Annual Planning First Cycle Physical Education

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Institution: Experimental Center No. 6

Area: Physical Education Grade: 1st A,B,C,D Teacher: Juárez Néstor Ariel Year: 2015

Name of the Content mode Evaluation

Quarter Unit Aim Conceptual NAP Teaching criteria
* Have a varied * Play, imagination, * Exploration, * Direct instruction * Responsibility in class
repertoire of motor, invention, creation. discovery and motor work.
postural, tactical, and experimentation in * Problem
strategic schemes * The game, rules, problematic resolution. * Ability to creatively
based on the mobility and the trap. recreational solve problems in motor
representation of situations that play situations.
their own body, their require: 1- the
* Choice of tasks
peers, and objects.
* The game group, implementation of
roles, agreements,
basic locomotor * Material resources: * Respect for peers and
AXIS 1 disagreements, the Chalk, gymnastics the teacher.
* Students must motor skills
game, the role it rings, plastic bottles,
know how to play (movements, jumps,
plays in the game. balls, etc. * Ability to use different
Iº Games alone and in groups. turns, climbs,
suspensions and strategies to solve
Engines * Motor skill as the swings, * Individual and problems.
* Have the ability to capacity for decision transportation, group practices with
adjust motor in and action in game
various situations
pushing and pulling, and without * Clothing according to
situations supports and rolling, elements. the area, etc.
others. ) non-
locomotor (balances) * Direct observation
and manipulative. * Individual work in
(Throws, passes, and * Interrelation with
areas of mathematics pairs and groups.
receptions, juggling,
others.) With and and language
without objects. * Conduct and
* the variation of
postures and body
positions. * the
integration of notions
of location and
laterality, speed
Institution: Experimental Center No. 6

Area: Physical Education Teacher: Juárez Néstor Ariel Year: 2015

Name of the Content Teaching modes Evaluation

Quarter unit Aim Conceptual NAP criteria

* Use their physical * Body changes in .*Recognition of * Direct instruction * Responsibility in

and motor skills in physical activity. body states: at rest or class work.
recreational and activity, heart rate,
breathing, tension and
* Problem resolution.
gymnastic activities. * Basic postural * Ability to
schemes. * Choice of tasks creatively solve
differentiation of
* Have the ability to functional elements
problems in motor
adjust the motor in * Basic motor play situations.
various situations.
of the body. * Material resources:
diagrams. * Recognition, Chalk, gymnastics
AXIS 2 reproduction and rings, mats * Respect for their
* The sides and parts jump box peers and the teacher.
invention of rhythmic
of the body, sides and structures with and
most skillful part. without elements. * Individual and * Ability to use
II Gym * Exploration and group practices with different strategies to
and without elements. solve problems.
creation of expressive
and communicative
ludomotor body * Direct observation * Clothing according
actions. to the area, etc.
* Interrelation with
* Exploration, areas of mathematics * Individual work in
discovery and motor and language pairs and groups.
experimentation in
problematic * Conduct and
recreational situations discipline
that require.

Institution: Experimental Center No. 6

Area: Physical Education Teacher: Juárez Néstor Ariel Year: 2015

Name of the Content Teaching modes Evaluation

Quarter unit Aim Conceptual NAP criteria
* Develop collective * Soccer. * Participation in * Direct instruction * Responsibility in
actions that allow the collective games of class work.
adjustment of * Basketball. cooperation and/or * Problem resolution.
conditional and opposition, * Ability to
coordinative identifying their creatively solve
capacities in structure, rules, roles,
* Choice of tasks
problems in motor
functional and functions and making play situations.
regulated activities. contributions to their * Material resources:
AXIS 3 development. Chalk, gymnastics
III Sports rings, balls: * Respect for peers
* Know how to play * Participation in and the teacher.
basketball, volleyball,
alone and with others collective games,
respecting rules. recognizing and
caring for others as a
* Ability to use
* Individual and different strategies to
* Understand the playmate.
group practices with solve problems.
importance of the * Recognition and
and without elements.
game and the need to practice of traditional
negotiate games from one's
* Clothing according
* Direct observation to the area, etc.
own culture, from
other cultures in the * Interrelation with
region and from other areas of mathematics * Individual work in
places. and language pairs and groups.
* Recognition,
reproduction and * Conduct and
invention of rhythmic discipline.
structures with and
without elements

