Operation and Maintenance Manual
Operation and Maintenance Manual
Operation and Maintenance Manual
The National Electric System is mainly made up of generating plants, Transmission Lines and
Power Substations; These play a very important function since they are the entry and exit
nodes of the energy packages for their sending over long distances, regulation or distribution.
Power Substations are basically constituted, although not necessarily with all the elements, by:
The Transformer is a primary device that, according to its relationship, modifies the electrical
parameters, voltage and current, operating as boosters or reducers; The Reactor absorbs the
reactants by regulating the voltage, in addition to compensating the transmission lines that, due
to their length, generate capacitive reactants.
It is a primary switching device with interrupting capacity and therefore capable of interrupting a
current flow under normal or disturbance conditions in a minimum time.
It is a primary device that modifies or reduces the potential to reflect primary conditions and
bring it into protection, synchronization and signaling schemes.
Its function is similar to potential transformers, only that they have an inductive part and a
capacitive part where the Oplat coupling can also be connected to the communication channels
through the transmission lines.
It is a primary device that modifies or reduces current to reflect primary conditions and convey
them to protection and metering schemes.
It is a primary device designed to protect other more delicate or expensive equipment from
surges caused by atmospheric discharges, maneuvers, etc.
It is a primary switching device designed to section a power circuit without current flow, only
with or without potential, in a visible manner.
In a power substation, insulation is essential, since it will be found in all the primary equipment
in its different types (glass, porcelain, paper, etc.), including the insulators that support the
buses and cables (suspension or pedestal type).
They are usually metal structures that support buses and cables, forming special arrangements
according to the type of substation.
They are located inside the control house, they are designed to house, on the front part, the
opening or closing devices of switches and blades, measuring equipment switches, alarm
panels, synchronization, etc., on the back part, All protection schemes are usually found.
Currently the control panels of the switching equipment, the measurement of electrical
parameters and the alarm panels; They are housed in the mimic board and the protection
schemes in simplex boards.
They are arrangements designed for the opening or closing of switches and blades under
normal or disturbance conditions.
They are stationary battery banks with the capacity to supply direct current power to protection,
control, signaling schemes and everything that requires direct current through load centers.
These battery banks must be powered by their rectifier charger that converts alternating current
into direct current to charge them.
It is the alternating current power supply for lighting services, battery chargers, air conditioning,
compressors, motors, etc.
The substation must have efficient lighting in the operational area, as well as direct current
emergency lighting in the control room in case of emergency.
The substation must have a fire protection system mainly in the transformer area. It is advisable
to have fire extinguishers in the operational area and panels.
They indicate high voltage areas and remind you of the safety regulations to follow.
Each of the electrical devices that make up a power substation is represented by a simplified
symbol as shown in Annex No. 1.
The single-line diagram is one that shows in a simple way, using a single line, the connections
between devices, components or parts of an electrical circuit or a system of circuits and these
are represented by symbols and the three-wire diagram shows us an arrangement in more
detail. of the electrical arrangement of components with reference to the physical arrangement
in the three phases of the system, including the connection arrangements of generators,
transformation banks, current transformers, etc., these are shown in annexes 2 and 3
b) Protection Diagram.
They are those that show us the logical operation of the protection devices, control, etc., on the
primary equipment of a power substation, as shown in Annex 6.
It is the one that shows the connections and location between the component elements of an
electrical panel and may or may not include their interior connections, as shown in Annex 7.
It is one that shows the physical layout of the equipment on a panel or primary equipment of a
power installation, with dimensions in units of measurement to consider its installation, as
shown in Annex 8.
The wiring that connects the equipment from the operation area to the panels is usually made
with control cables through ducts and trenches, which must be numbered (labeled)
progressively at their beginning and end to be identified.
All cables must be registered in the cable list formats (Annex 9) and where the origin and
destination, the function, No. of slats, connection points by their color logic from left to right as
follows: Black, white, red, green, orange, blue, black/white, black white, red/black, green/black,
orange/black , blue/black.
For proper and safe operation, the nomenclature to identify voltages, stations and equipment
will be uniform throughout the Republic. It must also facilitate the graphic representation by the
technical or technological means available in the operation.
The operating voltages (voltages) will be identified by the following color table.
This color code will be applied to mimic boards, drawings, single-line boards and TV monitors.
The identification of the station will be made with the combination of three letters and it is the
responsibility of each control area to assign it, preventing this identification from being repeated
within the area. To distinguish the identification between two stations with the same
nomenclature of different control areas, the identification number of each area will be taken into
The nomenclature of the stations will be defined with the following standards:
- The abbreviation of the name of the most well-known facility, for example:
Querétaro, QRO.
PIT Pitcher
Mazatepec MZT
- For two-word names, the first two letters of the first word will be used, and the first
letter of the second word, or the first letter of the first word and the first two letters
of the second, example:
- Other letters will be taken to avoid repetitions in the event of exhausting the
previous possibilities, example:
Manzanillo MNZ
The identification of the equipment of a given installation will be done with five digits. As the only
exception and subject to subsequent revision, distribution (radial) feeders at 34.5 KV and lower
voltages will retain the four-digit nomenclature in installations.
The order that the digits will occupy according to their function will be from left to right.
0.00 to 2.40 1
2.41 4.16 2
4.17 6.99 3
7.00 16.59 4
16.60 44.00 5
44.10 70.00 6
70.10 115.00 7
115.10 161.00 8
161.10 230.00 9
230.10 499.00 TO
500.10 700.00 b
2 Transformers or autotransformers
3 Lines or feeders
4 Reactors
6 Special team
The third and fourth characters define the economic number of the equipment in question and
their combination allows for 00 to 99.
To identify it, the fifth numerical character is used, which specifies the type of device in
0 switch
3 Additional blades
4 Fuse blades
7 Grounding blades
8 Transfer blades
B1 Voltage in KV
B2 Voltage in KV
B.T. Voltage in KV
For example:
OR Unit
T Transformer (all transformation equipment)
AT Autotransformer
R Reactor
c Capacitor
When it comes to the generator and transformer group, they must be identified with the same
number; For example: If the generator is identified as U 10, the transformer is identified as T 10.
