MasterTEAM-Student Handbook 2022-2023
MasterTEAM-Student Handbook 2022-2023
MasterTEAM-Student Handbook 2022-2023
International M.Sc. Program "Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine"
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NTUA
Iroon Polytechniou 9, Zografos 15780, Greece
18 months
Learn from professors
and researchers from
top-ranked engineering
Schools at a world-class
technical university. Starts
Academically rigorous 2022
coursework that links
research-backed concepts
to practice and accelerates
impact in the healthcare Located in
domain. NTUA
Cultivate entrepreneurial
skills to deliver high-
impact solutions powered Courses in
by deep science and English
technology. GLOBAL NETWORK
Gain hands-on experience in
the healthcare domain and
build your professional 90 ECTS
network by interacting and in total
connecting with a diverse
community of experts from the
industry, clinical sector, and
STRATEGIC regulatory bodies.
Opportunities for internships
and a richer academic
experience are available to
students through a strategic
collaboration with Columbia
University and the support of
Bodossaki Foundation.
01 / Introduction
02 / Program Overview
03 / Regulation
04 / Courses
05 / Administrative Framework
While funding for biomedical research has The interdisciplinarity of staff, students, and
increased exponentially in recent years, there has learning subjects are the key features of the M.Sc.
been no corresponding increase in the in Translational Engineering in Health and
development of practical solutions to clinical Medicine at NTUA.
needs. Engineering and Life Sciences graduates
need advanced and interdisciplinary training Students will work on cutting-edge topics in
towards this direction. The international Master of biomedical data science and artificial intelligence,
Science (M.Sc.) in Translational Engineering in neuroengineering, multi-scale modeling, digital
Health and Medicine, organized by the School of health, intelligent reality, healthcare robotics, and
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) in biomedical microelectromechanical systems
collaboration with the School of Mechanical (BioMEMs) among others. The curriculum focuses
Engineering (ME) of the National Technical on instilling entrepreneurial and leadership skills in
University of Athens (NTUA), is designed to bridge students as well as exposing them to all of the
that gap by preparing students to pioneer the steps involved in translating research discoveries
transformation of innovative technologies into into innovative medical products and services.
commercial devices and services with a significant Seminars highlight emerging research in
socioeconomic impact in the field of health. bioengineering and provide training in research
ethics. The program fosters a multidisciplinary and
The program builds on NTUA's decades of multisectoral approach through student
foundational work in biomedical engineering and internships in research labs, clinical departments,
science and focuses on cultivating deep knowledge and industry.
and catalyzing interdisciplinary efforts to address
urgent healthcare challenges.
This program is offered full-time and includes two The goal of the M.Sc. in Translational Engineering
semesters of coursework and one semester of in Health and Medicine is to provide students with:
Master thesis research. The maximum study
period is two years. To earn the M.Sc. degree, the scientific, technological, regulatory, and
students must: (i) attend and successfully pass 7 business skills necessary to translate scientific
compulsory and 5 elective courses, corresponding discoveries into public and individual health
to a total of 60 credits (30 per semester) and (ii) benefits
complete and successfully defend their M.Sc.
thesis (30 credits). The enrollment in the third advanced research abilities so that they can
semester of studies and the assignment of the conduct independent research and contribute
Master Thesis can take place at the end of the first to the creation of new knowledge in the field of
year of studies, provided that the student has Translational Engineering in Health and
successfully completed at least half of the M.Sc. Medicine
program courses by that time. The M.Sc. thesis is
professional skills that will enable them to
written in English.
serve as healthcare executives with specialized
knowledge in the scientific areas of this
FACULTY & COLLABORATORS program and meet the growing needs of
private and public enterprises, agencies, and
The M.Sc. program is taught by faculty from NTUA services in Greece and abroad.
and collaborating Universities and research
centers. Distinguished guest speakers from
industry, the clinical sector, and regulatory
authorities are also invited to deliver lectures and
interact with students.
