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Module 1: Historical Antecedents

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Module 1: Historical Antecedents SUMERIAN CIVILIZATION

It is located on the southernmost tip of

ANCIENT TIMES ancient Mesopotamia. Sumerians are
known for their high degree of
Transportation cooperation with one another and their
During the ancient times, people were desire for great things
concerned with the following:
- People need to go to other places Cuneiform
and discover new horizons. - First writing system.
- They tend to bring their goods - It is a system that utilizes word
and vice versa. pictures and triangular symbols
which are curved on clay using
Means of Transportation wedge instruments and then left
- By Walking or By Feet to dry.
- By Animal
- Combination of Animal and Uruk City
Wheels - Considered to be the first true city
in the world.
Communication - It was constructed using only
It was badly needed during mud or clay from the river, which
transportation. People need to send they mixed with reeds, producing
messages from one point to another and sun-baked- bricks.
vice versa. - They used bricks to make houses
that protected them from the
Means of Communication harsh weather and to build a wall
- Pony Express around the city.
- Homing Pigeon
- Smoke Signal The Great Ziggurat of Ur
- Called the mountain of god.
Weapons and armors - Served as the sacred place of
- People by nature need their chief god, where only their
protection. priests were allowed to enter.
- People thought of needing to
have weapons and armors Irrigation and Dikes
primarily to protect their life and - The increase in population
property. However, weapons and triggered more food production,
armors were also used in the hence, more farmland.
advancement of power to - Source of water was not
conquer. abundant.
- Irrigation was invented to
Examples of Weapons and Armors maintain good farmland.
- Animal Bones
- Sharp Stones Sailboats
- Bow and Arrow Boats were used by the Sumerians to
- Spear and Shield transport their products.
Moreover, in order to integrate their Sailboats were invented to address
needs – for better transportation, their increasing demands for products.
establishment of structures for
protection from human attacks and Wheel
natural disasters, and construction of - Wheel and axle were used
bigger and stronger infrastructures – primarily for farm work and food
people ventured into what is now known processes.
as the field of ENGINEERING.
- With the use of the wheel and located in North Africa. Known to have
axle, mass production was made contributed the pyramid into the world.
easier. The Great Pyramid of Giza also known
- Farmers were able to mill grains as The Great Pyramid of Khufu.
with less effort in less time. Considered as one of the Seven
Wonders of Ancient World and still intact
The Plow nowadays.
- Due to more demand for good
farmland, the invention of the Paper or Papyrus
plow was inevitable. - Although Egypt was not the first
- It was a farm technology that to develop a system of writing,
would enable them to dig the they were able to make writing
ground where seeds would be easier for the world by means of
planted. inventing the paper.
- With this tool, farmers could - Papyrus was a plant that grew
cultivate larger parcels of land abundantly along the Nile River in
faster. Egypt.

Roads Ink
- In order to facilitate faster and - When the Egyptians invented the
easier travel, the Sumerians papyrus or the paper, engraving
developed the first roads. ceased to be used in writing.
- They made the roads with the - As a result, the Egyptians
same technology they used in invented ink by combining soot
making the sun-baked bricks that with different chemicals to
they laid down on the ground. produce inks of different colors.
- They later poured bitumen, a
black sticky substance similar to Hieroglyphics
asphalt. - Like the Sumerians, the
Egyptians also developed a
BABYLONIAN CIVILIZATION system of writing using symbols,
Babylonian civilization emerged near the known as hieroglyphics.
Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The - Egyptians believed that this
Babylonians were great builders, writing system was provided to
engineers, and architects. One of their them by their gods.
major contributions is the hanging - This form of writing can still be
gardens of Babylon, one of the seven seen today and remains to be as
wonders of the ancient world. famous as the pyramids.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon Cosmetics

- According to legends, the great - The Egyptians also invented the
Babylonian King use of cosmetics.
Nebuchadnezzar II built the - The functions of the cosmetics
gardens for his wife, Queen were for health and aesthetic
Amytis. reasons.
- Considered to be one of the great - Egyptians wore Kohl around the
wonders of the ancient world eyes to prevent and even cure
- However, no physical evidence eye disease.
has been found to prove the - Egyptians also believed that a
existence. person wearing make-up was
protected from evil and that
EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION beauty was a sign of holiness.
Another early civilization famous for its
legacy is the Egyptian civilization
Wig contributions in politics, a lot of
- During the ancient Egyptian discoveries and inventions still relevant
times, wigs were worn for health today can be attributed to the Roman
and wellness rather than for Empire.
aesthetic purposes.
- The wigs were used to protect Newspaper
the shaved heads of the wealthy - The first newspapers, known as
Egyptians from the harmful rays gazettes, contained
of the sun. announcements of the Roman
Empire to the people.
Water Clock/Clepsydra - Made before the invention of
- This device utilizes gravity that paper, these gazettes were
affects the flow of water from one engraved in metals or stones.
vessel to the other.
- The amount of water remaining in Bound Books or Codex
the device determines how much - With the invention of paper, it
time has elapsed since it is full. became easier for the
- In the process, time is measured. civilizations to write down
everything that happened in their
Greece is an archipelago in the - Record-keeping was much easier
southeastern part of Europe. Known as since paper did not easily break,
the birthplace of western philosophy, was lightweight, and did not
some of the major achievements of the occupy much space.
Greeks include in-depth works of - Julius Caesar started the tradition
philosophy and mathematics. More than of stacking up papyrus to form
coliseums and the Olympics, the Greek pages of a book. Later on, covers
civilization has contributed much to the made of animal skin were used.
world especially in the fields of science - It is considered as the advent of
and technology. The ancient Greek’s bound books or codex.
alarm clocks made use of water (or
sometimes small stones or sand). Roman Architecture
- Roman architecture is one of the
Alarm Clock most visual contributions of the
- One of the most utilized gadgets ancient
today that was invented by the - Roman Empire to the world.
ancient Greeks is the alarm - This includes major projects such
clock. as aqueducts, coliseums,
- Plato’s version of the alarm clock amphitheaters and even
is by using four water vessels residential houses
lined up vertically.
Roman Numerals
Water Mill - Romans devised their own
They are commonly used in agricultural number system specifically to
processes like milling of grains which address the need for a standard
was a necessary form of food counting method that would meet
processing during that time. their increasing communication
and trade concerns.
The Roman Empire was perceived to be CHINESE CIVILIZATION
the strongest political and social entity in The Chinese civilization is considered to
the west. It was considered to be the be the oldest civilization in Asia, if not
cradle of politics and governance during the world. Also known as the middle
that period. Aside from their kingdom, China is located on the far
east of Asia. Not a great amount was Filipino Inventors
written about ancient China partly due to
its distance from the other civilizations. Salamander Amphibious Tricycle
- By Dominic Chung Lamberto
Silk Aramada
- One of the things that connected - Design by Victor Llave
Far East China to the world is - Can cross flooded streets, rivers
silk. and lakes
- The silk trade opened China to
the outside world, making way for Salt Lamp
cultural, economic, and scientific - By Aisa Mijeno
exchanges. - Uses saltwater not electricity
- It bridged the gap between the (used battery)
western world and the middle - S.A.L.T (Sustainable Alternative
kingdom. Lighting)