As seen in the previous example, hyphens are not used between the letter and the number, but
rather a space.
In a switch and a half scheme, to designate the middle switch, the fourth digit of the switch that
goes to bars one is taken for the third digit of the middle and the fourth digit of the switch that
goes to bars two is taken for the fourth digit of the middle switch. In any case, this rule will be
applied at the discretion of the control area in particular. (See fig. 4.3)
The blades in a switch and a half scheme are identified according to the bar to which they are
connected. (See figure 4.3).
In a sectioned bar scheme, each section is identified with a letter.
To form the nomenclature of the link blades between bar sections, the following are considered:
The second digit as a special case (six), the third digit is considering that the sections are
numbered and used from 1 to 9; The fourth digit is formed with the number of the section that
connects the blade and the fifth digit will be six (See figure 4.8).
To identify the lines in the ring bus scheme, it will be done using the third and fourth digits of the
line, the fourth digit of the switches between the lines or associated equipment.
The identification of blades in ring bus schemes are numbered according to the movement of
the hands of the clock, starting with the digit three (additional blade) for one end of the switch
and for the other end with the digit six (link blades). between feeders and/or bars), of the switch
in question. (See figure 4.7).
All equipment is identified by the alphanumeric code preceded by the abbreviation of the
installation in question, for example: VAE 92120 except for lines, which are also identified with
the abbreviation of the installation to which said line reaches, for example VAE A3120 TUL.
The single-line diagrams of the installation (station) must be drawn up in letter or double letter
size, in the case of nomenclature, with a note in the lower left part that says: All numbers are
preceded by the abbreviation of the installation of which This is, for example:
The nomenclature in the field must be done by painting the background yellow with letters and
numbers in black and of such a size that they can be seen from a safe distance.
The ground blades must be painted with alternating yellow, black and red stripes on their
operating mechanism.
Cases that arise and are not covered within this nomenclature will be submitted to the
consideration of the first level of operation for the corresponding solution.
With the purpose of regulating the efficient operation of the National Electrical System, it is
necessary to formulate an Internal Operating Regulation that clearly indicates the delimitation of
functional and operational responsibilities, the technical and administrative procedures to be
used, the essential tools for the use of the electrical workers who intervene in the process, as
well as the commitment they have to contribute to the achievement of the fundamental
objectives of the Federal Electricity Commission.
The content of this Regulation provides a comprehensive idea of the Institutional organization
that intervenes in the process of the operation of the National Electric System, as well as the
Area directly responsible for the operation and supervision of the System, but above all it is the
regulatory basis for those who provide its services in the Federal Electricity Commission can
efficiently and safely carry out the activities that have been entrusted to them in achieving the
basic objectives of the operation aimed at providing a continuous public electric energy service
to users, with voltage quality. and frequency, economical and with maximum security.
The Federal Electricity Commission, based on technical and economic principles and in order to
integrate under the same direction and therefore manage load dispatch more efficiently using
uniform methodology, founded the National Systems Operation Office in 1962 and for this
reason From the evaluation of the 1976 system, the National Cargo Dispatch was created, as
the coordinating body responsible for the system operation offices throughout the country,
depending on the General Directorate, with the fundamental objective of operating the systems
throughout the national territory. , applying the necessary measures to maintain the supply of
electrical energy continuously, with optimal quality, with system security and at the minimum
generation cost, within the established standards.
In 1977, the National Load Dispatch changed its name to the National Energy Control Center,
with the basic function of directing the operation and supervision of the electrical infrastructure
owned by the Federal Electricity Commission, to guarantee the provision of the service as its
ultimate goal. public electric energy to users with security, continuity, quality and economy.
In this type of Substations, the main parameters in the generation of electrical energy are
modified, through power transformers, raising the voltage, reducing the current so that the
power can be transported over long distances with minimum losses. These are the installations
that are usually found in generating plants.
In this type of Substations, the parameters in the transmission of electrical energy are modified,
through power transformers, reducing the voltage and increasing the current so that the power
can be distributed over medium distances through transmission lines, subtransmission and
distribution circuits which transmit at low voltages for marketing.
In this type of Substations, the parameters in the transmission of electrical energy are not
modified; they are input and output nodes without transformation elements and are used as
interconnection of lines, derivation in other directions, connection and disconnection of reactive
and capacitive compensation.
They are Substations that are without protection from civil works, which must meet appropriate
characteristics depending on the area where they are installed.
They are Substations that are protected by civil works, similar in shape to the outdoor type, in
order to protect them from environmental phenomena such as saline, industrial, agricultural
pollution, as well as strong winds and atmospheric discharges. .
Currently, there are compact shielded substations insulated with Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) gas,
which provide great advantages, since in addition to being designed to operate outdoors, they
can be protected from the environment with certain civil infrastructure, reducing installation
costs. maintenance, and are generally applied in:
It is an arrangement made up of two bars that can operate as bar No. 1 and bar No. 2 or the
latter as a transfer bar.
The feeder load is usually connected to bus No. 1, with the possibility of transferring it all to bar
No. 2 in case of disturbance or maintenance of No. 1.
Likewise, bar No. 2 can operate as a single feeder transfer through the transfer switch that
connects to the two transfer bars and blades of the feeder to be replaced. (Fig. 3.1).
Normally it is closed int. L with its respective blades 1 or 2, depending on the bar it is on and the
line blade 9.
In this case, it is necessary to replace the line switch L with the transfer switch T.
- Blades 1 and 2 of the int are closed. T.
- Transfer blade 8 corresponding to the int is closed. L.
- Int is closed. T
- Opens int. l
- Blades 1 or 2 are opened, depending on the bar in which the int is located. L.
-* 9 inch blades open. L.
- We proceed in reverse from * for normalization.
For this case it is required to transfer the int. Line L connected to bus No. 1, to bar No. 2.
In this case, it is required to de-energize the feeder bay due to emergency or scheduled license
of the transmission line, transformer bank, etc.
- Opens int. l
- Blades 1 or 2 open depending on which bar the feeder is located on.
-* Blade 9 opens.
- Knife 7 is closed to ground the transmission line.
- We proceed in reverse to normalize the feeder.
