Logic and Proofs - 4
Logic and Proofs - 4
Logic and Proofs - 4
to Proofs
Proofs of Mathematical
A proof is a valid argument that establishes the truth of a
In math, CS, and other disciplines, informal proofs which are
generally shorter, are generally used.
More than one rule of inference are often used in a step.
Steps may be skipped.
The rules of inference used are not explicitly stated.
Easier for to understand and to explain to people.
But it is also easier to introduce errors.
Proofs have many practical applications:
verification that computer programs are correct
establishing that operating systems are secure
enabling programs to make inferences in artificial intelligence
showing that system specifications are consistent
A theorem is a statement that can be shown to be true
other theorems
axioms (statements which are given as true)
rules of inference
A lemma is a ‘helping theorem’ or a result which is needed
to prove a theorem.
A corollary is a result which follows directly from a theorem.
Less important theorems are sometimes called propositions.
A conjecture is a statement that is being proposed to be
true. Once a proof of a conjecture is found, it becomes a
theorem. It may turn out to be false.
Forms of Theorems
Many theorems assert that a property holds for all elements in
a domain, such as the integers, the real numbers, or some of
the discrete structures that we will study in this class.
Often the universal quantifier (needed for a precise
statement of a theorem) is omitted by standard
mathematical convention.
For example, the statement:
“If x > y, where x and y are positive real numbers, then
x2 > y2 ”
really means
“For all positive real numbers x and y, if x > y, then x2 >
y2 .”
Proving Theorems
Many theorems have the form:
where v = pu + qt
w = qu ≠ 0
Thus the sum is rational.
Proving Conditional
Statements: p → q
Proof by Contraposition: Assume ¬q and show ¬p is true also. This
is sometimes called an indirect proof method. If we give a direct
proof of ¬q → ¬p then we have a proof of p → q.
Why does this work?
Example: Prove that if n is an integer and 3n + 2 is odd,
then n is odd.
Solution: Assume n is even. So, n = 2k for some integer k.
3n + 2 = 3(2k) + 2 =6k +2 = 2(3k + 1) = 2j for j = 3k +1
Therefore 3n + 2 is even. Since we have shown ¬q → ¬p , p →
q must hold as well. If n is an integer and 3n + 2 is odd (not
even) , then n is odd (not even).
Proving Conditional
Statements: p → q
Proof by Contradiction: (AKA reductio ad absurdum).
To prove p, assume ¬p and derive a contradiction
such as p ∧ ¬p. (an indirect form of proof). Since we
have shown that ¬p →F is true , it follows that the
contrapositive T→p also holds.
A preview of Chapter 4.
Example: Use a proof by contradiction to give a proof that √2
is irrational.
Solution: Suppose √2 is rational. Then there exists integers a and b
with √2 = a/b, where b≠ 0 and a and b have no common factors. Then
Solution: ????
Looking Ahead
Case 1: a ≥ b ≥ c
(a @ b) = a, a @ c = a, b @ c = b
Hence (a @ b) @ c = a = a @ (b @ c)
Therefore the equality holds for the first case.
We only cover the case where x is odd because the case where y is odd is
similar. The use phrase without loss of generality (WLOG) indicates
Existence Proofs