Hospital Methodology 3
Hospital Methodology 3
Hospital Methodology 3
The consulting services intended for the Pre-investment Technical Design Study for the
Construction and Equipment of a Radio Therapy Unit in the Hospital de Clínicas of the
Department of La Paz to be carried out by the EDARMA Accidental Association, will be
carried out with a systemic integral, which combines four major components, which are
described below:
Quality and Excellence Approach
The Consultant will maximize its resources to carry out the services of the Pre-investment
Technical Design for the Construction and Equipment of a Radio Therapy Unit in the
Hospital de Clínicas of the Department of La Paz with the objective of having a quality
project that will later be tendered for construction.
During the service execution stage, the EDARMA Accidental Association team will provide
its greatest capacity and effort so that the Study is subsequently translated into the
physical construction and equipment of the project according to the parameters
established in the technical specifications of the work and good quality. engineering
practice in order to achieve a Radiotherapy Unit that satisfies the expectations of the Client
and finally of the beneficiaries for whom the project is intended.
To achieve the goals set, the Association is proposing to assign a team with high technical
capacity that will have the adequate and necessary resources to carry out its work with the
expected quality.
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
The quality system that the companies that make up the Accidental Association have
contribute to this concept, which will be oriented to the project through the development of
the specific Quality Plan for this service.
Approach to Respect and Protection of the Environment
The services that will be provided by the EDARMA Accidental Association will be oriented
towards respect and protection of the environment in all activities carried out during the
provision of services.
The monitoring and control of this concept will be in charge of the environmental team that
is led by the Environmental Specialist who will have the support of the professionals who
will work on the preparation of the EEIA to obtain the Environmental License, as well as
the entire staff assigned to the environmental and social area.
The Environmental Specialist will promote the holding of internal seminars to disseminate
this basic concept that is common to the three companies that make up the EDARMA
Accidental Association.
Security Focus
Although it is a Consultancy aimed at a Pre-investment project, the EDARMA Accidental
Association will ensure that the services provided are developed under the framework of
priority attention to concepts of industrial safety and team personnel, foreseeing the
development of a Contingency Plan to address actions to be taken in the case of accidents
or unforeseen situations that require immediate intervention in the subsequent stage of
physical materialization of the project.
At the same time, the Environmental Specialist himself, or through a specialist in the
matter, will prepare a Safety Manual for personnel, which will also be disseminated
through specific seminars.
All of the Consultant's staff will have accident insurance, in addition to the mandatory
health insurance according to labor legislation for payroll staff.
Social Approach to Attention to Residents and People Affected by the Project
Due to the nature of the Consulting, the services to be provided by the EDARMA
Accidental Association will be developed considering a strong social focus that represents
the availability of having a permanent exchange of criteria with the Client and through this
with the target population that will benefit from the project. construction and equipment of
the Radiotherapy Unit.
This social work will begin with project socialization meetings coordinated with AISEM
officials and/or their representatives, and through them, address the concerns,
suggestions and recommendations of the Project beneficiaries.
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
The special reports will be presented in three (3) copies in Spanish. In the event that any
documentation to be delivered is in another language, it must be translated by certified
personnel and, where appropriate, corrected at the expense of the Consultant, until the
final approval of the Audit. The same documentation must be delivered on magnetic or
digital media in three (3) flash memories and six (6) DVDs. Likewise, it must provide all
documentation and information regarding the associated systems that are installed and
are part of the Project, containing information and recommendations on aspects requested
by the Health Infrastructure and Medical Equipment Agency in order to make the most
appropriate decisions. In special cases related to Environmental Issues, the reports may
be presented in a greater number of copies.
003 Deliverable Reports
According to the Tender Documents, the Sub Products that will be presented by the
Consultant will be the following:
Sub Product 1 – Initial Report – 15 calendar days after receiving the order
to proceed, which includes:
Updated Activity Plan
Programming of Activities according to the CPM method.
Human Resources Allocation by Activities
Gantt chart
Confirmation of the participation of the proposed specialists
Justification of the Project initiative
Other important information
Sub Product 2 – 120 days after receiving the Order to Proceed, which
Idea, concept, project scope
Epidemiological profile study
Study of supply and demand
Study of soils and geotechnics of materials
Project size and location
Health services portfolio
Architectural medical program
Sub Product 3 – 130 days after receiving the Order to Proceed, which
Volumetric zoning
Document social commitment or indicate courses of action to follow.
