21 Signs of Psychological Abuse in A Relationship
21 Signs of Psychological Abuse in A Relationship
21 Signs of Psychological Abuse in A Relationship
21 Subtle Signs of Psychological Abuse You Might Be Missing
#1 You are afraid. Your partner's behavior scares you. You are afraid to ask or
tell him something because you don't know how he will react.
#2 Negative interpretations. Your partner constantly tells you everything you
do wrong and everything you need to improve. But instead of helping you, he
just points out your flaws and behaves as if you are a lost cause that he can't
lend a hand to because he is too weak.
#4 Constant confusion. He yells at you very often. And when you try to
answer them back or prove that you are right, they may even kneel to get your
#5 They accuse you for no reason. They blame you for a friend's behavior, for
what the kids are like, for a friend's divorce, or for anything else.
#9 They have an inner sadist. He seems to feel better when they criticize you
or point out your flaws. They seem happier when you make mistakes.
#10 Humiliation. They humiliate you, especially when you are with friends or
people who admire you.
#11 Big demands. They expect unreasonable things from you and demand
great things from you while secretly waiting for you to fail so they can tell you “I
told you so!”
#13 Great confessions. Your partner can share his problems with others, but
when you do he gets angry.
#14 Turns everyone against you making you feel helpless. This way no one
will take your side if one day you reveal yourself.
#15 The silent treatment, better known as being “vacuumed.” A partner who
psychologically abuses you works hand in hand with guilt and may punish you
with silence until you apologize for opposing their decision.
#16 Physical abuse. Sometimes, your partner may use physical abuse -
maybe it's a pinch, a slap, or even a threatening posture - to scare you when
you object to something.
#17 Forbidden to think. They are passionate about having total control of the
relationship. They will manipulate you little by little until you lose all confidence
in your judgment. You end up believing that you are not capable of making
decisions without their advice.
#18 Loneliness and dependence. They may start by telling you that they don't
like a member of your family or friends. They will then ask you to stop seeing
that person. Before you know it, your partner has socially isolated you from
anyone who was previously close to you. And one day, you open your eyes,
look around you and see that if you need help you can only go to your partner.
#19 Emotional memories. It reminds you in every argument of all those times
you made a mistake. Constantly bring up the mistakes you have made.
#20 Your achievements are worthless. Your partner glorifies even the
smallest of his or her achievements while yours are belittled.
#21 Denial. If it occurs to you to point out that he meets any of these signs, he
will deny it. They may even try to convince you that they are doing it to help you.