A Comparative Analysis of Pineapples (Ananas Comosus) From Different Bioethanol Sources Available in The Philippines
A Comparative Analysis of Pineapples (Ananas Comosus) From Different Bioethanol Sources Available in The Philippines
A Comparative Analysis of Pineapples (Ananas Comosus) From Different Bioethanol Sources Available in The Philippines
Abstract:- Due to the oxidation of CO2, SO2, and NOX, a facilities (Yu, 2020) may work best in one situation while
depletion of fossil fuels has been occurring which develops another may work best in a different situation (Reigeluth,
an environmental impact as time goes by. Bioethanol has 1999).
grown in popularity not just as a chemical feedstock, an
industrial solvent, or a beverage, but also as a vehicle On January 12, 2007, the Biofuels Act of 2006 (RA No.
fuel option in recent years. Thus, this study will introduce 9367) was approved to support the development and
the feasibility of pineapples (Ananas Comosus) as an utilization of sustainable energy resources with appropriate
ethanol substrate in comparison with other documented funds and programs. Moreover, this law mandates the
feedstocks in the Philippines. The researchers will Philippines to blend bioethanol into commercial gasoline in
conduct an experiment that will introduce the feasibility the country at 10% within four years of the law's
of pineapples with the help of data gathered from past effectiveness. As the year goes by, the Department of Energy
studies. The experiment will include major processes (DOE) has projected the 10% blend to be raised to 20% from
which are extraction, dilution, sugar adjustment, pH 2020 until 2030. Last 2020, the DOE also projected at least
adjustment, chemical pasteurization, aerobic and 15 additional ethanol plants to meet the needed blend
anaerobic fermentation, siphoning, distillation, and requirement. Achieving the mandated blend for the country
observation days to come up with the desired data and be sparked a lot of researchers to push through biofuel studies as
able to compare it with the other bioethanol produced. In the provisions of this law offer a lot of support when it comes
addition to that, such guidance was sought by the to bioethanol. On the contrary, the country is still facing
Department of Science and Technology. Thus, the issues regarding the mandated minimum percentage of
effectiveness and success of the experiment will help blended bioethanol in all gasoline fuels. Moreover, according
eliminate the contribution of pollution with the to Gatdula et al. (2020), the Philippines’ bioethanol industry
introduction of pineapple’s bioethanol components and has insufficient feedstock availability and inefficiency in the
further avoid using fossil fuel. Within the comparative whole process. With that, it has been more challenging for the
analysis made, future researchers can rely on the study Philippines to comply with the 10% mandated ethanol blend
made for a greener community we all aspire to have. in gasoline.
Keywords:- Fermentation, Distillation, Bioethanol, Determining the potential of other crops to become
Feedstocks. another source of feedstock through a sugar analysis method,
is recommended by a study of Ms. Kristel M. Gatdula, Mr.
I. INTRODUCTION Rex B. Demafelis and Mr. Butch G. Bataller last 2020. In line
with that, the researchers decided to conduct a study focusing
With the climate change the Earth is continuously on a comparative analysis of the existing crops containing
facing, the production and use of fossil fuels have played a ethanol content. In addition to that, the researchers plan to
big impact not just on the climate but also in terms of health introduce pineapples (Ananas Comosus) as another source of
and the economy. According to new research by Greenpeace feedstock and/or as an additive to gasoline blends. It is the goal
Southeast Asia (2020), air pollution from fossil fuels can of the study to contribute to additional ethanol plants and
cause an estimated 27,000 premature deaths per year in the compare it to the existing ones to help bioethanol researchers
Philippines. In addition to that, the country can experience and manufacturers to distinguish which crop will fit their
approximately 1.9% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in sustainability criteria.
economic losses annually. Pollution from fossil fuels every
year is taking millions of lives as it increases risks of strokes, II. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY
lung cancer, and asthma, as well as trillions of dollars in
economic losses. Filipinos have long been the victims of Air pollution has always been an issue in the
climate change, as well as the health and economic Philippines. According to a World Health Organization
consequences of polluted air. The country must switch to research published in 2018, there were 45.3 air pollution-
renewable energy sources and phase out coal-fired power related deaths for every 100,000 inhabitants in the
Philippines. It ranked third in the world, after only China's implementing laws requiring the addition of 10% ethanol to
81.5 pollution-related deaths per 100,000 people and gasoline in 1973 and launching the Próalcool program in
Mongolia's 48.8 deaths per 100,000 people. And it seemed to 1975, which aimed to partially replace gasoline with ethanol
be getting worse. Despite this, Filipinos prefer to dismiss the in the vehicle fleet in response to the first major global oil
issue of air pollution. Coal-fired power stations generate the crisis.
lion's share of air pollution in host regions in the Philippines,
while automobile emissions are the biggest offender in the According to a research study conducted by Lye (2020),
country's urban areas. According to the data of the when the cost of producing one liter of ethanol was
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), calculated, it was pineapple (Ananas Comosus) that was the
vehicular sources account for 65% of air pollution in the most cost-effective because of a store price less than Red-
country, primarily in Metro Manila. Air pollution is expected Apples. Moreover, Wandono et al. (2020) research study
to increase given the projected 4.6% annual growth rate in results showed that pineapple waste has 27% alcohol content
energy demand (Mallari,2020). This demand corresponds to in the first distillation and 12% cellulose content. Through
the projected growth in road vehicles to 24.8 million by 2030, cellulose content, the production of bioethanol is possible by
up from 6.6 million in 2010. transforming them into easily fermentable monosaccharides
(simple sugars, such as glucose) by physical, chemical, and
Global energy consumption has increased 17-fold in the biological treatments, and then used as a fermentation
last century as a result of the burning of fossil fuels, primarily substrate to produce ethanol through a fermentation process.
in the transportation sector, which generates primary
atmospheric pollution. The emissions produced by fossil fuel In the Philippines, cassava has for a long time primarily
combustion have the potential to harm human health. Carbon been cultivated for food and in smaller but increasing
monoxide (CO) in high concentrations can be lethal to the quantities, for animal feed and other industrial products. The
heart and hurt the nervous system. Oxidation of CO can also crop is relatively typhoon and drought-resistant, and requires
significantly disrupt oxygen transport in the blood by minimum crop maintenance. More recently, it has gained
generating carboxyhemoglobin. As a result, the researchers importance as a possible fuel commodity not only in the
are aware to scrutinize and introduce another agricultural Philippines but also in China, Thailand, Indonesia, and other
crop, pineapples, as another alternative bioethanol that is countries that have more advanced national biofuel programs
accessible in the Philippines. It is the objective of this study (Ranola, Jr., et al. 2009). The size of the market for bioethanol
to lessen the use of fossil fuels for a more sustainable and the competitiveness of cassava feedstock with other
environment in the aviation industry. sources of feedstock are major considerations for tapping
cassava as a possible source of bioethanol.