The Master's (M.Sc.) thesis can be assigned at
The final examination takes place after the the end of the second educational period of the
completion of the teaching period, in first year of studies, provided that the student
accordance with the ECE NTUA Academic has successfully completed at least half of the
Calendar for Postgraduate Studies and the M.Sc. program courses by then. The steering
relevant SIC's decisions. The results are committee will decide whether or not students
announced and issued after the final will be assigned their M.Sc. thesis from the
examination. beginning of the second academic year if they
have not successfully completed all of the
Students are not allowed to retake exams. In courses in the first two semesters.
rare circumstances, the SIC may allow an
exceptional supplemental examination in no Students submit an application with the
more than 1/4 of the courses every academic proposed thesis title and supervisor, along with
period, and only if the student was unable to an abstract of the proposed research. Based on
be examined due to force majeure. In the application, the SC appoints the thesis
extraordinary circumstances, the SIC may supervisor and establishes the three-member
organize an additional exam period. Examination Committee for the approval of the
thesis. The Examination Committee consists of
Students who fail a course may re-enroll the the supervisor, other faculty members, teaching
following academic year in the same (or a staff or researchers of levels A, B, C, who hold a
different) course (if it is an elective). PhD. The members of the Examination
Committee must have the same or a related
If a postgraduate student fails the examination scientific specialization as the M.Sc. program.
of a course or courses and is deemed not to On the supervisor's recommendation, the
have successfully completed the program postgraduate student may be assisted in
under the provisions of this Regulation, he or conducting his/her M.Sc. thesis by PhD
she may be examined, at his or her request, by students, postdoctoral researchers, as well as
a three-member committee of faculty other NTUA scientific collaborators or invited
members, appointed by the SIC, who have the professors. Where necessary, technical staff
same or related subject to the course being may be involved to provide laboratory support
examined. Lecturers of the course are to postgraduate students. The M.Sc. thesis
excluded from the three-member committee. grade is calculated as the average of the three
examiners' grades on a scale of 1-10, rounded
To complete the 13 teaching weeks, the
to half a fractional unit, with a minimum passing
lectures that were not conducted will have to
grade of 5.5/10. The SIC establishes uniform
be rescheduled. The SIC will decide and
evaluation criteria.
announce the time of rescheduled lectures,
ensuring that the academic calendar is
followed as closely as possible.
The text of the M.Sc. thesis is composed The regular duration of studies is three (3)
according to a template approved by the SIC academic semesters, and the maximum is two
and includes a 1,200 to 2,000-word summary, (2) years.
a table of contents, bibliographical references,
and a 300 to 500-word abstract. Following the In exceptional cases, where the student
approval of the M.Sc. thesis by the Examination successfully completes his/her obligations for
Committee, the postgraduate students are the award of the M.Sc. degree in a period
required to submit (i) a copy and an electronic shorter than the regular duration of the
file of their thesis at the NTUA Central Library program, the SIC may, by decision, recommend
and (ii) the electronic file of their thesis to the to the NTUA Senate the award of the M.Sc.
NTUA's Institutional Repository. degree, provided that the student has
completed at least one (1) year of studies in
If the M.Sc thesis is not completed successfully the program.
by the end of the third academic semester, it
may be continued in the following academic Starting with the initial registration, the
semester. maximum period of studies in the M.Sc.
program is two (2) years. At the end of the
In all cases, a passing grade for the courses second year, the SIC decides to discontinue the
and the M.Sc. thesis is required for the M.Sc. course of study and issues a certificate listing
degree to be awarded. If this is not achieved the courses and corresponding grades that the
within the maximum study period, the student has successfully completed. In
postgraduate student will be issued a exceptional cases, the SIC may grant a short
certificate of attendance for the courses in extension of up to one (1) year following a
which he/she has received a passing grade and documented decision.
will be dismissed.
By submitting a written request, postgraduate
The overall grade for the M.Sc. program is the students may temporarily interrupt their
weighted average of the grades in the courses studies for a duration of not more than two (2)
and the M.Sc. thesis, which corresponds to one semesters. Suspended semesters do not count
(1) semester of courses. toward the maximum period of regular study.
Life Sciences for Engineering Biostatistics and Machine Learning
An introductory outline of the basic anatomy and This course provides an introduction to statistical
physiology of the human body for engineers. The methods used in biological and medical research.
objective of this course is to present the various Elementary probability theory, basic concepts of
levels of structural organization of the body, from statistical inference, regression and correlation
chemical through cellular and tissue organization methods, and sample size estimation are covered,
to organ, system, and whole body structure and with emphasis on applications to medical
function. The role of physical principles and problems. New statistical techniques for both
phenomena as they are known to exist and apply predictive and descriptive learning as applied to
to living systems will be highlighted in engineering the rapidly growing volume and complexity of data
terms. The aim is to (i) develop a quantitative collected in imaging, genomic, health registries,
intuition of biological systems; (ii) understand how and wearables are also covered. Machine learning
principles in engineering can be used to study algorithms for classification and prediction,
biological processes; and (iii) understand the particularly useful for big and complex data, will be
relationships between structure and function at presented. Topics include principles of supervised
different size and time scales. Guest lectures will learning, including Bayesian classifiers, decision
include engineers and medical scientists to discuss trees, regression models, support vector machines
the relationship between recent advances in (SVMs), as well as principles of unsupervised
biomedical engineering and the underlying learning, including clustering and density
anatomy and physiology. estimation.
