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Research paper doi: https://doi.org/10.30822/arteks.v3i2.63

The interiority of proximity between nature and arhitecture in

contemporary and tropically context with cases studies
Budi Pradono

Budipradono architects a+u

Jl. Walet 6 blok I.2 no 11, Sector 2, Bintaro Jaya, Jakarta Selatan 12330, Indonesia


Article history: The interiority of buildings in tropical countries requires specific
Received February 14, 2019 characteristics unlike those in countries with four distinct seasons.
Received in revised form Feb. 25, 2019 Buildings in non-tropical climates must protect their inhabitants
Accepted May 26, 2019 from extreme weather, meaning that the architecture’s connection
Available online June 01, 2019 with nature is necessarily limited by a boundary which can
withstand extreme climatic differences. In tropical countries, on the
Keywords: other hand, the temperature does not fluctuate much throughout the
Tropical year, so the temperature difference between seasons is not extreme.
Contemporary This characteristic is reflected in traditional Nusantara
Relationship between nature and architecture, which incorporates a breathable wall so that free
architecture winds come in, reducing heat. The roof is tilted or saddled-shaped
to keep rain water away from the building. The architecture uses
organic materials and includes terraces for dialogue with nature.
Modern Indonesian architecture, however, particularly in large
cities, is mostly closed off, severely limiting the interaction with
nature. Since the advent of air conditioning (AC) technology during
the 1980’s, architecture has changed to seal the boundaries of the
building. Advances in information technology such as Internet and
smartphones have made for further changes to architecture in the
area; some functional spaces are being discarded, while others are
expanded. The relationship between architecture and nature is now
constrained by impenetrable materials such as brick, concrete and
glass, as opposed to the more traditional, permeable boundary. In
contrast to this trend, modern Indonesian society is tempted to form
a closer relationship with nature. This paper examines how a
relationship between nature and the interior of buildings may be
Corresponding author: Budi Pradono accommodated again, presenting some existing projects by several
Budipradono architects a+u, Indonesia architects from Europe and Asian countries—including the authors’
Email: [email protected] own work—as case studies.

Introduction static but mobile, a fusion of physical space,

intangible concepts and abstractness. In 1967,
Interiority may be defined not only with Michel Faucault defined ‘heterotopias’, or places
dimension, colour and the materials that form the that are neither here nor there, as real spaces that
basis of interior space (P. S. Perolini 2011), but stand outside of the accepted space. Faucault
also as an abstract presence associated with the describes heterotopias as spaces which are
interior space—not the interior itself, but an constructed by the mind but are equally likely to
abstract quality bringing various possibilities and have a physical presence and action (P. Perolini
interpretations of interior space. Interiority is not 2013).

Copyright ©2019 Budi Pradono. This is an open access article distributed the Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur, Volume. 3, Nomor 2, Juni 2019
eISSN 2541-1217; pSSN 2541-0598

