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College Of Teacher Education

Department of Elementary Education
Puerto Princesa City


School Palawan State University Platform Face to face

Name of Teacher Bayonas, Tesalonica C. Time

Rodriguez, Juliane
Usman, Frances Jayme Claire

Learning Area Technology and Livelihood Education Date

EPP with Entrep

Grade Level Grade 6 No. of 38



A. Content Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit

Standards trees

B. Performance Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
C. Learning 1.5.1 Identifies the appropriate tools and equipment in plant propagation and their
Competencies / uses.
Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
(Indicate the LC
Code for each) a. identify the appropriate tools and equipment in propagating
trees and fruit trees;
b. explain the use of each tool and equipment in propagating
trees and fruit trees; and
c. share the safety precaution in using appropriate tools and

II. CONTENT Propagating Trees and Fruit Trees


A. References N/A

1. Teacher’s Guide K to 12 Curriculum Guide in EPP (Page 35)

2. Learner’s
Materials (pages)
3. Textbook (pages) N/A

4. Additional
Learning Used-in-Plant-Propagation-1-1
Materials from
Resource (LR)
5. Integration Valuing, art and safety precaution of using tools and equipment.

B. Other Learning PowerPoint presentation, Cartolina, Marker, and Pictures.

IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

Detailed Lesson Plan

SC-TLE 1: EdukasyongPantahanan at Pangkabuhayan 1

Preliminary Activities Prayer

May I request everyone to stand up for our


Joana, can you please lead our prayer?

(The learners will stand up and pray.)

You may take your seat.

(The learners sit properly.)


Good morning class! Good morning, Teacher. It’s nice to

see you today.

It’s nice to see you too!

Checking of Attendance
None Teacher!
Is there anyone who is absent today?

Alright, I am glad that you all are present.

Setting Standards

First and foremost, I want you to know our

simple and important rules to remember
and follow during our classes.

Classroom Reminders.

1.Respect and Listen to your teacher and


2.Be quite when the teacher is talking.

3.Raise your hand if you want to speak.

Is that clear?
Yes, Teacher.

Before the Lesson Now, do you still remember our previous

A. Review previous Yes, Teacher.
lesson or Alright! Vince, what was our previous
presenting the lesson all about?
new lesson It was about the proper way of
planting/propagating trees and fruit-
bearing trees using budding, grafting,
and marcotting.
That's right! And now let's have a short
activity about our previous to see if really
listen and understand our lesson last

This activity called Green Light, Red Light. I

will present statements. Listen carefully to
Detailed Lesson Plan

SC-TLE 1: EdukasyongPantahanan at Pangkabuhayan 2

each statement. If the statement is true or a
fact, you should say "Green Light."
However, if you are not sure if the
statement is true or false, you should say
"Red Light."

Do you understand class? Yes, Teacher.

(The teacher will present the statements)

1. Shovels and garden forks help dig holes

and loosen soil for planting new trees.

In the statement 1, what do you think is the



Yes, Imma?
(The learners raise their hands)

That's correct! How about in the statement Teacher, Green light.


2. Marcotting is a vegetative plant

propagation technique where roots are
induced to grow from a still-attached stem
or branch while it is still attached to the
parent plant.


Yes, Vince?

Very good! Let’s proceed to the statement Teacher, Green light.

number 3.

3. We don't need to use any tools for

propagating plants, we can just propagate
them with our bare hands because it feels
more natural that way.


Yes, Joana?

Red light, because we also need

That's correct! How about in the statement tools for us to easily propagate
number 4? plants.

4. Grafting is the only way to propagate fruit

trees from an existing trees.


Yes, Leo?

Teacher, Red light.

You're correct, Leo.
How about the last statement?

5. Budding is a form of vegetative or clonal

plant propagation by which an exact replica
of the parent plant is produced.


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Yes, Freya?

Great job! All of you got the correct answer. Teacher, Green Light.
Give yourself a round of applause.

I can see that you were really listened in

our previous lesson, and now our previous (The learners give themselves a
lesson has something to do with our new round of applause)

Do you have an idea what is our topic for

Raise your hand if you want to answer.

