Training For Trainers

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2 National Baptist Convention of Mexico


COACHES a pactlco model to make



June 2019 / First edition
National Baptist Convention of Mexico
Calz. of Tlalpan 1025-A, Col. United Americas,
Mexico DF CP 03610.
Tel: 01 (33) 38 10 15 05 / 01 (33) 38 12 96 71


6 National Baptist Convention of Mexico


Discipleship workshop

Welcome brothers to this time of learning

coordinated by the Church Planting Area of our
National Baptist Convention of Mexico, where we
will receive the training that is revolutionizing tioning
Christians in Asia and other parts of the world. We
have always been concerned about doing things Those that
allow us to fulfill the task that our Lord left us, now we have the
blessing of receiving this teaching from the brothers of Cuba
who are working in this way.

This time obeys the strategies that we have been following

years ago and the emphases that we established for the last
three years of this decade: 2017-2018 Be a disciple, let's
resume our commitment. 2018-2019 Make a disciple, our task.
2019-2020 Plant a church, our mission.

So these two years we will emphasize discipleship and church

planting. This course is the first thing we will be doing
continuing, then through your help and promotion we will be
taking it to all regions of the country. We are praying and it is
part of the vision that the Lord will grant us a church planting
movement, where preaching, making disciples and establishing
churches is the natural life of our churches. So, after what has
been done to date, this course and its implementation in the
country, allows us to see:
1. Servants of the Lord touched and moved by his Spirit to
take on the vision and the challenge of reaching the needy in the
big cities and the regions and municipalities that we still have to

2. A revival in our churches where every believer is involved

in preaching and making disciples.
3. A planting of churches that takes us to the most needy
areas and groups of our country.

4. Our churches immersed in mission as a priority and as a

natural development of healthy churches.

5. Our growth in missionary experience and with unity and

coordination of efforts, let us not only reach our country but also
go to countries that do not have the blessing of the Gospel.

We thank God for the response of each one of you, for the
institutions and brothers in particular who are supporting the
realization of this training, to the brothers of Cuba for sharing
their experience and to the First Baptist Church of Mexico City
for opening your doors to us so kindly.

We turned the Coordinator meeting into a work and study

meeting to make better use of our time and resources. We are
convinced that there is nothing more urgent than continuing to
sharpen our tools to better fulfill the commission that our Savior
left us.

May the Lord grant us an enriching time, of communi ion, of

transformative experiences and gives us the sensitivity to make
the necessary adjustments and apply these teaches bangs in
our lives and churches.

Adolfo A. Salazar Cerda / Rolando Guzmán

President of the Church Planting Area

10 National Baptist Convention of Mexico


Adolfo A. Salazar Cerda / Rolando Guzmán....................8
LESSON 1..........................................................................20
WHAT IS A DISCIPLE?....................................................20
BASIC PRINCIPLES:.....................................................22
THE PRIVILEGES OF A DISCIPLE:............................23
QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION:................................24
SUMMARY AND APPLICATION:..............................25
LESSON 2..........................................................................27
OF SPIRITUAL MATURITY:.......................................28
DISCIPLESHIP INVOLVE?..........................................30
2 .-Loving Jesus as a priority......................................31
3 .-Willingness to live a life of dedication and sacrifice
for Jesus...........................................................................31
4 .-Spiritual hunger.....................................................31
5 .-A teachable personal attitude.................................31
QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION:................................31
1.- JESUS, THE FOUNDATION...................................36
2. -ROCK OR SAND?.................................................37
(I) What constitutes a solid life? (v. 47)....................37
(II) Can one hear and not do? (v. 46).........................37
(III) What is he like who hears and does the Word?
(IV) Why should the house be built on the rock? (v.48b)
(V) What happened to the house on the rock? (v.48b)
(VII) What happens to the house without foundation?
3. AND AFTER THAT?..............................................38
5. EVIDENCE OF MATURITY.................................39
QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION.................................40
SUMMARY AND APPLICATION...............................40
1. -WHAT SALVATION INCLUDES (three aspects of
5. HOW TO LEAD SOMEONE TO JESUS...............47


WALK AS A CHRISTIAN.............................................49
7. LIVE LIKE A TRUE SON OF GOD..........................51
QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION.................................52
SUMMARY AND APPLICATION...............................52
PEOPLE WHO OTHERS CAN IMITATE....................57
4. HOW TO SELECT THOSE....................................59
THOSE WHO I SHOULD DISCIPLE...........................59
5. START A DISCIPLESHIP GROUP.......................60
6. GOALS FOR YOUR DISCIPLES..........................61
QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION.................................62
SUMMARY AND APPLICATION...............................63
WHAT IS THE GREAT COMMISSION?.....................68
2 .-WHAT SHOULD WE DO?..................................68
3 .-WHERE DO WE START?....................................69
GOD'S KINGDOM?.......................................................71
KINGDOM OF GOD TODAY?.....................................72
QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION:................................73
SUMMARY AND APPLICATION...............................73
2 .- NOW IT'S OUR TURN........................................77
3 .- THE SPIRIT THAT HELP US............................77
1. Experience................................................................78
2. Certainty...................................................................79
3. Boldness...................................................................80
4. Understanding..........................................................80
5. Ability......................................................................81
6. Chance......................................................................81
7. Love.........................................................................82
SUMMARY AND APPLICATION...............................83
FIRST TIME; ASSESSMENT........................................86
SECOND TIME; MEDITATION...................................86
I. Let's tour all the cities and villages..........................86
II. Let's see with the eyes of Jesus................................86
SECOND TIME; MEDITATION...................................90
1. Shows us our condition without Christ....................90
II. It shows us the effect of the Lord's presence in him...90
III. Shows us what the Lord expects of us......................91

FIRST TIME;..................................................................94
SECOND TIME;.............................................................94
MEDITATION, BIBLE STUDY....................................94
II. make a disciple.........................................................94
III. Let him be baptized..............................................95
IV. And teach him “to observe all things that the Lord
has commanded.”............................................................95
THIRD TIME: TASKS...................................................95
First time.........................................................................98
Second time: Meditation, Bible study.............................98
Third period: homework..................................................99
Acts 2:38-47..................................................................102
First time:......................................................................102
Second time: Meditation...............................................102
Third time......................................................................103
Luke 9:23.......................................................................106
First time:......................................................................106
Second time: Meditation...............................................106
Third period: homework................................................107
Acts 2:38; John 16:13; 7-11..........................................110
First time:......................................................................110
Second time: Meditation...............................................110
Third period: homework................................................111
Matthew 28:20...............................................................114
First time: sharing experiences......................................114
Second time: meditation................................................114
Third time: to do............................................................115
MY ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS...............................115
MY THANKS Hebrews 12:28......................................115
OUR MISSION (To the ends of the earth)...................116
MY FAMILY................................................................116
COACH (Multiplier).....................................................116
! LIVE ON MISSION!..................................................116
MATTHEW 28.19-20...................................................119
I. The voice from above. – The voice of God that
commands us.................................................................119
II. The voice within – the voice of the spirit that
constrains us..................................................................119
III. The voice from outside – the voice of the lost that
cries out to us.................................................................119
Remembering the love of Jesus.....................................127
HOPE IS JESUS............................................................130
WHO IS JESUS?...........................................................130
WHAT HE ALREADY DONE FOR US.....................133
WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU?....................................133
EPE CNBM / SERMON 4................................................136
PAY THE COST...............................................................136

MATTHEW 28.19-20...................................................138
2. Attention................................................................140
3. Please others...........................................................140
4. Perseverance..........................................................141
5. Energy....................................................................142
6. Taking the Initiative...............................................142
7. Time.......................................................................143
1) For what it symbolizes...........................................148
2) Because it was the model that Jesus left us............148
3) Because it was the last ordinance that Jesus left us
4) Because it was the model that the early church
1. The glorious Church..................................................154
EPE CNBM / SERMON 7................................................159
FOLLOW JESUS..............................................................159
11. The Entangled Disciple (vv. 59-60)...................162
DOCTRINES BAPTISTS................................................175
1. THE HOLY SCRIPTURE:....................................176
2. THE TRUE GOD:..................................................176
3. THE MAN:............................................................178
4. SALVATION IS BY GRACE:..............................179
5. REGENERATION:................................................179
6. REPENTANCE AND FAITH:..............................179
7. THE JUSTIFICATION:.........................................180
8. THE PURPOSE OF DIVINE GRACE:.................180
9. SANCTIFICATION:.............................................181
11. THE LAW AND THE GOSPEL:......................182
12. A TRUE CHURCH:...........................................182
13. CHRISTIAN BAPTISM:...................................182
14. THE LORD'S SUPPER:....................................183
15. THE DAY OF THE LORD:...............................183
16. THE CIVIL GOVERNMENT:..........................183
17. THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST:...........184
18. THE FINAL JUDGEMENT:.............................184
19. THE HEAVEN AND THE HELL:....................184
20. STEWARDSHIP:...............................................184
BIBLE BAPTISTS............................................................187
5- THE SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLE: Religious freedom.
Missionary Work...........................................................189
2- THE BIBLICAL PRINCIPLE...............................191
THE IDEAL OF A CHURCH......................................191
4- THE SOCIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLE....................194
5- THE SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLE.............................195
6- POLITICAL PRINCIPLE......................................196

7- THE EVANGELISTIC PRINCIPLE.....................197

1.-As a Baptist Pastor:...................................................199
2.-As a Disciple:............................................................199
3 .-As Preacher:.........................................................199
4 .-As a leader:..........................................................199
5 .-As Advisor:..........................................................200
6 .-As Minister of Worship:......................................200
8 .-As a colleague in the Ministry.............................201
9 .As a Member of this Denomination......................201
10 .-As a Member of this Ministerial Alliance........202

12 National Baptist Convention of Mexico


14 National Baptist Convention of Mexico
22 National Baptist Convention of


The word disciple in Greek is “mathetes” which means “one who
learns instruction from another.” A disciple was not only a
student but also an adherent, that is why they were spoken of as
an imitator. dores of their teachers.
Every Christian is called to be a disciple of Jesus and this
means ca that will follow Jesus no matter what it costs him to do
so. So a Christian disciple is a person who is determined to
follow Jesus Christ, with the desire to learn from Him and live
according to His example.


1 .-A disciple is a person who lives and continually follows the

word of Jesus. They are not people who occasionally follow the
word of their teacher, but rather people who are committed to
carrying out their teachings to the end.
whoosh in a disciplined and confident
manner. Jesus is our teacher. He will speak Every Christian
to us work alive daily through the Holy Spirit. is called to
His followers need to live daily life under his be a disciple
commandments, teachings and examples. of Jesus and
We must always put into practice what has this means
been revealed to us by the word of God. what will follow
John 8:31-32 to Jesus without
care what
2 .-A disciple is a person who trusts his life that it costs
completely to the Lord. This trust must be do it
total, because it is not a commitment to any
person, but rather that others can be saved
with a loving teacher who cares about our well-being and total
growth. Matthew 6:24, John 10:1-18.

3 .-A disciple is a person who lives a fruitful relationship with

Jesus. Our union with Christ makes it possible for others to be
saved. When a Christian is filled with Christ others see him and
hear about him and then they are spiritually reborn into the
Kingdom of God. New believers are the fruit of discipleship.
Without this kind of productivity in our lives, the kingdom of God
will not expand and the body of Christ will not grow. John 15:4-5

4 .-A disciple is a person who is committed to unconditional and

sacrificial love for others. This is no ordinary love hu hand, but
the love of God that has been shown towards us. A selfless love
that does not seek profit to stimulate its action. John 13:34-35.

5 .-A disciple is a person who is dedicated to the fulfillment of

Christ's commission. The goal of our The goal
discipleship should be to gain other of our
disciples, not just converts. Converts may discipleship
change their minds, but disciples follow their should be
teacher. Matthew 28:18-20. the one to
- You have been called and chosen by God. Ephesians 1:4-5
- Jesus is your Savior. He died on the cross to forgive his sins
and make him acceptable before God. Romans 5:8
- God is his Father with whom he has a personal relationship,
he is a child of God and is part of his kingdom. Galatians 4:6-7
- He has been granted eternal life. John 3:16
- The Holy Spirit now lives in him, giving him power to witness
in his new life. Acts 1:8
- He has peace with God. Romans 5:1
- Nothing can separate you from the love of God. Romans 9:38-
24 National Baptist Convention of


-A disciple will make the firm decision to do and live as Jesus

- Know that the decision to follow Jesus is an act of will rather
than something emotional.
- He will not act in independence, but submitting to the spiritual
authority of God and those who are above him.
- You will make important changes in your life towards people,
money, business, etc.
- Consciously meditate on your thoughts, attitudes and actions
tions and will remove that which is not consistent with the life of
Jesus and his word.
- You will stop acting in disbelief, aware that you are now a child
of God and follower of Christ.
- Love will govern your actions, words and attitudes. You will be
more willing to forgive, you will have greater compassion for
those in need and for those who are lost.
- Will willingly submit to God and resist the temptation to return
to old habits.
- He will seek first the kingdom of God and his justice and will
trust in the promise that God will always be with him and will
provide everything he lacks.


1 .-Who is our guide in the Christian life? John 16:13-14

2 .-How can we remain in the love of Christ? John 15:9-14

3 .-What are the two main commandments of God?

Matthew 22:37-39

4 .-As disciples, how can we live everyday life?

Romans 5:5


- We need to be totally committed to Jesus, making Him our

Lord. We cannot say No when He asks us to do something for

- Every disciple of Jesus must live life according to his will.

- As disciples we need to continually live in the word of God,

only then will we have the ability to know what Jesus would do in
each situation.

- We need to see God as our loving teacher who wants only

our good.

-We need to serve God first, then others and finally ourselves.

20th National Baptist Convention of Mexico



Discipleship is the best method to reach our world for God. The
impact that the twelve disciples of Jesus including Paul had on
the world shows us the value of discipleship. A small number of
committed disciples who have been well trained will achieve
much more for God than large numbers of converts who lack
spiritual depth.

Discipleship is God's chosen strategy to reach the world. If a

disciple brought a single person to Christ and spent a whole
year training him and in a year both, disciple and teacher, each
made a new disciple and the next year these four made four
more, in about thirty-two years The entire population of the world
would be saved, according to mathematics. Jesus the Lord
commissioned his followers to train disciples because he
intended sure and lasting fruit. He himself demonstrated the
importance of discipleship, because he trained twelve as one of
his priorities and did so for three and a half years during his
public ministry on earth.

The true believer must grow in his knowledge but also in making
new disciples, to do this he has to make an effort, he has to be
motivated and he has to be willing to submit to biblical
discipleship and this is not easy, it has a cost.



1 . -Fruitful in the service of God, Matthew 25:14-30.

2 . -Humble attitude and willingness to serve others,

John 13;12-17.

3 . -Integrated life in general, 2 Corinthians 13:11

28 National Baptist Convention of

4 . -Intimate relationship with Jesus, Galatians 2:2AT

5 . -Manifestation of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in your daily life,
Galatians 5:22-23
6 .-Firmness and stability in your walk with Christ, Ephesians
7 .-Solid knowledge of the word of God, Hebrews 5:13 -6:2.


Discipleship is a very serious matter, it is expensive. Jesus saw

it that way. He never offered a bed of roses to his disciples,
rather he made it very clear from the beginning what this

To be a disciple of Jesus we need to carry our own cross and

follow him. We also need to give our entire lives and everything
we have to God to use according to his will.
Many Christians have settled for less, or
God us
have simply settled for a form of
discipleship that bears little resemblance to
to be
the teachings and expectations. tatives of
Jesus. They commit themselves sometimes
to apply their
for convenience or to avoid personal cost
values to
and as a result, many Christians stop being
our life.
the witnesses of God that He wants them to
be, therefore the church is also considered
weak, ineffective or irrelevant.

We, the children of God, must show the world the trans
presence formative of Jesus in our lives, even within the church.
God wants us to imitate his best disciples and ultimately the
Lord Jesus himself.

In this important task, God calls his children to face the

implications of discipleship, he calls us to be happy and obedient
at all costs for the love of Jesus.

He calls us to be willing to apply his values to our lives.

A discipleship without cost is not true discipleship. Christians are

called to deny themselves and take up their cross daily in order
to follow Jesus.

His cross is not an imposed burden but something undertaken

voluntarily for the love of the gospel of God. God must take care
take first place in life before considering yourself or even
considering others. His will takes precedence over anything.

Putting God first is best, both for the disciples and for all their
loved ones. Jesus demanded a high price for discipleship, so he
encourages us to know the cost first.

It is not surprising that the Lord ended with few followers. dores
and few disciples because it meant leaving everything for him.
However, those who stayed with him were enough to change the
world of their time.



1 .-Living as a disciple is a serious and formal commitment to


2 .-The true disciple accepts that Jesus rightly deserves to be

Lord of his entire life. John 13:13.

3 .-The true disciple is a person who has believed the words of

Christ and has committed to having Him first in his life and to be
faithful to Him.

4 .-The true disciple lives with enthusiasm and serves with in

enthusiasm always.


30 National Baptist Convention of


Only faithful and trustworthy people are fully qualified to be

disciples of Christ.

2 .-Loving Jesus as a priority.

It means living life in obedience according to His will.

3 .-Willingness to live a life of dedication and sacrifice for


The disciple must grow and mature spiritually, this will require
sacrifice of time, strength and sometimes even relationships.
God has a personal discipleship program for each of us. He
wants us to give our lives to this program so that we may truly
be transformed into the image of his Son Jesus. Philippians
2:13, 2 Corinthians 9:8 and 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24.

4 .-Spiritual hunger.

This implies a real desire to grow spiritually through his word

and thus be used by God.

5 .-A teachable personal attitude.

Which shows itself with a willingness first to submit to God, to

the authority of his word and to his teachers and leaders that
God has placed over us.


1 .-Why should we aspire to spiritual maturity?

Colossians 1:28.

2 .-What does it mean to be similar to Christ? Romans


3 .-What does it mean to take up the cross? Matthew


4 .-Why is the church considered weak, ineffective or


5 .-Why should we consider the cost of discipleship?

26th National Baptist Convention of Mexico


28th National Baptist Convention of Mexico


A foundation is a substance on top of which you build a structure

(building, house, etc.), in reality it is the main support
fundamental of any construction, every part of it depends on the
foundation. If it has good, deep and secure foundations, the
construction will stand firm, no matter what comes against it. If
there is no good foundation, when problems occur the
construction will fall. As disciples of Jesus our lives are spiritual
structures. In the Scriptures, this structure is called “temple of the
Holy Spirit” (1 Corinthians 6:19), “the temple of God” (1
Corinthians 3:16), “building of God” (1 Corinthians 3:9), and “ a
spiritual house” (1 Peter 2:5). You can only build strong, tall and
able to resist problems if the foundations are properly laid.


For no one can lay any other foundation than that which is laid,
which is Jesus Christ . (1 Corinthians 3:11)

The best foundation of all for a construction is rock

36 National Baptist Convention of

solid. Other less stable elements

such as gravel, sand Na, dirt, •0000 We must, therefore,
clay and porous rock should be ask God the Father that his
removed so that a large will be fulfilled in our lives
structure can be built on solid and do only what he desires
rock. In our Christian life it is the of us.
We should not build anything unless we found it in Jesus Christ.
He is our “rock” (1 Corinthians 10:4) and not We should neither
do nor build anything that He is not supporting. If we try to build
something outside of this truth, then that day (the Day of
Judgment) will bring it to light, because everything we have built
will be tested and we will only receive reward for what survives
(1 Corinthians 3:10-15). Jesus will support only what he sees the
Father doing (John 5:19). We must, therefore, ask God the
Father that his will be fulfilled in our lives and do only what he
desires of us. then sa Let's know that Jesus will be supporting
him and we can start building.

In Luke 6:46-49 Jesus describes two ways of building: on top of
sand (an unstable foundation) or on top of rock (a stable
foundation). Many people, including many Christians, are
building their lives on shaky foundations such as materialism,
ambition, sports, education. cation, philosophies, traditions of
man, human wisdom, etc. The only stable foundation of solid
rock is the Lord Jesus Christ to, which is the living Word.

From this passage in Luke we can note the following points:

(I) What constitutes a solid life? (v. 47)

“Everyone who comes to me” – relationship with Jesus.
“Hear my words” – hear his word.
“Put them into practice” – do His will.

(II) Can one hear and not do? (v. 46)

“Why do you call me Lord, Lord and do not do what I say?” This
is knowing the Word and not doing
(See also James 1:21-25.)