The course provides an overview of the In this course, students learn about different
fundamental concepts and principles of physiological signals of electrical type such as
engineering as it applies to medicine and Electrocardiography (ECG),
healthcare. Basic principles of mathematics, Electroencephalography (EEG), Electromyography
computational thinking, physics, mechanics, and (EMG), and of non-electrical type such as blood
electronics will be covered, along with medical use pressure, blood flow-rate, cardiac output, cardiac
cases, so as to achieve an understanding of rate, heart sound, respiratory rate, blood PH,
advanced technological achievements in plethysmography, blood gas analysis, etc. Students
healthcare and medicine. A problem-based learn the origins of the biosignals, how they are
introduction to building algorithms and data collected and measured, what kind of sensor
structures to solve problems in medicine and technology is required, and how they are analyzed.
healthcare with a computer will also be provided. Signal processing techniques for different types of
The course will include an introduction to (i) biosignals are discussed, including preprocessing
Matlab, as a standard tool to the fundamentals of for the removal of artifacts, coding, feature
computer programming and (ii) Python, via extraction, and modeling. The course includes
Google’s Colaboratory (Colab) and DataCamp, hands-on sessions aiming to program these
focusing on the analysis and visualization of techniques in Matlab/Python, apply them to
biomedical data. The course will empower those biomedical signals, and critically evaluate their
with non-engineering backgrounds with the performance.
knowledge required to critically evaluate and use
these technologies in healthcare and medicine.
Research Methodology
This course provides an opportunity for students archiving of bioinformatics data, etc.), d) utility and
to establish or advance their understanding of limitations of public biomedical resources, e) issues
research through critical exploration of research and opportunities in drug discovery, and
language, ethics, and approaches. The course mobile/digital health solutions.
focuses on translational research and provides the
fundamentals towards the design and conduct of
“use-inspired” research, by building upon basic
scientific research and synthesizing knowledge to
This course introduces students to the mechanical
develop a new or improved drug, device,
principles that can be applied to study the
diagnostic, or behavioral intervention. The course
structure-function relationship at different scales,
introduces the language of research, ethical
from the molecular and cellular to the tissue and
principles and challenges, and the elements of the
system scales. At the molecular and cellular levels,
research process within quantitative, qualitative,
the course examines how mechanical quantities
and mixed methods approaches. Topics to be
and processes such as force, motion and
covered include: Searching and critically analyzing
deformation influence molecular and cell behavior
the latest research, Understanding statistics in
and function, with an emphasis on the connection
quantitative research, Critical appraisal, Writing a
between mechanics and biochemistry. At the
research protocol, The setting up of a project,
tissue and system levels, solid and fluid mechanics
Patient and public involvement in research,
are introduced, and applications in the
Selecting robust outcome measures, Qualitative
musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular and
research methods, Assessing the impact of
urinary systems are discussed.
research, Getting research funding, Disseminating
Biodesign Fundamentals
Translational Bioinformatics
This is the first part of a two-semester course.
Multidisciplinary teams of students identify real-
The course aims at presenting both algorithms and
world medical needs, evaluate their potential
technologies for the analysis of biomedical data at
health and commercial impact, invent new health
the cellular and subcellular level (e.g. genomics and
technology products to address those needs, and
proteomics) and their translation into diagnostic,
plan their full implementation into patient care. In
prognostic, and therapeutic applications in
this first course, the students either bring their
medicine. The course presents: a) the principles of
own ideas or identify real-world needs by visiting
molecular biology related to cell characteristics,
clinical settings and interviewing end-users. Via a
DNA, RNA and gene analysis, focusing on the
well-structured process that includes stakeholder
relation of biology with computer science, b) the
analysis and market analysis, the students
basic techniques and algorithms for sequence
prioritize the ideas and select the ones that will be
comparison and statistical data processing, c) the
implemented in the subsequent semester in the
basic IT infrastructure in which biological data is
course “Biodesign Innovation Process”.
