of
God's love.
78th National Baptist Convention of Mexico
Matthew 9:35-38
The condition of our world is more
alarming every day, but even more so
that those of us who were entrusted with
leading life are so busy with ourselves 0000000000000000000 Wi
We are involved in activities in the
church but without seeing or reaching Let's see with love
those who need Jesus. what do you look with
our Lord,
SECOND TIME; MEDITATION let's not just see the
How the Lord Jesus attended to the behavior but
urgent idea of a lost world, teaches us the heart.
how we should do it: 0000000000000000000
people, very varied and with so many needs. There are millions,
how are we going to reach them?
What will we do ?
1. If the Lord has spoken to you in this study, what are you
going to do or change?
3. Choose five so that this week you can share the gospel with
4. Pray for them so that the Lord will open their hearts and
show you the son of peace.
MARK 5:1-20
1. A list of the first twenty prospects is best on the blank page
of your bible or in the brochure offered by the campaign.
2. Chapters read from the Bible during the week
3. Shared the gospel with someone
1. Shows us our condition The Lord removes the
without Christ torment
2. The terrible condition of being of our lives and we
integrates into a new life
86 National Baptist Convention of Mexico
1. Share the experience of having spoken about Christ to the
five on your list
2. Your Bible reading
3. Recommendations to continue sharing
The message we have to carry is the
The message
gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news You
what we have
go from God to give us forgiveness of our
what to wear is
sins, give us new, abundant life and eternal
the gospel of
life. But the order is to take it to the ends of
Jesus Christ
the earth, in so how will we do it?
YO. Go
1. “Go” is the order that the Lord left us
2. The task is about going out, we were educated to come, to
meet and return, but no, we need to go to where those we want
to reach are.
3. Let's start with the people we have on our list and then open
our eyes to where the Lord is working to go to them.
a follower of the Lord who also gratefully shares the gospel and
makes disciples.
IV. And teach him “to observe all things that the Lord has
1. The Lord taught us in the Sermon on the Mount that we are
the salt and light of the world, that our testimony should lead
them to glorify God
2. He also taught with his daily life to go for the sick, the
possessed, and those who were lost.
2. Set a day and time to disciple those who have already made
a decision to believe the gospel and follow Jesus.
90th National Baptist Convention of Mexico
Hebrews 12:28
First time
Share how our disciples and the people who were shared with
them are doing this week.
Review of chapters read from the Bible
Prayer of gratitude for results
Song: Give us a taste of the gospel
94 National Baptist Convention of Mexico
Acts 2:38-47
First time:
1. Share the response of those new to the list to whom it was
2. Prayer for the disciples
was the order of the Lord for everyone who believed and
became a disciple.
2. It is the baptism that speaks of the saving work of Jesus. His
death, standing before God and men. His grave ture, to be
submerged in water. His resurrection, raised from the water for a
new life.
3. Baptism that allowed them to identify with all the disciples
those of Jesus and who bore witness to his real faith in the
gospel. Obedience
Third time
1. Homework, join the church or group at home.
2. Or I will make your house a cell, home group or a church in
3. Don't stop sharing this week and visiting your disciples
98 National Baptist Convention of Mexico
Luke 9:23
First time:
1. How do you feel in your walk with Jesus?
2. Of those who are sharing the gospel and inviting them to be
disciples, how has their response been?
3. Let us pray that the Lord completes the work in their lives.
102 National Baptist Convention of Mexico
IV. He has the power for us to fulfill the mission he gave us.
Hec. 1:8
1. Humanly it seems impossible, he will make man's heart
incline towards God, but his Spirit will touch the hearts. tougher
2. God will work miracles ity 0000000000000000000000000
2. This week share the word with others on your list and do it
with the conviction that the Lord is already working in their
hearts beforehand and courageously invite them to make the
decision to follow Jesus
106 National Baptist Convention of Mexico
114 National Baptist Convention of
Matthew 28:20
2. Your company, support and direction will show him the way
to be and make disciples. He will learn from you more than from
the lessons
Third time: to do
1. If you finished the lessons, you have given your life to the
Lord, you were baptized, you are already making disciples,
meeting in a group, thank God, faith we congratulate.