(III) What is he like who hears and does the Word? (v.48a)
“He is like a man who, while building a house, fell and dug deep
and laid the foundation on the rock. He removed everything
between him and the rock. He made sure it was in a solid
position even though he had to dig deep, which is expensive and
38 National Baptist Convention of

(IV) Why should the house be built on the rock? (v.48b)

“When the flood came, the river crashed against that house.” It is
part of the nature of life that there are storms (Hebrews 12:25-
29). No one escapes the storms.

(V) What happened to the house on the rock? (v.48b)

The house could not be moved because it was well built, this It
was founded on the rock. There will be storms in our Christian
life, but if we are hearing and doing the Word of God, we will
storm them. They won't move us.

(VI) What is the danger in

building our Christian life on
what is not solid rock? (v.49a)

“He who heard and did not do is

like the man who built his house
on the ground without a
foundation . ” (He put only the
sand, Matthew 7:26).
We need to recognize any
unstable foundation in our life, The foundations of our
(VII) What happens to the life as Christians are so
house without foundation? important that it is impossible
to continue to maturity

“Against which the river struck without them

with impetus (the same river and 000000000000000000000000
storm hit the house on the rock),
and it fell, and it was great. ruin of that house . ”
admit it, and remove it to get to the solid rock with the help of the
Holy Spirit.
The foundations of our life as Christians are so important so

many that it is impossible to continue to maturity without them.

Hebrews 6:1-33 states the basic fundamental truths upon which
our Christian life is to be built (I will call them We learn the
foundations of our faith) and urges us to advance to maturity with
God's permission. There can be no maturity without God's
permission. If we do not lay the correct foundation, God will not
give us “building permission” to continue building. cation of our
spiritual home.

Many Christians are immature, even many who are born. two
again for years. This is a tragedy. Many of these people should
be teaching others or training their own disciples, but instead
they are still like spiritual babies in Christ, still in need of spiritual
milk instead of solid food (Hebrews 5:11-14).


a. Dull of hearing: These Christians are slow and do not want to

be moved, they have no drive or energy within them. They
started with enthusiasm but over the years they weakened.

b. No responsibility: They have never matured, they are childish

when they should be mature teachers.

c. Without participation: They do not contribute, they only

increase the number number of members in the churches, many
have been like this for years.

d. Without discernment: most of the time they do not know how

to distinguish between good and bad.

e. Without stability: Every problem knocks them down and they

tend to be spiritual butterflies going from one teaching or church
to another.

- The testimony of the Spirit (Romans 8:16).
40 National Baptist Convention of

- We are “new creatures” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

- We desire to obey God (1 John 2:3).
- We love other Christians (1 John 3:14).
- We do the will of God (Matthew 7:21).
- We thirst for God (Psalms 42:1-2)


Why is Jesus a stable foundation to build life on?

Rock or sand: Where are your foundations? (Matthew 7:24-27).

What kinds of things do you need to remove from your life so

that you can get to the rock, that is, Jesus?

Are you willing to do this with the help of the Holy Spirit?

When you hear and read the Word of God, do you obey as you
should, or do you do little or nothing about it?

Why do many Christians settle for their immaturity toward God?

Are there any areas of your life in which you have been


Jesus Christ is the foundation on which we should build our lives

as His disciples.

Anything that prevents us from building our lives on Jesus as a

foundation should be removed with the help of the Holy Spirit.

God the Father's desire is for all Christians to grow and mature
in Him.

God wants us to lay the right foundation and then He will take us
from spiritual milk to more solid food so that we can be mature
42 National Baptist Convention of


36th National Baptist Convention of Mexico
44 National Baptist Convention of

The Greek word for "salvation" is "soteria." This word could also
be translated as "security and robustness." How When we are
born again and become children of God, healthy and safe.

So when we talk to others about salvation available in Jesus, we

need to realize that we are revealing to people how they too can
become healthy and safe.

1. -WHAT SALVATION INCLUDES (three aspects of


a. Reconciliation: with God, which has been made possible by

the death of Jesus.

b. Regeneration: because Jesus rose again and He gives us

new life and is responsible to God for us.

c. Reorientation: through submission to Jesus, because He is

now our Lord and therefore is on the throne of our life.


We do not need to wait until we are perfect in every spiritual
area before we can make disciples for Jesus. We must not allow
idleness, self-satisfaction, unbelief, or lack of love to stop us
from doing what Jesus has asked of all his disciples.

Three powerful forces that motivate us, work and enable us to

make disciples are:

a. The love of Jesus Christ: (2nd Corinthians 5:14). This should

burn in our hearts so that we want everyone to know this same

b. The power of God: by the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8).


c. The fear of God: (2 Corinthians 5:11; Psalms 103:13). This is

a deep respect for a loving Father and a desire to live and act as
He wants us to.

Remember, we are not called to work for God, but to be workers

together with God. (2nd Cor. 6:1)


a. Make sure you are adequately prepared (i.e., knowledge of

Scripture, approach techniques, etc.)

b. Be clean: surrender and submit to God. Confess every

known sin in your life and ask God to cleanse you through the
blood of Jesus. (James 4:7).

c. Humble yourself to receive authority: Humble yourself under

the mighty hand of God (1 Peter 5:6) and tell God that it is not
your will but His that you want to do, no matter what the cost.

d. Be filled with the Holy Spirit: Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you
and anoint you to exalt Jesus Christ, and to empower you for his

e. Surrender to the Holy Spirit: Surrender to the control of the

Holy Spirit. Tell Him that you are giving Him your body, mind,
will, and emotions so that He can use you as His obedient

f. Be a channel: ask the Holy Spirit to flow from you to touch

the lives of other people and to minister through you to others
(John 7:37-39).
46 National Baptist Convention of

g. Speak his word: ask the Holy Spirit to put his words in your
mouth, may it be with words of power, authority, challenge,
conviction, life, freedom, love and compassion.

h. Pray that God will guide you to the very person whose heart
He has already prepared (Ephesians 2:10; John 16:7-11).


a. Get to know Jesus better (Philippians 3:10)

The more we know Him, the more we can commit to Him, and
the more we can share with others. The best ways The ways to
get to know Jesus are: the Word of
God, food and communion with other

b. Follow Jesus more closely

(Matthew 4:19)
Follow his example and do what God
asks day by day through his Word.
Jesus called his first disciples to follow
him and that he would make them
fishers of men. bres. He wants to do Your life is your
the same for us. tool more
powerful for
c. Exalt Jesus with your life, action
influence friends,
and word (John 12:32)
relatives and other
It is neither your fine words nor your
people, in general,
persuasion that attracts people to
and to take them to
Jesus, but exalting the Lord Jesus
before others.
Your life is your most powerful tool to influence friends, relatives
and other people, in general, and to lead them to Jesus. Your
life may be the only Bible some people will read. Remember to
be real when you witness to others for Jesus, especially in the
realm of your testimony. The cause of God is not advanced by
exaggeration and dishonesty. Our testimony is to be mixed with

a measure of discipline, discernment, love and care. We also

need to stay in tune with God and He will guide us, direct us and
empower us.


Always remain ready to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
Remember, we don't save people: Jesus does, through the Holy
Spirit. We are just channels that God uses to bring people to
Jesus. The following steps are some guidelines that may help:

a. When the Holy Spirit leads you to a person, engage in casual

conversation with them and thus establish social contact,
praying that the Holy Spirit will direct the conversation to matters
of concern. spiritual. Look for opportunities to start talking about
Jesus and use your own testimony as an introduction where
possible. Once you have their attention, find out where the
person is with Jesus, for example, ask if they have accepted
Jesus into their own life or if they have a relationship or
friendship with Jesus. Make sure the person doesn't take you
away from the matter. main topic with arguments and excuses to
mislead. Also make sure that you do not use religious words that
cannot be used in tend, because this may confuse or discourage

b. Share the good news (that is, the Gospel):

- God loves all the people of the world (John 3:16).
- But all men have sinned
(i.e., displeased with God, Romans 3:23).
- Sin separates men from God (Isaiah 59:2).
-If sin is not put away, men's lives will be barren (Ephesians

- The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).

- God sent Jesus and He died on the cross and paid the
penalty for the sins of all people (1 Corinthians 15:3).
- God raised Jesus from the dead and He can save
(1 Corinthians 15:20 -22; 2 Corinthians 4:14; Hebrews 7:25).
48 National Baptist Convention of

- Only the blood of Jesus shed when he died can cleanse

tweet and put away sin, allowing eternal life with God for
humanity (Hebrews 9:12,22).

- To be forgiven by God, a sinner must take two steps: a.

Repent: turn from all selfish and sinful ways wayward (Acts
b. Accept: You must make Jesus your Lord and Savior (Romans

- Talk about cost. Jesus said: If anyone wants to come after

me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow
(Luke 9:23)
- He emphasizes that receiving Jesus means making him
totally Lord of your life (Acts 2:36).
- Explains that he must confess Jesus as his public Lord mind
(Romans 10:9-10).
- Teach him that he must be willing to give up idols such as
television, cars, money, etc. You can still have these things, but
they are no longer the most important thing in your life.
- You must make a commitment to Jesus, and not turn back
(Luke 9:57-62; 14:25-33).
- Teach him that Christ Jesus must be his Lord and Savior
because He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and the only one
who can give a relationship with God (John 3:18,36; John 14:6)
- Make sure the Holy Spirit has convicted you of sin (John
-Challenge him to repent and leave his old way of life that
dishonored God. Encourage him to ask God to forgive his sins.
This will make you clean in the eyes of God. Then you must

Jesus as your Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9-10). Immediate

mind will receive the Holy Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing his
new inheritance in God (Ephesians 1:13-14) and will become a
child of God (John 1:12).

- Explain to him that he can be confident and sure of his

salvation. The Holy Spirit will bear witness in him that he is
saved (1 John 3:24, Romans 8:14-16) and the Word of God has
promised that when he has done all of the above, then he is
saved (John 6:37; John 1:12; John 5:24; John 6:47;

The Word of God says that he is cleansed from all sin and has
the gift of eternal life. I may not be touched emotion nally, but
you will know that it is different in some way. This may take time
to become evident.



a. Do as much side work as you can when you bring a person

to Christ, because you may never see him or her again.

Leave him with appropriate literature, for example, a good tract

or supplementary pamphlet explaining what the person has
done and teaching the basic steps necessary to follow Christ;
and also make sure it has a readable translation of the Bible (or
part of it). Be sure to explain to the person their need to be
baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. If they give permission,
take their name, address, age and phone number, so that you or
someone else can contact them by phone. telephone or by a
personal visit.
50 National Baptist Convention of

b. When you contact a person the first time (make sure

you don't leave it too long)
Be joyful and encourage him to continue with Christ. Tell
him you are praying for him, and be sure to do so, daily.
Ask him how he is doing with the literature you gave him
and answer any questions he asks you.

c. Encourage him toward personal

Be sure to
growth in Christ through:
explain to the
- Daily prayer (talking to God) (Luke
person the
need that
- Daily reading of the Word of God
it has to be
(the Bible) (Acts 17:1).
baptized and
- Trust in Jesus (John 6:28-29).
full of
- Obedience to God and his Word (Acts
Holy Spirit.
- Regular communion with others
born again believers (Acts 2:42).
- The testimony, telling others what you have found in
Jesus (Luke 8:39).
- Work for God (John 9:4).
- Be baptized and then continually filled with the Holy
Spirit to enable you to serve God in his strength and
power. (Acts 1:5, 8; Romans 8:11; Ephesians 5:18).

d. Ask him if he has any problems and advise him as

best you know how. Be a friend of his in Christ. Ask him if
he attends a church, or at least if he has asked for
information. If he wants to attend the same church as you,
offer to pick him up or go with him so he doesn't feel
alone. If he decides to go to a church you don't know,
then encourage him to find a dynamic, Bible-based

Some features of such a church include:

e. A total commitment to the Lordship of Christ.
f. Love and unity between members.

- A strong emphasis on prayer.

- Praise and worship conducted in Spirit and truth.
- Members moving in the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit.
- The church encourages living in holiness.
- They call sinners to repentance.
- They preach the gospel of salvation by faith.
- They help the poor and needy.
- They give selflessly.
- They are involved in the universal mission.

It should also be remembered that the church may not yet have
achieved these ideals, but at the very least, they should be its

and. If it is somehow possible, ask him if he would like to be

- Regularly by yourself or someone else, and organize it.
Finally, pray for him, focusing especially on his problems and his
continuing relationship with Jesus.


Be genuine and sincere: do not be a thoughtless and

inconsiderate fanatic. sensitive. Be natural about your
Christianity The joy and love of Christ are the greatest
advertisement you have to reach those you want to know the
Lord Te-Christ. Be salty wherever you are.

Jesus said that we are to be the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13-
16). Salt purifies, heals, preserves, disinfects and fertilizes.
Then, without realizing it, you have a tremendous effect
wherever you are because Christ is in you. Another vital thing
that salt does is cause people to feel thirsty. Your life should
make people thirst for the life of Christ because He radiates from
you. As you genuinely live your life as a disciple of Jesus before
others, you will draw them to Christ.

Remember that a witness is not called to be a judge, a defense

52 National Baptist Convention of

attorney, or a prosecutor. A witness is simply called upon to give

the facts as he knows them. Let God do the defense, conviction
and judgment, you only share what you know to be true in your


1. What happens in heaven every time someone is saved?
(Luke 15: 5-7,22-24,32).

2. Discusses the most common pitfalls in beginning to bring

other people to the Lord and helping them grow in Him.

3. Discuss how God motivates us to heal spiritually. tually to

others, placing his love, fear and power on us.

4. Being real, disciplined, loving and discerning are vital to the

ministry of making complete men. Discuss it.

5. Fear is the most common factor that hinders our testimony

boy What does the Word of God say about the fear of man? (2
Timothy 1:7; 1 John 4:8; 1 Peter 3:13-16).

6. Write your own testimony in less than 250 words, avoiding

all religious jargon, so you are prepared to share it.

7. Begin to pray and seek in faith for those you can bring to the
Lord and those you can disciple.


1. Salvation in Jesus is total and complete for those who find it.

2. Before testifying we must make sure that we are right before


God and before man.

3. We need to know what we will share with others to bring

them Jesus for salvation.

4. We must be open to the guidance, direction, and power of

the Holy Spirit to be an effective witness for Jesus.

5. Our life is the best testimony we have to teach Jesus to

others, and to teach what He can do in people's lives.

6. When we bring another person to the Lord we have the

responsibility We can make sure they receive more information
and move forward with Christ. This can be done by us
personally, or by another person to whom we can entrust this
important responsibility.

7. Remember, we are not called to make converts who will

possibly change their minds. We are called to make life-
changing disciples.
54 National Baptist Convention of



48th National Baptist Convention of Mexico
56 National Baptist Convention of

Our purpose, as disciples of Jesus, should be to make other
new disciples for Jesus. He said: Therefore go and make
disciples of all nations. (Matthew 28:19)

This calling involves not only leading someone to know the Lord
Jesus for himself, but also bringing him to the proper degree of
maturity so that he can also lead another to Christ, who in due
time will also reach maturity in the Mister.
There is no need to wait until we
are perfect and expert in the When we disciple
entire spiritual area before we others need
can make disciples. I need we concentrate our
should be doing as we efforts in faithful people
God has asked for it, and then 00000000000000000000000000 we give him
our lives and let him
that adjusts and develops us as we do the work.

Laziness, unbelief, lack of love or anything else should not stop

us from doing what Jesus has asked us to do. win all his
disciples. God expects us to pass on to others something of the
life of Christ and the maturity we have achieved in this life.

When we disciple others we need to concentrate our efforts on

faithful people, who will then be able to teach others. (2 Timothy
2:2). We know that the apostle Paul did this himself with
Timothy, Titus, and Silas. Jesus spent the majority of his three-
year ministry time continuously with twelve men. bres and
devoted particular attention to three of these men. The men
whom Jesus trained then trained others, and they, successively,
trained others until at last the known world of that time was

This discipling disciples is a kind of reproduction is spiritual It

works because the disciples pass the quality of life they have in
Christ to others (Luke 6:40).


a. A church meeting (Luke 13:10; Matthew 5:1-2) or a large

gathering of Christians.
It is important that disciples of Jesus gather together to worship
the Lord and participate in the full expression of the local body of
Christ (Hebrews 10:25). However, this type of meeting does not
foster deep, trusting friendships, nor does it encourage
individual needs and questions to be seen. These meetings are
also often restricted to fixed times and locations, and this may
not be when the people you are discipling need help.

b. A home group or building group

(Matthew 13:36; Luke 9:18)
Jesus often taught a small group of his disciples. the. The size
of this group allows for teaching, discussion and for people to
share. A greater pro can be established friendship among
members of a small group than with a large group of people,
and they may be more flexible in planning and organizing

c. One-on-one discipleship (John 3:1-21, 21:15-22)

This method is very good in terms of developing relationships.
tions, the intimate and individual sharing of personal ministry
and to provide answers to questions. Therefore, this kind of
discipleship is especially important for new Christians, to help
them become firmly established in the kingdom of God and in
the local church. Every discipler should Be available to help one-
on-one when the person you are discipling needs this kind of
personal contact. However, this method is costly in terms of time
and labor.

of work and does not encourage a broader communion.

The best method is a combination of all three.
58 National Baptist Convention of


They should:
- Be hungry for the Word of God.
- Have a thirst for living in holiness.
- Desire a greater knowledge of God.
- Be committed to the Lordship of Jesus in your life, wanting His
will in all matters, no matter what the cost.
- Have the desire to be used by God.
- Feel love for God and for all his people.
- Be filled and trust your Holy Spirit.

These characteristics may not be fully developed, but there

should be at least an indication that these things are developing
in your life.
(1 Corinthians 4:15, 16; 1 Thessalonians 1:6, 2:7-8).



- Communicate with joy and enthusiasm in Christ to your

- Teach your disciples unconditional and selfless love.
- Be easily available to your disciples, helping them, giving your
time, energy, a day off and even financial help.
- Share your life as a true friend in Christ with your disciples.
- Pray for your disciples whenever you think of them
- Facilitate the liberation of his disciples through prayer for them.
- Challenge his disciples to even greater faith.

- Encourage the potential seen in disciples.

- Express approval and nurture the best qualities seen in your
- Give a good example to the disciples, always being punitive
tuales; stopping bad habits; never doing anything that would
cause another to stumble; giving time, resources and talent
cough to extend the kingdom of God.



a. If there is someone who decides for you:

This may be because you have a choice: you have chosen to
lead a home group or a new Christian building group. In this
case, follow the guidelines given by leadership.

b. If you have the power to decide:
Jesus prayed to God before
choosing those he trusted would
bring his discipleship program do
(Luke 6:12-13).
the people we already know so that
we can disciple them. So, we need
to keep our eyes open and look. It
may also be that God has chosen

when you are looking for He needed wisdom from God to

someone make the right selection. We
to disciple, you should have this same source of
look for those people wisdom available if you need it.
that they are willing to Let us ask in faith (James 1:5-
listen, learn, forgive. 8). God is more likely to select
someone from
you to disciple someone (or a
60 National Baptist Convention of

group of people) that you (or others) have brought (or have to
bring) to the Lord.

When you are looking for someone to disciple, you should look
for those people who are willing to listen, learn, forgive, trust,
serve, sacrifice, love God, grow spiritually. tually, be faithful,
recognize your needs, remain open to God, and commit to the
wisdom of God's Word and His Spirit.

These qualities may not be evident in people. at the beginning of

your program
of discipleship. 0000000000000000000000000
Remember that God only
People can seem quite promise to help us
uneducated, although they when we are doing
esteem bles at first, but you his will.
should perceive or feel in God,
that potentially these people will
manifest these qualities.
Remember that God only promises to help us when we are
ceding his will. So, don't commit to anyone you're not sure of in
God. It is also recommended that you do not take on any
member of the opposite sex if you disciple on a one-to-one
basis, because certain aspects of life to be shared are too

Do not compete with the leaders above you, nor with your

If they don't already know what you intend to do, then explain
the program to them and submit to any decisions they make.

Nor do you take on too many disciples. Are you per People will
need your help, and if you spread yourself too thin across a
number of people, you will decrease your effectiveness. It is
better to disciple one person well than many people poorly.