Another theory, put forward by Henry Findings and discussion

Lefebvre in his paper, The Production of Space,
defines space as a social product. Lefebvre The relationship between architecture and
explains the fundamental difference between nature
architectural space and the space of architects as Historically, architecture was governed by the
follows: while architectural space produces social forces of nature, and humans relied more upon
space through experiences, the space of architects their instinct to survive. The relationship between
is space manipulated and affected by the architecture and nature has changed radically over
architects as part of their professional practice. He time, especially with the arrival of the industrial
claims that a space that the architect of an event is and technological revolutions. After World War
not the same as the experience of everyday life (P. II, the demand for construction boomed.
Perolini 2013). However, heavy construction’s impact on the
Architects and designers must create environment has become evident, and people
meaningful experiences for occupants of the have come to pay closer attention to ecology in
spaces they design. It is important to realise that recent years. This paper discusses many
interiority and exteriority are interwoven within architectural trends arising from an understanding
architectural constraints but are not defined by the of the importance of a good relationship with
boundaries of buildings. Interiority is abstract and nature and a current nostalgia for a time when man
fluid; the concept of interiority relies upon and nature were closer, as closeness with nature is
cultural, social, technological and physical a need. It focuses on the phenomenon of re-
developments in society. establishing a relationship between architecture
The main purpose of this paper is to discuss and nature in tropical climates.
the current phenomenon of proximity between Mankind first began to manipulate nature as
architecture and nature, which may affect the nomadic hunters. This eventually led to the birth
quality of abstract space or interiority. The quality of the permanent settlement and the development
of the space quite specific where the architect’s or of architecture (Crowe 1995). The permanent
designer’s experience comes into play, since the settlement gave humans the ability to control the
advancement of technology permits the environment by adjusting materials in nature to
integration nature into the interior space. In address their needs, in effect creating new nature
contrast to previous research, where tropical in the form of houses. Traditional societies tried
architecture is discussed in terms of highly to reflect the macrocosm in the microcosm of the
technical areas addressing only humidity and building, with the roof as a metaphor of the sky,
heat. Very little research addresses the abstract the fireplace representing the sun, the walls
quality of space attributable to the incorporation serving as the borders of the cosmos and the floor
of nature and architecture. This paper focuses on acting as the manifestation of the Earth. This
the relationship between architecture and nature, represents a strong relationship between nature
the history of tropical architecture as associated and humankind. Local materials were historically
with post-colonial discourse, green architecture, chosen due to their proximity and suitability to the
Nusantara architecture, bhiophilic architecture local weather. For example, walls made of clay
and its relation to technological advances in transmit heat slowly, lowering the interior
communication, contemporary tropical temperature during the day and keeping it from
architecture as related to proximity with nature getting too low at night (Rinaldi 2009). Clay walls
and the quality of imaginary space irrespective of may be found not only in North Africa and
climate. Morocco, but also in several areas of Indonesia,
including the mountainous area of Ubud, Bali.
Tropical regions, with their high temperatures and
day-and-night humidity, generally use wood and
bamboo in their architecture. This reflects a
primitive principal whereby architecture is seen as
part of nature and has the benefit of using less
manmade energy (Crowe 1995).

Budi Pradono:
The interiority of proximity between nature and architecture in contemporary and tropically context with case studies

Figure 1. The different relation between architecture and nature

Contemporary tropical architecture Drew (1964) as well as by modernist architects

Tropical architecture lies beyond its climatic who showed with such works Paul Rudolf and
and regional concerns. This confronts the spread Richard Neutra (US), Frederich Silaban, YB
of a homogenous globalism which can also be Mangunwijaya, and Han Awal (Indonesia).
called international style. Tropical architecture is In the current era where the advancement of
always associated with a locally and innovation and digital technology has changed the
environmentally sensitive approach. social order in the contemporary architectural
Countries in the tropical belt have seen before community is defined as the latest architecture
growth in the last 70 years and are poised to that accommodates the needs of the current
escalate in terms of economic, technological and community lifestyle. So, the contemporary
material development. Briefly, modern tropical tropical architecture shows the geographical
architecture has been adapted from modern trends location of the tropics therefore some of the things
in design and construction to climate, where it is below will explain more detail about the
necessary to note the changes in the lifestyle that Nusantara architecture, Dutch colonial
the tropical climate affords. What appears often is architecture in Jakarta, green architecture, and the
the exploration of open and semi-open spaces, influence of smartphone technology that changed
balconies, verandah, and open plan. the pattern of tropical space in the cities in
The challenge to define a modern idiom for Indonesia.
tropical architecture is not just a climatic issue but
also related to the problem of adapting to the Nusantara architecture and its relationship
modern lifestyle, of transformation of local with nature
cultures to the modern city. Indonesia comprising thousands of islands,
The research on tropical architecture is based has many vernacular architectures on each of
on the movement of modernism in Europe and the these islands. “Nusantara” is an Indonesian word
US. The modern architecture movement was led for the Indonesian archipelago, coming from
by several master architects such as Le Corbusier, “Nusa” and “Antara” and meaning “a unity
Oscar Niemeyer and Alvar Aalto who believed between islands and its seas” (Prijotomo 2008).
that Modernism in architecture ought not to be Nusantara architecture is non-separated from
transplanted globally without some recognition of nature; therefore, its materials come from nature,
its context where emphasized the importance of namely organic materials such as tree bark, wood,
understanding the region, climate and social roots and leaves. The material adjusted based on
context. At the moment there is a transplanted natural condition. For example, rumah panggung
from temperate countries, particularly the US - in or house on stilts is commonly in the region.
justification by the name of International Style. Similarly, in Korowai, Papua, the tree house is
This situation was criticized by many common. This architecture is merged with nature,
architectural schools and environmentalist with breathable walls usually made of woven
writings such as Aladar Olgyay (1963) and Victor bamboo or from the arrangement of bebak (palm
Olgyay (1952), Maxwell Fry (1956) and Jane tree leaves). The traditional societies of these

ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur, Volume. 3, Nomor 2, Juni 2019
eISSN 2541-1217; pSSN 2541-0598

regions hold ceremonies when they cut the trees atriums or backyards and more spacious
or harvest other natural materials for use as bathrooms incorporating plant life. In this era, as
building materials. The ceremony is a symbol that the state enjoyed the financial boon of increased
the local people really appreciate God's creation exports of crude oil and other mining materials,
such as trees so that cutting down trees is not as development in major cities in Indonesia
an economic commodity such as modern society increased. Deforestation was unrestrained, even
but for the needs of the community creating in areas such as Borneo Island, known for its
Nusantara architecture to shelter. forest land, and the wood was exported for profit.
This relationship between architecture and Nature was viewed as a commodity and an
nature is different from that of the architecture in unimportant material, as it was only used as a
four-season countries. Extreme weather decorative addition to architecture.
difference in non-tropical climates mean that their This development took place in every corner
architecture tends to have rigid boundaries with of cities in Indonesia, despite the small number of
nature; the architecture functions like a fortress, young architects responsible for it. This era of
protecting the people inside from the cold or the exploitation and usage of nature diminished the
heat. relationship between architecture and nature.

The garden city of menteng Nature and interior architecture

In 1909, Dutch East Indies architects tried to There are several reasons to incorporate nature
implement the garden city concept in Menteng, in interior architecture. Nature may be part of
Jakarta, in early 20th-century Batavia. Garden home decoration, such as potted plants. Plant life
City was a middle-class, residential area in may serve to cool the house, which is achieved by
Batavia. This urban planning movement creating a canopy frame for plants, so they can
attempted to transform Indonesia’s traditional grow in above of the terrace, and the inside of the
architecture into a more modern form using building will become cooler. Plants may also be
materials used in the Netherlands, such as brick. placed between rooms such as patio or atrium to
Garden City houses were surrounded by large serve as connectors between different rooms.
gardens and tall trees. To address the heat, the Plants placed inside the house may indicate that
houses were built with high ceilings and spacious the owner has a psychological desire for closeness
terraces. The architecture incorporated nature as a to nature, sometimes to the point—particularly in
cosmetic complement; residents could sit on the the case of elderly homeowners—where the
terrace and enjoy the nature around it. It also plants serve as companionship, sometimes even
benefited from nature in a practical function, as giving the owners a reason to live. Building
most of the houses had fruit trees to provide food. interiors which incorporate nature have a specific
Many of these buildings incorporated a terrace, as character and generally incorporate sunlight, as
well as large gardens in front of and behind the well, via architectural features such as atriums.
building, as media to connect with nature. Others, Otherwise, such buildings must use artificial
called courtyard houses, incorporated a garden in lighting as a replacement for sunlight.
the middle of the building, which served to cool Examining R-House, as a case study, we see a
the house by creating air flow into the building. house with a cohabitation theme. This house has
The use of plants in this architectural style may be a special relationship with nature, both indoors
categorized as fence, marker, canopy and and outdoors. As the owner of the house has a
decorative element. During this period, the hobby related to water, water has been used as an
relationship between architecture and nature was element of design, flowing in from the outside and
only partly for the beautification of the house. filling almost every corner of the room it flows
into. Plants on the flat roof penetrate into the
1970s economy boom and the introduction of house, becoming a non-separated part of the
modern architecture interior of the house.
An economy boom in 1970s Indonesia
brought some first-generation, newly-graduated
architects from the Netherlands and Germany,
including Han Awal and Suwondo, who
attempted to introduce tropical architecture in
Indonesia. Han Awal designed houses with

Budi Pradono:
The interiority of proximity between nature and architecture in contemporary and tropically context with case studies

Figure 3. A-House, by BPA Architects, 2014

The next case study is the Rumah Miring, or

Slanted House. The entire Slanted House building
was lifted on pilotis and the pool was incorporated
pool into the building. Many plants were sown
around the building, as well as on the second-floor
terrace so that the owner of this house may
commune with nature when on the first floor. The
bathroom was made spacious and wired for
various digital activities (Pradono 2014).
Figure 2. R-House section and interior, by BPA
Architects. Reprinted from Budi Pradono's Naturally
cooled R-House brings nature indoors, by M. Andrew,
21, retrieved October 30, 2017

The second case study is A-House in Bintaro,

located in the southern part of Jakarta. Here, a tree
was planted inside the house to create a dialogue
between architecture and nature, as well as with
the inhabitants of the house (Pradono 2014).

