Komatsu Forklift ErrorCode001
Komatsu Forklift ErrorCode001
Komatsu Forklift ErrorCode001
2201 1 Power Warning to ch0 of power pc-board heat Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ALA-
sink temperature 2201, determine each factor from
- The temperature of power pc-board items agreeable with error contents
heat sink of ch0 is more than 95 thereof and take necessary actions.
degrees C. or less than 100 degrees C.
2205 0 Power Power pc-board heat sink temperature Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ALA-
of ch0 is abnormal. 2205, determine each factor from
- The temperature at power pc-board items agreeable with error contents
heat sink of ch0 is more than 100 thereof and take necessary actions.
degrees C.
2209 0 Power Power pc-board battery current of ch0 At the time of travel and materials
is beyond input range. handling: stop travel and materials
- The voltage value beyond the rated handling operation, turn key switch
limit of battery current sensor of ch0 OFF once and turn it ON again.
was detected in more than 100ms. - At the time of charge: stop charge,
and disconnect charge plug once
and connect it again.
- If an error is still
2213 0 Power The target of ch0 driver control charge 1) Stop charge and disconnect
current was unachieved. charge plug. Pull out battery plug
- The current value of ch0 during and battery connector (ch0, ch1,
charge lasted more than 300 seconds and ch2) so as to check voltage at
in the state of being less than half of ch0 connector part of harness side.
target. 2) If voltage is available at two
places of ch0 and battery connector
(+) terminal and
2217 0 Power Driver control charge current of ch0 1) Stop charge and disconnect
deviated from target. charge plug. Pull out battery plug
- The current value of ch0 during and battery connector (ch0, ch1,
charge deviated from the target current and ch2) so as to check voltage at
of +10A in more than 300 seconds. ch0 connector part of harness side.
2) If voltage is available at two
places of ch0 and battery connector
(+) terminal and
2221 0 Power Driver control outputting current value 1) Stop travel and materials
of ch0 is over-current. handling operation. Turn key
- The current value of ch0 went beyond switch OFF once and turn it ON
±60A during outputting. again.
2) If no warning is given
immediately after key switch is ON,
there is possibility of overloaded
operation: be sure to reconfirm
operating load and environment
2225 0 Power Driver control regenerating current of 1) Stop travel and materials
ch0 is over-current. handling operation. Turn key
- The current value of ch0 went beyond switch OFF once and turn it ON
±60A during regenerating. again.
2) If warning is given by the above
check, replace power pc-board ch0.
2229 0 Power Power PC board heat sink temperature Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ERR-
sensor of ch0 disconnected or short- 2229, determine each factor from
circuited. items agreeable with error contents
- The heat sink temperature sensor of thereof and take necessary actions.
power pc-board of ch0 disconnected or
short circuited.
2233 0 Power Power pc-board battery current ch0 is At the time of charge: Stop charge,
beyond calibration input range. and check whether warning is given
- An error occurred at calibration of when key switch is ON.
battery current sensor of ch0. At the time of travel and materials
handling operation: Turn key
switch OFF once and return it to
ON again so as to check whether
warning is given.
1) If warning
2237 0 Power Other driver control of ch0 is At the time of charge: Stop charge,
abnormal. and check whether warning is given
- The target of charge stop time was when key switch is ON.
unachieved. At the time of travel and materials
- Under discharge control, current handling operation: Turn key
sensor detection value of pc-board ch0 switch OFF once and return it to
was more than ±60A . ON again so as to check whether
- The current sensor was more than warning is given.
calibration. 1) If warning
2241 0 Power Driver control is abnormal. At the time of charge: Stop charge.
- Channel and system voltage is At the time of travel and materials
abnorm. handling operation: Turn key
- Pressure reducing transformer duty switch OFF once.
and transformer over-current is 1) Check whether warning is given
abnormal. immediately after key switch is ON.
- Precharge and IGBT over-current is 2) If warning is given, replace
abnormal. applicable power pc-board of ch0, c
- Control driver start is abnormal.
2245 1 Power Warning to IGBT temperature Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ALA-
- IGBT heat sink temperature is more 2245, determine each factor from
than 110 degrees C. and less than 115 items agreeable with error contents
degrees C. thereof and take necessary actions.
2246 0 Power IGBT temperature is abnormal. Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ERR-
- IGBT heat sink temperature should 2246, determine each factor from
be more than 115 degrees C. items agreeable with error contents
thereof and take necessary actions.
2247 1 Power Warning to 200V output condenser Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ALA-
temperature 2247, determine each factor from
- The heat sink temperature of 200V items agreeable with error contents
condenser should be more than 70 thereof and take necessary actions.
degrees C. and less than 75 degrees C.
2248 0 Power The temperature of 200V output Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ERR-
condenser is abnormal. 2248, determine each factor from
- The 200V condenser heat sink items agreeable with error contents
temperature is more than 75 degrees C. thereof and take necessary actions.
2249 1 Power Warning to 200V diode or transformer Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ALA-
temperature 2249, determine each factor from
- The heat sink temperature of 200V items agreeable with error contents
transformer should be more than 120 thereof and take necessary actions.
degrees C. and less than 125 degrees C.
2250 0 Power The temperature of 200V diode or Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ERR-
transformer is abnormal. 2250, determine each factor from
- The temperature of 200V items agreeable with error contents
transformer heat sink should be more thereof and take necessary actions.
than 125 degrees C.
2251 0 Power Load current is abnormal. Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ERR-
- It is beyond the input range of load 2251, determine each factor from
current sensor items agreeable with error contents
thereof and take necessary actions.
2252 0 Power IGBT temperature sensor disconnected 1) Stop charge and cool the
or short-circuited. controller. Start charge again and
-IGBT heat sink temperature sensor make sure that warning is not
disconnected or short-circuited. given.
2) If warning is given, refer to the
Shop Manual 70.ALA-2252,
determine each factor from items
agreeable with error contents
thereof and take necessary act
2253 0 Power The temperature sensor of 200V Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ERR-
output condenser disconnected or 2253, determine each factor from
short-circuited. items agreeable with error contents
-The temperature sensor of 200V thereof and take necessary actions.
output condenser heat sink
disconnected or short-circuited.
