Chapter 2 Types of Estimate

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Chapter 2 Types of Estimates

Approximate Method
It is rough preliminary estimate to find out the approximate cost of work. It is
calculated to decide financial aspects and policy giving an idea of cost of
approval.It is prepared from practical knowledge or from a similar construction
which is already completed in the nearby areas. Some examples are;
School building : per classroom
Cinema halls : Per seats
Hospital : Per bed
Bridge : Per meter Span
Water supply : Per head population
Road : Per km
Irrigation : Per command Area
Necessity of approximate estimate are
i) It is used in making preliminary studies of various aspects of the project.
ii) It gives idea whether the investment in commercial project is justified or
iii) It gives fair idea regarding the cost of proposed construction and thus
gives time to arrange the required finance.
iv) It is useful in framing tax schedules and value of project for insurance
Approximate method can be further divided into;
Plinth Area Method
In this method plinth area is multiplied by plinth area rate to get the approximate
estimate of building. Plinth Area can be obtained from the drawing of building.
Plinth area= Carpet area + wall area + circulation area
Cubic Content Method
In this method plinth area is further multiplied by storey height to get cubic content
of building.Then the cubic content is multiplied by cubic rate to get approximate
estimate. This method is more accurate than the method of estimating cost by
plinth area.
In both method, building should have same features, material and finishing from
where the unit rate is taken.
Service unit or unit rate method:
In this method , all the costs are calculated per unit quantity such as per meter for
bridge, per liter for water tank, per km for highway, per classroom for school
building, etc. are determined first and the total estimated cost is determined by
multiplying the cost per corresponding unit by number of units in the structure.
Bay method:
This method is useful and is generally followed in case of building having several
bays. The cost of the one class room is worked out and then multiplied by the
number of bays in that building. The extra cost of the end walls and difference in
framing. If there is any, should be made, so as to arrive at the correct cost.

Detailed Estimate
This is an estimate prepared in detail by referring all the drawings, specifications,
District rates,Norms, design calculations etc.Detailed estimate includes the
quantities of all the items of work, rates of all the items per unit and the costs of all
the items of work.
Detailed estimate is prepared in two parts.
1. Measurement sheet
2. Abstract sheet
Quantities of all the items of works are determined by referring the drawings and
the respective dimensions and mentioned it in a separate sheet called as
measurement sheet. A percentage of 3-5% of the estimated cost shall also be added
in the estimate for unforeseen items as contigencies.
Data required for the preparation of detailed estimate.
1. Complete set of all the drawing
2. Specifications
3. District rates and related norms
4. Design data and calculation
5. Special requirements from the department side if any.
Revised Estimate
It is a type of detailed estimate which is prepared as new fresh estimate. It is
prepared in the following cases.
if the original sanctioned detail estimate exceeds by 5% or more due to any cause.
if cost of each item exceeds by 10% due to rise or any other cause.
When there are material deviations from the original but not due to material
deviation of a structural nature.
When it is found that the sanctioned estimate is more than actual requirement.
Supplementary Estimate
It is a type of detailed estimate which is prepared when additional work is required
to be done in addition to original work or further development is required during
the progress of work.The abstract must show the amount of original estimate and
total of the sanction required including the supplementary amount.

Annual maintenance or repair works

To keep the structure fit and working condition repair and maintenance work shall
be carried out. For such work, annual repair and maintenance estimate is prepared.
For building it includes items of works like white washing, colour washing and
painting of doors and windows, changing of roof tiles, patch repairs to cement
plaster, replacement of glass planes.
Those whose repairs can not be estimated in the beginning lumpsum provision is
made. The total estimated cost of maintenance of a structure is kept within the
prescribed limits on percentage basis of the cost of construction of structure and its
Extension, Improvement and Restoration
It is a detailed estimate which is prepared for the extension and improvement of
old works. Additional work is done for proper accommodation and strengthening
of old buildings, It is done when annual repair and maintenance cost is not
The reason of increase may be:
i) In case of building- opening of new doors, change of floors, replastering
walls etc.
ii) In case of roads – if the whole surface is full of corrugation and patches,
then the total surface is replaced.
It is accompanied by;
i) Report explaining the necessity of additional work
ii) Existing drawing
iii) Drawing for the additional or changed work
iv) Calculation sheets per design
v) Rates followed for preparing abstract of cost.
Split up of the cost of building work
For building works, each follow a similar pattern of construction work to be
progressed in order. Each work requires particular set of materials , labors and
works to be done. Thus a general work pattern can be set and general cost of
building can be determined.

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