D&D 5 0 Loot Tavern Cakewalk Release The Kraken v0 99, OEF, Pages

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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Adventure Hooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Davy Bones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
The Boney Lass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Kytshen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
The Big Apple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
The Candy Coast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Know Thy Enemy .

Enemy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Clue 1: Dry Spell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Clue 2: Desiccated Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Clue 3: Slippery Sailor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

The Battle Ahead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Wave 1: Hungry Sealife . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Wave 2: Tentacle Trouble . . . . . . . . . . 12
Wave 3: Saltstorm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Aftermath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Treasure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Harvesting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Crafting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Appendix A - Magic Items . . . . . . . 20

Appendix B - Spells .
Spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Appendix C - Creatures .
Creatures . . . . . . . . . 23
Cracker Kraken. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Appendix D - The Boney Lass . . . . 30

Design: João Araújo, Max Wartelle
Writing: João Araújo, Max Wartelle
Editing: Phylea, Max Wartelle
Formatting: Sally Kay Clark, Kwampo “Ari” Cheng
Proofing: Jessic Gombart
Art Direction: Mohammed “Aggi” Bellafquih
Layout: Sally Kay Clark
Cover Illustrator: Chaouki “Ciao” Titouhi
Interior Illustrators: Mohammed “Aggi” Bellafquih,
Sam Jumisko, Michelle Mueller, Corey Rivera,
Ognjen Sporin
Cartographers: Cze & Peku, Venatus Maps
Sam Jumisko

Introduction salty, maddened rage, which transformed into a fierce
territoriality once its eggs started showing signs of
Release the Kraken is a 5th-edition hunt intended for 3 hatching.
to 7 characters and is optimised for a party of 4 with With its offspring about to be born, the kraken’s
an average party level (APL) of 5, 9, or 14. Characters desire to return to its river is stronger than ever, and
who complete this hunt should earn enough experi- in a mixture of brine-induced rage and protective
ence to progress one quarter of the way to 6th level, instinct, it has been lashing out at every ship that ven-
one quarter of the way to 10th level, or half of the way tures near its brood. The kraken’s larvae must reach
to 15th level, respectively. The adventurers must take freshwater soon after hatching. A creature of such
to the seas and protect the Big Apple from the raging immense size is surely capable of levelling the entirety
cracker kraken. of the Big Apple in a fit of parental passion.
After meeting with Davy Bones and learning of
ships mysteriously disappearing off of the Candy Summary
Coast, the party must embark on a vessel of their own
Here’s the hunt’s relevant information:
and search the sea for clues. This leads them to a brief
fight with the cracker kraken’s tentacles, after which • Which Monster? The cracker kraken, a mas-
the kraken mounts an attack on the Big Apple. Will sive monstrosity native to the rivers and lakes of
the party surge to the city’s rescue, or let the kraken Y’ummm.
ruin the metropolis? Ways to resist necrotic damage, • Monster’s Motivations. To protect its eggs and
escape grapples, and deal fire damage will be impor- forge a way back to the river it calls home.
tant in this fight. • Monster’s Previous Actions. Enraged by its pres-
Variable Hunt Statistics ent circumstances, the cracker kraken has been
lashing out against merchant ships that get near its
Hunt Level VDC Vmod Vdam eggs, sinking every last one.
5th 13 +5 5 (2d4) • Where’s the Monster? The kraken’s lair is a vast
9th 15 +7 10 (3d6) swath of ocean that encompasses the bay of the
Big Apple. It’s staying at the location of its eggs,
14th 16 +8 14 (4d6) which coincides with the wreck of the Spicerack,
the last ship it sank.

Background Adventure Hooks

Y’ummm is home to many strange creatures, but none
quite as fascinating as the freshwater cracker kraken. No one embarks on a perilous journey across the sea
The rich and complex life cycles of these long-lived without a good reason! If your party needs some mo-
leviathans, each step of which can span centuries, tivation to set sail, consider the following adventure
have piqued the interest of countless scholars and hooks:
zoology enthusiasts. • Curiosity: Unsinkable. The most recent ship to
Periodically, cracker krakens migrate downstream have been lost, the Spicerack, was said by many
and into the ocean, where they spend years laying to be unsinkable, enchanted by the strongest
eggs in saltwater. Such was the case for the crack- Y’ummmite mages to endure the perils of the sea.
er kraken inhabiting the deep river of Kytshen, the Naturally, its disappearance caused quite a stir,
largest island in Y’ummm, which found a suitable and the Big Apple’s harbour is abuzz with ru-
egg-worthy sandbed below what was to become the mours and speculation… What could have sunk
main shipping route along the Candy Coast. Howev- the unsinkable ship?
er, when it tried to go back home, it made an unpleas- • Morality: Widower’s Plea. The bereaved Al Fredo
ant discovery: in the time that it took to lay its eggs, has just received news of the loss of the Spicerack.
the city known as the Big Apple had been built at the His wife, Bee Chamel, was the boatswain, and her
mouth of the river, blocking its return upstream. death leaves him raising their two children alone.
He begs the party to deliver justice by ridding the
In the years that passed, the kraken remained near
world of whatever claimed the life of his beloved
its eggs while its porous flesh slowly absorbed sea-
water. Over time, the briny water caused it to enter a

Release the Kraken 1

• Compensation: Merchant Guild. The Yeast
Y’ummm Trading Company has lost many ships
Davy Bones
since the kraken began its rampage, but the dis- Davy Bones is a skeletal sea captain residing in the
appearance of its flagship, the Spicerack, was the Big Apple. In life, he was a feared and merciless pirate
last straw. They’ve promised a generous reward whose ship was sunk during an attack on a prosperous
to anyone capable of finding the source of their port town. Davy drowned, and woke up several days
troubles and dealing with it decisively. later as a skeleton at the bottom of the bay. The lull
of undeath has given him plenty of time to reflect on
Hunt Rewards per Player Character his past actions, and he sees it as equal parts curse and
gift—punishment for his sordid deeds, but likewise an
Hunt Level Gold XP* opportunity for redemption. Also, being a hero is less
5th 750 gp 2,000 risky when you’re already dead.
9th 2,300 gp 3,700 Stranger in a Strange Land. As a skeleton, Davy
14th 5,750 gp 10,650 made his way to Y’ummm looking for a fresh start.
Initially, the people there regarded him as an oddity,
*Includes all encounters, monsters, and puzzles, averaged for 4 player but through years of diligence and hard work, he has
characters. made a name for himself and been accepted by the
community. Aboard his pride and joy, the Boney Lass,
Troubled by news of ship disappearances, Davy
he escorts other vessels between the many isles of
Bones, a local sea captain, has taken it upon himself
Y’ummm, fending off pirates and sea monsters.
to investigate. Large amounts of flotsam washing up
on the shores suggest that whatever is responsible has Family Reunion. Davy is the cousin of Indiana
been violently destroying the ships, and Davy knows Bones, whom the party may have met if they’ve
he can’t face it on his own. For that reason, he has played through the Ascent of the Sour Serpent adven-
been trying to hire a brave adventuring party to join ture. The two are fond of one another, and Davy will
him in investigating these strange events. When the talk at great length about his cousin’s adventures and
party arrives in the Big Apple, he finds them soon discoveries. Strangely, they arrived in Y’ummm inde-
after. pendently of one another, and their states of undeath
are completely unrelated.
Information. Davy doesn’t know much about the
cause of the disappearances, but he does know the
best way to investigate: to set sail and search for clues
out on the open sea. He offers the party maps contain-
ing the routes of some of the missing ships, and he’s
even willing to take them aboard his vessel (see “The
Boney Lass” below).

Davy Bones
Undead, ship captain, he/him
Personality. Jovial and optimistic, with a
Davy Bones deep love for the sea.
Appearance. Skeleton wearing barnacle-en-
crusted captain’s regalia. Has several gold
teeth, violet gem in one eye socket, and
eyepatch covering the other.

Desire. To expand his business and assem-

ble a whole fleet of protectors.
Fear. That the people of Y’ummm will find
out about his past and shun him for it.
Corey Rivera

“The worst undead are the ghosts of yer past.

That and zombie sea serpents.”

