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The State of The Art in Raw Materials For The Building & Construction Industry

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The state of the art in raw materials

for the building & construction industry.

The manner in which you use our products, technical assistance and information (whether verbal, written
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beyond our control. Therefore, it is imperative that you test our products to determine suitability for
your processing and intended uses. Your analysis must at least include testing to determine suitability
from a technical, health, safety, and environmental and regulatory standpoint. Such testing has not
necessarily been done by Covestro, and Covestro has not obtained any approvals or licenses for a
particular use or application of the product, unless explicitly stated otherwise. If the intended use of the
product is for the manufacture of a pharmaceutical/medicinal product, medical device¹ or of pre-cursor
products for medical devices or for other specifically regulated applications which lead or may lead to
Covestro Deutschland AG a regulatory obligation of Covestro, Covestro must explicitly agree to such application before the sale.
Any samples provided by Covestro are for testing purposes only and not for commercial use. Unless we
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee 60 otherwise agree in writing, all products are sold strictly pursuant to the terms of our standard conditions
51373 Leverkusen of sale which are available upon request. All information, including technical assistance is given without
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coatings.covestro.com written form, they do not constitute a binding material specification or warranted values.
1) Please see the “Guidance on Use of Covestro Products in a Medical Application” document.
[email protected] Edition: 2023 · Printed in Germany
Building Protection 3

5 Covestro – Building a circular future, together

6 Key trends in the construction industry

8 Stability, reliability and safety – with polyurethane raw materials

Industry-leading technologies

10 2K polyurethane technologies

12 Innovative fast-curing 2K polyaspartic technology

15 Convenient 1K polyurethane technologies

16 The best of both worlds – polyurethanes and silicones


19 Industrial flooring

21 Sports flooring

23 Decorative flooring

25 Parking decks

26 Flat roofs

27 Balconies & patios

28 Garages & basements

29 Walls & facades

30 Parquet

33 Joint sealants

34 Products and key figures

40 Fast-lane access to polyurethane innovations

Building Protection 5

Building a circular future, together

The demand for more circular solutions is rising at a faster pace than ever before
as the world collectively strives to tackle today’s global challenges. Climate
change, population growth, urbanization, digitalization and mobility are pushing
players from every sector to find more sustainable solutions and lay the
foundations for climate neutrality by driving a Circular Economy. The challenge
is not only to create these circular solutions but also to maintain quality,
durability and productivity.

Innovation is key to satisfying these demands and creating added value for
customers, society and the environment by turning targets into realities. At
Covestro, our long-standing expertise in aliphatic and aromatic polyisocyanates
and more sustainable resins goes hand-in-hand with our purpose of constantly
pushing boundaries in the search for future-oriented solutions. Through joint
solutions, alternative raw materials, innovative recycling, and harnessing
renewable energy, we’re enabling coatings and adhesives producers to meet
the circular challenge, here and now.

We’re expanding our portfolio to include bio-based or recycled raw materials in

coatings and adhesives areas. Thanks to our mass balancing approach, we’re
helping close the loop by gradually replacing fossil fuels with ISCC-certified
renewable resources. Our drop-in solutions ensure the high quality, consistent
performance and easy processing that keep your production running smoothly.
And we’re constantly working to provide the global support, facilities and supply
chain security you need to forget yet more circular innovations in your industries.

Material solutions can help turn circular targets into realities. Let’s make the
world a brighter place, together.
Key trends in the
construction industry

Key trends in the construction industry are • Greater efficiency and productivity for
influencing the market for protective building contractors:
coatings: A lack of skilled labor in the construction
• industry is intensifying the demand for
The construction industry is facinghugh changes more efficient construction processes.
due to the European Green Deal - especially a Innovative building chemical technologies
big shift towards the usage of more sustainable can help to improve c
­ onstruction
solutions than today (e.g. reducing CO2 contractors’ productivity.
consumption, increasing usage of renewable or
recycled materials) • Growing demand for decorative floorings:
• As more and more end users call for
• More refurbishment and renovation: customizable solutions, there is also a growing
In recent years, the construction market demand for high-class decorative floorings.
in Europe has experienced a clear shift from
construction to renovation work. Whereas new • S tricter VOC regulations:
buildings previously accounted for most As stricter VOC regulations are introduced
construction work, it is now refurbishment in Europe, there is a greater need for low- to
and renovation. zero-emission coatings.