2. Keep doing all this and we suggest a profile model of a
disciple who keeps all things, to continue your walk with the Lord
and mature in your faith:
Fundamental doctrines
Our principles
Our articles of faith
Our name CNBM
Our history
50 days Renewing my family Family emergency
COACH (Multiplier)
MY CHURCH (Your mission)
Vision, Mission and Goals Ministries
A radical town
EPE, for coaches
Live in Mission
110 National Baptist Convention of Mexico
MATTHEW 28.19-20
I. The voice from above. – The voice of God that
commands us.
A. The mandate – id. Mark 16:15 “And he said to them, Go into
all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. “
B. The authority – Christ himself. Matthew 28:18-20 Who is
giving the order? It is Christ, the son of god, the ruler of the
universe. His authority demands a positive and immediate
response. Is Christ your Lord? If
Christ is not Lord of everything, he
is not Lord of anything.
You don't need a calling: you
already have a mandate!
III. The voice from outside – the voice of the lost that cries
out to us.
Matthew 9:36-38
A. Christ had compassion on the lost sheep.
Matthew 9:36-38:
Compassion – “to be moved to the core.” It's feeling a knot, or
having butterflies in your stomach.
120 National Baptist Convention of
what this new life offers , and we are filled with joy
inexplicable that we want to
share. In those moments, it As believers, we have to ask
seems that a pa sion like that of ourselves: Do we have a
Christ (Mark 1:14-15). However, passion for evangelism?
then comes a time where,Where does that passion go
perhaps influenced by the when we don't feel it? Why
rejection we experience whendoes evangelism sometimes
splitting the gospel, we go back seem distracting? tion for the
and little by little the passion we church, rather than its central
had fades away. could function?
If our Lord Jesus Christ loved the lost in such a way, how can we
not ask God to renew our passion for Evan gel when we feel it's
gone? May the Lord grant that when we ask ourselves, “Do you
have a passion for evangelism? ”, our answer is always “yes”.
There is no other who can solve the crises of this world - Only
Jesus! A certain father was in the living room reading the
newspaper, when his 5-year-old son came in and said: Daddy, I
want you to give me a toy. The father got up, went to the shelf,
took a torn world map and told the child: - Try to assemble this
map, putting each part in its correct place. Within a few minutes
the boy returned to his father and said: Ready! The map is
assembled. The father, amazed, took the map and saw that each
part was in its proper place and asked the child: How did you
manage to put that map together so quickly? The boy responded
– it was easy, because behind the map there was the figure of a
man, by reconstituting the man, I fixed the world.
The only man who can rebuild this world is Jesus. If man had
Jesus as a model, all human problems would be solved.
You may wonder: Why is Jesus the only solution? To answer this
question we first need to know who Jesus is. Is he God or man?
the throne, and to the Lamb, be praise, honor, glory, and power,
forever and ever.” (Revelation 5:13).
3 .-Christ is equal to God the Father, affirms the apostle Paul:
“He is the image of the invisible God” (Colossians 1:15).
4 .-He is the Creator of all things. “For in him all things were
created, things in heaven and things on earth” (Colossians 1:16).
9 the Lord” (St. Luke 2:10, 11). That was the greatest event in
human history. God became man to save man.
11 .-In the morning, a man named Elihu takes a little lamb and
carries it in his arms. It is white, pure and
without any stain. His children have played
with him since he was born. But Elihu is
going to the tabernacle to cut the throat of
this innocent animal. evil. With pain in his
mind he leads him to the sanctuary. A
serious sin is gnawing at your conscience.
Anyone who
He has to be freed from the guilt of this sin,
believes in Him
which is why he is going to the sanctuary. At
and confesses
the entrance to the courtyard of the
their sins will
tabernacle is the altar of sacrifice. Elihu
be forgiven.
kneels next to the lamb, places his hand on
its head and trusts. sa his sin. He quickly lifts the sheep's head
and in one fell swoop runs the sharp knife over its neck. Dark
blood runs across the floor. The lamb shudders and falls dead.