Status of impacts and management of agreements
Hydraulic hydrological study
Identification of sources of environmental impact and mitigation
Other aspects that the Consultant considers necessary
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
With the previous delivery, the delivery of the Final Product in Draft would
have been completed - scheduled 150 days after receiving the order to
proceed. The clean report, in the number of copies established in the Terms
of Reference, will be presented, once the Nuclear Elements Handling
License has been obtained and the Client's observations have been
corrected and clarified.
The deadline indicated for the different reports initially corresponds to the delivery
of the Draft Reports which, in each case, will be subject to the review and
observations to be formulated by AISEM so that the Consultant can make the
pertinent clarifications and/or complementations.
Clean Final Product Report that, according to what is stated in the Terms of
Reference, will be delivered once the contractual period has concluded,
given the conformity and acceptance of the reports of the main objectives
and the license to handle nuclear elements has been obtained.
The Consultant considers that it will be very difficult to obtain the license to handle
the nuclear elements of the project up to 150 days, because this process involves
the IBTEN, which has procedures and deadlines to grant said licenses. In any
case, the EDARMA Accidental Association reiterates its commitment to attend to
the project until the final delivery of the documentation generated therein, including
the process of obtaining the Nuclear Element Handling License, although this
process takes longer than the time provided for in the Bidding Documents.
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
The Consultant will initially proceed to compile and analyze all existing
documentation related to previous studies in the places subject to this call.
Initially, the identification and compilation of all basic and engineering information
from previous studies will be carried out, for which, immediately upon receipt of the
Order to Proceed, all documentation will be requested from the Health
Infrastructure and Medical Equipment Agency, to begin. the analysis and review of
said documentation.
Permanent coordination will be maintained throughout the duration of the activities
with the Health Infrastructure and Medical Equipment Agency, which is the
institution in charge of project administration.
The current government policy aims to ensure that the Bolivian population has
timely access to effective, safe and quality medicines at affordable costs, through
the regulatory action of the State. With the participation of the sectors involved, the
community organized, recognizing traditional therapies used by the population.
Technically regulate the logistics of supplies of medicines, medical supplies and
reagents under a single system, promoting their rational use.
For this reason, the consultant will document the social commitment that enables
the execution of the Project prepared by the communities and/or actors involved. If
the commitment does not exist, the courses of action to be followed will be
precisely indicated.
The consultant will make all contacts with the entities involved in the project in
addition to managing all the corresponding permits for the proper development of
the project.
Thirty (15) calendar days after receipt of the Order to Proceed, the Consultant will
deliver an Initial Report in 7 printed copies, 2 originals and 5 digital copies. It will
contain the updated Activity Plan (work), Scheduling of activities according to the
method (CPM), Allocation of human resources by activities, Gantt Chart in
Microsoft Project or similar, Written confirmation of participation of the proposed
specialists, other information that the Consultant considers important, Justification
of the Project initiative
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
Said report will be prepared by the Project Manager, with the collaboration of the
different specialists, who will collaborate in the execution of the work schedule, in
order to identify the critical tasks in each of the specialties.
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
The analysis of supply and demand must be based on chronological series of care,
coverage, growth rate and other parameters that allow establishing the future
behavior of the requirements of the hospital care service. The demand projection
must be stratified according to the different Medical Specialties, taking into account
the existing Epidemiological Profile in the intervention area and its medium and
long-term projection.
The future behavior of the offer must be determined through the analysis of the
implementation of similar projects and the analysis of the existing offer. In this
sense, additional plans and programs must be foreseen in the project evaluation
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
The property planned for the preparation of the Design for the project of the
“Third Level Hospital Health Establishment” for the Department of La Paz is
located on the property of COTA COTA, Calacoto Alto Sector Hilusaya area,
identified as the Cota Cota University Campus of the UMSA – La Paz.
Its accesses are paved and it has all the services related to drinking water,
sanitation, electricity and fluid communication.
There are some sports facilities and some housing intended for security.
The topographic survey must reflect the accidents and characteristics of the
terrain, as well as the elements or constructions that are located in the sector,
also indicating the unevenness. Likewise, indicate whether the characteristics of
the basic services will be able to supply the future project.