• Minimizing construction site downtime: • Enhancing energy efficiency:

The focus in many segments is increasingly on Most of the world’s energy is consumed to
minimizing construction-site downtime and the heat or cool buildings. Fortunately, this is a
associated loss of earnings for the owners or sector where Covestro is making a significant
occupiers of buildings. These factors have led, contribution to enhancing energy efficiency.
among other things, to a greater demand for One solution to the increasing demand for more
more efficient, long-lasting coating solutions. energy­efficient building shells is the use of high-
quality movement or connection joint sealants.
8 Building Protection

Stability, reliability and safety –

with polyurethane raw materials

Since stability, reliability and safety are top priorities This brochure explains why our products offer such
in the construction industry, the production of outstanding quality, details the chemical properties
customized, high-quality construction materials has of polyurethane products, and outlines the one- and
always been a key market segment for us. two-component technologies used to manufacture
Consequently, we produce a comprehensive range multifunctional construction materials. These
of polyurethane raw materials for a wide range of processes, along with polyurea technology, form the
applications in the construction industry. Covestro building blocks for the wide range of possible
markets these polyurethane raw materials for applications. We also describe numerous areas of
manual coating, adhesive or sealant application on application of our successful product technology,
construction sites. Or they are used to manufacture and show how the diverse capabilities of our
sports and industrial flooring and coatings for roofs polyurethanes can help you to resolve numerous
and many other specialist building applications. demanding tasks.
Whether they are enabling vehicle tires to grip on
parking decks or simply protecting concrete patios From our position as Europe’s leading manufacturer
from corrosion, the chemical formulation of of polyurethane raw materials in both volume and
polyurethane coatings can be adapted to meet your technological terms, we are ideally placed to serve
every need and, in special cases, even be enhanced as your competent partner – not just through our
with decorative designs. extensive product portfolio, but also through the
comprehensive technical service we provide our
customers in the construction industry.

All you need to know about polyurethane industrial hygiene reasons, only used in the
coating sector as higher molecular polymers
Polyurethane is the term generally used for the (adducts, homopolymers, and prepolymers). In
product of reactions between polyisocyanates the production of polyisocyanate coating raw
and polyalcohols, polyamines and/or water, materials, the main aim is to achieve the lowest
whereby the latter can be in the form of liquid possible residual monomer content.
or moisture in the air. However, not every
polyurethane formulation is suitable for Coating materials also differ in the way they
the same areas of application, and careful are processed. In the case of two-component
distinctions have to be made. (2K) technology, two components are mixed
homogeneously prior to processing the
With the exception of diphenylmethane structural protection product, resulting in a
diisocyanates (MDI), which are unique reaction mix that needs to be processed within
because of their low vapor pressure and a limited period of time. One-component (1K)
correspondingly low volatility, monomer technology, by contrast, requires no mixing to
diisocyanates such as toluene diisocyanates stimulate the reaction between a formulated
(TDI), hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) polyisocyanate and moisture in the air, and
or isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) are, for thus permits long processing times.
10 Building Protection Building Protection 11

2K polyurethane technologies

At Covestro, we supply three different types of 2K Solvent-based 2K polyurethanes Water-based 2K polyurethanes

polyurethanes: solvent-free, solvent-based and The solvents used in these 2K polyurethane As with any polyurethane, hydroxyl groups have
water-based. systems (Desmodur® and Desmophen®) limit to react with isocyanate groups to produce
the coating thickness and prevent foaming. water-based polyurethane coatings. This is the
100% solids 2K polyurethanes However, it is also possible to use more hydrophilic chemical basis. However, this particular process
The use of 100% solids raw materials allows substances whose viscosity can be set via the has one special feature: the binders consist of a
coatings of any thickness to be produced. With 2K volume of solvent. Solvent-based 2K polyurethane water-based dispersion (Bayhydrol®, NeoCryl®,
polyurethane systems consisting of solvent-free systems are mainly used in the production of NeoRez® or Decovery®) component and a
polyalcohol (Desmophen®) and polyisocyanate topcoats. The properties of these topcoats (e.g., hydrophilic polyisocyanate (Bayhydur®). This
(Desmodur ®) components, it is the functionality gloss, abrasion resistance or chemical resistance) means that a secondary reaction takes place
of both these components, their molecular weight, can be adjusted to meet your needs and wishes. between the isocyanate groups and water. Urea
and the chemical structure that are instrumental The exceptional properties of this type of coating, groups are formed during this process. The scope
in determining the mechanical properties and system through the addition of fillers and and in particular its weathering resistance in of this reaction is much smaller than the reaction
resistance to chemicals of the reaction product. pigments, the use of water scavengers prevents outdoor applications, has reliably protected that produces polyurethane because the reaction
Low functionality (but of at least 2) and a high the polyisocyanate coming into contact with it. concrete surfaces from environment-­related rate is slower. In addition, the water evaporates
molecular weight, for example, produce plastic ­Zeolites with an adsorbent effect are normally attacks for many years. Our decades of experience from the coating film relatively quickly after
to elastic coatings with low chemical resistance. added. These types of standard polyurethane in selecting binder components and formulations application. Another benefit of 2K p
­ olyurethane
If, however, the functionality of reactants is high systems based on castor-oil polyalcohols enable properties to be customized to your technology is that the crosslinking reactions can
and their molecular weight is low, the outcome is and, where possible, modified polymer MDIs specific requirements. be accurately controlled by selecting suitable raw