Tabernacle attendants take the body of the lamb and place it on
the altar to burn completely. Elihu is then free from the
condemnation of sin.
b.- I must recognize that I cannot save myself. “Because all have
134 National Baptist Convention of
sinned and come short of the glory of God, being justified freely
by his grace, I through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus”
(Romans 3:23, 24).
c.- I must believe that Jesus loves me and can save me. “ For
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that
whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life”
(St. John 3:16).
d.- I must confess my sins and believe that He forgives me. “If
we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 Sam. John 1:9). e.-
Then, we can believe that He gives us eternal life. “And this is
the testimony: that God has given us eternal life; and this life is in
his Son. He who has the Son, has life; "He who does not have
the Son of God does not have life." (1 Sam. John 5:11, 12).
This is what Jesus can do for you. He loves you very much and
has the power to free you from all sin. He not only forgives, but
transforms your entire being.
You will certainly want to know more about Jesus and how to
enter the path to heaven. At the next meeting we will talk about:
“A light on the path”, it will be a wonderful topic.
We will know the oldest book in the world. Come with your family,
friends and neighbors!
136 National Baptist Convention of
MATTHEW 28.19-20
Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote memorably about the cost of
discipleship, but he would be the first to insist that the Christian
life involves more than simply following Jesus by being his
disciple. Rather, Christ's call to discipleship Luke 14:26–33
includes his call to make disciples Matthew 28:19.
And Paul is writing this letter from prison to his dis disciple Paul
was not locked up just because he was a disciple of Jesus. If he
had loved Jesus and kept him to himself, no one would have
140 National Baptist Convention of
2. Attention
“No soldier entangles himself in civil activities, since his goal is to
please the one who enlisted him” 2 Timothy 2:4. Vivi We live in
the age of distraction. And not only will creating disciples be
sidelined if we have a smartphone and entertain ourselves to
death, but Satan has a thousand prepared, event-oriented
distractions to distract us. bring about pleasing Jesus in the work
of advancing the evan gelio called making disciples. We are
bombarded not only by obvious time-wasters, but by good
initiatives that, if we are not careful, will not complement disciple-
making, but rather supplant it.
4. Perseverance
Paul continues: "An athlete is not crowned unless he com whistle
according to the rules” 2 Timothy 2:5. make disciple It often feels
like a long lap around a large stadium. It would be much easier
to make a shortcut across the countryside. We are tempted to go
further by building programs and systems that will largely
produce dis disciples without the very personal costs involved.
But disciples who make disciples cannot be mass produced. I
have seen it time and time again when Christians formed event
after event, but not in conjunction with the creation of the dis
Intentional, relational, and gospel-centered discipline, they go
crazy at the strangest of times.
Failure to follow the simplest methods, often
142 National Baptist Convention of
7. Time
Of all the costs, time may be the greatest. The fab floppy disk
richness, like a farmer who grows crops You, it consumes a lot
of time. Great time it takes time to plow the field, time to plant,
time to water, time to fertilize, then time to harvest.
So it will be with making disciples. It is not a meeting, but often a
year of regular meetings. It's not a conversation sation, but
sometimes a difficult conversation after a conversation.
But did not the great disciple himself say, “It is more blessed to
give than to receive” Acts 20:35? And so, the hearts of His
disciples, in our effort to disciple others, are learning to say: " It
makes me happier to have my time, my energy, my attention,
my initiative than for me to keep them to myself."
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Acts 9:18 “immediately like scales fell from his eyes (referring to
Paul), and he received his sight; and he arose and was
Acts 10:48 “and commanded that they be baptized in the name
of Jesus Christ…”.
Baptism must be done with the correct understanding, of
water…and he baptized him. As they came out of the water…” In
this way we conclude that to be baptized it is first necessary to
know and understand the gospel of Christ, believe in it with all
your heart, and after having believed, then go down into the
waters to be baptized by immersion. This is why today we
continue to promote and practice this holy command. We do it
full of joy and enthusiasm, not as an imposition but as an act of
obedience to the one who loved us and justified us, to whom we
owe our lives in eternal gratitude, and as a way of testifying our
love for him and that we belong to him. he.