The Boney Lass Kytshen
The Boney Lass is Davy Bones’s ship. When the party The isle of Kytshen, located in the middle of the
arrives at the Big Apple and meets with him to receive archipelago, is the largest in all of Y’ummm. Due to
their mission, Davy offers to take them aboard his its central location, temperate climate, fertile soil,
vessel so that they can sail along the Candy Coast and and abundance of resources, its port town, the Big
search for whatever has been destroying ships. You Apple, is the islands’ capital. Many flock to its shores
can read or paraphrase the following: in search of better opportunities, or simply to visit the
plethora of delights offered in the metropolis.
Davy Bones leads you down the harbour, his
bones rattling with every peppy step he takes. The Big Apple
He is clearly excited to show off his vessel. “Thar The Big Apple boasts a population of around 150,000
she is… Ain’t she a beaut?” he says with a proud souls, a melting pot of every Humanoid race in the
flourish in the direction of a docked sailing ship. isles. The city is both a cultural centre and a bustling
Tattered sails, a hull stained by algae and encrust- trade hub, with well established sea routes to many
ed with barnacles... Is the ship undead too? Next other islands and dozens of ships arriving and depart-
ing from its docks every day.
to the figurehead—a skeletal mermaid thrusting
forth a notched scythe—are a few words, paint- Its most famous landmark is the royal family’s
residence, the eponymous palace. The crown jewel of
ed onto the bow’s hull in a rusty gold: “The Boney
Y’ummmite architecture, Big Apple Palace brings in
Lass”. hundreds of visitors on a monthly basis, all eager to lay
eyes upon its shiny peel.
“It’s about cultivatin’ an image, ye see.” Davy
quickly explains, perhaps anticipating some criti-
The Candy Coast
cism. “A skeleton captain can’t rightly command
The Candy Coast is the name given to the western
a squeaky-clean ship. ‘Twouldn’t be right. But I
coast of the island of Kytshen, where the Big Apple
assure ye, she’s in fine fettle, she is. Ye’d be hard is located. Whereas the eastern side consists mostly
pressed to find a finer ship in the whole Candy of barren, rocky cliffs, the west teems with vibrant
Coast.” life running wild on its sandy beaches, grassy dunes,
and rolling hills. Schools of exotic fish share its crystal
clear waters with vessels of all sizes, from the humble
Accepting Davy Bones’s offer is the only way for fishing dinghy to massive merchant galleons.
the party to set sail and continue their investigation—
no other captain in the harbour is mad enough to go Unique Fauna and Flora
off chasing the terror of the Candy Coast. Unfortu-
Albafloss. Perplexed by the strange pink cloud you
nately, his own crew has also refused to undertake
just saw moving across the sky at high speed? You
such a dangerous journey, leaving Davy in desperate
may have actually spotted an albafloss, a large seabird
need of a party of brave adventurers to help him sail
with plumage made entirely of candy floss. These
the ship.
solitary creatures live on recondite crags in the middle
The Boney Lass is a small sailing ship, 100 feet long of the ocean, occasionally making their way to the
and 20 feet wide. Detailed statistics for it are avail- mainland in search of food. In some parts of Y’ummm,
able in Appendix D. Make sure to keep track of the it’s considered good luck to glimpse an albafloss… but
hit points of its hull. During tracking encounters and the numerous people carried away by these birds to
wave 2 of the boss fight, the hull risks being damaged. serve as meals may beg to differ.
If the hull drops to 0 hit points, the ship is destroyed
An albafloss uses the statistics of a roc (CR 11), but
and any creatures aboard are thrown into the ocean.
is Huge instead of Gargantuan.

Release the Kraken 3

Giant Crabapple. The giant crabapple is a species
of crustacean that exclusively inhabits the Candy
Coast of the isle of Kytshen. Its thick, apple-shaped The ocean is vast, and tracking a creature within it is
shell conceals a tender, delicious meat with a fruity no easy task. Doing so requires three Tracking checks
fragrance that is highly prized by epicureans and com- and two successes, following the kraken’s trail of
mon folk alike. It is believed that the Big Apple was destruction until arriving at the site of its latest attack,
originally established as a fishing settlement due to the wreck of the Spicerack. Each check takes approxi-
the abundance of crabs in the region, and that it owes mately 4 hours.
them its name. After the first Tracking check, the party should find
A giant crabapple uses the statistics of a chuul (CR the sunken remains of a ship attacked by the kraken,
4), with the following changes: wherein lies Clue 1. After the second Tracking check,
• It’s a Beast instead of an Aberration. the party encounters a survivor of one of the krak-
en’s attacks and the corpses of his crewmates, which
• It doesn’t have any condition or damage immuni-
constitute Clues 2 and 3. Two successful Tracking
ties, can’t understand language, and doesn’t have
checks, with at least one other check, deliver them
the Sense Magic trait or Tentacles attack.
to the wreck of the Spicerack. If you are not using the
• It has an AC of 18. Tracking system, make sure that your players still
come across the necessary clues before they confront
Muffin Puffin. These colourful water birds congre- the kraken.
gate in large numbers on rocky coasts and spend their
days fishing and foraging for food. All muffin puffins Regardless of whether a Tracking check succeeds
are born plain white and acquire different colouring or fails, you can use the below encounters to break
and patterns to their plumage and beaks depending up the monotony of travel and present the party with
on their diet. For example, the most common muffin some challenges and opportunities.
puffin—the blue-spotted muffin puffin—eats the read-
ily-available, indigo-coloured berries that grow along
Interplanar Ice Cream
the western shoreline. Those with a great endurance, Narrative encounter, ocean
such as the yellow-breasted pinkspot muffin puffin, The calm surface of the ocean ripples as a creature
might travel farther inland, where fuschia-coloured emerges from its depths: a giant hermit crab carrying
wasp berries and citrus shrubs grow aplenty. an ice cream shop on its back. He swims up to the
Brown muffin puffins—those that eat the waste ship and introduces himself as Barry, the itinerant
bran near to the Big Apple—are usually shunned by ice cream vendor, playing dumb if the party suggests
others and form smaller colonies of their own to sur- they’ve met him before. In reality, the crab’s true
vive. A muffin puffin has the statistics of a raven (CR name is Gary. His reasons for taking different aliases
0), without the Mimicry trait and with a swimming are unknown, but there are rumours that he’s on the
speed of 20 feet. run from a guild of assassins. In this iteration, he wears
a pair of diving goggles and a snorkel. The adventur-
Octopasta. Eight noodly appendages connected to ers may wonder why a crab needs diving equipment.
a bulbous head of knotted pasta make for one of the ‘Barry’ refuses to elaborate.
Candy Coast’s most characteristic denizens. These
curious creatures are skillful escape artists; when con- ‘Barry’ is considering setting up a secondary
fronted with predators, they release a cloud of balsam- location for his ice cream business, but he’s in need
ic vinegar, blinding their attackers to make good their of materials, and not-so-subtly suggests that he could
escape. Just don’t bring them up to any Y’ummmite take some of the wood from the ship’s hull. In return,
scholars, or you run the risk of getting involved in a he offers each party member one of his frozen treats.
heated debate over the word’s correct plural form - is ‘Barry’ is quite sure that he’ll cause no permanent
it octopastas, octopasti, or even octopastodes? damage and that ‘no ship ever sunk because of a tiny
little hole’. Davy Bones lets the party make the final
An octopasta uses the statistics of a giant octopus decision, knowing they might need every advantage
(CR 1). they can get on their quest. If they accept the trade,
‘Barry’ takes 10 minutes to scavenge some wood,
which deals 1d4 × 10 bludgeoning damage to the
ship’s hull, and each party member can select one of
the two treats described below. ‘Barry’s’ ice cream


always stays magically cold, despite the weather (and mance, the rest of the party can attempt to enhance
even underwater), and can be consumed as a bonus it with some pzazz. Each party member can attempt
action, after which it is expended. any one check, as long as it makes sense, such as
• Licorice Whirlpool Swirl. A creature that eats making a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to do
this treat gains resistance to necrotic damage until some interpretive finger tutting. If at least one of these
the end of its next turn. checks is successful, the check made to sing is made
with advantage.
• Seabreeze Mint Scoop. A creature that eats this
treat can immediately teleport up to 30 feet to If the party wins, they are given their choice of a
an unoccupied space that it can see, transforming spell scroll of water breathing or a spell scroll of water
into a gust of wind and reappearing at its desired walk. Alternatively, they can choose to have the gum-
location. merfolk do some quick repairs on their ship, which
causes a component of the party’s choice to regain 30
Sweet Harmonies hit points. If the party loses the contest, each party
Narrative encounter, ocean member must make a VDC Wisdom saving throw.
On a failed save, a creature is entranced by the gum-
A few rocks jut out from the surface of the water,
merfolk’s song and has a hard time departing, granting
upon which a group of a dozen gummerfolk—Hu-
the whole party disadvantage on the next Tracking
manoids with the top half of a gummyfolk and the
check one of its members makes.
bottom half of a gummy shark—are sunbathing. The
Mohammed “Aggi” Bellaquih & Michelle Mueller

gummerfolk call out to the party and suggest a singing The Rainbow Jellofish
Narrative encounter, ocean
Should the party accept, both sides are given 10
Davy Bones calls the party over to witness a rare sight:
minutes to prepare a singing performance, after which
a school of jellofish—wobbly, varicoloured, gelatinous
they take turns showing it off, with the party going
creatures—is swimming beside the ship. Y’ummmite
first. One party member must make a Charisma
superstition says that good luck awaits those that can
(Performance) check, contested by the same check
spot a fabled rainbow jellofish among the swarm.
from one of the gummerfolk (+Vmod to check).
Showmanship counts, however! During the perfor-

Release the Kraken 5

Each party member can make a VDC Wisdom
(Perception) check, gaining advantage if they jump
in the water to look more closely. On a success, the
creature spots the rainbow jellyfish and gains a good
luck die, which is a d8 that lasts for 10 days or until
used. When the creature makes an attack roll, ability
check, or saving throw, it can roll the good luck die
and add the result to the roll. The jellofish are skittish;
any threat or attack results in them fleeing and every
check to spot the rainbow jellofish automatically fails.

Narrative encounter, ocean
A deadly maelstrom begins to take shape, threaten-
ing to pull the ship into the ocean’s cold depths. The
whole vessel rocks, causing Davy Bones to fall, hit his
head, and lose consciousness. In order to avoid the
whirlpool, each party member needs to step up and
make one of the following ability checks:
• A VDC Strength (Survival) check to man the
wheel and steer the ship away from the whirlpool.
• A VDC Dexterity (Athletics) check to climb the
rigging and fully unfurl the sails to pick up speed.
• A VDC Wisdom (Perception) check to spot
obstacles that may damage the hull.
Each check can only be attempted by one creature.
Creatures that have proficiency with water vehicles
have advantage on these checks. The ship’s hull takes
15 bludgeoning damage for each check failed.

