Module 1: Historical Antecedents
Module 1: Historical Antecedents
Module 1: Historical Antecedents
Roads Ink
- In order to facilitate faster and - When the Egyptians invented the
easier travel, the Sumerians papyrus or the paper, engraving
developed the first roads. ceased to be used in writing.
- They made the roads with the - As a result, the Egyptians
same technology they used in invented ink by combining soot
making the sun-baked bricks that with different chemicals to
they laid down on the ground. produce inks of different colors.
- They later poured bitumen, a
black sticky substance similar to Hieroglyphics
asphalt. - Like the Sumerians, the
Egyptians also developed a
BABYLONIAN CIVILIZATION system of writing using symbols,
Babylonian civilization emerged near the known as hieroglyphics.
Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The - Egyptians believed that this
Babylonians were great builders, writing system was provided to
engineers, and architects. One of their them by their gods.
major contributions is the hanging - This form of writing can still be
gardens of Babylon, one of the seven seen today and remains to be as
wonders of the ancient world. famous as the pyramids.
4. Green Transportation
If we all ride bikes instead of driving
cars, we could combat pollution quite
easily. Cars and other vehicles release
pollution into the air, which only causes
the slow, deadly process of environment
degradation to speed up, and cut our
time on this planet even shorter. Not
only would the air be so much cleaner if
we all chose green transportation, such
as bike riding to get to where we all
need to go throughout the day, but over
time we would all be in better shape.
This is one of the best ways to combat
environmental degradation.