In Acts 8:35-39, we see the
illustration of how and when to
perform baptism: “Then Philip
opened his mouth and,
beginning with this scripture,
proclaimed the gospel of Jesus
to him…they came to a place
where there was water; and the
eunuch said: look, water. What
prevents me from being bau
chalked? And Philip said: if you
believe with all your heart, you
can. He answered and said: I
believe that Jesus Christ is the
son of God...they both went
to the Baptist Convention of Mexico
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It's Saturday afternoon, and all over the country people are once
again deciding whether or where to attend church services
tomorrow. Some will ask: “Does Does it make any difference to
attend Church in the 20th century? After all, most of us can find
a wide variety of religious programs on the radio or television in
our homes. Others will attend worship services, but remain
distant from any serious commitment to the local church they
attend. Still others will move from church to church seemingly
unable or unwilling to decide if they should join one.
But these statements about the glory of the Church of God are
not simply romantic illusions. They can be like proven by the
express teaching of Holy Scripture:
1. The glory of the Church is seen in its election by God
(Ephesians 1:3-6). Whatever the Lord God has placed his love
on for a specific purpose,
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6. The glory of the Church is seen in the glory of its Head, the
Lord Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:15-19; Ephesians 1:22, 23). He
is supreme over all, and the Church participates in his glory as
his body (Ephesians 4:15,16; 5:29,30). By virtue of its union with
Christ, the Church truly participates in “the fullness of God”
(Ephesians 3:19). The importance of the Church cannot be
understood apart from the importance of the Lord Jesus Christ.
This vision of the glory of the Church is enhanced by a con
consideration of the great diversity of people that God is
transforming into the unified body of Christ (Ephesians 2:11 22;
3:5,6; Ap. 7:9; John 17,21,23).
7. The glory of the Church can be seen in the fact that she
enjoys the powerful and personal ministry of the Holy Spirit
(Ephesians 1:13,14,17-19; 3:16,17; Romans 8:9-16). The
Church (both individually and collectively) is the temple of the
Holy Spirit (Ephesians 2:21,22; 1 Corinthians 3:16, 6:19). Just
as the second person of the Holy Trinity became flesh and died
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followed Jesus for some time and was able to see the greatness
of Jesus' work among the people.
Now he wants to make public his desire to participate personally
mind in the work of Jesus here on earth.
TO. The Exalted Declaration of the Scribe (v. 57) This scribe
approached Jesus and said, “I am willing to follow you wherever
you go.” wherever you go.” This is an expression of his desire to
blindly follow Jesus. It was more of a thoughtless impulse. It was
more about sharing in the glory of Jesus and the blessings of His
earthly ministry than a genuine desire to submit to the will of
God. We come to this conclusion based on the way Jesus tests
his motives in the next verse.
The burial process at that time lasted more than a year. So, if the
father was not dead, what did the disciple ask for? The disciple
would really like to obtain a per until the death of his father and
the fulfillment of the burial customs (something very important for
the Jews) and after having done this, he returned to following
Jesus completely. He would have obeyed Jesus' command to be
a committed disciple if he had not faced a challenge. conflict of
We must set our sights on the things and opportunities that lie
ahead. Looking back it's so reckless dent for the disciple of
Jesus as for the farmer in charge of the plow.
What are the temptations that you cannot leave behind? What
prevents you every time the Lord invites you to make a
commitment to be a true follower?
Does your life rather reflect the life of one of these supposed
disciples of Jesus that we have studied today who did not want
to fully commit to following the Lord?
164 National Baptist Convention of Mexico
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The promises of the old prophet were being fulfilled. There were
still anguish and afflictions. Death still loomed and violence,
oppression, the tumult of battle and blood were “the order of the
day.” But something had already changed. And that “something”
really was for “someone.” The Nazarene had walked that way.
His miracles were in the minds of the people.