extremely hard coatings with excellent chemical (­Desmodur®) cure at temperatures between 5°C materials and additives. Pot life and curing time

resistance. 100% solids 2K polyurethane systems and 30°C, even at a relative humidity of over 90%. can also be decoupled using internally activated

are usually hydrophobic. This largely prevents any The result is a pore-free coating of high thickness dispersions. Final hardness can thus be reached

competing chemical reaction with air moisture, and excellent surface quality. If higher color much more quickly at the same pot life, or the

which is to be avoided since it generates carbon stability is required, aliphatic polyisocyanates hardening reaction can take place at

dioxide. Although air moisture enters the reaction based on HDI or IPDI (Desmodur® N) can be used. lower ­temperatures.

R-N=C=O R’-OH R R’
Polyisocyanate Polyalcohol N O
Innovative fast-curing 2K
polyaspartic technology

At Covestro, we supply different types of 2K

polyaspartics – from high solids to 100% solids.

2K polyaspartics
2K polyaspartic coatings (Pasquick® technology)
based on amine-functional polyaspartic acid
esters (Desmophen® NH) and aliphatic HDI-based
polyisocyanates (Desmodur® N and E) combine
the advantages of aliphatic 2K polyurethane
technology with the fast-setting properties of
polyurea technology. A variety of properties from
flexible to hard can be achieved by selecting the
right combination of binders and hardeners. In
addition, this technology allows short curing
times, even with a moderate pot life. Furthermore,
our technology allows formulations fulfilling the
high requirements in line with indoor air quality
regulations (AgBB).


General structure of aspartics

O R’ O R’ H
H + R”– N=C=O R”
Aspartic Aliphatic polyisocyanate Polyaspartic

R’= OR

Reaction of aspartics with aliphatic polyisocyanate to give polyaspartics
Building Protection 15

Convenient 1K polyurethane

1K moisture-curing polyurethanes
1K coatings react with water, which is present
almost everywhere as substrate or air moisture.
The second component needed for the
hardening process is therefore delivered to
your doorstep free of charge, so to speak. This
avoids any uncertainty as to whether the two
components are mixed homogeneously. Since
carbon dioxide is produced during the hardening
reaction, 1K poly­urethane products based on
this conventional process have to be used in low
coating thicknesses, mostly in conjunction with
solvents. This stops blisters forming in the coating. 1K water-based polyurethane and acrylic technology
The use of latent hardeners triggers a type of 1K water-based, high molecular weight, dispersed
chain reaction. Just one water molecule provides polyurethane can be easily applied on flooring, either
several reactive groups for the reaction with the manually or even industrially. The ease of application,
latent hardener. As a result, less carbon dioxide is rapid curing and good mechanical properties of these
produced and significantly thicker coatings can be polyurethanes make them the standard technology for
applied without blisters forming. parquet coatings. Such systems are environmentally
friendly and allow formulations with low levels of VOC
In view of the limited coating thickness, this and good results in indoor air quality tests. Covestro
technology is particularly suited to seals and supplies proven raw materials for water-based systems
impregnation. Depending on the prepolymer under the trade names Bayhydrol®, NeoCryl®,
(aromatic, Desmodur® E grades) and low-viscosity NeoRez® or Decovery®.
aliphatic polyisocyanate (Desmodur® N) used,
elastomer or duromer coating films with differing
degrees of weathering resistance are formed. The
underlying products penetrate well into absorbent
substrates. Moreover, the end products are
incredibly tough, abrasion-resistant, and highly
resistant to water, chemicals and solvents.