Know Thy Enemy

During their journey, the party have the chance to
gather multiple clues about the cracker kraken:
• Dealing fire damage to the kraken’s tentacles
momentarily dries them, making their attacks less
• The kraken can sap the moisture out of creatures
it holds, dealing necrotic damage in the process.
• The kraken relies heavily on grappling and re-
straining its victims.
These clues can be discovered in two separate
encounters while searching the Candy Coast. The
first clue is located in the wreck of one of the ships the
kraken sank, while the second and third clues can be
obtained by finding and rescuing a survivor of one of
the kraken’s attacks.
Shipwreck. After the first Tracking check (see
Tracking, page 4), the party arrives at the site of
one of the kraken’s attacks. Davy Bones suggests they
Sam Jumisko

dive down and search the remains of the ship for any
clues. If the party has no means to remain underwater

for extended periods of time, Davy can provide some success. Roll a d6 and consult the table below to see
diving gear that he has aboard his ship, consisting of what a creature finds, rerolling any duplicate results.
a bulky suit attached by a cable to the ship. While Each piece of cargo is worth gold pieces equal to 10 ×
wearing this suit, a creature’s speed is reduced by 10 the party’s APL.
feet, it can breathe underwater, and it can tug on the
cable to be reeled up towards the ship at a rate of 60 d6 Cargo d6 Cargo
feet per round. A rock candy effigy
A small crate of pure representing the leg-
Survivor. After the second Tracking check (see
1 walnut from the 4 endary jörmungum-
Tracking, page 4), the party arrives at the site of mines of Pahn’trie mdr, wrapped around
another kraken attack. This time, they find a survi- a gummy spire
vor—Jackfruit Sparrow (CN fruitfolk bandit captain).
The captain of the ship, he has been drifting on a raft A sealed binder Delicious scales shed
containing precious by the dangerous drag-
along with several of his former crew’s corpses, which 2 5
bread recipes, coveted onfruit of the Fruitopi-
he couldn’t bring himself to part with. He’s ecstatic at
by evil corporations an jungles
the prospect of being rescued, and while he’s eating
and drinking for the first time in days, the party has A golden statuette One small cask of
the chance to look at the bodies. of a hermit crab munchback whale
wearing a variety of blubber, containing
3 6
accessories that can enough to cover two
Clue 1: Dry Spell be swapped out for creatures (see Clue 3,
Cracker krakens are weak to fire damage. Where a different one page 8)
normal cracker would get soggy upon exposure to
water, a cracker kraken’s unique physiology allows Examination. Upon bringing the tentacle up to the
it to remain firm. This has a commensurate down- ship, several observations can be made:
side, however: when the kraken takes fire damage,
• The tentacle still squirms and twitches even after
it becomes especially brittle and its skin crumbles,
being severed, almost with a mind of its own.
weakening its attacks and causing it to lose grip on
whatever it is grappling. • It displays severe burn marks that left lasting
Exploration. The remains of the ship are located
• If touched by fire, it latches onto the nearest
500 feet beneath the water’s surface, in complete
creature or object to pull itself away from the
darkness. Scouring through them for 10 minutes
flame. Immediately after, it dries up and its skin
allows the party to easily find a severed cracker ten-
crumbles, causing it to lose grip on the creature or
tacle, which they can bring up to the ship for further
object it was holding.
examination. Additionally, each creature searching
the wreckage can make a VDC Wisdom (Percep- Using the Clue: Arcannons. The Boney Lass’ arcan-
tion) check, finding one piece of the ship’s cargo on a nons can deal one of three different damage types,
including fire.

Release the Kraken 7

Clue 2: Desiccated Bodies Revolting Stench. When the party first finds
Jackfruit Sparrow, he emits an awful, rancid stench,
A cracker kraken’s absorbent cracker body makes it which draws flies and similar insects to him. This is
especially adept at draining the moisture from oth- due to having been coated in munchback whale blub-
er creatures This allows the kraken to deal necrotic ber, a valuable trade good along the Candy Coast.
damage to creatures it bites with its beak or constricts The blubber allowed him to escape the kraken and
with its tentacles. has long since dried from Jackfruit’s skin, leaving its
Examination. A successful VDC Wisdom (Med- stench.
icine) check made to examine the bodies of Jackfruit Reliving the Attack. Once he’s eaten a good meal
Sparrow’s crew reveals two key pieces of information: and recovered from his tribulations, Jackfruit is willing
• Several of the corpses display distinctive marks to recount the tale of his ship’s downfall. He describes
and grooves around their torsos, suggesting that how the ship was suddenly attacked by several tenta-
a large tentacle wrapped around them. Those cles, imparting the following pieces of information to
bodies invariably have large bruises, broken ribs, the party:
or other signs of severe blunt force trauma. • The tentacles grabbed the crew and either
• All of the bodies are shrivelled and desiccated, in- crushed them in their grip or tossed them into the
dicating that something drained the moisture from sea.
them, a symptom of necrotic damage. • As the ship rocked, its cargo went flying. Jackfruit
was struck by a barrel full of munchback blub-
Clue 3: Slippery Sailor ber, which broke and coated him in the slippery
The kraken relies heavily on grappling and restrain- • The tentacles tried to grab him as he made his
ing creatures, using its tentacles to drag creatures to escape, but the blubber caused him to slip free.
its beak for devastating bite attacks and draining foes
of their moisture while they’re constricted by the Using the Clue: Munchback Blubber. Jackfruit was
tentacles. able to make off with a small cask of munchback blub-
ber, which he kept in case the tentacles came back.

He’s more than happy to offer it to the party in return
for rescuing him. A creature can spend 10 minutes The Battle Ahead
coating itself with the munchback blubber, which The battle against the cracker kraken is divided into
lasts for 1 hour before drying. A coated creature that three distinct phases, referred to as waves. The first
is grappled rolls a d20 at the start of each of its turns. two waves take place at the location of the Spicerack’s
On a roll of 11 or higher, it immediately slips out of wreck. In the first wave, the party must resist the
the grapple. In addition, a creature that coats itself in assault of several maritime creatures, emboldened by
blubber gains an awful stench, which gives it disad- the kraken’s presence. In the second wave, the krak-
vantage on Persuasion checks made against non-sailor en’s tentacles burst from the ocean around the Boney
Humanoids (GM’s discretion). The stench persists Lass, attempting to sink it. Should the party defeat the
even after the effects of the blubber fade, and can only tentacles, the enraged kraken makes for the Big Apple,
be removed with a bath or magic that allows a crea- where the third wave occurs. The party will get a
ture to clean itself, such as the prestidigitation cantrip. chance to take a short rest as their ship chases the
creature, before facing it in a final confrontation at the
city’s harbour. However, taking too long to arrive at
the harbour may result in a smaller reward at the end.
Helping Hand. Not as adept at fighting giant mon-
sters as the party, Davy Bones helps by manning the
ship’s arcannons, enabling the party to use them dur-
ing the waves. However, at any point during the battle,
he can toss a party member some potions of healing
(normal, greater, or superior at 5th, 9th, and 14th hunt
level, respectively) if they seem low on hit points.
Using the Ship. Traditionally, a ship rolls for initia-
tive and acts on its own initiative count, relying on the
crew manning its components so it can take actions.
However, Davy Bones is working with a skeleton
crew, and if the party is involved in combat, they may
not be available to man the ship’s components. In that
case, don’t roll initiative for the ship. Instead, for the
purposes of this adventure only, a party member can
use an action to fire one of the ship’s arcannons. Once
an arcannon has been used, it can’t be used again until
initiative count 20 of the next round.

Lair Actions
While along the Candy Coast, the cracker kraken can
manipulate the water that comprises its lair to terrorise
foes. The saving throw DCs and damage of the lair
actions depend on the level of the hunt.
Lair Actions. On initiative count 20 (losing initia-
tive ties), the kraken takes a lair action to cause one of
the following effects. See the table on page 1 for
the damage, roll modifiers, and save DCs. The kraken
only begins using lair actions during wave 3, with one
exception detailed in the Tactics section for wave 2.
• Draining Touch. Tendrils of foaming water rear up
from water in the kraken’s lair. Up to three crea-
tures within 20 feet of a Large or larger body of
water within the kraken’s lair must succeed on a
VDC Dexterity saving throw or be touched by a
tendril and drained of their moisture, taking Vdam

Release the Kraken 9

necrotic damage. For each creature that failed the
saving throw, the kraken regains 2d4 hit points.
Wave 1: Hungry Sealife
• Watery Tentacle. Water rises to form the shape of The creatures that inhabit the waters of the Candy
a giant tentacle, which appears in an unoccupied Coast have learned to associate a kraken attack with
space within 30 feet of the kraken. This water a hearty meal, following the colossal leviathan in the
tentacle uses the statistics of one of the kraken’s hopes of feeding on the bodies of crewmates whenever
tentacles and shares the kraken’s initiative count, it sinks a new ship. Emboldened and impatient, some
but takes its turn immediately before the krak- climb aboard the party’s ship for a quick appetiser.
en. The kraken can’t have more than one water You can read or paraphrase the following:
tentacle at the same time. If it uses this lair action
again while a water tentacle is still standing, the “It be quiet.” Davy Bones says, looking over what
older tentacle drops to 0 hit points and turns back remains of the Spicerack. “Too quiet. Somethin’
into water. smells fishy here, and it ain’t me barnacles!”
• Sweeping Current. Powerful winds or water
currents push against up to four creatures of the There’s a sudden click behind you, where a large,
kraken’s choice within 150 feet of it in its lair. bright red pincer has just closed itself around the
Each creature must succeed on a VDC Strength ship’s railing. An enormous crab is lifting itself
saving throw or be pushed 30 feet in a direction onto the deck, snapping its pincers menacingly in
of the kraken’s choice.
the process… and it’s not alone. Around the ship,
other maritime creatures are climbing aboard and
Arriving at the Wreck
advancing upon you.
As the party arrives at the wreck of the Spicerack, read
or paraphrase the following: “We’re bein’ boarded! Battle stations, the lot of
ye!” Davy shouts, and the sound of the creatures’
A lonely mast juts from the tranquil surface of the
hungry screeches is met with his own battle cry.
water, a beacon to any wandering the otherwise
unremarkable ocean. As you approach, you spot
Wave 1 begins as soon as the party notices the crea-
flotsam bobbing around the mast, and the vague
tures climbing on board.
shape of a ship down in the depths. The waters
here are shallow, but still deep enough to contain Enemies
any number of untold dangers. The enemies in wave 1 are local fauna, tantalised by
the possibility of an easy meal. They fight without
Davy Bones points down at a piece of wooden fear, confident that the kraken will show up at any
debris, part of a figurehead: a single humanoid moment and finish the job for them. See the Unique
arm holding a pouch from which spice flows in Flora and Fauna section on page 3 for the statistics
abundance. “No two ways about it.” The captain
of these creatures.
says, putting away his spyglass as the ship draws Level 5. At 5th level, the wave 1 combatants are:
closer to the wreck. “That be the Spicerack.” • 2 octopasti* (CR 1)
• 2 giant crabapples (CR 4)

Allow the party to look around a little, perhaps Level 9. At 9th level, the wave 1 combatants are:
even lulling them into a false sense of security. When • 2 octopasti* (CR 1)
you are ready to begin the battle, start with wave 1,
• 4 giant crabapples (CR 4)
described below.
Level 14. At 14th level, the wave 1 combatants are:
• 5 giant crabapples (CR 4)
• 1 albafloss (CR 11)
*Octopastas/octopastodes depending on your school of thought.