(The learners raise their hand)

Teacher, I think is about the tools,

because in our previous lesson we
Alright! That good observation, our topic for haven't discuss the tools, we are just
today is the about the tools and equipment focusing on the proper way of
in propagating trees and fruit trees and their propagating trees and fruit bearing
uses. trees.

B. Establishing a Before we continue our lesson, I want you

purpose for the read our objectives for today.
(The teacher will call a student to read the

At the end of 50 minutes discussion

the students should be able to:

a. Identify the appropriate tools and

equipment in propagating trees and
fruit trees;
b. Explain the use of each tools and
equipment in propagating trees and
fruit trees; and
c. Share the safety precaution in
using appropriate tools and

These are the objectives that you must

accomplish after the discussion.

Do you understand?
Yes, Teacher.

C. Presenting So now, I have prepared a short video

examples / presentation related to our topic. All you
instances of the need to do is watch carefully and observe.
new lesson Afterward, I will ask a few questions based
on your understanding.

Do you understand, class?

Yes, Teacher.

Alright! What was the video all about?

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It was all about propagating plants.

Correct! Who among you also propagates
plants at home?
(All the learners raise their hands)

Alright, it's nice to see that you all

propagate plants and help your parents.
What else did you observe?

Yes, Kim?
Teacher, I observed that the man
used some tools to propagate his
Very good! The man used some tools like
pruning shears to cut the plant.

Besides the pruning shears, what other

tools and equipment did you see based on
the video?

He used knives for cutting the plant

and a hoe for digging the soil.

Very good! All of your answers are correct,

and those tools are crucial in propagating
plants and trees.

Let's give them a round of applause.

During the Lesson Now, do you have an idea what’s the

different between tools and equipment?
D. Discussing new Teacher, tools are typically smaller
concepts and and manually operated items. While,
practicing new the equipment generally refers to
skills #1 larger, more complex items or
machinery used for propagating.

I have here a picture of the tools that we .

can use in propagating trees and fruit trees.
I want you to identify each picture and
briefly explain their uses.

Raise your hand if wan to answer.

Yes, teacher.
Is that clear class?
(The teacher will show the first picture)

Do you have an idea, what kind of tool in

the first picture?

Yes, Kyla?

Very good! Do you think that rake is one of Rake, teacher.

the tools that can be use in propagating
trees and fruit trees?

All right! What is the use of rake in plants Yes teacher.

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Teacher, it is used to smoothen the

soil and gather loose leaves, hay or
Nice! That is correct! straw.

A rake also can be used to make a fine

seedbed, to open and close seed-drills, to
remove lawn clippings and leaves, to tear
out moss and dead grass, and to freshen
up graveled areas and flower beds. Long,
even strokes of a rake are best, so a long
handle is essential. The head should not be
very wide, or too narrow. The teeth should
be straight, or only slightly curved, and set
not too far apart.

How about this picture?

(The teacher will show the second picture)

(The learners will raise their hands)

Who knows this kind of tool?
(The teacher will call a student who raised
a hand)

Yes, Maria?

Spade, teacher.
That’s right! And what do you think is the
use of spade in plants propagation?


It is used to dig, lift and throw loose

Very good! The basic gardening tool is the
spade. It is used for digging, planting,
hoeing, shoveling, and cutting lawn edges.
Long-handled spades have more leverage
when digging, but the short-handled spade
encourages the user to grip the handle
lower down -more under the load, and to
use the leg muscles more.

(The teacher will show the third picture)

What about this tool?


Nice! And what is the use of hoe in plants

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propagation? Teacher, it’s a hoe.

Teacher, it is used in digging and

loosening hard, dry soil. There are
basically two types of hoe: push hoe
and draw hoe. With a push hoe, the
user moves backwards on to the un-
hoed ground, and thus avoids
Alright! With a draw hoe, the user moves walking on the newly-hoed weeds.
forward towards the un-hoed ground and
walks on the newly-hoed area. Raking off
the hoed weeds is essential to prevent re-

A draw hoe is easier to use because the

weight of the arms is brought down to help
with the weed-cutting action, whereas the
pushing action of a push hoe requires the
weight of the arms to be lifted at the same

How about the next picture?

