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Golu Barc Admit Card

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Government of India

Department of Atomic Energy

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
Advertisement No. 03/2023/BARC

Computer Based Test (CBT) Admit Card

Level-I Roll No. 2334009492

Level-II Roll No. 2334009492A


Please paste your recent Date of Birth
12-02-2001 Gender MALE
passport size photo (DD-MM-YYYY)
3.5cm * 4.5cm
Applied Post TR-17 CAT-II (FITTER)


Person with Benchmark


Scribe needed NA

Aadhar Card No. 778046558777


RAILWAY OVER BRIDGE, PATNA, BIHAR- 800007. Candidate's Signature

Landmark : GAS GODOWN (In presence of invigilator)

CBT Date 24-11-2023

Reporting Time 07:30 AM

(Invigilator’s Signature)
Entry Closing Time 08:00 AM

CBT Start Time 08:30 AM (Invigilator's Name)

Please retain this slip with you. In case you are short listed, you will be required to produce this at the time of skill test.

Roll No. 2334009492


Applied Post TR-17 CAT-II (FITTER)


Landmark : GAS GODOWN
(Signature of Invigilator)

Reporting Date & Time 24-11-2023 & 07:30 AM


1. Candidates, who are not meeting the eligibility criteria and educational qualification prescribed in the
advertisement as on the last date of online application i.e. 22/05/2023, need not attend the Computer Based
Test (CBT). Mere issuing of Admit Card does not confer any right to be eligible for the post. Candidate is informed that
his/her candidature is purely provisional and subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement
which will be subject to further verification. Candidature is liable to be cancelled at any stage of recruitment or
thereafter if not meeting the eligibility criteria.

2. It is mandatory for the candidate to bring PRINTOUT of the Admit Card for Computer Based Test along with two
passport size (3.5cm x 4.5cm) front face recent coloured photographs and ORIGINAL VALID PHOTO
IDENTIFICATION CARD for verification of his/her identity. No candidate will be allowed in the examination centre
without print out of Admit Card, Photo Identification Card (in original) and Photographs. Photocopied (black &
white/color), scanned or expired ID proof are not allowed.
(The Admissible PHOTO IDENTIFICATION CARDS are Voter ID Card, Aadhaar Card, printout of e-Aadhaar, Driving
License, PAN card, Passport, Employee ID Card (Govt/PSU), Ex-Serviceman Discharge Book issued by Ministry of
Defence, any other photo bearing ID Card issued by Central/ State Government).

3. If Photo Identification Card does not indicate the date of birth printed on it, then the candidate must carry an additional
original document (e.g. Matriculation Certificate, Marks Sheet issued only by CBSE/ ICSE/ State Boards; Birth
Certificate) as proof of their date of birth. Candidate must ensure that their date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY) mentioned in
the Admit Card matches with the valid ID Proof, failing which, the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the
Computer Based Test.

4. If there is any alteration in your name due to change in marital status/correction in name, the candidate should
produce any of the relevant documents such as Gazette notification, marriage certificate, divorce decree, any other
legal document supporting change/alteration of name.

5. The candidate should ensure that all the information in this Admit Card including photograph, signature and barcode
are clearly visible in the printout. In case of any discrepancy in the Admit Card information, please contact our
helpdesk (044-47749000) immediately between 10.00 AM and 6.30 PM on Monday to Saturday or check “FAQ”
available on the homepage of BARC Website https://www.barconlineexam.com

6. Candidate will be permitted to appear for the Computer Based Test only after their credentials are verified by centre
officials. If the details/information in the Admit Card are found to be mutilated / tampered with, and / or are in
disagreement with the candidate’s particulars available with the examination Centre Superintendent, the candidate will
not be permitted to appear for the Computer Based Test.

7. Candidate must report at the examination centre on scheduled reporting date and time mentioned in the Admit Card.
The reporting time for the candidate is well in advance to the examination start time indicated on the Admit Card in
order to complete activities such as verification of credentials of the candidate, capturing of photograph/
biometric(finger print), allotment of terminal, announcement of instructions and log-in etc.

8. No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination centre after entry closing time indicated in the Admit Card. No
requests/correspondence in this regard will be entertained under any circumstances.

9. Candidate is advised to locate the examination centre allotted to them and its accessibility at least a day before the
Computer Based Test, so that he/she can reach the centre on time for the Computer Based Test.
10. No candidate is allowed to leave his/her seat without permission of the Invigilator and also not allowed to leave test
hall during the Computer Based Test. Candidate must abide by the instructions given by Centre Superintendent/
Invigilator during the Test.

11. This Admit Card is valid only for the examination date and time as specified therein. No request for change in
examination date, session, centre, city will be considered under any circumstances. The candidates must take the
Computer Based Test at the examination centre indicated in the Admit Card only. If the candidate appears at any other
examination centre, his/her candidature is liable to be cancelled.

