BSC Sem5
BSC Sem5
BSC Sem5
Unit-1: Java Language History, evolution, features, comparison with C and C++,, java SE8, phases and
block diagram of execution of java program, first java p rogram, java program with reading input and
printing output.
Unit-2: Java – Data types, variables, keywords, literals, escape sequence characters, type casting, type
conversion, type promotion,
Unit-4: Java classes, objects, new operator, object references, methods, box class, types of constructors,
this key word,.instance variable hiding, garbage collection, finalize method, stack class,
Unit-5: overloading methods and constructors, access controls, final method, static method, static
variables nested and inner classes, string class, command line arguments with vararg
Unit-6: Inheritance – member access & inheritance, subclass and super class, second use for
super, multi-level hierarchy, method overriding, dynamic method dispatching, abstract classes,
using final with inheritance
Unit-7: Packages –defining package, setting class path, access protection, importing packages. Interfaces
– defining, implementing, nested interfaces, applying interfaces, default interface methods, use static
method in an interface
Unit-8: Java Exception Handling – frame work, types of exceptions, uncought exceptions, try and catch,
nested catch, multiple try, throw, throws, finally, java built-in exceptions, user-defined exceptions,
chained exceptions, recently added 3 exceptions
Unit-9 : Java Applet basics – creating applets, including an applet on a web page, applet tag,
passing paramentrs to applets. Java- animation – painting, re-painting, starting, stopping,
reducing animation flicker
Unit-10 : Java database connectivity – JDBC definition, JDBC structure, registering and calling JDBC
drivers, JDBC URL and the connection, using JDBC drivers, installing JDBC-ODBC bridge, setting up
ODBC drivers, Aceessing ODBC services through JDBC, ODBC URL, JDBC to ODBC calls
Unit-11: , Java Event Hanling – event handling mechanism, event classes, key event class, source of
events, event listener interfaces, using delegation event model, adaptor classes, inner classes
Unit-12 Introducing Visual programming with Swing – Sewing is built on AWT, MVC
connection,swing packages, swing event handling, Jlabel and Image icon, JtextField, swing
buttons, JTabbedPane, JscrolledPane, JList, JComboBox, JTable, JTree
Descipline Specific Elective-1 :Semester –V
DSE-1 Operating Systems
Unit-1: Operating System - definition, history, concepts, structure, system calls, the world according to
C,research on operating systems
Unit-2: Processes and threads - Processes, threads, Inter Process Communication (IPC).Scheduling,
classical IPC problems, research on processes and threads
Unit-3: Memory management – no memory abstraction, address spaces, virtual memory, page
replacement algorithms, design and implementation issues in paging, page segmentation, research on
memory management.
Unit-4: File Systems – Files, directories, file system implementation, management, and optimization, and
example file system, research on file system.
Unit-5: Input / Output – Principles of I/O hardware and software, software layers, disks, user
interfaces, keyboard, ouse, monitor, thin clients, power management, research on input/output
Unit-6: Dead-locks- resources, deadlocks, the ostrich algorithm, deadlocks detection and
recovery, deadlocks avoidance and prevention,other issues, research on dead-locks
Unit-7: Virtualization and the cloud – History, requirements, type-1 and type-2 hypervisors, techniques,
memory virtualization, i/o virtualization, virtual machines on multi-core CPUs, licensing issues, clouds,
Unit-8: Virtualization and the cloud - case study VMWARE, research on virtual management. Multiple
processor systems – multiple processors, multi-computers
Unit-10 : Security – security environment, operating system security, controlling access to resources,
formal models of security, basics of cryptography, authentication
Unit-11: , Security – exploiting software, inside attacks, malware, defenses, research on security
Unit-12 Android Case Study - Android and google, History, design goals, architecture, Linux
extension, Dalvik, binder IPC, Andriod applications, intents, application sand boxes, security,
process model
8. Write a Java program Reading date and time from Linux operating system.
9. Write a Java program to set network settings for IPv6 Network in Linux Devices.
10. Write a Java program to set MAC address in Linux Devices.
11. Write a Java program to get MAC address of Linux based network device.
a. Write a Java program to set IP address, subnet mask, network gateway in Linux
Descipline Specific Elective-2 :Semester –V
DSE-2 Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis using Java
Unit-1: Mathematics review, Recursion revisited, Generic Templates in C++, Algorithm Analysis-
definition,model, running time calculations,
Unit-2: Lists-the list ADT, vector and list as Standard Template Library, implementation of
vector, Implementation of List
Stacks- The stack ADT, stack model implementation of stacks, applications of stacks
Unit-3: Queues - The Queue ADT, Queue model implementation of Queues, applications of
Unit-4: Trees –preliminaries, binary trees, search tree ADT for Binary search tree, AVL Trees
Unit-5: Trees - Splay trees, tree traversals revisited, B-Trees, Sets and Maps in the Standard Library
Unit-6: Hashing - General idea, hash function, separate chaining, hash tables without linked
lists, rehashing, hash tables in the standard library, hash tables with worst case O91) acess,
universal hashing, extendible hashing
Unit-7: Priority Queues (heaps) - model, simple implementation, binary heaps, application of heaps,
leftist heaps, skew heaps, Binomial queues, heaps in STL.
Unit-8: Sorting- Preliminaries, insertion sort, A lower bound for simple sorting algorithms, shell sort,
heap sort, merge sort
Unit-9 : Sorting – quick sort, decision rees, lower bond for decision trees, adversary lower
bound, linear-time sorts - bucket sort, radix sort, external sorting
Unit-10 : Graph-Algorithms – definition, topological sort, shortest path algorithms, network flow
Unit-11: , Graph-Algorithms - Minimum spanning trees, Application of Dept first search method, NP –
Complete problem
Unit-12 Advanced Data Structures implementation – top-down splay trees, red-black trees,
treaps, suffix array and suffix trees, k-d trees, pairing heaps