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Wika Cal

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Calibration software
Model WIKA-Cal
WIKA data sheet CT 95.10

■ Creation of calibration certificates for mechanical and
electronic pressure measuring instruments
■ Fully automatic calibration with pressure controllers
■ In combination with the CPU6000 series CalibratorUnit, for
the recording of certificate-relevant data
■ Determination of the required mass loads for pressure
■ Calibration of gauge pressure measuring instruments with
absolute pressure references and vice versa

Special features
■ Multicalibration of up to 16 test items possible
■ Templates possible for the creation of calibration
certificates and logger protocols, as well as customised WIKA-Cal calibration software
■ Interface available to external test equipment
management software
■ Easy operation of the software and supporting videos
available on YouTube under “WIKA Group”
■ SQL database independent from Microsoft® Access®


Creating calibration certificates or logger protocols User-friendly and flexible through templates
The WIKA-Cal calibration software serves for the creation A template is a document template. Immediately after
of calibration certificates or logger protocols for pressure selecting the template, all documents will be clearly
measuring instruments. Calibration certificates can be displayed in a database.
created with the Cal-Template and logger protocols can be When the user creates a new document with the template,
created with the Log-Template. A demo version is available he/she will be guided through the creation process in a
for free download from the home page. To switch from the document view.
demo version to a licenced version, a USB dongle with a Meanwhile, the software retrieves previously created
valid licence must be purchased. information from an SQL database and adds further data
during the certificate creation.
The preinstalled demo version changes automatically to
the selected version when plugging in the USB dongle and
remains available as long as the USB dongle is connected to
the PC.

WIKA data sheet CT 95.10 ∙ 04/2024 Page 1 of 7

Data sheets showing similar products and accessories:

CalibratorUnit; models CPU6000-W, CPU6000-S and CPU6000-M; see data sheet CT 35.02
Modular pressure controller; model CPC6050; see data sheet CT 27.62
Industrial pressure controller; model CPC4000; see data sheet CT 27.40
The process of the certificate creation adapts to the The result of the document view is stored in the database
requirements of the user. Through the rules for the template, and is made available in a PDF/A and a template-specific
the user only sees the required or possible entries. If only one format such as XML or CSV. If the document was not
entry is possible, this is selected directly and it proceeds to completed, the document remains available in the document
the next step. overview and can also be saved or printed with a “Preview”
annotation as a PDF/A document.
This process increases the quality and productivity of
document creation. Incorrect entries are eliminated and
through the automatic selection, the process is accelerated.
The complexity is reduced to a minimum through the
selection limitations and clearly displayed in the document

System requirements
Minimum system requirements x64 processor: Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® 64
■ Windows® 10
■ Windows® 11

■ 1 GB RAM and 1 GB free hard disc space (no installation possible on portable flash storage
■ 1,024 x 768 pixel screen resolution (1,280 x 800 pixel recommended) with 16-bit colour
depth and 256 MB VRAM
■ For fully automatic calibrations, at least one RS-232-COM port per instrument is required for
Without the activation USB dongle, the software only works in demo mode.
Interfaces ■ USB ■ IEC-625-Bus ■ Bluetooth® 2.1
■ RS-232 ■ Ethernet

Software features
Menu languages ■ German ■ Spanish ■ Polish ■ Japanese
■ English ■ Portuguese ■ Romanian ■ Chinese
■ French ■ Dutch ■ Russian
■ Italian ■ Swedish ■ Greek
→ More languages are due with software updates
Functions ■ Creating and archiving test reports with the templates Cal, Cal Light, Cal Demo, Log and
Log Demo
■ Tools for mass calculator with the CPU6000 and unit converter
■ Object manager allows for an intelligent use of laboratory and equipment data and
facilitates the standardised testing process
■ Archiving of customer-specific test reports in the SQL database
■ Automatic reading and controlling of measuring instruments by means of communication

Communication with products

Current products
Digital pressure gauges ■ CPG1200
■ CPG1500

Hand-helds and calibrators ■ CPH6200 ■ CPH6300 ■ CPH8000

■ CPH62I0 ■ CPH7000

Precision pressure measuring ■ CPT2500 ■ CPT6100 ■ CPT6180 ■ CPG2500

instruments ■ CPT6020 ■ CPT6140 ■ CPT9000

Pressure controllers ■ CPC2000 ■ CPC4000 ■ CPC7000 ■ CPC8000-H

■ CPC3050 ■ CPC6050 ■ CPC8000-I (II)