His voice, his words, his gestures, his exhortations, his cons
soils, indignation with injustices, confrontations with hypocrisy
and misguided religiosity gave rise to people's expectations.
How many times will he speak of his kingdom! Is this the one
who could bear the solemn titles of Isaiah such as Wonderful
Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace?
Does he have empire and peace that will have no limit? Will he
sit on David's throne and over his kingdom? Does he have
authority in judgment and justice from now on forever?
Mary Magdalene and the other Mary had gone to the tomb that
first Sunday. They were warned by an angel of the Lord of the
resurrection of Jesus. They were able to see with their own eyes
the removed stone and the empty tomb. The angel said to them:
“And go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the
dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee; there you
will see him.” (Mt. 28:7).
As they ran out to give the news, and having tremendous fear
mixed with the joy they felt, they Surely they were surprised
again when the same
The time has come for that encounter with the resurrected
Jesus.[1] The eleven disciples were present. It is very possible
that there were more. Presumably the women who brought the
news to the disciples of the resurrection also left Jerusalem to be
in Galilee. It is from here that Some estimate the reference of the
apostle Paul, when he said: “Then he appeared to more than
five hundred brothers at once, of whom many are still living, and
others are already asleep.” (1 Cor. 15:6).
For many of the people who were present, this occasion was
unique. There were so many words of farewell and priestly
blessing from Jesus. “When they saw him, they worshiped him;
but some doubted.” (Mt.28:17). They worshiped Him because
they felt that they were in the presence of the majesty of His
glory. His doubt reflects something very common in us, a
perplexity about how we should receive everything that Christ
gives us. John Calvin interpreted it as indicating that worship
and doubt come from the same source of amazement when one
does not handle well the vision of Jesus as a Servant of Jehovah
but already clothed in the glory of God as King. It is not easy to
manage these two facets of glory and service.[7]
It is the Lord Jesus Christ who will deliver the kingdom to his
Father (1Co. 15:24). Christ has disarmed and triumphed over
the princes cipates and powers of this world (Col.2:15). Thank
God because he is already seated “above principality and
authority and power and dominion, and above every name that
174 National Baptist Convention of
is named, not only in this age, but also in the one to come;”
(Eph. 1:21).
GOD THE SON: Christ is the Eternal Son of God. In his face
nation like Jesus Christ was conceived of the Holy Spirit and
born of the Virgin Mary without a human father; Jesus revealed
himself and cum fulfilled the will of God by taking upon himself
the needs and demands of human nature and identity.
completely connecting with humanity; and yet he has no sin. He
honored the divine Law with his personal obedience and in his
death on the cross he provided the redemption of man; He was
thus redeemed from sin. He was raised from the dead cough
with his glorified body and appeared to his disciples as the
person who had been with them before he went to the right hand
of God the Father, where he is the only Mediator and has the
nature of God and man. He will return with power and glory to
judge the world and to complete his redemptive mission. He now
dwells in all believers as the living and omnipotent Lord.
Genesis 18:1 and following; Psalm 2:7 and following; 110:1 and
on entities; Isaiah 7:14, 53; Matthew 1:18-25; Mark 1:1; 3:11; Lu
cas 1:35; 4:41; 24:46; John 1:1-18, 29; 10:30, 38; 11:25-27;
12:44-50; 14:7-11; 16:15, 26-28; 17:1-5, 21, 22; 20:1-20, 28;
Acts 1:9; 2:22-24; 7:55,56; 9:4, 4, 20; Romans 1:3,4; 3:23 26;
5:6-21; 8:1-3, 34; 10:1; 1 Corinthians 5:18-21; Galatians 4:4, 5;
Ephesians 1:20; 3:11; 4:7-10; Philippians 2:5-11; Colossians
1:13 22; 2:9; 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18; 1 Timothy 2:5-6; 3:16;
Titus 2:13,14; Hebrews 1:1-3; 4:14,15; 7:14-28; 9:12-15, 23-28;
12:2; 1 Peter 2:21-25; 3:22; 1 John 1:7-9; 3.2; 4:14; 5:9-12;
Revelation 1:13-18; 5:9-14; 12:10,11; 13:8; 19:16.
GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. He
inspired the holy men of old who is They scribbled the
God, by direct action, created man in his own image; For this
reason it is in the culminating work of creation carried out by
God. In the beginning man was innocent of sin and was invested
with free will by his Creator. Through this free will, man sinned
against God and introduced sin into the human race. Through
the temptation of Satan, man transgressed the commandment of
God and lost his original innocence. final; For this reason his
posterity inherited a nature and an environment with tendencies
to sin, and as soon as it is under possible ity of becoming a
transgressor of the divine Law and suffering damnation. Only the
grace of God can bring man back into holy communion with
God. The sacredness of human personality is evident; because
God created man in his own image and because Christ died for
180 National Baptist Convention of
We believe that the salvation of sinners: 1. It is free for all
through faith in Christ. 2. Does not depend on good works things
that man can do. 3. The only obstacle to your salvation is
inherent depravity and willful rejection. of Christ as the only
Savior. 4. Rejection that brings eternal damnation. 1. Ephesians
2:5-8; Romans 3:24, 26; 5:1; Isaiah 55:1. 2. Titus 3:5; Ephesians
2:9,10; Galatians 2:16. 3. John 3:19; 5:40; Romans 9:32;
1:28,29. 4. John 3:18, 36; Ro hands 5:12; 6:23.
We believe that feedback: 1. It consists of imparting a change of
heart and mind. 2. It is the new birth in the heart of man. 3. It is
carried out by the power of the Holy Spirit and in connection with
divine truth. 4. Produces the desire to volunteer mind to obey the
gospel. 5. Its evidence is manifested in the holy fruits that the
believer produces, faith and newness of life. 1. John 3:3, 6;
1:12,13; James 1:18. 2. Romans 2:28, 29; Ezekiel 36:26;
Deuteronomy 30:6; 1 Corinthians 2:12, 14. 3. John 3:8; 1:13;
James 1:18; Ephesians 1:13. 4. Ephesians 5:10; Ro hands 12:2;
Ephesians 5:17. 5. Ephesians 5:8,9; Matthew 7:20; 1 John 5:4;
Romans 6:8.
We believe that the justification is: 1. The great good that Christ
accomplishes gure to those who are saved. 2. reminder of the
forgiveness of sin, God attributing the righteousness of Christ to
them. 3. Introducing us to a highly blessed state of peace and
favor with God, has leaving us from now on and forever all other
goods that may be necessary. 1. John 1:16; Acts 13:38,39;
Romans 5:1,18; Galatians 2:16. 2. Romans 3:24,25; 4:5-8; Titus
3:5-7. 3. Acts 10:42,43; Romans 4:23-25; 5:8-10.
We believe that sanctification is: 1. The process by which formed
to the will of God, we are made participants in his holiness. 2.
Which is progressive work. 3. Whose principle is in regeneration
and 4. Which is carried out in the hearts of believers by the
power and presence of the Holy Spirit. Seal and Comforter in the
continuous exercise of the established means, particular mind
the Word of God, personal examination, self-denial, vigi lance,
prayer and fulfillment of every pious duty. 5. reaching perfection
with the purification of the bodies in the Second Coming of
Christ. 1. 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7; 5:23; 2 Corinthians 7:1. 2.
Proverbs 4:18; Philippians 1:6; 2 Peter 3:18. 3. Rome us 6:4;
Ephesians 4:30. 4. John 14:16, 17-19; Ephesians 4:30. 5. Eff
esios 1:13,14; Romans 8:23; 1 Corinthians 15:51-54.
17:6, 12, 17, 18, Acts 20:32; Romans 5:9, 10; 8:28-39; 10:12-15;
11:5-7, 26-36; 1 Corinthians 1:2; 15:54-58; Ephesians 1:4-23;
2:1-10; 3:1-11; Colossians 1:12-14; 2 Thessalonians 2:13, 14; 2
Timothy 1:12; 2:10, 19; Hebrews 11:39- 12:2; 1 Peter 1:2-5, 13;
2:4-10; 1 John 1:7-9; 2:19; 3:2.
