The Christ Evolution

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The Christ Evolution

A Short Essay or Commentary He Who anchored the Will of God, in the matrix of love, and Who pointed the way through the needles eye giving entrance to the passage through the Pyramid1 leading, to the Fathers House.2 He Who also opened the door, to the third initiation.3 None has shone, as He has done. No World Savior having grounded the Higher Way upon the plains of Earth has been equaled and yet, He returns today though in fact, has never left us. Nonetheless, He returns for establishing for the first time in the long history of the race the Christ Kingdom consciously within, the fourth kingdom. The new group of world Servers is one vehicle. His own incarnation or close working through One of equal rank, another through which, the most momentous of events on earth, now, takes place. His new Message, through the new world Religion the Will, divinely expressed working out as goodwill for the masses including the following of the Mystic Way leading eventually to soul contact, whilst, the will-to-good, for the more advanced types employing Antahkarana or, that passage through the Pyramid via the Higher Way, where leads, to the Fathers House are two ways, this expression maybe seen. The divine simplicity of the new Message on inner planes, must be heard: That the invocative cry by the masses as part of, and towards that greater Life,4 must needs, be sounded even if, but unconsciously. That the evocative response by the greater Life to that cry through them, is felt, experienced, leading eventually to a knowledge and conviction based on a growing polarisation of the mind held steady in the Light: mental focus superceding emotional appeal establishing thereby contact with, the Master, the Soul within, and eventually to taking initiation presided over by the Master of Masters the Christ, or World Teacher.5
The Spiritual Triad the threefold vehicle or sheath, for pure Spirit, the Monad. Shamballa, the centre where the Will of God is known. 3 The Transfiguration. This paragraph barring a few words comes slightly adapted from The Rays and the Initiations by Alice A. Bailey:527. 4 That which comes from the Fathers House, as that of the Will, divinely expressed for example. 5 The World Teacher is known by many names amongst which, are Lord Maitreya, the Bodhisattva, Imam Mahdi, the Messiah, the Desire of all Nations and so on, and so forth.
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Divine simplicity evokes, a presentation of similarities: the divine note, within the masses letting in, the Light . . . We might otherwise describe this by saying that the word faith voiced by the great initiate Paul, in the injunction, that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen maybe replaced, by the word Light for alternately conveying such a meaning. This maybe further understood, where we are seeing a more mentally polarized humanity emerge today on a higher turn of the spiral. The effect being, that inner light of the Soul as it represents or interprets reality as a consequence of the already divine within, aligned thereto, shines light, onto things, formerly unseen. Stepping up St. Pauls injunction to the higher demand of the race: the evocation of the Sons of Light the Christ Evolution. We are thus all Sons of Light (gradually emerging), as incontrovertible fact: For not only is the statement by astronomers we are all bearers of light, from the light-energy of stars an amazing pronouncement but even more amazing are WE, bearers, of a higher light . . . from a higher Christ-Light Evolution6 or as pertains, to the Doctrine of Avatars or World Saviours. Under emanation theory our spiritual essence is an emanation or outbreath of a greater Life. We are the Sparks, of the One Flame to such Life. It is through the Lord of the Worlds Great Sacrifice (which is actually one of His names) of taking incarnation onto the physical plane or of the Earth and the providing of physical forms in the various kingdoms of nature that His great Christ nature7 could bestow, as through the earlier animal-man form, the Spark of Mind, the Son of Mind or Light, for the commencement of the Christ or Soul Kingdom on earth to evolve.8 Whether we are religiously focused (which today means a more definite mental orientation though still including the emotional as through, that tremendous creative faculty the imagination) or , are scientifically oriented, matters not. We are all higher Sons of Light, or Mind (not merely of the lower concrete mind) contributing to building a Temple or Edifice for the Master Builder of all Master Builders upon the plains of earth, under the All-Seeing Eye, of the Most High, the Lord of the World.
Or as maybe otherwise stated, from a higher Saving- or Teaching-Light Evolution. Or Soul nature. 8 All esoteric schools confirm this under the technical process humanity underwent over 18 million years ago called, individualization.
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Such an overarching Master Builder the Christ was the very first of humanity to link humanity with the Soul Kingdom (or the Spiritual Hierarchy) and the latter with, the Fathers House or Shamballa through the life He lived, and the teachings He gave. Amongst the new group of world servers the early stages of restoring the Esoteric Schools, and the pouring in, of new life for the new world Religion and to revitalizing the Freemasonic movement are three aspects to one great reconstructive Edifice or Temple, the Kingdom of Souls today taking place, through humanity. For those with eyes to see, ears to hear, the work proceeds apace. That perfection is not yet with us is no deterrent to the fiery galvanizing spirit that may overcome, all obstacles. The ingathering of the Christ forces grows daily. So let us all . . do our part. Let Participation not omission of the Christ evolution, issue forth! For we know, and work: From the point of Light within the Mind of God [To] let light stream forth, into the minds of men. Let Light descend on Earth. From the point of Love within the Heart of God [To] let love stream forth, into the hearts of men. May Christ return to Earth. From the centre where the Will of God is known9 [To] let purpose guide, the little wills of men The purpose which the Masters know and serve. From the centre which we call the race of men [To] let the Plan of Love, and Light work out. And may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let Light and Love and Power, restore the Plan on Earth.10
Or at least, with this adapted Great Invocation the implied lower correspondences of the Divine Will energy or dynamic from such centre applies as for example: the spiritual Hierarchy as a whole, ones ray Ashram, ones spiritual or wholistic group affiliated to in the outer world, ones spiritual Triad as much, ones egoic Lotus. 10 The Great Invocation here has been adapted merely for the continuity of the text and is not suggestive for the employment of such, as a voiced invocation/meditation.

ENDNOTE: It is recognized that humanity must use the mode of emotional appeal within the field of religion for some time though not necessarily is this static, or the end of the story. Many perhaps millions today in some shape or form participate in a higher mental focus held steady in the light of the Soul, for evoking from its united Hall or Kingdom of Wisdom the solutions to many problems, on every side. Through perfecting the great creative sphere of the emotional vehicle especially through the imagination directed to higher purposes and aims, the mental orientation is invoked, and finds its place, though neither to the killing out, of all imagination or to all which is desirably good, or wholesome.

Stephen P. Thane 2011

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