WIKA data sheet CT 95.10 ∙ 04/2024 Page 2 of 7

Communication with products
Pressure balances (dead-weight ■ CPB3500 ■ CPB5000 ■ CPB5600DP ■ CPB6000
testers) ■ CPB3800 ■ CPB5000HP ■ CPB5800 ■ CPD8500
■ CPB3800HP

Digital multimeters ■ Agilent 34401A ■ Agilent 34465A ■ CPU6000-M ■ Keithley 196A

(For readout of pressure sensors) ■ Agilent 34410A ■ Agilent 3458A ■ CPH7000 ■ Keithley 2000
■ Agilent 34461A

Multiplexers ■ Agilent 34970A ■ Keysight DAQ970A

■ HBM MGCplus ■ Netscanner 9816

Accessories ■ CPU6000-W
■ CPU6000-S

Discontinued products ■ CPG500 ■ CPH6600 ■ PASCAL100 ■ CPC3000

■ CPG1000 ■ CPH7600 ■ PASCAL ET ■ CPC6000
■ CPH6000 ■ CPH7650 ■ CPG8000-I (II) ■ CPD8000
■ CPH6400

Cal-Template: calibration certificate

With the Cal-Template, calibration certificates for mechanical On completion of the calibration certificate, it is saved as a
and electronic pressure measuring instruments can be PDF/A. The contents of the certificate and additional data,
created. The calibration certificates have a format derived which has been determined through the measurement, are
from the WIKA DAkkS calibration certificate and contain the available optionally in XML format. The XML file can be read
same functions and calculations. The template has many by another program such as Microsoft® Excel® and thus be
additional features. Thus, for example, customer-specific used for a customer-specific certificate.
information such as the company logo, the address, the
contact or individual labelling can be adjusted by the user. It
is therefore flexible and can be used to meet the needs of the Calibration certificate Calibration certificate

Kalibrierzeugnis Kalibrierzeugnis

Certificate no. 00000039 Certificate no. 00000039

Zeugnis-Nr. Zeugnis-Nr.

General Place of calibration

After creating a calibration certificate, the user will be guided

Allgemein Ort der Kalibrierung

Calibration certificate Demo place g = (9.81 ± 0.01) m/s²

Kalibrierschein Musterort

Customer Demo customer

Kunde Demo street

through the document and, due to the database, can only

DE-12345 Demo city
Customer order number Measurement conditions
Order date Messbedingungen
Date of calibration 15.02.2021 Working standard (WS) Pressure controller

make predefined entries. For this, tables are automatically

Gebrauchsnormal (GN) Druckcontroller
Datum der Kalibrierung
Operator Demo User Model Demo CPC
Bearbeiter Typ
Calibration mark Demo 12345
Scale range (0 ... 10) bar g

adjusted and dynamically expanded as required. In this way,

Device under test (DUT) Anzeigebereich
Accuracy 0.01 % FS
Kalibriergegenstand (KG) Genauigkeit

Electrical pressure gauge

Elektrisches Druckmessgerät

for example, several references under measuring conditions

Model D-10 Ambient conditions
Serial number demo12345 Umgebungsbedingungen
Scale range (0 ... 10) bar g Temperature (21.0 ± 0.1) °C

or several tables under measuring results can be given.

Accuracy 0.05 % FS Atmospheric pressure (1013.0 ± 0.1) hPa
Genauigkeit Atmosphärischer Luftdruck
Resolution (scale division) 0.0001 bar
rel. humidity (40 ± 1) %
Auflösung (Skalenwert)
rel. Luftfeuchte
TagNo demo tag

Measurement results
Calibration procedure Messergebnisse
Reference value WS Reading DUT

The number of pages and headings on subsequent pages

Referenzwert GN Ablesung KG
Calibration is carried out in accordance with the following standard: IEC 61298
bar bar
Die Kalibrierung erfolgt auf der Grundlage der folgenden Norm: IEC 61298
↑ ↓
0.00000 0.0000 0.0010
10.00000 10.0010 10.0020

are added automatically. The selection of valid options is

constantly updated so that only the inputs specified in the
Demo laboratory Tel.: 01234/56789 Demo laboratory Tel.: 01234/56789
Page 1/3 Page 2/3
Demo street 123 Fax: 01234/56789 Demo street 123 Fax: 01234/56789
Seite Seite
12345 Demo city E-Mail: [email protected] 12345 Demo city E-Mail: [email protected]
Demo country www.demo.com Demo country www.demo.com

template settings can be made.