2254 0 Power The temperature sensor of 200V diode 1) Stop charge and cool the
or transformer disconnected or short- controller. Start charge again and
circuited. make sure that warning is not
- The heat sink temperature sensor of given.
200V transformer disconnected or 2) Pull out battery plug and battery
short-circuited. connector of ch0, ch1 and ch2 so as
to check resistance of heat sink
temperature sensor of 200V diode.
3) If the resis
2255 0 Power The temperature sensor of capacitor 1) Stop charge and cool the
disconnected or short-circuited. controller. Start charge again and
- The temperature sensor of capacitor make sure that warning is not
disconnected of short-circuited. given.
2) Pull out battery plug and battery
connector of ch0, ch1 and ch2 so as
to check resistance of heat sink
temperature sensor of 200V diode.
3) If the resis
2256 0 Power Load current sensor calibration is 1) At the time of travel and CN2-1 P1(W) - P2 -P12: Not
abnormal. materials handling operation, turn 0(Ohm)
- An error occurred in calibration of key switch OFF once and return it CN2-1 P1(W) - Load current
load current sensor. to ON again so as to check whether sensor P3(W): 0(Ohm)
warning is given immediately. CN2-1 P2(R) - Load current
2) Pull out the battery plug and the sensor P1(R): 0(Ohm)
battery connector of ch0, ch1 and CN2-1 P12(B) - Load current
ch2 so as to check sensor P2(B): 0(Ohm)
2257 0 Power Main contactor is abnormal. Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ERR-
- Main contactor became sticky due to 2257, determine each factor from
high temperature or open failure. items agreeable with error contents
thereof and take necessary actions.
2258 0 Power Charge contactor is abnormal. Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ERR-
- Charge contactor became sticky due 2258, determine each factor from
to high temperature or open failure. items agreeable with error contents
thereof and take necessary actions.
2259 0 Power Battery voltage is abnormal. Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ERR-
- The voltage of battery ch0 is less than 2259, determine each factor from
36V or more than 70V. items agreeable with error contents
thereof and take necessary actions.
2263 1 Power Warning to battery temperature Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ALA-
- The temperature of battery ch0 is 2263, determine each factor from
more than 50 degrees C. and less than items agreeable with error contents
55 degrees C. thereof and take necessary actions.
2267 0 Power The temperature of battery ch0 is Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ERR-
abnormal. 2267, determine each factor from
- The temperature of battery ch0 is items agreeable with error contents
more than 55 degrees C. thereof and take necessary actions.
2271 0 Power The temperature sensor of battery ch0 Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ERR-
disconnected or short-circuited. 2271, determine each factor from
- The temperature sensor of battery items agreeable with error contents
ch0 disconnected or short-circuited. thereof and take necessary actions.
2275 0 Power The voltage of system is abnormal. Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ERR-
- The detection voltage of system 2275, determine each factor from
voltage is less than 5V. items agreeable with error contents
- The detection voltage of system thereof and take necessary actions.
voltage is more than 70V (when
- The detection voltage of system
voltage is more than 100V (when
2276 0 Power The voltage of capacitor is abnormal. Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ERR-
- The voltage of capacitor is more than 2276, determine each factor from
60V. items agreeable with error contents
thereof and take necessary actions.
2277 1 Power Warning to capacitor temperature Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ALA-
- The temperature of capacitor is more 2277, determine each factor from
than 55degC. and less than 60deg C. items agreeable with error contents
thereof and take necessary actions.
2278 0 Power The temperature of capacitor is Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ERR-
abnormal. 2278, determine each factor from
- The temperature of capacitor is more items agreeable with error contents
than 60 degrees C. thereof and take necessary actions.
2283 0 Power Charge operation panel power supply 1) Stop charge, travel and materials Key ON:
output is abnormal. handling operation so as to check CN2-1 P7(W/G) or P7(W/G) -
- Status display LED disconnected or the voltage of power supply CN2-1 P6(P) or P16(P) 7.3 -
short-circuited. controller of CN2-1 part. 8.2V
2) If voltage is normal, replace Key OFF:
control pc-board. CN2-1 P7(W/G) or P7(W/G) -
3) If voltage is abnormal, repair or CN2-1 P6(P) or P16(P) less
replace harness. than 7.3V
2284 0 Power LED is abnormal. 1) Stop charge, travel and materials Refer to the Shop Manual
- Charge operation panel handling operation. Check the 70.ERR8-2284
- Status display LED disconnected or voltage of power supply controller
short-circuited. of CN2-1 part.
2) If voltage is normal, replace
control pc-board.
3) If voltage is abnormal, repair or
replace harness between
connectors CN2-1, CN2-2 an
2285 0 Power Key interlock is abnormal. 1) Stop charge or travel and
- Key interlock contact point became materials handling operation. Turn
sticky due to high temperature or open key switch OFF once and return it
failure to ON again so as to check whether
warning is given immediately.
2) If warning is given, replace
control pc-board.
2286 0 Power Hood interlock is abnormal. 1) Stop charge. Pull out the hood Interlock plug resistance in
- Seat hood closed in charge mode. interlock connectors in the hood hood open state: 0(Ohm)
open state. Check the resistance of CN2-1 P3(R/Y) - Hood interlock
hood interlock plug. connector terminal P1(R/Y):
2) Check the resistance of CN2-1 0(Ohm)
and hood interlock connectors. CN2-6 P6(P) - Hood interlock
connector terminal P2(P):
2290 0 Power Precharge finish timeout is abnormal. 1) Stop charge. Pull out the charge
- Although 40 minutes have passed plug and push the precharge
since starting precharge, precharge switch. Measure the voltage of the
does not finish yet. capacitor at terminals of both (+)
and (-) of the capacitor.
2) If the measured voltage is
beyond the criterion, replace
control pc-board.
2291 0 Power Charge timeout is abnormal. Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ERR-
- Charge is not completed within the 2291, determine each factor from
time set up for every stage. items agreeable with error contents
thereof and take necessary actions.
2292 0 Power Communication timeout is abnormal. Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ERR-
- Data does not come for more than 2292, determine each factor from
one second in serial communication. items agreeable with error contents
thereof and take necessary actions.