stored, with particular emphasis on online
accessible databases along with the most
important software tools used for their analysis
(processing, cross-referencing, sharing and
Medical Imaging and Image Analysis
The course is aimed to teach the principles of Modeling and simulation of medical devices such
biomedical imaging and the foundation techniques as artificial kidney, artificial heart and heart valves,
required to process, analyze, and use medical are also covered, along with prototype
images for scientific discovery and applications The manufacturing using 3D printing technology.
first part of the course will provide students with
the underlying principles of biomedical imaging
Introduction to Neuroscience and
including the basic physics and mathematics
associated with each modality (X-ray CT, SPECT, Neural Engineering
PET, ultrasound, and MRI). The second part of the
This course examines a range of neural
course will introduce concepts of digital images
engineering approaches to investigating and
and will focus on analytic, storage, retrieval, and
intervening in the nervous system, emphasizing
interpretive methods to optimally use the
quantitative understanding and fundamental
increasingly voluminous imaging data and
engineering concepts. Modern neural engineering
integrate and understand them in the context of
techniques to measure and modulate neural
complementary molecular and clinical information
activity and manipulate how an organism
to improve diagnosis and therapy in medicine. The
perceives, thinks, and acts are covered. The course
use of Machine Learning to improve performance
focuses on the computing essence of neural
of sensing and imaging algorithms will be covered
processes and explores the relationship with
along with principles and algorithms of deep
molecules, spikes and synapses. Topics related to
learning to process and analyze biomedical
synaptic plasticity, learning and memory are
images. Topics covered in the course include:
examined. Based on the biophysics of brain
Types of imaging methods and how they are used
computation, neurons are also explored as spike
in medicine; Image processing, enhancement, and
processing machines for creating intelligent
visualization; Computer-assisted detection,
algorithms inspired by the brain’s complexity and
diagnosis, and decision support; Access and utility
of publicly available image data sources; Linking
imaging data to clinical data and phenotypes.
BioMicroElectroMechanical Systems
Computational Modeling and Simulation (BioMEMS)
for Medicine
This course targets to: (1) introduce fundamental
design and microfabrication concepts of BioMEMS
Primary focus is on quantitative and computational
(including microfluidics and lab-on-chip systems)
methods to understand and/or model the
and (2) expose students to the relevant biomedical
pathophysiology of complex biological systems and
and biological applications of BioMEMS. The
develop efficient therapeutic interventions.
course is divided into three main sections: (i)
Methods for multiscale/multilevel modeling and
Microfabrication and Materials of BioMEMS, (ii)
system identification are covered as applied
Design of BioMEMS sensors and actuators, and (iii)
towards understanding and analyzing biology, from
BioMEMS applications.
individual molecules in cells to entire organs,
organisms, and populations. Some examples
include modeling of the glucose-insulin metabolic
system, multi-scale cancer modeling and in silico
oncology, construction of models to study
cardiovascular system health.
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Biodesign Innovation Process
(prerequisite: Biodesign Fundamentals)
This course involves a deep dive into recent
advances in AI in healthcare, focusing in particular In this course, students are introduced to various
on deep learning approaches for medicine and aspects of medical device entrepreneurship. The
healthcare problems. The course will start from students acquire a very diverse set of soft skills
foundations of neural networks and will then cover and are exposed to all steps required to bring a
cutting-edge deep learning models in the context research discovery to a medical product or service.
of a variety of healthcare data including image, Lectures will be centered around case studies and
text, multimodal and time-series data. Metrics often given by guest speakers from start-ups,
unique to healthcare, as well as best practices for regulatory experts, patent attorneys, clinical trial
designing, building, and evaluating AI-based specialists, and investment firms to give students a
approaches in healthcare will be presented. sense of the process and challenges in developing
Advanced topics on open challenges of integrating their own business idea. Students will have the
AI in healthcare, including interpretability, opportunity to discuss case studies based on other
robustness, privacy and fairness will also be people’s experience of bringing medical devices to
covered. The course aims to provide students from market and the specific challenges associated with
diverse backgrounds with both conceptual the development of new products in the medical
understanding and practical grounding of cutting- sector.
edge research on AI in healthcare.
Healthcare Robotics
Secretariat of the Master Program
Version: June 2022
Copyright 2022, National Technical University of Athens