Tea Production Quick Ink

- Tea is a beverage produced by - By Francisco Quisumbing
pouring hot or boiling water over - Chemist developed to
crushed or shredded dried tea work with Parker Pens
leaves. - Ink does not blot even when wet
- It was believed that the first tea with water
was drunk by a Chinese emperor.
Medical Incubator
Gunpowder - By Dr. Fe del Mundo
- Gunpowder was developed by a - Made from indigenous and cheap
Chinese alchemist who aimed to materials which did not run on
achieve immortality. electricity
- They mixed charcoal, sulfur, and - B.R.A.T (Bananas, Rice, Apple
potassium nitrate, but instead of Sauce, Toast)
creating an elixir of life, they
accidentally invented a black Moon Buggy
powder that could actually - By Eduardo San Juan (1968)
generate a large amount of heat - Project made for NASA
and gas in an instant.
- Ironically, instead of prolonging Erythromycin
life, gunpowder is widely used to - By Abelardo Aguilar (1949)
propel bullets from guns and - Medicine for antisicitc deprived
cannons which cause countless from bacterium streptomyces
deaths. erythraeus
- On the other hand, gunpowder is
also used in fireworks during Inducing flowering of mango trees
important celebrations in China. - By ramon Barbara
- Using potassium nitrate (salt)
The Great Wall of China
- Once considered the only Karaoke
man-made structure that could be - By Roberto del Rosario
seen from outer space. - 1975
- The wall’s construction put the
nation among the powerful Artificial coral reef
civilizations during the ancient - By Angel Alcala
Sugarcane and Coconut Ethyl Ester Module 2: Intellectual Revolutions
Fuel that Changed Worldview
- By Julian Banzon
- Chemical process to extract What is a Revolution?
residual coconut oil ● Revolution - denotes a drastic
- Alternative fuel: Biodiesel change in what is established,
believed and embraced by the
Super Kalan society
- By Narciso Mosuela ● Heretics - outcasts of society,
- Super Kalan Stove people who shared revolutionary
- Powered by substance that burns ideas Many were ostracized,
like wood, compressed paper, imprisoned and prevented from
dried leaves and charcoal publishing their writings.
● Nicolaus Copernicus - an
Microchips astronomer of the Renaissance
- By Diosdado Banatao period who challenged the
- Single chip graphical user made previous notion about the
computers faster cosmos, led the so-called
Scientific Revolution.
3-in-1 Firetruck: Patriot
- Godfather of Filipino - Johann Muller's Epitome in
Inventors Almagestum (Epitome of
- Firetruck, rescue vehicle, Ptolemy's Almagest)
ambulance - Disputationes adversus
astrologiam divinatricem
Vitamin B Enriched Rice (Disputations against divinatory
- By Susan Salceda Jr. astrology)
- Vitamin B
- Contains Vitamin B1 Came about in response to the
questions that cannot be addressed by
Videophone the geocentric model of the universe.
- Gregorio Zara
- Videophone (device for the Ptolemy
hearing impaired) - Popularized the term
“geocentrism”, Earth as the
Drug Detection center of the universe
- By Enrique Ostrea Jr.
- Stools of babies Anaximander
- Based in US - He drew the first map of the world
- Diagnoses drug dependence in during 6th century BC
infants - Earth taking the shape of a
cylinder floating in the center of
Modular House System the universe
- By Edgardo Vazquez - Sun and Moon were hollow rings
- System capable of ____ within of fire and the eclipses were the
weeks a house with prefabricated results of these rings closing
materials that can withstand
typhoons Pythagoras
- First to suggest that the earth
was a sphere
- The conclusion was after
studying the constellations and
the Earth's circular shadow on - the movement of the Earth
the moon during lunar eclipse. sometimes cause the retrograde
Plato - Planets travel in perfect circles
- Student of Socrates - finished his research in 1532
- Believed that the cosmos is made - hesitant to publish his ideas
up of matter in geometric shapes - took almost a hundred years
before his theory formally gained
Aristotle respect and recognition
- Studied under Plato
- Posited that the Earth was at the PEOPLE BEHIND THE RECOGNITION
center of the universe with all TYCHO BRAHE (1546-1601)
other celestial bodies arranged in - Rejected that the Earth is not the
concentric crystalline spheres center of the universe
around it - proposed his own model, geo
heliocentrism or the Tychonic
Geocentric Model System
- By Ptolemy - combination of Copernican and
- Refined explanation behind the Ptolemaic systems
movements of planets - The Earth is the fixed center, with
- Earth was unmoving while the the Sun and Moon orbiting the
Sun, planets and stars revolved Earth, and the other planets
around it revolving around the Sun.

1. The earth is the center of all JOHANNES KEPLER

motion. - proposed the law of planetary
2. Stars are immutable. motions in 1609
3. Planets move in circular orbit. - planets move in elliptical orbits
4. The earth is flat. with the Sun at one focus
5. The earth does not move.
1. Law of Ellipses
Heliocentric Model 2. Law of Equal Areas
- By Copernicus 3. Law of Harmony
- Father of Modern Astronomy
COPERNICAN HELIOCENTRISM - Best known for his works in the
NICOLAUS COPERNICUS field of astronomy, cosmology,
- University of Krakow, studied philosophy, mathematics and
astronomy, mathematics, physics.
philosophy and sciences - Earth orbited around the Sun.
- For him, the geocentric model did - Using a telescope, he was able to
not discuss the occasional observe movements of the Moon,
backward movement of the Venus, Jupiter and its satellites.
planets or RETROGRADE - First person to observe craters of
MOTION. the moon using telescope
- Proposed that the earth is not the - Discovery of existence of
center of the universe but the sunspots
Sun. - Persecuted and put on trial by the
- Earth's rotation causes the rising Inquisition in Rome
and setting of the Sun and the - Found guilty of heresy
- Earth's revolution causes the Sir Isaac Newton
movements of the stars - First one to provide mathematical
equations that could prove
- Copernicus, Brahe and Kepler He subscribed to the Judeo-Christian
have explained version of creationism and saw their
- Philosopiæ Naturalis Principia work as a mere representation of the
Mathematica unchanging order of life created by God.


REVOLUTION a physician and a discreet evolutionist
(transmutationist – one who believed
evolution occurred in living things)

Giordano Bruno Zoonomia; or the Laws of Organic

Martyred Italian monk who spread Life – contained theories about
Copernicus’s theory of a heliocentric evolution and suggested that the Earth
and scientific universe could have been much older than the
timeline based on the biblical origin
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
- Father of Microbiology DARWIN'S THEORY OF EVOLUTION
- Discovered bacteria
Charles Darwin
Robert Boyle - At age 16, he entered Edinburgh
- Father of Modern Chemistry University to study medicine
- Extensive experiment and use of
Scientific method Robert Grant
- A radical evolutionist and a
Francis Bacon follower of French biologist,
- Supporter of the empirical Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
method and inductive reasoning - Darwin’s mentor
which provide that people - growth and relationship of
understand truths according to primitive marine invertebrates
their experience - Also influenced by ADAM
- Practiced deductive reasoning - Summer of 1931, Adam
and the scientific method in Sedgwick and Darwin traveled to
solving problems and whose idea Wales
of the human consciousness - December 27, 1831, Henslow
dominated until the 20th century and Darwin went on a voyage to
Tierra del Fuego
DARWINIAN REVOLUTION - HMS Beagle with Captain Robert
● Evolution - the change in - England in 1836, he wrote his
characteristics of a species over findings in the Journal of
several generations, relying on Researches
the idea that all species are - Was published as part of Robert
related and gradually change Fitzroy’s narrative of the voyage
over time. It has always been (Zoology of the Voyage of the
controversial. HMS Beagle)
- The trip made an impact on
● Creationism – the view that the Darwin’s view of natural history
universe originated from “specific - Darwin’s observations: the
acts of divine creation” similarities of different species in
different parts of the globe and
Carolus Linnaeus their variations in specific areas
led him to believe that they way not only for developments in
evolved from common ancestors evolutionary biology but also a
foundation for the philosophy of
● Natural selection – a process biology
where species that adapt to the ● Evolutionary Biology -
changing environment survive, sub-discipline of biological
whereas those that do not simply sciences that has to do with the
die out On the Origin of Species origin of life as well as
by Means of Natural Selection diversification and adaptation of
life forms through time

