Nursing Master Plan

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Undersecretary of Innovation

and Quality Interinstitutional

Nursing Commission

Nursing Master Plan







• Goals
• Strategies
• Policies
• Critical factors of success
• Projects
Nursing Master Plan 3


The priority challenges of the National Health Program 2001-

2006 include equity in the provision of services. cios, quality
in its technical and interpersonal dimensions and the financial
protection of the population.

To achieve this, they highlight as imperative the efficiency,

competence and professional quality of the health human
resources directly responsible for providing and managing
these services. For this reason and given the importance of
each and every health professional, it is necessary to identify
the problems inherent to professional practice as well as
generate action plans aimed at solving this problem.

With this intention, the Interinstitutional Nursing Commission

(CIE) began its activities in 1993 promoted by the then
General Directorate of Regulation in Health Services. Starting
with the Health Sector Reform and because its authorities
recognized the importance of nursing professionals within the
health system, the Undersecretary of Sector Coordination,
today the Undersecretary of Innovation and Quality, promoted
a new integration in 1996, made up of a General Coordinator
and a sick representative est of each of the institutions in this
sector. Likewise, and recognizing that the nursing situation
should also be analyzed through the perspective of the
educational sector and trade associations, since the beginning
of its formation tion, representatives of these two areas are
incorporated ported to it (Annex 1).

This document contains the most notable aspects two of the

Commission's Master Plan that allow it to outline its actions.
It includes, among others, the vision, mission and work plan,
as well as the current organizational chart of the Subse
Department of Innovation and Quality, the body in which this
Commission is inserted (Annex 2).


The Interinstitutional Nursing Commission is a purposeful

academic group, a national advisor that supports the institutions
of the Health Sector and the regulatory role of the Ministry of
Health as far as nursing is concerned. Coordinate the work that
falls under the jurisdiction cy of the different instances that have
the power to regulate the profession with the purpose of
contributing to improving the quality of services and promoting
the development of the profession.
II. Vision

For the year 2006, the Interinstitutional Nursing Commission is

the governing body in nursing, which from its formal position in
the Ministry of Health defines the guidelines that regulate the
profession. It is the body that represents nursing at the national
and international level, because it makes inter-institutional
coordination and integrated work linked to educational and
healthcare purposes effective; It is recognized for achieving
consensus for the definition of guidelines that influence the
excellence of services and the strengthening of professional

III. Strategic Analysis Results

Deficiencies in the quality of nursing care determined swims for:

• Nursing shortage
• Conditions of practice
• Inconsistencies in the nursing education system
Nursing Master Plan 5

IV. Comprehensive Work Plan

Once the analysis was completed and in response to the problem, the CIE developed a
comprehensive work program consistent with health policies, specifically those aimed at
achieving quality in health services; also consistent with the institutional characteristics and
the heterogeneity of the national nursing situation.
An unavoidable aspect in determining the plan was the formula tion of the vision and mission
of Mexican nursing (Annexes 3) and work policies that include:

• Interinstitutional, intersectoral and interstate coordination;

• Interprofessional work through strategic alliances;
• Work integrated and linked to educational and assistance purposes and
• Concertation and negotiation in order to achieve consensus in determining guidelines .


• Contribute to improving the quality of care in nursing services to raise the level of health of the
• Contribute to improving the conditions of professional practice
• Contribute to the regulation of the nursing education system


• Have a systematized evaluation of the quality of performance effort in nursing services .

• Have a nursing organization model to make the management of nursing services more effective.
• Have nursing care models that prioritize preventive and health promotion actions.
• Have accredited educational institutions that respond to the demands for care .

Critical factors of success

To achieve the results, the critical success factors were defined:

quality in nursing care and quality in nursing education, which
gave rise to several prior projects. taries, some of direct
responsibility of the Commission, while others of direct
competence of the organizations or institutions that form part of

it, so that the Commission has interference only as a

coordinating, advisory and integrating body of the efforts of
these groups.