Chrisza? What kind of tool do you think is

shown in the picture and it’s used in plants
Trowel, teacher and it is use for
loosening the ground and taking up
small plants.
Precisely! It is a planting trowel that is
essential for planting bedding and
vegetable plants. The handle should be
fairly short, and broad and smooth at the
end for comfort in the palm of the hand.
The blade should come up close to the end
of the handle.

How about in this picture?

Yes, Karen? Teacher, secateurs and it is used for

cutting small branches.

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SC-TLE 1: EdukasyongPantahanan at Pangkabuhayan 7

Nice! What else? Secateurs are ideal for dead-
heading, and for cutting flowers and
foliage for indoor use.

The secateurs, or pruners, is the basic

pruning tool. Essential for roses or fruit
trees, it will be needed for shrubs on
occasion, too.
The type with a curved blade cause less
damage to the bark of the pruned stem.
Buy a good quality secateurs because,
being better designed, they are easier to
use, and last longer.

How about the next pictures? Axe, teacher!

That’s right! Where do we use axe? We use this to cut trunk of trees and
their branches.

Very good! An axe is a tool with a flat sharp

blade fastened to a handle used for cutting
big trunk of trees and their branches.

Eschi? What do you call to this tool?

Teacher, crowbar and it is used for

planting trees, opening and removing
nailed wooden crates.
Nice! Crowbar is a straight, heavy iron bar
pointed at one end about 4 feet in length
used for digging holes and for planting

How about this picture? Vince?

Teacher, bolo. We use this to cut tall

grasses, weeds and chopping
branches of trees.

That’s right. Bolo is a wooden or metal

handle in which a long blade is attached. It
is used for cutting tall grasses and
branches of trees.

What about the last picture?

Sprinkler, teacher. This are mainly

Detailed Lesson Plan

SC-TLE 1: EdukasyongPantahanan at Pangkabuhayan 8

used to irrigate, or provide water to

Precisely! Water sprinkler is a can or plastic

with a spout to sprinkle water on the plants.
Plants should be watered every day to
make them grow healthier.
I think teacher that is a wheelbarrow.

How about the last picture?


Very good! And wheelbarrow is used to

transfer soil plants and other materials from
one place to another.

The proper used of those tools and

None, teacher.
equipment is essential for maintaining
optimal growing condition for successful

Do you have any question, class?

E. Discussing new Now that you already know the different

concepts and tools and equipment for propagating
practicing new trees and fruit trees, let's have a group
skills #2 activity.

I will divide the class into three groups.

The learners on the left side will be
Group 1, the learners on the right side
will be Group 2, and the learners in the
middle part will be Group 3.

Each group will be given a situation that

they will act out and perform. You will
be given at least 3 minutes to discuss
with your groupmates and come up
with your idea. Yes, teacher.

Is that clear class?

All right! Kindly form a circle with your

groupmates. Group 1

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Situation: Create a scenario where
you notice that your brother is
inappropriately using one of the tools
for propagating plants, then explain
to him the proper use of that tool.

Group 2
Situation: Imagine that you are
planning to plant and start gardening.
You want to buy the tools you need
for cleaning the area, digging the
soil, and loosening it at the hardware
store nearby, but you also want your
brother to buy and prepare them for
you. What are the tools that you will
need, and what will you say to your

Group 3
Situation: Imagine that you pass by
your schoolmate who is digging soil
using a trowel. The trowel
accidentally slips, causing him to hurt
his hand and create a small scratch.
You run to him immediately to help,
then decide to share with him the
proper tools for digging soil and the
safety precautions for each tool to
avoid the said accident from
happening repeatedly.

Alright! I'm impressed with how well you all

understood the different tools, their uses in
propagating, and the necessary
precautions for safe usage.

Now, why do you think it is important to

know the safety precautions of the tools
and equipment that we use? It's important to know the safety
. precautions when using tools and
Raise your hand if you want to answer. equipment because it helps keep us
safe from getting hurt. If we don't
follow the right safety rules, we could
accidentally cut ourselves, hit
something by mistake, or even break
the tool.