If you are the one choosing the people you will disciple, it is
recommended that you approach them to explain what you have
in mind. Give them an idea of what discipleship is all about, and
if you propose using this manual to help them, show it and
explain its usefulness. They will also need you to tell them what
you expect of them (for example, meet at least once a week).
mana for about two hours; review the teaching unit during the
week before meeting with you and submit to your spiritual
authority as a discipler (Hebrews 13:17). It is important that the
people involved buy Get into the concept of discipleship
willingly. Ask them to pray about it.

If you have been asked to bring a group of people then the

same Our principles apply. These principles should be shared
either with individuals or with the group at your first meeting


a. Love God first and foremost (Matthew 22:37).

b. Love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:39).

c. Be transformed to be more like Jesus

(2nd Corinthians 3:18).

d. Delight in obeying God, whatever the cost

(John 14:21).

e. Grow in knowledge of God's Word through group teaching

and discussion and also through personal Bible study (Luke

f. Change your lifestyle so that you do not like to do things that

dishonor God. Make time and desire to do what God wants you
to do, for example, setting time with the Lord daily, attending
62 National Baptist Convention of

church regularly, trusting in the Holy Spirit instead of your own

natural feelings. rails, etc. (Luke 9:23; Galatians 5:13-25;
Romans 12:1-2.

g. Learning and becoming more proficient in the skills is

essentials that a disciple of Jesus should be confident in, for
example, giving his testimony, how to lead an interested person
to the Lord, how to teach others, and pray for new souls for

Quality often produces quantity, but quantity itself does not
necessarily produce quality. We need to pass on to others the
quality of life we have in Christ. So those few who receive this
quality of life in Christ need to be encouraged. two to pass it
again. Over time, if this process continues, the few will multiply
into the many.


1. Are the principles of discipleship presented valid for

Christians of this century?

2. Do you believe that the church, in general, has been

successful in building the proper foundations of biblical truth in
Christians to help them live victorious and fruitful lives, bringing
glory to God and extension to his Kingdom as they should do?
Could a discipleship program help?

3. Is there a need for a systematic method of discipleship, or is


it enough to just meet and progress, depending on the needs of

the group, or how the discipler feels led?

4. Discuss the difference between “informing” the mind and

“forming” the life of disciples.

5. If you want to disciple others, what is your motivation,

curiosity, guilt, insecurity, duress, recognition, love, vision and
the calling of God?

6. Could you say to another person, 'limit me,' and know that if
they did, they would live a life like Jesus intended them to live?

7. Are you headed somewhere in terms of discipleship?

If not, what are you going to do about it?

1. Every Christian should be involved in the process of

discipleship, either being discipled or discipling others.

2. God leads us to a degree of maturity so that we can pass on

to others the quality of life in Christ that we have achieved.

3. All levels of activity in the church should have discipleship as

their goal.

4. We should concentrate our discipleship efforts on faithful

64 National Baptist Convention of

men, who will successively be able to teach others (2 Timothy


5. Those who disciple others should be people who others can

emulate and who set a good example.

6. Do not commit to discipling anyone if you are not sure that

God is with them.

7. Make sure that the teaching your disciples receive is a

balance between who they are in Christ and what they should
aspire to in Christ.

8. Never compete with your leadership when discipling others,

and do not take on the burden of more disciples than you can
effectively handle.
58th National Baptist Convention of Mexico
Part 1
60th National Baptist Convention of Mexico
68 National Baptist Convention of


Jesus said: All authority has been given to me in heaven and on
earth. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit; teaching them to observe all things that I have
commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end
of the world . (Matthew 28:18-20)

Jesus Christ has
commissioned to
God has always wanted his people to be
all that
blessed (Genesis 22:16-18; Psalms 67:1-7;
they follow him
1 Timothy 2:3-4;
Revelation 7:9-11).
When man rebelled against God, He had disciples, to
already planned to send His Son Jesus to preach the
be the last witness to humanity (John 3:16, Gospel and
20:21). do
After Jesus finished his work,
God sent his Holy Spirit in power so that all who follow Jesus will
be equipped to be his witnesses, even to the ends of the earth
(Acts 1:8).

God has established the church for the primary purpose of

showing God's light to the people of the world who are trapped in
darkness (2 Corinthians 4:3-4).


Jesus Christ has commissioned all who follow him how to see
true disciples, to preach the Gospel and make disciples among
all the people (that is, nations) of the world (Mark 16:15; Matthew

We have been sent as ambassadors of Christ (2 Corinthians


God has promised that we will be his witnesses in the power of
the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8).

Remember, our commission is to make disciples, not with waste.

A disciple is a person who changes his life, while after a convert
only changes his mind!

But you will receive power when the Essence has come upon
you. Holy Spirit, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem (the
local area), in all Judea (the country where you live), in Samaria
(neighboring countries). us), and to the ends of the earth. (Acts

The Great Commission sends us to the whole world, but that

world begins in our home. So:

- We should be witnesses for our relatives, friends and

- We should witness in our workplace
(school, college, etc.), and in our social activities (for example,
soccer, tennis, mothers' club, etc.)
- If God calls us to another town, city or country to share the
Good News of Jesus in that place, we need to be obedient to
his call.


a. Prayer: For example, praying for opportunities for the Gospel
to be preached (Colossians 4:3); for protection for those who
work for the Lord by witnessing (Romans 15:30-31); for boldness
and power in speaking the Word of God (Acts 4:29 31); so that
more workers are sent to the harvest field (Matthew 9:38).
70 National Baptist Convention of

b. Giving : We can give from our finances (2 Corinthians 8:1-4),

but mainly, we can offer ourselves so that God can use us as he

c. Go: Jesus did not commission us to

stay not and wait for the world to come
to us, but to go throughout the world to
reach the unreached with the message
of God's love in Christ.


- God has told every disciple to go disciples of Jesus,
and tell the world of His love and what must
He has done for humanity through commit to
Jesus (Mark 16:15; John 3:16). all heart to desire
of God
- There will be accountability for those to see reached
who ignore the Great Commission everyone
(Ezekiel 33:8-9; Proverbs 24:11-12).

- God sees a man's soul as more important and valuable than

all the riches of the world (Matthew 16:26).

- The people of this world are in a desperate state and Jesus is

their only hope. He is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6).
He is the answer you need.

- Nobody in the world has an excuse. Everyone who doesn't

respond give to the Gospel will be lost eternally (Romans 1:18-
20; John 3:18; Matthew 25:31-46).

- More than half of the population has never heard the Gospel.
As true disciples of Jesus, we must commit ourselves
wholeheartedly to God's desire to see everyone reached (John

How then will they call upon him in whom they have not
And how will they believe in him of whom they have not heard?
And how can they hear without a preacher? And how will they
preach if they are not sent?
As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who
announce peace, of those who announce Good News!
Romans 10:14-15

God wants to see his Kingdom established on earth as it is in

heaven (Matthew 6:10). This can be seen, time after time, in the
ministry of Jesus (Matthew 4:17,23; 6:33; 9:35; Acts 1:3).
Indeed, this was the reason why Jesus came to earth
(Colossians 1:12-14). The Kingdom of God is not a matter of
eating, drinking or speaking, but of righteousness, peace, joy
and power in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17; 1 Corinthians 4:20).

Jesus also said: The kingdom of God will not come with warning,
nor will they say, Lo here, or lo there: for lo, the kingdom of God
is among you . Luke 17:20-21.

So wherever we go, as disciples of Jesus, the kingdom of God

goes too. The justice, peace, and power of God should be
evident in our lives, so that when we proclaim the Gospel of
Jesus Christ it goes hand in hand with the testimony and
experience of our lives. Other people need to see what works for
us. They need to see the kingdom of God in our lives just as
people saw it in the life of Jesus.


Jesus said: And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached
throughout the world, as a testimony to all nations; And then the
end will come . (Matthew 24:14).
72 National Baptist Convention of

In the end, Jesus will return in power and in great glory and will
gather all those He has chosen to be with Him in eternity (Ma
Theo 24:30-31; 1 Thessalonians 4:16; Revelation 17:4). God will
then establish a new heaven and a new earth, the home of
righteousness (2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1-27, 22:1-5),
populated by all who have their names written in the li brother of
life of the Lamb (Revelation 20:15, 21:27; Luke 10:20). As
disciples of Jesus, we need to be ready and prepared for that
day (Matthew 24:37-44; 2 Peter 3:10-14).



God has a heart of love for the world. He revealed the extent
sion of his love by sending his Son Jesus into the world to die for
humanity (John 3:16; 1 Timothy 2:3-6; Isaiah 53:10-12).

God values the souls of men very highly (Mark 8:38) and does
not want anyone to perish (1 Peter 5:8; John 10:27-30).

However, those who do not accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ

will not see life, because the wrath of God will remain on them
(John 3:36). All people will face divine judgment (Hebrews 9:27)
and all people will reap what they sow (Galatians 6:7). If
someone rejects Jesus as their Lord and Savior, then on earth
they will remain in darkness and will lack peace, hope, joy,
forgiveness and fulfillment; For eternity he will suffer punishment
and be separated from God.

As disciples of Jesus, we need the same heart of compassion for

the lost that God has. We understand the fate of those who will
die without Christ. So the commandment of the Great
Commission is something we have to take very seriously. The
Great Commission should be central to the life of every Christian


1 .- Are you carrying out the great commission?

2 .- Should the Great Commission be the central principle of

the life of every disciple of Jesus, as well as of the entire church?

3 .- What should the life of a disciple of Christ be like?


-Every disciple of Jesus has been commissioned to go and make
disciples for Jesus.

-God loves humanity so much that he sent his Son Jesus to die
for us. If humanity does not accept God's provision, it will be
eternally lost. We as disciples of Jesus, need to reach out to
others in the Power of the Holy Spirit to prevent this from

-Jesus will return and the end will come when the gospel of the
Kingdom of God is preached to every nation.

-Our life should be a testimony of Jesus.

74 National Baptist Convention of



Part 2
68th National Baptist Convention of Mexico
76 National Baptist Convention of


The work of the Holy Spirit is the testimony of our lives. This is
the most important thing when it comes to men and women.
Most people have been discouraged and, as to them, the
unreality of organized religion. Sadly, many times they claim to
have been discouraged by the life they have known of those who
declare themselves Christians. This is the great challenge of our
day: Can credible Christian faith be seen in the lives of ordinary
men and women? In a world that lives in fear and is threatened
by disease and violence, does believing in Jesus make any

In the recent history of the

human race there has never The primary purpose of the
been a more urgent time for the coming of the Spirit of
power of the Holy Spirit to be God
demonstrated in real life terms. on the disciples was
like christ We should differentiate equip them to testify.
ourselves in terms of kindness, care,
love, ethical values and life. Jesus was not a religious person.
He was a real man. His difference caused men and women to
follow him: at the same time, his difference repelled those who
hated the goodness and love of God. In the end he forced them
to choose. Some followed him, others crucified him, but not even
those who crucified him cified could deny the testimony of his
life. Every believer is called to be a living witness of the life and
power of Jesus in the day in which he lives. Many people will
never enter a church or open a Bible, but they see the reflection
of the Word in our lives every day we encounter them.

The primary purpose of the coming of God's Spirit upon the

disciples was to equip them to witness. The Comforter does not
come to make men comfortable, but to make them witnesses for
Jesus (Acts 1:8). This is the promise It calls upon every believer
to open his life to the operation of the Holy Spirit in fullness. We
have been called to be witnesses of the Kingdom of God. The

secret of personal testimony is not in the intention sity, nor,

many times in the unreality of going out resolutely armed with a
bundle of treaties, prepared to pursue and hunt down every
unsuspecting soul; Rather, the true power of personal testimony
is felt where the reality of Jesus' love and power, through
someone, raises the kinds of questions in others that demand an

Christians, for the most part, have lost the art of being
"supernaturally natural" in their daily relationships and their daily
dealings with other people.
As witnesses of Jesus, our lives must be different and not
contradict what we say God is capable of doing. But more than
this, we need to receive the power of the Holy Spirit in us. We
also need to lose our reservation about witnessing Jesus
publicly, even if we are branded as extremists or crazy.


It is true to say that God has never been without witness

throughout all of history, but now it is our turn! (Esther 4:14; 1
Peter 2:9). We must remember that if we fail in our another
testimony then it is possible that our generation will be left
without a testimony. Past testimony is good, but we need to
continue this today. If our lives do not witness to Jesus in the
power of the Holy Spirit, then perhaps those people who are
close to us every day will not receive any other blessings. direct
testimony of the goodness of God. We are responsible for being
the voice of Christ in our generation. It is not worth looking
towards others. We were born for this: to witness the power of
Christ in our lives.


Personal testimony does not depend, first of all, on our expertise

but on our breadth. Personal testimony is not preaching, nor is it
78 National Baptist Convention of

giving public testimony; It is living our lives open to God on a

daily basis, and allowing the reality of God's love to flow from
within us into the lives of other people. Those are the ones we
have to live with every day. Jesus said that the power of the Holy
Spirit is like "living water" that flows from the depths of the being
of every person who believes in Him (John 7:37 39). We need to
be available to whatever God wants to do through us by His
Spirit, and be willing to consider our entire lives as the area in
which God can do His work.



1. Experience
Our testimony grows from our experience with Christ. There is
no real and vital truth apart from the experiential truth. tada,
because the truth is not effective in us unless we experience it.
Then it becomes real and powerful in our lives. This is what
Jesus meant when he said we would know the truth and the
truth would set us free (John 8:32). This is the heart of

A disciple is one who follows the truth, not as a mere philosophy

or ideology, but as a life-changing reality.

A disciple has a personal relationship of faith and commitment to

Him who was described as the “way, the truth, and the life”
(John 14:6). This is the difference between a person who can
repeat the story of Jesus and the person who says, "I know."
(2 Timothy 1:12).

The Holy Spirit brings us the experience of God. He makes real

in our lives the forgiveness and freedom that come from Christ's
work for us. He releases the power of God, by which we are able
to live and act in the reality of the kingdom of God,
In our life. This is why the
conversion and engagement 0000000000000000000000000

process is so important. Then The Holy Spirit is given

we get to see truly aware that as engagement ring
we have been turned away between two people who
from an old way of living and love: God and us
have entered into the reality of
a new life in Christ.

For many who never enter a church or never read a Bible, our
lives will be the first and most important testimony of the power
of God that they may ever know. As someone said, "Our lives
are probably the first Bibles many people read." The material for
personal testimony is built by the Holy Spirit in the very fiber of
our own experience of life in Christ.

2. Certainty
The Holy Spirit is Himself, first of all, a witness of Jesus Himself.
It is the Holy Spirit who points us to Jesus and reveals to us the
meaning of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection (John 16:13-14).
But it is also a witness within us. This is the foundation of our
certainty and confidence as believers (Romans 8:16).

Having believed in him, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of
promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance until the re
dention of the acquired possession, to the praise of his glory.
(Ephesians 1:13-14)

The word "arras" here also means "engagement ring." so" from
the original Greek. Therefore, the Holy Spirit is given as an
engagement ring between two people who love each other: God
80 National Baptist Convention of

and us. Here lies the secret of effective personal testimony. It is

not something hypertensive and full of anxiety, but it is
something that attests to this relationship of trust and security
that exists between the heavenly Father and his newborn child.

3. Boldness
And now, Lord, look at their threats, and grant to your servants
that they speak your word with all boldness. (Acts 4:29)

The early Christians spoke and acted with a boldness that did
not come from themselves, but was the result of the work of the
Holy Spirit in their hearts. Jesus had promised his disciples that
they would not have to be afraid when they were given He
wanted them to give an account of themselves to Him, because
they would be given at that very moment what to say. The book
of Acts clearly demonstrates that the Holy Spirit gives the words
and power to those who faithfully testify about what Jesus
means to them.

4. Understanding
Some people are afraid to share their faith and experience of
God's work in their lives because they lack confidence. This fear
arises from ignorance, that is, they do not feel that they know
enough to answer questions or difficulties that may result from
their testimony.

There are three simple steps you can take to overcome this fear.

First, start where you are. A testimony is talking about how you
have come to know God in your own life.
People don't want a theological treatise, and Satan is likely to try
to paralyze you with fear anyway, asking questions you would
never be asked! You know something that no one else in the
world knows: what God has done for you in Christ and by the
power of the Holy Spirit.

Second, resolve to move forward from where you are. The Holy
Spirit himself is your Teacher. You will be amazed at how much
you can grow in your understanding if you take the time and
effort with the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 2:12-13).

Third, get help where you can to develop your understanding.

diment. Today, there are a large number of aids for our spiritual
understanding at our disposal, for example, books,
concordances, etc. We need to be willing to give our time and
our minds to the Lord, and put aside some of the trivialities that
many of us fill our lives with.

5. Ability
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are nowhere more relevant It is in our
life that in the area of testimony. The Holy Spirit not only gives
us the power to speak, but through his gifts of wisdom and
discernment, he shows us when and how to speak in any given
situation. We all live under the shadow of the great commission
to go and make disciples of all nations, but we are not alone in
this task. Jesus promised his cousins We were disciples that He
would always be with them and He is always with us, giving us
power and guidance through the Spirit that He has sent, to
enable us each day in our testimony for Him.

6. Chance
The Holy Spirit leads men and women in areas of witness
effective mon. He is always taking the initiative, opening the right
doors where He has prepared the ground for
82 National Baptist Convention of

the reception of the gospel (e.g., Acts 8:26-39). Life takes on a

whole new dimension when we are prepared.
encouraged to follow, every day, the
guidance of the Spirit on all occasions. Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
The Holy Spirit will prepare the hearts
and lives of the people with whom we
have to deal, so that they can receive
the testimony that we give them of the
power of Jesus.

Our whole life is an opportunity and if

we open ourselves to the possibilities
of the Holy Spirit, we will be surprised
It is the love of
how These opportunities will be given
to us to share what our faith in Jesus
means to us. This does not mean that which forces us to
we always have to be striving to break be your witnesses.
into people's lives, it means that we we are not taken
need to follow the Lord when He opens for fear,
the door by His Spirit. culpability
or condemnation.
Testifying means many things. On llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
some occasions it will mean making a clear statement of
what we believe and why we believe it. mos; At other
times, it will mean that we are God's way out of any
situation, demonstrating his love and power through our
attitudes and concern for others. In any case, it is not a
testimony of ourselves, but of the loving power of the Lord
Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 4:5).

7. Love
It is the love of Christ that forces us to be his witnesses.
We are not led by fear, guilt or condemnation. Everything
is They have been removed by the forgiving power of
God's love.

Because we have come to know the reality of God's love in our

hearts and lives, we want as many people as possible to share
this same gift (2 Corinthians 5:14). People feel a reality like that.
It is not something that arises from our nature. human race but
this is, again, a product of the work of the Holy Spirit in our
hearts (Romans 5:5). It is the power of this love working in us
that transforms our testimony into something more than words (1
John 3:16,18).


1 .- The main reason for the coming of the Holy Spirit is to

provide the disciples of Jesus to witness.

2 .- If we don't reach our generation, no one else will!

3 .- The truth of God experienced is what will change our life

and what will seem real to others when they look at our life.

4 .- As disciples of Jesus who know the love and power of God,

we should want all people on earth to enjoy the same.



78th National Baptist Convention of Mexico


Matthew 9:35-38
The condition of our world is more
alarming every day, but even more so
that those of us who were entrusted with
leading life are so busy with ourselves 0000000000000000000 Wi
We are involved in activities in the
church but without seeing or reaching Let's see with love
those who need Jesus. what do you look with
our Lord,
SECOND TIME; MEDITATION let's not just see the
How the Lord Jesus attended to the behavior but
urgent idea of a lost world, teaches us the heart.
how we should do it: 0000000000000000000

I. Let's tour all the cities and

a. It is time to leave the activities of our temples and go out to
the streets, neighborhoods and neighborhoods where the true
need is.
b. All of us, it seems that it was a job that left no one out,
sometimes we think that only where we live is our task, it was
not the Lord's idea
c. Teaching, preaching and healing every sickness and
disease. All the ministries that we can carry out in order to heal,
that is our mission, to see the wounds and ailments and give

II. Let's see with the eyes of Jesus

to. We have stopped seeing, we are absorbed and even in love
prayed from ourselves without turning to those who are
suffering. b. Let's not see what everyone else, let's see with the
love with which we see our Lord, let's not only see the behavior
but the heart c. For the Lord they are multitudes, there are many
87 National Baptist Convention of

people, very varied and with so many needs. There are millions,
how are we going to reach them?

