FCPS Syllabus
FCPS Syllabus
FCPS Syllabus
Anatomical nomenclature. Terms of position, direction and relationship. Divisions of the body according
to the regions and organ systems.
General outline of the nervous system. General disposition of the white and grey matter. General
disposition of the meninges. General plan of the somatic and autonomic nervous systems, dermatomes
and myotomes.
Blood-vascular system with general outline of the circulation: systemic and pulmonary circuits, portal
system and foetal circulation.
The anatomy of the newborn and the child: special features of the skull as a whole, ear, face, neck,
vertebral column, thorax and abdomen.
Concept of the cell as the structural, functional and genetic unit of the body.
Cell components, their role in cell function. Diversity of cell morphology as related to the varied
functional demands. Physical activities of the living cell, intracellular movements, cellular locomotion,
endocytosis and exocytosis.
Cell cycle and cell division. DNA and RNA structure and protein synthesis. Basic concepts of the
principles of transport through cell membrane, membrane potential and action potential.
Structural and functional differences between the smooth, skeletal and cardiac muscles. Fine structure
of skeletal and cardiac muscle fibres, and its relationship to the mechanism of contraction. Specialized
conducting tissue of the heart.
The neuron, morphology of the perikaryon and its processes. Coverings of the axons in the peripheral
nerves and the central nervous system. Types of neuralgia and their functions.
Process of myelination in the peripheral nerves and the central nervous system. Axon terminals and
synapses. Nerve fibre degeneration and regeneration.
Definition of immunity. Immune system and its functions. Morphology of lymphocytes, plasma cells and
macrophages. Responses of T and B lymphocytes to antigens. Overview of the lymphocyte circulation.
General concept of lymphocyte functions, immunoglobulins, classes of immunoglobulins and their basic
structure. General concept of the complement system. Antigen-antibody reactions and their effects.
Types of hypersensitivity reactions. Immunodeficiency disorders. Autoimmunity, transplantation of
tissues (organs) and their rejections. H.L.A. (human leukocyte antigen) system.
Structure of large, medium and small arteries and veins, and its physiological implications. Various types
of capillaries and sinusoids. Structural basis of transvascular exchanges. General structural features of
atria, ventricles, conducting tissues, cardiac skeleton and valves of the heart, and their relationship to
cardiac function. Blood supply of the heart.
Functions, amount, distribution and factors governing distribution and principles of measurement.
Composition of intracellular and extracellular fluid. Regulation and disturbance of water and electrolyte
balance. Regulation and disturbance of the pH of blood and acid-base balance. The physico-chemical
principles of buffer solution, osmosis, osmotic pressure, colloids, crystalloids and Donnan equilibrium,
oxidation and reduction.
HOMEOSTASIS General principles of the homeostatic mechanisms of the major functional systems.
Laws of inheritance and common genetically determined diseases (e.g. inherited disorders of
General concepts of the chemical nature, mechanisms of action, conditions for enzyme action, their
diagnostic significance and clinical uses.
Definition of ischaemia and infarction, predisposing factors. Types and fate of infarcts.
Definition of oedema, anasarca, ascites, hydrothorax and hydropericardium (pericardial effusion).
Difference between transudate and exudate. Types and pathogenesis of oedema.
Significance of the laboratory tests related to the functioning of the liver, kidney, thyroid, and heart.
Sensory: sense organs and receptors, somatic sensation detection and transmission.
Motor : initiation and control of voluntary movements, control of muscle tone, posture and equilibrium.
Autonomic nervous system : overall functions of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and
autonomic reflex activity.
Spinal cord
External morphology, meninges and blood supply of the spinal cord. Relationship of the “segments” to
vertebrae at different ages. Internal structure of the spinal cord, organization of the grey and white
matter. Variations in the structure of the grey matter at different levels and location of the important
nuclei. Location of ascending and descending tracts, and their functions. Effects of injury or disease.
Spinal nerves: types and functions of a typical nerve, cervical plexus, brachial plexus, thoracic nerves,
lumbar plexus, sacral and coccygeal plexuses.
Subdivisions of the brain. Ventricular system of the brain and circulation of cerebrospinal fluid. Blood
supply of the brain. Meninges of the brain, parts of the cranial dura and formation and drainage of dural
sinuses. Functions of the cranial nerves.