1 square = 5 feet Cartographer: Map 1. Wreck of the
Cze & Peku Spicerack
Cze & peku

Release the Kraken 11

Tactics Countdown to Breakdown. The tentacles are con-
The enemies in this wave are disorganised and don’t stantly thrashing, endangering the ship. On initiative
work together. Devoid of any intricate battle strategy, count 0 of each round (losing initiative ties), a random
each one simply goes for whoever is closest. If an ene- component on the ship takes 15 bludgeoning damage
my is proving too difficult to hit, a creature pivots to a for each tentacle that has at least 1 hit point. If a ten-
different target, hoping to make quicker work of them. tacle has taken enough fire damage to trigger its Dry
Each creature flees when it’s reduced below one third Skin trait since the start of the round, it doesn’t deal
of its maximum hit points. damage to the ship.
These creatures aren’t interested in completely Losing the Ship
defeating the entire crew. Note that all of them are
During this wave, it’s possible for the tentacles to
able to automatically grapple a foe they hit with their
reduce the Boney Lass’ hull to 0 hit points, destroying
attacks. As such, they try to grapple one or two ene-
it. The wave doesn’t end here. Rather, the tentacles
mies and drag them off the ship, where they can fight
continue to attack the party in the water. You can
them more easily.
read or paraphrase the following:
The kraken takes no lair actions during this wave.
The tentacles wrap themselves around the ship’s
main deck, squeezing tightly until the wooden
Rules Reminder
planks give in with a deafening snap. Splinters
When a creature drags or carries another crea- go flying in every direction as the Boney Lass is
ture that it’s grappling, its speed is halved unless cleaved neatly in twain. As both halves slowly
the grappled creature is two or more sizes small-
sink into the depths, Davy Bones stands tall be-
er than it.
fore the wheel.

“A good cap’n always goes down with the ship!”

End of Wave He offers as an explanation, motioning for the
Wave 1 ends when all the creatures are killed or begin party to save themselves. His apparent sacrifice is
to flee. undercut by a cheeky wink. “But ‘s’not like I need
ta breathe anyway. Fear not for me, lads, just set
Wave 2: Tentacle Trouble yer eyes on them tentacles!”
Wave 2 begins on initiative count 0 of the round wave
1 ends. It consists of the cracker kraken’s tentacles.
You can read or paraphrase the following: Enemies
The enemies in wave 2 are the kraken’s tentacles,
The creatures’ numbers begin to dwindle, but which thrash about to grab creatures and destroy
there’s no time to celebrate your victory. The en- the ship. The statistics for all enemies are present in
tire ship shakes as something collides with it from Appendix C.
underneath. Almost in perfect unison, several Level 5. At 5th level, the wave 2 combatants are:
enormous tentacles rise from the ocean, looming • 6 young cracker tentacles (CR 2)
over the deck menacingly. Level 9. At 9th level, the wave 2 combatants are:
“I’d wager me eye gem this be the thing that’s • 5 adult cracker tentacles (CR 4)
been sinkin’ them ships.” Davy Bones says, an Level 14. At 14th level, the wave 2 combatants are:
excited smile gracing his skeletal face despite the • 6 ancient cracker tentacles (CR 6)
circumstances. “Ye ready for this? To arms! Man
the arcannons!” Tactics
The tentacles try to grapple different party members
The tentacles surround the ship and attack the with their Slam attacks, following them up with their
party while the kraken’s body remains underwater, Constrict actions. If a party member is dealing too
holding on to the Boney Lass. Until the ship is re- much damage even while restrained, the tentacle
leased, it can’t move. During this wave, a special event attempts to throw it in the ocean with its Toss Over-
occurs on every round:
1 square = 5 feet

Venatus Maps

Map 2. The Boney Lass

Venatus Maps

Release the Kraken 13

board action. Tentacles prioritise creatures capable normal speed, the party arrives at the same time as the
of dealing fire damage.. They don’t target the ship, creature, and may have a chance to take a short rest
damaging it only via the Countdown to Breakdown along the way. However, several factors may impact
special event described above. Each tentacle fights the length of the journey:
until it’s defeated. • Resources. If the party expends significant re-
The kraken takes no lair actions during this wave, sources to accelerate their trip, such as using spells
with one exception: if one or more party members at- like gust of wind or control water, or by transform-
tempt to escape the reach of the tentacles, the kraken ing into aquatic animals that can help pull the
uses its Sweeping Gale lair action as soon as it can to ship, the travel time is reduced by 10 minutes per
push them back into its tentacles’ reach. resource used (down to a minimum of 30 min-
End of Wave • Component Damage. For every 25 damage the
Wave 2 ends when all of the tentacles are reduced to sails have taken, the travel time is increased by
0 hit points. The cracker kraken emerges from the 20 minutes. If either the helm or sails have been
ocean, roaring in fury, and takes off in the direction of completely destroyed, the ship can’t navigate to
the Big Apple, carrying its eggs with it in a last ditch the Big Apple at all.
effort to get them to the river. The party must follow • Component Repair. Repairs on the Boney Lass are
the raging creature and fight it in the city harbour accelerated and enhanced thanks to its Marrow-
before it’s able to wreak havoc upon it. core Hull. Davy Bones has the supplies needed to
The last of the tentacles fall back into the ocean and repair components aboard the ship. As long as the
the ship shakes again as it’s released from the mys- ship isn’t moving, the whole party can spend time
terious grip from below. For the first time since the repairing it; for every 20 minutes of work, one
attack, Davy Bones breathes a sigh of relief. ship component, other than the hull, regains 25
hit points. If a party member has proficiency in a
“Good job, lads. ‘Twas no easy task, but I think ye relevant tool (such as weaver’s tools to repair the
sails, or carpenter’s or woodcarver’s tools to repair
did i-”
components ), the repair time is halved.
He’s cut off by an earth-shaking roar as a mas- • Sunk Ship. If the hull is reduced to 0 hit points, the
sive silhouette rises from the water—a bulbous ship is completely destroyed and can’t be repaired.
At this point, it’s up to the party to figure out a
head of salty cracker, the rectangular pupils in its
way to return to the Big Apple in time to stop the
bulging eyes looking down upon the Boney Lass kraken. They can spend 30 minutes fashioning a
with boiling anger. Some tentacles yet remain, raft from the remains of the ship, or make VDC
squirming underwater, and nestled safely in them Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks to convince
are small clutches of white, oval objects—eggs. sealife to give them a ride. It’s up to the GM to
consider the methods used by the party and deter-
For a tense moment, it looks like it’s about to
mine how long they would take to return.
take a bite out of the ship, crushing it in its mas-
sive, powerful beak… And then it suddenly turns Arriving Early. By using resources, the party
around and launches itself in the opposite direc- may get to the Big Apple before the kraken. Since the
tion. The ship is left to rock gently in the kraken’s kraken is travelling underwater, it’s not possible to
encounter it along the way. If this happens, they may
trail as it swims southward at high speed.
still finish their short rest, or they can spend that time
trying to convince some of the braver citizens to aid
“... Curses.” Davy mutters. “... It’s headin’ for the
them in the fight instead. A party member that forgoes
city.” a short rest can make a VDC Charisma (Persuasion)
check. On a success, they manage to gather enough
citizens to come aboard the Boney Lass, which docks
To the Rescue at the harbour, and man its weapons (as long as at
At this point, the party must chase the kraken back to least one is still intact). On initiative count 0 of each
Opposite: Sam Jumisko

the Big Apple to prevent it from wreaking havoc upon round, the Boney Lass makes an attack with its arcan-
the harbour. The kraken reaches the city in 1 hour nons against a creature of the party’s choice.
and begins its attack. If the Boney Lass moves at its

