Fruit in The Pastry Shop

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The gentle preparations that prevail in today's pastry have allowed the use of fruit to become
widespread among professionals. Fruit, being a delicate product, re It requires special conditions to
be stored and preserved. Fruit is, on the other hand, an essential food for the human diet, among
other things for the contribution of vita mines it has. In the case of children, its consumption is

It has long been observed I see in all

sections of pastry a reduction in a
whole series of elaborations that,
undoubtedly in another era, had their
unconditional fans, but that today
have become a bit forgotten. I saw.
All these preparations Sados, loaded
with sugar, with the incorporation of
many fats, have currently become
light desserts, soft, fresh, little sugar
and with the ten dence towards
greater simplicity quality of both
formulas and format and decoration.
. A characteristic ingredient of all
these preparations is, of course, fruit.
Huta is in itself a pro delicate duct
and we will have to take some
measures to handle it tion.
In principle, huta is the result
final stage of maturation of a
fertilized ovary. It contains inside the
ovules that evolve into seeds and are
capable of germinating to give birth
to another plant.
The fruits are edible,

Fruit is a delicate product and requires a series of special attention

medicinal virtues, fresh and light, The natural fruit being, in
some of them with various ta hands, principle cipio, a highly rotated
colors, origins and shapes, which can product, does not require great
be consumed directly, and without requirements for its conservation in
any type of preparation. Fruit is one its natural state. For it to be
of the most valuable, best and maintained with all its characteristics
balanced complements to human until the moment of use, it must be in
nutrition, and is also recommended good condition. Dinner in the
during the period of development, refrigerator or in cool places at a
when it is ne A supplementary temperature of 3 to 6º C. Another
vitamin intake is necessary. important section is the relative
Its composition includes sugars, humidity of the air, which should
vitamins of many kinds and mineral range between 80-90%.
salts. Citrus fruits In this case, they In general, all soft fruits, such as
are known for being rich in vitamin strawberries, strawberries, figs,
C. Fruits stimulate the secretion of apricots, ci wheels, should be
gastric juices, thereby facilitating consumed on the first or second day
digestion. of purchase; The same happens with
We could define fruits in two pears, so we will have to worry about
sections: buying quantities that are not
Temperate fruits: Apples, excessive. been excessive of fruit.
pears, apricots, ce Prays, peach, Oranges and apples do not need
plums, melon, grapes, blackberries, to be placed in the refrigerator to
raspberries, blueberries and currants. conservation. Among these fruits, we preserve them; The same happens
Tropical climate fruits: Ba can highlight almonds, birds plains, with the banana, because ad want a
nanas, date, avocado, mango, pa pine nuts, dates, walnuts, raisins, etc. nasty black color rough on the
paya, loquat, soursop, figs, surface although on the inside it is
pineapples, coconut, etc. Purchase of fruit preserved in per perfect condition.
We could classify all these fruits Avoid conditioning
according to their shape and All the fruits that we use in pastries the fruit by stacking them one on top
character. ristics in: must be chosen with great care, of the other, in order to prevent their
- Citrus. Fruits with a sour or choosing only mind by which we see deterioration. This is recommended
sweet and sour flavor, for example more sa palatable, of good quality when they are very fragile, such as
li monkeys, oranges, tangerines, and in their optimal state of maturity, strawberries, raspberries,
etc... as long as they must be consumed blackberries, currants, etc.
- Stone fruit . fresh fruits where immediately. In the event of any type
meaty, juicy and aromatic ticas, of damage, it would be advisable to Utilization
which have the stone as a seed: for replace scrap the piece or, depending
example the meloco tones, plums, on the case, the entire box. Before, depending on the season of
etc... Discard from the start ment fruit the year, one type or another of fruit
- Seed fruits . Juicy, aromatic that presents any type of rot, pit or was consumed. Currently this does
that have small seeds inside, for bruise, since there could be some not happen that we can acquire any
example, apples, grapes, pears, etc... sign of infection, with consequent type of fruit throughout the year, due