It is an arrangement made up of two bars that operate as bar No. 1 and bar No. 2 each with its
own switch for a single feeder.
This allows the load to be distributed over the two bars and at the time of the disturbance to
maintain only one or de-energize one of them for maintenance. It also allows the flexibility of
releasing or de-energizing a switch on the same feeder, conserving the load. through the other
switch (Fig. 3.2).
Normally blades 1, 2 and the two 9 are closed, as well as the two switches with the load
distributed to bars No. 1 and 2.
- The procedure is similar to the previous one, except that it is operated with the
primary equipment of bar No. 2.
In this case, it is required to de-energize the feeder bay for emergency or scheduled leave of
the transmission line, bank, etc.
It is an arrangement made up of two bars linked by three switches in series, taking the two
feeders in the middle parts, thus sharing the central switch.
In case of disturbance, the main and middle switches are opened, leaving the two
corresponding bars and the other feeder in operation. (Fig. 3.3).
Normally the switches L1, M and L2 are closed, the blades 1, 2, 3, M1 and M2, 9 are closed
and the grounding blades 7 are open, linking the two bars and sending or receiving energy
through the two feeders.
- Open int. L1
- Open blades 1 of L1
- Open blades 3 of L1
- Under these conditions the load is transferred to bar 2, passing through the int. M
- We proceed in reverse to normalize the load of bar 1.
The transfer of load from bar 2 to bar 1 is carried out in a similar way.
In this case it is necessary to de-energize the internal bay. medium, so the load of each of the
feeders will be taken by its respective bar.
- Opens int. M.
- M1 and M2 blades open.
- We proceed in reverse to normalize.
In this case, it is necessary to de-energize the transmission line, momentarily losing the link
between the two bars, leaving the option of reestablishing it after carrying out the maneuvers.
- Opens int. L1
- Opens int. M
- Blades 1 of int are opened. L1
- 3 int blades open. L1
- M1 blades of int. M.
- M2 blades of int. M.
- Blades 9 of the feeder open to be de-energized
- Grounding blades 7 are closed to ground the transmission line.
In this step the transmission line or whatever is being powered is left out of service or de-
energized and grounded.
One of the advantages of this arrangement is that you can optionally recover the link between
the two bars for the duration of the license, proceeding as follows:
Maintaining the aforementioned link in this way, and to normalize the feeder, proceed as
- Grounding blades 7 are opened, verifying their physical opening, visually, and
they are blocked.
- Opens int. L1.
- Opens int. M.
- 9 line blades are closed.
- Int is closed. L1.
- Int is closed. M.
For a license on the L2 feeder, the procedure is similar. This type of arrangement is usually
applied in areas of high environmental pollution and in power substations with an operating
voltage of 400 KV.
It is an arrangement made up of three bars, 1, 2 joined by a mooring switch and transfer bar,
allowing the load to be distributed to bar 1 or 2, as well as allowing the load to be transferred to
a single bar for maintenance of the other.
Furthermore, in case of maintenance of the feeder bay, it is replaced by the transfer bay.
In the event of a disturbance, this arrangement allows, through load distribution, to keep one
bus energized and occupy the transfer bus at the same time for a single feeder. (Fig. 3.4).
Normally the two bars are connected through the int. mooring To which is closed with its
respective blades 1 and 2., blades 1, 2 and 8 of the int. of transfer T which is also open and
available to replace any feeder, the blades 1 or 2, 9 are closed and the blade 8 of the feeder L.
is open, which is also closed, the group of feeders similar to L. They will be connected to bar 1
or bar 2, distributing the load.
For this case it is necessary to de-energize the feeder bay L by transferring the load through the
transfer switch T.
-** It closes blades 1 or 2 of int. T depending on which bar the feeder is located.
- 8 inch blade closes. T.
- 8 inch blade closes. L.
- Int is closed. T.
- Opens int. L.
-* Blade 1 or 2 of switch l opens.
- 9 inch blade opens. L.
- We proceed in reverse to normalize the substitution of the int. L for int. T.
For the transfer of load from bar 1 to bar 2 or vice versa, in step * only blades 1 and 2 of the int
are changed position. L line. and at the end of transferring all feeders:
In this way, bar 1 or 2 is de-energized. And to normalize it, we proceed in reverse only in the
last 3 steps mentioned and to transfer the load from one bar to another, we proceed again
starting from **.
The arrangements mentioned in the previous points are the most common in power substations
with an operating voltage of 400, 230, 115 KV.
This arrangement is the simplest as it consists of a single bar with a transfer blade bridging from
the bar to the feeder outlet. (FIG. 3.5) .
This arrangement is made up of a single operation bar to which all the feeders are connected
and a transfer switch that feeds through the transfer bar and its blade 8 to the feeder to be
replaced. (FIG. 3.6).
It is an arrangement similar to that in figure (3.6), only with the bar sectioned in each feeder so
that at the time of de-energizing the feeder the corresponding bar section is also free (Fig. 3.8).
The services for Power Substations are fundamental for the continuity of Operation and Safety,
therefore, an important point is the selection of the Power Source.
Generally, these sources must be completely separated from those available during the
construction stage, unless they are proven to be reliable.
As the power supply can be lost at any time, emergency power supplies are required.
For the Operation of an Electrical Substation, it is necessary to have different forms of electrical
power; to ensure its various functions (Protection, control, signaling, driving force, lighting),
these being:
Power supplies constitute a very important point in the design of the substation's services; since
the correct operation of the protection, control, measurement and signaling systems depends
on this, important elements in the reliability of the substation.
The selection of the number of power supplies depends on the importance of the substation
and its location.
2.1.-The importance of the substation takes into account the following variables:
It depends on the ease of access and proximity of the distribution lines, to power the own
The options given below for the selection of power supplies are elements taken from the
experience obtained.
b) 34.5 or 13.8 KV Distribution Line. But from a different source than the first,
or from the 34.5 or 13.8 KV bus bars of the substation itself.
c) Emergency plant.
In general terms and reiterating the experience had in the Commission, the order of election is
a, b and c but the reliability of the Distribution lines must be ensured in the preliminary study
carried out, see Fig. 4.1.