Arriving Late. If the party arrives late to the city,
the kraken has the chance to cause significant destruc-
Wave 3: Saltstorm
tion, which reduces the monetary reward at the end of Wave 3 begins when the party reaches the Big Apple.
the quest, as the Big Apple needs the funds for repairs It consists of the cracker kraken and a couple more
instead. of its tentacles. Davy Bones isn’t too keen on risking
• 10-29 minutes late: The reward is reduced by his ship more than he has to, and suggests the party
25%. disembark and fight the kraken on shore.
• 30-59 minutes late: The reward is reduced by Enemies
The enemies in this wave are the kraken proper and its
• 60-119 minutes late: The reward is reduced by remaining tentacles. The statistics for all enemies are
75%. present in Appendix C.
• 120+ minutes late: The quest fails. See “Failing Level 5. At 5th level, the wave 3 combatants are:
the Quest” below.
• 1 young cracker kraken (CR 5)
Failing the Quest. If the party has no way of return- • 2 young cracker tentacles (CR 2)
ing to the Big Apple in time, there’s no one to stop
Level 9. At 9th level, the wave 3 combatants are:
the kraken from wreaking havoc and forging its way
upstream. It destroys the harbour and all the struc- • 1 adult cracker kraken (CR 8)
tures across and adjacent to the estuary. If the party • 2 adult cracker tentacles (CR 4)
is stranded at the wreck of the Spicerack, a merchant
ship fleeing the Big Apple comes across them 1d4 Level 14. At 14th level, the wave 3 combatants are:
hours after the harbour’s destruction, takes them • 1 ancient cracker kraken (CR 14)
aboard, and gives them the bad news. The quest is • 2 ancient cracker tentacles (CR 6)
failed and the party earns no reward.
This Page: Cze & Peku; Opposite: Sam Jumisko

1 square = 5 feet Cartographer: Map 3. Big Apple Harbour

Cze & Peku
Release the Kraken 17
Tactics Optional Ending: The Last Wave
During wave 3, the kraken uses its lair actions If you’re running a one-shot, there might not be much
throughout the fight and combatants fight according point in harvesting the cracker kraken’s corpse. In-
to the tactics below: stead, you can use this optional ending to give an epic,
climactic conclusion to the hunt. When the kraken is
Kraken. The kraken prefers staying in the water,
defeated, its body is pulled back into the ocean, and
where it’s strongest, at the centre of the harbour. The
an enormous wave washes over the harbour, threat-
kraken benefits from using its Desiccating Bite as
ening to pull the party in as well. You can read the
often as possible, which deals the most damage and
restores its hit points. If there are no available targets
next to it, it uses its legendary actions to move or
cause a tentacle to attack, hoping to grapple a crea- As the lifeless body of the kraken falls back into
ture. The kraken only uses its Water Jet if there are no the bay, defeated at last, the waters churn and
creatures within reach of it or its tentacles. rise unnaturally. A giant wave forms, already
If the kraken already has one or more targets for its growing taller than some of the ships in the
bite, it uses its Salt Rain legendary action, targeting as docks, and blots out the sun for just a heartbeat
many foes as possible. before crashing violently into the harbour. The
If the kraken is able to use its Watery Tentacle lair force of the rushing water is nearly irresistible,
action to create a tentacle, it does so. The other lair and threatens to pull you into an enormous
actions that it uses depend on the party’s tactics and whirlpool that begins to take shape at the heart
positioning. If many party members are far away, or
of the bay.
up on the rooftops attacking at a distance, the kraken
uses its Sweeping Gale lair action to pull them closer,
perhaps even causing them to fall to the ground. Oth- When the wave crashes down on the harbour, each
erwise, it uses its Draining Touch lair action. creature in the area must succeed on a VDC Strength
saving throw or be tossed against the nearest build-
Tentacles. The tentacles are an extension of the
ing, taking Vdam bludgeoning damage and being
kraken’s body and they work in perfect tandem. On
knocked prone. Creatures standing on higher ground
their turns, they try to grapple creatures and then
(such as a rooftop or the mast of a ship) that fail the
move them to the kraken where they can be bitten.
saving throw are also knocked to the ground, taking
End of Wave falling damage as normal. On initiative count 20 of
the next round, each creature still on the ground must
This wave ends once the cracker kraken is reduced
succeed on another VDC Strength saving throw or
to 0 hit points. When this happens, any remaining
be pulled into the ocean and the whirlpool.
tentacles are reduced to 0 hit points as well. Read or
paraphrase the following: A creature that starts its turn in the whirlpool takes
Vdam bludgeoning damage and is pulled 30 feet
The cracker kraken’s head sways precariously as
deeper into the water. To swim up against it, a crea-
the last of its strength fades, its injuries too much to
ture must succeed on a VDC Strength (Athletics)
bear. With a pitiful growl, it collapses on one of the
check. The whirlpool lasts for 1d4 + 1 rounds.
piers, which shatters beneath its heft, and for a few
seconds, all seems well… until you spot movement
under the surface of the water. Is the monster not
dead? Can its tentacles fight still? But what comes out
is a swarm of tiny creatures, each a miniature version
of the kraken, clumsily climbing up the corpse and
heading for the mouth of the river.
Babies. Newly hatched, by the looks of it, and in-
stinctively drawn to their natural habitat. The citizens
of the Big Apple tentatively poke their heads out of
their homes to watch the harmless creatures, whose
small size allows them to slither through the piers in
order to pour into the river and disappear from view.
The circle of life continues.

Aftermath ing the mermaid’s bottom half into skeletal kraken
tentacles. He merrily ignores anyone who points
Here are some possible outcomes of the hunt: out that kraken tentacles don’t have bones.
• Aware that the baby krakens will one day return, • If the Boney Lass was destroyed, Davy’s enthusi-
fully grown and seeking to leave the island, the asm and optimism are undeterred. He promptly
city begins to modify its infrastructure to allow for begins construction of its successor, the Bonier
their passage when the time comes. Lass, which he proclaims will be bigger, faster,
• If the party arrived at the harbour in time, pre- and spookier than the first.
venting it from sustaining significant damage, a • After the adventure, Davy Bones offers to sail the
ceremony is held in their honour the following party to any of the other islands in Y’ummm, be it
day. They are presented with a Key to the City for a relaxing vacation or a brand new quest.
and declared official friends of the Big Apple.
• Conversely, if the party failed to prevent the
harbour’s complete destruction, the Big Apple is
severely impacted, suffering great losses in tourism Once the party has defeated the cracker kraken, they
and trade. For the first time in many years, several can attempt to harvest components and craft unique
people leave the city, looking for better opportuni- items using the remains. For further information, refer
ties elsewhere. to the Harvesting and Crafting chapters in Heliana’s
Guide to Monster Hunting.
• Jackfruit Sparrow retires from sailing and begins
working on creating an alchemical variant of
munchback blubber with a pleasant fragrance Harvesting
instead of a horrible stench. His final product, Eau The following components can be harvested from
de Munchback, is still fairly repulsive. the remains of the cracker kraken and used to make
• Al Fredo is grateful to the party for avenging unique items.
his wife. Encouraged by their success, he starts Cracker Kraken Harvest Table
a charity to aid other victims of the kraken and
similar maritime disasters. Component DC Components
• To commemorate the successful hunt, Davy 10 Beak
Bones modifies the figurehead of his ship, chang- 15 Heart, tentacle

The following unique items can be crafted from the cracker kraken’s components.
Cracker Kraken Craftable Items
Item Item Type Rarity Attunement Components Essence Value*
Uncommon Frail 820 gp
Monstrosity (cracker krak-
Calamarmour Armour (any) Rare Required Robust 4,110 gp
en) tentacle
Very rare Potent 11,850 gp
Uncommon Frail 450 gp
Weapon (any Monstrosity (cracker krak-
Hyper Soaker Rare — Robust 1,900 gp
firearm) en) beak
Very rare Potent 8,530 gp
Uncommon Frail 800 gp
Monstrosity (cracker krak-
Torrential Mantle Wondrous item Rare Required Robust 3,440 gp
en) heart
Very rare Potent 11,200 gp

Release the Kraken 19

Appendix A - Magic Items
Calamarmour body moisture, such as some Undead, Constructs, and
Elementals (GM’s discretion) take no damage from
Armour (light, medium, or heavy), very rare (requires attune-
this property.
Component: Monstrosity (cracker kraken) tentacle Revitalising Fluids. While wearing this armour,
you can use a bonus action to enhance its absorptive
During the forging process, this armour must be
power for 1 minute, using the moisture it drinks in to
periodically doused with seawater. Once complete, it
revitalise yourself. For the duration, you regain 2d6
sometimes releases this water as salty seafoam, which
hit points when you end your turn at least partially
forms into a distinguished moustache or magnificent
submerged in water, and when the Draining Touch
beard on the face of the wearer. A must-have for any
property deals damage, you also regain hit points
sea captain incapable of growing their own facial hair!
equal to half the damage taken. Once this property of
You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this the armour has been used, it can’t be used again until
armour. the next dawn.
Draining Touch. When a creature touches you
or hits you with a melee attack, you can use your Uncommon variant: Reduce the DC to 13, the
reaction to drain some of its moisture. The creature damage to 2d6, and the hit points you regain if par-
must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, tially submerged in water to 1d6. Remove the bonus
taking 3d6 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as to AC.
much damage on a successful one. Creatures without Rare variant: Reduce the DC to 15. Remove the
bonus to AC.