2296 0 Power Power pc-board composition is Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ERR-
abnormal. 2296, determine each factor from
- Power pc-board of ch3 which is not items agreeable with error contents
existing has been connected. thereof and take necessary actions.
2297 0 Power Power pc-board connection is 1) Pull out the battery plug and the
abnormal. battery connectors (ch0, ch1 and
- Power pc-board is not being ch2). Check visually whether the
connected. power pc-board is being connected
2) Check whether there is any dirt
on the terminal part of the power
pc-board connection connector.
3) Check
2299 0 Power Other errors Refer to the Shop Manual 70.ERR-
2299, determine each factor from
items agreeable with error contents
thereof and take necessary actions.
3001 0 Travel R R Controller : Breaking of main 1) Check and repair or replace Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
contactor, Blown-out fuse main contactor. CN1S-D1 P3(BW) - Contactor
*Breaking of main contactor 2) Check and replace fuse. Coil P2
*Blown-out fuse 3) Check wire harness between CN1S-D1 P4(BW) - Contactor
Travel R controller and contacotr Coil P1
4) If it is normal by the above
check, replace R motor controller.
3002 0 Travel R R Controller : Short of main contactor 1) Check and repair or replace Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
* Shorted main contactor main contactor. CN1S-D1 P3(BW) - Contactor
2) Check and replace fuse. Coil P2
3) Check wire harness between CN1S-D1 P4(BW) - Contactor
Travel R controller and contacotr Coil P1
4) If it is normal by the above
check, replace R motor controller.
3004 0 Travel R R Controller : Low voltage detection 1) Check battery voltage. Normal: Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
(Drop of battery voltage) more than 45V. Recharge battery if CN1S-D1 P7(RW) - Battery(+)
*The low voltage is detected necessary.
2) Check visually that the
connecters and terminals of Travel
(R) controller are not disconnected
or not loosened
3) Chcek the harness between
connector and battery
3005 1 Travel R R Controller : Warning of inconnect 1)Start again teaching operation Conductivity check: 0 (ohm),
teaching operation with correct steps. +5V:CN2-D1 P24(RL) - Tire
* Incorrent steering direction of 2)Changing road surface condition, angle sensor P3(RL)
steering wheel start it once again. SIG: CN2-D1 P23(Y) - Tire
* Incorrent steering amount of 3)Check, repair or replace Travel angle sensor P2(Y)
steering wheel (R) connectors and steered wheels GND: CN2-D1 P22(BY) - Tire
steering angle potentiometer wire angle sensor P1(BY)
4)If it is normal,replace Travel (R
3010 0 Travel R R Controller : Travel controller ( The There are some error factors to be Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
upper and lower FET's ar shorted ) considered. CN1S-D1 P7(RW) - Battery(+)
See the error code [70.ERR-3010]
on the Shop Manual for identical
error information to determine
relevant error factors for taking a
remedial measure properly.
3011 0 Travel R R Controller : Travel controller (The There are some error factors to be
upper side is shorted) considered.
See the error code [70.ERR-3011]
on the Shop Manual for identical
error information to determine
relevant error factors for taking a
remedial measure properly.
3012 0 Travel R R Controller : Travel controller (The There are some error factors to be
lower side is shorted) considered.
See the error code [70.ERR-3012]
on the Shop Manual for identical
error information to determine
relevant error factors for taking a
remedial measure properly.
3021 1 Travel R R Controller : Travel Controller 1)Turn key switch OFF. Stop Temperature sensor resistance /
(Temperature Rise) vehicle and let it cool down. Voltage:
*Temperature inside R motor 2)Check controller fitting and fan. 100k(ohm) / 3.2V (+/-10%)
controller is more than 108degC. 3)When normally traveling, if the 25degC
alarm occurs in a short period of 15k(ohm) / 1.0V (+/-10%)
time, check ERR-3021 75degC
6.5k(ohm) / 0.5V (+/-10%)
3053 0 Travel R R Controller : Defective accelerator, Check accelerator volume input Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
Abnormal accelerator switch sensor.Normal : 0.2 -4.6(V) +5V: CN1-D1 P21(B) -
If it is abnomal, check and repair or Accelerator P1(B)
replace wire harness SIG: CN1-D1 P31 (Y) -
If it is abnormal by step 1 and Accelerator P2(Y)
normal by step 2, replace wire GND: CN1-D1 P30(G) -
harness Accelerator P3(G)
If it is normal, replace Travel (R) ON/OFF: CN1-D1 P16(R) -
motor controller. Accelerator P6®
3054 0 Travel R R Controller : The tire angle Check tire angle seonsor input Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
potentiometer is defective (Abnormal signal +5V: CN1-D2 P24(RL) - Tire
defection angle) Normal : 0.2 - 4.6(V) 3-wheeler, 0.1 angle sensor P3(RL)
- 4.9(V) 4-wheeler SIG: CN1-D2 P23(Y) - Tire
If abnormal, check and repair or angle sensor P2(Y)
replace wire harness. GND: CN1-D2 P22(BY) - Tire
If it's abnormal by step1 and angle sensor P1(BY)
normal by step 2, replace tire angle
3056 0 Travel R R Controller : Travel motor speed 1)Confirm that the connectors and Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
sensor ( A phase output is abnormal) terminals of Right travel motor CN1-D1 P14(B) - Right motor
speed sensor A phese are not speed sensor-A P2(B)
disconnected or not loosened CN1-D1 P13(W) - Right motor
2)Measue the resistance of harness speed sensor-A P1(W)
between the travel(R) controller
and Right travel motor speed
sensor A phese
3)If it's normal by
3057 0 Travel R R Controller : Travel motor speed 1)Confirm that the connectors and Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
sensor ( B phase output is abnormal) terminals of Right travel motor CN1-D1 P28(B) - Right motor
speed sensor B phese are not speed sensor-B P2(B)
disconnected or not loosened CN1-D1 P27(W) - Right motor
2)Measue the resistance of harness speed sensor-B P1(W)
between the travel(R) controller
and Right travel motor speed
sensor B phese
3)If it's normal by
3061 0 Travel R R Controller : FR direction switch Check directional F/R switch input Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
defective signal. Normal : infinity(ohm) DSR: CN1-D1 P1(WB) -
Neutral,0(ohm) swicth ON state Directional switch P3(WB)
f it is normal, replace R motor DSF: CN1-D1 P2(L) -
controller. Directional switch P2(L)
If it is abnormal, check and repair
or replace directional F/R switch
and wire harness.