Biofuels are a substitute for petroleum fuels. It can be
used alone or blended together with petroleum (Demirbas The Philippines has a huge potential for producing
2002; Demirbas 2003). Biofuels give more benefits since they different crops such as sugarcane, corn, sweet sorghum, and
come from renewable resources. Its sustainability reduces cassava which are suitable sources of feedstock for
greenhouse gas emissions, regional development, social bioethanol production (Ranola, Jr., et al. 2009). Only
structure, agriculture, and security supply (Demirbas 2006; sugarcane, on the other hand, can provide a locally sustainable
Demirbas 2008; Unal and Alibas, 2007; Ikilic and Yucesu source of ethanol for vehicle fuel. Ethanol produced from
2008). Benefitting from biofuels has been a long-term goal for sugarcane feedstock is the main competitor of ethanol
everyone as climate issues continue to arise. produced by the projected cassava feedstock project.
Sugarcane bagasse can be used as a renewable fuel source for
The use of ethanol replacing aviation gasoline has the distillery's boilers, reducing the need for bunker oil.
similar effects to the replacement of vehicular gasoline, such Ethanol from overcapacity distilleries and cheaper ethanol
as an increase in average engine power of 7% and a reduction from other countries are possible competitors for ethanol
in autonomy of 25–40% due to its lower calorific value (28 produced from cassava feedstock.
MJ kg−1 vs. 43.5 MJ kg−1) with higher economic benefits
related to the higher cost of aviation gasoline, on average US$ Pineapple, Cassava, and Sugarcane have been recorded
0.80 per liter, and environmental benefits as a renewable fuel, as the most abundant crops in the Philippines. Within the year
to reduce CO2 emissions by up to 63% and with total absence 2019, the Philippine Statistics Authority recorded a total
of lead and sulfur (Baumi, et al., 2020). Moreover, according volume of 2,630,800.28 metric tons of production for
to the Air Transport Action Group, the civil aviation industry cassava. Meanwhile, in the same year, sugarcane had a record
produced 781 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) in of 20,719,291 tone’s of production. In the case of pineapples,
2015, or 2% of all anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(ATAG). (FAO) has declared that the Philippines ranks second globally
in total pineapple production as of 2019. This was because the
According to the study conducted by Baumi, et al. record for pineapple production in 2019 was 2.74 million
(2020), the sugar and ethanol industry was introduced in metric tons. With the abundance of these crops, extracting
Brazil in the seventeenth century and evolved into one of the ethanol from them has come to light together with their
primary sources of bioenergy integrated into the national chemical components. Comparing the three will enable the
energy matrix in the twentieth century. Brazil was a pioneer researchers to introduce pineapples as another source of
in public policies for the use of biofuels in the 1970s, ethanol to help the country reach the mandated ethanol blend.
As to the knowledge of the researchers, studies on H03. Pineapple is not a good complementary alternative
pineapples as a bioethanol substrate have been conducted but as a bioethanol product in terms of its ethanol production
only limited to its waste and not the whole pineapple itself. timeline.
With that, the researchers will contribute to the bioethanol H3. Pineapple is a good complementary alternative as a
research and development by extracting ethanol content from bioethanol product in terms of its ethanol production
whole rotten pineapple including the peels, leaving no waste timeline.
from it. The researchers then decided to conduct this present
study that will enable them to contribute to a solution to fossil Significance of the Study
fuel depletion and air pollution through bioethanol production This study will be undertaken to figure out how much
in pineapples. ethanol content Pineapple can produce and compare to
available biomass in the Philippines such as cassava and
III. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM sugarcane. Thus, the result of this study will benefit the
The researchers believe that a pineapple is a good
alternative feedstock as a bioethanol product. Moreover, the Future bioethanol researchers. Future bioethanol
researchers will gather the potential ethanol component of researchers are part of the beneficiary as the study will
pineapples as recorded data. With that, the researchers will introduce that pineapple is a viable alternate source of
analyze and compare the recorded data with other bioethanol bioethanol compared to common biodiesel feedstock in
substrates available in the Philippines such as sugarcane and the Philippines.
cassava. Specifically, this study seeks to answer: Future bioethanol manufacturers. The study aids future
bioethanol manufacturers in discovering how much
A. What are the Characteristics of Pineapple as a Good ethanol can be obtained. This could also help in learning
Complementary Feedstock in Utilizing Bioethanol if pineapple will be a more profitable source of biofuel by
Products in Terms of: lessening the cost of producing it.
Regular vehicle owners. The study will benefit the regular
Ethanol Production Rate; vehicle owners on the usage of sustainable fuel that burns
more cleanly and decrease the emission of carbon dioxide.
Distilled at 60 degrees; Aviation industry. The study will benefit the aviation
Distilled at 70 degrees? industry as to potentially decrease the high production
cost of aviation kerosene that is not from the fossil fuel as
Sugar/Sucrose Composition? to decrease the greenhouse emissions of the industry.