Figure 4. Slanted house section and interior, by BPA

Architect, 2014

Redefining of the relationship

The relationship between nature and
architecture must be redefined, given the current
prevalence of nature degradation and technology
development. The demand is high for
environmentally responsible architecture,

ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur, Volume. 3, Nomor 2, Juni 2019
eISSN 2541-1217; pSSN 2541-0598

supporting sustainability. In Europe, the green

architecture movement was triggered by the
human desire to be close to nature and involves
incorporating plants in buildings. In Indonesia,
nature becomes a non-separated part of
architecture. However, plants also serve as
decoration for architecture. For example, the
Vertical Forest Apartment by architect and
theoretician Stefano Boeri features a façade
covered entirely with plants. This successful
Milan project is known as an example of
architecture which lives together with nature.
Boeri received several similar projects in
Lausanne, Switzerland; Guizhou and Liuzhou in
China; Utrecht; Paris; Tirana and Shanghai. His
idea is to put trees on terraces to absorb CO2.
Another example of this use of nature in
architecture is The Canopia Apartment in
Bordeaux, designed by Sou Fujimoto, is an
apartment tower with several plants on its

Figure 6. Canopi, by Sou Fujimoto and Laisné Roussel

Propose Wooden Mixed-Use Tower for Bordeaux,

Binh House, a work by Vietnamese architect

Vo Trong Nghia of VTN architects, interprets the
relationship between nature and architecture as a
link between rooms. The living space also serves
as a link among three generations of families
which live in one house.

Figure 5. Bosco verticalle, by Stevano Boeri

Architects, 2015

Budi Pradono:
The interiority of proximity between nature and architecture in contemporary and tropically context with case studies

Figure 7. Binh house, by Vo Trong Nghia Architects,

Figure 8. House for trees, by Vo Trong Nghia
Architects, 2014
The next case study is the House for Trees
project, where the building is used as a giant pot
From the above examples, we can conclude
holding a large tree. Four masses of buildings
that some new architecture in European countries
create the pot and can be occupied by people.
attempts to get closer to nature by adding it to the
outside or attaching it to the building, while some
examples of new buildings in tropical countries
unite architecture and nature in the interior. This
proximity creates a certain quality in the space,
rendering the space more interesting and
enriching it with natural light and the colours of

Green architecture
Toward the end of this decade, green
architecture has become a hot topic for several
reasons, one of them being awareness of
environmental degradation. Green architecture
principles serve to conserve energy by means
such as reducing the use of AC. This movement is
supported by the development of energy-
conserving technology, for example light-
emitting diode (LED) lights and solar energy. The
green architecture movement has resulted in the
passing of various rules and systems, such the
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
(LEED) rating system in the United States, which
applies to all architects. In tropical countries like

ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur, Volume. 3, Nomor 2, Juni 2019
eISSN 2541-1217; pSSN 2541-0598

Indonesia, green architecture is sought by the residential areas of Greater Jakarta, such as Bumi
general public as well as architects. Serpong Damai, Bintaro and Serpong, almost all
There are several implementations involved in houses have low ceilings, ranging in height from
green architecture. One of them is a heat- about 2.5 meters to 3 meters. The usage of AC has
reduction strategy created by attaching plants to a changed the relationship between architecture and
building’s façade. This makes the building look nature in that the boundaries between them, which
greener and changes architecture, which was previously were ambiguous, are now defined by
removed from nature in the colonial era, to one rigid materials. Rooms within buildings are
with almost no distance from nature. Another segregated and isolated. Transparent materials
trend can be implemented almost anywhere: many such as glass and acrylic are used to maintain
architects are experimenting with adding soil and some contact with the exterior, but, as in the
plants on top of flat, concrete roofs. Some 1930’s, nature is once again relegated to a mere
architectural works also plant trees inside the object of beauty.
house. Thus, much architecture is covered with An example of nature becoming the mere
nature. complement of architectural beauty can be found
The awareness of the need for nature and its in House N by Sou Fujimoto, which comprises a
resulting green architecture movement have room inside a larger room which holds large trees.
spread all over the world. Some experts call this
the birth of an ‘Environmental Age’ which
promotes sustainability. According to Olgyay,
‘The greatest lesson is the fundamental principle
that architecture is at its best when it is working
with not against nature. That severance of the
historical symbiosis with climate was achieved at
a cost to both architecture and nature’ (Olgyay,
1963, as cited in Hawkens, 2002, p. 6). We also
understand that the human body acts both
physically and psychologically to reach a
biological equilibrium, a type of ‘comfort zone’.
‘A balance shelter plays a vital role in reaching
this “comfort zone”, which modifies the natural
environment to satisfy physiological needs. In this
regard the primary intention of bioclimatic
building is to react to the climate and environment
by absorbing, filtering or repelling environmental
elements depending on their positive or negative
effects on human comfort’ (Olgyay 2015). Some
research states that bioclimatic buildings use five
to six times less energy than conventional
buildings over their lifetime (Jones, 1998, as cited
in Hyde, 2008) (Liébard and André 2011).
Manipulating the building or microclimate may
obtain thermal comfort.