Transmission substations must have at least two power sources, one main which is the normal
source and another backup.
The tertiary winding of the transformation bank should not be used as a normal power source,
but exclusively as a last backup.
Therefore, in the event that the design does not contemplate its use as a power source to an
external distribution or load network of its own services or equipment directly associated with
itself, the project must be carried out in such a way that it is Make use of this source only in
case of failure of both the primary and backup sources.
If there are two transformer bars, only the backup power supply will be provided through the
tertiary winding of one of these, taking into account the reserve transformer. (Single-phase
transformers) the tertiaries of the banks should not be connected in parallel.
In the event that there is double backup, for example: Another distribution line, the automatic
transfer will be made between distribution lines and the emergency plant. When the tertiary
winding is used as a backup, the transfer to it will be done manually.
The automatic transfer of own Services must take into account the adequate detection of the
tensioners in the three phases.
Due to the severe short circuit conditions to which Transformation banks may be subject
(especially in the case of autotransformers), it is required that both the tertiary winding and the
equipment associated with it meet the installation requirements.
In the case of Own Services transformers, there is a need, for reasons of easy acquisition,
construction and maintenance, to delimit some of the operating characteristics, which also
c) Nominal ratio of high voltage side equal to the nominal voltage of the tertiary: Low
voltage side 220 127 volts.
F) Installation of switch on the high voltage side of the own services transformer.
In all cases, normal own services plus those corresponding to maintenance must be
considered, so it is estimated that the capacity of the own services transformer should not be
less than 150 KVA.
For the application of this source of electrical energy, it is necessary to take into account the
following criteria:
to) In all the nodes of the 400 KV Core network, which do not belong to a generating
plant, even when in principle they are radial since they will later be
b) In all 230 and 115 substations that do not have transformation levels of 34.5 or
13.8 KV and in which there is only one power distribution line for their own
To determine the capacity of the emergency plant, the following loads must be considered:
d) Motors of the cooling systems of the transformation pumps, that is, fans, pumps,
230 KV substations must have a 125 VDC bank and 2 chargers, unless at the discretion of the
personnel responsible for the installation and its importance, greater reliability in operation and
flexibility for maintenance are required, two banks of batteries with three chargers; In this case,
it is considered that both the switching substations will be covered with up to eight feeders and
the transformation substations with two banks, four 230 KV feeders and six 115 KV feeders. If
this is a first stage in the construction of the substation, the first has a battery bank and two
chargers and the second has a battery bank and a charger.
For 400 KV power substations, the previous criterion is also used, although in old installations
250 VDC battery banks are installed, the current trend is to use only 125 VDC banks.
There are other systems that require power from their own services, such as communications
and SICLE, which use voltage levels of 48 vdc and 12 vdc. See figure 4.2.
Protection scheme is the set of relays, devices and associated connections in an operational
unit installed in a node of the electrical system, to protect it.
The following classification is proposed according to the primary electrical equipment that is
protected by the protection scheme:
Next, its most common application in the CFE network, its philosophy and operation will be
The Federal Electricity Commission, in order to meet its final objective of supplying electricity to
the entire country, requires, within the process, to transmit energy from the generating sources
to the power and distribution substations. To achieve this, energy is transmitted through
"Transmission Lines".
According to the CFE protection deputy management The philosophy of applying protection for
a 400 KV transmission line is that primary protection 1 and primary protection 2 have a different
operating principle, for example, if a Digital protection that works by numerical calculations is
applied in primary 1, An SLY-SLYG protection is placed that works with the principle of
symmetrical components in primary 2, in this way the two complement each other and the
operation of the scheme is ensured.
Within the digital protections we can mention those of the General Electric brand, types
TLS1000 and PLS; the SEL brand presents models such as the 321.
The SLDY51 protection works with phase comparison and directional comparison with negative
sequence components.
The new digital protections, which are currently being used more widely, although in principle
they remain a distance relay 21, contain elements for locating faults and an event recorder.
In addition, you must have a third backup protection such as the also digital SEL 267 or the still
reliable electromechanical 67N.
The protection scheme of the 400 kv Lines is complemented with the 50 FI relay.
For this failure it is important to analyze the response of the protection schemes.
When the ground fault occurs, it manifests itself in an increase in current in the faulted phase,
as well as a drop in voltage. This is reflected back to the protection scheme through the current
transformer and potential device.
If you have SLYP-SLCN protection for an unbalanced fault (phase to ground), the SLCN
module works with its positive, negative and zero sequence component level detectors
operating in a time approximately equal to 1 cycle, which elapses from when measures until it
sends the trip signal to the switches. At the moment the protection detects the fault, the signal is
transmitted through the microwave and oplat channels to the remote end to establish the
directional comparison and thus confirm that the fault is on the line.
If it is a SLDY51 protection, the phase comparison operates by transmitting its square signal
through the microwave channel and thus defining whether the fault is internal or external with a
time of approximately 1 cycle. For failure cases in the Puebla Transmission area, failures have
been resolved in a time of 2 1/2 cycles with AEG switches at 400 KV.
You must have a primary protection scheme and a backup protection scheme as well as your
breaker failure scheme. Complemented the distance scheme with the acceleration of 2nd gear.
Zone (PUTT) (permissive undereach transfer trip), as well as the DTT direct transferred trip
scheme through the communication channel.
For a 230 KV line, the distance scheme applying 21/21G works by zones, basically establishing
three: zone 1, zone 2, zone 3, with the following operating times.
Zone 1 - Instant
Zone 2 - 250 - 350ms
Zone 3 - 800 - 1000ms
Zone acceleration consists of sending a signal from the scheme that operates in zone 1 to the
remote end so that it triggers immediately upon receiving zone acceleration.
These 21/21G relays are also currently Digital, although in some areas electromechanical ones
are still used; some of the new ones are: the SEL 221, ABB LZ-96, etc.
For the backup relays there are the SEL 267, ABB RN91 and the electromechanical 67N.
It must have 21/21G primary protection and 67N backup protection, the PUTT scheme does not
normally have 50BF, nor zone acceleration.
For 115 KV lines, the distance scheme applying 21/21G works by zones, basically establishing
three: zone 1, zone 2 and zone 3.