Researchers themselves. The researchers themselves can
B. What are the Differences Between Pineapples from other showcase comparative data on ethanol yield from
Cassava and Sugarcane Ethanol Production? different plant species and how well it will perform as a
C. How Much Time did it Take to Gather the Bioethanol
Component of the Pineapple, Cassava, Sugarcane in Scope and Limitations of the Study
Terms of: This probe of research mainly dwells on the
comparative analysis of data and extraction of ethanol from
Gathering an Amount of Needed Crop; pineapples (Ananas Comosus). Thus, this study aims to
gather the ethanol component of pineapples as data to analyze
Fermentation; and compare with other bioethanol substrates available in the
Philippines such as sugarcane and cassava. With that, this
Distillation Process? study will be limited to the researchers alone. The limitation
of the study will be focusing on bioethanol data as to
Hypothesis introduce the potential of pineapples to be a source of
In addition to the previously stated questions, the study feedstock alongside with the other crops to be compared.
will also test the following research hypothesis:
Conceptual Framework
Fig 1: The Conceptual Framework of a Comparative Analysis of Pineapples (Ananas Comosus) from Different Bioethanol
Sources Available in the Philippines.
gathered data throughout the study. This theory will support With the mandated 20 percent of ethanol mixtures to
the comparative analysis of the study as a backbone on how gasoline as of RA No. 9367, meeting the required ethanol
an analysis should be made in relation to its environmental blend has been hard for the Philippines due to different
impact. circumstances. This includes the lack of feedstock sources
and the capability of plantations to produce the needed
The figure above shows the interconnection of number of crops that will suffice the desired ethanol yield.
Christoph Meinrenken’s Life Cycle Assessment theory with Other than that, the production of bioethanol is facing
the interpretation of data. In this study, this framework will be competition over biomass power generation. Instead of
utilized to understand the similarities, and differences, and creating more bioethanol, a lot of crops such as 68% of
how pineapples are a good complementary feedstock. sugarcane bagasse would be used to meet the needed fuel for
electricity and heat generation (Go et. al., 2020). With that,
The goal as stated on the diagram is to know the the researchers will introduce another potential source of
differences and similarities between pineapple sugarcane and feedstock to contribute to helping the projected 20% ethanol
cassava. Moreover, pineapples as another alternative blend of the Department of Energy (DOE). This introduction
bioethanol that is accessible in the Philippines. will come with a comparative analysis of other sources of
bioethanol present in the Philippines to distinguish the
The inventory analysis on the diagram is where the effectiveness of pineapples as a substrate.
literature review and experimentation will take place. This
part will determine the ethanol and sugar/starch content of the Materials and Procedures
cassava and sugarcane through a literature review. The following listing/s are the materials that were used
Meanwhile, the ethanol and sugar/starch content of the in the extraction of ethanol components in pineapples
pineapples will be determined through the experiment to be (Ananas Comosus):
conducted by the researchers.
Research Design
This study will utilize both experimental research and
comparative analysis of data. It aims to gather the ethanol
component of pineapples as data to analyze and compare with
other bioethanol substrates available in the Philippines such
as sugarcane and cassava. This will allow the researchers to
introduce pineapples to bioethanol researchers as another
Fig 4: Saccharomyces Cerevisiae (Yeast)
source of feedstock.
Airlock is a small pipe attached on the lid of the Fig 18: Latex Gloves
container. It is utilized in the fermentation process such as
aerobic and anaerobic ones. It is a chamber like item with a Latex gloves are disposable personal protective
passageway that helps the release of carbon dioxide and the equipment (PPE) used in laboratories to protect your hands
passage of oxygen. from contaminants and potentially harmful chemicals.
Cheese Cloth is a type of cloth used in filtering the juice A graduated cylinder is a laboratory glassware used to
and its residue. It is a lightweight cotton fabric with an open measure the volume of a liquid. It has a cylindrical shape with
texture. “Katsa” is an alternative for this. markings on the side that indicate the volume of the liquid
contained within. The markings are usually in milliliters or
cubic centimeters.
List of Equipment/Apparatus
Fig 21: Dropper
A dropper is a type of pipette that consists of a small,
plastic tube with a rubber, vacuum bulb at one end that draws
liquid in and releases it one drop at a time. It is utilized in the Strainer
sugar measurement on the Traditional Handheld Cheese cloth
Refractometer. Volumetric Flask
Graduated Cylinder
Glass Stirrer
1000mL Schott Bottle
250mL Schott Bottle
1000mL Beaker
V. FERMENTATION PROCESS of natrium hydroxide will be added. On the other hand, if the
pH level is higher than 4, 1M (molar solution) of hydrochloric
A. Filtration acid will be added. As the researchers aimed for a level 4 pH,
After the materials to be used are prepared, alongside the they added a solution of 20 grams of Sodium Hydroxide
pineapples, the fermentation process begins with filtration. In (NaOH) with 100 mL of distilled water accordingly.
this segment, the blended number of pineapples was filtered
using cheesecloth or “katsa” as an alternative. The E. Chemical Pasteurization
researchers squeezed them portion by portion. In each portion As an alternative to the traditional pasteurization,
squeezed with the help of cheesecloth, the juice is measured on chemical pasteurization was done. In this process, a tablet of
the food scale. This procedure is repeated until the researchers potassium metabisulfite (KSM) was used. According to
gather the desired total volume of juice extracted from the Professor Bigol, a tablet of KSM, is good for 3.8. The tablet
pineapples. After weighing, they are directly poured into the weighed 0.3 grams. With that, the researchers computed how
PET bottle. The residue is set aside to be thrown away. much KSM will only be used for the current mixture. A
crushed gram of KSM was then computed to be mixed gently
B. Dilution of Juice with the diluted pineapple juice. The container was then
After spending time on the filtration of extracted closed using its lid with the airlock attached to its top. The
pineapple juice, the researchers added a liter of distilled water airlock was filled with cotton balls inside topped with paper
to dilute the juice. After pouring 1 liter of distilled water with and then sealed with a rubber band. The researchers set the
the help of a funnel, the mixture was stirred in a calm manner container aside for 24 hours for the chemical pasteurization
using a glass stirrer. This is to follow the 1:1 ratio to take place. Chemical pasteurization is a non-thermal
recommended by Prof. Mario B. Bigol if the amount of process used to disinfect the juice and protect it against
filtered juice is also 1 liter. After the juice had been diluted harmful microorganisms. (Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D.
with a liter of distilled water, 1 gram of Diammonium 2019) Potassium metabisulfite (KMS) releases SO2 which
Phosphate (DAP) was added to the mixture of extracted juice plays an important part in sterilizing and antioxidation. KMS
and distilled water for its additional nutrients. Diammonium is added before the yeast, to kill molds, bacteria and wild
phosphate (DAP) is an additional source of nutrients for yeasts that might be present in the fruit. SO2 scavenges
nitrogen to be delivered to the yeast cells (BeerCo.com.au, oxygen and prevents oxidation of the juice. (James Han,
2023). Nitrogen is necessary for fermentation since it 2012).