Example of a calibration certificate created from
With the calibration of a new instrument, during the Cal-Template
certificate creation, the database is filled with new data. If
the instrument is being recalibrated and the serial number
is given, all the data that was generated by the previous
calibration is automatically completed by the software.

If only one selection is possible (e.g. only one accuracy

specification as a result of the model selected earlier), this is
immediately selected and it jumps to the next step.

WIKA data sheet CT 95.10 ∙ 04/2024 Page 3 of 7

The “Multicalibration” licence available for an additional For pressure sensors, it is possible to use either several
charge can be ordered in addition to Cal Light or Cal Full. multimeters (such as model CPU6000-M, for example) or
With this, it is possible to calibrate, incl. documentation, up to a multiplexer to which all multimeters will be connected.
16 test items simultaneously. The prerequisite is that the test As multiplexers, Agilent 34970A, Netscanner 9816 and
items are of the same instrument model, measuring range HBM MGCplus are supported. The correct cabling is the
and accuracy. During the parallel calibration, the measuring responsibility of the operator.
window for each test item can be viewed via a table view.

The multicalibration is available for electrical and mechanical CPU6000-M

measuring instruments. In both cases, with multicalibration,

the display is in accordance with the standard, i.e. the
reference pressure is approached with the standard and the CPU6000-M
pressure values of the calibration items are adjusted.
For pressure balances (dead-weight testers), multicalibration Pressure sensors, model CPU6000-M multimeter,
is not possible. multiplexer and PC with WIKA-Cal software

Cal Demo Cal Light Cal Full

■ Fully automatic calibration ■ Semi-automatic calibration ■ Fully automatic calibration

■ Limitation to two measuring points ■ No limitation of the measuring points ■ No limitation of the measuring points
approached approached
■ Prerequisite for complete use of full Cal
version is automatic pressure control


■ Simultaneous calibration of several calibration instruments (up to 16 test items)

■ Purchase complementary to Cal Light or Cal Full

■ Creation of 3.1 inspection certificates per DIN EN 10204

■ Calibration reports can be exported to Excel® template or XML file
■ Calibration of gauge pressure measuring instruments with absolute pressure references and vice versa

WIKA data sheet CT 95.10 ∙ 04/2024 Page 4 of 7

Log-Template: logger protocol
The Log-Template can generate logger protocols, which can
be used for recording data. Logger protocol
Logger protocol

Log no. 00000009 Log no. 00000009

Log-Nr. Log-Nr.

As with the Cal-Template, the user is guided through the

Instrument Measurement results
Gerät Messergebnisse

Electrical pressure gauge Graphical representation of pressure progression

document view and receives a complete protocol of logged

Elektrisches Druckmessgerät Grafische Darstellung des Druckverlaufs

Model CPG1500
Serial number 12346
Seriennummer 0.9199
Log temperature Inactive

data as a PDF/A document at the end.

Temperatur loggen Inaktiv 0.9191
Scale range (0 ... 10) bar g
Accuracy 0.05 % FS 0.9183
Communication Wireless (00:13:43:19:CB:34) 0.9174

Pressure in bar

Druck in bar

Measurement conditions 0.9158


The data in the PDF/A document is also available as a CSV

Einstellungen 0.9141
Mode Automatic
Modus Automatisch 0.9133

file for processing in another program, such as Microsoft®

Interval (ms) 10000
Intervall (ms) 14:34:24 14:34:29 14:34:35 14:34:41 14:34:47 14:34:52 14:34:58 14:35:04
Duration (hh:mm:ss) 00:00:40 Time
Dauer (hh:mm:ss) Zeit
Start time (hh:mm:ss) 02:34:24 pm
Startzeit (hh:mm:ss)

Timestamp Measured value
Zeitstempel Gemessener Wert
25.02.2021 14:34:24.006 0.9199
25.02.2021 14:34:34.039 0.9180
25.02.2021 14:34:44.138 0.9186
25.02.2021 14:34:54.237 0.9133
25.02.2021 14:35:04.336 0.9198

Demo laboratory Tel.: 01234/56789 Demo laboratory Tel.: 01234/56789

Page 1/2 Page 2/2
Demo street 123 Fax: 01234/56789 Demo street 123 Fax: 01234/56789
Seite Seite
12345 Demo city E-Mail: [email protected] 12345 Demo city E-Mail: [email protected]
Demo country www.demo.com Demo country www.demo.com

Example of a logger protocol created from


Log Log
Log Demo Log

■ Limitation to five measuring points ■ No limitation of the measuring points approached