III. Let us have the compassion of Jesus

a. Compassion comes from the heart, a place where you can
tell if I have We let in to change our values and priorities.
b. The reason is because the Lord sees people as real. Mind
they are, helpless and dispersed.
c. It doesn't matter whether people seem confident, well-
groomed, or apathetic; For the Lord they are in great need of
shelter and protection, of guidance so as not to continue lost in
what the world offers as “the best.”

What will we do ?

1. If the Lord has spoken to you in this study, what are you
going to do or change?

2. Make a list of five family members you would like to share

the gospel with. Five friends, five neighbors and five

3. Choose five so that this week you can share the gospel with

4. Pray for them so that the Lord will open their hearts and
show you the son of peace.

5. Share the testimony of your conversion and the wonders

that the Lord has done in your life.




82nd National Baptist Convention of Mexico


MARK 5:1-20
1. A list of the first twenty prospects is best on the blank page
of your bible or in the brochure offered by the campaign.
2. Chapters read from the Bible during the week
3. Shared the gospel with someone


This passage shows us the love of the Lord Jesus for the
oppressed, the grateful response and what he expects from
everyone who is liberated by him.

1. Shows us our condition The Lord removes the
without Christ torment
2. The terrible condition of being of our lives and we
integrates into a new life

ungovernable, for our sin and 0000000000000000000000000

for leaving satan the
control of our lives
3. No one could hold him down, it is our condition and those
around us regret not being able to help us.
4. Despite the terrible situation, always in our hearts Another
spirit longs for peace. He went to Jesus and the Lord had
compassion on him.

II. It shows us the effect of the Lord's presence in him.

1. The one who had been tormented, that is the past, that is
what the Lord does, there is a past but to remember and thank
2. Sitting, dressed and in his right mind. The Lord removes the
torment from our lives and integrates us into life.
3. I wanted to follow him and walk with him, it would be what
we all want but it is not always exactly what the Lord wants from
91 National Baptist Convention of

III. Shows us what the Lord expects of us

1. May we go to our loved ones and share with them the
blessing of the encounter with Jesus.
2. Tell them, it's not about studies and conferences but about
con tell your story of how the Lord transformed your life.
3. It is talking about the great things he has done for us and his
mercy to lift us up from the condition we were in.
4. He not only goes to his family but to the ten cities in his
region and fulfills the Lord's order. People also receive his
testimony and marvel at the work of Jesus in his life.


1. From the list of friends, family... choose five to whom you will
share your testimony.

2. Do not wait for an opportunity, that is the way we have done

it, not now we have to create the opportunity to share because
of what the Lord did and the great need of those who are without

3. Let's share our testimony in class and practice to improve

our way of sharing it.





86 National Baptist Convention of Mexico


Matthew 28:19

1. Share the experience of having spoken about Christ to the
five on your list
2. Your Bible reading
3. Recommendations to continue sharing

The message we have to carry is the
The message
gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news You
what we have
go from God to give us forgiveness of our
what to wear is
sins, give us new, abundant life and eternal
the gospel of
life. But the order is to take it to the ends of
Jesus Christ
the earth, in so how will we do it?
YO. Go
1. “Go” is the order that the Lord left us
2. The task is about going out, we were educated to come, to
meet and return, but no, we need to go to where those we want
to reach are.
3. Let's start with the people we have on our list and then open
our eyes to where the Lord is working to go to them.

II. make a disciple

1. It is the way in which the Lord recruited his followers, called
them to leave everything and follow him in this enterprise of
saving men.
2. As the EPE book says, the gospel must be shared with
everyone and the Lord will be in charge of raising up among
them those who will not only reproduce but will train others and
multiply us. We see it as in the book of acts.
3. Take one or the first five on your list and make it a disc pulo,
95 National Baptist Convention of

a follower of the Lord who also gratefully shares the gospel and
makes disciples.

III. Let him be baptized.

1. Lead him to identify with the Lord, to show his gratitude and
2. It is a public act that shows your commitment to Christ
3. It is necessary as the Lord told John the Baptist, because it
is the essence of the gospel; his death, his burial and his

IV. And teach him “to observe all things that the Lord has
1. The Lord taught us in the Sermon on the Mount that we are
the salt and light of the world, that our testimony should lead
them to glorify God

2. He also taught with his daily life to go for the sick, the
possessed, and those who were lost.

3. To teach others so that they also bring this salvation to the

ends of the earth


1. Share with three or five others on your list this week

2. Set a day and time to disciple those who have already made
a decision to believe the gospel and follow Jesus.

3. Teach him to make his list of people with whom he wants to

share his testimony of faith in Jesus Christ.


90th National Baptist Convention of Mexico

Hebrews 12:28

First time
Share how our disciples and the people who were shared with
them are doing this week.
Review of chapters read from the Bible
Prayer of gratitude for results
Song: Give us a taste of the gospel

Second time: Meditation, Bible study

Now there is peace in our hearts, the coming of Christ has made
beautiful and incredible changes, those who know us are
surprised den of these things and represents an opportunity for
us to explain experience the joy of having given our lives to

YO. You have received a kingdom that cannot be shaken.

1. It is the way in which the writer explains the blessing of
having been forgiven, of now being a child of God, of the King
and now enjoying an unshakeable kingdom.
2. We have approached Jesus, his blood has cleansed us and
made us partakers of his city and kingdom,
3. Now we are registered in heaven thanks to the fact that the
Lord forgave us and assures us that no one will take away from
us what he gave us. John 10:27-29

II. Have gratitude.

1. Many were touched by Jesus and their lives were trans
forming them, now you have also received that blessing, give
2. The Lord found you and restored your life, you found
strength to live, direction when everything was lost, for that and
much more you should be grateful
3. But above all the greatest blessing is that he has given us
the salvation of our soul, as John 3:16 says.
99 National Baptist Convention of

III. Through it he serves God.

1. Like those lepers who were healed, one returned and

thanked the Lord Jesus, worshiping him, recognizing him and
taking him into account in our lives is the gratitude that the Lord
expects of us
2. God is waiting for us to serve Him not as a burden but as a
way of giving thanks like that woman did by anointing the Lord
with her expensive perfume. John 12:1-8
3. We do not serve people or groups, we
The Lord does serve God because we are infinite grateful
not to him.
just hope that
IV. Pleasing him with fear and
let us serve
you and
already, but
1. The Lord not only expects us to serve
let's do like
him and that's it, but that we do it as he
2. You will ask what the Lord wants. Like Abel when offering his
offering he gave his best.
3. What pleases the Lord most is when we live lives that glorify
Him and when we fulfill the mission that He left us before going
to heaven, go and make disciples to the ends of the earth.
4. When you witness, make disciples, share with those on your
prayer list, God is pleased because he came to die for them.

Third period: homework

1. This week, be sure to visit those who are your dis disciples
and ask them if they are already sharing and making a disciple.

2. Make time in your meeting group or church to share your

gratitude and bring an offering for that reason.


94 National Baptist Convention of Mexico

Acts 2:38-47

First time:
1. Share the response of those new to the list to whom it was
2. Prayer for the disciples

Second time: Meditation

Those who heard the powerful preaching of what the Lord came
to suffer for us and give us through his death the forgiveness of
our sins and through his resurrection the power to live a new life.
Those who believed were baptized and gathered together to
celebrate their salvation, to learn more about their savior, and to
prepare to share this blessing with others.
The response to the preaching of the work of Jesus, his death
and resurrection

1. Believe in Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins

2. Repentance is what Peter asks to recognize that we have

sinned, that we have lived apart from God and that in We
believe that we have offended him and that he is the Lord who
has the power to forgive our sin.
3. It is believing that Jesus is the Christ, the one who died in
our place to give us the opportunity to repent and start a new
4. Be baptized in Christ, be immersed in the blood of Christ for
the forgiveness of our sins. Believe in His work on the cross to
bear our sin and give us eternal salvation. John 3:16.
5. Everyone who believes receives the presence of God in their
life through the Holy Spirit. God himself dwelling in us working
our forgiveness and transformation to a new life.

II. Those who believed were baptized.

1. Those who believed were baptized, they understood that this
103 National Baptist Convention of

was the order of the Lord for everyone who believed and
became a disciple.
2. It is the baptism that speaks of the saving work of Jesus. His
death, standing before God and men. His grave ture, to be
submerged in water. His resurrection, raised from the water for a
new life.
3. Baptism that allowed them to identify with all the disciples
those of Jesus and who bore witness to his real faith in the
gospel. Obedience

III. They persevered in fellowship, teaching, and worship.

1. Each believer became part of the group, and in their desire
to know more about their savior, they followed the others to
learn how to follow him.
2. They met every day or on meeting days to give thanks for
the blessing of forgiveness and the new life they already enjoyed
in Christ.
3. They gathered to learn from the word of the Lord and from
the experience experience of the apostles and disciples in their
walk with the Lord.
4. They joined the church or at home to prepare and carry
spread the gospel to your family and friends. Because every day
the Lord added what was to be saved.
5. This is what makes a church. Men who have believed in
Christ, who persevered in worship out of gratitude, who gather
for fellowship and learning and who are serving, sharing the
gospel, making disciples by adding them to the church or home
group. Acts 5:42

Third time
1. Homework, join the church or group at home.
2. Or I will make your house a cell, home group or a church in
3. Don't stop sharing this week and visiting your disciples


98 National Baptist Convention of Mexico

Luke 9:23

First time:
1. How do you feel in your walk with Jesus?
2. Of those who are sharing the gospel and inviting them to be
disciples, how has their response been?
3. Let us pray that the Lord completes the work in their lives.

Second time: Meditation

Already in these moments you have experienced different
feelings timents regarding the new way of life with Jesus,
possible Mind you, you are struggling with your old way of living
and also the harassment of those who have been surprised by
the change your life has had. The Lord tells us that if we want to
follow Him we must make these decisions.
1.deny yourself
2.It is selfishness, spoiling 0000000000000000000000000
yourself and not wanting to give Stop being us and give it to
up what used to give you Lord control and direction
pleasure. of our lives is what
3.Stopping being us and giving It also means denying
the Lord control and direction of 0000000000000000000000000
our lives is what it means. ca
refuse as well.
4.In Galatians
Paul 2:20experience
explains his the apostleof living for God, when he says; I
no longer lived but Christ lives in me.

II. Take up your cross every day

1. Taking up the cross is something that the Jews understood
very well because it was the instrument of torture that the
Romans used to punish eter them and punish them
2. Following Jesus demands being aware of the cost, trial or
persecution for some.
3. Your cross not the Lord's, which indicates that it is what the
Lord allows me to live to bear witness to my commitment to him
107 National Baptist Convention of

and the way he will use me to bless others.

III. Follow it!
1. This is what it is to be a disciple, it is about following him,
going after him. So in his word we find the guide to how he lived
2. To know him better is to read his word, pray seeking him
every day and try to live as he lived.
3. It is learning from him and from the brothers or sisters that
the Lord has placed as your guides to know how to live each day
with him and for him.

Third period: homework

1. Encourage those you are discipling so that they do not
become discouraged by criticism, falls, and trials.

2. Give time to those who are also making disciples

3. Keep sharing with others on your list, this keeps your

experience with Christ and the pleasure of talking about the Lord


102 National Baptist Convention of Mexico

Acts 2:38; John 16:13; 7-11

First time:
1. What has been the most difficult part of sharing the gospel?
and discipleship
2. Let us pray and ask the Lord for his strength and direction.

Second time: Meditation

When we believe in the work of Christ for our salvation We
receive the forgiveness of our sins and the Holy Spirit, which
guarantees our salvation, the direction for this new life and its
power to live it and help us fulfill the task of taking the gospel to
the ends of the earth.
Everything the Spirit does for us:
1. We receive it as a promise after repenting and believing.
Acts 2:38
2. It is a gift that we receive, but we cannot measure the
greatness of the gift, the very presence of God in our hearts.
3. That is why when we believe many things happen to us, we
feel peace, gratitude, forgiveness, we shed tears of emotion, we
feel different and more things that every believer tells.

II. He guides us into all truth. John 16:13

1. It is the presence of the Lord through his Spirit that enables
you to live the new life as a disciple.
2. Miraculously the Spirit guides our thoughts to lead us to his
truth and teaches us the best
3. The Spirit tells our spirit that we are his and gives us the
certainty that we are his children. Romans 8:16

III. He convinces men of their need for God. John 16:7-11

1. The Lord has saved us by his grace and love, but he wants
111 National Baptist Convention of

2. all men come to him and be saved

3. Having saved us, he gave us the task of bringing the gospel
and inviting men to be his disciples and be saved from this
perverse generation.
4. He, as this passage says, is already working in the hearts of
men, we just have to pray and ask for his direction to go to those
he is already touching.

IV. He has the power for us to fulfill the mission he gave us.
Hec. 1:8
1. Humanly it seems impossible, he will make man's heart
incline towards God, but his Spirit will touch the hearts. tougher
2. God will work miracles ity 0000000000000000000000000

and of all kinds to bring

conviction in the hearts of men to
save them. Acts 3. There are
testimonies poreans of the
Miracles that the Lord through
his Spirit continues to do to give
authority give to his disciples
and people believe in the Lord He has the power to
Jesus we can fulfill the mission
4. He has the power so that we to bring his gospel
can fulfill the mission of taking <XXXXXXXXXX

his gospel to the ends of the earth.

Third period: homework

1. Pray with faith and ask for those who are in need and you
are sharing the gospel with them and inviting them to be

2. This week share the word with others on your list and do it
with the conviction that the Lord is already working in their
hearts beforehand and courageously invite them to make the
decision to follow Jesus


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Matthew 28:20

First time: sharing experiences

1. In these two months, how many have accepted to be
2. How many have believed in Christ as their Savior

Second time: meditation

This course is eight lessons, this does not mean that it is
enough, but it is the basic time to follow the Lord, have an
encounter with him and as a sign of our gratitude, serve him and
do it in the way that the Lord wants and wait for us. Fulfill the
mission that he left us before ascending to heaven, take his
gospel and make disciples to the ends of the earth.
But following him does not end, he left us the mandate to teach
all things related to his kingdom and the way to reach the stature
of the Lord and be perfect, better prepared, to fulfill the mission.

1. Teach him to keep all things

2. Following the Lord is the most beautiful experience after
receiving Him as our Savior.
3. We have obeyed by being baptized, by sharing our tea
tymony, speaking of the gospel, making disciples and gathering
together as our first steps, but the Lord said, all things sas
4. This means that the Lord expects the fullness of us
dedicated to him. Obedience is the key to following the Lord,
keeping what he said.
5. All things, as instruments of God, all of these will serve us
for the many ways in which the Lord will use us.

II. Teach him,

1. His Spirit guides him, the Word of God instructs him, but you
are his coach,

2. Your company, support and direction will show him the way
to be and make disciples. He will learn from you more than from

the lessons

III. Teach him that his best companion is the Lord

1. He said that he will be with us, we rest knowing that he is
always with us through his Spirit
2. What a blessing, what a guarantee to know that it
accompanies us at all times.
3. Every day, this emphasis helps us know that the Lord knows
we need him at every step and in every circumstance of life.
4. Until the end of the world, as long as it is needed he will be
there, what a blessing, if things drag on, there is no problem he
will be there. Whether we finish the project or it takes longer,
your company is assured.

Third time: to do
1. If you finished the lessons, you have given your life to the
Lord, you were baptized, you are already making disciples,
meeting in a group, thank God, faith we congratulate.
2. Keep doing all this and we suggest a profile model of a
disciple who keeps all things, to continue your walk with the Lord
and mature in your faith:



*My experience with Jesus
* My encounter with Jesus
* my baptism

MY THANKS Hebrews 12:28

* My service out of gratitude
* my mission
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Testimony, be salt and light

Be a witness Make disciples
Serve the church and neighbors

Fundamental doctrines
Our principles
Our articles of faith
Our name CNBM
Our history

OUR MISSION (To the ends of the earth)

* Radical, Be a disciple
* Make a disciple, EPE, Training for trainers
* Discipling relationship

50 days Renewing my family Family emergency

COACH (Multiplier)
MY CHURCH (Your mission)
Vision, Mission and Goals Ministries
A radical town

EPE, for coaches
Live in Mission
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MATTHEW 28.19-20
I. The voice from above. – The voice of God that
commands us.
A. The mandate – id. Mark 16:15 “And he said to them, Go into
all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. “
B. The authority – Christ himself. Matthew 28:18-20 Who is
giving the order? It is Christ, the son of god, the ruler of the
universe. His authority demands a positive and immediate
response. Is Christ your Lord? If
Christ is not Lord of everything, he
is not Lord of anything.
You don't need a calling: you
already have a mandate!

II. The voice within – the voice

There has to be a
of the spirit that constrains us.
A. Debtor to all men. Romans urgency regarding
1:14-16: From the day we knew the
Christ, comes We are to be
task of winning
responsible for the evangelization
of the entire world. lost before
B. Necessity is imposed on me. 1 be too late
Corinthians 9:16: “16 If I preach the gospel, I have no reason to
boast; because necessity is imposed on me; and woe to me if I
do not proclaim the gospel!”
There must be urgency about the task of winning the lost before
it is too late. That urgency should encourage us to go out and

III. The voice from outside – the voice of the lost that cries
out to us.
Matthew 9:36-38
A. Christ had compassion on the lost sheep.
Matthew 9:36-38:
Compassion – “to be moved to the core.” It's feeling a knot, or
having butterflies in your stomach.
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To have compassion is to be moved in the heart, the center of

emotions. It is being so affected by the need that we have to do
something to meet that need.
It is being moved to act. This is exactly what Christ felt.
We need to see the multitudes as Christ
we need to see
sees them. They are crying and screaming,
to the crowds
because of the weight of their sin. Sinners
just like Christ
are totally lost. They are on the edge of
sees them.
eternity, getting closer and closer to the
They are crying
B. Christ called his disciples to be workers
screaming, for
in his vineyard.
the weight of
IV. The voice from below – the voice of the
counts We swim in the hell that screams at us. Luke 16:22-31
A. Two men – one lost and the other saved.
B. The rich man – in hell, without hope. Being in hell, this man
has a desire to see the salvation of his five brothers. :27-29 He
has a passion for the lost in his home.

Illustration: I was the first in my family to receive Christ. Maybe

my relatives in hell were longing for my salvation too.
We see the key in verse 29 – “ They have Moses and the
prophets; listen to them.”
Men need to hear the gospel of Christ in order to be saved.
Unfortunately, many men do not have the word of God. Romans
10:14,15. It is we believers who have to share the good news of
Christ with them.
Romans 10:14-15: How then will they call on him in whom they
have not believed? And how will they believe in him of whom
they have not heard? And how can they hear without a
preacher? And how will they preach if they are not sent? As it is
written: how beautiful are the feet of those who announce peace,
of those who announce good news!


Are you participating in the evangelization of the world?

Do you reflect on the voices around you this day?

1. The voice from above – that rules.

2. The voice inside – that constrains.

3. The voice outside – calling.

4. The voice below – that screams.

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Recently, I heard a message that Dr. John Macarthur shared

with his congregation decades ago about passion for the lost.
Inspired by that sermon, I want to share with you some ideas of
what is essential when it comes to evan gelize.
I think we have all gone through moments in our Christian lives
where we experienced a passion to evangelize, especially at the
beginning of our walk with God.

We began a relationship with him by his grace, discovering that,

as we grow in the Christian life, we acquire a “big brain” and as a
consequence the heart shrinks, and with it the passion for

what this new life offers , and we are filled with joy
inexplicable that we want to
share. In those moments, it As believers, we have to ask
seems that a pa sion like that of ourselves: Do we have a
Christ (Mark 1:14-15). However, passion for evangelism?
then comes a time where,Where does that passion go
perhaps influenced by the when we don't feel it? Why
rejection we experience whendoes evangelism sometimes
splitting the gospel, we go back seem distracting? tion for the
and little by little the passion we church, rather than its central
had fades away. could function?

We need evangelistic fervor.

As John Macarthur explains: “Evangelism is effective vo when it
comes from what Africans used to call the 'hot heart' rather than
the cold mind. It is the passion for holiness and the passion for
lost people… that fires the church and makes it powerful. When
the church is concerned about its comfort, something wrong has
taken control.”
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As believers, we have to ask ourselves: Do we have to sion for

evangelism? Where does that passion go when we don't feel it?
Why does evangelism sometimes seem to be a distraction for
the church, rather than its central function?