contains elements that convert sugars into ethanol. It is
recommended that nitrogen is added at the beginning during F. Aerobic Fermentation
the stationary phase to reduce the chances of stuck For the pineapple to undergo a 2-day aerobic
fermentations (Jean-Marie Sablayrolles, 2015). fermentation the researchers prepared a computed amount of
yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae). If the computed amount
C. Sugar Adjustment of yeast is needed, 1g of it was rehydrated by mixing it with
With the added nutrients to the mixture, which was the 10 ml of distilled water and set aside for 20 minutes. After the
DAP, sugar adjustment was done. In this process, the 20 minutes of yeast rehydration was done, it was mixed
computation discussed by Prof. Mario B. Bigol followed. This gently in the container of diluted pineapple juice. The lid of
is where the desired sugar percentage, which is 25%, was the container with the airlock was not replaced. The bottle was
subtracted to the initial sugar rate of the extracted juice and then shaken twice a day for 2 days and left at room
distilled water mixture. The initial sugar rate was subtracted temperature.
from 25% to get its difference. The difference is then
multiplied with the volume of the mixture. The result is then G. Anaerobic Fermentation
the number of grams of sugar added to the mixture. With that As the 2 days of anaerobic fermentation were completed,
being said, the appropriate grams of sugar were added. It was the researchers removed the cotton from the airlock and
then stirred well with a glass stirrer to make sure that the sugar replaced it with distilled water. The juice and the container
was dissolved. According to Prof. Bigol, the optimal sugar were recommended to be left for 7 to 14 days for the juice to
concentration for yeast growth and fermentation is between undergo Anaerobic fermentation. In this procedure, shaking
20- 30% (w/v), with 25% being a commonly used value. This the bottle was not necessary anymore. A fermented broth can
is because at higher sugar concentrations, the yeast cells be expected after the completion of this process.
experience osmotic stress and are unable to grow or ferment
efficiently. On the other hand, at lower sugar concentrations, VI. DISTILLATION PROCESS
the yeast cells are unable to produce sufficient ethanol,
resulting in lower yields. Hence, adjusting the sugar After the filtration, the ethanol yield will be measured
concentration to 25% in ethanol fermentation helps to by the chosen and available chemical engineer in the
maintain optimal conditions for yeast growth and Department of Science and Technology at Taguig City using
fermentation, resulting in maximum ethanol production. ethanol assay through the utilization of the dichromate
colorimetric method. The glucose content, pH, and total
D. pH Adjustment soluble solids (TSS) will be then measured again for
In the mixture, the desired pH level is 4 as recommended comparison purposes.
by the Africa Journal of Microbiology Research Volume 4. If
the pH level of the pineapple is below 4, 5M (molar solution)
A. Trial #1
Gathering of Materials
Each researcher prepared 2 pineapples bought from the
nearest supermarket from their houses. The researchers
prepared the following– a home kitchen knife, food
processor, strainer, food scale, and disposable latex gloves.
Fig 25: Trial 1 Gathering of Materials: Sodium Hydroxide Fig 28: Trial 1 Gathering of Materials: Rotten Pineapples
Preparation of Materials
Trial 1 was conducted in one of the researcher’s condos
in Merville, Paranaque City. The researchers stored the
pineapples at room temperature for 14 days until rotten before
it was chopped and extracted using a home kitchen blender.
The extracted pineapple was stored in a Tupperware before it
was transferred to a 1,000 mL beaker. Not all eight pineapples
were used the 1,000 mL of pineapples were already reached.
Leftover pineapples were disposed of properly.
Dilution of Juice
No dilution process was done.
Sugar Adjustment
No sugar adjustment was done.
pH Adjustment
PH level reached 0 as the researchers tried to increase
the pH level of the pineapple by adding NaOH powder
directly. With that, it exceeded the 4-pH standard level. To
Fig 30: Trial 1 Preparation of Materials: Chopped decrease the pH level, Hydrochloric Acid was added but it
Pineapples Pineapples just resulted further in being hot creating a small amount of
Fermentation Process
Filtration was done using a kitchen strainer by the
researchers. The pineapple residue was separated from the
B. Trial #2
Gathering of Materials
Pineapples A total of 5 pineapples were bought from the
nearest supermarket of the researchers. Home kitchen knife,
food processor, food scale, disposable latex gloves, pH meter
are the apparatus used by the researchers. Stirring rod and 2
small type beakers were borrowed from the school laboratory.
In this trial, the researchers bought an incubator to be used as
a part of the fermentation process. Active and inactive
chemicals used in the first trial to extract ethanol components
from pineapples, such as yeast, sodium hydroxide, and
hydrochloric acid, will be used again by the researchers.
Preparation of Materials
Trial 2 was conducted inside the campus lab of
Philippine State College of Aeronautics. The researchers
stored the pineapples at room temperature for 14 days until
Fig 35: Trial 1 Fermentation Process: Adding of rotten. Then, they were chopped, blended, and crushed in a
Hydrochloric Acid blender. The extracted pineapple was stored in a Tupperware
before it was transferred in a 1,000 mL beaker in PhilSCA’s
chemistry laboratory.
NaOH molecular mass: 39.997 g/mol NaOH (pH
Adjustment Formula):
5 mol x 39.997 g/mol x 0.1 𝑑𝑚3 = 20g NaOH for 100
mL, 5 mol
Fermentation Process
Filtration No filtration process was done.
Fig 40: Trial 2 pH Adjustment: Measuring of pH Level
Dilution of Juice
No dilution process was done.
Sugar Adjustment
No sugar adjustment was done.
pH Adjustment
The pH level only reached 1.8 pH and did not meet the
4pH standard level. The researchers tried to reach the level 4
of pH through continuously adding a mixture of 2 grams of
NaOH with 10 mL of tap water. The solution was added until
it reached a level of 2.5 pH level. As it reached the pH 3
Level, the researchers stopped adding NaOH and proceeded
with adding yeast for the fermentation process. The pineapple
was transferred to a 1,000 mL Schott bottle and was sealed.
