Missal January 2024

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E;T, Our Diocesan Missal offers – whenever this is possible – a double

pagination. Example: MR p. 385 [ 215 ]. The first corresponds to the page
of the Roman Missal [ MR ] in its Third Typical Edition, published by
Buena Prensa in its second edition of January 2014 and the one between
[…] corresponds to the Roman Missal edited by the BAC for the
Conference of Mexican Episcopate in its June 2015 reprint. The same will
be done in other cases such as in relation to Prefaces or Blessings.
ig r


Year XIV, No. 172, January 2023
Project management:
Catholic Communications Center
Production, Comments and Monitions:
Fr. Salvador Lopez Rojas
Fr. Juan José Alvizo Camarena
Fr. Joaquín Aguillón Hernández
Historical profile:
Michelle Fletes

Editorial and cover design:

Creator Graphic Communication
Fr. Miguel Arturo Mendoza López
Fr. Guadalupe González López
+ José Francisco Cardenal Robles Ortega
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Tlaquepaque, Jalisco. CP 45085
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San Antonio de Rivas Parish

l the San Antonio de Rivas parish, located in the delegation that bears the
same name in the municipality of La Barca, belonging to the Archdiocese
of Guadalajara; It was born as a parish in 1975 and a year later, on January
22, its erection decree emerged.
The promoters of the construction of the parish were Mr. José María
Valladolid and Silvestre García, along with Mr. Priest Adolfo Barajas
Guzmán, who some time later became the first parish priest.
It should be noted that at the beginning of the construction of the
Temple, in 1947, a group of people from the community were present, and
the Hon. Mr. Cardinal. José Garibi Rivera, who laid the first stone; and
Cardinal José Sala Tsar López signed the erection decree 29 years later.
The parish itself has gone through several stages of historical
development, becoming a center of social and religious activities.
Over the years, 6 parish priests have been appointed in the parish of San
Antonio de Rivas; the Fr. Adolfo Barajas named in May 1976 as the first;
later the Fr. J. Conrado Ruiz Flores; followed by Fr. Rafael Partida
Covarrubias; the Fr. Hugo Mercado González; Fr. Ángel López Torres; Fr.
José Ramírez Ruíz; and currently Mr. Cura Ramón De la Torre Martínez,
who has been in the community for just over 4 years and also serves the
communities of Loreto and San Ramón.

TO (if there is no entrance song, the entrance antiphon of the day is recited)
S. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Q. Amen.

a) S. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Father and the
co communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
b) S. Grace and peace from God, our Father, and Jesus Christ, the
Lord, be with you all.
c) S. The Lord be with you.

A Q. And with your spirit.

The priest invites the faithful to repent:
S. Brothers: to celebrate these sacred mysteries with dignity, re let us
know our sins. (There is a brief pause in silence. Afterwards, everyone

N makes the general confession formula in common:)

I confess before Almighty God and before you, brothers, that I have
sinned greatly in thought, word, deed and omission. Because of me,
because of me, because of my great fault. That is why I pray to Holy
Mary, ever Virgin, to the angels, to the saints and to you, her hands,

that intercede for me before God, our Lord.
O well:
S. As we begin this Eucharistic celebration, let us ask God to grant us
the conversion of our hearts; In this way we will obtain reconciliation
and our communion with God and with our brothers will increase.
(There is a brief pause in silence)

A S. Lord, have mercy on us.

Q. Because we have sinned against you.
S. Show us, Lord, your mercy.
Q. And give us your salvation.

The priest concludes with the following prayer:

May Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins and bring us
to eternal life. Amen.

Next, when it is prescribed, the hymn is sung or said: Glory to God in
Heaven, and on earth peace to the men whom the Lord loves. For
your immense glory we praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we
glorify you; we thank you, Lord God, heavenly King, God the
Father almighty. Lord, only Son, Jesus Christ; Lord God, Lamb of
God, Son of the Father; You who take away the sin of the world,
have mercy on us; You who take away the sin of the world, attend
to our supplication; You who are seated at the right hand of the
Father, have mercy on us, because only You are Holy, only You
Lord, only You, Most High Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit in the
glory of God the Father. Amen. E
1. The reader goes to the ambo and reads the First Reading, which
everyone sits listening to. To indicate the end of the Reading, the reader
says: S
God's word.
Everyone cheers: TO
We praise you Lord. N
2. The psalmist or the singer proclaims the Psalm, and the people T
interject the response, unless the Psalm is said continuously without a
chorus from the people. TO