We can only return to the

Reformation to remember how Mt.
passion can be used by the Lord.
Erasmus of Rotterdam was the It is tragic when we have
greatest mind in the world at the
beginning of the 16th century. He lost warmth in our-
was a scholar with the most
powerful intellect of his time, but three hearts. Sometimes
he had a hesitant character. And
God did not use him to bring about we have a good mind
the reformation (although his
editing of the new testament was trained, but not a
loving heart.
Instead, God took the longing
rude and fiery Martin Luther; someone who did not possess the
tact of an Erasmus, but with fire in his heart. Thus, God used
him to change the course of church history.

We can also remember a saint of God, Horacio Bernar, who,

after listening to a young minister who preached with great
enthusiasm, said to him: “ You love to preach, don't you?” “Yes,
in fact, sir, I do love it,” replied the young man. “But,” said
Horace, “ do you love the men you preach to?” . This is the
problem for many of us: our love for people often fluctuates.
sometimes have We have a well-trained mind, but not a loving

It is tragic when we have lost warmth in our hearts. zones.

Sometimes we have a well-trained mind, but not a loving heart.

That is why we do well to remember men like John Knox. One of

his biographers said, “So powerful was he in his longing for lost
souls, that I thought he would break the pulpit into pieces.” When
we lose the passion to evangelize, the examples of men of the
past can help us. They show us that God is pleased to use brave
and passionate believers to preach the gospel.

Remembering the love of Jesus

Jesus has a passion for the souls of men. In the gospels, we see
him eager to reach the lost, cla I send for them (Mar. 1:14-15;
Jn. 4:34; Matt. 23:37). Although the men of the past can
encourage us, Jesus is the one who most models in us the
passion to evangelize. His ministry was basically one of
evangelism to multitudes, and also of personal evangelism (Cp.
Matt. 4:17; Jn. 1:43; Luc. 5:27-32).

Perhaps the most beautiful illustration of personal evangelism of

all time is Jesus' brief but moving encounter with the thief on the
cross (Luke. 23:39-43).
There, hanging on Calvary, Christ rescued the repentant thief
from eternal hell.

If our Lord Jesus Christ loved the lost in such a way, how can we
not ask God to renew our passion for Evan gel when we feel it's
gone? May the Lord grant that when we ask ourselves, “Do you
have a passion for evangelism? ”, our answer is always “yes”.

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There is no other who can solve the crises of this world - Only
Jesus! A certain father was in the living room reading the
newspaper, when his 5-year-old son came in and said: Daddy, I
want you to give me a toy. The father got up, went to the shelf,
took a torn world map and told the child: - Try to assemble this
map, putting each part in its correct place. Within a few minutes
the boy returned to his father and said: Ready! The map is
assembled. The father, amazed, took the map and saw that each
part was in its proper place and asked the child: How did you
manage to put that map together so quickly? The boy responded
– it was easy, because behind the map there was the figure of a
man, by reconstituting the man, I fixed the world.

The only man who can rebuild this world is Jesus. If man had
Jesus as a model, all human problems would be solved.

You may wonder: Why is Jesus the only solution? To answer this
question we first need to know who Jesus is. Is he God or man?


1 .-He is the center of human history, which he divided into two

parts: before Christ and after Christ.
2 .-Jesus is the central figure of the Holy Scriptures. a.-The
prophecies of the Old Testament pointed to him as the Messiah,
the Anointed One, Emmanuel, Savior, Redeemer.
b.-In the New Testament, the gospels mean good news, they
speak of his kingdom, his life, his grace and his love.
c.-Finally, the last book of the Bible, which is the Apocalypse,
reveals a victorious Christ, triumphant over sin and death. He
himself stated: “And he that is alive, and was dead; but behold, I
live forever and ever, amen. And I have the keys of death and
Hades” (Revelation 1:18). d.-He is described as the victor and to
whom all are attributed you give the honors. “To Him who sits on

the throne, and to the Lamb, be praise, honor, glory, and power,
forever and ever.” (Revelation 5:13).
3 .-Christ is equal to God the Father, affirms the apostle Paul:
“He is the image of the invisible God” (Colossians 1:15).

4 .-He is the Creator of all things. “For in him all things were
created, things in heaven and things on earth” (Colossians 1:16).

5 .-He is eternal. “And He is before all things, and in Him all

things hold together” (Colossians 1:17).

6 .- He is the Alpha and the Omega. He says, “I am the Alpha

and the Omega, the beginning and the end” (Revelation 1:8).
Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet and Omega is the
last letter, therefore He is everything.

7 .-Above all He is God who became man to redeem man. See

how the apostle Paul describes the greatness of his humility: “
He who, being in the form of God, did not consider equality with
God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form
of a servant, being made like “Jon men” (Philippians 2:6-8).

8 .-Christ is our wonderful Savior. Thus the angels sang on the

hills of Bethlehem, on that glorious night: “But the angel said to
them, Do not be afraid, for behold, I give you tidings of great joy,
which will be for all the people: that it has been born to you
today, in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ
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9 the Lord” (St. Luke 2:10, 11). That was the greatest event in
human history. God became man to save man.

10 .-He is the Lamb that in the Old Testament was a sacrifice

fallen on an altar representing the sacrifice of Christ on the cross.
For four millennia the children of God, by faith in the Redeemer
who would come to save them, sacrificed a lamb. Let's see how
this was done.

11 .-In the morning, a man named Elihu takes a little lamb and
carries it in his arms. It is white, pure and
without any stain. His children have played
with him since he was born. But Elihu is
going to the tabernacle to cut the throat of
this innocent animal. evil. With pain in his
mind he leads him to the sanctuary. A
serious sin is gnawing at your conscience.
Anyone who
He has to be freed from the guilt of this sin,
believes in Him
which is why he is going to the sanctuary. At
and confesses
the entrance to the courtyard of the
their sins will
tabernacle is the altar of sacrifice. Elihu
be forgiven.
kneels next to the lamb, places his hand on
its head and trusts. sa his sin. He quickly lifts the sheep's head
and in one fell swoop runs the sharp knife over its neck. Dark
blood runs across the floor. The lamb shudders and falls dead.
Tabernacle attendants take the body of the lamb and place it on
the altar to burn completely. Elihu is then free from the
condemnation of sin.

12 .-This was exactly the symbolic prefiguration of the sacrifice

of Christ. He was that lamb or sheep. He was innocent cent and
was sacrificed on the altar of the cross. There he shed his
precious blood to forgive our sins.

Whoever believes in Him and confesses his sins will be


persecuted. donated, just as it happened with Elihu.

That is the only way to free ourselves from the condemnation of
sin. Let's see now:


1 .-We can only understand what Jesus did for us when we
contemplate the cross.
a.- When we look at the cross, we see suspended between
heaven and earth a Man who never sinned. An Innocent, a Just,
a Saint.
b.- Drop by drop his blood spilled... his life was perishing.
2 .- He died as a saint, for the sinner, for the forgiveness of our
other sins. “He made him who knew no sin to be sin for us, so
that we might become the righteousness of God in him” (2
Corinthians 5:21).

3 .-He loved us so much that he bought us with his precious

blood. “Knowing that you were rescued from your vain way of
life, which you received from your fathers, not with corruptible
things, such as gold or silver, but with the precious blood of
Christ, as of a lamb without spot and without defilement” (1
Sam. . Peter 1:18-19). He gave his life, his blood, because he
loved us. Jesus rescued us from damnation and bought us with
the high price of his blood.


1 .-He wants to forgive you and he does it with grace.
2 .-He wants to give you immortal, eternal life.
3 . -However, you need to accept his gift. His gift. This involves
five steps:
to. -Accept His immense and eternal love, knowing that He loves
you. At this moment he is saying in your ear: “I have loved you
with eternal love; Therefore I extended my mercy to you”
(Jeremiah 31:3).

b.- I must recognize that I cannot save myself. “Because all have
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sinned and come short of the glory of God, being justified freely
by his grace, I through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus”
(Romans 3:23, 24).
c.- I must believe that Jesus loves me and can save me. “ For
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that
whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life”
(St. John 3:16).
d.- I must confess my sins and believe that He forgives me. “If
we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 Sam. John 1:9). e.-
Then, we can believe that He gives us eternal life. “And this is
the testimony: that God has given us eternal life; and this life is in
his Son. He who has the Son, has life; "He who does not have
the Son of God does not have life." (1 Sam. John 5:11, 12).

Accepting Jesus as our Savior means achieving eternal life. And,

he can save any sinner.
In 1992, evangelist Mark Finley was invited to lead a series of
evangelism conferences inside the Kremlin Palace in the city of
Moscow, Russia. The auditorium had capacity for 6,500 people
and was so full every night that it was necessary to hold two
sessions. The Russian people, after freeing themselves from
communism, were eager to hear the Word of God. Thousands
opened their hearts to accept Jesus as their Savior. The
evangelist showed Jesus as the Lamb of God, who died to free
us from sin, to free us from guilt, to bring peace to the heart and
eternal life to those who accept him. He described Jesus dying
on the cross, how his blood ran from his hands and feet. He
described how the crown of thorns was placed on his head and
the blood running down his face. He also described the agony
Jesus experienced when darkness covered the cross and the
separation from his Father. He suffered all that for me and for
you, do you want to accept him as your Savior?

After the conference, the pastor stayed for a few minutes in an


adjoining room. When he saw a Russian of great status ra, still

young, with a long beard, who was shouting straight towards the
room where the Pr. Finley. At first he thought I wanted to attack
him. His translator stood in front and wanted to know who he
was. He was a criminal who had been imprisoned more than 20
times. Now with tears in his eyes he wanted to know if there was
salvation for him. He longed for forgiveness, he longed to accept
Jesus. After a long conversation, Pastor Mark Finley showed him
that Jesus' love was greater than his sins. With tears in his eyes,
the young man accepted Jesus. A new peace radiated on his
face. A joy in His being was gone, now his eyes shone with the
forgiveness of Jesus.

This is what Jesus can do for you. He loves you very much and
has the power to free you from all sin. He not only forgives, but
transforms your entire being.

To solve our anxieties, problems without solutions, there is a

request: “Experience Jesus” He is the solution!
He invites us: “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy
laden, and I will give you rest” (S. Matthew 11:28). Why continue
suffering? Why continue with a burden of sins on your back?
He already did everything. It is enough to believe in his sacrifice.
The prize of eternal life is at your disposal, graciously!

You will certainly want to know more about Jesus and how to
enter the path to heaven. At the next meeting we will talk about:
“A light on the path”, it will be a wonderful topic.
We will know the oldest book in the world. Come with your family,
friends and neighbors!
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MATTHEW 28.19-20
Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote memorably about the cost of
discipleship, but he would be the first to insist that the Christian
life involves more than simply following Jesus by being his
disciple. Rather, Christ's call to discipleship Luke 14:26–33
includes his call to make disciples Matthew 28:19.

And yet, we live in a day when everything else in life seems to

be going in a different direction than life making disciples. Let's
be honest, making disciples is not rocket science. The vision is
quite simple.

Our need is not to get more information, but to do what we

already know we should do, and somehow want to do, but just
haven't done it or aren't doing it yet. Most of us know enough;
We're just not doing it. Because we have not yet been willing to
assume the costs. We sense the costs, but we have not
accepted them.

«Everything in life seems to go in a different direction than

make disciples of life in life.

Perhaps what could help us overcome our obstacles The point is

not to hide how costly it is to make disciples, but to be absolutely
honest and explicit about the costs, and hold them up in the light
for us to see, and then find out if something in us could simply
rise to the peculiar glory of it all.
God makes the wisdom of the world foolish, with its shortcuts
and its mass production, through the madness of making
disciples. the. As he did when his Son took a band of
uneducated peasants, invested in them deeply, and set them out
to change the world.

What is making disciples?

If the Great Commission is the first pillar of disciple-making, 2
Timothy 2:2 is probably the second.
What they have heard from me in the presence of many
witnesses they entrust to faithful men, who will also be able to
teach others.

Making disciples involves personal attention and guidance from

a mature Christian to another “younger” believer in the faith. It is
essentially spiritual nurturing, investing intentionally and
relationally in growth is spirituality and the
maturity of a few disciples, part of which is
Maybe what
training those disciples to then disciple could
others who disciple others. help us
get over
What makes it so difficult?
obstacles not
Without a doubt, we could list twelve But is to hide what
here let us limit it to seven, and in expensive it is
particular to seven that arise from the do
immediate context of 2 Timothy 2:2. but to be
1. Opposition absolutely
For those of us who have heard 2 Timothy honest
2:2 so often, and can even repeat it by
heart, how often have we kept reading
and delayed the next verse? “Share your suffering as a good
soldier of Christ Jesus” 2 Timothy 2:3. «When the followers of
Jesus are fruitful in doing dis disciples, become strategic
objectives for the resistance. What does the apostle Paul say
next after he gives his disciple Timothy the charge of making
disciples who make disciples in verse 2? Verse 3: “Share in
suffering.” Should we be surprised? The master disciple-maker
was sentenced to death on a cross.

And Paul is writing this letter from prison to his dis disciple Paul
was not locked up just because he was a disciple of Jesus. If he
had loved Jesus and kept him to himself, no one would have
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bothered to deny him. throw it aside. No, he was in prison

because he was fruitful in multiplying his life by making disciples.

One of the costs of making disciples that we should bear regret,

and may become increasingly pressing in the coming years, is
opposition, even persecution. Jesus' enemies don't usually
bother Christians who love Jesus in private. It's not worth the
hassle. But when followers of Jesus are fruitful in making
disciples, they become strategic targets for resistance. Very few
today are simply opposed to holding the Christian faith; It is
proselytizing, or making disciples, that will get you in trouble.

2. Attention
“No soldier entangles himself in civil activities, since his goal is to
please the one who enlisted him” 2 Timothy 2:4. Vivi We live in
the age of distraction. And not only will creating disciples be
sidelined if we have a smartphone and entertain ourselves to
death, but Satan has a thousand prepared, event-oriented
distractions to distract us. bring about pleasing Jesus in the work
of advancing the evan gelio called making disciples. We are
bombarded not only by obvious time-wasters, but by good
initiatives that, if we are not careful, will not complement disciple-
making, but rather supplant it.

The cost of not “engaging in civilian activities” includes staying

on the mission, but not only that. Attention is required in our
programming, and attention is required in the moment, at the
dinner table, or in a coffee shop, or in the context in which we
give our full attention to the person(s) we are in. we are
3. Please others
“Few today are simply opposed to holding the Christian faith; It is
the making of disciples that will get you into trouble.” This is a big
cost for some of us (and very little for others). Our goal is to
“please those who enlisted us” 2 Timothy 2:4, not anyone who
walks through the door, joins the church, or is deemed worthy of

our regular investment. One of the most difficult aspects of the

process of making disciples is “selection.” Jesus chose twelve
and, in doing so, left out hundreds, even thousands, who would
have benefited from his time and energy.

In the process of making disciples, we must remember that our

goal is to please Jesus, and this will cost us favoring certain
people, especially when we have to say no to our participation in
their program or event or even to discipling them personally,
because we are pro creating space to invest in others.

4. Perseverance
Paul continues: "An athlete is not crowned unless he com whistle
according to the rules” 2 Timothy 2:5. make disciple It often feels
like a long lap around a large stadium. It would be much easier
to make a shortcut across the countryside. We are tempted to go
further by building programs and systems that will largely
produce dis disciples without the very personal costs involved.
But disciples who make disciples cannot be mass produced. I
have seen it time and time again when Christians formed event
after event, but not in conjunction with the creation of the dis
Intentional, relational, and gospel-centered discipline, they go
crazy at the strangest of times.
Failure to follow the simplest methods, often
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More than a single event-oriented hype simply does not produce

the same depth of transformation. mation of the gospel, and then
the transmission and multiplication of the gospel, as the
formation of disciples of life in life.
5. Energy
Another cost that is reminiscent of the image of the athlete in
verse 5 is the energy involved in discipling. This is one of the
largest and most underrated costs. Intense late night and late
night conversations drain our emo tank tional. It's much easier to
avoid them and just watch TV. Making disciples costs us energy.
But when you have a one-on-one meeting, schedule after a long
day, or early Not in the morning after a short night, the discipler
says with Paul: "I will gladly spend and be spent for your souls."
2 Corinthians 12:15.
"Much of leadership is simply initiative."
When we think we can't do any more, we
keep pushing. striving towards the finish
line, like an athlete, as we learn the
invaluable dynamics of serving in the
strength of another 1 Peter 4:11 leaning
on God and walking in faith, by energy
does not believe we must have.

6. Taking the Initiative «An athlete is not

“It is the hardworking farmer who must crowned unless
have the first part of the crops” 2 Timothy that competes
2:6. Maybe just going out and taking agreement with
initiative is where it gets us more than the
anywhere else. We have a vision. We see rules"
a select few 2 Timothy 2:5.

things that seem to be strategic for our investment for a season,

but we are paralyzed by simply taking the initiative to have an
uncomfortable conversation gives about meeting regularly to
read the Bible and pray. The initiative is so
great today. Much of leadership is simple
initiative mind. You don't need to have
It takes time to
everything you give the answers; You don't
plow the field, time
to plant, time to need to have everything figured out.
water, time to People often simply need someone to risk
fertilize, then time awkwardness and the risk of being
to harvest. So it misunderstood, and they take the initiative
will be with making
to start the process. And with this, of
course, comes the need for basic planning:
with what frequency How often will we meet, where will we
meet? How about studying together, how long will the purchase
last? Also, in what areas does this person need to learn and

7. Time
Of all the costs, time may be the greatest. The fab floppy disk
richness, like a farmer who grows crops You, it consumes a lot
of time. Great time it takes time to plow the field, time to plant,
time to water, time to fertilize, then time to harvest.
So it will be with making disciples. It is not a meeting, but often a
year of regular meetings. It's not a conversation sation, but
sometimes a difficult conversation after a conversation.

Which requires patience.

As with agriculture, we don't see progress all at once. And yet,
over the course of months, it is surprising what kind of harvest
can occur.
Most blessed to give

In the end, making disciples is costly because it requires finding

continually: give time, give energy, pay attention, take initiative,
make sacrifices, face opposition, lose privacy, embrace
144 National Baptist Convention of

darkness, even shed tears. Making disciples means not only

sharing the gospel, but also sharing our very being 1
Thessalonians 2:8, spending willingly, and spending for the souls
of others 2 Corinthians 12:15. It means give, give, give.

But did not the great disciple himself say, “It is more blessed to
give than to receive” Acts 20:35? And so, the hearts of His
disciples, in our effort to disciple others, are learning to say: " It
makes me happier to have my time, my energy, my attention,
my initiative than for me to keep them to myself."
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Baptism is a mandate, not an option, for reasons we will see:

1) For what it symbolizes.
Baptism symbolizes the change of our condition. Happens We
are in a state of death because of sin, to a condition tion of new
life in Christ, through his resurrection from the dead. The book of
Romans, chap. 6:3-5, It says the following:
“Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into
Christ Jesus have been baptized into his death? For so We
have been buried with him through baptism into death, so that
just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the
Father, so we too might walk in ity of life. For if we have been
united to him in the likeness of his death, surely we will also be
united to him in the likeness of his resurrection...
The immersion and subsequent emergence of the waters
represents that we are new people in Christ, as the word says in
2 Corinthians 5:17: “So if anyone is in Christ, he is a new
creation, old things have passed away; behold, they are made
new.” Baptism means a change carried out within us, prior to
baptism itself.

2) Because it was the model that Jesus left us.

Before beginning his ministry, Jesus descends to the Jordan to
be baptized by John the Baptist; In Matthew 3:13-17 you see this
“Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan, where John was,
to be baptized by him. But Juan tried to stop himself him, saying:
I need to be baptized by you, and you come to me? And Jesus
answering said unto him, Allow it now; because it is with It is
coming that we thus fulfill all justice. So Juan allowed it. After
being baptized, Jesus came out of the water immediately.
diately; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the
holy spirit descending like a dove and coming upon him…”
Although the baptism of Jesus did not represent a change from
death to life, unlike ours, it did It has some similarities:
-His baptism marked the change in Jesus, from being a man

commonly known by many as the carpenter, to the status of

Messiah, and Savior of Israel.
-The baptism of Jesus represented a public testimony to
demonstrate who he was. In John 1:30-34, John the Baptist
declares the following: “…behold the Lamb of God, who takes
away the sin of the world! This is the one I said about... and I did
not know him, but that he might be revealed to Israel, that is why
I came baptized “saving in water…and I have seen, and I have
testified that this is the son of God.” When we are baptized we
bear witness public child, like Jesus, that we are children of God.
-Jesus was the best example of a life of obedience, humility and
submission; Even though he was God, he submitted to the
Father, allowing himself to be baptized by John, who prepared
the way for the beginning of his ministry.