- Multiple fruits . It developed damage to the final consumer. to the development of new
They plant in dried or fleshy fruit. If it is customary buy for our cultivation techniques (inver
due to rami transformations fication professional consumption sional naderos), and the current means of
of the stem in which there is a quantities of fruit, it would be transportation. In pastries, not only
compact distribution of the flowers, advisable to go to those wholesale natural fruit is used, the main applied
as in pineapples, figs, etc... distribution centers where the fruit in decoration, but generally
- Nuts . They contain little water, has been manipulated to a lesser depending on the type of elaboration
are very rich in fat, very nutritious degree, and may be caught by that we must carry out, they are
and poorly digestible if consumed in ourselves, in I also find a greater transformed according to our after
excess. They own it note that they variety and at a more affordable needs. Making noso We ourselves
should not be consumed immediately price. can give these transformations to our
after collection tion and allow a long high schools. portions a better flavor
time of and personal touch.
Next, we explain to some of the
transformations that fruit undergoes when
applied to pastry products.
* Mixture in cream preparations: fruit,
in general, is in itself a product that
incorporates a considerable amount of
water inside. If we incorporate the fruit in
pieces in any of our preparations rations
that one must endure gelation, we would
find that this fruit would turn into pieces of
ice, as the internal water freezes. river of
All this fruit must be light crushed,
almost in a pulp state. We can have this
pulp previously prepared and stored in
well-closed containers.
* Jams and similar: it is ba Simply
the preparation of the fruit by cooking it
with a proportion of sugar. There are three
derivatives of this system:
- Jams: in which They served the
fruits whole or in large pieces; packaging it
together with the cooking syrup.
- Jellies: are those made from fruit
- Jams: they are made from crushed
fruit. The proportion of sugar will depend
on the sweetness you want to give it. Once
prepared, it can be stored perfectly. sada in
the ford keeping itself perfect mind in
refrigerator. direct contact with the intense cold air.
abrupt temperature, and previ
* Deep frozen fruit: this sis theme is
preventing them from losing juice.
Tempera ture of the gelatin should not
the one that gives the best resemblance to be ex excessively hot so as not to burn
Apply it as if it were fresh fruit.
fresh fruit. There are different There are the fruit, which would be recommended
In the case of using frozen pulp or
In these cases, the use of cold gelatin is
several companies that market this type of juices, we will defrost them in the
fruit, either as is or in juices and pulps. The refrigerator. In the case of making this
In the case of using fruits that suffer
advantage that this product offers is that it type of pulp or juice ourselves, add We
rapid deterioration due to heat tion of
add 5-10% sugar to the mixture, with
is pre stopped and ready for immediate the air (oxidation), as is the case with
which we will perfectly preserve all its
use. Its long conservation in the conge the banana, paint it with a little lemon
aroma and characteristics, avoiding
lador will allow us to have it at any time, juice to prevent the fruit from darkening.
oxidation of the fruit during defrosting.
in addition to avoiding the considerable tion. Juices and nectars: The origin of
losses that we may cause in fruit. To Application of natural fruit in juices and nectars is in principle the
prevent deterioration, do not break the mo decoration. The fruit itself already has same.
great appeal due to its bright colors. A Juice is the juice that is extracted
chain, as this will prevent the loss of water
good distribution in our decorations will from some fruits or vegetables. looking
in the piece and its flattening. For use in give us that touch of effect that we at them The most useful juices used in
decoration, We will gel the fruit in the want. pastries are extracted from citrus fruits,
refrigerator for its fry the change as little as The use of gelatin will help us serving for the preparation serving of
possible enormously to achieve the desired creams, semifreddoes, etc.
effect. This ge Latina, in addition to Nectars incorporate a syrup in their
giving us that characteristic shine, it formulation, of the same density as the
will protect the fruit from the cold in the juice, in a proportion portion between 40
refrigerator or from freezing. side, and 60% of the total.

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