Hyper Soaker
Weapon (any firearm), uncommon
Component: Monstrosity (cracker kraken) beak
Don’t let the name fool you! This strange contraption
is not a mere child’s toy, but a powerful weapon capa-
ble of discharging jets of water at high enough pressure
Calamarmour to cut through pure steel. And all it requires in return
is for you to give up a tiny smidge of your own vitality.
What a deal!
This weapon doesn’t require normal ammunition.
Instead of bullets that deal the weapon’s normal
damage type, it shoots blasts of water that deal bludg-
eoning damage. Whenever you reload the weapon,
you take 1 necrotic damage that can’t be reduced or
prevented in any way, as the gun drains some of your
body’s moisture to refill itself.
Pressure Cutter. As an action while holding this
weapon, you can shoot a thin jet of water in a 100-
foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line
must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking
4d6 piercing damage on a failure or half as much
damage on a success. Objects in the line also take this
damage. Creatures don’t benefit from cover thinner
than 2 feet, as the jet of water pierces straight through
Michelle Mueller

it. Once this property of the weapon has been used, it

can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Rare variant: Increase the DC to 15 and the pierc- you without provoking opportunity attacks, after
ing damage to 5d6. This weapon deals an extra 1d6 which you transform back into your original form.
cold damage to the first target it hits on each of your Each creature within 10 feet of the space you end this
turns. move in must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw.
On a failed save, a creature is knocked prone as a
Very rare variant: Increase the DC to 16 and the
wave of water crashes down on it. After this property
piercing damage to 8d6. This weapon deals an extra
of the cloak has been used, roll a d6. On a 2 or lower,
1d10 cold damage to the first target it hits on each of
it can’t be used again until the next dawn.
your turns.
Uncommon variant: Reduce the DC to 13, the
Torrential Mantle area of effect to within 5 feet of the space you end the
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) move in, and the d6 to a d4.
Component: Monstrosity (cracker kraken) heart
Very rare variant: Increase the DC to 16. Crea-
The power of rushing water is not to be underestimat- tures that make a saving throw against the Rush of
ed. Crashing waves reduce rock to rubble; inescapable Water property also take 2d6 bludgeoning damage on
currents pull poor souls to their doom; and rising tides a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
drown entire settlements. Water truly is a force of one.
nature—and now you can be one too.
Rush of Water. As a bonus action while wearing
this cloak, you can briefly transform into a waterspout
and move to an unoccupied space within 30 feet of

Hyper Soaker

Torrential Mantle
Michelle Mueller

Release the Kraken 21

Appendix B - Spells
Mass Leech Water Whip
3rd-level necromancy Transmutation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (20-foot-radius sphere) Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a live leech that has fed on Components: V, S
humanoid blood in the past 24 hours) Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous Class: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
Class: Cleric, Tamer, Warlock, Wizard Choose a source of water that you can see within
You drain the life force of those around you, turning range that has a volume of at least 4 pints. Make a
their limbs heavy and their bones cold. Each crea- melee spell attack against a creature within 30 feet
ture of your choice within 20 feet of you must make of the source of water. On a hit, the target takes 1d6
a Constitution saving throw. A target takes 2d8 slashing damage and, if the creature is Large or small-
necrotic damage on a failure, or half as much damage er, you can force it to make a Strength saving throw,
on a success. The caster regains hit points equal to half pulling it up to 10 feet towards the source of water on
the total amount of necrotic damage dealt to Small or a failure.
larger creatures. The spell’s damage increases by 1d6 and the dis-
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a tance it can pull a target increases by 5 feet when you
spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases reach 5th level (2d6 and 15 feet), 11th level (3d6 and
by 1d8 for each slot level above 3rd. 20 feet), and 17th level (4d6 and 25 feet).

Tentacle Lash
4th-level biomancy* (*can be replaced with transmutation)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a miniature plunger)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Class: Druid, Ranger, Warlock, Wizard
One of your arms elongates into a long, wet, suckered
tentacle. When you cast this spell, and as an action
on each of your turns, you can make a melee spell
attack against a creature within 30 feet of you. On
a hit, the target takes 5d8 bludgeoning damage and
it must make a Strength saving throw if it is Huge
or smaller. On a failure, you can choose one of the
following effects:
• The target is knocked prone.
• The target is shoved 5 feet in a direction of your
• You disarm the target; you take one item the tar-
get is holding and return it to your person.

The tentacle also serves as an appendage that can be

used like a grappling hook or rope (GM’s discretion).
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases
by 1d8 for each slot level above 4th.

Appendix C - Creatures
Cracker Kraken habit, and why saltwater is so harmful to their health.
Miraculously, some facet of their physiology prevents
Native to the archipelago of Y’ummm, cracker krak- their cracker bodies from becoming softened on ex-
ens are aquatic behemoths that inhabit lakes and riv- posure to water. The secret to recreating this material
ers across the isles. Scholars have long been intrigued property could be worth tonnes of gold in the shipping
by these creatures’ numerous biological oddities, industry and shipwright magnates offer high bounties
but researching the matter is a difficult and perilous for magically-preserved samples of cracker krakens.
undertaking. Not only are cracker krakens quite rare,
Brains for Days. The nervous system of a cracker
but they also defend their territories fiercely and don’t
kraken is a thing of wonder. Like most living crea-
take kindly to intruders.
tures, its head contains a brain. However, running
Absorbent Skin. Contact with a cracker kraken is down the length of each tentacle is a myriad of tightly
immeasurably dangerous due to their porous, highly condensed neurons, abundant enough for zoolo-
absorbent skin, which is capable of draining mois- gists to label each a ganglion, or mini-brain. These
ture from anything it touches. It’s for this reason that mini-brains allow the kraken’s tentacles to move
cracker krakens require large bodies of water to in- semi-autonomously, a terrifying trait for those un-
lucky enough to find themselves the subjects of their
territorial ire.

The Cracker Kraken

Ognjen Sporin

Release the Kraken 23

Young Cracker Kraken Actions
Gargantuan Monstrosity, Unaligned Desiccating Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Armour Class 15 (natural armour) target. Hit: 14 (2d10 + 3) piercing damage. If the target is a creature,
Hit Points 81 (6d20 + 18) it takes an extra 7 (2d6) necrotic damage, and the kraken regains hit
points equal to half the necrotic damage taken.
Speed 15 ft., swim 60 ft.
Water Jet. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) bludgeoning damage. If the target is Large
16 (+3) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 7 (-2) 12 (+1) 7 (-2) or smaller and within the attack’s normal range, it must succeed on
a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be pushed 30 feet directly away
Saving Throws Str +6, Con +6 from the kraken and knocked prone.
Damage Resistances cold
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11 Manipulate Tentacle. The kraken causes one of its tentacles to move
Languages — up to 30 feet. Before or after the move, the tentacle can make one
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 Slam attack.
Regenerative Surge (1/Day). The kraken taps into some of its primal
Legendary Resistance (2/Day). If the kraken fails a saving throw, it
power, forcing its body to regenerate more rapidly and causing two
can choose to succeed instead.
of its tentacles to immediately regain all of their hit points.
Multiple Brains. The kraken has advantage on saving throws against
being charmed, frightened, and stunned. Legendary Actions
Tentacles. The kraken has tentacles, which use the young cracker The kraken can take 2 legendary actions, choosing from the options
tentacle statistics and act as independent creatures under the below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and
kraken’s command. In combat, they have their own initiative and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The kraken regains spent
act according to the kraken’s wishes. A tentacle can never be farther legendary actions at the start of its turn.
than 30 feet from the kraken, and any attempts to move or teleport Attack. The kraken makes one Water Jet attack or uses its Manipu-
a tentacle beyond this range automatically fail. If the kraken mov- late Tentacle.
ing would result in a tentacle being farther than 30 feet from it, the
tentacle moves with the kraken, navigating around obstacles and Kraken’s Breach. If the kraken is in water, it sinks into it and swims
pushing Huge or smaller creatures out of their path into the nearest up to half its speed without provoking opportunity attacks, after
unoccupied space. which it surfaces, causing large waves to crash all around it. Each
creature within 10 feet of the kraken when it emerges must suc-
While the kraken suffers from the blinded, deafened, exhaus- ceed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
tion, poisoned, or unconscious conditions, all of its tentacles suffer
from the same condition. If the kraken is reduced to 0 hit points, Salt Rain (Costs 2 Actions). If the kraken is in water, it slams the sur-
all of its tentacles are reduced to 0 hit points as well. A kraken’s face of the water, causing salty droplets to rain down on a 20-foot
tentacles regain all hit points when the kraken finishes a short or cube within 30 feet of it. Each creature in the area must make a
long rest. DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) necrotic damage on
a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Young Cracker Tentacle
Large Monstrosity, Unaligned
Armour Class 15 (natural armour)
Hit Points 52 (7d10 + 14)
Speed 15 ft., swim 60 ft.


14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 7 (-2) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)
Damage Resistances cold
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion,
frightened, poisoned, unconscious
Senses see Body Part trait
Languages —
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus see Body Part trait
Body Part. The tentacle is a part of a cracker kraken. It shares the
kraken’s senses and proficiency bonus, and has no will of its own.
While the kraken suffers from the blinded, deafened, exhaustion,
poisoned, or unconscious condition, the tentacle suffers from the
same condition, ignoring its condition immunity.
Dry Skin. If the tentacle takes 10 or more fire damage in a single
turn, it suffers disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of its next
turn. Additionally, it releases any creatures it has grappled.
Powerful Build. The tentacle’s speed isn’t reduced by grappling a
creature that is one or more sizes smaller than it.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 11
(2d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage, and if the target is a Medium or
smaller creature, it’s grappled (escape DC 13). While grappling a
creature, the tentacle can’t use its Slam attack.
Constrict. The tentacle attempts to wrap itself around a creature it’s
grappling, which must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or
be restrained until the grapple ends. The restrained creature takes
7 (2d6) necrotic damage at the start of each of its turns as its body is
drained of moisture.
Toss Overboard. The tentacle attempts to fling a creature it’s
grappling, which must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw
or be thrown up to 20 feet away where it lands prone. If a thrown
creature hits an obstacle or another creature, it stops and both the
creature and the thing it hit take 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage.