Institution: Experimental Center No. 6
Area: Physical Education Grade: 2nd A,B,C,D Teacher: Juárez Néstor Ariel Year: 2015

Name of the Content mode Evaluation

Quarter Unit Aim Conceptual NAP Teaching criteria
* Have a varied * Play, imagination, * Exploration, * Direct instruction * Responsibility in
repertoire of motor, invention, creation. experimentation, class work.
postural, tactical, discovery and motor * Problem
and strategic * The game, rules, development in resolution. * Ability to creatively
schemes based on mobility and the problematic recreational solve problems in motor
the representation of trap. situations that require: 1- play situations.
their own body, their the implementation of
* Choice of tasks
peers, and objects. basic locomotor motor
* The game group, skills (movements, jumps, * Material * Respect for peers and
AXIS 1 roles, agreements, resources: the teacher.
* Students must turns, climbs, suspensions
disagreements, the Chalk, gymnastics
know how to play and swings, transportation,
game, the role it rings, plastic bottles, * Ability to use
Iº Games alone and in groups. pushing and pulling,
plays in the game. balls, etc. different strategies to
supports and rolls, others.)
Engines non-locomotive (balances) solve problems.
* Have the ability to * Motor skill as the and manipulative. * Individual and
adjust motor in capacity for decision
various situations
(Throws, passes,) With group practices with * Clothing according to
and action in game and without objects. and without the area, etc.
situations * the variation of postures elements.
and body positions. * the
integration of notions of * Direct observation * Individual work in
location and directionality, * Interrelation with pairs and groups.
laterality, speed areas of mathematics
and language * Conduct and

Institution: Experimental Center No. 6

Area: Physical Education Teacher: Juárez Néstor Ariel Year: 2015

Name of the Content Teaching modes Evaluation

Quarter unit Aim Conceptual NAP criteria

* Use their physical * Body changes in .*Recognition of * Direct instruction * Responsibility in

and motor skills in physical activity. body states: at rest or class work.
recreational and activity, heart rate,
breathing, tension and
* Problem resolution.
gymnastic activities. * Basic postural * Ability to
schemes. * Choice of tasks creatively solve
differentiation of
* Have the ability to functional elements
problems in motor
adjust the motor in * Basic motor play situations.
various situations.
of the body. * Material resources:
diagrams. * Recognition, Chalk, gymnastics
AXIS 2 recreation, invention rings, mats * Respect for peers
* The sides and parts jump box and the teacher.
and bodily
of the body, sides and representation of
most skillful part. rhythmic structures * Individual and * Ability to use
II Gym with and without group practices with different strategies to
elements. and without elements. solve problems.
* Exploration and
enjoyment of the * Direct observation * Clothing according
expressive and to the area, etc.
* Interrelation with
communicative areas of mathematics * Individual work in
possibilities in and language pairs and groups.
various bodily and
motor activities * Conduct and
* Exploration, discipline
discovery and motor
experimentation in
playful situations.

Institution: Experimental Center No. 6

Area: Physical Education Teacher: Juárez Néstor Ariel Year: 2015

Name of the Content Teaching modes Evaluation

Quarter unit Aim Conceptual NAP criteria
* Develop collective * Soccer. * Participation in * Direct instruction * Responsibility in
actions that allow the collective games of class work.
adjustment of * Basketball. cooperation and/or * Problem resolution.
conditional and opposition, * Ability to
coordinative identifying their creatively solve
capacities in structure, rules, roles,
* Choice of tasks
problems in motor
functional and functions and making play situations.
regulated activities. contributions to their * Material resources:
AXIS 3 development. Chalk, gymnastics
III Sports rings, balls: * Respect for their
* Know how to play * Participation in peers and the teacher.
basketball, volleyball,
alone and with others collective games,
respecting rules. recognizing and
caring for others as a
* Ability to use
* Individual and different strategies to
* Understand the playmate.
group practices with solve problems.
importance of the * Recognition and
and without elements.
game and the need to practice of traditional
negotiate games from one's
* Clothing according
* Direct observation to the area, etc.
own culture, from
other cultures in the * Interrelation with
region and from other areas of mathematics * Individual work in
places. and language pairs and groups.
* Recognition,
reproduction and * Conduct and
invention of rhythmic discipline.
structures with and
without elements