The bottle containing the fermented pineapple was incubated
at 32.3° C for three consecutive days. The incubator also
contained a 250 mL Schott bottle filled with distilled water to Fig 41: Trial 2 pH Adjustment: 20g of NaOH
maintain moisture inside the incubator.
Gathering of Materials
The researchers obtained their container by asking for
an empty 8-liter bottle in a local convenience store and 1 Liter
of water was bought at the same store (7-11). A total of 20
pineapples were bought from a street vendor at the nearest
supermarket in Brgy. 183 Villamor, Pasay City. The
pineapples were peeled in preparation for their extraction. To
reach the 2-liter needed amount of pineapple juice, 7
pineapples were used. Refined sugar was purchased from a
local store. The needed chemicals such as Diammonium
phosphate and Potassium metabisulfite were brought from
Professor Mario B. Bigol. The researchers also bought yeast
and an airlock from the same professor. The hydrometer and
refractometer that the researchers used were borrowed from
Prof. Mario B. Bigol. The pH meter used was bought from an
online store. The researchers borrowed 1 stirring rod, 1
volumetric flask, and 1 graduated cylinder.
Fig 43: Trial 2 pH Adjustment: Adding NaOH Mixture
Incubation to Pineapple
Fermentation Process
The blended pineapples were filtered using cheesecloth
in order to separate the juice from the pulp. The pineapples
were squeezed using the cheesecloth into a sanitized bowl
until a total of 2 liters of pineapple juice was obtained. The
juice was measured using a food scale. The pulp scraps were
disposed. The researchers transferred the juice into the 8-liter
Preparation of Materials
The researchers chopped the peeled pineapples into
small pieces to easily blend them. After all the pineapples are
chopped, they are put directly in the blender. This is done to Fig 50: Trial 3 Filtration: Squeezing of Pineapple
prepare them for extraction in which only the pure juice will
be kept. Before all the apparatus were used, they were cleaned
through a pasteurization process using distilled water. This is
to ensure that all unnecessary bacteria will be eliminated. The
lid of the container was pierced to attach the airlock.
Dilution of Juice
The researchers added 1 liter of purified water into the
8-liter container with the pineapple juice and the solution was
Fig 49: Trial 3 Preparation of Materials: Blending of mixed with a stirring rod and the container was covered with
Pineapples a plastic sheet and rubber band tied around it. On the same
day, the researchers went to SM Bicutan in order to buy the
Sugar Adjustment
Since the required percentage of sucrose is 25% Brix,
the amount of table sugar needed was calculated. The sugar
was measured using a food scale. The amount of sugar
calculated was added into the diluted juice. The researchers
stirred the sugar using the glass stirring rod until it dissolved.
The researchers measured the percentage of sucrose using the Fig 56: Trial 3 Sugar Adjustment: Mixture Sugar
hydrometer. The target result was 25% brix so the researchers
kept calculating and adding sugar until it reached the desired
25% Brix.
Desired brix degree of sugar - initial brix degree of sugar
= lacking brix degree of sugar
25% - 11.6% = 13.4%
3000 mL x 0.134 = 402g of sugar
(computation was repeated until the desired brix degree of Fig 57: Trial 3 Sugar Adjustment: Adding Sugar to the PET
sugar was reached) Bottle
pH Adjustment
The pH meter was calibrated in order to get accurate
readings. The researchers measured the pH level of the
pineapple. The measured pH level was 3.45. With that, the
pH values of the juice did not meet the requirement of pH 4.
NaOH was measured using the food scale and the amount of
distilled water was measured using a graduated cylinder. The
researchers added the NaOH solution. When the NaOH was
incorporated, the pineapple juice was measured again to get a
Ph level of 4.18.
NaOH molecular mass: 39.997 g/mol NaOH (pH Fig 60: Trial 3 pH Adjustment: Adding NaOH Solution to
Adjustment Formula): PET Bottle
Chemical Pasteurization
Equation: Once the desired pH level was achieved the researchers
5 mol x 39.997 g/mol x 0.1 𝑑𝑚3 = 20g NaOH for 100 calculated the amount of KMS needed. The tablet was
mL, 5 mol crushed and measured using the food scale. 0. 78g of the KMS
was added into the juice to pasteurize it. The juice was stirred
using the stirring rod in order for the KMS to be dissolved.
The container was closed using the lid with the airlocked
attached to it. The container was placed on the floor and was
kept at room temperature. The researchers waited 24 hours in
order to kill unnecessary microorganisms present in the juice.
Anaerobic Fermentation
The researchers removed the cotton from the airlock and
replaced it with water. The juice and the container were left as
is for 9 days in order for the juice to undergo Anaerobic
fermentation. In this process, shaking the bottle twice a day
was not applied anymore. This is to let the leftover residue
drown and leave the juice on the upper part of the bottle to
easily siphon after.
Distillation Process
After siphoning the 3-liter fermented pineapple, only 2
liters were left to make sure all the residue was left out. As
the rate of the sucrose level went down by 2% only. Despite
that, the 2-liter fermented broth still underwent the distillation
process handled by the DOST - ITDI – EBD headed by Ma’am
Ursela G. Bigol’s, PhD, RM, DPAM using the Heidolph Hei-
Chill 250 rotary evaporator (RotaVap). The distillation
process was conducted for three days. This is where the 2
liters were divided into two as to perform the distillation
within 50 ° C and 69 ° C to not surpass the boiling point of
ethanol, 78.37 °C.
Fig 69: Trial 3 Anerobic Fermentation: Day 1
After 9 days, the fermented broth was siphoned using a
tube bought from a local hardware store in Brgy. 183,
Villamor, Pasay City in order to separate the juice from any
residue left over. The percentage sucrose was tested using a
hydrometer and resulted into 21% brix which was not the
desired amount since a high level of sucrose means a low
level of alcohol content. On the last day of fermentation, it
can be observed how all the residue resided on the bottom
part and the pineapple juice changed its color to a darker tone.