3) Because it was the last ordinance that Jesus left us

After his resurrection, Jesus Christ spent forty days with the
disciples, instructing them in all the things they should do. Just at
the moment when he was ready to ascend to the father, he
uttered the following words:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing in the
name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19

4) Because it was the model that the early church followed.

There are many biblical passages that demonstrate that the
practice of baptism was continued by the church, just as Christ
had instructed them. Let's look at some of them:
Acts 8:12 “But when they believed Philip preaching the good
news of the kingdom of God and the name of Christ Jesus, they
were baptized, both men and women.”
150 National Baptist Convention of

Acts 9:18 “immediately like scales fell from his eyes (referring to
Paul), and he received his sight; and he arose and was
Acts 10:48 “and commanded that they be baptized in the name
of Jesus Christ…”.
Baptism must be done with the correct understanding, of
water…and he baptized him. As they came out of the water…” In
this way we conclude that to be baptized it is first necessary to
know and understand the gospel of Christ, believe in it with all
your heart, and after having believed, then go down into the
waters to be baptized by immersion. This is why today we
continue to promote and practice this holy command. We do it
full of joy and enthusiasm, not as an imposition but as an act of
obedience to the one who loved us and justified us, to whom we
owe our lives in eternal gratitude, and as a way of testifying our
love for him and that we belong to him. he.

the form that appears in the 0000000000000000000000000

word and at the appropriate

In Acts 8:35-39, we see the
illustration of how and when to
perform baptism: “Then Philip
opened his mouth and,
beginning with this scripture,
proclaimed the gospel of Jesus
to him…they came to a place
where there was water; and the
eunuch said: look, water. What
prevents me from being bau

chalked? And Philip said: if you
believe with all your heart, you
can. He answered and said: I
believe that Jesus Christ is the
son of God...they both went
to the Baptist Convention of Mexico

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It's Saturday afternoon, and all over the country people are once
again deciding whether or where to attend church services
tomorrow. Some will ask: “Does Does it make any difference to
attend Church in the 20th century? After all, most of us can find
a wide variety of religious programs on the radio or television in
our homes. Others will attend worship services, but remain
distant from any serious commitment to the local church they
attend. Still others will move from church to church seemingly
unable or unwilling to decide if they should join one.

It is a time of confusion about the place and purpose of local

churches. Christians in the past did not have as many choices to
face. They didn't have electronic media, for example. Christian
books were neither as abundant nor as easily obtainable as they
are today. Transportation did not allow for the rapid travel we are
familiar with now. People could not listen to recorded sermons
as many do so profitably today. The combined effect of these
and other current circumstances is to encourage contemporary
Christians to question the importance of the traditional local
church. When one adds to these the many obvious
imperfections that will be found in even the best local churches,
the problems and concerns guntas increase in intensity. Are
there answers to the pre questions?:
Is the local church important?
Can't Christians do without it? Does it really matter if I participate
in it or not?
Even if I attend Church services, does it matter if I become a
These and other questions should be of great interest to today's
In all matters of faith and practice, the Christian has authoritative
guidance. The Bible answers the questions and resolves the
dilemmas posed above. As we examine the teaching of Holy
Scripture, we will find that our Father in Heaven has not left us to
wander in uncertainty regarding the place and importance of

membership in a local church.

1. The glorious Church

The Church of the living God from the past to the present is
glorious in His sight. There is no group, movement, or institution
of any kind in the world that can even approach the glory, the
splendor, the honor, the beauty, the magnificence, the wonder,
the dignity, the excellence, the effulgence of the Church of
God. . I wish we could all be We are filled with a deep sense of
the glory of the Church as God sees it! Many of our problems
about the local church would be solved immediately if we com
Let's start from God's perspective!
John Newton expressed a measure of this spirit when he
paraphrased the teaching of Psalm 87 in his well-known hymn:
Glorious things are spoken of you, Zion, the city of our God;
He whose word cannot be broken
formed to be his own abode:
Upon the Rock of Ages founded, what can shake your secure
With walls of salvation surrounded, you can smile at all your

But these statements about the glory of the Church of God are
not simply romantic illusions. They can be like proven by the
express teaching of Holy Scripture:
1. The glory of the Church is seen in its election by God
(Ephesians 1:3-6). Whatever the Lord God has placed his love
on for a specific purpose,
156 National Baptist Convention of

of “before the foundation of the world” must undoubtedly be of

extreme importance to Him.

2. The glory of the Church is seen in the great cost at which it

was com prada (Ephesians 1.7,5,2 5; 1 Peter 1.18,19). We often
appreciate the value of an object by its cost. God has set the
value of his Church so high that he sent the “ineffable gift” (2
Corinthians 9:15) of his only begotten Son (1 John 4:9) to com
buy it for himself.

3. The glory of the Church is seen in

the adoption of its members as
children of God (Ephesians 1:5; like children
Rome nos 8,15). Through the blood
members of
of Christ, God not only gured the Church of God
forgiveness for his people, but also are the
the full position of hi jos. heirs of
Furthermore, the Church of God is big
raised to a position of holy royalty. blessings.
His people are “a kingdom and
priests to their God and Father”
(Revelation 1:6). As Peter assures us, the Church is a “royal
priesthood, a holy nation” (1 Peter 2:9). This honorable standing
before God obviously transcends mere forgiveness. The
members of the Church of God, who were formerly children of
wrath and disobedience (Ephesians 2:2,3; 5:6), are now the holy
members of the Royal Family of God.

4. The glory of the Church is also seen in its distinguished and

splendid heritage (Ephesians 1:14, 18; Romans 8:17,18). As
adopted children, members of God's Church are the heirs of
great blessings. These include the Kingdom of God (Luke
12:32), a new Heaven and a new Earth (2 Peter 3:13; Rev 21:1),
eternal life (Mark 10:30; John 10:28; Romans 6:23 ; Hebrews
9:15), and the vision of God (Matthew 5:8).

As a guarantee of these blessings, the Holy Spirit Himself has

been given as a sign (Ephesians 1:13,14). Thus, the Church of
God is a group of people called “to [obtain] an inheritance that is
incorruptible, undefiled, and that does not fade away.” will be
reserved in heaven for you, who are protected guided by the
power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in
the last time” (1 Pet. 1:5).

5. The glory of the Church can be seen in the purpose villous

and central place that it has in God's plan. God intends to
display through the Church the glory of his love, wisdom, and
grace (Ephesians 1:6,14; 2:7; 3:10,11,21). Since the Church has
been designated to fulfill a purpose so profound, how can its
importance be doubted? She is at the heart of God's plan for his
creation (Ephesians 1:9,10 with 1:22,23). With the ruins of fallen
human nature, God builds a new humanity: the Church (Eph.
Sios 2:15, 4:13).

6. The glory of the Church is seen in the glory of its Head, the
Lord Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:15-19; Ephesians 1:22, 23). He
is supreme over all, and the Church participates in his glory as
his body (Ephesians 4:15,16; 5:29,30). By virtue of its union with
Christ, the Church truly participates in “the fullness of God”
(Ephesians 3:19). The importance of the Church cannot be
understood apart from the importance of the Lord Jesus Christ.
This vision of the glory of the Church is enhanced by a con
consideration of the great diversity of people that God is
transforming into the unified body of Christ (Ephesians 2:11 22;
3:5,6; Ap. 7:9; John 17,21,23).

7. The glory of the Church can be seen in the fact that she
enjoys the powerful and personal ministry of the Holy Spirit
(Ephesians 1:13,14,17-19; 3:16,17; Romans 8:9-16). The
Church (both individually and collectively) is the temple of the
Holy Spirit (Ephesians 2:21,22; 1 Corinthians 3:16, 6:19). Just
as the second person of the Holy Trinity became flesh and died
158 National Baptist Convention of

to purchase the Church, no less than the person of the Holy

Spirit of God has come as His indwelling Guide and Comforter
(John 14:16,17,25 ; 16:13-15).

8. The glory of the Church can be seen in its true holiness

(Ephesians 1:4; 2:10,21; 5:26, 27). Holiness is the true beauty
and glory of intelligent moral beings. It is through holy lives that
the saints of God's Church reflect his image (Ephesians 4:24).
The Church is called to a glorious perfection, which consists in
nothing less than the imitation of God himself (Ephesians 5:1; cf.
Matthew 5:48).

9. The glory of the Church can be seen in its closeness and

access to God (Ephesians 2:13,18; 3:12; Hebrews 4:16). Only to
the Church of God is given such a promise of immediate access
to the most holy place, where God dwells in unapproachable
light. Furthermore, Scripture teaches that God is present in his
Church (Eph. esios 2:22; 5:18; 2 Corinthians 6:16; Matthew
28:20). The Church lives in current communion with Him.

10. The glory of the Church can be seen in its spiritual

knowledge of all the mysteries of the Gospel (Ephesians 1:9;
3:23; 1 Corinthians 2). Only the people of God, by faith in Je
Christ, has a true spiritual understanding of the things of God.
This is because it has the “mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16),
and the anointing of God (1 John 2:20,27). Jesus expressed the
privilege of the Church this way: “I no longer call you servants,
because the servant does not know what his master is doing;
But I have called you friends, because I have made known to
you everything that I have heard from my Father” (John 15:15).
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Pollster George Barna did a statistical study in the United States

showing that the majority of Christians Christians in that country
show a limited commitment to their faith. It is true that a large
number of professional believers Saints are willing to actively
participate in their churches sias for attending, reading the Bible
and offering or tithing. But when it comes
to setting priorities and making the
commitment to follow Jesus, leaving Be a disciple
everything behind for the love of His true is the
decision of
name, very few are willing to submit to
leave the lines
the conditions of a surrendered life. those interested
Understanding that being a disciple of get to the side
Jesus requires letting Him shape our of the
character and change the way we live, committed.
many choose to continue with the status
quo. But evaluate our commitment and
introduce Making changes is exactly what Jesus requires of the
person who desires to be His true disciple. This means that one
not only is at the Lord's disposal, but that he does everything
possible to implement God's will for his life. It is not the decision
to dedicate oneself to the Lord because dedication is something
that must be present with Steadily. If not, Jesus seeks out and
calls followers who in many cases never make the commitment
to be a true believer. disciple because they are not satisfied with
the conditions tions.

Being a true disciple is “the decision to leave the ranks of the

interested and stand beside the committed.” Jesus faces three
cases that, at first glance, sound very similar when He deals with
three of His followers. They have to do with the need to make the
commitment to involu believe in the work of God and obey His
will. Today we look at the conditions of the true disciple.
YO. The Impulsive Disciple (vv. 57-58)
The Bible identifies this man as a scribe in Matthew 8:19. He had

followed Jesus for some time and was able to see the greatness
of Jesus' work among the people.
Now he wants to make public his desire to participate personally
mind in the work of Jesus here on earth.
TO. The Exalted Declaration of the Scribe (v. 57) This scribe
approached Jesus and said, “I am willing to follow you wherever
you go.” wherever you go.” This is an expression of his desire to
blindly follow Jesus. It was more of a thoughtless impulse. It was
more about sharing in the glory of Jesus and the blessings of His
earthly ministry than a genuine desire to submit to the will of
God. We come to this conclusion based on the way Jesus tests
his motives in the next verse.

b. The Explicit Response of Jesus (v.58) The Lord rebukes him

He responded with a reality check. Both the birds of the air and
the foxes have their own home, but not me! We must recognize
that Jesus does not reject the person of the screen and did not
forbid him to be his follower while he goes not towards
Jerusalem, he simply wanted his decision to be based on reality.
Jesus challenged him to count the cost of being a disciple. What
is it going to cost you to make the decision to commit yourself as
a disciple of Jesus? What they learn Let us understand this
situation is that it is not enough to desire to serve the Lord. One
has to make a commitment to the Lord to follow Him and this will
involve a lot of personal sacrifice.
The self-denial of Jesus – Go regardless of the costs.
Luke 9:23
The nomadic life of Jesus – A pilgrim and stranger.
I Tim. 6:8
11. The Entangled Disciple (vv. 59-60)
This man had already made the decision to follow Jesus. In
Matthew 8:21 the Bible identifies this man as dis disciple who in
some way his life is already involved in serving the Lord. Jesus
looked at him and tested his commitment through a call to
greater service.
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A. The Resistance of the Disciple Following the Command of

Jesus. (v. 59) Jesus calls this follower the same way he calls the
twelve in Matt. 5:27. It is the call extended to every true disciple.

The response seems noble to us when he responded to Jesus

“Let me bury my father.” So we take a look at the historical
significance of his order. It is impossible that the father had just
died. The tradition of the Jews and lack of ways of embalming
indicate that the body had It should be buried within 24 hours of
death. He would already be in mourning if his father had died.
The old customs of the Jews are seen in what is found today in

The burial process at that time lasted more than a year. So, if the
father was not dead, what did the disciple ask for? The disciple
would really like to obtain a per until the death of his father and
the fulfillment of the burial customs (something very important for
the Jews) and after having done this, he returned to following
Jesus completely. He would have obeyed Jesus' command to be
a committed disciple if he had not faced a challenge. conflict of

B. The Rejection of Artificial Obligations. (v.60) Jesus

responded that the spiritual dead could be in charge of burying
the physically dead. The desire of this supposed disciple to fulfill
his family obligations did not hide the real problem. The conflict
of responsibilities he faced was only an excuse for not fulfilling
God's call on his life. What prevents you from making a
commitment to follow God's will in your life? “Of course I will go
Lord… someday.” Committing yourself under the conditions that
God imposes may involve being away. ent and very far from
home when a family member goes through difficult trials. The
Lord desires total commitment without excuses, even when it
means leaving your loved ones behind. Luke 18:28-30

III. The Inconstant Disciple (vv. 61-62)


This disciple's indecisive attitude is an indication of his lack of

commitment to God's work. He is willing to serve with his life if he
can have a little time to return home and say “goodbye” to
everyone there.

Commit yourself TO. The Irresponsible Request for a Last

under the my Farewell (v. 61) We must take into
conditions that account that there is a biblical example of a
God imposes may
person who returned home to say goodbye
involve being
to his entire family after having received
absent and very far
from home when a God's call on his life. In 1 Kings 19:19-21
family member Elisha returned home for a final farewell
goes through before following Elijah. The big difference
difficult trials here in Luke 9 is that it was not a test of his

good will in just being willing.

to follow Jesus, as in the example of Elisha, but his willingness to
leave behind his past way of living and follow Jesus with
devotion. This disciple wanted to ex put yourself to the
temptations of your past way of living once again to say “see you
later” with a great possibility of never serving Jesus again.
b. The Irrefutable Wisdom of Jesus. (v. 62) Jesus' response is
“Go ahead.” There is no need to look back because it is not
allowed. We must “forget what is left behind” (Philippians 3:13).

We must set our sights on the things and opportunities that lie
ahead. Looking back it's so reckless dent for the disciple of
Jesus as for the farmer in charge of the plow.

What are the temptations that you cannot leave behind? What
prevents you every time the Lord invites you to make a
commitment to be a true follower?

A commitment to following Jesus means a personal sacrifice,

which may include leaving your family behind, so that you can
focus completely and without distraction on serving God.
166 National Baptist Convention of

Does your life rather reflect the life of one of these supposed
disciples of Jesus that we have studied today who did not want
to fully commit to following the Lord?

What do you need to change today so that you can be in a

position to follow the Lord on His terms? Now is the best time to
commit as a follower.

Your commitment is needed right now.

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It was in Galilee of the Gentiles. The prophet Isaiah, many years

before, declared:
“The people who walked in darkness saw great light; “Those
who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, light has dawned
on them.” (Isa. 9:2).

The promises of the old prophet were being fulfilled. There were
still anguish and afflictions. Death still loomed and violence,
oppression, the tumult of battle and blood were “the order of the
day.” But something had already changed. And that “something”
really was for “someone.” The Nazarene had walked that way.
His miracles were in the minds of the people.

His voice, his words, his gestures, his exhortations, his cons
soils, indignation with injustices, confrontations with hypocrisy
and misguided religiosity gave rise to people's expectations.
How many times will he speak of his kingdom! Is this the one
who could bear the solemn titles of Isaiah such as Wonderful
Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace?
Does he have empire and peace that will have no limit? Will he
sit on David's throne and over his kingdom? Does he have
authority in judgment and justice from now on forever?

Mary Magdalene and the other Mary had gone to the tomb that
first Sunday. They were warned by an angel of the Lord of the
resurrection of Jesus. They were able to see with their own eyes
the removed stone and the empty tomb. The angel said to them:
“And go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the
dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee; there you
will see him.” (Mt. 28:7).

As they ran out to give the news, and having tremendous fear
mixed with the joy they felt, they Surely they were surprised
again when the same

Lord appeared to them on the way. "Hail!" told them. They,


prostrating themselves, embraced his feet and worshiped him.

He said to them, “Do not be afraid; Go, tell my brothers the
news, so that they may go to Galilee, and there they will see
me.” (28:9,10).

The time has come for that encounter with the resurrected
Jesus.[1] The eleven disciples were present. It is very possible
that there were more. Presumably the women who brought the
news to the disciples of the resurrection also left Jerusalem to be
in Galilee. It is from here that Some estimate the reference of the
apostle Paul, when he said: “Then he appeared to more than
five hundred brothers at once, of whom many are still living, and
others are already asleep.” (1 Cor. 15:6).

[2] For Paul, the veracity of the resurrection figured as a

fundamental piece in that doctrine of salvation because gave of
faith in Jesus Christ. The place on the mountain catches our
attention, perhaps because it is a secluded place that would
allow the concentration of such a crowd of people. Many of the
mountain locations are beautiful. The imposing nature, the force
of nature, the height, and the air of the mountain accom They
pampered those who attended that day. In God's plan, the
mountain was a place of importance on more than one occasion.
[3] On this occasion of the appearance of Jesus with his
disciples, it was probably on Mount Tabor where the
transfiguration of Jesus also took place.

The commission of Jesus that Matthew reminds us of is special

for many reasons. Dr. Hagner suggests that this commission
follows the genre of enthronement hymns. In these hymns there
is introduction, confrontation, reaction, commission, protest,
assurance and conclusion. All these elements are pre feel
except this protest. Obedience in the disciples is interpreted as
the conclusion.[4]
This commission is like a periscope to be able to look at the
theme of the still future kingdom in God and how it is with the
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even present and the person of Jesus.[5] In it we have an

authoritative Christology, a focus on discipleship, an implicit
teaching for the community of faith, and an emphasis on all the
radical teaching of Jesus.

In this portion we also have the first reference to the eleven

disciples instead of the twelve. It is Dr. Barth who comments that
in reality “these eleven – according to the mathematics of the
Bible – are equivalent to the twelve, because even in their
incomplete state they count for the entirety of Israel.”[6]

For many of the people who were present, this occasion was
unique. There were so many words of farewell and priestly
blessing from Jesus. “When they saw him, they worshiped him;
but some doubted.” (Mt.28:17). They worshiped Him because
they felt that they were in the presence of the majesty of His
glory. His doubt reflects something very common in us, a
perplexity about how we should receive everything that Christ
gives us. John Calvin interpreted it as indicating that worship
and doubt come from the same source of amazement when one
does not handle well the vision of Jesus as a Servant of Jehovah
but already clothed in the glory of God as King. It is not easy to
manage these two facets of glory and service.[7]

Matthew also made reference to the fact that “Jesus approached

and spoke to them. . ”(28:18a). It seems like he was a little far
away when the disciples saw him, but he came closer. This her
This detail is completely in accordance with the character of the
Lord. He is not far away, but close to us. It is beautiful to know
that Jesus emphasized his closeness to the disciples in his
mission work.

Let's study the phrases of this commission.

“All power is given to me in heaven and on earth.” (28:18b).