Zone 1 - Instant
Zone 2 - 250 - 350 ms.
Zone 3 - 800 - 1000 ms.
Fault clearance times are approximately 5 to 7 cycles for zone 1 including switch and protection
times. As can be seen, while the voltage level is higher the tendency is to achieve shorter fault
clearance times, for example:
115KV 5 cycles.
The protection scheme of a feeder must have 3 50/51N phase relays, the three-pole reclosing
module must also be integrated.
The 50/51N overcurrent scheme is only applicable for radial circuits, since this scheme does not
have directionality. The three-pole reclosing can be applied 1, 2 or 3 reclosing attempts, the
more reclosings there are, the more stress the distribution transformer is subjected to, this must
be taken into account.
Note also that bushing or BUSHING type current transformers are normally used for these
For both the transformer and the autotransformer, differential protection must be used from a
capacity of 5 MVA upwards, in addition it must have overload protection, 51T on the high and
low voltage side, as well as backup protection for external faults 51N.
The gas relay that detects incipient faults and severe faults within the tank must also be
integrated into the transformer.
When a differential protection or gas relay operates, the transformer should never be energized
without first being checked by the substations and lines department.
When the overtemperature protection operates, it may be because the fan groups are not
operating or the pumps are stopped without operating.
The overtemperature trip is approximately 105 C but you must verify its alarm at 95 C and
cooling start at 75 C.
A problem that happens very often is the overloading of transformation banks. In this case, care
must be taken not to modify the overload setting without first consulting the thermal data for
transformer management with the support of the SE'SY LT department.
The other most common problem is the total damage of 10, 20, 30 MVA distribution
transformers due to lack of direct current in the substation's own services. It is necessary to
monitor the loss of direct current through supervisory control, this is of vital importance. As a
matter of fact, in the last four years there have been three damaged transformers in a single
Distribution Division.
Each node of the electrical power system is known as a bus, or bus, and is the point where
several lines are interconnected in the network. These buses are where very high power flows
are handled, hence the importance of protecting them to avoid serious disturbances in the
On the CFE network Differential protection must be provided for buses from 115 KV to 400 KV
buses, and in some lower voltage buses depending on the load handled.
PVD type bus differential protection can be applied as long as there are current transformers of
the same ratio and protection class. This protection does not accept auxiliary current
It can also be applied with BUSHING type current transformers, this protection is also very rigid,
care must be taken when switching currents with auxiliary relays, make sure it has two coils
(operation and reset), since the slightest accidental imbalance will have a shot of the entire bar.
It is convenient to lock it every time you want to work with this PVD type protection.
In most cases the switching depends entirely on the auxiliary blade contacts, this must have
detailed maintenance.
ABB brand RADSS type differential protection has been applied with good results in 115, 230
and 400 KV buses.
This ABB brand RADSS type differential protection is very flexible in its application because it
allows current transformers with different ratios, different classes, and when an imbalance
occurs it alarms and blocks to avoid false trips.
It is protection with test blocks that allows full access for review and testing.
This protection comes with auxiliary current transformers to be applied to any primary CT ratio.
In its operation, care must be taken with the switching of auxiliary relays and the operating
value of the starting unit must be verified according to the short circuit level of the bus to which it
is applied.
In order to control the voltage on 400 KV lines, three-phase or single-phase reactors are
bypassed with a Neutral reactor in the case of lines with monopolar tripping and reclosing.
The reactor protection scheme must have primary protection, with a differential 87R, in addition
to overcurrent protections 51 and 51N.
It is advisable when a reactor is going to be installed to put a switch on it, to be able to connect
or disconnect it from the system more easily.
Also based on operating experiences, pedestal-type current transformers that go outside the
reactor can be applied, since when there is a failure in these reactors, the failure begins at the
nozzle, damaging the current transformers that go inside.
The most common failures in three-phase reactors have been due to the fact that they remain
powered in two phases, which generates overheating until this causes a fire.
In order to increase the Transmission capacity in a line, banks of series capacitors were
installed in the 400 KV network of the National Interconnected System.
These banks of capacitors are automatically inserted when the energy flow in a transmission
line increases, and when the load decreases they are also automatically removed.
To insert or uninsert the bank of series capacitors this is done with the QS2 switch, either
through the overload protection or manually through the control on the relay board.
When a fault occurs in the transmission line, so that this fault current does not damage the
capacitors, GAPS 1 and 2 are designated as FV1 and FV2 for protection, these arc when a fault
occurs and in turn the protections operate on the capacitors. switches QS1 and QS2 to leave
out the series capacitors.
In order to detect capacitor damage, there is an unbalance alarm relay and an unbalance trip
relay when there are several damaged capacitors per branch.
Fault recorders are devices that store information on disturbances that affect electrical
networks, with analog signals (current, voltages) and digital signals (trigger outputs, static
protection logic signals) that allow us to analyze the behavior of the electrical network during the
disturbance or failure.
It is the modern version of the OPG, its printing is inkless, less maintenance, it
has solid state circuits, it is very easy to install, because it was designed to
replace the electromechanical OPG-THOMSON.
It is a device that detects the change of state of a logical signal, contact, or position and defines
the time and sequence in which a set of signals operate.
Normally the information is local in printed form. These event recorders are most commonly
applied in power plants.
They are equipment that gives us local information in a substation or plant in the form of light
and sound alarms that operate to know the behavior of the equipment. For example, there are
low switch air pressure alarms that must operate before the switch locks and the Buchholz
alarm that operates before tripping. These local alarms through alarm panels are useful for
cases in which you have attended substations; for telecontrolled substations, remote alarms are
the other way to know the operation of alarms through supervisory control.
In the national electrical network, the energy balance is carried out from the electrical energy
measurement point, in which the figures of energy delivered by generation, the energy received
by transmission and the energy that transmission delivers to distribution are known. , this is
what is known as energy delivery and reception points.
The main function of communication in the Federal Electricity Commission is to optimize and
maintain the communications network in operation with high safety margins that allow the
electrical part to coordinate its normal and emergency operations in a power substation.