1K polyurethane technology offers yet another

attractive possibility – highly filled, mortar-like
coatings that are used mainly without solvents.
After hardening, these products form breathable,
open-pore coatings with thicknesses of 4–10 mm.
If required, a liquid-tight surface can also be
created using an additional seal. Such products are
commonly used in load-transforming topcoats and
decorative gravels.
16 Building Protection

The best of both worlds –

polyurethanes and silicones
Silane-terminated prepolymers (STPs) marketed
under the Desmoseal® S trade name are the latest
generation of polymers for moisture-curing elastic
bondings and highly flexible sealants. They are
based on a polyurethane prepolymer terminated
by a specific and unique tri-functional alkoxy-
silane end group.

Si Polyurethane prepolymer Si

Representing so-called hybrid systems, they

combine in an ideal way the advantages of
poly­urethane chemistry with the chemistry of
silicones in sealant and adhesive formulations.

Basic principles: crosslinking mechanism



- CO2 OCH3

+ H 2O

Si O Si
Building Protection 19

Industrial flooring

Outstanding quality
for tough environments

Mechanical, dynamic and thermal stress, Ease of cleaning and outstanding slip and
chemicals and water: industrial flooring in abrasion resistance are exemplary qualities
production plants and warehouses has to be in all applications. Moreover, design-friendly
extremely resistant. If the right quality standards polyurethane coatings can also be customized
are not met, any damage or signs of wear in the for industrial flooring to meet your specific
concrete substrate quickly become a safety requirements, e.g., in terms of electrical
risk, disrupt production routines and give rise to conductivity, antibacterial properties or emission
additional costs. behavior. What’s more, the toughness of
polyurethane systems even allows them be used
That is why industries such as automotive, food, to coat asphalt screeds.
pharmaceuticals, electrical engineering, metal-
working and chemicals have been relying on tough Polyurethane coatings are capable of satisfying
to ultra-hard synthetic resin coating systems for even the toughest of demands and thus make
years to provide effective protection for indoor a substantial contribution to the long-lasting
floors exposed to extreme stresses. Thanks to a functionality of industrial flooring. They can be
range of properties that is as broad as it is varied, applied using common procedures, set new
polyurethane is increasingly the material of choice. technical safety standards and even reduce
Worldwide, around a quarter of the many millions machine noise – much to the delight of factory
of square meters of industrial flooring is coated workers. And they also ensure that those
with polyurethane as a durable and cost-effective omnipresent forklifts enjoy a good grip on
solution. factory floors.

Building Protection 21

Sports flooring

A valuable and very

sporty team player

Polyurethane is incredibly sporty for a plastic. reduce the risk of injury – in any sport. Surfaces
When used as an elastic point or area covering coated in this way provide excellent grip, go easy
for indoor or outdoor sports floors, smart on the athletes’ bodies, and cushion impact.
polyurethane coatings ensure perfect bounce – Suitably formulated polyurethane coatings meet
a must-have quality for basketball or handball international quality standards for the use of
players, for example. plastic in sports flooring, and extend the service
life of these surfaces. What’s more, the variable
Track and field athletes also benefit from hardness of polyurethane topcoats even meets
the optimal and customizable elasticity of strict physiotherapeutic requirements.
polyurethane systems for sports halls and
outdoor facilities. The good rebound properties Polyurethane systems can also be used for
and outstanding slip resistance of running multipurpose hall flooring. Here, multiple coatings
surfaces coated in polyurethane systems help are recommended to withstand the higher loads
to enhance sporting achievements. Besides caused by mass events, table and chair legs, or
offering excellent elasticity, these largely wear- stiletto heels. And should any damage occur, it can
resistant polyurethane sports surfaces also greatly usually be repaired quickly and simply.

