Local Government and Administrative Systems
Local Government and Administrative Systems
Local Government and Administrative Systems
The Municipalities, so that they can fulfill their Municipal Competencies, which are
the set of Functions attributed by the Political Constitution of the State and developed
in the Organic Law of Municipalities, must have a general framework that every
Public Administration tends to decide, freely or no, certain matters such as legal and
administrative matters; such as legal norms and administrative powers, with the
to neighbors through adequate provision of Local Public Services and the execution
and/or deviations that negatively affect the fulfillment of objectives and goals has
been detected. Such aspects become repetitive and failure to overcome them in a
timely manner can not only exacerbate existing deficiencies but also cause problems
of greater magnitude.
With the use of technical regulatory instruments, it will enable Provincial and District
The Municipalities as Local Government Bodies, are assigned, among other
the public services under their responsibility, such as the planning of urban and rural
development and the execution of local infrastructure works to satisfy the growing
Government, which emanate from the popular will. It is a legal entity governed by
public law with Political, Economic and Administrative autonomy in matters within its
Municipal autonomy consists of the capacity for independent management within the
matters attributed to the Municipality. That is, municipal autonomy is the ability to
decide and order (self-regulate), within its exclusive functions and powers that cannot
Municipal autonomy has three dimensions that consist of being given authority to
enforce all the matters that the Law has entrusted to them to promote local
POLITICAL AUTONOMY.- As an element of Local autonomy, they can issue norms
with the nature of material Law, such as Ordinances, they are the ones that will
own resources and, secondly, in having the resources it has. Regarding the first, one
of the most important means is Municipal Taxation in the exercise of Tax power and
and exercise delegated functions, which are established in the ordinance that creates
them. To fulfill their functions, provincial and district municipalities must allocate
There are municipalities that, due to their particular characteristics, are subject to
special regimes such as the Municipality of Metropolitan Lima, those located in
border areas and Municipalities located in rural areas. The Organic Law of
Municipalities 27972 establishes a special title - Title XI -, with the aim of promoting
The Municipality.- It is the state institution, with legal status, empowered to exercise
interrelated components: The population, the territory and the local organization.
regulatory and oversight functions, made up of the mayor and the councilors.
Municipality Mission
It is contained in the Organic Law of Municipalities, which establishes that its purpose
Be an instance of representation.
They are the citizens, who democratically decide to grant a mandate so that both
mayors and councilors assume their representation in the leadership of the local
government, said mandate is subject to a set of rules, which, if not fulfilled, can
generate the withdrawal of citizen trust and therefore the breakdown of the legitimacy
to exercise said representation. In this sense, the round-trip link that must exist
between the municipal authorities and the population becomes important, in such a
and the municipal authorities exercise the mandate for which they were elected, with
The Municipality, as a local government body, is the entity called and empowered to
lead the management of the comprehensive development of its area, whether district
of improving the quality of life of the population, where the person, especially those in
conditions of poverty and exclusion, becomes the center of attention of all efforts as
long as this does not compromise the quality of life of future populations.
Mayor's office
It is the executive body of the local government, led by the Mayor, who is the legal
The municipal legal framework concentrates various powers in the mayor, granting
him very strong power over the Municipal Council. Among other aspects, it grants a
majority to its political group regardless of the percentage of votes obtained during
the electoral process, as well as the power to preside over the Municipal Council and
Among the most important powers indicated by the Organic Law of Municipalities, we
can mention:
Direct the formulation and submit for approval by the council the
program agreed upon with civil society, and direct its execution.
Approve the municipal budget, in case the municipal council does not approve
Defend and protect the rights and interests of the municipality and neighbors.
Celebrate the acts, contracts and agreements necessary for the exercise of
their functions.
the municipality, that is, he is its first public servant, in In this sense, it has the
obligation to represent the interests of the population, defending and protecting their
Participatory budget
c. Create, modify, delete or exempt contributions, rates, excise taxes, licenses and
1. Declare the vacancy or suspension of the positions of mayor and councilor.
control acts.
officials, servants or third parties whom the Institutional Control Body has
10. Approve the remuneration of the mayor and allowances of the councilors.
It is the internal regulatory instrument that establishes the organization and functions
They are working groups made up of the councilors of the different political groups
represented in the Council. They are organized within the Municipal Council. They
carry out studies, formulate projects and proposals to improve the quality of
municipal management. They also issue opinions on matters that are discussed in
Council sessions, thus supervising municipal management in matters related to their
Ordinary . Whose function is permanent. For example, the Education, Culture and
Specials . Those established to carry out a specific, temporary activity, such as: to
In some cases, given municipal autonomy and because the Law does not establish
The regulation on its operation must be indicated in the Internal Regulations of the
The Aldermen
They are representatives of the citizens, elected before the Municipal Council to
term of office is the same as that of the mayors, that is, 4 years.
Councilors who work as employees of the private or public sector enjoy paid leave for
express consent.
Propose draft ordinances and agreements.
They are individually responsible for acts that violate the Law carried out during the
exercise of their functions, and, jointly, for agreements adopted against the Law
during the exercise of their functions. Unless they save their votes by recording it in
the minutes.
career or trust, nor hold positions as members of the board of directors, managers or
Laws and Standards that regulate the activities and functioning of the Public
The Municipalities are subject to the laws and provisions that, in a general manner
and in accordance with the Political Constitution of Peru, regulate the activities and
functioning of the Public Sector; as well as the technical standards of the State's
administrative systems, which by their nature are mandatory to observe and comply
the purpose of achieving the objectives and goals, through efficient administration.
organization model. This is due to the local diversity where they exist and operate.