D. Trial #4
Gathering of Materials
The researchers’ fourth trial gathered their materials
such as pineapples at the nearest supermarket of Brgy. 183
Villamor, Pasay City on a street vendor. In accordance with
that, the pineapples were weighed first before the vendors
peeled them. It weighed a total of 4.5kg. After the 4 pieces of
pineapples were peeled, they were weighed again which
resulted in 2.15 kg. The distilled water was bought on Metro
Supermarket from the same Barangay. Old laboratory
materials were utilized again. Additional materials were
bought from a market nearby the researchers’ house. The
latex gloves were bought from Bulacan, where one of the
Fig 74: Trial 3 Distillation: 925mL of Ethanol Produced researchers resides. Meanwhile, cheese cloth, dropper, and
from 50°C Distillation funnel were obtained from Fairview, Quezon City. The
needed chemicals were still the ones bought from the first
Preparation of Materials
The researchers chopped the pineapples into small pieces
to easily blend them. After all the pineapples are chopped,
they are put directly in the blender. This is done to prepare
them for extraction in which only the pure juice will be kept.
Before all the apparatus were used, they were cleaned through
a pasteurization process using distilled water. This is to
ensure that all unnecessary bacteria will be eliminated. Using
of latex gloves were also utilized to avoid contamination and
sticky feeling.
Fermentation Process
After the materials to be used are prepared, alongside
with the pineapples, the extraction process begins with
filtration. In this segment, the blended 4 pineapples were
filtered using cheesecloth. The researchers squeezed them
portion by portion. In each portion squeezed with the help of
cheese cloth, the juice is measured on the food scale. This
procedure is repeated until the researchers gather a total
volume of 1.5313 liters of juice extracted from the
Fig 80: Trial 4 Preparation of Materials: Cleaning pineapples. The residue is set aside to be thrown away.
Laboratory Apparatus with Distilled Water
Dilution of Juice
After spending time on the filtration of extracted
pineapple juice, the researchers did not reach the 2-liter quota.
This has led them to a decision to continue this on the
following day to gather more pineapples needed. The
accumulated juice poured into the 6-liter PET bottle was
sealed with its cap.
Sugar Adjustment
Unfortunately, on the next day of the supposed sugar
adjustment, the bottle exploded like a wine cork that flies due
to the high pressure inside. The bottle’s cap created an impact
on the researchers and made a loud noise. With that, it was
decided to start another trial and consider it as a failure as
observed. Big bubbles were seen on the bottle and were
showing unstable particles. With that, it was decided to be
disposed of and prepare for the next trial instead.
Gathering of Materials
The researchers’ fifth trial gathered their materials such
as pineapples at the nearest supermarket of Brgy. 183
Villamor, Pasay City on a street vendor. This time, a total of 8
pineapples were bought. Concerning the past procedures, the
pineapples were weighed first before the vendors peeled
them. The first 5 pineapples were bought in the morning
which weighed a total of 3.26kg. After the pineapples were
peeled, they were weighed again which resulted in 2 kg. As
the 5 pineapples only produced 1.7 liters of juice, additional
3 pineapples were bought in the afternoon. With that, the
researchers succeeded in accumulating 2 liters of extracted
pineapple juice. Old laboratory materials were utilized again
but were rest assured cleaned with distilled water. Extra
materials such as Latex gloves were utilized from the box
bought on the last trial. The needed chemicals were still the
ones bought from the first trials. Meanwhile, the PET bottle
that will be used as a container is obtained from Metro
Fig 84: Trial 4 Filtration: Weighing Pineapple Juice Supermarket at Newport Pasay City in which a 6 - liter of
Absolute distilled water was bought.
Fermentation Process
After the materials to be used are prepared, alongside the
pineapples, the extraction process begins with filtration. In
this segment, the blended 4 pineapples were filtered using
cheesecloth. The researchers squeezed them portion by
portion. In each portion squeezed with the help of
cheesecloth, the juice is measured on the food scale. This
procedure is repeated until the researchers gather a total
volume of 1.5313 liters of juice extracted from the
pineapples. The residue is set aside to be thrown away.
Dilution of Juice
After spending time on the filtration of extracted
pineapple juice, the researchers did not reach the 2-liter quota.
This has led them to a decision of continuing this on the
following day to gather more pineapples needed. The
accumulated juice poured on the 6-liter PET bottle was sealed
with its own cap. To add nutrients, 2.1 grams of DAP was
Sugar Adjustment
With the added nutrients to the mixture, which was the
DAP, sugar adjustment was done. The initial percentage of
the sugar was 9% only. Following the computation discussed
by Prof. Mario B. Bigol. This is where the desired sugar
percentage, which is 25%, was subtracted to the initial sugar
rate of the extracted juice and distilled water mixture. The
initial sugar rate was 9%. With that, the difference of 16%
was multiplied with the volume of the mixture. The result is
then the number of grams of sugar added to the mixture. With
that being said, 480 grams of sugar was added. It was then
stirred well with a glass stirrer to make sure that the sugar was
dissolved. After thoroughly mixing, the sugar rate went up by
16%. The same computation was done making the extracted
pineapple solution go up by 20%. As the 25% sugar quota was
not yet reached, another 200 grams was added based on the
same computation.
25% - 9% = 16%
that, the researchers have found out that the amount of NAOH
solution added was too much and the last trial’s computation
was not applicable anymore. The pH level was measured
again and it turned out that it is already on a pH level of 10.
The researchers tried to lower down the pH level by adding
droplets of Hydrochloric Acid (HCl). After dropping a small
amount, its pH level was measured again but was found out to
be not absolutely effective. Rather than risking the use of a
large amount of Hydrochloric Acid (HCl), the researchers
have just decided to go on another trial.