Only God could make such a statement! It is clear that the

mission of the kingdom is God's, and we only participate at His
invitation in His mission. POWER (EXOUSÍA) speaks of
sovereignty and authority. The right of that car rity is Christ's.
Jesus Christ, the Son of man, the Son of
God has authority in both heaven and
earth. There will be times in missionary
life when the harassment of secution, the
power of earthly rulers, the forces of
demons or the oppression of systems of
above all
this world do want to challenge this divine
what was created
authority and sovereignty. Maybe the
pressures shake us hard. In them it is
the sky and in
beautiful to remember that post-statehood
the earth is
fi nal is from Jesus. When everything
seems against the advancement of his
the claim of
kingdom, with comes back to these
words, caress give them trust and faith!
This authority makes us think of the
prophetic word of Daniel: “ I looked in the night vision, and
behold, with the clouds of heaven, there came one like a son of
man, who came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him
near. In front of him. And dominion, glory, and kingdom were
given to him, that all peoples, nations, and languages should
serve him; His dominion is an eternal dominion, which will never
pass away, and his kingdom one that will not be destroyed.”
(Daniel 7:13,14).

It is convenient for us to reaffirm that the kingdom belongs to

Christ. God has exalted him above every name (Phil: 2:9).

It is the Lord Jesus Christ who will deliver the kingdom to his
Father (1Co. 15:24). Christ has disarmed and triumphed over
the princes cipates and powers of this world (Col.2:15). Thank
God because he is already seated “above principality and
authority and power and dominion, and above every name that
174 National Baptist Convention of

is named, not only in this age, but also in the one to come;”
(Eph. 1:21).

What does this mean?

“It means that the divine claim on everything created in heaven
and on earth is concretely the claim of Christ; divine authority is
the authority of Jesus; divine work, government and judgment is
Jesus' business. As one who holds the EXOUSIA in his hand,
Jesus upholds the command of verse 19.

He himself is the authority for all those he commands on mission

and as such he guarantees the implementation of the
command. It is important for the disciples to confront those who
want to oppose them. Those who accept this command fall
under that POWER. They are responsible for and covered by
that authority.”[8]

Let us hear again from the Lord:

“ALL power is given to me…” LET'S GO!!!
170 National Baptist Convention of Mexico
176 National Baptist Convention of



The Holy Bible was written by divinely inspired men and is a
record of the Revelation that God makes of himself to man. It is
a perfect treasure of divine instruction. Its author is God, its end
is the salvation of the human race and its subject is truth without
any mixture of error. It reveals the principles by which God
judges us; and therefore it is and will be until the end of the
world, the true center of Christian union and the supreme norm
ma by which all human conduct, creeds and religious opinions
gosas must be judged. The criterion by which the Bible is to be
interpreted is Christ Jesus. It contains 66 books only. Exodus
24:4; Deuteronomy 4:1,2; 17:18,19; Joshua 1:7; 8:34; Salt mo
19:7-10; 119:11,105,140; 2 Samuel 23:2; Proverbs 30:5; 6;
Isaiah 40:8; Jeremiah 15:16; 36:1,2; Matthew 5:17,18; 22:29;
Luke 21:33; 24:44,46; John 5:39; 16:13-15; 17:17; 12:48; Acts
1:16; 17:11; Romans 2:16; 15:4; 16:25-27; 2 Timothy 3:15-17;
Hebrews 1:1,2; 4:12; 1 Peter 1:23-25; 2 Peter 1:19 twenty-one;
Revelation 22:18,19.


There is only one living and true God. It is a personal being,
intelligent and spiritual, the Creator, Redeemer, Preserver and
Ruler Before the Universe, God is infinite in Holiness and in all
other perfections. To Him we owe the highest love, reverence
and obedience. The eternal God reveals Himself to us as
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who, being equal in all divine
perfection, perform different offices although in unison in the
work of redemption.

GOD THE FATHER: God as Father reigns with providen care

cial in his Universe, in his creatures and in the flow of the rivers
of human history according to the purposes of his grace. He is
all powerful, all loving, all wise. God is the true Father of all
those who become his children through faith in Christ Jesus. He
is fatherly in his attitude toward all men who have been saved.
Genesis 1:1; 2:7; 15:11 and onwards tes 5; Leviticus 22:2;
178 National Baptist Convention of

Deuteronomy 6:4; 32:6; 1st Chronicles 29:10; Psalm 19:1-3;

Isaiah 43:3,15; 64:8; Jeremiah 10:1-10; 17:13; Matthew 6:9 and
following; 7:11; 23:9; 28:19; Mark 1:9-11; John 4:24; 8:14-16;
14:6-11; 1 Corinthians 8:6; Galatians 4:6; Ephesians 4:6;
Colossians 1:2, 12; 1 Timothy 1:17; Hebrews 3:4; 11:6; 12:9; 1
Peter 1:17; 1 John 5:7; Revelation 4:8-11.

GOD THE SON: Christ is the Eternal Son of God. In his face
nation like Jesus Christ was conceived of the Holy Spirit and
born of the Virgin Mary without a human father; Jesus revealed
himself and cum fulfilled the will of God by taking upon himself
the needs and demands of human nature and identity.
completely connecting with humanity; and yet he has no sin. He
honored the divine Law with his personal obedience and in his
death on the cross he provided the redemption of man; He was
thus redeemed from sin. He was raised from the dead cough
with his glorified body and appeared to his disciples as the
person who had been with them before he went to the right hand
of God the Father, where he is the only Mediator and has the
nature of God and man. He will return with power and glory to
judge the world and to complete his redemptive mission. He now
dwells in all believers as the living and omnipotent Lord.
Genesis 18:1 and following; Psalm 2:7 and following; 110:1 and
on entities; Isaiah 7:14, 53; Matthew 1:18-25; Mark 1:1; 3:11; Lu
cas 1:35; 4:41; 24:46; John 1:1-18, 29; 10:30, 38; 11:25-27;
12:44-50; 14:7-11; 16:15, 26-28; 17:1-5, 21, 22; 20:1-20, 28;
Acts 1:9; 2:22-24; 7:55,56; 9:4, 4, 20; Romans 1:3,4; 3:23 26;
5:6-21; 8:1-3, 34; 10:1; 1 Corinthians 5:18-21; Galatians 4:4, 5;
Ephesians 1:20; 3:11; 4:7-10; Philippians 2:5-11; Colossians
1:13 22; 2:9; 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18; 1 Timothy 2:5-6; 3:16;
Titus 2:13,14; Hebrews 1:1-3; 4:14,15; 7:14-28; 9:12-15, 23-28;
12:2; 1 Peter 2:21-25; 3:22; 1 John 1:7-9; 3.2; 4:14; 5:9-12;
Revelation 1:13-18; 5:9-14; 12:10,11; 13:8; 19:16.
GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. He
inspired the holy men of old who is They scribbled the

Scriptures. Through His illumination He enables men to

understand the truth; exalts Christ, convinces of sin, justice and
judgment; He calls men to the Savior and effects regeneration,
cultivates Christian character, comforts believers, and gives
them the spiritual gifts with which they serve God through his
church. He seals the believer until the day of final redemption.
Its presence in the Christian gives the assurance that God will
lead the Christian until he or she acquires the fullness of the
stature of Christ. He enlightens and empowers the believer and
the church in worship, evangelism, and service.
Genesis 1:2; Judges 14:6; Job 26:13; Psalm 51:11; 139:7 et
seq. Isaiah 61:1-11; Joel 2:28-32; Matthew 1:18; 3:16; 4:1;
12:28-32; 28:19; Mark 1:10-13; Luke 1:35; 4:1, 18, 19; 11:13;
24:49; John 4:24; 14:16, 17; 15:26; 16:7-15; Acts 1:8; 2:1-4, 38;
4:31; 5:3; 6:3; 7:55; 8:17,39; 10:44; 13:2; 15:28; 16:6; 19:1-6;
Romans 8:9-11, 14, 16, 26, 27; 1 Corinthians 2:10-14; 3:16;
12:3-11; Galatians 4:6; Ephesians 1:13, 14; 4:30; 5:18; 1
Thessalonians 5:19; 1 Timothy 3:16; 4:1; 2 Timothy 1:14; 3:16;
Hebrews 9:(-14; 2 Peter 1:21; 1 John 4:13; 5:16; Revelation
1:10; 22:17.

God, by direct action, created man in his own image; For this
reason it is in the culminating work of creation carried out by
God. In the beginning man was innocent of sin and was invested
with free will by his Creator. Through this free will, man sinned
against God and introduced sin into the human race. Through
the temptation of Satan, man transgressed the commandment of
God and lost his original innocence. final; For this reason his
posterity inherited a nature and an environment with tendencies
to sin, and as soon as it is under possible ity of becoming a
transgressor of the divine Law and suffering damnation. Only the
grace of God can bring man back into holy communion with
God. The sacredness of human personality is evident; because
God created man in his own image and because Christ died for
180 National Baptist Convention of

man; Therefore, every man possesses dignity and deserves

respect and Christian love.
Genesis 1:26-30; 2:5, 7, 18-22; 9:6; Psalm 1:1; 8:3-6; 32:1-5;
51:5; Isaiah 6:5; Jeremiah 17:5; Matthew 16:26; Acts 17:26-31;
Romans 1:19-32; 3:10-18, 23; 5:6, 12, 19; 6:6; 7:14-25; 8:14-18,
29; 1 Corinthians 1:21-31; 15:19, 21, 22; Ephesians 2:1-22; 3:1-

We believe that the salvation of sinners: 1. It is free for all
through faith in Christ. 2. Does not depend on good works things
that man can do. 3. The only obstacle to your salvation is
inherent depravity and willful rejection. of Christ as the only
Savior. 4. Rejection that brings eternal damnation. 1. Ephesians
2:5-8; Romans 3:24, 26; 5:1; Isaiah 55:1. 2. Titus 3:5; Ephesians
2:9,10; Galatians 2:16. 3. John 3:19; 5:40; Romans 9:32;
1:28,29. 4. John 3:18, 36; Ro hands 5:12; 6:23.

We believe that feedback: 1. It consists of imparting a change of
heart and mind. 2. It is the new birth in the heart of man. 3. It is
carried out by the power of the Holy Spirit and in connection with
divine truth. 4. Produces the desire to volunteer mind to obey the
gospel. 5. Its evidence is manifested in the holy fruits that the
believer produces, faith and newness of life. 1. John 3:3, 6;
1:12,13; James 1:18. 2. Romans 2:28, 29; Ezekiel 36:26;
Deuteronomy 30:6; 1 Corinthians 2:12, 14. 3. John 3:8; 1:13;
James 1:18; Ephesians 1:13. 4. Ephesians 5:10; Ro hands 12:2;
Ephesians 5:17. 5. Ephesians 5:8,9; Matthew 7:20; 1 John 5:4;
Romans 6:8.


We believe that repentance and faith: 1. They are independent
requirements conceivable for salvation. 2. That repentance is
towards God and faith towards Christ Jesus and that they are
intimately related swims. 3. Which are the work of the Holy Spirit

in the heart. 4. That through them the convicted sinner, sincerely

contrite, returns to God and recognizes Christ as his personal
Savior, Sole Mediator and King. 1. Luke 13:3,5; Mark 1:15;
Ephesians 2:8; John 3:16,18, 36. 2. Acts 20:20,21; Matthew
21:32; Hebrew os 6:1. 3. Ezekiel 18:31, 32; John 16:8,9;
Ephesians 4:21-24. 4. Isaiah 55:7; Acts 16:30, 31; Romans 10:9-
11; Galatians 2:16.

We believe that the justification is: 1. The great good that Christ
accomplishes gure to those who are saved. 2. reminder of the
forgiveness of sin, God attributing the righteousness of Christ to
them. 3. Introducing us to a highly blessed state of peace and
favor with God, has leaving us from now on and forever all other
goods that may be necessary. 1. John 1:16; Acts 13:38,39;
Romans 5:1,18; Galatians 2:16. 2. Romans 3:24,25; 4:5-8; Titus
3:5-7. 3. Acts 10:42,43; Romans 4:23-25; 5:8-10.


We believe that choice is: 1. The purpose of God according to
which he freely regenerates, sanctifies and saves sinners. 2.
That being in perfect harmony with the free will of man bre,
includes all the means related to the end. 3. That this is the most
glorious demonstration of the sovereign goodness of God. 4.
Being infinitely free, wise, holy and immutable; which eternally
excludes all boasting and promotes humility love, prayer, praise
and trust in God, and imitation ac tive of his free mercy that in its
certainty is manifested by its effects on all those who truly
believe the gospel. 5. That it is the basis of Christian security
and that to be certain of said choice with respect to us, requires
ere and deserves the utmost diligence. 1. 1 Thessalonians
2:13,14; 1 Peter 1:2; 2:9; John 15:16. 2. Ephesians 1:3-6, 11; 2
Timothy 1; Romans 8:29,30. 3. Romans 2:4; 9:24; Ephesians
1:7-9. 4. Romans 3:27; 1 Corinthians 1:30,31; 4:7; Ephesians
2:8,9. 5. Romans 8:28-39; Philippians 3:12-14; 1:6; 2:12,13.
182 National Baptist Convention of

We believe that sanctification is: 1. The process by which formed
to the will of God, we are made participants in his holiness. 2.
Which is progressive work. 3. Whose principle is in regeneration
and 4. Which is carried out in the hearts of believers by the
power and presence of the Holy Spirit. Seal and Comforter in the
continuous exercise of the established means, particular mind
the Word of God, personal examination, self-denial, vigi lance,
prayer and fulfillment of every pious duty. 5. reaching perfection
with the purification of the bodies in the Second Coming of
Christ. 1. 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7; 5:23; 2 Corinthians 7:1. 2.
Proverbs 4:18; Philippians 1:6; 2 Peter 3:18. 3. Rome us 6:4;
Ephesians 4:30. 4. John 14:16, 17-19; Ephesians 4:30. 5. Eff
esios 1:13,14; Romans 8:23; 1 Corinthians 15:51-54.


All true believers persevere to the end.
Those whom the Lord has accepted in Christ and sanctified
fallen by his Holy Spirit, they will never fall from the state of
grace but will persevere to the end. Believers can fall into sin
through negligence and temptation, thereby grieving the Lord.
spirit, undermine their virtues and their spiritual well-being,
cause reproaches for the cause of Christ and temporal
judgments mind adverse to them; However, they will be kept by
the power of God, through faith that produces salvation.
Genesis 12:1-3; Exodus 19:5-8; 1st Samuel 8:4-7, 19, 32; Isaiah
5:14; Jeremiah 31:31 and following; Matthew 16:18, 19; 21:28-
45; 24:22, 31; 25:34; Luke 1:68-79; 2:29-32; 10:27, 28; 15:16;

17:6, 12, 17, 18, Acts 20:32; Romans 5:9, 10; 8:28-39; 10:12-15;
11:5-7, 26-36; 1 Corinthians 1:2; 15:54-58; Ephesians 1:4-23;
2:1-10; 3:1-11; Colossians 1:12-14; 2 Thessalonians 2:13, 14; 2
Timothy 1:12; 2:10, 19; Hebrews 11:39- 12:2; 1 Peter 1:2-5, 13;
2:4-10; 1 John 1:7-9; 2:19; 3:2.


We believe the scriptures teach that: 1. God's law is the Eternal
and unchanging standard of his moral government. 2. Which is
Holy, Just and Good. 3. That the only cause of the inability to
fulfill its precepts, which the Scriptures attribute to fallen man, is
his sinful nature. 4. Free us of which, and restoring us through
an intercessor to the obedience of the Holy Law, is an object of
the principles proposed in the gospel and also of the means of
grace related to the establishment of the church. 1. Romans
3:31; Matthew 5:17; Romans 3:20, 21. 2. Romans 7:12; 7:7, 14;
Psalm 119 3. Ro hands 8:7, 8; 7; 16-23; 8:6-8. 4. Romans 8:2-4;
1 Timothy 1:15; John 14:16, 17, 26, 27.


We believe that a true church of Christ is: 1. One with
congregation of believers in Him, baptized after a profession of
faith. 2. United in the doctrines of the Gospel, promised to
maintain the ordinances according to the Scriptures uras. 3.
Recognizing Christ as the only head, taking the Bible as its only
rule of faith and practice. 4. Whose office The biblical ones are
pastor or bishop and deacons. 1. Acts 2:41, 42; Revelation 1:4;
22:16. 2. Acts 14: 22, 23; Ephesians 4:5, 13; Acts 20:6, 7. 3.
Matthew 28:20; Colossians 1:18, 19; 2:8-10; 1 Corinthians
11:23, 24. 4. Philippians 1:1; Acts 6:3-6; 14:23.


We believe that baptism 1. It is the immersion in water of the
cree entity in Christ, executed by a suitable administrator. 2.
Carried out in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy
Spirit, because such is the command. 3. Which is a symbol of
the burial and resurrection tion of Christ and that of the believer.
4. What is a requirement to enjoy the privileges of the church?
Sia. 1. Matthew 3:13-17; Acts 8:36-39; 19:3-5. 2. Matthew 28:19;
Acts 10:47, 48; 2:38, 39.
3. Romans 6:3-5; Colossians 2:12; 2 Corinthians 5:17. 4.
184 National Baptist Convention of

Romans 6:4.


We believe that the Lord's Supper is the second ordinance and:
1. Which consists of two elements that are unleavened bread
and wine, fruit of the vine, which respectively represent the body
and blood of Christ. 2. That the participants must be baptized
believers who have the same doctrine and that it is celebrated in
the church meeting. 3. That the dinner commemorates the
suffering and death of Christ. 1. Matthew 26:26-30; 1
Corinthians 11:26; Luke 22:19, 20. 2. Acts 2:41, 42; 1
Corinthians 11:18, 26; Acts 20:7. 3. 1 Corinthians 11:23, 26.


We believe that: 1. The first day of the week is the day of rest
tianism. 2. That this day must be dedicated to religious
purposes you are 3. The Christian abstains from all secular work
that is not a work of mercy or absolute necessity. 4. They will
prepare prepare for the rest that remains for the people of God.
1. John 20:1, 19, 26; Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:1, 2. 2. Exodus
20:8; Hebrews 10:24, 25; Acts 20:7. 3. Isaiah 56:13, 14;
Matthew 12:8-12; Luke 14: 3-6. 4. Hebrews 4:7-11; Acts 13:44;
Exodus 20:10.


We believe that: 1. Civil government exists by divine provision
for the interests and good order of human society. 2. And that
we must pray for the magistrates, honoring them,
conscientiously and obeying them.
3. Except in those things that are opposed to the will of the Lord,
sole owner of conscience and Prince of the kings of the earth. 4.
and that there must be independence of action between the
State and the Church, each being useful and important in its
place. 1. Romans 13:1-7; Matthew 17:24-27; John 19:11. 2. ma
Theo 22:21; Titus 3:1; 1 Peter 2:13-17. 3. Acts 4:18-20; 5:29;
Revelation 17:14. 4. Ephesians 1:21, 22; 1 Timothy 2:1-5.


We believe that:
1. Christ will come again in a personal and visible form. 2. Like
a thief in the night, because we do not know the day or the hour.
3. And he will come as a righteous judge because he has come
as King and Salt vader of his people. 1. John 14:2, 3; Acts 1:11;
Matthew 24:30; Revelation 22:12.
2. Matthew 24:36, 39, 42, 44; 25:13. 3. 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10;
Jude 1:14, 15; Revelation 22:12.


We believe that: 1. When Christ comes into the world again it
will be seen will ify the judgment, which aims to reward man
according to his works.
2. Make manifest His true character and make separation
between the redeemed and the lost. 3. That everyone will be
ready sit in court. 4. From this judgment each one will go to their
respective your place. 1. Matthew 16:27; 1 Corinthians 3:14;
Revelation 2:12, 13; 22:12. 2. Matthew 25:31-34; 13:41-43; Jude
1:15. 3. Matthew 25: 31, 32; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Romans 14:10.
4. 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10; Revelation 14:9-11; 20:13-15.


We believe that there are two places where men will dwell after
this life: 1. The redeemed will live with Christ in heaven.

2. And the lost will exist in hell with the devil and his angels.
3. Such existence, whether in heaven or hell, will be eternal. 1.
John 14:1-6; Matthew 25:34; Revelation 7:9-15; 21:1-7. 2.
Matthew 25:41, 46; Luke 16:22-24; Revelation 14:10, 11; 20:10;
Philippians 1:20-23.
Isaiah 33:14, 16; Daniel 12:2; Matthew 18:8; 25:46.