Father of Evolution JULIAN HUXLEY

Darwin’s findings were scrutinized by - coined the term modern
experts synthesis or NeoDarwinism,
reconciling Darwin's theory with
● Richard Owen- determined that that of Gregor Mendel's idea on
Darwin's Uruguay River skull heredity
came from a Toxodon, a
hippopotamus- sized ancestor of Philosophy of Biology
the South American capybara - A branch of philosophy of science
● John Gould - disclosed that the that has to do with biology
bird specimens that Darwin - It makes biology relevant to
brought from Galapagos were all classic issues in the philosophy
ground finches that adapted of Science such as causation and
differently explanation, progress,
reductionism, and chance.
- The Cambridge clerics declared
his theory as bestial heresy FREUDIAN REVOLUTION
EVOLUTIONARY SCIENCE AND - Psychology as a branch of
PHILOSOPHY philosophy
- Psychology’s development into
● Darwin's publication - steered an independent scientific field
the intellectual history of
humanity in a new direction Since the dawn of civilization and
establishment of the earliest religions
Darwinian Revolution and spiritual beliefs.
- completed the Copernican
Revolution People were dependent on:
- radically changed the perception - Priests
of humans of their place in the - Shamans
universe - Spiritual leaders
- drew out for biology the notion of
nature as an orderly system For their mental well-being.
governed by natural laws , where
the origin of humanity itself could But as time passed by, psychology
be explained developed and was defined as a formal
- following this theory, the study of the mind and a more systematic
contemporary study of DNA of approach to understanding and curing
different species showed mental conditions.
evidence of his theorization of
evolution Some of the ancient philosophers of the
● Darwinism - Darwin's theory of early civilization
biological evolution, paved the
Plato (427- 347 BCE) - Developed the first scientific
Proposed that “psyche” was the seat of approach to the study of a higher
all human knowledge psychological process (memory)

● Psyche – word used to describe René Descartes (1596–1650)

mind and soul - 17th century philosopher
● Anamnesis – process of - known for his "Cartesian
unlocking and utilizing knowledge paradigm"
in our human mind
Cartesian paradigm called “dualism”
composed of two components:
Aristotle (384 – 322 BC) ● mind-mind problem ( mind in
- Wrote “Para Psyche” (About relation to itself)
Human Mind) ● mind-body problem ( mind in
- proposed that the human mind relation to the body)
was the primary reason for the
existence and functioning of the - Humans are immediately aware
body. of their own cognitive states and
process out of necessity, and
● Para Psyche – the first known such self-aware mind is distinct to
text in the history of psychology the body.
- Dualism asserts that mind and
PRE- FREUDIAN PSYCHOLOGY body are two entities that interact
- Late 1870s - psychology to form human experience
developed into an independent - Mind is a mere non-physical thing
scientific field that interacts with the physical
body through the brain as
Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) medium
“Founder of Experimental Psychology”
During 19th century – Cartesian
- founder of first laboratory paradigm came under pressure
dedicated to psychological
research Studies of disorders caused by brain
lesions showed that mental faculty for
Principles of Physiological language is connected to a region
Psychology between the ears that contain a ball of
- This sought to investigate the nerve tissue.
immediate experiences of
consciousness including Charles Darwin’s Evolution Theory
sensations, feelings, volitions and - This theory states that every
ideas aspect of humans including their
mental capacities, evolved in
Early Figures in the field of response to the physical
Psychology selection process

William James Sigmund Freud

“Father of American Psychology” All cognitive processes are
- Known for “pragmatism” unconscious.

Ivan Pavlov Sigmund Freud was a late 19th and

- Known for discovering Classical early 20th century neurologist. In 1856,
Conditioning Sigmund Freud, the eldest of eight
children, was born in Freiberg, Moravia.
Hermann Ebbinghaus At the age of four, Freud's family moved
to Vienna. He attended a preparatory Example: A scientific term that we most
school in Leopoldstadt where he likely remembered from learning it, but
excelled in Greek, Latin, history, math, we try to remember its definition.
and science. At the age of seventeen,
his academic supremacy secured him THE CONSCIOUS MIND:
admission to the University of Vienna. Encompasses all of our ideas,
He went on to get his medical degree memories, feelings, and desires that we
and PhD in neurology after completing are conscious of at any given time. This
his studies. is the part of our brain processing that
we can reasonably think about and
He is considered as the “most discuss. This includes our memories,
tremendously influential and which is not always part of our
controversial thinkers” of all time. A awareness but can be easily retrieved
figure under the psychology field that is and brought into it.
commonly or widely known and this is
because Freud had contributed so much Example: Once we are aware that we
in this field, specifically, in childhood, are hungry, we decide to get food.
personalities, dreams, and sexuality,
with his notable works and introducing THE UNCONSCIOUS MIND:
his own psychological theories. The unconscious mind is a storehouse
of feelings, thoughts, urges, and
FREUD’S LEVEL OF AWARENESS memories that aren't visible to us.
Sigmund Freud distinguished three Unacceptable or unpleasant contents,
levels of awareness in human such as pain, worry, or conflict, are
consciousness: conscious, stored in the unconscious. It is also
preconscious, and unconscious. This considered where the real causes of
aspect in our mental processing can most of our behavior lies.
help us think and talk in a rational way.
Freud demonstrated the three levels of Example: Our hatred for a certain
mind with an image of an iceberg. As person, or an event that traumatized us
seen in the image above, the iceberg is repressed in our unconscious mind.
that is submerged down to the water
represents our unconscious mind. The FREUDIAN SLIP:
iceberg that lies unseen beneath the To get a better understanding of how the
waterline represents our preconscious conscious and unconscious mind
mind, and the most visible iceberg or its operate together is to know what the slip
tip represents our conscious mind. of a tongue is. This term was commonly
referred to as the Freudian slip, where
THE PRECONSCIOUS: at some point, we speak of
Anything that has the potential to enter misstatements which believe that it
the conscious mind is considered exposes our underlying, unconscious
preconscious. It's made up of the things thoughts or secret feelings. For
we could pay attention to if we wanted example, a boy mentions his ex’s name
to, and contains all knowledge or things in front of his current girlfriend.
we can potentially use to pull it into our
conscious mind. However, the FREUD'S PSYCHOANALYSIS AND
preconscious is not similar to our STRUCTURE OF PERSONALITY
memories in a way that these can be
readily accessed anytime, but instead, Sigismund "Sigmund" Scholomo Freud
our preconscious mind are unrepressed - His interest in laboratory work
memories that we extract from it for a shifted from microscopic studies
specific period of time and purpose. to living patients
- He spent most of his life studying
human psychology.
- He create his magnum opus - It controls and regulates a person
Psychoanalysis which includes: with outside world
methodology of treating mental - Ruled by reality principle
illnesses - Satisfies one's need in socially
- He earned the title "Father of acceptable manner
PSYCHOANALYSIS - “It’s not right to do that”
It is anchored on the concept that - Judicial structure of the
human behavior is determined by: personality
- Unconscious motivation - Holds all internalized moral
- biological and instinctive drives standard
- Influence from close relationship,
Human beings have no real ability to environment, and society
make choices and control life events. - It sense the right and wrong for
making judgment anchored with
● Drives or instincts - recurring moral standard
concepts in Freud's theories
2 Parts of Superego
2 conflicting main instincts 1. Ego Ideal “I want to do that
1. Eros (The Life Instinct) - refers now” - Rules and standards for
to the survival instincts like good behavior learned from
hunger, thirst, and sexual parents and authority. Ideal self
a. Procreation 2. Conscience ego “Maybe we
b. Social Cooperation can compromise” - Leaves
c. Survival room for self-evaluation and
criticism. Ruled by a reward and
2. Thanatos (The Death Instinct) - punishment system. The end
Aggressive and self-destructive justifies the means
instincts driven toward death.
b. Risky Behavior PSYCHOANALYSIS
c. Reliving Trauma - Despite many critics of Freudian
psychology, psychoanalysis
Humans seek pleasure and avoid pain. played an important role on how
mental issues are addressed
Structures of Personality today.
ID - Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis
- Unconscious aspects of underwent transformation due to
personality like untamed instincts, the modification of number of
impulses, and desires. psychologists of the 20th century
- present since birth and operates which are:
by the pleasure principle
- does not mature unless individual Carl Jung
gain ages - known for the development of
analytical psychology, a branch of
EGO psychotherapy.
- It is responsible for dealing in - coined the term introvert and
reality extrovert.
- Its main function is to be the - introduced the concepts of
referee between id and the collective consciousness, shared
demands and expectation of the norms
● Archetypes – represent the they built the famous rice
universal patterns and images terraces.
that are part of the collective - The construction of the irrigation
unconscious system that uses water from the
forest to the mountains.
Alfred Adler - They developed tools for
- developed his own method called planting, hunting, cooking, and
individual psychology for fighting tribal enemies.
- it uses holistic approach in - Create the musical instruments
studying a person's character
Erich Fromm Indigenous or Folk Science
- His theory gives emphasis to the - Indigenous science is part of the
social and cultural influence on knowledge system, the expertise
human personality. practiced by different groups of
people in a given culture during
Erik Erickson the early civilization for coping
- coined the term “identity crisis” with the changing environment.
- suggested that personality (cited by Pawilen 2019)
develop throughout one's life - It is also composed of traditional
span. knowledge that uses science
- “psychosocial theory” process skills guided by
community values & culture.
Module 3: Science and Technology - Embedded in their daily life
and Nation Building experiences
- Parents and older people serve
PRE COLONIAL PERIOD as the teachers and knowledge
in their minds are passed on by
Science mouth.
Even before the Spaniards came to the - Predicting weather conditions &
Philippines, and introduced changes, we seasons using knowledge in
Filipinos have developed our own observing the behavior of animals
system of science & technology. and the shape of the celestial
- Science is observed in the way bodies.
they plant their crops, in taking - The use of herbal medicines.
care of animals to help them in - Ways of preserving food.
their task and for food production (Tinapa, Tuyo daing, bagoong,
- The use of plants & herbs as buro)
medicine. - Building of local irrigation
- They observed the movement of systems
heavenly bodies to predict - is composed of traditional
seasons and climate. knowledge practiced & valued by
people & communities
- Engaged in farming, fishing, - Indigenous science is the
mining, weaving, and pottery foundation of MODERN science
- Made tools out of stones for
sawing, drilling, and polishing SPANISH COLONIAL PERIOD
- Shipbuilding and seafaring - The Spaniards established
schools for the boys & girls and
Technology introduced science & disciplines.
- We developed our own modes of - Life became a little modernized
transportation. because they taught their culture
- The engineering prowess of the and practices.
natives of the Cordilleras when
- Galleon trade has brought more - Bureau of Plant Industry (1929)
technology and development to - Bureau of Animal Industry (1929)
the Philippines. - University of the Philippines
- The Philippines became the - National Research Council of the
center of trade in Southeast Asia Philippines (NRCP)
- The SUPERSTITIOUS beliefs of
the people and the Catholic POST-WAR TO PRESENT
doctrines & practices during the - After achieving Independence,
Spanish era hinders the growth from our colonizers, the
of SCIENCE. Philippines continue to pursue
- The Americans have more the development of science &
influence in the development of technology.
science & technology as - However, only one president
compared with the Spaniards. focused on the development of
- Establishment of public education science.
- Improved the engineering work - One of the presidents who
and health conditions of the ushered the advancement of
people. science & technology, was the
- Established a research university former President Ferdinand
(UP) Marcos.
- Created more hospitals
- Mineral resource of the country President Ferdinand E. Marcos
were explored and exploited - During his time, he
- Transportation & communication acknowledged the role of science
system were improved & technology in national
development, so he mandated
- Real Sociedad Económica de los DepEd to promote science
Amigos del País de Filipinas courses in public schools.
(Royal Economic Society of - He established (PAGASA)
Friends of the Philippines) Philippine Atmospheric,
- 1865 Manila Observatory that Geophysical and Astronomical
was made into the Philippine Services Administration, (NAST)
Weather Bureau National Academy of Science &
- University of Santo Tomas – Technology, (DOST) Department
Miguel de Benavidez of Science & Technology, PNOC,
- Dr. Leon Ma. Guerrero – “Father PAEC, IRRI, etc
of Philippine Botany and - He saw that the key to
Pharmacy” nation-building is the continued
- Philippine Revolution development of S&T

