The Buddhist Teaching of Detachment
The Buddhist Teaching of Detachment
The Buddhist Teaching of Detachment
Questions about the Dharma
About the author: José Manuel Martínez Sánchez . Albacete (Spain), 1983. Graduate in
Hispanic Philology from the University of Murcia and Master in Humanistic Psychology. He has
also been a Reiki Master since 1999. To date he has published the following books: "Epica del
naufragio" (poetry), "The postmodern man" (essay), "Seeking inner peace" (essay), “Towards
spiritual awakening” (essay), “The light of conscience” (essay), “Children of the Sun” (novel) and
“Concert of Hopes” (poetry). Blog:
[1] Buddha and his teaching. (2007). (R. Street, Translated)
Madrid: Edaf.
[2] The cited chapter and verse of the Dhammapada are indicated,
[4] The path to nirvana. Anthology of texts from the Pali Canon.
(1997). Madrid: Edaf.