Diagnostic Laparos

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Diagnostic Laparoscopy

Electronic Eye Inside Abdomen R.K. Mishra

World Laparoscopy Hospital Essentials of Laparoscopic Surgery


 Diagnostic
laparoscopy is a minimal
access surgical
procedure that allows the
visual examination and
documentation of intra
abdominal organs in
order to detect pathology.

World Laparoscopy Hospital Essentials of Laparoscopic Surgery


 The Image of the liver, stomach,

intestines, gallbladder, spleen,
peritoneum, and pelvic organs
can be viewed.
 Manipulation and biopsy of the
viscera is possible by introducing
forceps through additional ports.

World Laparoscopy Hospital Essentials of Laparoscopic Surgery


 Diagnostic laparoscopy was

first introduced in 1901 by
Kelling, He performed it on
 A Swedish internist named
Jacobaeusc is credited with
performing the first
diagnostic laparoscopy on
human in 1910 for ascitis.

Kelling 1901

World Laparoscopy Hospital Essentials of Laparoscopic Surgery

Non-traumatic, non-gynaecologic
acute abdomen like:
 Appendicitis
 Diverticulitis
 Duodenal perforation
 Mesenteric adenitis.
 Intestinal adhesion
 Omental necrosis.
 Intestinal infarction.
 Complicated Meckel’s diverticulum.
 Bedside Laparoscopy in the ICU.
 Torsion of intra-abdominal testis.

World Laparoscopy Hospital Essentials of Laparoscopic Surgery

Gynaecological abdominal
emergencies like:
 Ovarian cysts.
 Pelvic inflammatory
 Acute salpingitis.
 Ectopic pregnancy.
 Endometriosis.
 Perforated uterus due to
criminal abortion
 Salpingitis
 Abdominal trauma:

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Lignocain injection over inferior crease of umbilicus

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Position Of Surgical Team

Surgeon stand left to the patient and camera person

right to the surgeon
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Port position and Surgical
•Diagnostic Laparoscopy should
always be performed by two ports
•Surgeon should hold camera and
instrument himself to perform
Diagnostic Laparoscopy
•Ideally the working port should
be in left iliac fossa

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Port Position

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Systemic plan





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Systemic plan of inspection

 Patient in steep trendelenberg position

Hepatic flexure Start

Right side
of Structure just below
ascending umbilicus

Cecum & Appendix

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Systemic plan of inspection

 Reverse the Trendelenberg tilt

Right lobe of the Telescope should Transverse left lobe of
liver and gall then be withdrawn colon the liver.
bladder a little to cross
falciform ligament
Walk over to Small Desce
Intestine nding
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Inspection of Pelvis

 Trendelenberg position
Fallopian tube
from cornu to fimbriae
TPT if necessary
The round ligament
Anterior cul de sac


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Normal Pelvis

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T.B. Abdomen

Video demonstration of miliary tuberculosis

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Cirrhosis of Liver

Video of cirrhotic liver with enlarged lymph node

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Carcinoma & Haemangioma liver

Carcinoma of liver secondary to GB CA

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Small bowel Lymphoma

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Metastasis of Gastric Carcinoma

Video demonstration of Metastasis of Gastric carcinoma

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Duodenal Perforation

Video showing Duodenal Perforation

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Intestinal Obstruction

Diagnostic Laparoscopy for Intestinal obstruction

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Video showing rupture diaphragm after RTA

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Video showing laceration of liver after RTA

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Hemorrhagic Pancreatitis

Video showing diagnosis and management of

hemorrhagic pancreatitis

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Common site of Endometriosis is

Uterosacral ligament

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Chocolate Cyst Video of Tubo-ovarian Mass after


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Ectopic pregnancy

Unruptured Ectopic Pregnancy

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Ectopic pregnancy

Unruptured tubal pregnancy Small ruptured tubal pregnancy

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Small Ruptured Ectopic

Small ruptured tubal pregnancy of right side

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Ectopic Pregnancy

Hematoma after ruptured ectopic pregnancy

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Bicornuate uterus

Bicornuate uterus can be easily diagnosed during diagnostic laparoscopy

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Ovarian Drilling with PCOD

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Polycystic ovary

Over drilled
polycystic overy

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Ovarian Cyst

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Torted Ovarian Cyst

Torted ovarian cyst with start of gangrene of fallopian tube

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Torted Ovarian Cyst


Torted ovarian cyst

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Follicular Cyst

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Flimsy adhesion can be removed with the help of scissors

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Gangrene fallopian tube

Gangrene of Fallopian tube can be seen occasionally

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Sub serous and intramural fibroid

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After proper consent Myomectomy can be performed if

gynecologist has sufficient suturing skill

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Huge cyst of liver

Hydatid cyst of liver can be managed laparoscopically nicely

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Lymphangioma of Mesentery

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Video demonstrating severe adhesion after Chronic PID

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Meckels Diverticulum

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Impalpable Testes

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Video demonstration of adhesiolysis with the help of scissors and Bipolar hook

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Adhesiolysis with Harmonics

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Staging for Oncology


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End of Surgery

 Specimen is
collected for
Cytology and Biopsy
 Therapeutic
Laparoscopy can be
performed if consent
of patient is there

Video demonstrating dissection and

retrieval of tissue for biopsy

World Laparoscopy Hospital Essentials of Laparoscopic Surgery

Thank You

Prof. Mishra with trainees of Advanced course September 2006

World Laparoscopy Hospital Essentials of Laparoscopic Surgery

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