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Some reflections on the numerical elements in the ritual of the Masonic

Apprentice Degree.

Q:. H:. Fernando Falcon

Ap:. M:.

When we reflect on the symbology of the Ritual of the Ancient and

Accepted Scottish Rite, we find that, beyond the mystical or rational

considerations that impel men to adopt the paths of the Light as their own,

there exists in all these rituals a perfect agreement, both between them and in

the whole of the Rite that imply something beyond simple symbolic


In fact, each ritual of the rite contains two aspects that in themselves make up

the central element of Masonic symbology in its esoteric and rational aspects:

The initiatory teaching itself and its form of transmission. This esoteric

teaching is known as the Arcanum.1

A detailed analysis of the Rite allows us to configure a tentative classification

of the Arcana into Five large groups.2 , namely:

- Verbal Symbols

Hurtado, Amando: Because I am a Mason. EDAF. Madrid 1994. Q. 142.
Plantagenet, Edouard: Causeries Initiatiques en Loge d´ Apprentis. Dervy Paris 1948.
- Gesture Symbols

- Temporal Symbols

- Chromatic Symbols

- Numerical Symbols

The purpose of this contribution will be to carry out an analysis of the

numerical Symbology in the works of the Apprentice Degree. For these

purposes, I will analyze the numerical symbolism of the Apprentice Degree

from a rational Masonic and geometric perspective and I will make the

corresponding conclusions.

When we analyze the teaching of numerical Arcana in the Apprentice

Degree, it is based, in all Rites, on two basic models: Binary and Ternary.

From a purely rational point of view, the Binary model is the first Basic

element to contrast any reality with its opposite, in order to access with greater

precision the concretion and expression of an idea, concept or theoretical

construction. This model, whose origin we find in Greek philosophy through

Plato's cave and in Eastern philosophy through Ying and Yang, constitutes the

basis of Western thought that Descartes would later model in the Discourse on

Method. Only through darkness can the Light be perceived, femininity

highlights and complements masculinity, Day and night, Virtue and vice, are
examples of teaching by contrast or complement, using the Binary as a key

element for the illustration of Being and the path to finding oneself. At the

Apprentice level, these two elements, Contrast and complementarity, are

expressed binaryly in various aspects of the Ritual. In Geometry, they

represent the union of two points through a straight line, the starting point for

the rest of the geometric figures.

The Moon and the Sun, The square and the Compass, the Perpendicular and

the Level, the raw stone and the carved stone, Chisel and mallet, Columns B

and J, constitute models in apparent opposition, whose analysis and reflection

lead to the concept of complementarity reciprocal, which in turn leads to the

Unity of things3 .

The tertiary model, for its part, involves the search for the integrating element

of a reality or concepts in which a third integrating element underlies that,

giving strength to the opposition or complementarity, implies the appearance

of the concept or reality that allows the true passage. to reason. Dialectics, as a

model of advanced thought, by integrating synthesis as an element that founds

the principles of thesis and antithesis, constitutes the key element to combat

fanaticism, superstition and error, members of the triad, in turn. time, from the

darkness of reason4 .

Guenón, Raymond: Appercus sur l'initiation. Materiels d´Loge de Compagnons du Temple Denis Diderot
N° 51. Paris 1995. Mimeograph.
Berteaux, Richard: La Symbolique au grade d'Apprentis. Edimaf. Paris. 1970. Pp34.
In geometry, the tertiary element is expressed through the triangle, the

simplest form of delimiting space through the intersection of straight lines that

join three separate points.5 .

In the ritual of the Apprentice degree, the tertiary model is manifested in

several symbolic elements. The initiatory journeys. The lights of the lodge, its

symbolic degrees (Apprentice, Companion and Master), the three parts where

the sun shines strongly, the age of the Apprentice, the battery of the Degree,

lead to symbolically representing the third integrative concept, a central

element of learning. masonic. The response to the triad Wisdom, Strength and

Beauty constitutes the central element, in my opinion, in the symbolic study of

the Apprentice degree. The mastery of the two numerical Arcana, two and

three, will finally configure five, time to move from the level to the


Granville, J: Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. UTEHA. Mexico. 1972. Pp5-6.

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