We believe that God is the source of all material and spiritual
186 National Baptist Convention of

blessings; Everything we have we owe to Him. Christians have a

spiritual debt to the entire world, a holy deposit in the Gospel,
and a compelling stewardship of their possessions. Therefore
they are under the obligation gation to serve God with your time,
your talents, and your material possessions; They must
recognize that all this has been entrusted to them in order to use
it for the honor and glory of God and to help others. According to
the Scriptures, Christians must contribute regularly and
systematically, in a proportional and liberal manner to the
extension of the cause of the Redeemer on earth.
Genesis 14:20; Leviticus 27:30-32; Deuteronomy 8:18; Malachi
3:8-12; Matthew 6:1-4; 19:21; 23:23; 25:14-29; Luke 12:16-21,
42; 16:1-13; Acts 2:44-47; 5:1-11; 17:24-25; 20:35; Rome nos
6:6-22; 12:1-2; 1 Corinthians 4:1, 2; 6:19, 20; 16:1-4; 2
Corinthians 8:9; 12:16; Philippians 4:10-19; 1 Peter 1:18,19.
182 National Baptist Convention of Mexico
188 National Baptist Convention of


We must understand by Biblical Principle: A fundamental truth
such, clear and extensive that is found in the Bible, which in
addition to giving us a global vision of theology, gives us a basis
to conclude on specific issues.
On the other hand, this global vision that constitutes a biblical
principle fundamental, arises from reflection on a certain set
mined from specific truths or “doctrines.” We can say then that
the relationship between fundamental principles and doctrines or
conclusions about specific truths is a “dynamic” relationship.
Because we have discovered a series of truths from the Bible,
we can establish some principles principles but at the same time
having the fundamental principles gives us the ability to make
doctrinal conclusions more efficiently.

It should also be clarified that in terms of denominational identity,

principles play a very important role. Could We may differ
regarding some doctrines (Eschatology: the millennium, the
rapture, etc., Ecclesiology: open, closed or semi-open or semi-
closed communion, etc.), but we cannot differ regarding
principles and remain Baptists. This then is the reason why, after
having studied our history, we must study our principles.


BELIEVE , because that is what they are, they are biblical
principles, we Baptists did not invent them, we have only
believed them throughout history because we have discovered
them in the New Testament, there are seven of them and we will
study them one by one.


2- THE BIBLICAL PRINCIPLE: The authority of the new
190 National Baptist Convention of


government or order.

5- THE SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLE: Religious freedom.

6- POLITICAL PRINCIPLE: The separation between Church
Evangelism and

Missionary Work.
THE Lordship of Christ. This is the guiding and fundamental
principle of the Christian Faith (1 Peter 2:7), the cornerstone of
all doctrine. biblical na. The others revolve around this principle.
The lordship of Christ, in addition to being fundamental in
theology, is one of the clearest and most eminent truths in the
entire Bible. His universal eternal dominion is already detailed in
the Old Testament. (Isaiah. 9:6-7; Daniel 7:14; Zechariah 9.10)
In the Gospels it was evi dent his authority over nature and over
the spirits, and his Lordship over religious rituals. (Matthew.
8:27; Mr.1:27; Luke. 6:5) His authority in the Church is
unquestionable in New Testament theology (Romans. 14.9;
Cabbage. 1:18; Facts. 1:4, 3:3 Rev. 1:11). Christ as Head of the
church is one of the clearest ideas in Pauline literature (Eph.
1:22, 4:15, 5:23, Col. 1:18, 2:19). Now some of the practical
implications of this principle are the following:

THE DISCIPLESHIP. Christianity is a first-hand personal

experience that consists of knowing a person: JESUS, and
letting yourself be transformed by him (John. 1:35-42) following
him, imitate pain and sharing it with others daily (Luke. 9:23).
Christianity is not only the accumulation of certain information on
an intellectual level, but the personal experience of Jesus in the
faith. entity. Nor is it just the emotional-sentimental experience
that “spiritualists” preach, but rather an integral process of
formation of a human being in the image of Jesus (Eph. 4:13).

attractive it may seem With any religious movement in these

days of effervescence and the search for “excellence” and
“numbers,” Baptists must not lose sight of the fact that the head
of the church is, and always will be, Christ. Our faith is a Christ-
centered Faith and consequently our ecclesiastical dynamic is
Christ-centered. When we practice democracy we do not ask
ourselves what the majority want but what our King Jesus wants
and we join Him in the majority. Every Baptist church is
governed by Jesus. (Eph. 4:15).

CHRISTIAN ETHICS The good behavior of Baptist Christian

believers should not be the result of the acceptance of a set of
rules and norms (prohibitions and commands), but rather the
result of the submission of the will to the Sovereignty of the Lord.
There is a big difference between behaving well to be with Jesus
and behaving well because you are with Jesus. There are
religious and legalistic believers who live a cold and customary
ethic; is proud of the many bad things they have stopped doing
because they have submitted to precepts through iron discipline
and have achieved lives “intached.” “able.” However, they are as
far from Christ to the Lord as they are from the Pharisees. The
summit of Christian ethics expressed in THE GOLDEN RULE
(Matthew. 7:12) does not challenge us to stop doing bad things,
but rather challenges us to DO GOOD, and that is not achieved
with discipline or with an iron determination. position to follow
regulations, if with LOVE, which can only come from an intense
relationship with the one who is love in person: Jesus.

Other implications that we will only mention of this principle are:

THE CHRISTIAN ECONOMY The Baptist Christian knows that
he does not own anything, since everything he is, knows and
has belongs to him. They need the Sovereign Lord and must use
it for Him (1 Peter 4:10).
CHRISTIAN ECOLOGY The Baptist Christian understands his
role ation with creation as it recognizes Jesus, its King, as
192 National Baptist Convention of

Creator of all that exists (Psalm 24:1). Thus, this fundamental

principle that emanates from the Bible and that gives identity to
our church must be understood, reflected on, taught over and
over again to each convert and thus fulfill the biblical demand.
“So that if I delay, you may know how it is best for you to conduct
yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living
God, pillar and foundation.” ment of truth” 1 Timothy 3:15.


The authority of the new testament. We recognize the authority
of the scriptures which are the voice of Jesus and this is directly
mind related to the beginning of the Lordship of Christ.
Understand Let us show that God revealed himself to men
progressively, that is, he made himself known; He made his
character, his nature, his plans and purposes known to humanity
in a measured, gradual manner, culminating in this revelation in
“The Incarnation”. He became a man so that we would know
him; The record of this entire process of God revealing Himself
to us is, for our blessing, written in the Bible. Reason why we
understand that: the New Testament is interpreted historically in
the light of the Old Testament, but the Old Testament is
interpreted theologically in the light of the New. The revelation
contained in The New Testament is superior and that is the
reason why our faith and our parameter for living the Christian
life is based largely on the New Testament. (2 Timothy 3:16;
Hebrews 1:1-3, 4:12; 1 Peter 1:19-21). Now, some of the
practical implications of this principle are the following:


The ideal of a Baptist Church is to be New Testament. Traditions
and customs, old or new, are of secondary importance. The
national culture or regional elements of the place where a church
is located are not superior to those in New Testament teachings.
Reflecting on strategies, styles, tools and customs in order to
adjust more daily to the New Testament is a demand that for the

Church must be systematic.

BIBLICAL PREACHING. This principle urges us to share the

Bible at all levels. For preachers, this principle demands
expository preaching (preaching that emanates from a serious
and deep study of the Bible). The moralistic, philosophical,
psychological and scientific preachings surrounding the former
extraordinary message of the scriptures are beyond
expectations tives that this principle presents to us.


principle Cipio demands that the teaching of the tools for the
study and effective application of scripture be carried to the
general members of the church so that the convictions of
believers are not only the submissive acceptance of the beliefs
convictions of a leader, but rather that they become convictions
that emanate from personal study. This could be the best way to
unite on principles and doctrines because, by studying the Bible
effectively, we would reach the same conclusions.


A Regenerated membership. BAPTISTS BELIEVE THAT THE
CHURCH IS: The assembly (congregation) of believers in Christ,
regenerated (who have been born again) and who have
manifested their conversion through the symbol of Baptism
taught in the New Testament and who are united in a dynamic
interrelationship of love and work to seek the advancement of
the Kingdom of Christ in the fulfillment of “The Great
Commission”. That is to say, you cannot be a member of the
church by inheritance, and you do not have to be a member to
be saved, but you have to be saved to be a member (Eph. 4,
Matthew 16:16-18, Acts 2) We believe that the Church sia is a
living organism:
THE BODY OF CHRIST (1 Corinthians 12:12-27) Now, when
Some of the practical implications of this principle are the
194 National Baptist Convention of

BAPTISM ONLY FOR BELIEVERS We believe that only Those

who have had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, who have
therefore been born again and who decide to commit themselves
to other believers to constitute the body of Christ (Acts 2:37-38,
John 3:30) should be baptized. . Therefore, we do not practice
infant baptism nor do we believe that salvation is hereditary.
Each person must have a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.


existence of “The Universal Church” as the totality of believers in
Christ who exercise their faith in different religions or
denominations. nations around the world, in all times, and in
different ways, because we believe that salvation is in “a
personal encounter with Jesus” and not in being part of a
religious group, but we know that this church has no visible form
or structure. physical ture. This Church exists only in an ideal
form and at the end of time it will express itself clearly under the
Lordship of Chris to (Matthew 16:18, Revelation. 19:7).
Therefore, we believe that “The local Church” is the concrete
expression of the plan that Our Lord Jesus Christ had when
establishing his kingdom on earth, a kingdom that extends
through the emergence of Local Churches, or congregations that
spread in a certain locality. the men saving message of the
gospel (Acts 2:43, 16:15).


that membership is a very serious thing. Belonging to a church is
belonging to a local church; you cannot be a member of all
churches at the same time. One is a member of the universal
church, but as we said before, this is “ideal” and does not have
organizational expression, as if a local church does. To claim to
be a member of all local churches is to be a member of none.
That is why when a believer joins a church through baptism or
according to some other form common among us, he joins by
acquiring not only the natural privileges of membership, but also
acquiring the responsibilities that all members have.

NOMINAL CHRISTIANITY (nominal Christianity lived by people

who, being religious, do not live authentic Christianity tic for
various reasons) is an evil that Baptist churches combat with the
spiritual weapons of biblical preaching and New Testament
discipleship that Jesus taught us (John 1:35-51).
A democratic government or order. In the church GOD
COMMANDS. God is the one who rules. So the church is A
MONARCHY where the King is Jesus Christ Our Lord. But in
practical matters that are not stipulated in the Bible, the church
discovers the will of God through democracy, that is: all
members have the same responsibility and the same We have
privileges, and likewise, each member has the right to give their
opinion and vote in decision-making. (Facts. 6:1-7; 13:1-3, 15:1-
Now, some of the practical implications of this principle cipio are
the following:


church sia is autonomous, that is, it governs itself and is not
hierarchically subject to any other church or political body. No
erazgo, however, in a voluntary, democratic and missionary way,
joins other similar congregations to maintain To celebrate the
Christian brotherhood, to maintain the care of sound doctrine
and biblical ethics, and to unify their efforts in the fulfillment of
the great commission. That is to say that within this autonomy.
The Churches have a commitment among themselves: Doctri nal
(Acts 15:1-23, 16:4-5). Ethical-Moral (Acts 15:29) Organizational
(Acts 15:36, 16:15; Titus1:5-9). Economical (Acts 16:1-4,
Romans 15:25-27). Missionary (Acts13:1-3, Rome nos 15:22-24)


EACH BELIEVER There is no “elite” among us, all members are
equal and have the same spiritual capacity for their function. tion
in the body of Christ (2 Corinthians 12:13). All members are
“MINISTERS” that God has qualified to alize the work of the
196 National Baptist Convention of

ministry (1 Peter 4:10, Ephesians 4:11-12). The pastors are

“Official Ministers” and each member a general minister.

PASTORAL AUTHORITY The pastor in our churches has an

authority that was delegated to him by the local church, therefore
his leadership is not hierarchical, but of function, of educational
leadership. cative, exemplary and of service. Authority is in the
development of your work rather than a position (Hebrews 13:7).


Religious freedom This is the principle of FREEDOM OF
CONSCIENCE. Baptists believe that every human being is
competent to relate freely, voluntarily and personally with God
without the need for intermediaries, therefore, every individual
viduo is responsible for persuasion of faith that he wishes to
have and should not have any type of social, political, economic
or religious restriction to exercise said responsibility
autonomously. In the same way, every church or religious group
must have the freedom to respond and propagate its faith, as
long as it respects in the same way individuals whether or not to
respond to its preaching.
Prophetic preaching always appealed to the human will na. God
never imposes a truth on men, he tells them the consequences
of an affirmative or negative response, always a gentlemanly
invitation for human beings to respond according to their free
will. (Isaiah 55:1-7).
The teachings of Jesus were always challenges to human will
mana and they never had an intransigent obligation, because the
human being is not a machine that can be programmed, but an
freely and voluntarily to the challenges of faith that are presented
to it. (Matthew 4:19, 8:22, 11:28-30).
All the demands that God expresses to us in the New Testament
are demands that must be considered by the will of the human
being. That is, they are demands that can be obeyed or

disobeyed, thus respecting the freedom of conscience of every

man or woman. (Galatians 6:10, Eph. 4:1). It is clear then that
this fundamental biblical principle that we Baptists believe runs
throughout scripture, so respecting it is most important.
Now, some of the practical implications of this principle cipio are
the following:

BELIEVE AND LET BEBELIEVE We cannot disrespect other

people's beliefs, we must respect to be respected two. In Acts
17:16-34 we see Paul wisely drawing on Greek religious and
philosophical beliefs to communicate the gospel message, but at
no time We see him criticizing his beliefs, his many gods or his
prophets. Baptist Christians are not anti-Catholic, nor even
Jehovah's Witnesses, nor Antepestecostals. In reality we are not
anti-anything, we are PRO THE TRUTH OF CHRIST. We are in
favor of the gospel, that is our purpose and it is not our task to
criticize other truths.
the constitution of our country has freedom of belief as one of
the laws, we are happy with it and we must effusively defend the
perpetuity of this right. We may disagree with someone's beliefs,
but we must defend their right to believe them.

The separation between Church and State. Baptists, based on
the Bible, recognize the existence of the State (Matthew 17:24
27; John 19:11; Romans 13:1-7), and the purposes that God
also has for it: order, justice and social well-being. Tam We well
believe that God's command is for us to obey and pray for rulers
(Matthew 22:21; Titus 3:1; 1 Peter 2:13-17). Furthermore, we
believe that there must be an indispensable autonomy and
independence of action between the State and the Church, since
each Church-State entity is useful in its place (Eph. 1:21-22; 1
Timothy 2:1-5).
Now, some of the practical implications of this principle cipio are
the following: EXEMPLARY CITIZENSHIP As I already said As
198 National Baptist Convention of

we mentioned before, and we cited some texts for this, we

believe that Baptist believers should be exemplary citizens, cum
fulfilling the provisions of justice, work, order and social
interaction in search of the good of the society to which we


the State has a limit, and as Baptist Christians we are willing to
remain faithful to the divine decrees expressed in his word even
when this means disobeying the provisions. tions of the State
(Acts 4:19; Daniel 6). This will usually only happen when the
State implements unjust laws that violate people's individual
guarantees, which generally does not happen in democratic and
free countries.


Personal Evangelism and Missionary Work. This principle, which
is the last one, should be the one that most characterizes us in
practice. zara, and can be defined in the following concepts: -
Each cris Tiano Bautista, a missionary. - Every member of our
church, an evangelist. - Each Baptist church, a missionary
church, a church that reproduces itself in new churches. The
work ionera and evangelism that expresses The Great
Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) is the passion of Baptists. We
believe in a missionary God and we are a missionary people.
Now, some of the practical implications of this principle are the

LIFESTYLE Baptists believe that evangelism is a lifestyle and

not just a specific strategy for a specific time (John. 7:38). Our
life is a gospel that is communicated to those around us. We
fulfill the Great Commission in our daily journey through life,
sharing in Naturally spread the supernatural message of our
Lord Jesus Christ in our circles of influence: family, neighbors,
friends, co-workers and school colleagues.

DENOMINATIONAL SUPPORT “ the ends of the earth”

(Acts 1:8) is a mission that demands of us to unite in economic
support to respond efficiently to this challenge of our King and
Lord. Therefore, Baptist Christians tithe and Baptist churches in
turn contribute their resources to denominational entities
(Regional Conventions, National Convention, World Alliance) to
carry out missionary work on a large scale, which would be
difficult to do as solitary local churches. . Planting new churches
by discipling new people is how Baptist Christians express our
commitment to this principle.
200 National Baptist Convention of


1.-As a Baptist Pastor:
•I recognize that I have been called by the Lord Jesus Christ to
fulfill fulfill with a divine task, for which I must prepare myself
spiritually, emotionally, intellectually and physically on a
continuous basis. Procu thus, efficiently fulfill the ministry
entrusted to me by the Church. Always seeking to have the
perfect man as a model of service: Jesus Christ.
•I will never seek my personal benefit above the advancement of
God's work.
•I will never practice rituals that contradict the message of the
light of the Gospel. I will never practice Freemasonry.

2.-As a Disciple:
•It is my desire to develop my person through an intense
devotional life. I will practice daily Bible reading, persistent
prayer, and healthy congregational life.
•I will never allow my person to stagnate, but I will seek my
constant development, growth and maturation.

3 .-As Preacher:
•I am committed to preaching the Bible; the Word of God.
•I will seek to teach, exhort, encourage, encourage and
challenge my congregation to know, live and defend the values,
principles and doctrines that the Holy Spirit has revealed to us
through the Holy Bible.
•I will never preach what is not clearly indicated in the Saint ta
Bible, and much less to lead the church to a change of
denominational identity.

4 .-As a leader:
•I will lead the congregation I serve to seek the will of God.

•I will share leadership with others whom I will seek to train as

collaborators to whom I can delegate the burden of ministry.

•I will respect the individuality of each member of the Church,

the different positions within the congregation and, above all, the
lordship of Christ within the ministry based on the sacred
Scriptures and authority of the assembly. I will never exercise a
lid authoritarianism nor will I override the decisions of the

5 .-As Advisor:
•I will help people find solutions to their problems and needs by
teaching the Word of God, without using my authority to
manipulate those who approach me to request help and spiritual
•I will keep with absolute discretion all the confidences that are
shared with me and I will never use them to the detriment of the
person who entrusted them to me seeking help.

6 .-As Minister of Worship:

•I will teach and direct the congregation to fulfill the
requirements legal provisions and corresponding social
•I will ensure that fair parameters are established for the
compensation of all employees and collaborators of the Aso.
Religious foundation that we legally constitute.
•I will accept the need and importance of being evaluated on my
•I will never enter into legal conflicts with the Religio Association
sa, even when it is detrimental to my economy, thus trusting in
divine providence.

7 .-As a Husband and Father (If I am married and have

children): •I will seek the integral, spiritual, emotional,
intellectual, physical and social development of my family to be
an example of Christian life to the congregation.

•I will take the time agreed upon with the Church to dedicate to
family life.
202 National Baptist Convention of

•I will never abandon my family to dedicate myself to the work of

the church.
•I will never go into debt irresponsibly.

8 .-As a colleague in the Ministry.

•I will seek and practice healthy relationships with my fellow
servants in order to obtain help, from one or more of them, in
favor of my own needs to be advised.
•I will hold retired pastors in high regard.
•I will seek respect and order in the transfer of members from
another church to the church that I minister, considering a frank
dialogue from pastor to pastor, in addition to the corresponding
procedure from church to church
•I will never unfairly compete with a fellow servant for the
pastorate of a church, or for a specific position.
•I will never speak ill of a fellow servant nor will I write letters
that discredit your reputation, nor will I pay attention to whoever
does it.
•When I know that a fellow servant has fallen into sin, I will seek
his restoration according to Matthew 18:15-22
•I will never start a new church with the membership of a church
where my ministry has concluded, nor will I hinder the
integration of its new pastor, neither with comments nor with
frequent visits.
•I will never practice plagiarism, whether of writings, ideas or

9 .As a Member of this Denomination.

•As a member of this denomination, I will guide the church to
decisive and systematic collaboration with our institutions such
as the Regional Baptist Convention and the National
Convention. tional Baptist of Mexico in all aspects, sharing the
work, personnel, capabilities and the denominational tithe of
economic collaboration to the cooperative fund.

•I will never influence my congregation to stop cooperating with

any of the aforementioned institutions, neither with
misinformation nor with negative information.

10 .-As a Member of this Ministerial Alliance.

•I promise to comply with your code of ethics and work to
achieve your objectives. I will rely on her and the Convention to
which she belongs, in case of labor problems or division in the
congregation in which I minister. I will never consciously violate
fear its statutes and will never make any statement against it.
200 National Baptist Convention of Mexico

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