Quality of nursing care (Annex 4)

Code of ethics
Systematized evaluation of nursing services
Professional profiles
Sufficiency of human resources
Organizational structure
career civil service
Professional satisfaction
User satisfaction
Professional certification
Human Resources Administrative Information System in
Nursing (SIARHE)

Quality in nursing education (Annex 5)

• Guidelines to regulate the opening and operation of institutions

nursing educational tutions.
• Teaching-service link
• Certification of nursing educational programs and institutions
Nursing Master Plan 7

Appendix Interinstitutional Nursing Commission



• Health Secretary • Higher School of Nursing and Midwifery cia of

• Mexican Social Security Institute the IPN
• Institute of Security and Social Services • National College of Nurses, AC
of State Workers • Federation of Mexican Religious Nurses, AC
• National System for the Comprehensive • Mexican College of Graduates in Nursing, AC
Development of the Family
• Mexican Federation of Faculty Associations des
• Secretary of National Defense and Schools of Nursing
• Secretary of the Navy, Mexican Navy
• National Confederation of Mexican Nursing, AC
• Petróleos Mexicanos Medical Services
• Institute of Trade Union and Social Security
• Ministry of Health of the Federal District
• Private Assistance Board
• Faculty of Nursing of the Autonomous
• National School of Nursing and University ma from Nuevo León
Midwifery UNAM
• Panameri University School of Nursing cane

Organizational Structure of the

Undersecretary of Innovation and Quality Appendix
Nursing Master Plan 9

Annex 3
Nursing Mission in Mexico

The purpose of Mexican nursing is to offer effective care services with a humanitarian sense aimed at
caring of the health of the person, family and community, with promotion, prevention, cure and
rehabilitation actions, provided by competent professional personnel, supported by solid academic
training focused on mastery of the discipline and the ethical values of the profession .

Nursing Vision

In 2006, Mexican nurses are an essential part of the national health system, because they contribute to
the quality of their services in an important way in the search for a new culture of health, which allows
the individual to achieve a better quality of life. .

Thanks to your professional training you can develop intervention prevention, cure and rehabilitation
in intra- and extra-hospital settings since it also has:

• A comprehensive evaluation system of the quality of its services that includes technical qualification and
interpersonal relationships between users and providers.
• An organizational structure with well-defined profiles and professionograms that allow the nursing manager
to participate in decision-making and the operator to provide care in accordance with their professional
• An educational system regulated in its opening and functioning training, accredited for the quality of the
training it offers and coordinated with the care services.
10 Annex 4

Critical success factors: Quality in nursing care

Projects Actions Responsible
Code of ethics 1) Gather information Interinstitutional Nursing
2) Prepare Code proposal Commission
3) Socialize for consensus at the inter-institutional
4) Disseminate official version nationwide

1) Analyze the current indicators in the institutions

Sufficiency of human resources Interinstitutional Nursing
2) Define the general criteria to establish Commission
3) Develop standards for the application of indica
providers according to level of care and

Profiles and Profesiograms Interinstitutional Nursing

1) Analyze the existing profiles and professional
profiles in different health institutions. nursing Commission
2) Develop general criteria for defining profiles and
professional profiles

1) Request information from institutions about the

Systematized evaluation of the evaluation process they are currently Interinstitutional Commission of
Being Nursing vices developing Nursing and
General Directorate of Quality and
2) Determine the basic quality indicators of Health Education
nursing services
3) Validate and reach consensus at the inter-
institutional level

Organizational structure Interinstitutional Nursing

1) Analyze nursing organization models meria
2) Propose a nursing organization model it would
benefit the quality of care
3) Spread the model

Career Civil Service (SCC) 1) Collect information on the guidelines for the Interinstitutional Nursing
application of the SCC Commission
2) Formulate general application criteria

Professional satisfaction Interinstitutional Nursing

1) Establish mechanisms to identify the degree of
satisfaction of professionals
2) Propose incentive alternatives for nursing

User satisfaction Interinstitutional Nursing

1) Determine basic indicators of user satisfaction Commission
on the quality of nursing services
Annex 5 Nursing Master Plan 11

Critical success factors: Quality in education

Projects Actions Responsible

Guidelines to regulate the aper 1) Prepare guidelines for the opening and Interinstitutional Nursing Commission,
ture and operation of institution operation of nursing schools and faculties General Directorate of Quality and
nursing educational tions Health Education and Mexican
Federation of Associations nes
ofFaculties and Schools of En nursing
2) Publication and official dissemination of the
standards General Directorate of Quality and
Edu cation in Health

Teaching-service link 1) Prepare proposals for agreements between

General Directorate of Quality and
institutions educational and service tions for
Health Education, Mexican
the use of clinical fields, clinical teaching and
Federation of Faculty Associations
continuing education actions
tedities and Schools of Nursing and
Interinstitutional Commission of En
2) Promote the importance of professionalization

Interinstitutional Nursing Commission

certification of programs and 1) Promote the importance of certification of

educational institutions of en- nursing schools and faculties Interinstitutional Nursing Commission
2) Certify or accredit institutions Mexican Council for Nursing
Accreditation and Certification

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