Very good! Also, learning the safety

precautions helps us stay safe, avoid
injuries, and make sure we can use the
tools properly to get our jobs done right. It's (The learners do the claps)
just really important to listen to the
teacher's instructions carefully.

Give yourself five claps.

F. Developing For our next activity, this is an individual

mastery activity called “Crossword Puzzle Activity”.

I will provide worksheet; all you need to do

read it carefully through all the provided
Detailed Lesson Plan

SC-TLE 1: EdukasyongPantahanan at Pangkabuhayan 1

clues about the safety precautions in
carefully. It can be across and down.

Are you now ready?

Okay, you may now start.

Yes, teacher.

(The learners are starting answering

the puzzle)


The possible answer are the


G. Finding practical Now, let's proceed to our next activity.

applications of This activity, called "Our Plan," involves
concepts and grouping the class into two groups.
skills in daily Each group has to make a plan for
living something in their everyday life. It could
be a plan for school, home, the garden,
or anything else they want to plan for.

I will give each group a piece of

cartolina and a marker. On the
cartolina, the groups need to:

1. Write down their plan and give it

a creative title at the top.
2. Draw pictures of the tools or
equipment they would use to
carry out their plan and explain
why those tools are important.

The groups will have 10 minutes to

work together and create their plan.
After 10 minutes, each group will
present their plan in front of the class.
Yes, teacher?

Detailed Lesson Plan

SC-TLE 1: EdukasyongPantahanan at Pangkabuhayan 1

Do you understand, class?
(All groups are starting to do their
Alright! You may now start. task)


Guava Growers
In this plan, we will propagate new
guava trees in our school. First, we'll
find a strong guava branch and make
two cuts close together. Then, we'll
peel off some bark and apply a
secret ingredient called rooting
hormone. Next, we'll wrap the area in
moist moss and cover it with a plastic
bag. After waiting patiently for
around a month, roots will sprout,
and we'll carefully separate the new
tree from the parent plant. Finally,
we'll plant it in our garden and give it
lots of love and care! which involves
causing a branch.

* Water Sprinkler
* Spade
* Trowel
* Rake
* Bolo
These tools are important because
they help us make clean cuts,
prepare the soil, apply special
powder, tidy up, and water our new
guava tree, ensuring it grows healthy
and strong.

Group 2.
Mango trees
We're set to propagate citrus trees
for a fruitful garden! We'll start by
gathering fresh citrus seeds or
healthy branches. Using pruning
shears, we'll carefully trim branches
or extract seeds. With a spade and
trowel, we'll prep the soil and dig
planting holes. The wheelbarrow
helps us move soil and pots easily.
Regular watering from the sprinkler
will keep our citrus seeds or
branches hydrated for healthy

Detailed Lesson Plan

SC-TLE 1: EdukasyongPantahanan at Pangkabuhayan 1

*Pruning shear
*Water sprinklers

Utilizing these tools ensures that the

propagation of citrus trees is carried
out effectively, increasing the
chances of successful growth and
healthy tree development.

(The learners give themselves a

round of applause)
Alright! Give yourselves a round of

I'm impressed with our presentation and

your plan; I can see that we were attentive
during our discussion about the tools and
equipment. However, we must remember
the proper way to use those tools and
observe safety precautions to prevent
hazardous incidents and accidents. With
these tools, we can easily propagate or
plant trees and fruit trees in our homes,
schools, or any other place where we want
to plant or propagate.

After the Lesson Good work Grade 6! I can see that you are
now familiar on the tools in propagating
H. Making trees and fruit trees.
and abstractions Are you now ready to use these tools in
about the lesson propagating plants?
Yes, teacher!

Again, what was our topic all about? Yes,


Teacher it is about propagating

Very good! Can you give me at least 3 tools trees and fruit trees.
in propagating trees and fruit trees?

Nice! What is the used of wheelbarrow in Teacher, the wheelbarrow, axe,

propagating trees and fruit trees? and trowel.

