Fundamentals of Electrical Control System

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Fundamentals of the electrical control

system. Elements, symbologies of the

control system and circuit diagram. Basic
control circuits. Starters for automatic
Lucas Obregón Cristhian Joel. Author Email: [email protected]


Summary —Electrical control systems command, electromagnetic starter or contactor controlled by

direct, or control dynamically. One of the one or more automatic pilot devices.
characteristics is; Input Current Signal: Considered
as a stimulus applied to a system from an external
energy source with the purpose of the system Control systems can be represented in the form of
producing a specific response . The control types are block diagrams, which provide a simplified, visual
automatic, semi-automatic and manual. The types of expression of the relationships between the input
systems can be open loop and closed loop. The and output of a physical system. A starter is a
elements are contactors, switches, switches, regulator whose main function is to start and
pushbuttons, relays, regulators and other elements. accelerate an engine.
Control systems can be represented in the form of
block diagrams, which provide a simplified, visual
expression of the relationships between the input and II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK
output of a physical system. A starter is a regulator II.1 Fundamentals of the Electrical Control
whose main function is to start and accelerate an System
engine. Definition: Electrical control systems are elements
that allow the connection and disconnection of
I. INTRODUCTION electrical circuits.
This document will talk about electrical control The aim is to control parameters such as start and
systems, their definition of electrical control, the stop, acceleration, speed regulation, power,
types of control, characteristics, designs, how they protection, among others.
are classified, their symbols, circuit diagrams,
which is a basic control circuit and the starters for Characteristics
automatic acceleration.
 Input Current Signal: Considered as a
Electrical control systems are elements that allow stimulus applied to a system from an external
the connection and disconnection of electrical energy source with the purpose of causing the
circuits. system to produce a specific response.
The aim is to control parameters such as start and  Output Current Signal: Response obtained
stop, acceleration, speed regulation, power, by the system that may or may not be related
protection, among others. to the response implied by the input.
 Manipulated Variable: It is the element
The control circuit is the most delicate part of the
whose magnitude is modified to achieve the
controller, since it is responsible for controlling the
desired response. That is, the input of the
inputs (LPT Port, Analog Inputs, Digital Inputs and
process is manipulated.
power circuit) and the outputs (Digital Outputs).
 Controlled Variable: It is the element that
MANUAL: It is executed manually in the same you want to control. It can be said that it is
place where the machine is placed. the output of the process.
SEMI-AUTOMATIC: They use an  Conversion: The variations or changes that
electromagnetic starter and one or more manual occur in the variable are generated through
pilot devices. receivers.
AUTOMATIC: It is made up of an
 External Variations: These are the factors II.2 Electrical Control Elements
that influence the action of producing a
corrective order change. Electrical control devices can be classified into
 Energy Source: It is what delivers the energy two:
necessary to generate any type of activity Pilot or command control devices
within the system.
 Feedback: Feedback is an important feature They
of closed-loop control systems. It is a control
sequential cause-and-effect relationship primary
between state variables . Depending on the control
corrective action taken by the system, it may devices
or may not support a decision. When a return
occurs in the system, it is said that there is
negative feedback; if the system supports the
initial decision, it is said that there is positive
 Phase variables: These are the variables that
result from the transformation of the original
system to the controllable canonical form.
From here we also obtain the controllability
matrix whose rank must be of complete order
to control the system.
(automatic): They fulfill the same function as
Types of Electrical control switches, but instead of being activated manually,
their connection/disconnection is carried out by
means of an auxiliary electrical circuit through
 It is executed manually in the same place
which a current of reduced value circulates, which
where the machine is placed.
activates the coil of an electromagnet. which
 It is the simplest and most well-known.
attracts a metal sheet that acts as the relay contact;
 Generally, it is used to start small motors
It may have one or Figure1 : Armor
at nominal voltage.
more sets of switched
 Its purpose is to start and stop an engine.
contacts, so that it can
serve to open or close one
 They use an electromagnetic starter and
or more circuits.
one or more manual pilot devices.
 It is mainly used to facilitate hand Relay types:
maneuvers and control in those
installations where manual control is not
 It consists of an electromagnetic starter or
contactor controlled by one or more
autopilot devices.
 The initial run command can be
automatic, but is generally a manual
operation, performed on a panel of
pushbuttons and switches.
 If the circuit contains one or more
automatic devices, it must be classified as
automatic control.