12. Candidate shall sign in the space provided in the Admit Card only in presence of the invigilator.

13. Candidate is required to submit his/her admit card to the invigilator and collect the acknowledgment slip before leaving
examination hall. Non submission of the Admit Card will lead to cancellation of his/her candidature. The
acknowledgement slip should be presented by the candidate if he is shortlisted for skill test.

14. This is a Computer Based Test in which the questions are displayed on computer monitor and candidates are required
to select the correct option using mouse. However, for rough work, candidates are required to bring their own
transparent ball point pen. Rough sheet will be provided. Candidate should write his/her name and application number
on the rough sheet(s) provided for rough work. The rough sheet(s) will have to be returned after the test.

15. Possession of books, notes, bits of papers, geometry/pencil box, plastic pouch, pencil, scale, log table, writing pad,
eraser, cardboard, electronic devices, smart watch, wrist watch, fitness band, wallet, goggles, handbags, mobile
phones, pagers, earphones, microphones, camera, headphones, pen-drives, tablet, Bluetooth devices, calculator,
debit/credit card, electronic pen/scanners, water bottle, food & beverage (alcoholic or non-alcoholic), arms/weapon,
metallic wears, bangles, belts, bracelets, fitness devices, laptops, etc. and any objectionable item is strictly prohibited
in the examination premises and it will be treated as unfair means. In case of non-compliance, his/her candidature
shall be cancelled and a suitable legal action in addition, may also be initiated. There is no safekeeping or locker
arrangement for candidate’s belongings. Examination Centre authorities will not be responsible for its safe custody.
Hence, it is advised not to bring any of these items.

16. It is mandatory for all candidates to undergo frisking process before entering the examination centre. Frisking will be
conducted with handheld metal detectors. Do not wear any jewellery or metallic objects.

17. Indulging in any type of malpractice/ unfair means/ misbehavior/ indiscipline in the examination hall or impersonation
will disqualify the candidate. Candidates are prohibited from communicating, consulting or conversing with other
candidates in the examination centre or causing disturbance in any manner whatsoever. Such candidates shall be
disqualified and expelled. Violation of any of the instructions and misbehavior may lead to invalidation of
candidature besides penal action including lodging of FIR. The Centre Superintendent/ Invigilator is duly
authorized to take action on the spot in such cases.

18. PwBD Candidates are eligible for compensatory time as indicated in the advertisement at para 8.1(j). The facility of
scribe will be allowed to eligible PwBD candidate only if he/she submits the requisite documents during the Computer
Based Test. Candidate is required to bring his/her own scribe. Scribe are required to bring the documents mentioned
in the advertisement at para 8.1(i).

19. In the event of the Computer Based Test being disrupted due to any Technical Network issue, the candidate should
immediately inform the Invigilator in order to enable to resolve the issue at the earliest opportunity. The invigilator will
help the candidate to re-login to the test. This test will start from where it had stopped. Till the issue is resolved, the
candidate must remain seated on the allocated system and wait for the instructions of the invigilator. Duration of
Computer Based Test will be reviewed accordingly.
20. The Computer Based Test will be conducted in a single session for Stage 1 – Preliminary Test of one hour duration
with 50 questions and Stage 2 – Advanced Test of two hours duration with 50 questions. However, the evaluation of
Stage 2 – Advanced Test will be carried out only of those candidates qualified in the Stage 1 – Preliminary Test.

21. Question paper will be in Bilingual (Hindi & English).

22. ‘3’ marks will be awarded for each correct answer and ‘1’ mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer. No marks
for questions not attempted. For the benefit of candidates, a mock test for familiarization & practice with Computer
Based Test is available.

23. CALCULATOR is not allowed.

24. The result of the Computer Based Test will be declared on our website https://www.barconlineexam.com. Candidates
need not wait outside the examination centre for results. The list of candidates shortlisted for skill test and the
schedule of skill test will be posted on the website. Please keep visiting the application portal at
https://www.barconlineexam.com and check email sent on registered email id for latest updates.

25. SC/ST candidates attending the Computer Based Test, who are not employed in Govt. sector/PSUs etc. and not
getting Railway concession are eligible for travelling allowance (TA) of Sleeper Class / Second Class railway fare by
the shortest direct route as per Rules, provided the fare of first 30 kms each (to and fro) shall be borne by the
candidate. Eligible candidates are requested to apply online through https://www.barconlineexam.com after
COMPUTER BASED TEST and upload their Caste Certificate, to and fro Tickets and first page of Bank Passbook /
Cancelled Cheque.

26. Candidates working under the Central / State Government / Public Sector Undertakings, if called for Skill Test should
submit a “NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE (NOC)” from their employer. No extension of time shall be provided for
production of NOC.

27. Candidate needs to make his/her own travel and stay arrangements for attending the Computer Based Test.

28. BARC reserves the right to order re-examination for any or all the candidates.

29. Decision of BARC in all the matters will be final and binding on the candidates.

************ ALL THE BEST ! ************

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