The topographic survey must include the location and characteristics of the
service connections, substations, water boxes (water meters), drainage register
boxes, in addition to the inspection chambers, sanitary and storm sewer
chambers, the elevations cover and bottom, networks outside the terrain, and
must indicate any existing interference that does not allow the sanitary, electrical
and communications networks to be properly installed.
In the corresponding Meteorology entities, current and historical data from the
Cota Cota area will be searched with statistical data to determine the central
values, particularly the Mean or Average of the different meteorological
In this sense we will determine the hottest or coldest months, rain regime of the
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
To prepare the Basic Services studies, the technical department of the Mayor's
Office of the Southern zone will be visited initially, and the corresponding
EPSAS, to obtain data from the public network, likewise, the entity in charge of
providing electrical energy to area.
In summary, data will be sought regarding: The drinking water supply system,
the wastewater sewage system, the stormwater drainage system, the road
system, the public lighting system, the energy distribution network. electricity,
solid waste collection service, Gas service and other necessary
305 Geological Studies
The geological study will start from obtaining geological maps of the area,
prepared in studies previously carried out for the Municipal Government of La
Paz, on several occasions. It should be noted that one of the geologists who will
work on this project, on behalf of EDARMA, was linked to the preparation of the
Urban Development Study of the City of La Paz, by the companies BCEOM
(France) – BRGM (France) and PCA Consulting Engineers SA (Bolivia)
Based on the analysis of this information, field geological mapping will be carried
out that will cover the Hospital location (in detail) and the upper area of the basin
to identify its effects on the site.
Then the office work will be carried out to prepare the corresponding geological
maps and reports. It should be noted that this activity extends to the preparation
of draft maps and reports. The final documents correspond to the specific tasks
of preparing reports, maps, etc.
The location and depth of each survey will be defined by the geology and
geotechnics specialists of the EDARMA Accidental Association and coordinated
with the Study Prosecutor.
During the execution of the surveys, samples will be obtained for laboratory
tests, which will allow the materials crossed to be characterized.
Lithological description sheets will be prepared for each drilling carried out.
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
The geotechnical studies of the Third Level Hospital location site will be carried
out in accordance with the requirements indicated in Amendment No. 5 that
considers the following objectives:
Geophysical Studies
Open Pit or Austrian Type Wells
Construction Materials Research
Laboratory tests
Test Interpretation
The situation of the natural drainage of the area that affects the location of the
hospital to be predesigned will be evaluated, by identifying the existing water
courses and their morphological situation (old and current location, sediments,
type of bed, etc. ), taking into account the anthropic works carried out and
anticipating possible modifications to the channel. .
The hydrological study of the basin will be carried out to estimate the flows for
different return periods.
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
Based on the results of the hydrological study, protection measures for the
hospital land will be recommended and the effect of water flow in existing works
will be analyzed, especially in the bridge located at the exit of the UMSA land.
This study will be carried out in compliance with the DBC requirements and
using specialized computer programs (software) for this component of the study.
Field work will be carried out to obtain information regarding possible natural
risks that may affect the location of the tertiary hospital. This information will be
obtained in coordination with specialists from different work areas, especially
with the geologist specialist, geotechnics specialist, hydrology and hydraulics
specialist, social specialist, architect to identify anthropogenic interventions that
may represent risk to the health establishment and economist or doctor
specialized in public health.
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
The main objective of the design of the third level hospital must be under strict
regulations of functionalism, the Final Design of the Hospital will be carried out with
characteristics of modern architecture and minimalist criteria, expressing a
morphology of acceptability for tranquility and safety mainly, complemented by
green areas and of landscaping.
They are the abstract concepts that must be covered by the architectural object
and formulated as a proposal by the team of architects. For example: functionality,
security, monumentality. Comfort, etc.
Then, the solution to the pre-design problem can be obtained through a rigid
mathematical process, where a certain set of rules and formulas are routinely
The structural pre-design methodology will mainly be the optimization of the final
result of the design, which depends largely on the success that has been obtained
in adopting the most appropriate structure for a specific building of the structure for
a public place such as a 3rd Level hospital.