Gov. General Jose Basco y Vargas President Corazon Aquino

In 1986 NAST was renamed DOST, it
AMERICAN COLONIAL PERIOD aims to update the production sector,
Laboratorio Municipal - Bureau of improve research activities and develop
Government Laboratories infrastructure for science & technology
- Bureau of Science sectors.
- Bureau of Health (1898)
- Bureau of Mines (1900) President Fidel V. Ramos
- Bureau of Forestry (1900) - In 1987, during the presidency of
- Weather Bureau (1901) FVR, the “Doctors to the Barrio”
- Bureau of public works (1901) program made healthcare
- Bureau of Agriculture (1901) accessible even to the far-flung
- Bureau of Coast and Geodetic places of the country.
Survey (1905)
- The National Program for Gifted - RA 9367 The Biofuel Act
Filipino Children in Science & - RA 7687 "Science and
Tech was created for HS students Technology Scholarship Act
who wanted to enter Science & - RA 8293 “Intellectual Property
engineering programs in college. Code of the Philippines.”
- It was also this time when laws - RA 8792 Electronic Commerce
related to science & technology Act”
sectors were created such as RA - RA 10601 – Agricultural and
8439, RA 7687, RA 7459, RA Fisheries Mechanization Law.
8283, RA 8749 & RA 8792.
Some of the Filipino Indigenous
President Joseph Estrada Science practices
- It was during the time of Estrada Healing practices from the different
that RA 8749 & RA 8792 were places in the Philippines
signed & mandated.
- Pres. Estrada is responsible for ● Espiritista – the medium that
implementing cost effective uses spirits of saints or Sto. Nino
irrigation technologies and basic to heal the sick.
health care services for ● Albularyo – Uses plants & herbs
marginalized members of the to cure a “possessed” person.
society. ● Tawas – the practice that uses
candles, oil, water or paper to
President Gloria M. Arroyo determine one’s cause of
It was during her time that the science & sickness through the image
technology sector were developed to formed on those mediums.
strengthen the educational system and ● Suob – it makes use of special
to address poverty. She promulgated RA paper, or incense or leaves boiled
9367 and RA 10601. in water for fast healing of
President Benigno Aquino, Jr. ● Antidote for Jelly fish Sting -
In 2014, Pres. Noynoy named new Urine or vinegar (Zambales)
National Scientists, these were Gavino ● Mumps – Mixture of Insect’s
Trono, Angel Alcala, Ramon Barba, and nest, Indigo blue(tina) & vinegar.
Edgardo Gomez. Santiago, Isabela, Bulacan)
● Tawa-tawa (Euphorbia Hirta) -
President Rodrigo R. Duterte used for treating
- Today with the current Dengue.(Antique)
administration, S&T is still the ● Bato Kolibra – The rock is
priority as evident by the increase placed on top of the dog bite, and
of budget allocation for research believed to suction dog’s rabies
& developments. out of the body. (Samar, Leyte)
- Currently, we have the Philippine ● Eating of RAW EGG during the
Space Technology Program that 9th month of pregnancy for ease
launched Diwata 2 in 2018, and of giving birth.
Diwata 1 in 2016. ● Sugar as an antidote for
poisoning and allergies.
Republic Acts ● Raw OKRA in water to be taken
- RA 8439 – Magna Carta for in the morning after soaking it
Science & Technology Personnel. overnight lowers cholesterol.
- RA 7459 "Investors and ● Boil mentholated candies and
Invention Incentives Act of the sniff the vapor while still hot cures
Philippines.“ cough.
- RA 8749 otherwise known as
the Philippine Clean Air Act,
● Harabe – Calamansi, Honey & 5. Advanced Science and
Lambanog. Treats cough & colds. Technology Institute (ASTI)
To be taken at night.(Quezon)
The Philippine Bureau of Science - - Philippine Council for Agriculture,
Institute of Science Aquatic, and National Resources
Research and Development
- Institute of Nutrition and Science (PCAARRD)
Foundation of the Philippines - Philippine Council For Industry,
(SFP) Energy, and Emerging
- Commission of Volcanology Technology Research and
(COMVOL) Development (PCIEERD)
- Science Act of 1958 - Philippine Council for Health
- National Science Development Research and Development
Board (NSDB) (PCHRD)
- Philippine Atomic Energy - Philippine Council for advanced
Commission (PAEC) Science and Technology
- National Institute of Science and Research and Development
Technology (NIST) (PCASTRD)
- Philippine Inventors Commission - National Research Council of the
(1964) Philippines (NRCP)
- Philippine Coconut Research
Institute (1964) S&T in the Philippines Under
- Philippine Textile Research Contemporary Administration
Institute (1967) - Philippine Coconut Research
- Forest Products Research and Institute and Philippine Textile
Industries Development Institute Research Institute
(1969) - Philippine Atomic Energy
- Philippine Science High School Commission
(PSHS) - Philippine Atmospheric
- Metals Industry Research and Geophysical and Astronomical
Development Center (MIRDC) Services Administration
- Science Foundation of the (PAGASA)
Philippines (SFP) - National Science and Technology
- Philippine Council for Agriculture Authority (NSTA)
and Resources Research
(PCARR) Sectors that needed to be prioritized
so that the Philippines can move
PRESENT STATE OF SCIENCE AND toward industrial prosperity:
TECHNOLOGY 1. Aquaculture
2. Marine Fisheries
Department of Science and 3. Forestry
Technology (DOST) 4. Natural Resources
DOST was responsible for establishing 5. Process Industry
this following institutes: 6. Food
7. Feed industry
1. Technology Application and 8. Energy
Promotion Institute(TAPI) 9. Transportation
2. Science Education Institute(SEI) 10. Construction Industry
3. Science and Technology 11. Information Technology
Information Institute 12. Electronics
4. Industrial Technology 13. Instrumentation and control
Development Institute 14. Emerging Technologies
15. Pharmaceuticals
Science and Technology Master Plan 1. National Economic and
(1991-2000) Development Authority (NEDA)
States that the development of – country’s premier social and
S&T should be given priority to aid in the economic development planning
country's economic recovery after and policy coordinating body
martial law. primarily responsible for
formulating continuing
President Fidel V. Ramos coordinated and fully integrated
- Inventor's Incentives Act ( RA No. social and economic policies,
3850) and the S&T Scholarship plans and programs.
Act (RA No. 7687)
- Magna Carta for Scientists, 2. Patent Incentive Package (IPR)
Engineers, Researchers and - supports the protection of
Other S&T Personnel in the intellectual property.
Government (RA No. 8439)
3. Smarter Philippines - the latest
President Joseph Estrada project set out by the DOST in
- Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 cooperation with the DICT which
(RA No. 8749) aims to use ICT to bolster the
- Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 country's development.
(RA No. 8792)
Projects under this program are the
President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo following:
- Philippine Technology Transfer a. Project National Operation
Act of 2009 (RA No. 10055) Assessment of Hazards - most
commonly known as "Project
President Benigno Aquino III NOAH", a disaster risk
- Fast-Tracked S&T Scholarship management program.
Act of 2013 (RA No. 10612) b. Integrated Government
Philippines Program (iGovPhil)
President Rodrigo Duterte - a project that seeks to integrate
ICT in government operations
Harmonized National Research and
Aligned with the AmBisyon Natin TECHNOLOGY IN THE PHILIPPINES
2040 and founded on the three pillars of
Malasakit, Pagbabago, and Kaunlaran. CHEMISTRY