Cerebral Cortex
Gross organization of the cortex, location of motor and sensory cortical “areas”. Functions of various
regions. Blood supply. Internal capsule, location, fibre content and blood supply.
Nuclear groups, afferent and efferent connections and their functional correlations.
Basal Ganglia
Limbic System
Core structures of the limbic system. Other nuclei and pathways associated with the limbic system.
Functions of thalamus, hypothalamus and the limbic system.
Sensory activity: peripheral sensory receptors, sensory pathways, physiology of pain and disorders of
Motor activity: corticospinal and extracorticospinal pathways, cerebellum and vestibular system. Motor
neurons and motor units. Disorders of motor activity, neuromuscular junction. Muscle and nerve
Reflex activity: spinal reflexes and reflex regulation of movements and posture, bulbo-pontine control of
posture and orientation in space. Classification of reflexes and characteristics of reflex action.
Autonomic activity: organization of autonomic nervous system, functions and higher control.
Electroencephalogram and its uses. Sleep, types, physiological changes during sleep. Speech mechanism
and its disorders. Cerebrospinal fluid, cerebral circulation, metabolism and functions. Blood brain and
blood CSF barriers. Regulation of body temperature and its disturbances.
Functional aspects of GIT. Motility of GIT: mastication, swallowing, gastric motility, intestinal motility
and gall bladder motility. Secretory activity of GIT: formation, composition, function and control of
saliva, gastric, pancreatic, bile and intestinal secretions. GIT hormones controlling activities of GIT.
Functions of stomach, pancreas, gall bladder and liver. Hepatic failure and jaundice. Liver function tests
with interpretation.
Balanced diet
Requisites of an adequate diet. Role of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins and water in
Sources of calcium, phosphorous, iron, iodine, fluorine, magnesium and manganese. Trace elements and
their clinical importance. Absorption and factors required for it. Functions and fate.
Disorders of nutrition
Classification and dietary sources. Digestion, absorption and utilization of dietary carbohydrates.
Control of carbohydrate metabolism and its disturbance. Regulation of blood glucose level. Glucose
tolerance test. Glycogenesis, glycolysis, gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis, processes with the steps
involved and effects of hormones. Citric acid cycle, steps involved, its significance and the common final
metabolic pathway. Hexose monophosphate shunt: mechanism and significance.
Classification of simple, derived and compound lipids. Dietary sources. Digestion, absorption, utilization
and control. Fatty acid oxidation with steps involved. Ketogenesis and its significance. Lipotropic factors
and their actions. Lipoproteins, types and importance.
Digestion, absorption, utilization and control. Fate of the amino acids. Urea formation with steps
Calcium metabolism
Disorders of metabolism
The development of the heart and vascular system and common developmental anomalies such as:
septal defects, patent ductus arteriosus, Fallot’s tetralogy and coarctation of aorta.
Physiological anatomy and microscopic structure of the heart including conducting tissues
Properties of the cardiac muscles and junctional tissues. Origin and spread of the cardiac impulse.
Control of the pumping action of the heart. Cardiac cycle and accompanying changes. Mechanism of
production of heart sounds, their location, characters and relationship with cardiac cycle. The normal
electrocardiogram and characters of its various components. Significance of its parts, voltage and time
calibration, principles of methods of recording, electrocardiographic leads and general information
obtained from ECG. Electrocardiographic interpretation of abnormalities of rhythm, conduction and
myocardial damage and of ionic changes in body fluid. Normal heart rate and its regulation. Nutrition of
the heart. Cardiac output, amount, distribution, measurement and control. Cardiac index and cardiac
reserve. Assessment of functions of the cardiovascular system.
Vascular system
Laws of haemodynamics governing flow, pressure and resistance in blood vessels. Arterial blood
pressure, measurement and regulation. Vasomotor system and control of blood vessels. Characters of
arterial pulse and venous pulse. Significance of central venous pressure. Structure and functions of the
arteries, arterioles, capillaries and veins. Mechanism of haemorrhage and shock. Coronary, cutaneous,
splanchnic and peripheral circulation.
General properties and composition. Structure, formation (production), functions and fate of red blood