3062 0 Travel R R Controller : The logic of seat Check seat switch input signal. Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
switch_a and seat switch_b is defective SW_a: infinity(ohm) ,0(ohm) CN1-D1 P19(LR) - Seat switch
SW_b :0(ohm) ,infinity(ohm) P2(LR)
If it is normal, replace R motor CN1-D1 P18(RB) - Seat switch
controller. P3(RB)
If it is abnormal, check and repair CN1-D3 P15(BY) - Seat switch
or replace seat switch and wire P1(BY)
3070 0 Travel R
3082 0 Travel R R Controller : The communication 1)Check visually that the Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
between Travel (R) controller and connectors and terminals of travel CN3-D1 P8(GW) - CN3-D2
Travel (L) controller is abnormal (R) controller and travel (L) P9(GW)
*Cannot communicate with the controller are not disconnected or CN3-D1 P2(LW) - CN3-D2
travel (L) controller. no loosened P3(LW)
2)check and repair wire harness
,measure the resistance of harness
between Travel (L) controller and
Travel (R) contr
3084 0 Travel R R Controller : The communication 1)Check visually that the Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
between Travel (R) controller and connectors and terminals of travel CN3-D1 P9(G) - CN3-P P8(G)
cargo handling controller is abnormal (R) controller and Cargo handling CN3-D1 P3(L) - CN3-P P2(L)
*Cannot communicate with the cargo controller are not disconnected or
handling controller no loosened
2)check and repair wire harness
,measure the resistance of harness
between Cargo Handling controller
and Travel (
3204 0 Travel L L Controller : Low voltage detection 1) Check battery voltage. Normal: Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
(Drop of battery voltage) more than 45V. Recharge battery if CN1S-D2 P7 (RW) - Battery (+)
*The low voltage is detected necessary.
2) Check visually that the
connecters and terminals of travel
(L) controller are not disconnected
or not loosened
3) Chcek the harness between
connector and battery
3205 1 Travel L L Controller : Warning of inconnect 1)Start again teaching operation
teaching operation with correct steps.
* Incorrent steering direction of 2)Changing road surface condition,
steering wheel start it once again.
* Incorrent steering amount of 3)Check, repair or replace Travel L
steering wheel connectors and steered wheels
steering angle potentiometer wire
4)If it is normal,replace Travel L co
3210 0 Travel L L Controller : Travel controller ( The There are some error factors to be Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
upper and lower FET's ar shorted ) considered. CN1S-D2 P7 (RW) - Battery (+)
See the error code [70.ERR-3210]
on the Shop Manual for identical
error information to determine
relevant error factors for taking a
remedial measure properly.
3211 0 Travel L L Controller : Travel controller (The There are some error factors to be
upper side is shorted) considered.
See the error code [70.ERR-3211]
on the Shop Manual for identical
error information to determine
relevant error factors for taking a
remedial measure properly.
3212 0 Travel L L Controller : Travel controller (The There are some error factors to be
lower side is shorted) considered.
See the error code [70.ERR-3212]
on the Shop Manual for identical
error information to determine
relevant error factors for taking a
remedial measure properly.
3221 0 Travel L L Controller : Travel controller 1)Turn key switch off and stop Temperature sensor resistance /
(Abnormal Temperature) vehicle to let it cool down. Voltage:
*Temperature inside L motor 2)Check/repair or replace wire 100k(ohm) / 3.2V (+/-10%)
controller is more than 130degC. harness between connecter(CN2P 25degC
P10,P11) inside CPU board and 15k(ohm) / 1.0V (+/-10%)
Power module temperature sensor. 75degC
3)Check controller fitting and fan. 6.5k(ohm) / 0.5V (+/-10%)
4)If it is normal,replace Travel 100degC
3221 1 Travel L L Controller : Travel Controller 1)Turn key switch OFF. Stop Temperature sensor resistance /
(Temperature Rise) vehicle and let it cool down. Voltage:
*Temperature inside L motor 2)Check controller fitting and fan. 100k(ohm) / 3.2V (+/-10%)
controller is more than 108degC. 3)When normally traveling, if the 25degC
alarm occurs in a short period of 15k(ohm) / 1.0V (+/-10%)
time, check ERR-3221 75degC
6.5k(ohm) / 0.5V (+/-10%)
3230 0 Travel L L Controller : Short-circuit between 1) Check foreign substance mixture
phases of travel L motor(The Load is around terminals U, V and W.
short) 2) Check short circuit between
motor cables including damage of
cable cover and foreign substance
mixture inside motor.
3) Swap the right and left cables
and turn ON the key switch. Then,
3231 0 Travel L L Controller : Travel Motor (Abnormal 1)Turn key switch off and stop Temperature sensor resistance /
Temperature) vehicle to let it cool down. Voltage:
*Temperature inside L motor is 2)Check/repair or replace wire 10.7k(ohm) / 3.5V (+/-10%)
more than 175degC. harness between L travel controller 25degC
and temperature sensor. 1.0k(ohm) / 0.9V (+/-10%)
3)Check/repair or replace travel 100degC
motor temperature sensor 0.3k(ohm) / 0.3V (+/-10%)
resistance and voltage. 150degC
4)If it is normal, rep
3231 1 Travel L L Controller : Travel Motor 1)Turn key switch OFF. Stop Temperature sensor resistance /
(Temperature Rise) vehicle and let it cool down. Voltage:
*Temperature inside L motor is 2)When normally traveling, if the 10.7k(ohm) / 3.5V (+/-10%)
more than 163degC. alarm occurs in a short period of 25degC
time, check ERR-3231 1.0k(ohm) / 0.9V (+/-10%)
0.3k(ohm) / 0.3V (+/-10%)
3250 0 Travel L L Controller : Defective temperature 1) Check temperature sensor input
sensor of travel controller signal. Normal : 0.2 - 4.95 (V)
2) If it is normal, replace Travel L
3251 0 Travel L L Controller : Defective temperature 1) Check temperature sensor input Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
sensor of travel motor signal. Normal : 0.2 - 4.95 (V) CN1-D2 P29(GR) - L motor
2) Confirm that the temperature temperature sensor P2(GR)
sensor connector of left travel CN1-D2 P20(GR) - L motor
motor is firmly connected. temperature sensor P1(GR)
3) Check and repair or replace wire
harness between L motor
temperature sensor and Travel L
3252 0 Travel L L Controller : Defective output of travel 1) Check the around of current
current sensor ( U phase , W phase ) sensor on CPU board for mixture of
foreign substance.