Institution: Experimental Center No. 6

Area: Physical Education Grade: 3rd A,B,C,D Teacher: Juárez Néstor Ariel Year: 2015
Name of the Content mode Evaluation
Quarter Unit Aim Conceptual NAP Teaching criteria
* Have a varied * Play, imagination, * Exploration, * Direct instruction * Responsibility in class
repertoire of motor, invention, creation. experimentation, work.
postural, tactical, and discovery and motor * Problem
strategic schemes * The game, rules, development in resolution. * Ability to creatively
based on the mobility and the trap. problematic solve problems in motor
representation of recreational play situations.
their own body, their situations that
* Choice of tasks
peers, and objects.
* The game group, require: 1- the
roles, agreements,
implementation of * Material resources: * Respect for peers and
AXIS 1 disagreements, the Chalk, gymnastics the teacher.
* Students must basic locomotor
game, the role it rings, plastic bottles,
know how to play motor skills
plays in the game. balls, etc. * Ability to use different
Iº Games alone and in groups. (movements, jumps,
turns, climbs, strategies to solve
Engines * Motor skill as the suspensions and * Individual and problems.
* Have the ability to capacity for decision swings, group practices with
adjust motor in and action in game
various situations
transportation, and without * Clothing according to
situations pushing and pulling, elements. the area, etc.
supports and rolling,
others .) non- * Direct observation
locomotive * Individual work in
(balances) and * Interrelation with
areas of mathematics pairs and groups.
(Throws, passes, and and language
receptions, juggling, * Conduct and
others.) With and discipline
without objects.
* the variation of
postures and body
positions. * the
integration of notions
of location,
laterality, speed

Institution: Experimental Center No. 6

Area: Physical Education Teacher: Juárez Néstor Ariel Year: 2015

Name of the Content Teaching modes Evaluation

Quarter unit Aim Conceptual NAP criteria

* Use their physical * Body changes in .*Recording and * Direct instruction * Responsibility in
and motor skills in physical activity. comparison of body class work.
recreational and states in different
ludomotor activities
* Problem resolution.
gymnastic activities. * Basic postural * Ability to
schemes. * Recognition, * Choice of tasks creatively solve
* Have the ability to recreation, invention problems in motor
adjust the motor in and bodily play situations.
* Basic motor representation of * Material resources:
various situations. diagrams.
rhythmic structures Chalk, gymnastics
AXIS 2 with and without rings, mats * Respect for their
* The sides and parts jump box peers and the teacher.
of the body, sides and * Exploration
most skillful part.
enjoyment in the * Individual and * Ability to use
II Gym group practices with different strategies to
creation of expressive
and without elements. solve problems.
and communicative
* Exploration, * Direct observation * Clothing according
to the area, etc.
experimentation, * Interrelation with
discovery and motor areas of mathematics * Individual work in
development in and language pairs and groups.
recreational situations * Conduct and
that require. discipline

Institution: Experimental Center No. 6

Area: Physical Education Teacher: Juárez Néstor Ariel Year: 2015

Name of the Content Teaching modes Evaluation

Quarter unit Aim Conceptual NAP criteria
* Develop collective * Soccer. * Participation in * Direct instruction * Responsibility in
actions that allow the collective games of class work.
adjustment of * Basketball. cooperation and/or * Problem resolution.
conditional and opposition, * Ability to
coordinative identifying their creatively solve
capacities in structure, rules, roles,
* Choice of tasks
problems in motor
functional and functions and making play situations.
regulated activities. contributions to their * Material resources:
AXIS 3 development. Chalk, gymnastics
III Sports rings, balls: * Respect for peers
* Know how to play * Participation in and the teacher.
basketball, volleyball,
alone and with others collective games,
respecting rules. recognizing and
caring for others as a
* Ability to use
* Individual and different strategies to
* Understand the playmate.
group practices with solve problems.
importance of the * Recognition and
and without elements.
game and the need to practice of traditional
negotiate games from one's
* Clothing according
* Direct observation to the area, etc.
own culture, from
other cultures in the * Interrelation with
region and from other areas of mathematics * Individual work in
places. and language pairs and groups.
* Recognition,
reproduction and * Conduct and
invention of rhythmic discipline.
structures with and
without elements

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