Self-leveling functional Topcoat, decorative Marks

coating, two-component
solvent-free PU

Pore filler,
solvent-free PU

Primer granule mat
Building Protection 23

Decorative flooring

A treat for tired eyes

Ever greater demands are being made of flooring This transforms what would otherwise be boring
in public or commercial facilities, such as flooring into a stylishly designed “polyurethane
administrative buildings, offices, foyers, exhibition carpet” that is jointless, colorful, non-yellowing
and concert halls, shops, and malls. And they are and, above all, much more resilient than any textile
not just functional demands. Besides the usual counterparts.
considerations such as ease of cleaning, excellent
durability, antiallergenic aspects, cost effectiveness Self-leveling polyurethane floor coatings allow you
and above-average safety, greater emphasis is to combine all the advantages of polyurethane
now being placed on decorative features. As well technology with decorative designs and a high
as fulfilling their actual purpose, highly stressed large degree of design flexibility. The outcome is real
areas of flooring also have to look good. works of art that can withstand even heavy loads
with barely a scratch thanks to the tough, impact-
The extensive properties of polyurethane/ and chemical-resistant topcoat. And if any damage
polyaspartics open up new possibilities for does occur, it can easily be repaired. As with other
attractive and even highly artistic floor designs. polyurethane floor coating, it just needs to be
Additional color chips or other design elements sanded down to the required level and resealed
can easily be added to the transparent or single- with a transparent coating.
color synthetic resin matrix during application.

Clearcoat matte,

Self-leveling decorative coating,

two-component solvent-free PU

Leveling layer, two-component

solvent-free PU
Building Protection 25

Parking decks

Strong and safe surfaces

At first glance you’d never think that the reinforced Since older cars tend to leak, the polyurethane
concrete floors of parking decks have a lot to put coatings on parking decks are also useful in
up with. But not only do they have to withstand the stopping harmful substances leaching into the soil
weight of cars; their lanes, entrances and exits also and groundwater. So they protect the environment
have to ensure vehicles can be driven safely at all while providing excellent reliability, optimal surface
times. grip even in rainy weather, no-fuss cleaning, and
resistance to temperature changes and weather
The exceptional slip resistance and high influences all year round. Operators of multistoried
mechanical and dynamic load-bearing qualities of car parks thus have an extremely cost-effective
viscoplastic and abrasion-resistant polyurethane technology at their disposal.
coatings make them the ideal solution for large-
area application on parking deck substrates. There is one more decisive advantage. While more
Jointless and usually processed in combination costly high-tech systems are generally used
with epoxy resin primers, they bridge the on top and bottom decks in view of the greater
unavoidable cracks in concrete surfaces caused stress caused by wind and weather, and on the
by consistently heavy loads while easily coping lower levels due to more frequent parking, simpler
with road salt, automobile fluids, and rainwater. solutions usually suffice on the intermediate levels.
This ensures that the underlying steel structure is In each and every case, parking safety is ensured
permanently protected against corrosion. and comes complete with the wide range of
decorative design options polyurethane offers.

Wear surface,
two-component solvent-free PU Topcoat, decorative

solvent-free PU

Leveling layer

26 Building Protection Building Protection 27

Flat roofs Balconies & patios

Sleep soundly under A climate-stable fountain

a secure roof of youth

What would a house be without a roof? With customized formulations that meet the relevant Like roofs, balconies and patios are exposed to the one hand, it has to ensure that balcony chairs
By protecting the inhabitants from wind international, national or regional legal standards, fluctuating climatic conditions – not only day and and tables do not damage the coating; on the
and weather, rain, frost and snow, it is a key flame-retardant polyurethane coatings also help to night, but also from season to season. Loadbearing other hand, the higher slip resistance required for
guarantee for cozy security. That’s why it’s all the enhance the safety of buildings. And by using light- concrete substrates and their steel reinforcements greater safety should not mean the furniture sticks
more important to protect the roof itself from resistant, non-yellowing raw material components, can be effectively protected against corrosion to the floor. Meeting both demands is absolutely
harmful external influences by means of elastic they also reflect some of the sun’s rays. In a nutshell, caused by moisture penetration and also given no problem with polyurethane coatings. And if the
polyurethane coating systems based on raw polyurethane flat roof seals play a major role in a design boost by applying an all-over layer of owner opts for a lightfast aliphatic system, it will also
materials from Covestro. Flexible even at high and prolonging the life of real estate and thus boost its polyurethane membranes. In addition to exemplary provide added protection against premature aging
low temperatures, crack bridging, and consistently usability and resale value. weathering stability, the mechanical resistance of by the sun.
waterproof despite good water vapor transmission, the protective coating is particularly important. On
roofing applications show polyurethane at its
very best.
Self-leveling coating,
2nd lamination layer, or two-component Topcoat, decorative
wet-in-wet, one-component 1st lamination layer, solvent-free PU