2) If it is normal,replace Travel L
3256 0 Travel L L Controller : Travel motor speed 1)Confirm that the connectors and Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
sensor ( A phase output is abnormal) terminals of Left travel motor CN1-D2 P14(B) - Left motor
speed sensor A phese are not speed sensor-A P2(B)
disconnected or not loosened CN1-D2 P13(W) - Left motor
2)Measue the resistance of harness speed sensor-A P1(W)
between the travel(L) controller
and Left travel motor speed sensor
A phese
3)If it's normal by s
3257 0 Travel L L Controller : Travel motor speed 1)Confirm that the connectors and Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
sensor ( B phase output is abnormal) terminals of Left travel motor CN1-D2 P28(B) - Left motor
speed sensor B phese are not speed sensor-B P2(B)
disconnected or not loosened CN1-D2 P27(W) - Left motor
2)Measue the resistance of harness speed sensor-B P1(W)
between the travel(L) controller
and Left travel motor speed sensor
B phese
3)If it's normal by s
3270 0 Travel L
3281 0 Travel L L Controller : The communication 1)Check visually that the Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
between Travel (R) controller and connectors and terminals of travel CN1-D3 P8(GW) - CN2-D3
Travel (L) controller is abnormal (R) controller and travel (L) P9(GW)
*Cannot communicate with the controller are not disconnected or CN1-D3 P2(LW) - CN2-D3
travel (R) controller. no loosened P3(LW)
2)check and repair wire harness
,measure the resistance of harness
between Travel (L) controller and
Travel (R) contr
3283 0 Travel L
5012 0 Hydraulic Pump Controller : Travel controller There are some error factors to be
(The lower side is shorted) considered.
See the error code [70.ERR-5012]
on the Shop Manual for identical
error information to determine
relevant error factors for taking a
remedial measure properly.
5013 0 Hydraulic PumpR Controller : Travel controller 1) Check motor terminal cable
(Breacking of U phase wire) tightening for looseness and cable
*There is an open circuit defect on for disconnection.
main transistor (U phase), 2) If it's normal by the above, check
or wiring on motor side (U phase) is and replace cargo handling
disconnected. controller or pump motor.
5014 0 Hydraulic Pump Controller : Travel controller 1) Check motor terminal cable
(Breacking of V phase wire) tightening for looseness and cable
*There is an open circuit defect on for disconnection.
main transistor (V phase), 2) If it's normal by the above, check
or wiring on motor side (V phase) is and replace cargo handling
disconnected. controller or pump motor.
5015 0 Hydraulic Pump Controller : Travel controller 1) Check motor terminal cable
(Breacking of W phase wire) tightening for looseness and cable
*There is an open circuit defect on for disconnection.
main transistor (W phase), 2) If it's normal by the above, check
or wiring on motor side (W phase) is and replace cargo handling
disconnected. controller or pump motor.
5016 0 Hydraulic
5021 0 Hydraulic Pump Controller : Travel controller 1) Turn key switch OFF. Stop Temperature sensor resistance /
(Abnormal Temperature) vehicle and let it cool down (cooling Voltage:
*Temperature inside Pump motor down controller). 100k(ohm) / 3.2V (+/-10%)
controller is more than 130degC. 2) Check controller fitting and fan. 25degC
3) If it's normal by the above check, 15k(ohm) / 1.0V (+/-10%)
input power supply again. If the 75degC
same error occurs again, replace 6.5k(ohm) / 0.5V (+/-10%)
controller. 100degC
5021 1 Hydraulic Pump Controller : Travel Controller 1) Turn key switch OFF. Stop Temperature sensor resistance /
(Temperature Rise) vehicle and let it cool down (cooling Voltage:
*Temperature inside Pump motor down controller). 100k(ohm) / 3.2V (+/-10%)
controller is more than 108degC. 2) Check controller fitting and fan. 25degC
3) When normally traveling, if the 15k(ohm) / 1.0V (+/-10%)
alarm occurs in a short period of 75degC
time, check ERR-5021 6.5k(ohm) / 0.5V (+/-10%)
5031 1 Hydraulic Pump Controller : Travel Motor 1) Turn key switch OFF. Stop Temperature sensor resistance /
(Temperature Rise) vehicle and let it cool down (cooling Voltage:
*Temperature inside Pump motor is down controller). 10.7k(ohm) / 3.5V (+/-10%)
more than 163degC. 2) Check controller fitting and fan. 25degC
3) When normally traveling, if the .0k(ohm) / 0.9V (+/-10%)
alarm occurs in a short period of 100degC
time, check ERR-5031 0.3k(ohm) /0.3V (+/-10%)
5040 0 Hydraulic Pump Controller : Defective 1) Confirm that proportional valve Conductivity check: 0 (ohm).
temperature sensor of pump controller controller connector si firmly CN1-P P30(Y) - CN1S P17(Y)
connected CN1-P P31(G) - CN1S P18(G)
2) Check harness between cargo
handling controller and
proportional valve controller
3) if it is normal, replace cargo
handling controller
5050 0 Hydraulic Pump Controller : Defective Check temperature sensor input
temperature sensor of pump controller singnal. Normal : 0.2 -4.95 (V)
If it is normal, replace cargo
handling controller
If it is abnormal, check and repair
or replace wire harness between
temperature senseor and cargo
handling controller.