NaOH molecular mass: 39.997 g/mol NaOH (pH
Adjustment Formula):
Volume: 100 mL
Fig 101: Trial 5 Sugar Adjustment: 16% Sucrose Level on 5 mol x 39.997 g/mol x 0.1 𝑑𝑚3 = 20g NaOH for 100 mL,
Hydrometer 5 mol
Fig 108: Trial 6 Preparation of Materials: Chopping Fig 110: Trial 6 Filtration: Squeezing Pineapples
Fig 109: Trial 6 Preparation of Materials: Boiling Katsa” Fig 111: Trial 6 Filtration Weighing Squeezed Pineapples
with Distilled Water
A. Filtration
After the materials to be used are prepared, alongside
with the pineapples, the fermentation process begins with
filtration. In this segment, the blended 8 pineapples were
filtered using cheesecloth. The researchers squeezed them
portion by portion. In each portion squeezed with the help of
cheese cloth, the juice is measured on the food scale. With the
weight of peeled pineapples bought, it was expected by the
researchers that they would reach the needed 2 liters of
pineapples. But as the researchers continued doing the same
procedure of filtration, it only reached a total of 1 liter. One
and a half pineapple was still not used yet even so filtrating
them, it will not reach the 2 - liter quota. The researchers have
decided to proceed with the 1:1 ratio instead. The ratio to be
done was discussed with Prof. Bigol to avoid mistakes. The Fig 112: Trial 6 Filtration: Pouring Pineapples in PET Bottle
residue is set aside to be thrown away.
B. Dilution of Juice was multiplied with the volume of the mixture. The result is
After spending time on the filtration of extracted then the number of grams of sugar added to the mixture. With
pineapple juice, the researchers added a liter of distilled water that being said, 360 grams of sugar was added. It was then
to dilute the juice. After pouring 1 liter of distilled water with stirred well with a glass stirrer to make sure that the sugar was
the help of a funnel, the mixture was stirred in a calm manner dissolved. This time it was mixed with 1000 mL of the diluted
using a glass stirrer. This is in accordance with the 1 liter of pineapple juice with a portion of sugar first and was repeated
filtrated pineapple and 1 liter of distilled water ratio. As a new until the sugar was dissolved. After thoroughly mixing, the
ratio is done, the researchers calculated again the amount of sugar/sucrose rate went up by 18.25%. The same computation
Diammonium Phosphate (DAP) appropriate for the mixture. was done making the extracted pineapple solution go up by
With that, 0.5 gram of DAP was added to the mixture of 22.4%. To reach the 25% sugar/sucrose quota, another 56
filtered juice and distilled water for its additional nutrients as grams was added based on the same computation.
recommended by Prof. Bigol.
D. Computation:
Desired brix degree of sugar - initial brix degree of sugar
= lacking brix degree of sugar
Volume of solution x lacking brix degree of sugar =
needed amount of grams
25% - 7% = 18%
2000 mL x 0.18 = 360g of sugar
(computation was repeated until the desired brix degree
of sugar was reached)
C. Sugar Adjustment
Having observed from the past trials that the sugar was
not easily dissolved, the researchers alongside Dr. Bigol has
decided to make the ratio of the mixture a 1:1 instead of 2:1.
This is in accordance with the 1 liter of filtered pineapples
only. The initial percentage of the sugar was 7% only.
Followingthe computation discussed by Prof. Bigol. This is
where the desired sugar/sucrose percentage, which is 25%, Fig 116: Trial 6 Sugar Adjustment: Measuring the Sucrose
was subtracted to the initial sugar rate of the extracted juice Level Through Refractometer
and distilled water mixture. With that, the difference of 18%
Anaerobic Fermentation
The researchers removed the cotton from the airlock and
replaced it with water. The juice and the container were left
for 7 days in order for the juice to undergo Anaerobic
Descriptive Statistics
A total of six trials have been conducted for the
experimentation of the research study, where it progressed
differently. The researchers finalized the process with the
Department of Science and Technology - Industrial
Technology Development Institute - Environment and
Biotechnology Division (DOST – ITDIEBD) and Professor
Mario B. Bigol. Each trial has corresponding phases met.
Data Tables
On the distillation process conducted by the DOST – ITDI – EBD, the fermented pineapple was distilled in different degrees
centigrade in regards with the ethanol’s boiling point. It is where they have produced different amount of ethanol from 1 liter each.
As to compare the pineapple to cassava and sugarcane, distillation on DOST-ITDI-EBD and recommended for
the timeline of production was presented to determine how further testing on DOE or other agency for its ethanol content.
the ethanol from pineapple can be a substrate. This table
presents how ethanol from pineapples can be produced from The amount of ethanol volume produced must be met as
different months unlike the cassava and sugarcane. it is required for testing in the Department of Energy (DOE).
The researchers noticed that the ethanol produced from
X. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS peeled pineapples produced more volume of ethanol than
using peel wastes of pineapples. A total of 0.7181 liters of
After conducting six trials, the researchers observed that ethanol was produced from 9 kilograms of pineapple peels.
conducting each trial enhanced the process of the past studies Meanwhile, using the flesh of the pineapples gathered a total
of pineapple as a bioethanol product. Upon observation, the of 1.3 liters from 4 kilograms of pineapple meat. With the
researchers reported different progress from each trial. On the difference of their peak season, it was observed that within
first trial, no data was gathered as the process of fermentation the month of July to September, cassava is the best crop to
and extraction was done differently and no distillation use in the production of ethanol. From October to December,
process was done. In the second trial, the fermentation process ethanol production from sugarcane has its easiest gathering of
was done by the researchers which gathered data of 2.5 pH crops. In April to July, best quantity and quality of pineapples
level, initially 1.8 pH level, after NaOH solution was added. can be expected.
Unfortunately, data for sugar level was not gathered as no
sugar adjustment was made. The researchers were able to Upon observation, the researchers concluded to
discuss the experiment with DOST - ITDI - EBD on the third consider the season harvest of the crops. Three factors
trial, allowing them to improve the procedures even further. differentiated the production of ethanol from the three
This trial has now progressed to the distillation process, different crops. The abundance of needed crops is determined
which is being handled by the DOST - ITDI - EBD. With by the timing of each crop's peak season. The typical harvest
the help of NaOH solution, this trial was able to achieve a pH season for cassava is 6 to 12 months. This period lasts from
level of 4 from a starting point of 3.5. Sucrose level was also July to September. Sugarcane, on the other hand, has a longer
obtained successfully, with an initial sucrose level of 11.6%. harvest season that lasts 8 to 10 months. This period lasts
The distillation process was divided into two stages: 50°C and from October to December. However, gathering pineapples
69C°. This is where 925 mL of ethanol was produced within was easier because it has the longest harvest season of the
50°C of distillation. Meanwhile, the 69°C distillation crops mentioned. Pineapples can be harvested from 16 to 18
produced 400 mL of ethanol. The only progress made on the months, with the peak season being April to July. Sugarcane
fourth trial was filtering the residue from the juice. This is due has the shortest fermentation time, requiring only 5 days of
to the fact that after leaving the distilled pineapple for a day fermentation. According to that, cassava has the second
with the PET Bottle lid on, it exploded the next day when shortest fermentation time, taking only 6 days. Pineapples, on
opened. Ample data was also gathered as a result of this. On the other hand, must be fermented for 10 to 14 days using
the fifth trial, the preparation for the fermentation period was aerobic and anaerobic fermentation. In terms of distillation
conducted. Data of 3.58 pH level was gathered as the initial time, all three crops can be distilled in three days.
