History of Infinitesimal Calculus Time Line
History of Infinitesimal Calculus Time Line
History of Infinitesimal Calculus Time Line
Scientific analysis assures us that all theories of mathematics are not, in essence, but the result of
abstract models constructed according to certain experimental facts that, expressed in the language
of said science, are then developed based on pure reasoning and give origin of new ideas, when
these new mathematical concepts are used and applied to physics and another branch of science.
This allows new models to be established to accurately explain the facts investigated, then
mathematics is refined and acquires greater interpretation and, above all, precision.
We know that the truth forces us to change and look for new algorithms, which will further
develop mathematical thinking.
Historically and scientifically, it is assured that one of the most transcendent, elegant, important
and beautiful mathematical models that the creation of man has produced is the differential and
integral calculus, which is also known as INFINITESIMAL CALCULUS.
The advent of this branch of mathematics, which today we designate as MATHEMATICAL
ANALYSIS , has a history that describes observation, reasoning and measurement. The essence of
the Infinitesimal Method consists of the idea of the “STEP TO THE LIMIT ”, a product of the
conception of “indefinite succession”.
To get an idea of these concepts, we consider it convenient to study this story in three parts:
1. The Precursors
2. The Founders
3. The Continuers.
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Archimedes.- Greek Develop and perfect the Exhaution Method
287-212 BC. c. It links it to a new postulate: “Postulate of continuity”
Creator of the Method, which contains the idea of the integral
Álvaro To He performed the calculation of the first convergent series (series in which
Approx. 15 more 09 the general term tends to zero)
Cavalieri 1598- 1647 Dedicated to trigonometry and logarithms.
He contributed to the application of calculus in areas and volumes relying
on “indivisibles” (certain algorithms that led him to establish an
integration process)
(continuous indivisible geometry and new law of relationship)
Cavalieri's theorem.
Evangelist In his posthumous book, “Geometric Exercises” published in 1647, he
Italian Torricelli 1564- highlights infinitesimal methods.
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Pierre Fermat.He wrote in 1637, but published in 1679 “AD LOCOS PLANOS ET
SOLIDOS ISAGOGE” (introduction to geometric places, solid planes).
French Co-author of Analytical Geometry, which undoubtedly led him to the
infinitesimal method, as is the case of the “Trigonometric Slope of the
1601- Tangent”
In 1638 he discovered a method to find maximums and minimums
1665 ,9
Dutch Huygens The first Treatise on the Calculus of Probability is owed to this scientist;
Christian work that opens a new chapter of differential geometry.
1629-1695 Considered the Dutch Newton.
John wallis He considered the figures of conic sections, not as a section of the cone.
English But as a version of curves considered in Cartesian and 2nd degree
1616-1703 coordinates.
He perfected the method of indivisibles and the calculation of “Pi” as it is
known today.
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Isaac Barrow English He gave importance to the classical methods consisting of the
1630-1677 determination of the tangents to plane curves through the so-called
“Differential Triangle”, whose sides are formed by the differentials dx, dy
and the elementary arc ds.
He was Newton's teacher, friend and protector.
The creation of Infinitesimal Analysis, which Newton called the Theory of Fluxions, and Leibniz
titled it Differential and Integral Calculus, aroused a bitter controversy that had a divorce between
mathematicians and scientists of the British island and those of the scientific community of the
European continent, controversy long and sterile about the priority in the discovery of the methods
of this new branch of mathematics.
Newton and Leibniz did approach and found well-distinguished forms of reasoning, which led
them to different results, but essentially led them to the same interpretation.
The discovery of calculus had a special characteristic not only in mathematical thought, but in
thought and science in general; While Newton guarded his discovery on the island with great zeal
without propagating it to his countrymen, men of science, Leibniz's Differential and Integral
Calculus became known throughout Europe, since scholars were able to apply it, hence these were
the successors:
Guillaume Francois This Frenchman can be considered the author of the first systematic
Antoine L'Hopital treatise on Differential and Integral Calculus, entitled “ANALYSE DES
COURBES” (Analysis of infinitely small parts by curves) which appeared
Ec2985 Ey3g in 1696.
5ekA The L'Hopital Rule formula appears to find limits
Scottish, 1698-1746 on Fluxions), with a broad explanation of maximums and minimums, in
addition to including the rule to find the multiple points of the curves.
It exposes the formula for the series development of the functions called
after, MaClaurin Series.
Edmund Halley A friend and benefactor of Newton, he paid for the printing of the first 250
MATHEMATICA,” and he was a skillful applyer of infinitesimal calculus.
English, 1656-1742 0
Leonhard Euler Swiss, He is the first to organize and order Infinitesimal Analysis. Considered the
1707-1783 most prolific of all mathematicians.
All books continue to carry the order that Euler implemented. He wrote
many books dedicated to mathematical analysis.
Mathematicians Alexis Claude Clauriaut, (1713-1765)
french Jean Baptiste Le Rond D'Lambert, (1717-1783)
Century XVIII Joseph Louis Lagrange, (1736-1813), author of “MECANIQUE
ANALYTIQUE” work treated with infinitesimal analysis.
Simón Laplace, (1749-1827), his work “MECANIQUE CELESTE” to
which he also applies differential and integral calculus.
Joseph Fourier, (1768-1830), establishes the integral with notation
Lagrangian Limits in “LA THEORIE ANALYTIQUE DE LA CHALEUR”, in the
Analytical theory of Heat in 1822
M 1 Fourier
Agustin louis He managed to establish the concept of LIMIT adopted as the foundation
Cauchy of the Infinitesimal Calculus, in addition to the integral theory and
French, 1789-1857 functions in a single variable.
Bernhard Bolzano Establishes the theory of real functions in calculus. The definition of
Czech, 1781-1848 A
william Rowan He establishes equations that lead him to the principle that bears his name,
hamilton which is an elegant application of infinitesimal analysis to Classical
Irish, 1805- 1865 Mechanics.
To put Gustaf He left interesting works on the theory of SERIES and integral calculus
Lejeume Dirichlet
German, 1805-1859
in P
Joules Wilhel He carried out work on the THEORY OF algebraic NUMBERS and
Richard Dedekind irrational functions for infinitesimal analysis.
German, 1831-1916
German, 1845-1918 (e
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Jules Henri Poincaré Study automorphic functions
French 1854-1912 Together with Cantor they solidify the Topology.
The Infinitesimal Calculus is very advanced, thanks to the great contributions that different
thinkers made or have made throughout history, with the period of greatest development being the
years from 1650 to 1680.
There is still much to discover, that someone will continue to search in the rich mine that
represents one of the most glorious and formidable mental constructions made by man.
History of Mathematics, J Rey Pastor and José Babini, Edit. Gedisa, Barcelona, 1986.