In many situations, the loads and other actions that introduce stress into the
structure are defined by construction regulations and it is the designer's obligation
to adhere to them to achieve an optimal result.
In this structuring stage, the materials that will constitute the structure are selected,
the main structural system and the arrangement and preliminary dimensions of the
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
most common structural elements are defined. The objective should be to adopt
the optimal solution within a set of possible structuring options.
Carry out the pre-design of the Electrical Installations and Communication System
project of the 3rd level hospital; guaranteeing the electricity supply at all times due
to the characteristics required by the equipment, based on the respective Bolivian
Standards. Determine the power needed for the equipment. Provide and guarantee
the constant electrical supply service to the equipment according to standards.
An analysis will be carried out between the theoretical part and the technical part in
order to provide an alternative electrical and communications design, following the
corresponding Bolivian regulations for the pre-design of the 3rd level hospital.
In addition to establishing the technical conditions that must be taken into account
to design all the necessary systems, with the aforementioned standards.
Carry out the pre-design of the hydrosanitary installations project for the 3rd level
hospital health establishment, complying with the efficiency of the drinking water,
storm sewage, sanitary and wastewater treatment systems, in addition to the fire
fighting system.
Determination of flow rates and pressures and consequently the calculation of the
diameter of the pipe.
Provide and guarantee constant water supply service in all sanitary devices and
comply with the minimum pressures in them according to regulations.
Protect the water supply so that the water is not contaminated by sewage.
Calculation of the building's sanitary drains and eliminating these towards public
networks or treatment systems. Provide security to the occupants of the equipment
by calculating a prevention system in the event of fires.
Choosing the most optimal water distribution and wastewater evacuation system
for the equipment according to its characteristics.
Various methods will be used for hydrosanitary design. Initially, the basic collection
of information and investigation of the construction standards and municipal
ordinances related to the project will be carried out. In addition, they will be
supported by topographic and geotechnical studies that help understand both the
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
topography of the place, the type of soil, and the terrain factors that would affect
the development of the project. An analysis will be carried out between the
theoretical part and the technical part in order to provide an alternative
hydrosanitary design, following the regulations established in the Bolivian Standard
NB 688: sanitary installations and other references.
One of the most important aspects is the design of the network of drinking water
and sanitary facilities, because the basic needs of human beings must be satisfied,
such as drinking water for food preparation, personal hygiene and cleaning. of the
equipment, eliminating organic waste through sanitary drains, through treatment.
The air conditioning system of hospitals must be zoned according to the activity or
department, therefore this specialty must be closely related to that of architecture.
A study of appropriate architectural morphology will be carried out, complying with
current regulations and the use of spaces, based on which the necessary designs
will be made.
The design will be prepared in detail according to the distribution of all the
environments required for mechanical ventilation.
Design of a central heating system, that is, there will be a Hot Water boiler, this
boiler will operate based on Natural Gas, all of this as a pre-design which could be
modified in the study. The boiler will distribute hot water to the different rooms of
the project through a system of special pipes for this type of heating method.
Pictograms that facilitate orientation and information for personal, patient and
visitor users of health establishments and medical support services, based on the
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
The tertiary hospital must have safety signage, in its different classes, each of
which has a specific purpose.
To prepare this pre-design we base ourselves on all the Regulations for the Design,
Construction, and Operation of Natural Gas Networks and Internal Installations,
which are framed in the regulations.
Minimum Provisions and Standards for the Execution of Natural Gas Installations.
Standards and Recommendations for the use of Natural Gas in Industrial Facilities
due to the capacity that the 3rd level hospital will require.
Taking into account that the supply will be through the primary line, for the supply it
is necessary to build diversion chambers, where a blocking valve and other systems
required for the pre-design will be installed, and then continue to the project site. of
the 3rd level hospital.
For the pre-design of the foundations, the following studies will be carried out:
geological pre-study, topographic survey, geophysical evaluation and soil study.
The results of the studies must indicate:
Based on the number of levels determined in the architectural solution, the location,
traffic study for vertical transportation, as well as stairs, layouts, dimensions,
slopes, materials and finishes of the ramps and determination of location and
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
capacity for the project must be calculated. 3rd level hospital. At all times they must
be governed according to the parameters established in the rules that regulate
facilities for people with different abilities in accordance with Law No. 223, General
Law for People with Disabilities.
