MAY, 2023
This research takes its case study on roles of micro and small
business enterprise Micro and Small Scale Enterprise on poverty
question and its major constraints that hinders the development of
the sector in Ambo town. For this purpose simple random samples
that includes 20% of the Micro And Small Scale Enterprise in the
town have been taken to explore the role of the sector specially in
employment creation and income improvement and to assess the
major constraints that in habits the sector not to develop like
infrastructural problems, availability of sufficient capital to run the
business, credit facilities, Co operative activities and other related
problems, on the performance of micro and small business
enterprises in the study area.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents.....................................................................................................II
CHAPTER ONE......................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................1
1.1. Background of the Study...............................................................................1
1.2. Statements of the Problems...........................................................................2
1.3.Research Question..........................................................................................3
1.4. Objectives of the study..................................................................................3
1.4.1. General Objectives.................................................................................3
1.4.2. Specific Objective..................................................................................4
1.5. Significance of the Study..............................................................................5
1.6. Scope of the Study.........................................................................................6
1.7 Organization of the Study..............................................................................6
CHAPTER TWO......................................................................................................7
2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE...........................................................7
2.1. Characteristic of Micro and Small Scale Enterprise.....................................7
2.2. The Micro and Small Scale Enterprise Development Strategy...................10
2.3.Political Factors Affecting Micro and Small Scale Enterprise Development
2.4 Arguments for the Success and Fall of Micro and Small Scale Enterprise..12
CHAPTER THREE................................................................................................15
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..........................................................................15
3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY........................................................................15
3.1 Material Data................................................................................................15
3.2 Area of the Study..........................................................................................15
3.3 Source of Data..............................................................................................15
3.4 Method of Data Collection..........................................................................16
3.5 Method of Sampling....................................................................................17
3.6 Method of Data Analysis..................................................................................17
3.7 Time Schedule.............................................................................................17
3.8 Cost Budget.................................................................................................17
So since micro and small business are major feature of the economic hands cape in
most developing countries to day the contribution of these enterprises to the creation
of jobs and to the alleviation of poverty has been recognized by many third world
governments. In Ambo town it was in 2004 that the cities macro and small enterprise
established as office and started to work some facility for the sector like co-operating
them, giving some training s, facilitating credit services for operators.
But the development of micro and small scale interposes in Ethiopia is so slow that
little attention was given to the development of the sector in the previous
governments. Are there any reasons behind the poor performance of the sector? To
address this problem this study would be systematically assess the main constraints
that are pushing back micro and small enterprise from rapid expansion done to
accelerate its development and enhances economic development of the country in
general and Ambo town in particular.
Despite these encouraging measures taken, the overall performance of Micro and
Small Scale Enterprise is not significantly increased.
has made it impossible for large and medium scale enterprise a lone to provide
gainful employment and sufficient income to pull the majority of its population out of
its miserable existence. This calls then for assessing options especially for
development of micro and small enterprises. But the Micro and Small Scale
Enterprise sector in Ambo town hasn’t given due consideration either by
governmental or non-governmental organizations. This makes the micro and small
scale enterprises to face different challenges and shut down their business sectors.
This increased number of unemployment and poverty in this town and make the
development of the sector to lag behind.
The question is there fore, how to promote the Micro And Small Scale Enterprise in
Ambo identifying their key constraints that have been and are bottle necks to the
development of the sector and what should be done to address these constraints and
put the sector in the rapid growth path is the facial point of this paper
1.3.Research Question
To show the contribution of the sector in reducing unemployment level in the
specified areas.
To recommend what should be done to solve the problem of the sector.
This study would be used as a reference for studies that are going to
the place in this area regarding micro and small scale enterprise.
The result of this study is important for micro and small business
operators in Ambo town and for concerned governmental bodies in
Identify the different problem that faces the micro and small
business operators in Ambo town and propose the problems to
the concerned government and non-government bodies in order
to search solution for the problems.
Give suggestions and recommendation for those engaged in the
enterprise how they solve minor problems by them selves.
After studying the share of the sector in improving the income
level of the poor people and reducing unemployment in the
town. Propose such benefits of the sector to the concerned
governmental bodies to give considerable attention on the
expansion of the sector.
It is also used as a reference for further researchers that will be
done on this area.
1.6. Scope of the Study
The study would be limited in Ambo town. This town is select because, it is one of
the towns in which macro and small enterprises hasn’t developed and given due
consideration by government and non-government organizations.