Topcoat, decorative or two-component one-component or

solvent-free PU two-component Primer PVC chips

solvent-free PU Adhesion

ceramic tiles
28 Building Protection Building Protection 29

Garages & basements Walls & facades

Absolutely indestructible A fine solution –

in everyday use inside or out

Polyurethane floor applications are increasingly floor, even if the car is left standing for lengthy High-quality polyurethane systems have an equally their good water vapor diffusion properties are
used in houses to protect basements and periods, this is where comparatively hard poly­ impressive track record as protective surface all excellent reasons for selecting high-quality
garages from wear and tear and premature aging urethane systems of the kind used in automobile coatings for interior walls and exterior facades. polyurethane construction materials based on raw
as well. Since the concrete floor of garages has to showrooms come into their own. That is why formulations with high crosslinking materials from Covestro.
withstand heavy loads and aggressive automobile densities, optimized chemical resistance, and
fluids, it makes perfect sense to use hydrolysis- Polyurethane coatings are also ideal because they ease of cleaning are chosen over competing What’s more, polyurethane products offer
and chemical-resistant polyurethane floor harden and dry quickly after processing, produce but less effective technologies, for example in outstanding protection against carbonation.
coatings with a wide range of mechanical, dynamic hardly any emissions during application, are public buildings such as hospitals, nursing homes, Their use in protective coatings for bridges, train
and thermal properties. Since nobody wants available in attractive colors, and are slip-resistant, schools and kindergartens. stations, underpasses or administrative buildings
car tires to leave unsightly prints on the garage resilient and easy to maintain in everyday use. prevents corrosion in the steel reinforcements of
Public authorities also choose such easy-to-clean the concrete, so no dangerous fragments can break
solutions for outdoor areas. The impressive off the facades. In other words, polyurethane raw
Topcoat, aromatic one-com-
weathering resistance and sealing properties of materials from Covestro are crucial for safe and
ponent PU or aliphatic
solvent-borne, solvent-free or polyurethane systems – even in driving rain – and sustainable construction materials.
waterborne two-component PU,
1–2 x 100 µm
Primer, aromatic
one-component PU or two-com-
ponent waterborne PU
(< 100 µm)

Primer, aliphatic two-component

PU or two-component PU,
aqueous (< 100 µm)

Intermediate coating, aliphatic

two-component PU or
two-component PU,
aqueous (< 100 µm)

Topcoat, aliphatic two-

component PU, aqueous or
solvent-borne 1–2 x 100 µm
30 Building Protection


Wood at its natural best

High-performance parquet adhesives soft-elastic hard parquet adhesives. All the

Parquet adhesives not only have to offer the formulated binder systems are easy to process
necessary mechanical properties; they also need and form a tough bond on substrates such as
to comply with the indoor air-quality requirements concrete, ceramic, stone and various
for applications in enclosed rooms. That is non-absorbent substrates.
why solvent-free reactive adhesives based on
polyurethane and its hybrids are the raw material Coatings that enhance the beauty of wood
of choice. They do not cause the wood to swell, Waterborne dispersions have been in use for
display good adhesive qualities, and are available years and nowadays they are one of the leading
as low-emission formulations. technologies for parquet coatings. The clear
advantages include outstanding mechanical
Key benefits of polyurethane technology: properties, mild odor, ease of application and
• Outstanding flexibility rapid curing.
• Good initial strength
• Good adhesive strength The choice of the right Bayhydrol® UH,
• Good adhesion to wood and concrete NeoCryl®, NeoRez® or Decovery® grade
• No moisture expansion, as no water from the allows the formulation of coatings with the
adhesive can impact the substrate necessary hardness, elasticity, abrasion, black
• Low emissions for environment-friendly heel mark resistance and chemical resistance.
application in enclosed rooms Introducing fatty acids into the chain increases
the crosslinking, resulting in greater chemical
We offer a broad range of raw materials and black heel mark resistance. Film properties
for such applications under the brand can be enhanced by adding a polyisocyanate
names Desmodur® E, Desmoseal® M and to produce a waterborne 2K coating for very
Desmoseal® S – from products suitable for high requirements. We offer these hydrophilic
screed priming, raw materials for 1K or 2K polyisocyanates under the brand name
polyurethane adhesives to silane-termi­n ated Bayhydur®.
polyurethanes for formulating low-emission,
Building Protection 33

Joint sealants

The seal of quality

The polyurethane sealants based on the example, which shifts the relative positions of floor
Desmoseal® product range are characterized by slabs, or seasonal temperature fluctuations, which
a high degree of elasticity and cohesion. They can cause structural components to expand or shrink.
be painted over, are easy to apply, and capable of Such movements obviously affect the shape and
withstanding the everyday challenges presented in size of the relevant joints and the sealant in each
a wide variety of application areas. Key challenges joint is subjected to constant tensile, compression,
include mechanical loads caused by traffic for peel or shear stresses.