In accordance with the provisions of the DBC, the analysis of risk management
will be carried out based on Framework Law 602 “Risk Management” to include
risk management in this study through prevention, mitigation and recovery and
attention of disasters caused by natural, socio-natural, technological, and
anthropogenic threats, as well as social, economic, physical, and environmental
The risks will be evaluated and analyzed in order to verify the need to implement
specific protection plans to minimize the consequences of their eventual
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
The risk analysis and contingency plan will also be included, which will be
specifically structured to prevent the risks that arise in hospital establishments and
define the contingency measures that may be necessary to apply if necessary.
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
A closure and abandonment plan will also be included in which the dismantling and
disposal of all structural elements and disused equipment will be considered.
507 Documentation of Social Commitment or Actions to Follow
As part of the Study, a social commitment will be documented that makes the
execution of the project viable, prepared by the neighbors and other actors
involved. If the commitment is not achieved, the courses of action to be followed
will be precisely indicated in order to achieve social acceptance of the project.
Social management will focus on promoting the need to have a tertiary public
hospital in the South Zone of the city of La Paz, the benefits for the health of the
population and the economic revitalization that the facility generates in the area. of
an establishment with the characteristics of the hospital. The prevention and
mitigation measures that will be applied to prevent and mitigate environmental
impacts will also be explained, as well as the contingency plan that will be applied if
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
The “calculation reports” will describe how the calculations involved in the
development of the construction project were carried out, they will describe the
procedures that were carried out to determine the sections of the elements, and
they will also indicate what were the criteria with which which each and every one
of the elements and parts of the project were calculated
A calculation report will be presented for each of the disciplines involved in the
project, among which the following can be found:
The metric calculations will be carried out in all areas and specialties separately to
then evaluate the budget for the execution of the project and its total cost, and a
detail of the calculations will be prepared.
These must include indications and costs of materials, hospital and non-hospital
medical equipment, transportation, waste, yields, labor costs and all kinds of
incidents that affect the analyzed unit price.
Basic price list: The budget must include the basic price list of materials, medical
equipment (hospital and non-hospital) and salaries used. Basic prices must be
included within the unit analyzes and presented as an annex.
List of reference costs for the training of medical personnel (white coat): In one
section, the cost that the training of medical professionals in the identified
specialties and subspecialties will require must be included.
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
Technical analysis of the Architecture and Engineering of the project that allows
determining the investment costs and operation costs of the project. It will include:
Detailed study of the selected alternative (Basic Architecture and Engineering and
Structure Design). Design of auxiliary and complementary works. Metric
calculations. Unit prices. General Budget for Architectural and Engineering Works.
Maintenance costs. Execution program. Preparation of technical, administrative
and operational specifications for construction.
The project will describe the process of execution of works, set deadlines for
completion and include:
Location plan of the building on the lot, cut and fill areas, wall slopes and other
planned areas.
Dimensional plan of the land, the buildings and the most significant points of the
exterior elements (accesses, steps, ramps, roads, sidewalks and others).
Layout plan of the buildings showing foundation axes (isolated and continuous),
bounded with reference to pre-established, identified and immovable elements,
topographic points.
Location plan of the exterior elements built such as parking lots, walls, auxiliary
buildings and others.
Plans of all floors with nomination of rooms and nomenclature in accordance with
the provisions of the National Guide for the Design and Construction of Health
Establishments, interior dimensions of rooms, thickness of walls, location of doors
and construction elements, material and types of finishes .
Sections, facades and roof plan similar to those of the preliminary project,
expanding details and indicating definitive specifications, dimensions and
dimensions of all the elements, openings and materials to be used.
Specifications for interior and exterior waterproofing of walls and other elements
of protection against humidity. Larger scale details of wet areas with location of
hydraulic-sanitary devices, type and specifications.
Detailed plans of all the construction elements that were necessary for a correct
interpretation of the works to be executed such as: doors, windows, floors, steps,
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
A summary table will be prepared of the estimated quantities of work for the final
design, for the different construction items that will be used in the preparation of
the estimated project execution budget.
The budget for the execution of works will be prepared based on justified
estimates of work quantities and unit price analysis sheets, supported by quotes
for inputs and machinery - equipment previously made.