Use of air conditioning

Air conditioning (AC) technology in tropical
countries like Indonesia has changed the interior
composition of buildings, as the use of this
cooling technology is calculated based on room
volume. Since smaller rooms require less AC,
many house sizes are decreased to minimise AC Figure 9. House N, by Sou Fujimoto Architects, 2008
use. These house sizes stand in contrast to the
Dutch buildings in Menteng, which generally
have high ceilings. However, in the newer

Budi Pradono:
The interiority of proximity between nature and architecture in contemporary and tropically context with case studies

Smartphone technology in the home communicating through social media

Smartphone technology, which has risen in applications. Hand-in-hand with this phenomenon
popularity since the 1990s, has changed the house is the assumption that the closer people are to
floor plan typology. In the 80s, every house had a technology, the stronger their urge to get closer to
formal living room. More recently, the less formal nature will be. Hence, modern architecture
family room has risen in demand. Today, people attempts to bring nature indoors.
connect less frequently by visiting each other;
instead, they are connected through social media, Biophilic architecture
and there seems to be no further need for a formal Affection for natural systems and their
living room. incorporation into design and man-made
Another influence of technology on middle environments is known as biophilia (Wilson,
class houses is the transformation of the 1984; Kellert & Wilson, 1993) (R Kellert 2005).
bathroom. The modern bathroom has become Human dependence on nature is closely related to
more spacious and comfortable. It has become a the human mind and body, which are associated
new kind of private room where urbanites may with environmental sensors, including light,
spend more time on personal devices, engaging in sound, wind, weather, water, plant, animal and
activities such as reading the news or landscape.

Figure 10. Interaction by face-to-face contact

Amjad Almusaed, 2011

Figure 11. Interaction by interconnecting surface

Amjad Almusaed, 2011

Figure 12. Architecture pattern in context of living nature upon biophilic architecture model
Amjad Almusaed, 2011

ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur, Volume. 3, Nomor 2, Juni 2019
eISSN 2541-1217; pSSN 2541-0598

Biophilia is related to human health, social problems as compared to those who live in
productivity and wellbeing. According to Kellert cities. He states that contact with nature correlates
(2005), the human brain responds functionally to with cognitive functions which require
sensory patterns from a natural environment, with concentration, as well as memorizing ability,
many beneficial results. Kellert states that contact pointing out that offices with natural lighting and
with nature can aid in healing or recovery from ventilation improve employees’ performance and
illness and that childhood health and maturity reduce their stress. In short, a community with a
development correlate with contact with nature. positive environmental quality and a positive
Furthermore, people who live spread out in open relationship with nature enjoys a superior quality
areas are reported to have less illness and fewer of life (R Kellert 2005).

Figure 13. Elemen and attributes of biophilic design by R. Kellert, 2005

The relationship between architecture and nature
can be understood as a relationship of mutual need
in that human history cannot be separated from
nature. From the beginning, mankind has
integrated its homes with trees, especially in
tropical countries, where natural resources are
plentiful and well-suited to the local climate. With
technological progress has come changes in
Figure 14. Relationships among digital society, architecture. Construction technology has
architecture, nature and biophilic architecture allowed us to reduce dependence upon natural
materials for building structures, using more

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ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur, Volume. 3, Nomor 2, Juni 2019
eISSN 2541-1217; pSSN 2541-0598


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