5051 0 Hydraulic Pump Controller : Defective 1)Check temperature sensor input Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
temperature sensor of pump motor singnal. Normal : 0.2 -4.95 (V) CN1-P P29(YB) - Pump motor
2)Confirm that the pump motor temperature sensor P2(YB)
temperature sensor connector is CN1-P P20(YG) - Pump motor
fimly connected temperature sensor P1(YB)
3)Chhck wire harness between
Pump motor and cargo handling
4)if it is normal, replace cargo
5052 0 Hydraulic Pump Controller : Defective output of 1) Check foreign substance mixture
travel current sensor ( U phase , W around current sensor on CPU
phase ) board.
2) If it’s normal by the above check,
replace pump motor controller
5055 0 Hydraulic Pump controller : The steering wheel 1)Check lift volume input signal. Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
angle sensor is defective( Detection Normal: +5V: CN3-P P5(R) - Steering
angle is abnormal ) 2)If it is abnormal,check and repair wheel sensor P1®
or replace wire harness between lift SIG: CN2-P P15(GR) -
volume and cargo handling Potentiometer P5(GR)
controller. GND: CN2-P P14 (LY) -
3)Check/repair or replace Potentiometer P6 (LY)
sensor,replace cargo handling
5057 0 Hydraulic Pump controller : The pump motor 1)Check and repair or replace wire Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
speed sensor is defective harness between connctor and CN1-P P27(W) - Pump motor
sensor. speed sensor P1(W)
2)Repair pump motor sensor, or CN1-P P28(B) - Pump motor
check and repair motor gears, or speed sensor P2(B)
replace motor.
3)If it is normal by above check,
replace cargo handling controller.
5070 0 Hydraulic
5081 0 Hydraulic Pump Controller : The communication There are some error factors to be
between cargo handling controller and considered.
Travel (R) controller is abnormal See the error code [70.ERR-5081]
*Cannot communicate with the on the Shop Manual for identical
Travel (R) controller error information to determine
relevant error factors for taking a
remedial measure properly.
5082 0 Hydraulic Pump Controller : The communication There are some error factors to be
between cargo handling controller and considered.
Travel (R) controller is abnormal See the error code [70.ERR40-
*Cannot communicate with the 5082] on the Shop Manual for
Travel (L) controller identical error information to
determine relevant error factors for
taking a remedial measure
5083 0 Hydraulic
5085 0 Hydraulic Pump Controller : Abnormal 1)Check proportional valve
communication between cargo controller for proper motion
handling controller and proportional If it is normal, check wire harness
solenoid valve controller If it is abnormal, replace
(Pair to the proportional solenoid valve proportional valve controller
controller) 2)If it is normal by the above check,
replace pump motor controller.
5086 0
5087 0 Hydraulic The communication between power 1)Check power supply controller for
supply controller and cargo handling proper motion
controller is abnormal If it is normal, check wire harness
If it is abnormal, replace power
supply controller
2)If it is normal by the above check,
replace pump motor controller.
5088 0 Hydraulic The Communication cargo handling 1)Check power supply controller for
controller between cargo handling proper motion
controller and power supply controller If it is normal, check wire harness
is abnormal If it is abnormal, replace power
supply controller
2)If it is normal by the above check,
replace pump motor controller.
5206 1 Proportion Proportional valve: Key switch ON Check lift lever sensor input signal. Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
error occurs on other than lift lever in Normal : 2.39 - 2.61(V) GND: CN1S-P2(BY) -
neutral position If it is normal, replace proportional Potentiometer P8(BY)
*Lift lever sensor adjustment defect valve controller. SIG: CN1S-P3(RG) -
*Lift lever sensor defect If it is abnormal, check and repair Potentiometer P2(RG)
*Lift lever sensor circuit wire harness wire harness between lift lever +5V:CN1S-P9(GW) -
defect sensor and proportional valve Potentiometer P1(GW)
controller, or replace lift lever
5207 1 Proportion Proportional valve: Key switch ON Check tilt lever sensor input signal. Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
error occurs on other than tilt lever in Normal : 2.39 - 2.61(V) GND: CN1S-P2(BY) -
neutral position If it is normal, replace proportional Potentiometer P8(BY)
*Tilt lever sensor adjustment defect valve controller. SIG: CN1S-P4(RW) -
*Tilt lever sensor defect If it is abnormal, check and repair Potentiometer P4(RW)
*Tilt lever sensor circuit wire harness wire harness between tilt lever +5V: CN1S-P9(GW) -
defect sensor and proportional valve Potentiometer P1(GW)
controller, or replace tilt lever
5208 1 Proportion Proportional valve: Key switch ON Check ATT1 lever sensor input Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
error occurs on other than ATT1 lever signal. Normal : 2.39 - 2.61(V) GND: CN1S-P2 (BY) -
in neutral position If it is normal, replace proportional Potentiometer P8 (BY)
*ATT1 lever sensor adjustment defect valve controller. SIG: CN1S-P5 (RL) -