On the other hand, it is advisable not to forget the managerial, supervisory and administrative
areas, which also require communication for the coordination of operations both in their own
area and in the technical area; with a great need for communication channels.
The operation of the power systems and the substations themselves is carried out by the area
control centers, located in different cities where they perform the following functions:
Communication is necessary between the operators in the control booth and assistant
operators or maintenance personnel of the substation in the operation area, carried out by
means of single-channel voice in the VHF-FM band using the direct or point by point. Likewise,
it is also common to have an intercom network in the area of operation.
1.2.- RADIO
Typically, all substations have single-channel voice communication in the VHF-FM band at
different frequencies, in order to maintain a continuous link with the personnel of area control
centers, management and supervision personnel, and maintenance personnel. of transmission
lines, maintenance personnel of substations and other substations or generating plants, (Figure
1.3.- OPLAT
In all power substations, there is a carrier wave system in high voltage lines in order to maintain
voice communication, data transmission, supervisory control for the operation of telecontrolled
substations, channels for the acceleration of protection zones in transmission lines and direct
transferred trips for the protection of primary equipment of the substation, (Figure 6.2).
The areas require communication means with a high degree of reliability to support the efficient
operation of power substations, generating plants and transmission lines that result in
continuous and good quality service to the user.
Current networks have single-channel (VHF) and two-channel (OPLAT) systems, which
currently alone would not satisfy the needs at the level of voice communication and in
exceptional cases those of protection of primary equipment and transmission lines, being
insufficient to cover all the needs that involve the operation of the power substations and the
entire system itself.
Since real-time data acquisition networks are also required as well as dedicated voice channels
between the area control centers and the power substations of the system and dedicated
channels for teleprotection, there are limitations due to saturation of the spectrum. frequency
and low channel capacity.
Due to these considerations, the communication system was implemented through the
microwave network that will satisfy the demand for current and future communication channels
in the different areas, for which multichannel wireless communication projects were developed.
See Fig. 6.4.
Another concept in the communications aspect is the use of optical fibers that link the
substations to transmit a large volume of information through a single fiber, lower losses, noise
immunity, repeaters can be spaced further apart, light weight.
Currently they are designed and built with a special alumowell cable shielding, to be installed as
a guard wire in transmission structures, even fulfilling the same functions. There are also
designs without this shielding using the same structures.
Through them, pilot wire protections, directional comparison protections, direct transferred trips,
voice, measurements, control orders, etc. are transmitted. The concept of communication via
fiber optics is shown in figure 7.5.
The rental of telephone lines should be considered to ensure communication, mainly with the
administration, supervision, management departments and industrial sectors due to their
importance as consumers.
On some occasions it can also be used to coordinate maneuvers in case of failure of the
aforementioned means.
There are short lines that must be protected with pilot wire distance schemes linking the two
substations that connect the line, so that when there is a fault within the line, it is verified by its
directionality and the protection schemes operate.
It is a piece of equipment that has been designed with the purpose of obtaining information and
control of the installations of an electrical system under "remote control" from a master station
through a communications channel to a remote terminal unit installed in the desired substation
or power plant. control, it at the same time translates the orders and executes them to an
interface cabinet that is designed to perform the coupling of signals to the substation's own
equipment, this is shown in figure 6-6.
It must be able to present the kilowatts updated every hour and for 24 hours and returning its
counters to zero once the zero hour measurement has been recorded, starting its cycle again.
To transmit the signals from the remote station to the control center or master station, a
transmission medium or communication channel is required and this can be VHF-FM RADIO,
And the distance between the master station and the remote station can be as large as the
transmission medium allows.
It processes the information received from the master station and the equipment installed in the
substation and sends or feeds it back to the master station, its main functions being:
It is the signaling of the status of the equipment, as well as its alarms and protections.
- Opened closed
- Locked/Unlocked
- Start/Stop
- In out
- Up down
- Buchholz
- High temperature
- Inert air equipment failure
- Low oil level
- Lack of alternating current power
- Lack of direct current power
- Low air pressure
- SF6 low pressure
- Own services
- Low DC voltage
- Battery charger failure
- I operate 50/51
- I operate 51INT
- I operate 50/51N
- I operate 49 T
- I operate 87T
- I operate 86T
- I operate 67N
- I operate 21-Z1
- Opera 81
- I operate 94SI-1
- I operate 40G
- I operate 64G
- Opera 59
- I operate primary protection
- Etc.
- Voltage
- Current
- Frequency
- power factor
- Kilowatts
- Kilovars
- Kilowatts/hour
- Kilovars/hour
- Temperature
- Etc.
At this point we will see the evolution trend of supervisory control teams towards the SICLE
concept. Although we cannot say that it is something new, since all the principles of the
traditional supervisory control theory are still alive.
The entire functions of a traditional supervisory control system (monitoring and remote control
of substations) are only a subset of the SICLE functions.
There is additionally the function of recording and sequence of events with a resolution of 1
The use of transducers for monitoring measurements is reduced, because multimeters perform
this function more efficiently. In addition, by having a single source of information for
measurements, differences between the readings at the master station and the local meters are
The UTRs used in the SICLE also include the PLC function and with this it is possible to
achieve automation that was previously carried out with relay schemes. This also facilitates
modifications to the automation logic, since almost all changes are made in software.
The protection equipment is integrated into the SICLE (recorders, locators, relays, etc.) and it is
possible to configure them as well as acquire fault data remotely without having to travel to the
The SICLE is basically made up of three blocks: The local subsystem (SSL), the remote
subsystem (SSR) and the protection and measurement subsystem (SSPM).
It is necessary to establish a routine for reviewing equipment in operation and the facility in
general. The frequency of these reviews will depend on the type of facility, its geographical
location, type of climate, environmental contamination, operating conditions. , etc.
To obtain more efficient control, it is necessary to carry out these reviews per bay.
Only anomalies will be recorded in the format, evaluating them in priority and weight in credits,
so that associated with the study of the technical files, equipment histories and manufacturer's
recommendation, the annual planning of the maintenance program is carried out as will be
analyzed. in chapter 9.
Below are the most important aspects that must be considered in these reviews of the primary
equipment, which must be recorded in the formats indicated in chapter 9.