OBJECTIVES: Dr. Alfredo C. Santos

- harmonize the country's R&D - He is a renowned Filipino
priorities Chemist
- avoid duplication of R&D efforts - One of his primary discoveries
- serve as basis for R&D capability was the isolation of many
- plant-based alkaloids such as
5 SECTORS: phaeanthine and phenanthrene.
- National Integrated Basic - Phytochemistry
Research Agenda (NIBRA)
- Health; • Agriculture, Aquatic, and Dr. Julian A, Banzon
Natural Resources; - He is a Biochemist.
- Industry, Energy, and Emerging - He was the first to document the
Technology; derivation of ethyl esters from
- Disaster Risk Reduction and coconut and sugar cane as
Climate Change Adaptation alternative fuel sources.
Dr. Luz Oliveros-Belardo Dr, Eduardo San Juan
- She is a pharmaceutical chemist. - A mechanical engineer from
- She discovered essential oils that NASA
were found in native plants that - Conceptualized the design of the
led her to extract 33 different oils Moon Buggy or Lunar Rover.
from various plants.
Dr. Diosdado Banatao
Dr. Solita Camara-Besa - A Silicon Valley visionary.
- She is known as the first Filipina - He introduced the single-chip
Biochemist. graphical user interface
- Focused on understanding the accelerator.
Filipino diet and nutrition pattern. - He helped to develop the
Ethernet controller chip.
Dr. Amando Kapauan
- Chemistry and Technology Dr. Arturo Pineda Alcaraz
- He was one of the first to look - A prominent volcanologist in the
into the dangers of exposure to Philippines.
mercury - Father of Geothermal Energy
BIOLOGY - He was the one who pioneered
the development of geothermal
Dr. Angel C. Alcala energy in the Philippines.
- He is a prominent biologist.
- He is known for discovering 50 SCIENCE EDUCATION IN THE
species of reptiles and PHILIPPINES
amphibians on top of the 400
known species. Philippine Science High School
- He is credited for the creation of - An attached agency to the DOST
the country’s first artificial reef. which gives opportunities to
students who would like to
Dr. Asuncion K. Raymundo pursue careers in line with
- She is a biologist who focuses on science and technology
microbial genetics and - Has 16 schools in the country,
biotechnology. with its main branch in Diliman,
- One of the country’s leaders in Quezon City
microbial genetics and has - In 1997, Fidel V. Ramos signed
largely contributed to how R.A. 8496, which establish
science is taught in Philippine Philippine Science High School
schools. System

