Hydrology Notes - Finals
Hydrology Notes - Finals
Hydrology Notes - Finals
➢ CONFINED AQUIFER the aquifer, which is due to the
difference of piezometric heads in
the aquifer and the aquitard.
• In other words, the aquitard is not
fully impervious, i.e., it is semi-
• In a leaky or a semi-confined
aquifer, there is a leakage from
overlain or underlain aquitard into
𝒉𝟏 − 𝒉𝟐 2. Sue, the owner of Joe’s 24-Hour Gas,
𝑸 = 𝑨𝑲( ) has discovered that her underground
∆𝒉 storage tank is leaking fuel. She calls in a
𝒗 = −𝑲( ) hydrogeologist to find out how long it might
𝒗 = 𝑲𝒊 take for the fuel contamination to reach the
nearest stream. They discover that the well
𝑸 = 𝑲𝒊𝑨 at Joe’s has a water level that is 37 m above
sea level and the elevation of the stream is
Where: 21 m above sea level. The sandy sediment
• K = hydraulic conductivity in this area has a permeability of 0.0002m/s.
Determine how long it might take for
• i = hydraulic gradient
contaminated groundwater to flow the 80 m
• h = hydraulic head
to the stream.
1. Groundwater flows through an aquifer
with a cross-sectional area of 1.0 x 10 4 m 2
and a length of 1500 m. Hydraulic heads
are 300 m and 250 m at the groundwater
entry and exit points in the aquifer,
respectively. Groundwater discharges into a
stream at the rate of 1500 m3/day.
a) What is the hydraulic conductivity of the
aquifer? i = (h1 - h2)/L
b) If the porosity of the material is 0.3, what
is the pore velocity of water?
solve V, Q = vA, kiA
Vact = V/n
• Hydrographs are charts that display the HYDROGRAPH SHAPE
change of a hydrologic variable over time. The factors affecting the shape of unit
hydrograph are:
• Hydrographs can be made for streams,
lakes, water wells, springs and other bodies • the rainfall distribution over the catchment;
of water. and
• the hysiographic elements of the
catchment, viz., shape, slope, vegetation,
soil type, etc.
• Unit hydrograph is a direct runoff
hydrograph resulting from one unit (one inch
or one cm) of constant intensity uniform
rainfall occurring over the entire watershed.
• The concept of unit hydrograph is based
on linear systems theory and follow the
principles of superposition and
• The role of unit hydrograph in hydrology is
WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF A to provide an estimate of direct runoff
HYDROPGRAPH? hydrograph resulting from given excess
• Design of structures require information rainfall hyetograph. • In order to use unit
about extreme magnitudes of floods. e.g., hydrograph as a tool for predicting direct
determining the height of a dam, spillway runoff hydrograph, we first need to derive a
design, design of bridge culverts, sizing the unit hydrograph for a given watershed.
capacity of outlet works, etc.
• For example, if one inch of excess rainfall
• A hydrograph gives the temporal variation produces a direct runoff peak of 100 cfs
of flow at the outlet of the catchment or then two inches of excess rainfall with
basin. produce a direct runoff of 2 x 100 = 200 cfs.
• The runoff is generally measured at a Similarly, if one inch of rainfall is followed by
gauging site located at two inches of rainfall, the hydrographs from
both rainfall pulses are simply added after
• the outlet of a catchment. accounting for the necessary time lag.