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Tuberous Roots

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It is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant
belonging to the Brassicaceae family. When
consumed directly it offers a fresh, spicy and
somewhat bitter flavor. It has an edible root of
axonomorphic and fleshy shape with a high content
of minerals and vitamins; It also has digestive and
diuretic properties.


In a genus of ornamental plants belonging to the

Asteraceae family and characterized by thick roots,
from which thalli emerge with serrated leaves.

The flowers of various colors are grown for

gardening, as well as for the benefits they provide
against diabetes and obesity.


It is an annual, leafy and branched herbaceous
plant, belonging to the Amaranthaceae family. It
is characterized by its round or elongated,
robust and fleshy edible tuberous roots, with
bright reddish or violet colors.

It is rich in anthocyanins, pigments that give it

its characteristic color and an antioxidant effect.

It also contains carotenoids lutein and

zeaxanthin, as well as a high content of water,
carbohydrates and fiber, potassium, iron and B

The sweet variety (Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera) is of high industrial value due to its sucrose
content, which is between 15 and 20%.


It is a perennial shrub adapted to
intertropical conditions and belonging
to the Euphorbiaceae family. It can
measure 2 meters in height and has
tuberous roots of high nutritional value,
especially due to their starch content.

The cultivation of cassava allows its full

use: the stems are used for vegetative
propagation and the leaves to obtain
flour. In addition, tuberous roots are
used for direct consumption, in agroindustry or for export.


It is a special biennial belonging

to the Apiaceae family. The plant
is characterized by rosette-
shaped leaves, 10 cm high stems
and yellow, orange or purple
tuberous roots.

The roots store carbohydrates,

beta-carotene, pro-vitamin A,
vitamin E and minerals such as
calcium, phosphorus, magnesium
and iodine. This vegetable is consumed fresh, cooked, fried or steamed, and is widely used in

FIBROUS ROOTS: known as diffuse roots since they are composed of a cluster of small roots
that make up a network.

Some plants that have this type of root are:

A certain young maiden would also pick a bouquet of daisies with her eyes closed.

The number of flowers she picked and held in her hand was the number of years that would
pass before she got married.

Once its modest simplicity and beauty made the daisy the favorite flower of many poets.

Her healing and prophetic powers made her popular with farmers, and an infamous English

Medieval farmers maintained that spring would not come until they could step on twelve


One of the best ways for daffodils to develop perfectly is to place

them in areas where they receive sunlight and at the same time are
shaded, for the best care of the daffodil flowers and always keep
them with flowers, the only thing you have to do is remove them. its
withered flowers, that is the best way to give way to new blooms.

Medicinal properties of daffodil

It is important to note that this daffodil, like other varieties, has toxic
properties. Therefore, its consumption should be moderate and
supervision by a doctor or specialist is recommended.

The bulbs of the daffodil are emetic, which serves to cause vomiting.
In small doses the bulb can be used as an expectorant.
The flowers have febrifuge properties, which help regulate body temperature in cases of acute
or intermittent fevers.
Narcissus flowers serve as an antispasmodic and anticonvulsant, to prevent or stabilize
episodes of this type.


Palm trees are arboreal or even shrubby plants, belonging to the

class monocotyledons (embryo with a single cotyledon whose main
characteristic is that they are herbaceous), order spacifloras and
family Palmae or Arecaceae, as they are currently called as there is
no genus. Palm or Palmarum.
Utility: they have a varied use, from food since some of their fruits are edible to the use of
their trunks for assembling canoes and even for construction. They are used for the
preparation of alcoholic beverages, honey, oils, fibers, furniture, decorative objects and
medicines, among some of their uses.

The bean is a very important legume for the country;
the grains are widely used in the diet of the
population, especially in the rural sector, who
consume it in both green and dry states. In addition, it
offers the great advantage of being able to be grown
associated or intercropped with various crops. Like all
legumes, it improves soil fertility thanks to the fixation
of atmospheric nitrogen by bacteria (Rhyzobium sp.)
that live in symbiosis with the plant.

Bean cultivation can be done in a large part of our country; However, the areas where they are
most developed are the departments of Caaguazú, Paraguarí, Alto Paraná, Canindeyú and
San Pedro.

The sowing of this product extends from September to the end of February, and it adapts to
various types of soils; creeping and staked varieties can be sown.

The bean is a legume of great importance for the country. It is used in food, mainly by the rural
population; whether in green state (peky) or dry grains.

The bean, like the bean, can be grown associated or intercropped with various crops. This
contributes to improving fertility thanks to nitrogen fixation by bacteria.

To achieve a good bean crop, the important thing is how to carry out the work of preparing the
land, so that before planting, the soil is in adequate conditions, well mulched and free of


It has a taproot that can reach moderate depths in the soil.

As we already mentioned, a very notable characteristic of the pea,

like the rest of the legumes, is that they have the ability to take
gaseous nitrogen from the air, aided by a symbiosis that they
establish in their roots with bacteria capable of doing this. process.
In exchange, the bacteria have a place to live—the nodules that form on the roots—and
receive some nutrients from the plant.

This capacity—it seems like a superpower—makes it possible for the fruits of legumes to be
richer in proteins than other grains, as in the case of cereals, and in addition, they improve the
fertility of the soil, both due to the traces of nitrogen that remain when the roots of the pea
decompose, such as when burying the aerial part of the plant or adding it to compost.


They are those that grow vertically towards the ground. Among them we have:

Taproot fruit trees

Some fruit trees have taproots, so they have certain characteristics in terms of nutrient
absorption and growth.