Dr. Baldomero M. Olivera K to 12 Program

- Discovered a snail toxin that can - covers 12 years basic education
be used as a painkiller for - Regulated by DEPED
patients who have become - R.A. 10533: "Enhanced Basic
tolerant to morphine. Education Act of 2013"
- consist of Academic Track and
Dr. Abelardo Aguilar Tech-Voc Track
- A biologist who discovered
erythromycin Academic track has 4 strands
1. ABM
4. GAS
• Uses Spiral Progression - Short in Human Capital for S&T
- Poor student performance
Shortcomings of K to 12 Curriculum according to Trend in
- Dr. Angel de Dios cited the lack International Mathematics and
of formal science form K-2 Science Study of International
- Its 'demanding' to require teacher Association for the Evaluation of
to use Mother Tongue-Based Educational Achievement
Multilingual Education
- Competency of Teachers in What measures the government is
Secondary Education taking to resolve these issues?
- Shortage of Qualified Teachers
- Disjunction on Science Teaching
for Elementary to Secondary What is Government Intervention?
levels - Government Intervention is an
- Results into Lack of Interest in action carried out by the
Science particularly in the government or public entity that
Elementary Level (NISMED) affects the market economy.
- It advocates defense and the use
UNESCO (2010) publication "Current of different economic policies to
Challenges in Basic Education" compensate for the flaws of the
1. Science teaching is economic system that leads to
predominantly transmissive economic imbalances.
2. Science knowledge is dogmatic - Government intervene in trade
3. The science content has an and investment to achieve
abstractness that makes it political, social or economic
irrelevant objectives
4. Learning science is relatively - Impose trade and investment
difficult for both successful and barriers that benefit interest
unsuccessful students groups such as domestic firms,
industries and labor unions.
National Science Education Teaching - Government Intervention alters
Standards- established by US the competitive landscape by
National Academy of Sciences hindering or helping the ability of
1. plan an inquiry-based science firms to compete internationally.
program for students; - Government Intervention is an
2. guide and facilitate learning; important dimension of country
3. engage in the on-going risk
assessment of both teaching and
student learning; Basic Education Sector Reform
4. design and manage learning Agenda (BESRA)
environments that provide A policy reform package that seeks to
students with the time, space, improve the institutional, structural and
and resources needed for financial
learning science; and
5. develop communities of science It includes the following:
learners that reflect the - School-based management
intellectual rigor of scientific - Teacher education development
inquiry and the attitudes and - National learning strategies
social values conducive to - Quality assurance accountability
science learning. (QAA) and monitoring and
evaluation (M&E)
- Inadequate Funding for S&T - Organizational development with
Research and Education resource mobilization and
management (RMM) and ● Department of Science and
information communication Technology (DOST) has
technology (ICT) established the National Science
and Technology Plan for
The Basic Education Sector Reform 2002-2020
Agenda (BESRA)
Resulted in an increase in public OBJECTIVES:
education spending that improved the - Knowledge Expansion
basic education services being offered - Wealth creation through
to the less privileged elementary technology transfer
students. - Development and Marketing of
R&D results
- DepEd's budget allocation - Human Resource Development
increased to P543.2 billion in Support of S&T services
2017 from P309.43 billion in
2014. Accelerated Science and Technology
- There has also been an increase Human Resource Development
in the hiring rate of public-school Program
teachers in 2011 Supports the graduate studies in DOST
- DepEd provides financial and accredited universities
assistance to students through
the Government Assistance to Balik Scientist
Students and Teachers in Private A program that encourages Filipino
Education (GASTPE) scientists working abroad to return to
the Philippines
Early Childhood Care and
Development (ECCD) Scientific Career System
Alternative Learning System (ALS) It recognizes and compensates
scientists with accomplished works.
CHED developed the Higher Education
Reform Agenda (HERA) in 2012 that National Science Consortium
focuses on four key tactical and enhance the capability of HEIs to
transformative strategies: produce technically competent PhD and
- To expand access to quality MS graduates by providing graduate
education and training scholarships.
- To enhance the capacity or
competencies of graduates and FILIPINO INVENTIONS AND
- To develop and foster excellence Four (4) areas were being
in colleges and universities and promoted by the DOST commercially
- To enshrine ethical and into national and international markets
innovative governance in HEIs to promote indigenous technologies.
1. Textile Manufacture
Student Financial Assistance 2. Food production
Programs (StuFAPs) 3. Architecture
- Scholarships 4. Engineering
- Grants-in-aid
- Student loans
● The Commission on Higher Some of the products being produced
Education (CHED) recognizes from these local technologies are the
HEIs with high-quality instruction, following:
research, extension and linkage 1. Fermented food
by recognizing them as Centers
of Development and Excellence.
a. Kesong puti – white d. Delta Mini Cruiser – for
cheese made from goat’s commercial and military
milk use
b. Patis - fish sauce
c. Banana Catsup 6. Medicine
d. Burong isda – fermented
fish Medicinal plants:
a. Ampalaya
2. Alcoholic beverages b. Lagundi
a. Lambanog – coconut c. Sambong
b. Basi – sugarcane wine ● Erythromycin – treatment for a
c. Tapey – rice wine number of bacterial infections.
d. Bignay/Bugnay – wild ○ Antibiotic discovered by
berry wine Dr. Abelardo Aguilar
e. Tuba – coconut toddy
7. Weapons
3. Textile a. Balisong – also known as
a. Abaca fiber - prized for its butterfly knife
great mechanical strength, b. Marine Scout Sniper
resistance to saltwater Rifle – developed by
damage, and long fiber Philippine Marine corps
length Scout Snipers)
b. Jusi – pineapple leaves; c. Personal Defense
barong Weapon – developed by
c. Saluyot the Government arsenal of
d. Natural dyes from the Philippines
indigenous plants – d. Sumpit – a local blowgun
guava, yellow ginger,
talisay 8. Space Technology
a. Diwata-1 – also known as
4. Construction materials and Civil PHL-Microsat-1
Rainier Ronda
Construction Materials Wrote an article in the Philippine Star
- Bamboo about the inventions of Jose Rizal
- Coconut lumber during his exile in Dapitan.
- Santol wood
- Rice hull cement Agricultural and Irrigation Inventions
of Jose Rizal:
Civil Engineering - First Brick-Making Machine
- VAZBUILT modular housing - Irrigation System
system – ready-to-build housing - Biscuit Molds
- Rice terraces of Cordilleras Module 4: Human Flourishing In
Science & Technology
5. Transport Vehicles
a. Jeepney – a modified Martin Heidegger
American military jeep - German philosopher
b. Vinta – a boat made by acknowledged to be one of the
Badjao and Tausug tribes most important in the 20th
c. Balangay – also known as century
Butuan Boat - Known for his philosophical
hermeneutics = interpretation
- Main interest is ontology = the According to ancient doctrine, the
study of being/becoming essence of a thing is considered to be
- Ontology is the philosophical what the thing is. We ask the question
study of the nature of being, concerning technology when we ask
becoming, existence, or reality what it is. Everyone knows the two
- It is the study of how we statements that answer our question.
determine if things exist or One says: Technology is a means to an
not. end. The other says: Technology is a
- Metaphysics is the branch of human activity. The two definitions of
philosophy that studies the technology belong together.
essence of a thing. This includes
questions of being, becoming, To posit ends and procure and utilize the
existence, and reality. means to them is a human activity. The
manufacture and utilization of
Martin Heidegger and his thoughts on equipment, tools, and machines, the
technology - as a Mode of Revealing manufactured and used things
- Wrote the article “The Question themselves, and the needs and ends
Concerning Technology” that they serve, all belong to what
- It seeks to urge humans to technology is. The whole complex of
question technology and see these contrivances is technology.
beyond people’s common
understanding of it. Technology itself is a contrivance, or, in
Latin, an instrumentum
In "The Question Concerning
Technology," he asks, "how do we The current conception of technology,
generally think about technology?" according to which it is a means and
a human activity, can therefore be called
He comes up with two answers: the instrumental and anthropological
- technology is a means to an end definition of technology.
- and technology is a human
activity Martin Heidegger and his thoughts on
"instrumental [aimed at getting things He introduced the concepts of aletheia
done] and anthropological [a human (to disclose/reveal), poiesis (bring-forth)
activity] definition of technology" and techne (skill)— for him, technology
is a “poiesis that discloses or reveals the
Technology is a human activity truth”.
- When we treat human He thinks that technology brings about
capabilities as though they were our “decline” by constricting our
only means for technological experience of things as they are.
procedures, as when a worker
becomes nothing but an He further argues that we see nature
instrument for production, that's and people only as “raw materials” for
when we say that human activity technical operations.
is defined as technology.
- Leaders and planners, along with Hence, we could say that “technology”
the rest of us, are mere human has become powerful enough to control
resources to be arranged, the human person (and not the other
rearranged, and disposed of. way around).
- We as human beings are used as
a tool, as a gadget, we are a Heidegger and the ways we could
means to an end. escape being “shackled” by
- He wrote "The Origin of the Work To end…
of Art" The problem for Heidegger is not so
- He thinks that …Art opens up a much the existence of technology or the
world and at the same time sets forms it takes, but rather our orientation
this world back again on earth, to technology.
which itself only thus, emerges as
native ground. If we accept this formulation of the
- He also sees the power of problem, then it becomes clear that our
language to “connect” or to response to the various problems
bridge gaps. brought about by technology cannot be
solved simply by making the technology
Human Person Swallowed by better. It is also impossible to ignore
Technology these difficulties simply by "opting out"
- Humans are getting swallowed by of technology.
modern technology, we lose our
essence of who we are as Module 5: Genetically Modified
beings in this world. Organisms
- “But where danger is, grows the
saving power also.” Holderlin “The benefits of GM crops greatly
- The essence of technology is not outweigh the health risks”
found in the instrumentality and David Zilberman,
functions of machines
constructed, but the significance Genetically Modified Organism
such technology unfolds. – - A plant
Heidegger - An animal
- For him, humans could escape - A microorganism
being “shackled” by the power of
technology not by rejecting Methods:
technology but by perceiving its 1. Recombinant DNA method (gene
danger. splicing
2. Gene modification
Technology: Bring-forth or Challenge 3. Transgenic technology
Bring forth refers to an act of bringing Hybrid Organism
something out of concealment. And by - Organisms of the same or
bringing something in concealment, the different species
truth of that something is revealed.
Or turning some raw materials into a Methods:
new form, like a stone which was used 1. Interbreeding between individuals
as weapons or tools for cutting & of different species or
hunting. 2. Genetically divergent individuals
from the same species
Challenging forth challenges nature, and
demands of its resources that are most Advantages/Applications of GMO
of the time forcibly extracted for the - Increase food production
never ending demands of human - Prevent world hunger
consumption and storage. - Lower price of food
Modern technology is challenging-forth - Increase farmers’ safety
- Less use of pesticides
Heidegger is simply telling us that we - Lower cost of expenses
should not be consumed by technology. - Faster growth rates
He is not saying that it is bad. But being - Improve nutritional value
slave to it is what makes it bad. - To grow human transplant tissues
and organs (xenotransplantation)
- Possibilities of introducing 5. Soya
vaccines, antibodies and Modified to have a high level of oleic
medicines into foods acid, a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty
- Can be considered as future acid that may lower LDL cholesterol
clean fuel producers and
biodegraders 6. Tomato
- Grows in dry and salty lands To create spicy tomatoes using Crispr
- Withstand harsh environment gene-editing techniques
(like flood, and high & low
temperatures) 7. Salmon
- Tolerate insects, diseases and To make it last long, grow faster (16-18
herbicides mo VS. 32-36 mo) and produce more
babies as well
Disadvantages and Risks of GMOs
- Some organisms may be put to 8. Mosquitos
extinction Alterations to female mosquitos who
- Reduced effectiveness and were spreading malaria and sterilize
increased use of pesticides as them by using CRISPR-Cas9 gene
they become resistant to modifying technology
- Uncontrolled biological pollution 9. Cows
- Modification of genes surviving Human milk contains lysozyme (HLZ),
the digestive process which is a key in fighting bacteria and
- Increase in food allergies boosting an infant’s immune system.
- Development of herbicide They are trying to produce breast milk
resistant weeds which could one day replace the need
- Gathering of toxic substance from for baby formula and to increase milk
the environment production
- Other negative health effects
10. Pigs
GMOs and why they were modified: Scientists created low-fat pigs to provide
hog growers with animals that would be
1. ‘Golden Rice’ Cure less expensive to raise and withstand
Modified to increase nutritional value by cold weather
adding Vitamin A
Module 6: Nanotechnology World
2. Cassava
Has 30 times the usual amount of Nanotechnology a field of applied study
beta-carotene and four times as much that deals with the manipulation and
iron, as well as higher levels of protein analysis of matter at the atomic or
and zinc molecular scale