Release the Kraken 25

Adult Cracker Kraken Actions
Gargantuan Monstrosity, Unaligned Desiccating Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Armour Class 17 (natural armour) target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage. If the target is a creature,
Hit Points 116 (8d20 + 32) it takes an extra 10 (3d6) necrotic damage, and the kraken regains
hit points equal to half the necrotic damage taken.
Speed 15 ft., swim 60 ft.
Water Jet. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA target. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage. If the target is Large
20 (+5) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 7 (-2) 13 (+1) 7 (-2) or smaller and within the attack’s normal range, it must succeed on
a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be pushed 30 feet directly away
Saving Throws Str +8, Con +7 from the kraken and knocked prone.
Damage Resistances cold
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11 Manipulate Tentacle. The kraken causes one of its tentacles to move
Languages — up to 30 feet. Before or after the move, the tentacle can make one
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 Slam attack.
Regenerative Surge (1/Day). The kraken taps into some of its primal
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the kraken fails a saving throw, it
power, forcing its body to regenerate more rapidly and causing two
can choose to succeed instead.
of its tentacles to immediately regain all of their hit points.
Multiple Brains. The kraken has advantage on saving throws against
being charmed, frightened, and stunned. Legendary Actions
Tentacles. The kraken has tentacles, which use the adult cracker The kraken can take 2 legendary actions, choosing from the options
tentacle statistics and act as independent creatures under the below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and
kraken’s command. In combat, they have their own initiative and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The kraken regains spent
act according to the kraken’s wishes. A tentacle can never be farther legendary actions at the start of its turn.
than 30 feet from the kraken, and any attempts to move or teleport Attack. The kraken makes one Water Jet attack or uses its Manipu-
a tentacle beyond this range automatically fail. If the kraken mov- late Tentacle.
ing would result in a tentacle being farther than 30 feet from it, the
tentacle moves with the kraken. Kraken’s Breach. If the kraken is in water, it sinks into it and swims
up to half its speed without provoking opportunity attacks, after
While the kraken suffers from the blinded, deafened, exhaus- which it surfaces, causing large waves to crash all around it. Each
tion, poisoned, or unconscious conditions, all of its tentacles suffer creature within 10 feet of the kraken when it emerges must suc-
from the same condition. If the kraken is reduced to 0 hit points, ceed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
all of its tentacles are reduced to 0 hit points as well. A kraken’s
tentacles regain all hit points when the kraken finishes a short or Salt Rain (Costs 2 Actions). If the kraken is in water, it slams the sur-
long rest. face of the water, causing salty droplets to rain down on a 20-foot
cube within 30 feet of it. Each creature in the area must make a
DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) necrotic damage on
a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Adult Cracker Tentacle
Large Monstrosity, Unaligned
Armour Class 17 (natural armour)
Hit Points 76 (9d10 + 27)
Speed 15 ft., swim 60 ft.


16 (+3) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 7 (-2) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)
Damage Resistances cold
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion,
frightened, poisoned, unconscious
Senses see Body Part trait
Languages —
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus see Body Part trait
Body Part. The tentacle is a part of a cracker kraken. It shares the
kraken’s senses and proficiency bonus, and has no will of its own.
While the kraken suffers from the blinded, deafened, exhaustion,
poisoned, or unconscious condition, the tentacle suffers from the
same condition, ignoring its condition immunity.
Dry Skin. If the tentacle takes 15 or more fire damage in a single
turn, it suffers disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before
the end of its next turn. Additionally, it releases any creatures it has
Powerful Build. The tentacle’s speed isn’t reduced by grappling a
creature that is one or more sizes smaller than it.

Multiattack. The tentacle makes two Slam attacks. It can replace
one of those attacks with a use of its Constrict or Toss Overboard.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 14
(2d10 + 3) bludgeoning damage, and if the target is a Medium or
smaller creature, it’s grappled (escape DC 14). While grappling a
creature, the tentacle can’t use its Slam attack.
Constrict. The tentacle attempts to wrap itself around a creature it’s
grappling, which must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or
be restrained until the grapple ends. The restrained creature takes
9 (2d8) necrotic damage at the start of each of its turns as its body is
drained of moisture.
Toss Overboard. The tentacle attempts to fling a creature it’s
grappling, which must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw
or be thrown up to 20 feet away where it lands prone. If a thrown
creature hits an obstacle or another creature, it stops and both the
creature and the thing it hit take 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage.

Release the Kraken 27

Ancient Cracker Kraken Actions
Gargantuan Monstrosity, Unaligned Multiattack. The kraken makes two attacks, only one of which can
Armour Class 19 (natural armour) be a Desiccating Bite. It can replace any of its attacks with uses of its
Hit Points 155 (10d20 + 50) Manipulate Tentacle.
Speed 15 ft., swim 60 ft. Desiccating Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage. If the target is a creature,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA it takes an extra 14 (4d6) necrotic damage, and the kraken regains
20 (+5) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 7 (-2) 15 (+2) 7 (-2) hit points equal to half the necrotic damage taken.
Saving Throws Str +10, Con +10 Water Jet. Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one
Damage Resistances cold target. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage. If the target is Large
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12 or smaller and within the attack’s normal range, it must succeed on
Languages — a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be pushed 30 feet directly away
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 from the kraken and knocked prone.
Manipulate Tentacle. The kraken causes one of its tentacles to move
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the kraken fails a saving throw, it
up to 30 feet. Before or after the move, the tentacle can make one
can choose to succeed instead.
Slam attack.
Multiple Brains. The kraken has advantage on saving throws against
Regenerative Surge (1/Day). The kraken taps into some of its primal
being charmed, frightened, and stunned.
power, forcing its body to regenerate more rapidly and causing two
Tentacles. The kraken has tentacles, which use the ancient cracker of its tentacles to immediately regain all of their hit points.
tentacle statistics and act as independent creatures under the
kraken’s command. In combat, they have their own initiative and Legendary Actions
act according to the kraken’s wishes. A tentacle can never be farther The kraken can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
than 30 feet from the kraken, and any attempts to move or teleport below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and
a tentacle beyond this range automatically fail. If the kraken mov- only at the end of another creature’s turn. The kraken regains spent
ing would result in a tentacle being farther than 30 feet from it, the legendary actions at the start of its turn.
tentacle moves with the kraken.
Attack. The kraken makes one Water Jet attack or uses its Manipu-
While the kraken suffers from the blinded, deafened, exhaus- late Tentacle.
tion, poisoned, or unconscious conditions, all of its tentacles suffer
from the same condition. If the kraken is reduced to 0 hit points, Kraken’s Breach. If the kraken is in water, it sinks into it and swims
all of its tentacles are reduced to 0 hit points as well. A kraken’s up to half its speed without provoking opportunity attacks, after
tentacles regain all hit points when the kraken finishes a short or which it surfaces, causing large waves to crash all around it. Each
long rest. creature within 10 feet of the kraken when it emerges must suc-
ceed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Salt Rain (Costs 2 Actions). If the kraken is in water, it slams the sur-
face of the water, causing salty droplets to rain down on a 20-foot
cube within 30 feet of it. Each creature in the area must make a
DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 17 (5d6) necrotic damage on
a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Ancient Cracker Tentacle
Large Monstrosity, Unaligned
Armour Class 19 (natural armour)
Hit Points 85 (9d10 + 36)
Speed 15 ft., swim 60 ft.


18 (+4) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 7 (-2) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)
Damage Resistances cold
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion,
frightened, poisoned, unconscious
Senses see Body Part trait
Languages —
Challenge 6 (2.300 XP) Proficiency Bonus see Body Part trait
Body Part. The tentacle is a part of a cracker kraken. It shares the
kraken’s senses and proficiency bonus, and has no will of its own.
While the kraken suffers from the blinded, deafened, exhaustion,
poisoned, or unconscious condition, the tentacle suffers from the
same condition, ignoring its condition immunity.
Dry Skin. If the tentacle takes 20 or more fire damage in a single
turn, it suffers disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before
the end of its next turn. Additionally, it releases any creatures it has
Powerful Build. The tentacle’s speed isn’t reduced by grappling a
creature that is one or more sizes smaller than it.

Multiattack. The tentacle makes three Slam attacks. It can replace
one of those attacks with a use of its Constrict or Toss Overboard.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15
(2d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage, and if the target is a Medium or
smaller creature, it’s grappled (escape DC 17). While grappling a
creature, the tentacle can’t use its Slam attack.
Constrict. The tentacle attempts to wrap itself around a creature it’s
grappling, which must succeed on a DC 17 Strength saving throw or
be restrained until the grapple ends. The restrained creature takes
11 (2d10) necrotic damage at the start of each of its turns as its body
is drained of moisture.
Toss Overboard. The tentacle attempts to fling a creature it’s grap-
pling, which must succeed on a DC 17 Strength saving throw or be
thrown up to 30 feet away where it lands prone. If a thrown creature
hits an obstacle or another creature, it stops and both the creature
and the thing it hit take 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage.

Release the Kraken 29

Appendix D - The Boney Lass
The Boney Lass is Davy Bones’ ship. When he first
became undead, he relinquished his previous posses- The Boney Lass
sions and built a new vessel from scratch. Its name and Gargantuan vehicle (60 ft. by 20 ft.)
appearance serve as a grim reminder of his condition, Creature Capacity 10 crew, 5 passengers
a symbol of the folly of his past, and a warning to nev- Cargo Capacity 20 tons
er repeat it. To anyone who asks, however, he jokingly Travel Pace 5 miles per hour (120 miles per day)
plays it off as needing the ship to have a “spooky” STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
appearance befitting its skeletal captain. 20 (+5) 7 (-2) 17 (+3) 0 0 0
Using the Ship. Traditionally, a ship rolls its own Damage Immunities poison, psychic
initiative, relying on the crew manning its components Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion,
so it can take actions. However, Davy Bones is work- frightened, incapacitated, paralysed, petrified, poisoned, prone,
ing with a skeleton crew, and if the party is involved stunned, unconscious
in combat, they may not be available to man the ship’s Actions
components. In that case, don’t roll initiative for the
On its turn, the ship can take 2 actions, choosing from the options
ship. Instead, for the purposes of this adventure only,
below. It can take only 1 action if it has fewer than five crew. It can’t
a party member can use an action to fire one of the take these actions if it has fewer than two crew.
ship’s arcannons. Once an arcannon has been used, it Fire Arcannon. The ship fires one of its arcannons.
can’t be used again until initiative count 20 of the next
Move. The ship uses its helm to move with its sails.
Armour Class 15
Hit Points 200 (damage threshold 10)

Control: Helm
Armour Class 18
Hit Points 50
Move up to the speed of one of the ship’s sails, with one 90-degree
turn. If the helm is destroyed, the ship can’t turn.