*ATT1 lever sensor defect If it is abnormal, check and repair Potentiometer P3 (RL)
*ATT1 lever sensor circuit wiring wire harness between ATT1 lever +5V: CN1S-P9 (GW) -
harness defect sensor and proportional valve Potentiometer P1 (GW)
controller, or replace ATT1 lever
5209 1 Proportion Proportional valve: Key switch ON Check ATT2 lever sensor input Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
error occurs on other than ATT2 lever signal. Normal : 2.39 - 2.61(V) GND: CN1S-P2 (BY) -
in neutral position If it is normal, replace proportional Potentiometer P8 (BY)
*ATT2 lever sensor adjustment defect valve controller. SIG: CN1S-P6 (LW) -
*ATT2 lever sensor defect If it is abnormal, check and repair Potentiometer P5 (LW)
*ATT2 lever sensor circuit wiring wire harness between ATT2 lever +5V: CN1S-P9 (GW) -
harness defect sensor and proportional valve Potentiometer P1 (GW)
controller, or replace ATT2 lever
5210 1 Proportion Proportional valve: Key switch ON Check ATT3 lever sensor input Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
error occurs on other than ATT3 lever signal. Normal : 2.39 - 2.61(V) GND: CN1S-P2 (BY) -
in neutral position If it is normal, replace proportional Potentiometer P8 (BY)
*ATT3 lever sensor adjustment defect valve controller. SIG: CN1S-P7 (LY) -
*ATT3 lever sensor defect If it is abnormal, check and repair Potentiometer P6 (LY)
*ATT3 lever sensor circuit wiring wire harness between ATT3 lever +5V: CN1S-P9 (GW) -
harness defect sensor and proportional valve Potentiometer P1 (GW)
controller, or replace ATT3 lever
5211 0 Proportion Proportional valve: Abnormal lift lever Check litt lever input signal. Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
signal Normal : 3.9-4.3(V) Full lever GND: CN1S-P2 (BY) -
*Lift lever sensor adjustment defect forward, 0.7 - 1.1(V) backward Potentiometer P8 (BY)
*Lift lever sensor defect If normal, replace propotrional SIG: CN1S-P3 (RG) -
*Lift lever sensor circuit wire harness valve controller. Potentiometer P2 (RG)
defect If abnormal,check/repair wire 5V: CN1S-P9 (GW) -
harness between lever sensor and Potentiometer P1 (GW)
proportional valve controller,or
replace lever
5212 0 Proportion Proportional valve: Abnormal tilt lever Check tilt lever input signal. Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
signal Normal : 3.9-4.3(V) Full lever GND: CN1S-P2 (BY) -
*Tilt lever sensor adjustment defect forward, 0.7 - 1.1(V) backward Potentiometer P8 (BY)
*Tilt lever sensor defect If normal, replace propotrional SIG: CN1S-P4 (RW) -
*Tilt lever sensor circuit wiring harness valve controller. Potentiometer P4 (RW)
defect If abnormal,check/repair wire +5V: CN1S-P9 (GW) -
harness between lever sensor and Potentiometer P1 (GW)
proportional valve controller,or
replace lever
5213 0 Proportion Proportional valve: Abnormal ATT1 Check ATT1 lever input signal. Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
lever signal Normal : 3.9-4.3(V) Full lever GND: CN1S-P2 (BY) -
*ATT1 lever sensor adjustment defect forward, 0.7 - 1.1(V) backward Potentiometer P8 (BY)
*ATT1 lever sensor defect If normal, replace propotrional SIG: CN1S-P5 (RL) -
*ATT1 lever sensor circuit wire harness valve controller. Potentiometer P3 (RL)
defect If abnormal,check/repair wire +5V: CN1S-P9 (GW) -
harness between lever sensor and Potentiometer P1 (GW)
proportional valve controller,or
replace lever
5214 0 Proportion Proportional valve: Abnormal ATT2 Check ATT2 lever input signal. Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
lever signal Normal : 3.9-4.3(V) Full lever GND: CN1S-P2 (BY) -
*ATT2 lever sensor adjustment defect forward, 0.7 - 1.1(V) backward Potentiometer P8 (BY)
*ATT2 lever sensor defect If normal, replace propotrional SIG: CN1S-P6 (LW) -
*ATT2 lever sensor circuit wiring valve controller. Potentiometer P5 (LW)
harness defect If abnormal,check/repair wire +5V: CN1S-P9 (GW) -
harness between lever sensor and Potentiometer P1 (GW)
proportional valve controller,or
replace lever
5215 0 Proportion Proportional valve: Abnormal ATT3 Check ATT3 lever input signal. Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
lever signal Normal : 3.9-4.3(V) Full lever GND: CN1S-P2 (BY) -
*ATT3 lever sensor adjustment defect forward, 0.7 - 1.1(V) backward Potentiometer P8 (BY)
*ATT3 lever sensor defect If normal, replace propotrional SIG: CN1S-P7 (LY) -
*ATT3 lever sensor circuit wiring valve controller. Potentiometer P6 (LY)
harness defect If abnormal,check/repair wire +5V: CN1S-P9 (GW) -
harness between lever sensor and Potentiometer P1 (GW)
proportional valve controller,or
replace lever
5216 0 Proportion Proportional valve: Abnormal lift Check lift pressure sensor input Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
pressure sensor signal signal. Normal ' 0.33 - 4.3(V) GND: CN1S-P14 (BW) - Lift
*Lift pressure sensor output error If it is normal, replace proportional pressure sensor P3 (BW)
*Sensor circuit wire harness is valve controller. SIG: CN1S-P1 (L) - Lift pressure
defective. If it is abnormal, check and repair sensor P2 (L)
wire harness between lift pressure +5V: CN1S-P9 (GW) - Lift
sensor and proportional valve pressure sensor P1 (GW)
controller or replace sensor.
