2-Atomic Structure Question
2-Atomic Structure Question
2-Atomic Structure Question
PG #1
16. If the velocity of the electron in first orbit of 24. Maximum number of spectral lines in
H atom is 2.18 × 10 m/s,what is its value Lyman series will be if electron makes
in third orbit ? transistion from n orbit :
(A) 7.27 × 10 m/s (A) n (B) n – 1
(B) 4.36 × 10 m/s (C) n – 2 (D) n (n + 1)
(C) 1.24 × 10 m/s
(D) 1.09 × 10 m/s 25. The de Broglie equation suggests that an
electron has
17. When an electron drops from a higher (A) Particle nature
energy level to a low energy level, then : (B) Wave nature
(A) energy is absorbed (C) Both Particle & wave nature
(B) energy is emitted (D) Radiation behaviour
(C) atomic number increases
(D) atomic number decreases 26. The wavelength of a charged particle
________the square root of the potential
18. The maximum energy of an electron in an
difference through which it is accelerated :
atom will be at :
(A) Nucleus (A) is inversely proportional to
(B) Ground state (B) is directly proportional to
(C) First excited state (C) is independent of
(D) Infinite distance from the nucleus (D) is unrelated with
19. The ionization energy of H-atom is 13.6 eV. 27. The de-broglie wavelength associated with
+2 a ball of mass 1 kg having kinetic energy
The ionization energy of Li ion will be :
0.5 Joule is.
(A) 54.4 eV (B) 122.4 eV –34
(C) 13.6 eV (D) 27.2 eV (A) 6.626 10 m
(B) 13.20 10 m
20. Correct relation between total energy (TE) (C) 10.38 10 m
and potential energy (PE) –34
(D) 6.626 10 Å
(A) PE (B) TE = PE
28. What possibly can be the ratio of the de
(C) TE (D) TE Broglie wavelengths for two electrons each
4 2
having zero initial energy and accelerated
21. The wavelength of a spectral line for an through 50 volts and 200 volts ?
electronic transition is inversly related to :
(A) 3 : 10 (B) 10 : 3
(A) No. of electrons undergoing transition
(C) 1 : 2 (D) 2 : 1
(B) The nuclear charge of the atom
(C) The velocity of an electron undergoing
29. A helium molecule is moving with a
2 –1
(D) The difference in the energy levels velocity of 2.40 x 10 ms at 300K. The
involved in the transition
de-Broglie wave length is about
22. The spectral lines corresponding to the (A) 0.416 nm (B) 0.83 nm
radiation emitted by an electron jumping (C) 803 Å (D) 8000 Å
from 6th, 5th and 4th orbits to second orbit
belong to : 30. If wavelength is equal to the distance
(A) Lyman series (B) Balmer series travelled by the electron in one second,
(C) Paschen series (D) Pfund series then -
p h
23. Wavelength of first line of Balmer series in (A) = (B) =
h m
hydrogen spectrum is :
(A) 6656 Å (B) 6266 Å h h
(C) = (D) =
(C) 6626 Å (D) 6566 Å p m
PG #2
31. Select the incorrect relationship among the 39. Spin angular momentum for an electron is
following : given as :
h h
(A) x p (A) s s 1
4 2
h h
(B) x p (B) 2s s 1
4 m 2
h h
(C) x V (C) s s 2
4 m 2
h (D) None
(D) E t
40. The orbital angular momentum of an
32. Heisenberg uncertainty principle is not electron in 2s-orbital is -
valid for h
(A) moving electron (A) (B) zero
(B) motar car
(C) Stationary particle h h
(C) (D) 2
(D) Both (B) and (C) 2 2
33. Magnetic quantum number specifies - 41. Which of the following principles limits the
(A) Size of orbitals
maximum number of electrons in an orbital
(B) Shape of orbitals
(C) Orientation of orbitals to two
(D) Nuclear stability (A) Aufbau principle
(B) Pauli's exclusion principle
34. A p-orbital can accommodate (C) Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity
(A) 4 electrons (D) Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
(B) 6 electrons
(C) 2 electrons with parallel spins 42. Nitrogen has the electronic configuration
(D) 2 electrons with opposite spins
1s2 ,2s2 2p1x 2p1y 2p1z and not
35. A given orbital is labeled by the magnetic 1s2 ,2s2 2p2x 2p1y 2p0z which is determined
quantum number m = –1. This could not
(A) Aufbau's principle
(A) s - orbital (B) p-orbital
(B) Pauli's exclusion principle
(C) d-orbital (D) f-orbital (C) Hund's rule
(D) Uncertainty principle
36. The electrons present in K-shell of the 43. For sodium atom the number of electrons
atom will differ in
(A) principal quantum number with m = 0 will be :
(B) azimuthal quantum number (A) 2 (B) 7 (C) 9 (D) 8
(C) magnetic quantum number
(D) spin quantum number 44. Which of the following ions has the
maximum number of unpaired d-
37. The maximum number of 3d-electrons that
1 electrons?
can have s = – , are 2+ 2+
2 (A) Zn (B) Fe
3+ +
(A) 10 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 7 (C) Ni (D) Cu
PG #3
47. A 3p-orbital has 49. A : It is not essential that all the lines
(A) Two non-spherical nodes available in the emission spectrum will
(B) Two spherical nodes also be available in the absorption
(C) One spherical and one Radial nodes spectrum
(D) One spherical and two non spherical R : The spectrum of hydrogen atom is only
nodes absorption spectrum
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the
48. Match the following : correct explanation of (A)
Column-I (B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not
Sub-atomic particles the correct explanation of (A)
(1) Electron (C) (A) is true but (R) is false
(2) Proton (D) (A) is false but (R) is true
(3) Neutron
(4) Nucleus 50. A : deBroglie equation has significance for
Column-II any microscopic or submicroscopic particles
Persons responsible for discovery R : deBroglie wavelength is inversely
(p) James Chadwick proportional to the mass of the object.
(q) J.J. Thomson (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the
(r) Rutherford correct explanation of (A)
(s) Goldstein (B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not
(A) (1 - q, 2 - s, 3 - r, 4 - p) the correct explanation of (A)
(B) (1 - p, 2 - p, 3 - q, 4 - s) (C) (A) is true but (R) is false
(C) (1 - r, 2 - s, 3 - p, 4 - q) (D) (A) is false but (R) is true
(D) (1 - q, 2 - s, 3 - p, 4 - r)
PG #4