Key benefits of sealants based on Desmoseal® raw materials:*

• Long-lasting elasticity, even at low • Highly reactive

temperatures • Can be formulated with amines or low levels of
• Good adhesive strength, adhesion to different tin catalysts
substrates and flank adhesion • Excellent mechanical properties:
• Simple to process (1K formulations) – Tensile strength > 2 MPa
• Good extrudability – Elongation at break up to 1,200%
• Weather-resistant – Shore hardness as low as A15
• Extremely malleable – Modulus at 100% as low as 0.2 MPa
• Good elastic recovery
• Odorless
• Low shrinkage during curing
• Overcoating possible
• Bubble-free curing due to low NCO content or
silane crosslinking

* The specific properties depend on the formulation chosen.

The Desmoseal® S range is made up of silane- adhesion of silicones results in a unique profile of
terminated prepolymers (STPs) and used for beneficial properties. STPs are usually formulated
sealants that combine the outstanding properties as 1K sealants, but can, if required, be formulated
of polyurethane with those of silicone-based as 2K systems to modify certain properties. The
sealants. The inherent good cohesion of chemical structure is a polyurethane backbone
polyurethanes combined with the well-known good with silane end groups.

Typical applications for sealants based on Desmoseal® products:

• All kinds of connection joints, e.g., around windows, doors, roller blind housings, facades,
metal housings, indoor and outdoor plastic components, etc.
• Edge joints on parquet flooring
34 Building Protection Building Protection 35


Desmodur® N 3200 100 2,500 23.00 185
Desmodur® ultra N 3300 100 3,000 21.80 195
Desmodur® ultra N 3600 100 1,200 23.00 185
Desmodur® ultra N 3800 100 6,000 11.00 380
Desmodur® ultra N 3900 100 730 23.50 180
Desmodur® N 100 100 10,000 22.00 190
Desmodur® N 75 MPA 75 250 16.50 255
Desmodur® N 75 MPA/X 75 250 16.50 255
Desmodur® ultra Z 4470 MPA/X 70 1,500 11.90 360
Desmodur® ultra Z 4470 SN 70 2,000 11.90 360
Desmodur® NZ 300 100 3,000 21.00 200
Desmodur® N 31000 100 500 23.00 185
Desmodur® ultra N 31100 100 500 20.00 215

Prepolymers based
on aliphatic isocyanates
Desmodur® E 30700 100 1,350 11.00 380
Desmodur® ultra E 30600 100 2,500 6.00 700
Desmodur® ultra E 30500 100 4,250 12.50 335
Desmodur® VPLS 2371 100 9,800 3.70 1,100
Desmodur® E 40480 MPA 80 7,000 2.80 1,500

Polymeric MDI products/

Prepolymers based on MDI
Desmodur® VL 100 90 31.50 135
Desmodur® VL R 10 100 120 31.50 135
Desmodur® VL R 20 100 200 31.50 135
Desmodur® VL 50 100 23 32.50 130
Desmodur® VH 20 N 100 280 24.50 170
Desmodur® XP 2551 100 66 32.00 130
Desmodur® E 20100 100 1,100 15.70 265
Desmodur® E 21 100 5,400 16.00 260
Desmodur® E 22 100 2,800 8.60 490
Desmodur® E 23 100 1,800 15.40 270
Desmodur® E 29 100 220 24.00 175
Desmoseal® M 280 80 33,000 2.10 2,000
Desmodur® E XP 2723 100 1,500 15.40 270
Desmodur® E XP 2727 100 800 15.25 275
Desmodur® E XP 2762 100 4,500 14.30 295
36 Building Protection Building Protection 37


based on TDI
Desmodur® E 1160 MPA/X 60 550 5.4 780
Desmodur® E 1361 MPA/X 61 550 6.8 620
Desmodur® E 1660 60 1,600 5.3 790
Desmodur® E XP 2605/1 50 250 4.3 975
Desmodur® E 14 100 6,800 3.30 1,270
Desmodur® ultra E 15 100 6,600 4.3 975