1.5.- BLADES
In power substations, among the protection measures, there are transformer fire protection
systems. The rapid growth of electrical systems around the world has forced the installation of
large power transformers, which has meant that they are exposed to greater risks of fire
accidents, due to their high short circuit capacity. of large electrical systems and by the
enormous energy that is released in a combustible medium such as insulating oil.
Fires in outdoor transformers are generally caused by ground faults inside the tank. The electric
arc discharge delivers large amounts of heat energy to the insulating oil, superheating it above
the ignition point and decomposing it into gases producing large internal pressures that
overpressure relief devices cannot handle, pressures that may exceed the resistance of the
tank with its consequent breakage and spillage of the oil outside.
- Your location
- Expiration date on your cargo
- Physical state.
- Cabinet status
- Quick Connect Status
- Valve status
- Hose condition
- Operation test.
- power supply
- Control cabinet
- Alarms
- Fire detectors
- Pump starters
- water supply source
- Bombs
- Pipes and valves
- sprinkler pipes
- Existence of fuel in internal combustion engines for backup pumps
- System operation test.
They are of utmost importance in a power substation since they supply direct current energy to
the control circuits, protections, alarms, event recorders, etc.
(Also called bus). To review this part of the substation, the support of the transmission line
personnel is necessary, since the following must be thoroughly reviewed with the energized
- General review of the status of bays, external and tertiary feeders of banks
- Power cables status
- Status of own service transformers
- Load center status
- Thermographic study (hot spots) in loading centers
- Connection retightening
- Load balances
- Ability
- Cleaning of load center boards
- energy integrators
- Log Cleaning
- Pipe cleaning
- Cleaning pits to remove oil from transformer banks
- Stability and leveling of screens
- Condition of screens (paint, etc.).
- Weed clearing
- Passable
- Lighting
- Status of the advertisement or sign indicating:
1. Dependence
2. Responsible area
3. Substation name
4. Guy
5. Ability
6. Operating voltages.
In all substations, measurements of the commissioning ground network must be taken, if not,
they must be measured to have references and verify this through a certain periodicity in the
years of operation of the substation. substation, mainly the connection points subject to input
stress in short circuit current or soils with little moisture retention.
One of the problems of power substations, mainly subject to operation with nominal loads and a
high rate of short-circuit current contribution through their connections due to a high number of
faults in their circuits or bus connections to subject bridges. to movements due to strong winds,
is the presence of hot spots (loose mechanical connections), damaging connectors and
conductors, causing total opening.
In the previous point, the review of hot spots or thermographic measurement of visible
connectors is mentioned, but we must remember that there are also internal connections in the
primary equipment and that through these studies, internal hot spots can be detected, which
are mentioned below. :
The tests applied to primary equipment are the main tool within predictive maintenance that
helps us determine the state of some of the most important parameters of said equipment.
At CFE there are standardized procedures for the application and interpretation of the main
tests that we will describe in a general way below.
8.1.1.- Scope.
The document describes recommended procedures for measuring insulation resistance in
rotating machines, power transformers, instrument transformers, lightning arresters, switches,
power cables and control wiring.
8.1.2.- Objective.
The goal is to unify the evaluation criteria to determine the conditions of the materials that make
up the insulation of electrical equipment, through the insulation resistance test.
8.2.- Procedure for testing dielectric losses or power factor of insulation in electrical equipment
8.2.1.- Objective.
Know and apply the most used test equipment in CFE for measuring power factor, unifying
criteria to standardize application methods and interpretation of results, which determine the
reliability and quality of the tested equipment, both during its commissioning and during its
useful life.
With the application of this test it is possible to detect degradation, aging and contamination of
the insulation.
The basic principle is based on the detection of some measurable changes in the
characteristics of an insulation, which are affected by the presence of humidity, temperature or
corona effect, increasing losses and power factor.
8.2.5.- Recommendations.
The equipment must be handled carefully, with special attention during transportation and
connection to the power source.
Safety regulations must be followed and the equipment to be tested must be kept clean as well
as clean.
The tests should preferably not be carried out when the relative humidity of the environment is
greater than 70%, unless it is not possible for reasons of geographical location.
Correct readings for temperature.
Due to the great variety of switches currently installed, there is no general procedure applicable
to all of them, and they can be classified for the application of more specific tests according to
their construction and constituent elements:
a.- Large volume of oil.
In this type the test is very important, since it reveals deterioration, humidity or contamination. It
is necessary to carry out the test in both positions of the switch, obtaining the differences (also
called tank index) between the losses of the terminals or nozzles tested independently and the
phase that involves them in pairs. The criteria applied is the following:
Differences less than + - 9 ………………………..are considered acceptable.
Differences between +- 9 and +- 16………………….investigate in next mantto.
Differences greater than +- 16………………….investigate as soon as possible.
b.- Small volume of oil.
c.- Interruption in air.
d.- In sulfur hexafluoride.
In these types of switches, one pair of contacts per phase is used up to voltages of 115 kV or
230 kV, and multiple contacts for higher voltages.
The measurement of dielectric losses in these switches is not very significant due to the
insulation materials they use, so the results must be analyzed by comparing with the file or with
similar equipment.
Lightning arrester.
Due to the great variety of elements that exist and the construction differences presented by
each of the manufacturers, the normalization of acceptance values for dielectric losses is
difficult, so the procedure lists the average acceptable values for each brand and guy.
Insulating oil.
The power factor test is probably the most important to carry out on the insulating oil, giving a
clear idea of its deterioration and contamination, since it measures the leakage current that
circulates through it.
To perform the test, a special cell is used, which is essentially a capacitor with the oil under test
acting as a dielectric.
The acceptable test value for a new, dry, degassed oil is 0.05% at 20°C.
For oil in operation, 0.5% at 20° C is considered satisfactory; and values between 0.6% and
2.0% at 20°C, it is recommended to recondition or replace it.
8.3.1.- Objective.
This procedure aims to disseminate the excitation current testing technique, both in its methods
and in the interpretation of results.
Transformers frequently suffer failures due to damage to their windings and cores due to
mechanical stress caused by short circuits, shocks during transportation, overheating, and
displacement of the windings and core.