A breakdown of the budget will be made based on the origin of the inputs, to
establish financing needs, both national and foreign.
Finally, a breakdown of the budget will be carried out into its components of
materials, machinery and equipment, and labor, so that the owner has sufficient
data to allow him to adequately establish the project execution strategies.
This budget will include items related to civil construction work and medical
Depending on the production of the project activities and the quantities of work,
the Consultant will develop the following tasks:
Each activity will have an assigned code, which will allow its easy and simplified
use within the model to be used.
At this stage of the work, the precedence relationships with other activities that
must be executed sequentially or simultaneously will also be defined.
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
The scheduling of works will be prepared in the Microsoft Project software, which
corresponds to project scheduling according to the critical path method.
Finally, the investment schedule will be determined, which will be based on the
previously prepared construction schedule. This disbursement schedule will allow
the preparation of the accumulated investment curve.
The first refer to general conditions found in projects based on current regulations
at both the national and municipal levels.
The environmental specifications include the activities for the activities of the
replacement and compensation plans for affected populations, in addition to other
aspects related to the environmental part of the project.
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
The Consulting company must consider the list of medical equipment for the
Architectural design, in order to guarantee the correct functioning of the tertiary
The Medical Equipment Program (hospital and non-hospital) will include the
quantities, origin and technical specifications of the proposed goods, considering
that these must meet high quality standards and must have national and/or
international certifications that support them.
The Consulting company must consider the specific technical specifications for all
medical equipment for architectural design and engineering, in order to guarantee
the correct functioning of the tertiary hospital.
There is a political and social mandate of the Health Sector that guarantees the
full exercise of the right to health, inclusion and access to health for all people,
eradicating poverty and inequality to Live Well.
In La Paz, the incorporation of newly created hospital structures and the process
of reform and adaptation of existing ones, to achieve an adequate dimensioning
and offer of services for the region and reference regions defined in the National
Health Network established in the New Comprehensive Health System.
In Infrastructure and Equipment, because the project establishes a physical
work according to the available investment and the complexity of the service.
In Health Human Resources, because the project requires professionals suitable
for the position, who are in the labor market.
Technology, having technology that is useful for staff and beneficiaries, the cost
of this technology must be within the investment as well as at reasonable prices.
Drug companies, due to the project, must take into account the demand for
them, prices and donations.
Market Regulation are similar aspects but different in their execution. Market
Control regulates the prices of some services that the project will provide.
The Overdemand of the Population is a constantly growing actor, it saturates the
market, developing one of the main problems.
The Health Education factor is influenced by El Mercado because the more
people benefited by the project, the coverage, the better the care.
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
There is a political and social mandate of the Health Sector that guarantees the full
exercise of the right to health, inclusion and access to health for all people,
eradicating poverty and inequality to Live Well.
In La Paz, the incorporation of newly created hospital structures and the process of
reform and adaptation of existing ones, to achieve an adequate dimensioning and
offer of services for the region and reference regions defined in the National Health
Network established in the New Comprehensive Health System.
Technology, having technology that is useful for staff and beneficiaries, the cost of
this technology must be within the investment as well as at reasonable prices.
Drug companies, due to the project, must take into account the demand for them,
prices and donations.
Market Regulation are similar aspects but different in their execution. Market
Control regulates the prices of some services that the project will provide.
The Health Education factor is influenced by El Mercado because the more people
benefited from the project, the coverage, the better the care. .
Product Consulting: Study of Expanded Prerequisites of the Construction Project with its Equipment of one (1) Third Level
Hospital Health Establishment for the Department of La Paz
Once the contractual Term has concluded and given the conformity or acceptance
of the By-product Reports indicated in the Terms of Reference, the Consultant will
present the documentation and plans according to the quantity and form that is
contractually established.
With the approval of AISEM, the Consultant will present the latest Payment
Certificate in the format and amount contractually established, through which the
absence of any technical, administrative and/or legal pending that prevents
continuity of the disbursement process will be verified. this last Payment Certificate
805 Final and Official Closing of the Project
Once all the requirements of the Contract have been concluded, the Consultant will
proceed to issue its Final Settlement Certificate, as well as the request for the
Contract Compliance Certificate, a document that establishes the satisfactory
conclusion of the contract.