The study uses only 20% of micro and small enterprise registered in the Ambo town
trade, industry and development bureaus and included those operators in merchandise
activities in small scale industries and those in municipal activities and excluded
those who works in different hotels and cafeterias because of time limitation and
assessed the constraints and role of the Micro and Small Scale Enterprise in the town.
competitions. Small firms likely to operate in a single markets or limited range of
markets probably offering a limit range of product or services. Issued in 2003, clearly
state that private sector will be the engine of industrial development. It also indicates
that promotin Likely to be over reliant on small number of consumers.
The fundamental principle that interventions by take holders stated in the
strategy are as follows.
Support to the MSE operators will be based on the agricultural development
led-industrial (ADL) and private sector development.
All support service should as much as possible is based on fees.
Addressing marketing problems of MSE operators will be given due
Emphasis will be given to the advancement of who men.
The staff of the support institutions should be adequately skilled and trained.
The private sector will be involved in supply of commercial boost to MSE
Their view and volume will influence all aspects of its activities. There is also a risk
of over dependency up none individual for the well being of the firm. Small firms are
not public companies. This means they often have problems in raising capital and this
can significantly constrain their choice of strategies. Indeed, for many small firms
seeking to grow, raising finance can become a major strategic issue and relationships
with finance institutions such as banks can becomes a major resources issue. (Jim
dewhurts and paul burns small and entrepreneurship. 1996 p. 5).
Facilitate economic growth and bring about equitable develop.
Create long-term jobs.
Strengthen co-operation between Micro and Small Scale Enterprise.
Promote exports and.
Balance preferential treatment between Micro and Small Scale Enterprise and
bigger enterprises. The fundamental principle that guide interventions by stake
holders stated in the strategy are as follows (Quoted on oromia micro and
small enterprise development and promotional strategy. 1999.p 10-11).
Support to the MSE operators will be based on the agricultural development
All support service should as much as possible is based on fees.
Addressing marketing problems of MSE operators will be given due
Emphasis will be given to the advancement of women
The staff of the support institutions should be adequately skilled and trained.
The private sector will be involved in supply of commercial Boost to MSE
Designing and implementing appropriate economic policies strategies and legal and
regulatory frameworks are prerequisite for creating an enabling environment to
promote MSES.
Policies and regulations during the Dirge era were openly aimed at curtailing (it not
eliminating) the private sector. Restrictive policies such as faking a selling on
industrial capital, introducing one-man one license rule avoiding the sate and
parasitical organizations in availing foreign (which discouraged the participation of
the private sector in the economy) were in place. In generally, the legal requirements
to obtain license during the Dirge to were bureaucratic which discouraged the
participation of micro and small enterprise operators. The tight foreign exchange
control and heavy import restrictions (both in put and other commodities created
scarcity of imported commodities and corrupt and rent seeking business community.
Following the fall of the Dirge, drastic measures were taken to transform the
command economy to market led one, which are bound to affect MSES.
The main macro economic reforms that, directly or indirectly, affect the development
of MSEs includes:
- Adoption of market economy policy
- Deregulation of domestic policies
- Devaluation of the local currency.
- Privatization of public enterprises.
- Decentralization of power and the formation of regional state.
- Issuance of national micro and small enterprise strategy in 1997.
- Establishments of the federal micro and small enterprise development
agency proclamation No 33/98.
- Formulation of new labor low.
- Financial sector reforms including the opening of private banks,
insurance companies and micro finance institution.
-Monetary management and liberalization of interest rate and foreign
exchange market.
-Fisical policy reforms turn including tax reform budgetary
restructuring and reduction of government deficities.
- Introduction of investment laws to encourage private investment.
- Liberalization and promotion of foreign trade.
- Promotion of favorable economic environment and bilateral regional
and multi lateral international relations (Gebrehiwot Ageba and
Woldely Amha,2004,PP.4-5).
2.4 Arguments for the Success and Fall of Micro and Small Scale
According to Nicholas Siropolis in his book small business management 6 th edition
reasoned why small business succeed or fail.
I. Age:- Younger people who start a business have a great chance of failure
than older people do.
II. Capital:- Business that starts with too little investment by owners has a
greater chance of failure business with adequate investment by owners.
III. Economic timing:- Business that starts during recession have a greater
chance at failure than that start during prosperity.
IV. Education:- Propel with no college education who start a business have a
greater chance of failure than people with one or more years of college
V. Experience:- Business run by people with out prior industry experience has
a greater chance of failure than business run by people with prior industry
experience. Similarly businesses run by people with out prior managerial
experience have a great chance of failure than business run by people with
prior menagerie experience.
VI. Marketing:- Business owner out marketing skill have a greater chance of
failure than owners with marketing skills.
VII. Parents:- Business owner whose parents didnt own a business have a
greater chance of failure than owners whose parents did own business.