Romans 6:4.
2. And the lost will exist in hell with the devil and his angels.
3. Such existence, whether in heaven or hell, will be eternal. 1.
John 14:1-6; Matthew 25:34; Revelation 7:9-15; 21:1-7. 2.
Matthew 25:41, 46; Luke 16:22-24; Revelation 14:10, 11; 20:10;
Philippians 1:20-23.
Isaiah 33:14, 16; Daniel 12:2; Matthew 18:8; 25:46.
We believe that God is the source of all material and spiritual
186 National Baptist Convention of
We must understand by Biblical Principle: A fundamental truth
such, clear and extensive that is found in the Bible, which in
addition to giving us a global vision of theology, gives us a basis
to conclude on specific issues.
On the other hand, this global vision that constitutes a biblical
principle fundamental, arises from reflection on a certain set
mined from specific truths or “doctrines.” We can say then that
the relationship between fundamental principles and doctrines or
conclusions about specific truths is a “dynamic” relationship.
Because we have discovered a series of truths from the Bible,
we can establish some principles principles but at the same time
having the fundamental principles gives us the ability to make
doctrinal conclusions more efficiently.
Missionary Work.
THE Lordship of Christ. This is the guiding and fundamental
principle of the Christian Faith (1 Peter 2:7), the cornerstone of
all doctrine. biblical na. The others revolve around this principle.
The lordship of Christ, in addition to being fundamental in
theology, is one of the clearest and most eminent truths in the
entire Bible. His universal eternal dominion is already detailed in
the Old Testament. (Isaiah. 9:6-7; Daniel 7:14; Zechariah 9.10)
In the Gospels it was evi dent his authority over nature and over
the spirits, and his Lordship over religious rituals. (Matthew.
8:27; Mr.1:27; Luke. 6:5) His authority in the Church is
unquestionable in New Testament theology (Romans. 14.9;
Cabbage. 1:18; Facts. 1:4, 3:3 Rev. 1:11). Christ as Head of the
church is one of the clearest ideas in Pauline literature (Eph.
1:22, 4:15, 5:23, Col. 1:18, 2:19). Now some of the practical
implications of this principle are the following:
The separation between Church and State. Baptists, based on
the Bible, recognize the existence of the State (Matthew 17:24
27; John 19:11; Romans 13:1-7), and the purposes that God
also has for it: order, justice and social well-being. Tam We well
believe that God's command is for us to obey and pray for rulers
(Matthew 22:21; Titus 3:1; 1 Peter 2:13-17). Furthermore, we
believe that there must be an indispensable autonomy and
independence of action between the State and the Church, since
each Church-State entity is useful in its place (Eph. 1:21-22; 1
Timothy 2:1-5).
Now, some of the practical implications of this principle cipio are
the following: EXEMPLARY CITIZENSHIP As I already said As
198 National Baptist Convention of
2.-As a Disciple:
•It is my desire to develop my person through an intense
devotional life. I will practice daily Bible reading, persistent
prayer, and healthy congregational life.
•I will never allow my person to stagnate, but I will seek my
constant development, growth and maturation.
3 .-As Preacher:
•I am committed to preaching the Bible; the Word of God.
•I will seek to teach, exhort, encourage, encourage and
challenge my congregation to know, live and defend the values,
principles and doctrines that the Holy Spirit has revealed to us
through the Holy Bible.
•I will never preach what is not clearly indicated in the Saint ta
Bible, and much less to lead the church to a change of
denominational identity.
4 .-As a leader:
•I will lead the congregation I serve to seek the will of God.
5 .-As Advisor:
•I will help people find solutions to their problems and needs by
teaching the Word of God, without using my authority to
manipulate those who approach me to request help and spiritual
•I will keep with absolute discretion all the confidences that are
shared with me and I will never use them to the detriment of the
person who entrusted them to me seeking help.
•I will take the time agreed upon with the Church to dedicate to
family life.
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