An excessive excitation current may be due to a short circuit between one or several turns of
the winding, whose value is added to the normal excitation current. Also, it may be due to
defects within the magnetic circuit, so this test is decisive for detecting incipient problems in a
power transformer.
The factor that significantly affects the measurement of the excitation current is the remaining
magnetism in the core of the transformer under test, so it is necessary to demagnetize the core
by one of the known methods in case of having this problem.
8.4.1.- Objective.
The objective of this procedure is to provide a didactic guide for the use of test equipment
(TTR) in measuring the transformation ratio of power and distribution transformers and in
The procedure describes the use of the James G. brand TTR (transformer turn ratio)
equipment. Biddle, manually operated, which is the most widespread in CFE.
8.5.1.- Objective.
This procedure is a reference guide for maintenance personnel, for diagnosis and decision-
making based on the data reported in the analysis of gases dissolved in the oil of power
8.5.2.-Basic theory.
During normal operation of the transformer, energy is dispersed in the form of heat; the oil
transports this heat from the source to the radiators, which are the coldest parts. Sometimes
abnormal conditions occur that increase the dispersed energy. When the oil faces this abnormal
source, it not only increases its temperature, but also absorbs excess energy at the cost of its
The origins of these defects or primary causes may be design or manufacturing errors, poor
fastening of the core-coil assembly, poor quality in commissioning, surges during operation,
atmospheric discharges, network failures, etc. Under these circumstances, the transformer may
or may not continue in operation, presenting anomalies such as partial discharges, arcing and
hot spots.
The decomposition of oil generates a complex mixture of gases including: hydrogen, methane,
ethane, propane, propylene, butane, ethylene and acetylene. Solid insulation such as paper,
wood, linen and cardboard produces gases such as carbon monoxide. carbon and carbon
dioxide, accompanying these gases there is invariably the presence of nitrogen and oxygen
from the air or from the oil preservation system.
the gas relay (Buchholz) occurs. This situation occurs when the oil has a content close to 10%
of dissolved gas, when the normal gas content is barely 0.5%.
9.1.- Introduction.
The maintenance of the electrical equipment that makes up the power substations is one of the
fundamental parts that ensure the correct functioning of the system, guaranteeing its correct
operation and improving the quality and reliability of the electrical energy supply.
The purpose of maintenance is to make the equipment operationally reliable; to achieve this, it
must be carried out with the anticipation and efficiency required for each piece of equipment.
This objective can be met if the activities that correspond to each team are planned and fully
Among the functions of the Transmission and Transformation Coordinator, it is to set the
objectives and goals, establishing general policies and standards conducive to guaranteeing
the availability, continuity, quality and economy of the transmission and transformation process,
as well as planning, coordinating and supervising the efforts. related to the operation and
maintenance of the transmission lines and substations that make up the National Electric
System, therefore it was determined to implement a control system for maintenance activities
that would cover the activities aimed at preserving the equipment, maintaining its nominal
operating characteristics and It also served to plan and control maintenance needs and results.
To carry out a maintenance program efficiently and with quality, it is necessary to have
adequate and properly trained personnel; who must know the maintenance work, the operation
of the equipment under his charge and have the practice and ability to carry out inspections,
tests, minor and major repairs of the equipment.
Predictive Maintenance.
Electrical and chemical tests on the equipment allow us to know its degradation, in addition to
helping to decide if the equipment is in a condition to continue in operation. Depending on the
equipment in question, the tests to be performed will be defined.
Although the results of the tests are not conclusive, that is, the fact that its value is acceptable
does not guarantee that it will not fail, we can guarantee that if its value is unacceptable, the
probabilities of it failing are very high.
Preventive Maintenance.
Preventive maintenance represents a good number of routine inspections complemented by
some tests and minor activities, which together will constitute the history of the equipment,
which properly analyzed will serve to determine activities that can correct incipient failures with
minor repairs, which at the end of accounts will avoid major problems and repairs. This type of
maintenance requires more advanced inspection techniques to determine the condition of the
equipment with greater certainty.
With the analysis and control of periodic inspections and tests, as well as the history of
corrective maintenance that has been necessary to carry out, it will be possible to carry out
adequate planning of the work that is timely and strictly necessary to keep the equipment in
optimal conditions. Preventive maintenance is a silent activity that is not noticed when it is
carried out effectively, it will only happen that the equipment operates satisfactorily for a long
time; On the other hand, if this activity is neglected, catastrophic failures will appear frequently.
There are cases of incipient failures of electrical equipment that with adequate preventive
maintenance will be corrected in time, causing great savings by avoiding the need to replace
the equipment before the end of its expected useful life. Preventive maintenance represents
approximately 80% of the total activities of substation personnel.
Corrective maintenance.
This type of maintenance is not desired, since it is carried out when an equipment failure
occurs, and the damage may be of such severity that it will cause the equipment to be out of
service for a long time, carrying out the work on an emergency basis. However, this type of
maintenance cannot be completely eliminated.
Standardization ensures that substation components are made up of similar equipment, serving
as a basis for the development of a unique maintenance system that has three general
qualities: the first establishes the criteria that should regulate preventive maintenance, telling us
what to do and when. , the second allows evaluating the degree of maintenance compliance
and the third, calculating its workload using the unit bay concept.
With this system for evaluating electrical equipment maintenance activities, you have a useful
tool for real and effective programming, having control of the work and its progress, detecting
deviations in time to reschedule them in a timely manner. Furthermore, by having this criterion
unified, the programming is uniform, the workloads are similar and it is possible to determine
productivity based on this.
In this system, 17 pieces of equipment that constitute a substation have been classified, as well
as the maintenance activities necessary for them, valuing the latter with an average equivalent
of the man-hours (credits) necessary to carry them out, including their periodicity and necessary
personnel; It also serves to evaluate the programming by integrating the substations by
Subareas and Areas in the national process of the CTT Transmission and Transformation
As its name indicates, it is the type bay that serves as a reference to homologate any other
depending on the equipment that comprises it. Its purpose is to have a parameter that serves
as a basis to quickly evaluate the workloads of the Subareas and Areas under the same
criterion, which obeys the time necessary to carry out its maintenance.