F1005B - Computational Modeling Applying Conservation Laws
F1005B - Computational Modeling Applying Conservation Laws
F1005B - Computational Modeling Applying Conservation Laws
Computational modeling applying conservation laws
CIP: 400801 CL-LAU-CA-ID-AS-AI-CT-HT-S-UDC: 9-0-3-8-3-45-15-84-24-144-
Physics 5-3
Associated discipline:
Engineering and Sciences
Academic Department:
Academic programs:
1 ITC19, 1 IRS19, 1 ITD19, 1 ICT19
SICT0303A A ; SICT0302A A ; SICT0102A A ; SEG0602A A ; SEG0502A A ;
Have taken F1004B or be taking F1004B
F1003B ; F1007B ; F1009B
- Implements scientific and engineering actions or computational processes that meet the type of solution required.
Thematic content of the course:
1. Conservation laws as approaches to solving problems in physics.
1.1 Theorem of work and kinetic energy.
1.2 Work and energy diagrams.
1.3 Interactions and potential energy.
1.4 Conservation of mechanical energy.
1.5 Conservative and non-conservative forces.
1.6 Changes in mechanical energy in systems with non-conservative forces.
4. Fluids.
4.1 Concept of density and hydrostatic pressure.
4.2 Problem solving and applications of hydrostatics.
4.3 Bernoulli's equation as a case of the conservation of mechanical energy.
4.4 Problems on the calculation of fluid velocity and hydrodynamic pressure.
5. The integral.
5.1 Infinite sum of infinitely small quantities.
5.2 Fundamental theorem of calculus.
7. Features.
7.1 Introduction to functions.
7.2 Input/output functions.
7.3 Formal definition of functions.
7.4 Ambit.
7.5 Advantages of functions.
8. Numerical integration.
8.1 Integration by the rectangular and trapezoidal rules.
8.2 Integration by Simpson's rules.
8.3 Romberg integration.
8.4 Application to engineering problems.
Suggested bibliography:
7. Tipler, Paul Allen, Physics for science and technology, 5th ed., Barcelona: Reverté, 2005, spa, 9788429144109
(complete work)
8. Larson, Ron, 1941-, Calculus with analytical geometry / Ron Larson, Robert P. Hostetler, Bruce H. Edwards;
translators Sergio Antonio Durán Reyes ... [et al]., 2nd ed. in Spanish., Mexico: McGraw-Hill, c2006., spaeng,
9. Peter I. Kattan, MATLAB Guide to Finite Elements: An Interactive Approach, Edition 2, Springer Science &
Business Media, 2010, English, 9783540706984
10. Gilat Amos, Numerical methods for engineers and scientists: an introduction with applications using MATLAB, 2nd
ed., Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2011, 9780470565155
Support material:
Teacher Profile:
(400801)Master in Physics; (400101)Master in Physical Sciences; (110101)Master in Computer/Information Sciences;
(110201)Master in Programming/Computer Programmer; (110401)Master in Information Sciences;
(110701)Master in Computer Science; (111002)Master in Telecommunications Administration;
(131329)Master in Educational Physics/Physics Teaching; (140901)Master in Computer Engineering; (141001)Master
in Electrical Engineering/Electronics and Communications; (141201)Master in Physics Engineering; (141301)Master of
Engineering Sciences; (141901)Master in Mechanical Engineering; (270101)Master in Mathematics; (270303)Master in
Computational Mathematics; (270501)Master in Statistics; (521201)Master in Information Systems Administration;
(400801)PhD in Physics; (400101)Doctorate in Physical Sciences; (110101)PhD in Computer/Information Sciences;
(110201)PhD in Programming/Computer Programmer; (110401)Ph.D. in Information Sciences; (110701)PhD in
Computer Science; (111002)Doctorate in Telecommunications Administration; (131329)PhD in Educational
Physics/Physics Teaching; (140901)PhD in Computational Engineering;
(141001)Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering/Electronics and Communications; (141201)PhD in Physics Engineering;
(141301)Doctorate in Engineering Sciences; (141901)Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering; (270101)PhD in
Mathematics; (270303)PhD in Computational Mathematics; (270501)Ph.D. in Statistics; (521201)Doctorate in
Information Systems Administration
CIP: 400801, 400101, 110101, 110201, 110401, 110701, 111002, 131329, 140901, 141001, 141201, 141301, 141901,
270101, 270501, 521201