3. Potato It is the study and application of tiny

To reduce bruising and prevent things and can be used across all the
formation of black spots. And also other science fields, such as chemistry,
prevents browning, caused by biology, physics, materials science, and
Acrylamide engineering.

4. Corn The ideas and concepts behind

Developed to contain 169-fold that nanoscience and nanotechnology
typical amount of beta-carotene six started with a talk entitled "There's
times as much vitamin C and double the Plenty of Room at the Bottom" by
folate physicist Richard Feynman (flash the
picture) at an American Physical Society
meeting at the California Institute of word, published his first paper on
Technology on December 29, 1959, long nanotechnology in 1981. He was the
before the term nanotechnology was one who coined the term Gray Goo, in
used. which out-of-control self-replicating
nanobots destroy the biosphere by
Twenty-five years later, he received an producing their replicas and feeding on
invitation to give that lecture again in the materials necessary for life.
seminar called "The idiosyncratic
Thinking," where he presented his Birth of Nanotechnology
philosophy of thinking unconventionally Although modern nanoscience and
and differently. He entitled his talk "Tiny nanotechnology are relatively new,
Machine" He imagined a day when nanoscale materials were used for
things could be miniaturized -- when centuries. Alternate-sized gold and
vast amounts of information could be silver particles created colors in the
encoded onto increasingly small spaces, stained glass windows of medieval
and when machinery could be made churches hundreds of years ago. Gold
considerably smaller and more compact. changes color the thinner it gets. The
artists back then didn’t know that the
Nanostructures process they used to create these
- A nanostructure is defined as any beautiful works of art led to changes in
structure with one or more the composition of the materials they
dimensions, measuring in the were working with.
nanometer scale range, that is,
10–9 m. Atoms, as we know, are impossible to
- There are 25,400,000 see with the naked eye, not even
nanometers in an inch microscopes that we’ve been using in
- A sheet of newspaper/hair is school.
about 100,000 nanometers thick.
- Cell is 7000 nm The electron microscopes needed to
see things at the nanoscale and
What are nanofibers? manipulate them leads to the birth of the
- Nanofiber is a continuous fiber nanotechnology age were
which has a diameter in a range
of billionths of a meter. That is 1 A. Scanning Tunneling Microscope
meter divided by one billion. (STM)
- The smallest nanofiber today B. Atomic Force Microscope (AFM).
ranges from 1,50 to 1.75 C. Scanning Probe Microscope
nanometer, so that is (SPM)
Today's scientists and engineers are
The Japanese scientist Norio Taniguchi finding a wide variety of ways to make
of Tokyo University of Science was the materials at the nanoscale to enhanced
first to use the term "nanotechnology" in properties deliberately
a 1974 conference. - Higher-strength,
- Lighter weight,
His definition was, "'Nano-technology' - Space saver
mainly consists of the processing of, - Lower energy consumption
separation, consolidation, and - Increased control of the light
deformation of materials by one atom or spectrum, and
one molecule." - Greater chemical reactivity than
their larger-scale counterparts
However, the term was not used again
until 1981 when Eric Drexler, who was
unaware of Taniguchi's prior use of the
Zinc oxide nanoparticles are added to IV. Consumer Products
clothes and textile to make it dirt & water Nanotechnology has already found its
repellant, stain and odor resistant. way into numerous consumer products
Nanoscale titanium dioxide and zinc you use every day, from clothing,
oxide powders are now commonly used detergent to skincare products,
by cosmetics manufacturers for facial batteries, and furniture.
base creams and sunscreen lotions.
V. Sporting Goods
Nanotechnology has already found its Nanotechnology is used for spinning
way into medicine, electronics, the stronger and lighter materials for
environment, numerous consumer applications such as bullet-proof vests,
products, sporting goods, and tennis rackets, bike frames, swimsuits,
transportation. and balls for golf, tennis, and bowling.