Movement: Sails
Armour Class 12
Hit Points 100; -5 ft. speed per 25 damage taken
Speed (Water) 45 ft.; 15 ft. while sailing into the wind; 60 ft.
while sailing with the wind

Weapons: Arcannons (2)

Armour Class 15
Hit Points 50
Ranged Weapon Attack: +Vmod to hit, range 120/480 ft., one target.
Hit: 10 (3d6), 14 (4d6), or 21 (6d6) lightning damage at APL 5, 9, and
14, respectively.
Shot Selector. As a bonus action, a creature can change the damage
type of the arcannon to one of the following: cold, fire, or lightning.
Opposite: Aleksa Drageljevic

Tamer Susheep
Chef’s Special I
1 Prerequisite: become companion
“Here’s the menu…”

Growth I Aquatic Adaptation
3 Prerequisite: — Prerequisite: —

“ No longer bite-sized…” “Do krakens dream of aquatic sheep?”

Chef’s Special II Water Jet I Multiattack

5 Prerequisite: Chef’s Special I Prerequisite: — Prerequisite: —
“...today’s special is pain…” “Spitting is bad manners…” “Time for the second course.”

Growth II Water Jet II

9 Prerequisite: Growth I Prerequisite: Water Jet I
“...in fact, it’s a family meal!” “...but I’ll allow it.”

Chef’s Special III Glutinous Rice

13 Prerequisite: Chef’s Special II Prerequisite: —
“...it comes with a side of fear…” “Impossible to dig in.”

Chef’s Special IV
17 Prerequisite: Chef’s Special III
“...paired with a bottle of regret.”

and plenty of vegetation nearby, chances are you’ll find

“All of the familiars from Y’ummm look one of these creatures happily munching away at the
local plantlife. They are divided into three subspecies,
really appetising, but the susheep has to
which can be told apart by the type of fish on their back:
be one of the hardest to resist… Do you tuna susheep tend to be larger and sturdier than their
think it would miss a few grains of rice… counterparts, salmon susheep are the best swimmers and
maybe a chunk of the fish?” climbers, and halibut susheep are smaller and flatter,
allowing them to squeeze into tight spaces. These docile
— Heliana, Tempted Gourmand creatures are slow to agitate, but will fight tooth and hoof
to defend their territory and those they care about.
Type: Monstrosity
If any of the susheep’s traits or actions require a sav-
Creature Component: Any cracker kraken
ing throw, it is always against the susheep’s save DC, as
Bonus Tamer Improvement: Chef’s Special
calculated below.
I and +2 Hit Dice
Susheep can be found frolicking in verdant, Save DC = 8 + the tamer’s proficiency bonus + the
riverside hills and grassy dunes all across susheep’s Strength modifier
Y’ummm. As long as there’s a body of water
Release the Kraken 31
Monster Trainer
Chef’s Special II
Chef’s Special I
Prerequisite: 5th-level tamer, Chef’s Special I
Prerequisite: Become a tamer’s companion Type: Active (bonus action)
Type: Active (reaction)
As a bonus action, the susheep can imbue its attacks
Whenever the susheep’s tamer finishes a long rest, the with the power of its condiment. The next time the
tamer can choose one of the following condiments to susheep hits with an attack before the end of its turn,
add to the susheep, each of which grants the susheep it deals an extra 2 (1d4) damage of the type associated
a different reaction option and lasts until the next time with the condiment, as detailed below:
the tamer takes a long rest.
• Cleansing Ginger: Radiant.
• Cleansing Ginger. When the susheep fails a saving
throw against becoming blinded, charmed, deaf- • Salty Soy: Necrotic.
ened, frightened, paralysed, poisoned, or stunned, • Spicy Wasabi: Fire.
it can use its reaction to repeat the saving throw
with advantage. Multiattack
• Salty Soy. When a creature moves to a space Prerequisite: 5th-level tamer
within 10 feet of the susheep, the susheep can use Type: Active (action)
its reaction to spew dark soy sauce onto its eyes. As an action, the susheep can make two attacks.
The creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving
throw or be blinded until the end of its turn.
• Spicy Wasabi. When a creature within 5 feet of the Susheep
susheep hits it with an attack, the susheep can use Tiny Monstrosity, unaligned
its reaction to release a small cloud of wasabi fumes. Armour Class 13 (natural armour)
The creature must make a Constitution saving Hit Points 4 (1d4 + 2)
throw, taking 10 (3d6) fire damage on a failed Speed 30 ft., climb 15 ft. (Salmon Susheep Only)
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Once the susheep has used this reaction, it can’t do 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)
so again until its tamer finishes a long rest.
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages —
Growth I
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Prerequisite: 3rd-level tamer
Calm Demeanour. The susheep has disadvantage on its first
Type: Passive (companion)
initiative roll after each long rest.
The susheep’s size increases to Small, its Hit Die size Subspecies. When the susheep is first encountered, the GM
increases to a d6 (its hit point maximum consequently chooses its subspecies or determines it randomly by rolling a
increases by 1 for each of its Hit Dice), and the dam- d6. If the susheep was created as a bespoke familiar, the tamer
age die of its attacks increases to a d6. can choose the subspecies at the time of creation.
1-2: Halibut Susheep. The susheep counts as one size small-
Aquatic Adaptation er for the purpose of squeezing into smaller spaces or moving
through a hostile creature’s space.
Prerequisite: 3rd-level tamer
Type: Passive (companion) 3-4: Salmon Susheep. The susheep has a climbing speed of 15
feet and advantage on ability checks made to climb and swim.
The fish on the susheep’s back grows a tail and gills. 5-6: Tuna Susheep. The susheep counts as one size larger when
The susheep gains a swimming speed equal to its determining its carrying capacity and the weight it can push, drag,
walking speed and can breathe underwater. Addition- or lift.
ally, while underwater, the susheep has darkvision out
to 30 feet.
Headbutt. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

Water Jet I Glutinous Rice
Prerequisite: 5th-level tamer Prerequisite: 13th-level tamer
Type: Active (action) Type: Passive (companion)
The susheep gains a ranged weapon attack: Water The rice coating the susheep becomes more difficult
Jet. The damage die of the Water Jet attack increases to penetrate. The susheep gains resistance to bludg-
with the die size specified in the susheep’s Growth eoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagi-
improvements. cal attacks.
Water Jet. Ranged Weapon Attack: Str modifier + Chef’s Special IV
PB to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 1d4 + Str
modifier bludgeoning damage. Prerequisite: 17th-level tamer, Chef’s Special III
Type: Active (bonus action and reaction), Passive
Growth II (companion)
Prerequisite: 9th-level tamer, Growth I When the susheep’s tamer finishes a long rest, it can
Type: Passive (companion) choose two condiments to add to the susheep instead
of one. When the susheep uses a bonus action to im-
The susheep’s size increases to Medium, its Hit Die
bue its next attack with a condiment, the attack deals
size increases to a d8 (its hit point maximum conse-
an extra 5 (2d4) of one of the types associated with its
quently increases by 1 for each of its Hit Dice), and
condiments (tamer’s choice). When the susheep uses
the damage die of its attacks increases to a d8.
one of the reactions granted to it by its condiments, it
Water Jet II can’t use that reaction again until its tamer finishes a
short or long rest.
Prerequisite: 9th-level tamer, Water Jet I
Type: Active (action) In addition, the susheep has resistance to the dam-
age types associated with its condiments.
As an action, the susheep can spit out a thin jet of
highly pressurised water in a 100-foot line that is 5
feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a Dex-
terity saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) piercing dam-
age on a failure or half as much damage on a success.
Objects in the line also take this damage. Creatures
don’t benefit from cover thinner than 2 feet, as the jet
of water pierces straight through it. Once the susheep
uses this action, it can’t do so again until its tamer
finishes a long rest.
Once the susheep’s tamer reaches 13th level in the
tamer class, the damage increases to 28 (8d6).

Chef’s Special III

Prerequisite: 13th-level tamer, Chef’s Special II
Type: Active (reaction)
The reactions granted to the susheep by its condi-
ments are improved in the following ways:
• Cleansing Ginger. When the susheep uses this
reaction, it gains 2d6 temporary hit points, which
last until it finishes a short or long rest.
• Salty Soy. If the creature fails its saving throw
against this reaction, it slips on the soy sauce and
is knocked prone.
• Spicy Wasabi. If the creature fails its saving throw
against this reaction, it’s also poisoned until the
end of the susheep’s next turn.
In addition, the susheep regains the use of this reac-
tion after its tamer finishes a short or long rest.

Release the Kraken 33

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Alright folks, legalese is intimidating. This first bit is plain English. All
characters, items, creatures, and spells in this publication are original
creations of Plane Shift Press (a.k.a. PSP) or Loot Tavern Publishing
(a.k.a. LTP). Please don’t replicate or distribute this unless it is a direct
link to where we host it (this is our livelihood!). All spells, items, and
monsters are designated product identity and are not open content.
That includes proper nouns including, but not limited to: “L'Arsene”,
“Loot Tavern”, “The Boney Lass” etc., as well as spells, magic items,
and player options.
This work includes material taken from the System Reference Doc-
ument 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available
at https://dnd.wizards.com/resources/systems-reference-document.
The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License available at:
Copyright Notice
• L'Arsene's Ledger of Treasure and Trinkets © 2023, Max War-
telle, Mohammed Bellafquih, Loot Tavern Publishing, a.k.a. LTP.
• Heliana’s Guide to Monster Hunting © 2023, Max Wartelle,
Mohammed Bellafquih, and Jess Jackdaw, Plane Shift Press,

Release the Kraken 35

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