The mango tree has quite deep taproots. They can reach
up to 6 meters vertically and have a considerable lateral
extension as they grow. This will also depend on the
depth of the soil; if it is not appropriate, its branches will
spread laterally as it grows.

As the mango tree reaches its adult stage, it develops a

system where its roots are anchored superficially, which
can reach a radius of 2 meters. The care that can be given such as irrigation and fertilization,
as well as climatic conditions can also condition the lateral extension of the roots.
Mango is a pulpy and juicy fruit that is very rich in magnesium and provitamins A and C.
Likewise, it has high concentrations of carbohydrates which makes it have a high caloric value.

The proportions of mango nutrients may vary depending on the type and quantity of the fruit, in
addition to other factors that may intervene in the modification of its nutrients.

The best way to enjoy mango and its nutritional properties is to eat it naturally, with a few
drops of lime to accentuate its flavor.

It has beneficial action on the skin, eyesight, hair, mucous membranes, bones and the immune
system. Also due to its vitamin C content, it helps in the absorption of iron, the formation of red
blood cells, collagen, teeth and bones.
This type of fruit tree is very aromatic, attractive and
functional. Having a lemon tree in homes can bring
many benefits, as long as the necessary
recommendations are taken to plant it.

The lemon tree has a taproot that anchors the tree

strongly to the substrate. As this type of tree
advances in maturity, the root penetrates deeply,
however it has a system of fibrous lateral branches.

Lemon is a true nutritional treasure and very beneficial for our health. It is a curative
fruit par excellence, because it provides us with vitamins, eliminates toxins and is a
powerful bactericide, which is why the WHO recommends its regular consumption.

Strengthen the immune system

Lemons, due to their high content of vitamin C and flavonoids, help strengthen your immune
system by increasing your body's defenses. They also prevent diseases, especially of the
respiratory tract.

Maintains the body's pH

Although lemons are rich in citric acid, in the long run they help alkalize your body, helping to
restore your body's pH. If your diet contains an abundance of red meat, refined foods,
additives or coffee, your body can become acidic.

Lemon is used in various foods and drinks, sometimes to add flavor or just a touch of acidity to
some food. But in addition to its rich flavor in cakes and ice creams, there are its great healing

Its great contribution of vitamins makes it a great toxin purifier and a relentless bactericide. For
this reason, in On the Count of 3 we spoke with nutritionist Geraldine Maurer to find out its
properties and benefits.

The avocado tree has a taproot type root system, with
superficial secondary roots that absorb the nutrients necessary
for its growth. This type of tree should be planted in deep, well-
drained soils, they are fast growing.

It is advisable to plant the avocado tree with separations of at

least 10 meters; the tree will begin its growth stage with a deep
taproot, from which a network of secondary roots will grow. The secondary roots will expand
laterally to anchor themselves in the soil, although they do not usually extend very far.

Contains proteins, vitamins and minerals. It helps reduce joint inflammation as in the case
of arthritis and recovers muscle mass.
In addition to protein, it contains vitamin E, zinc and potassium, vitamin B, vitamin D,
magnesium, folic acid, iron and fiber.
Improves the immune system. It contains carotenoids which makes our body protected
against the attack of diseases.
Antioxidant. Avocado contains lutein, a carotenoid that protects our vision and helps as an
antioxidant, providing great benefits for our skin, helping to reduce the signs of aging.

Its leaves are used medicinally as an anti-inflammatory; they are commonly consumed as an

fruit peel
The crushed peel is used as a purgative, to cleanse the digestive system.

The orange tree is known for having very large
taproots. They should be planted in fairly deep and
well-drained soil. The dimensions of their roots will
depend on the soil and the depth with which they are

It is recommended to plant this type of tree at a safe

distance of 4 meters; training pruning will also help
prevent extensive development of its roots.


 Arthritis,
 drop,
 excess uric acid,
 intestinal problems
 Hypertension (high blood pressure),
 fever,
 weakness,
 helps in cases of kidney stones,
 ulcers, obesity;
 It is digestive,
 In addition to being good for healing.

The orange tree, also known as sweet orange tree and whose scientific name is Citrus
sinensis, has several medicinal uses and healing applications, which are in the leaves, flowers
and fruit of this tree. The leaves of the orange tree are used to prepare its infusion.


Its essential oil is extracted from the orange peel by simple pressure, which is part of the
composition of many cleaning products, soaps, shampoos, sweets, drinks, etc. Orange
essential oil has many beneficial health properties, being widely used for various purposes.
Learn more about this oil that has the same sweet, refreshing aroma of tasty fruit.

The roots of the tamarind tree are quite robust, hard and
invasive. They have a fairly long taproot with extensive
branching under favorable conditions of depth, climate,
drainage and soil type.

The deep roots of this tree mean that it has good

anchorage in the substrate, easily withstanding strong
winds. The tamarind tree should be planted in a spacious
place that benefits its growth, at a minimum distance of 5
meters from houses, so that it does not damage surrounding structures.


The pulp stands out for its high content of thiamine , an essential vitamin that guarantees
the proper functioning of the digestive system, muscles and nerves. It is also rich in vitamin C.
We must not forget the large amount of potassium and iron it has. In the case of the first, it
is of great help for muscle tissue and cardiovascular health, while iron is responsible for
transporting oxygen through the blood.
It also works very well as a natural laxative. It is preferable not to combine it with other
laxatives since it would lose all its characteristics.
This food is also recommended to increase appetite , reduce flatulence and reduce stomach
It has been proven that the flowers, leaves and pulp of tamarind are very interesting for ending
joint discomfort ( knees ) and inflammation. Its result is noticeable from the first moment.
Different research has proven that the consumption of tamarind helps regulate blood
cholesterol levels, in addition to blood pressure levels.

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