pH level and 9% initial sucrose level. The pH level reached its
peak after pouring the 100 mL and 20g of NaOH. In terms of the physical properties, the pineapple broth
Unfortunately, this trial cannot be continued even after was yellow like pineapple juice. The odor was sweet like a
adding drops of Hydrochloric Acid. The fermentation process pineapple even after undergoing chemical pasteurization and
was also successful on the sixth and final trial. An initial fermentation. The researchers discovered that the pineapple
sucrose level of 7% was collected, along with an initial pH broth was not as viscous and liquid as water after the process.
level of 3.61. Only the sucrose level was changed as a result of After undergoing the distillation process from DOST, the
this. After 10 days, the fermented broth is ready for appearance of the broth, which is now ethanol, changed. The
pineapple ethanol is as clear and as viscous as water. Its odor Producing ethanol within the three different crops was
can be described as the smell of aged coconut red wine. differentiated in three factors. In gathering an amount of
needed crop, the abundance depends on the timeline of each
From the experiment that the researchers have crop’s peak season. For cassava, the usual harvest season lasts
conducted, out of 6 trials 5 of them have failed and 1 has for 6 – 12 months. This is from July to September.
succeeded from the ethanol yield production under Meanwhile, sugarcane has a longer harvest season ranging
distillation process. Although out of 6 trials, 4 failed and 2 from 8 – 10 months. This is from October to December.
succeeded from the fermentation process. The researchers However, the gathering of pineapples was easier as it has the
assumed that the cause behind the failed trials during the longest harvest season time than the mentioned crops.
preparation for fermentation process was due to the pH level Pineapples can be harvested from 16 – 18 months mostly
and sugar adjustment. It is important to adjust the sugar level from April to July as its peak season. On the fermentation
to 25% to activate the yeast. time, sugarcane has the fastest one as it only requires 5 days of
being fermented. In accordance to that, cassava was next to
In general, pineapple as a bioethanol substrate is the fastest fermentation time required as it only needed 6 days.
feasible as it produces a large amount of ethanol volume as On the other hand, pineapples need to be fermented for 10 to
much as cassava and sugarcane bioethanol substrate that may 14 days through aerobic and anaerobic fermentation. In terms
be used in the Aviation industry. of the distillation process, all three crops can be distilled in a
span of 3 days.
Given the results and the findings of data on this study,
the researchers, therefore, concluded that the pineapple can In this research study, the researchers have
be an ethanol additive. This is as the comparisons showed recommendations that can help to improve and develop this
great similarity making the pineapple appear as a potential project. Based on the findings and conclusions presented, the
substrate. Also, the researchers concluded that the distilled following recommendations are suggested.
pineapple requires further testing under the Department of
Energy or any agencies conducting the necessary tests to The researchers recommend a distillation process that will
provide its ethanol characteristics. not go beyond the boiling rate of ethanol which is 78.37
°C to produce a large amount of ethanol.
The pineapple is a good complementary feedstock in The researchers recommend persevering in the sugar
utilizing bioethanol in terms of ethanol production rate and adjustment of sugar level to 25% to successfully produce
sugar/sucrose composition. It can be shown in the data how ethanol.
the distilled fermented pineapple broth at 50° Centigrade The researchers recommend adding factors on the three
produced 925 mL of ethanol. On the other hand, the distilled crops of their characteristics for better comparisons.
fermented pineapple broth at 69° Centigrade produced 400 The researchers recommend producing ethanol in the
mL of ethanol. Meanwhile, in terms of initial sugar rate, harvest peak season of each crop for better quality.
cassava produced the highest containing 25% sugar/sucrose The researchers recommend using the aqueous solution
level. Sugarcane came in second having a 12.5% of initial left from the distillation process as a scent to the ethanol
sugar/sucrose level. Lastly, pineapples had an initial sugar and other products such as soap.
rate of 11.6%. The initial sugar/sucrose rate is critical in the The researchers recommend allotting a minimum of two
fermentation process as it helps head start the yeast and months to conduct the experimentation process.
produces cellular energy that turns into ethanol. The researchers recommend testing the distilled pineapple
with the Department of Energy or any other agencies
The abundance of crops in the Philippines has conducting necessary testing to provide its different
highlighted the difference in ethanol production with its characteristics.
timeline. In line with that, their yield of production per year
The researchers recommend utilizing the pineapple juice
shows how much crop can be harvested. According to Crops
and pulp since it is easier to blend compared to the tough
Statistics Philippines, in the year 2019, sugarcane produced
the highest rate of crop with 20.72 million metric tons.
Pineapples as the second to the highest having 2.74 million The researchers recommend to use fresh pineapples
instead of rotten pineapples to avoid harmful
metric tons according to the Food and Agriculture
microorganisms from developing.
Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Even globally,
the Philippines ranked second in having the the highest rate The researchers recommend integrating the NaOH at little
of pineapple production. Lastly, the Department of amounts so that the solution does not become basic as well
Agriculture has stated that the production of cassava in the as to achieve the desired pH level.
year 2019 was 2.6 million metric tons. Meanwhile, in terms The researchers recommend chopping the pineapples into
of initial sugar rate, cassava produced the highest containing tiny bits in order for it to blend easier.
25% sugar/sucrose level. Sugarcane came in second having a Although a hydrometer is viable, to get a more accurate
12.5% of initial sugar/sucrose level. Lastly, pineapples had an measurement of the percentage Sucrose the researchers
initial sugar level of 11.6%. recommended utilizing a refractometer.
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