TDI Prepolymers
Desmocap® 14 CNB 100 25,000

Bayhydur® ultra 312 100 900 22.8 185
Bayhydur® ultra 308 100 900 20.0 210
Bayhydur® ultra 3100 100 2,800 17.40 240
Bayhydur® ultra 305 100 6,500 16.20 260
Bayhydur® ultra 2700 65 75 10.6 400
Bayhydur® ultra 2858 70 500 13.3 315
Bayhydur® CQ ultra 701-90 90 5,000 17.9 230

Aqueous acrylic
Bayhydrol® A 2457 41 2.5
Bayhydrol® A 2546 41 4.8
Bayhydrol® A 242 42 2
Bayhydrol® A 2846 40 1.5
NeoCryl® XK-110 46.5 2.5
NeoCryl® XK-541 40 4.2
NeoCryl® XK-555 40 5.0
NeoCryl® XK-205 42
NeoCryl® XK-12 45
NeoCryl® XK-14 40
NeoCryl® XK-15 45
NeoCryl® XK-68 47.5

NH-reactive resins,
aspartics for coatings
Desmophen® NH 1220 100 90 234
Desmophen® NH 1420 100 1,450 276
Desmophen® NH 1423 LF 100 1500 274
Desmophen® NH 1520 100 1,400 290
Desmophen® NH 1523 LF 100 2,400 280
Desmophen® NH 1720 100 100 295
Desmophen® NH 1723 LF 100 80 290
38 Building Protection Building Protection 39


the reactive partners
Desmophen® 1100 100 30,500 6.50
Desmophen® 1200 100 23,500 5.00
Desmophen® C 1100 100 3,200 3.30 500
Desmophen® C 1200 100 16,500 1.70 515
Desmophen® VPLS 2249/1 100 1,900 15.50
Desmophen® VPLS 2328 100 800 8.00
Desmophen® 650 MPA 65 20,000 5.30 320
Desmophen® 651 MPA/X 65 25,000 5.50 310
Desmophen® 1380 BT 100 600 11.7 146
Desmophen® 5028 GT 100 3,600 0.86 1,970

Aqueous polyurethane
Bayhydrol® UH 340/1 40
Bayhydrol® UH 2557 35
Bayhydrol® UH 2593/1 35
Impranil® DLU 60
Decovery® SP-2022 35
NeoRez® R-2005 35
NeoRez® R-2180 EU 35
NeoRez® R-2190 38
Bayhydrol® UH 2864 59
Bayhydrol® UH 2891 40

Desmoseal® S XP 2774 100 50,000
Desmoseal® S XP 2636 100 40,000
Desmoseal® S XP 2749 100 5,100
Desmoseal® S XP 2821 100 20,000
Desmoseal® S 2876 100 25,000

Solid acrylics
for PMMA
NeoCryl® B-725 100
NeoCryl® B-788XP 100
NeoCryl® B-826 100
NeoCryl® B-891 100

Abbreviations used in tables EDIPA = Ethyldiisopropylamine MIBK = Methyl-isobutyl ketone TriEtA = Triethanolamine
1K = One-component EP = Epoxy resin NMP = N-methyl pyrrolidone TSCA = Toxic Substance Control Act
2K = Two-component HDI = Hexamethylene diisocyanate PAC = Polyacrylate (U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances
BA = Butyl acetate MDI = Diphenylmethane diisocyanates PMMA = Polymethylmethacrylate & Disease Registry)
BG = Butyl glycol (methylene diphenyl diisocyanate) PnB = Dowanol PnB UA = Unsaturated acrylate
CNB = Cashew nut shell liquid blocked MEK = Methylethylketone PUR = Polyurethane UP = Unsaturated polyester
DPGDME = Dipropylene glycol dimethyl ester MFT = Minimum film formation temperature SN = Solvent naphtha 100 VOC = Volatile organic compounds
EA = Ethyl acetate MPA = 1-methoxypropyl acetate-2 TDI = Toluene diisocyanate X = Xylene
40 Building Protection Building Protection 41

Fast-lane access
to polyurethane
At Covestro, innovation is in our DNA.
Ever since Otto Bayer discovered
polyurethanes in 1937, we have been
driving polyurethane innovations in
coatings and adhesives as well as
in other application areas. As our
partner, you enjoy fast-lane access
to polyurethane innovations, and
can help us in developing the next
generation of polyurethanes to meet
industry’s upcoming challenges and
needs. What can we offer you?

• Powerful know-how on
both established and new
polyisocyanates, as well as on new
poly­urethane hybrid technologies.
• The prospect of new application
technologies to enable efficient
• More sustainable, biomass- or
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sacrifice high performance.

Join us to shape the future!

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