5217 0 Proportion Proportional valve: Abnormal tilt angle 1)Check and repair motion of tilt Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
sensor signal angle sensor.Check signal and GND: CN1S-P14 (BW) - Fork
*Tilt angle sensor output error adjust fitting. leveling P1 (BW)
*Tilt angle sensor circuit wire harness Normal : 0.4 - 4.6(V) SIG: CN1S-P12 (Y) - Fork
defect When equipped with Automatic 2)Check and repair mechanical leveling P2 (Y)
Fork Leveling Device (Optional) mast stop during automatic fork +5V: CN1S-P9 (GW) - Fork
leveling leveling P3 (GW)
3)if normal, relpace proportional
valve controller printed circuit
5218 0 Proportion Proportional valve: Abnormal lift There are some error factors to be Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
proportional solenoid valve operation considered. Lift up COM: CN2S-P9 (GB) -
*Wire harness disconnection, leakage See the error code 70.ERR-5218 on Lift up valve P4 (GB)
or contract defect the Shop Manual for identical error Lift up SIG: CN2S-P7 (GR) - Lift
*Emergency relay open, or drive circuit information to determine relevant up valve P1 (GR)
open/short circuit error factors for taking a remedial Lift down COM: CN2S-P9 (GB) -
*Proportional valve coil short circurt measure properly. Lift down valve P4 (GB)
Lift down SIG: CN2S-P8 (GR) -
Lift down valve P1 (GR)
5219 0 Proportion Proportional valve: Abnormal tilt There are some error factors to be Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
proportional solenoid valve operation considered. Tilt backward COM: CN2S-P6
*Wire harness disconnection, leakage See the error code 70.ERR-5219 on (G) - Tilt backward valve P5 (G)
or contract defect the Shop Manual for identical error Tilt backward SIG: CN2S-P4
*Emergency relay open, or drive circuit information to determine relevant (GW) - Tilt backward valve P2
open/short circuit error factors for taking a remedial (GW)
*Proportional valve coil short circurt measure properly. Tilt forward COM: CN2S-P6 (G)
- Tilt forward valve P5 (G)
Tilt forward SIG: CN2S-P5 (GB)
5220 0 Proportion Proportional valve: Abnormal ATT1 There are some error factors to be Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
proportional solenoid valve operation considered. COM: CN2S-P3 (V) -
*Wire harness disconnection, leakage See the error code 70.ERR-5220 on Proportional valve lift up1 P6
or contract defect the Shop Manual for identical error (V)
*Emergency relay open, or drive circuit information to determine relevant SIG: CN2S-P1 (WL) -
open/short circuit error factors for taking a remedial Proportional valve lift up1 P3
*Proportional valve coil short circurt measure properly. (WL)
COM: CN2S-P3 (V) -
Proportional valve lift down1 P6
5221 0 Proportion Proportional valve: Abnormal ATT2 There are some error factors to be Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
proportional solenoid valve operation considered. COM: CN2S-P18 (GR) -
*Wire harness disconnection, leakage See the error code 70.ERR-5221 on Proportional valve lift up2 P3
or contract defect the Shop Manual for identical error (GR)
*Emergency relay open, or drive circuit information to determine relevant SIG: CN2S-P17 (GrB) -
open/short circuit error factors for taking a remedial Proportional valve lift up2 P1
*Proportional valve coil short circurt measure properly. (GrB)
COM: CN2S-P18 (GR) -
Proportional valve lift down2 P3
5222 0 Proportion Proportional valve: Abnormal ATT3 There are some error factors to be Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
proportional solenoid valve operation considered. COM: CN2S-P15 (GY) -
*Wire harness disconnection, leakage See the error code 70.ERR-5222 on Proportional valve lift up3 P4
or contract defect the Shop Manual for identical error (GY)
*Emergency relay open, or drive circuit information to determine relevant SIG: CN2S-P13 (V) -
open/short circuit error factors for taking a remedial Proportional valve lift up3 P2
*Proportional valve coil short circurt measure properly. (V)
COM: CN2S-P15 (GY) -
Proportional valve lift down3 P4
5229 1 Proportion Proportional valve: Fork leveling 1) Check and repair mechanical
position incomplete - either short or factors such as fretting or jamming,
over if it occurs frequently even though
it's not an error.
5255 1 Proportion Automatic Fork Leveling Device Press fork leveling button to check
operation error display for turning on and off( or
*Control lever was operated in the flashing on and off)
opposite direction. If it is normal, replace proportional
*It was operated from horizontal valve controller printed circuit
position or under loaded condition. borad.
*Fork leveling button short circuit or If it is abnormal, check and repair
wire harness short circuit or replace button or wire harness.
5292 0 Proportion Proportional valve: Abnormal power 1) Check and repair SENS+5V Conductivity check: 0 (ohm)
supply in proportional solenoid valve circuit wiring harness and sensor +5V: CN1S-P9 (GW) -
controller for short circuit and leakage. Potentiometer P1 (GW)
*Sensor power supply error 2) If it's normal by step 1 of the +5V: CN1S-P9 (GW) - Lift
*Drop in battery voltage above, replace proportional valve pressure sensor P1 (GW)
controller printed circuit board. +5V: CN1S-P9 (GW) - Fork
leveling P3 (GW)
5293 0 Proportion Proportional valve: Abnormal 1) Check visually proportional valve
proportional solenoid valve controller controller connector for coming off
and looseness.
2) If it's abnormal by the above
check, replace proportional valve
controller printed circuit board.
5294 0 Proportion Proportional valve: Abnormal work There are two or more check items.
machine signal See the error code 70.ERR-5294 on
the Shop Manual
8120 0 CAN CAN : Abnormal CAN There are some error factors to be
Transmission/Reception Process considered.
See the error code [70.ERRxx-
8120] on the Shop Manual for
identical error information to
determine relevant error factors for
taking a remedial measure
8130 0 CAN CAN : Abnoromal CAN There are some error factors to be
Communication between controller considered.
and controller See the error code [70.ERRxx-
8130] on the Shop Manual for
identical error information to
determine relevant error factors for
taking a remedial measure
8140 0 CAN CAN : Abnormal CAN transmission There are some error factors to be
See the error code [70.ERRxx-
8140] on the Shop Manual for
identical error information to
determine relevant error factors for
taking a remedial measure
8150 0 CAN
8314 0 CAN CAN : Abnormal CAN communication There are some error factors to be
between Travel (R) controller and considered.
Meter Panel See the error code [70.ERR40-
* Poor contact or short-circuit of 8314] on the Shop Manual for
harness connector of travel(R) identical error information to
controller and meter panel determine relevant error factors for
* Abnormal travel(R) controller taking a remedial measure
8318 0 CAN CAN : Abnormal CAN communication There are some error factors to be
between Travel (L) controller and considered.
Meter Panel See the error code [70.ERR40-
* Poor contact or short-circuit of 8318] on the Shop Manual for
harness connector of travel(L) identical error information to
controller and meter panel determine relevant error factors for
* Abnormal travel(L) controller taking a remedial measure
8330 0 CAN CAN : Abnormal CAN communication There are some error factors to be
between Cargo Handling controller considered.
and Meter Panel See the error code [70.ERR40-
* Poor contact or short-circuit of 8330] on the Shop Manual for
harness connector of Cargo Handling identical error information to
controller and meter panel determine relevant error factors for
* Abnormal Cargo Handling taking a remedial measure
controller properly.
8510 0 CAN CAN : Abnormal CAN communication There are some error factors to be
of Meter Panel after turning ON the considered.
key switch See the error code [70.ERR40-
* Abnormal communication after 8510] on the Shop Manual for
turning ON the Key switch identical error information to
* Poor contact or short-circuit of determine relevant error factors for
harness connector of meter panel taking a remedial measure
* Abnormal meter panel properly.