I. Medicine. VI. Transportation

One application in medicine currently Nanotechnology offers the promise of
being developed is to deliver drugs, developing multifunctional materials that
heat, light, or other substances to will contribute to building and
specific types of cells, such as cancer maintaining lighter, safer, smarter, and
cells. This technology aims to target more efficient vehicles, aircraft,
only the diseased cell, thus reducing spacecraft, and ships.
damage to healthy cells. The current It has been estimated that reducing the
treatment being employed is through weight of a commercial jet aircraft by 20
radiotherapy and chemotherapy. One percent could reduce its fuel
application in medicine currently being consumption by as much as 15 percent.
developed is to deliver drugs, heat, light,
or other substances to specific types of What are the Potential Risks?
cells, such as cancer cells. This Several potential risks may be
technology aims to target only the encountered with the use of
diseased cell, thus reducing damage to nanoparticles as there are benefits.
healthy cells. The current treatment 1. The Privacy invasion.
being employed is through radiotherapy Nanotechnology raises the
and chemotherapy. possibility of microscopic
recording devices, which would
II. Electronics be virtually undetectable.
Nanoelectronics holds some answers on 2. Nanopollutants =
expanding the capabilities of electronics Nanopollutants are
that can be developed while reducing nanoparticles small enough to
their weight and power consumption. enter your lungs or be absorbed
These include improving the display by your skin. Since these
screen, the density of memory chips, particles are microscopic,
and reducing the size of transistors. problems can arise from the
inhalation of these minute
III. Environment particles.
Nanotech plays a significant role in 3. More seriously is the possibility
sustaining the environment. The that nanotechnology could be
process includes cleaning up existing weaponized. Atomic weapons
pollution, improving manufacturing would be easier to create, and
methods to reduce the generation of novel weapons might also be
new pollution, and making alternative developed. One option is the
energy sources more cost-effective. so-called "smart bullet," a
computerized bullet that could be
controlled and aimed very
4. Another risk is the possible loss He tried to develop a theory of climate
of jobs in the traditional farming based on seasonal and latitudinal
and manufacturing industry. variations of sunlight received by the
Nanotech devices and machines Earth.
have taken the place of humans
to work faster and accurately, Milankovitch Parameters
which has lessened the Milankovitch explains the cause of
importance of men's power in the climate change using three parameters:
field of practical work. 1. variations in the Earth's orbital
5. Ethical concerns of misuse eccentricity; (shape of the orbit
also include the possibility of around the sun)
Altering the genetic make-up of 2. changes in obliquity or inclination
humans by engineering specific (changes in the angle that Earth’s
traits. Such a procedure would be axis makes with the plane of
directed toward the high-income Earth’s orbit)
section of society. It could further 3. precession, the shift in the
divide the population into a direction of the Earth's axis of
"super" class of intelligent, rotation (change in the direction
healthy beings and a lower level of the Earth’s axis of rotation)
of "average" people.
Together, the periods of these orbital
Nanotechnology is often described as motions have become known as
an emerging technology—one that not Milankovitch cycles.
only holds promise for society, but also
can revolutionize our approaches to Earth’s Orbit Eccentricity
common problems. Nanotechnology is One consideration in explaining climate
not a completely new field; however, it is change is the movement of the earth
only lately that discoveries in this field around the sun. And the best way to
have advanced so far as to merit imagine this, is to look at its orbit. The
examination of their impact upon the orbit is eccentric, meaning from a
world around us. flattened circle to a more elliptical one
due to gravitational fields of neighboring
Nanotechnology has direct beneficial planets, esp the bigger ones like Jupiter
applications for medicine, and Saturn. According to Milankovitch,
transportation, goods and the every 100,000 years Earth’s orbit
environment, but like all technologies it becomes more elliptical.
may have accidental effects that can
adversely impact the environment, the Earth’s Obliquity of the Ecliptic
human body and the natural ecosystem. As the Earth revolves around the sun,
While taking advantage of this new the orbit remains elliptical, and its
technology for health, environmental, orientation changes over time.
and sustainability benefits, science Milankovitch said that every 41,000
needs to examine the environmental, years Earth’s tilt changes from 22.1
security and health implications. degrees to 24.5 degrees and back. The
changes in season are due to earth’s
Module 8: Climate Change inclination. The more tilt means more
severe seasons, that is warmer
Milutin Milankovitch summers and colder winters, less tilt
The Serbian astrophysicist Milutin means less severe seasons- that is
Milankovitch is best known for cooler summers and milder winters. This
developing one of the most significant is what we call OBLIQUITY.
theories relating Earth motions and
long-term climate change.
Equinox refers to the time when the PRECESSION
sun at noon is directly over the - The slight wobbling of the Earth
equator. that causes a change in the
- It happens twice a year and orientation of the rotational axis.
cause to have an equal length of - Earth's North axis points at
day & night. Polaris, the North star. But
- Earth’s inclination causes the 13,000 years from now, it will be
seasons to change as it revolves pointing at Vega.
around the sun. It results in what - And Vega will then be the
we call equinox and solstice. so-called North Star. When it
Equinox refers to the time when happens, the North axis will tilt
the sun is directly over the towards the sun in December.
equator. This phenomenon
happens in March & September Precession as well as tilting are the
when the Earth receives an equal reasons why regions near and at the
amount of sunlight, resulting to poles experience very long nights and
equal length of day & night very long days at certain times of the
SHORTER DAYS Currently perihelion occurs during winter
- Winter solstice – longer nights & in the Northern Hemisphere and in
shorter days. summer in the Southern Hemisphere.
- Summer solstice – longer days & This makes Southern Hemisphere
shorter nights. summers hotter and moderates
Northern Hemisphere seasonal
The solstice happens when the sunlight variations. But in about 13,000 years,
is directly over the Tropic of Cancer in axial precession will cause these
June or Tropic of Capricorn in conditions to flip, with the Northern
December. Hemisphere seeing more extremes in
solar radiation and the Southern
Notice that when the North axis is tilted Hemisphere experiencing more
towards the sun in June, a larger area in moderate seasonal variations.
the northern hemisphere receives
sunlight, causing longer days and a Global Warming
smaller area in the southern Global warming describes the current
hemisphere, resulting in shorter days. rise in the average temperature of
This is the opposite in December, Earth's air and oceans. Global warming
where a small area in the Northern part is often described as the most recent
receives light resulting in shorter days example of climate change.
and larger areas in the south causing
longer days. Earth's climate has changed many
times. Our planet has gone through
Greater tilts mean that the hemispheres multiple ice ages, in which ice sheets
closer to the Sun, i.e., during summer, and glaciers covered large portions of
will experience a larger amount of heat the Earth. It has also gone through
than when the tilt is less. In other words, warm periods when temperatures were
regions in the extreme upper and lower higher than they are today.
hemispheres will experience the hottest
summers and the coldest winters during The Milankovitch parameters seem to
a maximum tilt. be part of the cause of climate change,
though it is not the sole cause. Climate
Change can lead to global warming.
Global warming may be due to natural
processes or anthropogenic, meaning greenhouse gasses produced by human
caused by human activity. beings. They might not be aware that
there are other natural global warming
The Greenhouse Effect causes. These natural factors can
Human activities contribute to global indeed have a large impact on the
warming by increasing the greenhouse Earth’s overall temperature, as seen in
effect. prehistoric times. The earth's climate is
influenced and changed through natural
The greenhouse effect happens when causes like volcanic eruptions, ocean
certain gases—known as greenhouse currents, the Earth's orbital changes,
gases—collect in Earth’s atmosphere. solar variations and internal variability. is
The greenhouse effect is a process that short-term cooling. Volcanic eruptions
occurs when gases in Earth's pump out clouds of dust and ash, which
atmosphere trap the Sun's heat. block out some sunlight.

Anthropogenic causes of Global Environmental Mitigation Measures

warming Environment changes over time by
natural processes and by human
3 largest sources of Greenhouse gases activity, anthropologically. Naturally
burning fossil fuels means the natural phenomenon that
1. Electricity happens like solar bombardment,
2. Heat drought, heavy rains, erosion, and
3. Transportation. others.

Anthropogenic causes of Global Nature’s bounty and abundance are

warming diminishing due to human activities like
- Power Plants like mining, , deforestation, flattening of
- Transportation mountains for soil ,etc
- Farming & Fertilizers
- Deforestation The Best Ways to Prevent
- Oil and Gas Drilling Environmental Degradation
- Permafrost
- Garbage 1. Reduce Our Overall
Consumption of Natural
Human activities are responsible for Resources.
almost all of the increase in greenhouse Our natural resources that the planet
gases in the atmosphere over the last gives us are limited, but many people
150 years. The largest source of seem to forget that.
greenhouse gas emissions from human
activities is from burning fossil fuels for We can help by cutting down by 70%
electricity, heat, and transportation. our used of resources like the trees
used for making papers and other
Natural Causes of Global Warming materials, as well as fossil fuels, such as
- Solar Activity oil, to fuel our cars and keep our
- Natural Forest Fires industries moving. This is very timely as
- El Nino Southern Oscillation online classes, or maybe blended
(ENSO) learning are already in placed. For
- Earth’s orbital changes industries they may opt to use solar
- Volcanic eruptions discharge panels for energy supplies..
- Violent Eruptions Our wildlife and flora rely on their natural
environment, and if we keep tearing it
Many people have the perception that down to serve our needs, we will have
global warming is mainly the result of nothing left.
pollution and the increase in
2. Reuse All the Resources and food chain is affected, we as humans,
Materials That We Possibly Can. we will also be affected.
If we start reusing things like plastics,
papers or tin cans, environmental Since environmental degradation can be
degradation will be greatly reduced. This attributed to human activities, it can
is a measure that everyone can do therefore be minimized by making them
without extra cost. If we can't do it then aware of the damages and the harmful
we can just segregate our trash effects that it can cause in our lives.
because this can be converted to money Here are some ways to prevent
for some. environmental degradation.

3. Recycle What We Can,

Whenever We Can
Recycling is the best way to slow down
environmental degradation, and is
something that everyone should partake
in. If we want to save the planet and
take on this mission together, recycling
the best way to fight environmental
degradation together

4. Green Transportation
If we all ride bikes instead of driving
cars, we could combat pollution quite
easily. Cars and other vehicles release
pollution into the air, which only causes
the slow, deadly process of environment
degradation to speed up, and cut our
time on this planet even shorter. Not
only would the air be so much cleaner if
we all chose green transportation, such
as bike riding to get to where we all
need to go throughout the day, but over
time we would all be in better shape.
This is one of the best ways to combat
environmental degradation.

5. Give Back to the Environment.

The best possible way to help prevent
environmental degradation, is to give
back to the environmentYou can do this
successfully by planting three trees for
every one that is cut down for the
forestry industry. When it comes to the
planet’s trees, you can never have
enough. Trees give us clean air to
breathe, they literally filter out the bad
and pump out the good, which is why
we’d never survive without them.
Keeping our forests alive is not only
important to our ecosystem, but to the
wildlife system of the world as well,
because it’s their home. Also when the

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