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Ninth Prayer To Saint Onuphrius

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Novena to Saint Onuphrius

H o w to do the nought to Saint O nofre

There is a prayer for each day and also prayers that are repeated every day. The Opening Prayer
and the Closing Prayer are repeated every day, as are The Lord's Prayer, The Hail Mary and The
Glory Be.

It begins with the Sign of the Holy Cross, then the Initial Prayer of Every Day. Then with the
corresponding Prayer of the Day, the Petition is made , the Lord's Prayer, the Hail Mary and the
Glory are prayed and finally the Final Prayer of Every Day.

Opening Prayer of Every Day

My Lord, Jesus Christ, God and true Man, who became man to satisfy for our sins, with your passion
and death: full of confusion and slow repentance, I confess that my ingratitude and infidelity has been very
great: since believing and confessing, as Catholic, these eternal and consoling truths, I have had the
temerity to offend you.

But, seeing that you are infinite goodness and mercy, and that you do not reject those who are contrite
and humiliated and implore your clemency, I present to you the merits of your Holy Mother, and the
prayers and intercession of your faithful servant Saint Onuphrius, and I prostrate myself reverently at your
feet. , asking that you forgive my sins that I hate with the true help of your grace not to sin again. Amen.

Final Prayer for Every Day

Glorious Saint Onuphrius, whom I have chosen as my particular Patron and Model, and in whom I
have absolute confidence; Grant that I may experience the salutary effects of your powerful intercession
with God.

In your hands I place all my needs and in particular, the one that I place under your protection today.
Reach me, then, this favor, if it suits me, and all the other graces necessary to free me from sin, and
obtain my own salvation, and even my sanctification. Amen

First Day Prayer

Opening Prayer of Every Day

Illustrious anchorite, beloved of the Lord, Saint Onuphrius, I congratulate you for the Glory with which
the Lord has rewarded your virtues; and I beg you to give me that living faith, with which you confessed to
him, in the midst of men, and among the humiliations with which he confirmed your fidelity.

Give me also that confidence with which you threw yourselves into the arms of divine providence,
which opened the way for you to achieve the kingdom of Heaven. Amen.


Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory

Closing Prayer of Every Day

Second Day Prayer

Opening Prayer of Every Day

Humble anchorite and glorious Saint Onuphrius, uniting myself with the spirit in which you live in
heaven, I give infinite thanks to the Lord, because he created you, preserved you, redeemed you; He
sanctified you, taught you to overcome the world, the devil and the flesh; and exalted you, increasing your
glory and placing in your hands a part of his omnipotence, so that you favor your devotees: Interpose your
effective prayers, so that, recognizing, as you do, the benefits of creation, conservation, redemption and
other mercies divine, let us achieve the glory of heaven, in your holy company. Amen


Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory

Closing Prayer of Every Day

Prayer of the Third Day

Opening Prayer of Every Day

Glorious and blessed Saint Onofre; You confuse my lukewarmness, my self-love and my attachment to
transitory things, with that holy fervor and great love of yours for Jesus Christ, our Savior, for whom you
preferred, rather than offending him, to leave your country and temporal interests, friends and even the
comforts of a life in the world, giving yourself over to the mortified life of the desert: Intercede, then,
glorious saint, with the Lord of Heaven himself so that, imitating your mortified life and your admirable
prudence, I may fulfill the first commandment of the law of May God, always loving her and serving her
faithfully in this life, deserve to enjoy her in your company, forever in heaven. Amen.


Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory

Closing Prayer of Every Day

Fourth Day Prayer

Opening Prayer of Every Day

Most faithful and venerated Saint Onuphrius, who has manifested to the world as a true disciple and
imitator of Christ Jesus, renewed in your blessed body his most bitter passion, being persecuted and
despised, and macerating your flesh with continuous fasting, vigils and austere penance: obtain grace for
me. of the divine light, that illuminates our understandings, so that we know that if we do not do penance
we will only be Christians in name; Ask him also, that he instill in us the love of the Cross and interior
mortification, so that we may thus enjoy the eternal joys of glory. Amen.


Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory

Closing Prayer of Every Day

Prayer of the Fifth Day

Opening Prayer of Every Day

Oh Glorious Saint Onuphrius, your constant practice of prayer, of the mortification of the senses, and of
all virtue, were the gifts of divine grace with which you made yourself pleasing to God, to angels and to
men: Reach us benignly, the grace to imitate these virtues, so that, supported only by God, we emerge
triumphant from all the dangers of soul and body. Amen.


Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory

Closing Prayer of Every Day

Prayer for the Sixth Day

Opening Prayer of Every Day

Example of strength and courage, Glorious Saint Onuphrius, that you have experienced in the course
of your life of penitence, how soft the yoke of the Lord is. You can say with Saint Paul: "Who can separate
me from my God? Hunger, tribulation, anguish, nakedness, danger, persecution?" I hope that none of this
will have the power to separate me from my God, with whose grace I will triumph over all my internal
enemies. But, remember, oh prodigious Saint, my lukewarmness and weakness that make me so
ungrateful to the sovereign Good, so that you may obtain for me from His Majesty the fervor in His service
and a continuous presence of God, which may animate all my works. Amen.


Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory

Closing Prayer of Every Day

Prayer for the Seventh Day

Opening Prayer of Every Day

Illustrious anchorite and invincible soldier of the militia of Jesus Christ: You are a pleasant garden;
living faith, firm hope, ardent charity, admirable prudence, incorruptible justice; supreme strength, heroic
temperance and perfect humility. This treasure of virtues, with which at your death you presented
yourselves before God, has made you so famous and known among men. Ask Him, then, to revive my
faith and learn all these virtues from your example, so that, with your help, I may deserve the grace of
being a saint at the hour of death, and then, I may enter heavenly glory. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory

Closing Prayer of Every Day

Prayer of the Eighth Day

Opening Prayer of Every Day

Oh admirable and Glorious Saint Onuphrius, for the example and very effective lessons that your
conduct gave me throughout the period of your long life and at the moment of your death; Engage yourself
in my favor, with the Lord, so that, imitating your admirable example, I may offer this little bit of corruptible
life to God, and obtain the prize of life and glory that are endless in heaven. Amen.


Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory

Closing Prayer of Every Day

Ninth Day Prayer

Opening Prayer of Every Day

Oh Glorious Saint Onuphrius, who have great courage before God, as clearly indicated by the repeated
and great miracles that He performs through your mediation: use, therefore, this sovereign gift, in favor of
those in need who implore your protection, and singularly, reach us a firm and vigorous faith. Pray,
likewise, for the exaltation of the Holy Church; happiness of the Vicar of Christ, our Most Holy Father The
Pope; for peace and harmony among Christian peoples; extirpation of heresies, vices and sins;
enlightenment of the Gentiles and success in all those who govern us; that grace that I need most, and
that I have asked of you in this novena, which I offer to the glory of God, your honor and the benefit of my
soul; so that, making good use of the days of my short life, I may deserve to see how beautiful your crown
is, among the many courtiers of glory. Amen.


Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory

Closing Prayer of Every Day

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