Even the type of organization that a Municipality has undergoes changes because it
is subject to the principles of flexibility (that is, it is not a rigid or eternal model) and
The Municipal Structure - is the final design of its organization, the different
functions and areas are related to each other, under criteria adopted in the
The Provincial and District Municipalities are organized and have as their main
function the attention to the needs of the population and in general the realization of
the purposes provided for in the Organic Law of Municipalities and complementary
that consists of organizing the functions and structures of the Municipalities, trying to
The Organization is a response to the concern about how the Municipality should act
Government Function.- It is carried out by the Mayor and the Councilors who have
They are responsible for executing the Objectives and Goals established by the
Governing Body.
Technical Function.- It is carried out by the Advisory bodies, they have the definition
objectives and policies of the municipality and guiding municipal organization and
management .
the bodies in charge of the participation, coordination and/or technical consultancy,
Municipality, in charge of the representation and defense of the interests and rights of
the institution.
DIRECTION BODY.- It is responsible for complying with the objectives and policies
ADVISORY BODIES.- They are responsible for providing advice to the different
SUPPORT BODIES.- They are responsible for carrying out administrative and
LINE BODIES.- They are responsible for providing and/or developing services,
activities, projects and public works for the benefit of the community.
DECENTRALIZED BODIES.- They are institutions with legal status under public law
that exercise, with autonomy, powers in certain territorial and functional areas.
determined by the rules that regulate their preparation and execution, whose
Regulation of Organization and Functions - ROF.- It is a normative Technical
Structure of the Municipality, in which the nature, purpose and general functions are
Institutional Management that contains and allows for normalizing the forecasts of
characteristics of the jobs necessary to provide the services and achieve the
required during the year of Budget management and that are duly financed through
the Institutional Budget. The positions are the budget allocation that is considered in
each case for remuneration for the specific services of permanent and contracted
the Specific Functions at the position or job level, developing them from the Organic
Single Text of Administrative Procedures - TUPA.- It is a unified document that
In accordance with local regulations, we can define "local heritage" as the set of
assets, rights and actions whose ownership corresponds to the Local Entities.
Local Entities, as legal entities governed by Public Law, with full capacity to exercise
their functions, also need to be holders of assets and rights; to fulfill the purposes
attributed to them by the legal system, they need to have personal means, material
and legal, in relation to material means, that is, the assets that a municipality can
The assets of local entities are classified as public domain assets and heritage
assets. Public domain assets will be for public use or service. Likewise, communal
The notion of public domain is built on the basis of three determining elements; the
ownership (belongs to a Public Administration), its impact (to a public use or service)
and a special legal regime. At the local level, the following are distinguished:
canals, bridges and other public works for general use or use whose
conservation falls under the responsibility of the local entity are public goods.
Public service assets are those intended directly for the fulfillment of public
Communal property
whose use corresponds to the common use of the neighbors. The ownership
Heritage assets
Patrimonial or proprietary assets are those that, being property of the Local Entity,
are not intended for public use or affected by any public service, and may constitute
sources of income for the Entity's treasury. Thus, the intellectual property of a literary,
Municipalities have the obligation to prepare a valued inventory of all the assets and
rights that belong to them. This being, therefore, the catalog or detailed list of all
assets and rights of any kind that belong to the municipality. The inventory reflects all
The goods will be listed in the inventory separately, grouping them under the
following headings:
1. Estate
3. Vehicles
4. Land
6. Livestock (animals)
7. Assets and revertible rights (assets that will belong to the Entity after a certain
and executes the State policy regarding the civil service; and, it includes the set of
public sector entities in the management of human resources. It must be taken into
account that the civil service is the set of institutional measures by which the
personnel at the service of the State is articulated and managed, which must
harmonize the interests of society and the rights of the people at the service of the
The National Supply System is the interrelated set of policies, objectives, standards,
powers, procedures and technical processes aimed at the rational flow, endowment
or supply, employment and conservation of the material means used by public sector
The National Budget System is the set of bodies, standards and procedures that
conduct the budget process of all Public Sector entities in all its phases
The National Treasury System is the set of bodies, standards, procedures,
The National Debt System is the set of bodies, rules and procedures aimed at
achieving efficient administration of debt for periods of more than one year of the
The National Accounting System is the set of accounting bodies, policies, principles,
standards and procedures of the public and private sectors, of general acceptance,
and applied to the entities and bodies that comprise it and that contribute to the
The purpose of the National Public Investment System (SNIP) is to optimize the use
investment projects.
The SNIP was created with the purpose of optimizing the use of Public Resources
The State Legal Defense System is the set of principles, standards, procedures,
This System has the purpose of strengthening, unifying and modernizing the legal
defense of the State at the local, regional, national, supranational and international
Public Prosecutors.
The National Control System is the set of control bodies, standards, methods and procedures
structured and functionally integrated, intended to conduct and develop the exercise of
Its performance includes the activities and actions in the administrative, budgetary, operational
and financial fields of the entities and reaches the personnel who provide services in them,
Every State entity is subject to control by the Comptroller General of the Republic. ca, since it
manages resources from public funds. These public funds come from the collection, obtaining or