Detailed Lesson Plan

SC-TLE 1: EdukasyongPantahanan at Pangkabuhayan 1

Teacher, we used wheelbarrow to
Very good! What else? transfer soil plants and other
materials from one place to another.
Nice! Where and when do we used spade?
Spade teacher.

Very good! What else? Teacher, we used spade when

hoeing, digging and cutting lawn

Nice! What is the use of this tools in

propagating trees and fruit trees?

Fie? Axe and crowbar.

Teacher, we used axe for cutting big

What do you think the importance of trunk of trees and their branches.
studying and learning about these tools and While the crowbar is used when
equipment in propagating trees and fruit used for digging holes and for
trees? planting seeds.

It is important to study and learn

about the different tools and
equipment in propagating trees
How it will help you? and fruit trees so that we can
identify the proper use of each
tool and avoid danger and

It helps me by not only

identifying tool names/uses,
What are the important safety precautions but also mastering their
one should follow when using tools and applications for efficient, safe,
equipment for propagating trees and fruit and successful tree/fruit
trees? propagation practices overall.

When using tools like axes,

trowels, spades, rakes, hoes,
secateurs, crowbars, bolos,
wheelbarrows, and sprinklers for
tree/fruit tree propagation, key
safety precautions are wearing
Very good! I am pleased to see that you protective gear, inspecting tools
listened attentively and comprehended our beforehand, following correct
lesson thoroughly. usage techniques, maintaining a
clear workspace, practicing
Are we now clear with our lesson? proper body mechanics, staying
focused, secure tool storage, and
Detailed Lesson Plan

SC-TLE 1: EdukasyongPantahanan at Pangkabuhayan 1

Are they any question or clarification?
user training
If there is none, let’s have an assessment.

Yes, teacher.

None, teacher.

I. Evaluating For your assessment, there will be multiple-

learning choice and an essay portion, and you will
only have 10 minutes to answer.

Detailed Lesson Plan

SC-TLE 1: EdukasyongPantahanan at Pangkabuhayan 1

Direction: Choose the letter of the
correct answer.

1. What tool is commonly used for

cutting small branches and stems
during tree propagation?
a) Rake
b) Pruning shears
c) Watering can
d) Hammer
2. Which equipment is used for
mixing soil and fertilizer for planting
fruit trees?
a) Rake
b) Wheelbarrow
c) Tape measure
d) Safety goggles
3. Why is it important to wear gloves
when handling certain tools during
tree propagation?
a) To keep hands warm
b) To prevent blisters and cuts
c) To look professional
d) To improve grip on tools
Certainly, here's the revised
4. What safety precaution should be
taken when using pruning shears?
a) Always wear ear protection
b) Keep fingers away from the
c) Use the shears only on wet
d) Wear safety goggles to protect
eyes from debris
5. Which tool is NOT used for
digging holes during tree
a) Trowel
b) Spade
c) Screwdriver
d) Auger
Understood, here's the updated
6. When is it appropriate to use a
a) To prune branches
b) To measure soil pH
c) To make precise cuts when
d) To cultivate soil during tree
7. What safety precaution should be
followed when using a spade in tree
a) Wear gloves to protect hands
b) Keep fingers away from the
c) Use the spade only on soft
d) Hold the spade firmly for better
8. Why should safety goggles be
worn when using certain tools in tree
a) To improve vision

Detailed Lesson Plan

SC-TLE 1: EdukasyongPantahanan at Pangkabuhayan 1

b) To look stylish
c) To prevent eye injuries from flying
d) To shield eyes from sunlight


Direction: Explain the importance of

the safety precautions that should be
followed when propagating trees and
fruit trees.

J. Additional For your assignment, divide yourselves into

activities for two groups. Each group should bring at
application or least three tools that we have discussed.
remediation During the presentation, explain the
purpose and safety precautions associated
with each tool.



Prepared by:

Bayonas, Tesalonica

Rodriguez, Juliane

Usman, Frances Jayme Claire


SC-TLE 1 Professor
Date: ____________

Detailed Lesson Plan

SC-TLE 1: EdukasyongPantahanan at Pangkabuhayan 1


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