Sahil Sekh CLI
Sahil Sekh CLI
Sahil Sekh CLI
Please mention if you have lodged any claim in the past uhder Secure Mind/Group Sécure Mind/ Income Protect/ Ci/ Health policy with
ICICI Lombard GIC Ltd. /Under similar policies with other insurance companies in the past lf yes, plsase specify details:
Salid Se ka
Date:JJJJJJJ Place:JJJJIJJJJJ jAplicant Signature:
1. Ihereby decare,'on my behalf and on behalf of all persons proposer for the sole purpose of underwriting the proposal
proposed to be insured, that the above statements, answers and/or claims settlement and with any Governmental and/or
and/or particulars given by me are true and complete in all Regulatory authority.
respects to the best of my knowiedge and that lam authorised 8. Tdeclare that the contents of this products covered in this form
to propose on behalf of these other persons. rme and Ihave fuly
and the form have been fully explained to
understood the significance of the propUsed contract
2. Iunderstand that the information provided by me willform the coverage will Commence not
basis of the insurance policy, is subject to the Board approved 9. lunderstand that the insurance
disbursal of loan as referred overleaf or
underwniting policy of the insurer and that the policy willcome earlier than the date of
into force only after fult payment of the premium chargeabBe. after the futl premium is received by ICICI Lombard General
3. Ifurther declare that I will notify in writing any change Insurance Co. Ltd whichever is later subject to underwriting
occurring in the occupation or general health of the life to beapproval by ICICI Lombard General lnsurance Company Ltd.
Insured/proposer after the enrollment form has been 10, also confirm and declare that the persons whose details have
submitted but before communication of the risk acceptance been mentioned in this enrollment form for coverage are the
by the company. Applicant(s)/ Co-applicant(s)/Guarantor of the loan.
4. declare that consent to the company seeking medical 11. lhereby confirm that lam aware that enrolment to this product
information from any doctor or hospital who/which at any time is purely voluntary and is not linked to me availing of any other
has attended on the person to be insured/proposer or from any facility from the bank.
past or present employer concerning anythingwhich affects 12. Ihereby confirm that Ihave insurable interest in the policy and
the physical or mental health of the person to be the premium is not borne by any third party entity or person.
insured/proposer and seeking information from any insurer to 13. We hereby give my/our consent issued to enrol me/us into
whom an application for insurance on the person to be insured Income Protect policy underwritten by ICICI Lombard General
/proposer has been made for the purpose of underwriting the Insurance Co. Ltd. (IRDA Reg No 115).
proposal and/or claim settlement. 14. We agree to abide by the Terms & Conditions of the policy
5. Ihave been provided with the detail terms of the policy. Ihave and provide my consent to share my personal details, as
read, tnderstood and aware of the detais terms of the policy. required, regarding my enroiment into the policy with the
6. Ihave read and understood the terms and conditions of the Insurer.
Policy and confirm to abide by the same. Ihereby agree that the 15. We herebygive my/our consent the Company to verify
and obtain my/ouT identityfaddress proof as well as the
insurance coverage/ risks under the poficy wil! commence
subject to realization of fullpremium. Receipt of this form by the identity /address proof of the insured through Central KYC
Company shall not be construed as acceptance of proposal. Registry or UIDAI or through any other modes for the
Company in its sole discretion reserves the right to accept or purpose of undertaking KYC.
reject anyproposal without assigning any reasons thereof. 16. We hereby declare and confirm that the premium has been
7. lauthorize the company to share information pertaining to my paid out of legally acquired sources of income and the
proposal including the medical records of the insured/ subsequent premiums if any, willcontinue to be paid out of
legally declared and assessed source of income.
I We hereby give my consent to enroll me for Income Protect Product. Part B Part C
lconfirrnthat information furnished by me in my account and this enrollment form together constitute the enrollment documents for
Insurance policies.
|Product Coverage Sum Insured (in Rs)
Income Protect 33 Critical lIness
Major surgical procedures (MSP)
Accidental Death Benefit (PA)
Permanent Fotal DisabBerment (PTD)
proposer has the choice of
Disclaimer: The proposal features different products namely: Income Protect ICIHLGP22084V042122. The
whatsoever that these products are to
purchasingany one or more products as per his/her need and choice and there is no compulsion
brochure of the respective individual
be taken together. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the sales
products carefully before concluding a sale.
(Enrolling for Insurance Product is NOT MANDATORY)
(Under Section 41 of Insurance Law)
(Amendment Act 2015)
1) No person shal allow or offer toallow, either directly or indirectly as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue an
insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property, in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission
payabBe or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor shal any person taking out or renewing or continuinga PoBlicy accept
any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published prospectuses or tables of the lnsurer.
2) Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this section shallbe iable for apenalty, which may extend to ten
Nibhaye Vaade
ICICI Lombard General Insuranco Company Limited
Mailing Address: Intertace Building No. 16, 601-602, 6th Floo., New Link Road, Malad (West), Mumbai -400 064.
Registored Office Address: ICICILombard House, 414, Vesr Savarkar Marg, Near Siddhi Vinayak Temple, Prabhadevi, Mumbai 400 025.
Visit us at " Mailus at [email protected] "Tot Free No.: 1800 2666 " Chargable No.: +91 86 55 222 666
Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation, IRDA Reg. No. 115. CIN: L67200MH2000PLC129408.
UIN: Income protect ICIHLGP22084V042122