Control Systems Designs

These are the regulations to follow such as: ANSI Figure2 : Mobile core
(American National Standards Institute), IEC (
International Electrotechnical Commission).
Figure6 : Symbology and figures of the switches
Figure3 : Reed or reed

Primary control devices

They connect the load directly to the line

Starters (manual or automatic): They are the

union of a contactor with an overload relay. Its
main function is to start and accelerate a motor,
reducing the motor's starting current, avoiding
damage to the electrical installation and to the
motor itself.


 Manuals

Figure4 : Polarized 3 terminals

Pushbuttons 4 terminals
(manual): These are components that allow or
prevent the passage of electric current. When acted  Automatic
upon, they have the characteristic that a spring
By fixed time acceleration
keeps them in a stable position and they can be
For acceleration not limited current

Figure7 : Starters: Manual and electromagnetic

Figure5 : Figures and symbols of the buttons

normally open (NO), that is, disconnected. or

normally closed (NC). Contactors (automatic): They are mechanical
electrical connection and disconnection devices,
Switches (manual): These are components that activated by any form of energy, except manual,
allow or prevent the passage of electric current, capable of establishing, supporting and interrupting
depending on the state in which they are found; currents under normal circuit conditions, including
they are generally used to control the light in a overload conditions. They can be classified by the
room. number of poles, NEMA size, power, current range
that will flow through it, etc.


 Power

3 main contacts
1 auxiliary contact

 Auxiliaries II.4 CONTROL DIAGRAM

Auxiliary contacts An elementary diagram allows us to understand the

circuit easier and faster. The devices or
They are used for control and regulation tasks in components are not shown in their current position,
command, signaling and interlocking circuits. here, all components of the control circuit are
presented as directly as possible between a pair
of vertical lines representing the control of the
power supply.

Figure12 : Linear schematic diagram

Figure8 : Diagram of a contactor

Figure9 . Contactors

II.3 Types of control

regulation systems Figure13 : Electrical lighting diagram

Regulation systems can be classified into:

Loop or open loop systems : these are those in

which the control action is independent of the

Figure10 : Open control system diagram


Loop or closed loop systems : these are those in

which the control action depends in some way on
the output.

The block diagram corresponding to a closed loop

control system is:
II.5 Electrical Control Symbols According to the control arrangement, how are


The control circuit is the most delicate
part of the controller, since it is
responsible for controlling the inputs
(LPT Port, Analog Inputs, Digital
Inputs and power circuit) and the
outputs (Digital Outputs).


when the
4. Automatic Throttle Starters finishes
These are considered open loop because they act and
independently of the motor, and work Figure14 : Fixed time start with time relays (Tymer)
based on defined times to insert
resistances into the motor, to achieve its reaches its
acceleration and take it to maximum speed in a nominal
fixed time. value?
There are several timing acceleration starter (Energized
arrangements: or de-
 With time relays (Tymer), which assist energized)
the main contactors.
 With motorized timer.- They work in the
same way as the previous ones, only that
the resistance is inserted by means of a
motor, controlled by pre-established

Fixed time starting with time relays (Tymer) F

Fixed time start with timing motor V. BIBLIOGRAPHY

DC Current Limiting Throttle Starters (Closed


This control consists of giving feedback from the

power circuit to the control circuit. This is done
through sensitive relays connected in parallel with Cristhian Joel Lucas
the armature, and their contacts will control the Obregón was born in Esmeraldas – Ecuador on
acceleration sequence according to the conditions December 22, 1995.
in which the motor is working. . They achieve this
by monitoring the current consumption in the He completed his studies at the Sacred Heart
armature when it is working, and based on this, Missionary School in Physics – Mathematics. He is
changes in the starting resistance are made. currently a Student at the “Luis Vargas Torres”
Technical University in the Faculty of Engineering
and Technologies at the School of Electrical
Behaviors in control systems, where their
components are properly related to each other; (in He is currently working as a student.
which the human being has no intervention), the
production of companies has changed. The
everyday habit, revolutionizing them day by day.

These systems today are efficient but as time goes

by they will continue to advance and innovate,
increasingly minimizing the margin of error.
Control is a management function: it is the phase of
the management process that measures and
evaluates performance and takes corrective action
when needed. In this way, control is an essentially
regulatory process.


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