■ However, limitation of the values to be displayed in the table in
the protocol to 500 measured values (limitation only refers to the

■ Live measured value recording for a certain period of time with selectable interval, duration and start time
■ Creation of logger protocols with graphic and/or tabular representation of the measuring results in PDF format
■ Logging of up to 3 instruments possible simultaneously in one protocol
■ Possibility of exporting measuring results as CSV file

WIKA data sheet CT 95.10 ∙ 04/2024 Page 5 of 7

Typical application
Calibrating pressure sensors automatically with
WIKA-Cal and a pressure controller
Pressure sensors can be calibrated automatically with the
WIKA-Cal calibration software and a pressure controller of
the models CPC2000, CPC4000, CPC6050, CPC7000 and
The current or voltage signal from the test item will be read
from a multimeter such as an Agilent 34401A or Keithley
196A over the GPIB or RS-232 interface and converted to a
pressure value with WIKA-Cal.
The measurement is started after a few clicks and the WIKA-Cal with model CPC4000 pressure controller,
certificate is created with a complete analysis of the pressure sensor with model CPU6000-M CalibratorUnit
measurement uncertainty and a graph.

→ For details on the different pressure controllers can be

found to the corresponding data sheets.

Calibrating electrical pressure measuring instruments

with WIKA-Cal, CPU6000 and pressure balance
Pressure balances offer the highest accuracy as references
for the calibration of pressure measuring instruments. With
WIKA-Cal, not only the test items are read automatically, but
also the masses to be applied for the measuring points are
determined. The program displays, for each measuring point,
which masses have to be applied and thereby corrects the
pressure value, depending on the ambient conditions and the
piston temperature, to achieve the highest accuracy. With the
different products of the CPU6000 series, these conditions
can be measured and read automatically, so that many
entries before and during each calibration are eliminated. Model CPU6000-W, CPU6000-S, CPB5800 and PC with
WIKA-Cal software
→ For details on the CPU6000, see data sheet CT 35.02
→ For details on the different pressure balances can be found
to the corresponding data sheets.

Automatic calibration with digital dead-weight tester

model CPD8500
In combination with a pressure controller for automatic
pressure control, fully automatic calibration is possible with
the model CPD8500 digital dead-weight tester. It is no longer
necessary to apply the masses by hand.

→ For details of the model CPD8500 digital dead-weight

tester, see data sheet CT 32.05

Model CPU6000-W, CPC6050, CPD8500 and PC with

WIKA-Cal software

WIKA data sheet CT 95.10 ∙ 04/2024 Page 6 of 7

Switch test with model CPH7000 process calibrator
With the model CPH7000 process calibrator, it is possible to
download the stored switch tests from the instrument and to
document them directly in a protocol through WIKA-Cal.
This specific switch test functionality is currently only
available for the CPH7000.

→ For details on the model CPH7000 process calibrator, see

data sheet CT 15.51
Model CPH7000 process calibrator and PC with
WIKA-Cal software

Ordering information for a single licence Order code

Cal-Template (light version) WIKA-CAL-LZ-Z-Z
Cal-Template (full version) WIKA-CAL-CZ-Z-Z
Log-Template (full version) WIKA-CAL-ZZ-L-Z
Ordering information for a pair licence
Cal-Template (light version) together with Log-Template (full version) WIKA-CAL-LZ-L-Z
Cal-Template (full version) together with Log-Template (full version) WIKA-CAL-CZ-L-Z
Ordering information for the multicalibration licence
Cal-Template (light version) without Log-Template WIKA-CAL-L1-Z-Z
Cal-Template (light version) together with Log-Template (full version) WIKA-CAL-L1-L-Z
Cal-Template (full version) without Log-Template WIKA-CAL-C1-Z-Z
Cal-Template (full version) together with Log-Template (full version) WIKA-CAL-C1-L-Z

Ordering information
Model / Cal-Template calibration certificate / Multicalibration for Cal-Template / Log-Template logger protocol / Additional
ordering information

Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Microsoft® and Access® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Microsoft® and Excel® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by WIKA is under licence.
Other brands and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

© 09/2013 WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG, all rights reserved.
The specifications given in this document represent the state of engineering at the time of publishing.
We reserve the right to make modifications to the specifications and materials.
In case of a different interpretation of the translated and the English data sheet, the English wording shall prevail.

WIKA data sheet CT 95.10 ∙ 04/2024 Page 7 of 7

04/2024 EN

WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG

Alexander-Wiegand-Straße 30
63911 Klingenberg/Germany
Tel. +49 9372 132-0
[email protected]

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