VIII. Partners:- A business started by one person has a grater chance of failure
than a business started by more than one person.
IX. Planning:- Business that do not prepare business plans have a greater
chance of failure than business that prepare business plan.
The growth and survival of small business firms could be viewed as out comes of the
economic process. Carl liedholm and Aonald C. Mead, 1999 in their small enterprises
and economic development in 20-21 identified some explanatory variable that affect
the micro and small enterprises some of these explanatory variables will arise at the
firm level while other could arise either inside the firm or external to it (at sectored
macro level). Both the growth and survival of small business firms could be depend
on several firm level variables paramount among these would be the age and initialize
of the firm. These would be hypothesized to be related to these dependent variables as
i. Firm age:- Reflecting the stage in the life cycle of the enterprises.
ii. Initial size would also be expected to be inversely related to these
variables. Firm growth and survival would also be expected to
influence by several factor external to the firm. These include
variables such as sector, location and macro-variable.
Factors internal to the firms, the individual level variables would also be
hypothesized to affect the survival and growth of micro enterprise. Prominent among
these would be the key variable relating to the entrepreneur, such as gender and
human capital.
iii. Gender: enterprise run by female enterprise news are hypothesized too grow less
rapidly and to be less likely to survive than those run by their male counter parts.
Vi. Human capital: - It is expected that entrepreneurs with higher levels of formal
education, technical training and experience would more likely to be grow and
survived than those with lower levels of human capital.
The methodology is the core of scientific research as it is the way through which
findings are to be achieved this is an essential prerequisite for the validity and
reliability of the result to be found out.
All the micro finance and small scale enterprise focus on poverty alleviation.
Therefore, may forget group of the study is that the poor people who are organized in
microfinance and small scale enterprise in Ambo Town.
Date which is the raw information is the basic element in any research studies
because the more value and actual data will used in particular study they are more
reliable and dependable information development and result of the study.
The constraints it faces on its development. Te information is also
necessary in order to search for solution how the challenges be
So it was variables the study included is that:
i) Demographic factors: In this part sex, age education and
materials status of the micro and small business operators identified.
ii) Infrastructural condition: In this case the fulfillment of
infrastructure for micro and small scale enterprise operators is
observed and also the impact of shortage infrastructure on small scale
enterprise is identified.
iii) The problems of working place for production and marketing
was assessed.
iv) Capital: under this source of finance, accessibility to credit, fund
requirement for operations, the availability of sufficient capital for
going the business was identified.
v) Training activities: This includes productivity improvement
trainings; marketing techniques method cost minimization and profit
maximization. The study will identified whether this training are
available or not.
The method that will be use to collect both primary and secondary data based up on
the source of data from the source of data by using personal interview, direct
communicational and questionnaires.
Secondary data is collect from various documents analysis of periodical reports of
micro finance and small scale enterprise development in Ambo Town carried out by
the association of micro and small scale enterprise published and unpublished
documents are to be used to collect secondary data by considering their accuracy and
3.5 Method of Sampling
The data are collected from those who engaged in micro and small
business enterprises. The sampling techniques which the researcher
used to collect the primary data is simple random sampling. Out of
the total number of micro and small business enterprises which
registered under the cites trade, In industry and development bureau
which equals 648, 20% of the sector which totally equals 130 were
randomly selected and one person either the owner of the business or
any one employed in the sector from each MSE selected and
interviewed the structure questionnaire prepared. The total number
of micro and small scale enterprises was gained from the citys trade,
industry and development bureau.
3.7 Time Schedule
Chapter One
Of Research
And Design
Data Analysis
3.8 Bubget Cost
Total - - - 37610
1. Cari Liedholm and Donald C. Mead 91999), Small enterprises and economic
dev elopement 1st edition.
2. Lalkaka and Bishop (1996), Business incubators in economic development.
3. Paul Burns and Jim Dewharst (1996), Small business and entrepreneurship 2 nd
4. Michae minas (1994). The informal and formal sector enterprises dynamics of
linkages under policy reform.
5. Vonsant Deslia (2003), Small scale industries and entrepreneurship.
6. World Bank Economic review (2004).
7. Central statistic Authority (2000/1) Report on small scale manufacturing
survey Addis Ababa.
8. Central statistical Authoriy(1997),Iformal sector servey,Addis Ababa.
9. Gebre Hihot Ageba and Wolday Amha(2004) policy impact and Regulatory
challenges of Micro and Small Enterprise(MSE) in Ethiopia.
10. Lokesh Koul (2003),Methodology of Educational Research (3rd revied edition)
11. Wevotaw Befebih(Dr)(2004) Private sector development in Ethiopia Addis