3. If there is a Second Reading, it is read on the ambo, like the First.

4. The Hallelujah follows, the song before the Gospel.
5. Then the deacon (or priest) goes to the ambo; there it says:
The Lord be with you.
The people respond:
And with your spirit.
The deacon (or priest) says:
Reading of the holy Gospel according to Saint N.
(Meanwhile, he makes the sign of the cross on the book and on his
forehead, lips and chest; the people cross themselves)
The people cheer:
Glory to you, Lord.
6. Having finished the Gospel, the deacon (or priest) says:
Lord's word.
Everyone cheers:
Glory to you, Lord Jesus.

7. Then the homily takes place; This is mandatory every Sunday and
holy days of obligation, and is recommended on the other days.
8. Once the homily is over, if the liturgy of the day prescribes it, the

Profession of Faith is made:
I believe in one god;
almighty father,
Creator of Heaven and earth, of everything visible and
invisible. I believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,

E only son of God,

born of the Father before all ages:
God of God, Light of Light,
True God from true God, begotten, not created, of the
same nature as the Father by Whom all things were made; who for
us, men, and for our salvation came down from Heaven, (in the words

S that follow, until "he became a man" , everyone bows) and by the work
of the Holy Spirit
He was incarnated from Mary, the Virgin, and became
and for our sake he was crucified
N In the time of Pontius Pilate,
He suffered and was buried,
T and he rose again on the third day, according to the
TO Scriptures,
and ascended into Heaven, and is seated at the right hand
of the Father;
and he will come again with glory to judge the living and
the dead, and his Kingdom will have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, Lord and Giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the
Father and the Son receives the same worship and glory,
and who spoke through the prophets.
I believe in the Church,
which is one, holy, catholic and apostolic.
I confess that there is only one Baptism
for the forgiveness of sins.
I hope for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the future
world. Amen.

O well:
I believe in God, Almighty Father, Creator of Heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
(in the words that follow, until "Mary Virgin" , all bow) who was
conceived by the work and grace of the Holy Spirit, was
born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under the power of
Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and buried, descended to
On the third day, he rose from the dead, ascended to
and is seated at the right hand of God, the Father almighty.
From there he must come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy Catholic Church,
the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the
resurrection of the body and eternal life.
Once the Liturgy of the Word is over, the ministers place the body on
the altar. ral, the purifier, the chalice and the Missal; meanwhile, a
cannon can be executed suitable. It is appropriate that the faithful
express their participation in the offering, either by bringing the bread
and wine for the celebration of the Eucharist, or by giving other gifts for
the needs of the Church or the poor.
The priest approaches the altar, takes the paten with the bread and,
holding dola a little raised above the altar, secretly says:
S. Blessed are you, Lord, God of the universe, for this bread, fruit of the
earth and the work of man, which we received from your generosity and
now present to you; He will be for us Bread of life.
Q. Bless you forever, Lord.
The deacon, or priest, pours wine and a little water into the chalice,
saying secretly:
S. Through the mystery of this water and this wine, make us share the
divinity of the One who has deigned to participate in our humanity.

Then the priest takes the chalice and, holding it slightly elevated
above the altar, says secretly:
S. Blessed are you, Lord, God of the universe, for this wine, fruit of the
vine and the work of man, which we received from your generosity and

Y now present to you; He will be a drink of salvation for us.

Q. Bless you forever, Lord.
Then the priest, bowing, says secretly:
S. Accept, Lord, our contrite heart and our humble spirit; May this be
our sacrifice today and may it be pleasing in your presence, Lord our

Then the priest, standing on one side of the altar, washes his hands,
saying secretly:
S. Wash away my crime completely, Lord, cleanse my sin.
Then, standing in the center of the altar and facing the people, extending
and joining his hands, he says:
S. Pray, brothers, that this sacrifice, mine and yours, may be pleasant.
giveable to God, Almighty Father.
S Q. May the Lord receive this sacrifice from your hands to the praise
and glory of his name, for our good and that of all his holy Church.

T S. The Lord be with you. Q. And with your spirit.
TO S. Let's lift our hearts. Q. We have it lifted up towards the Lord.
S. Let us give thanks to the Lord, our God. Q. It is fair and necessary.


The Eucharist, viaticum for eternal Easter
Truly it is right to thank you, it is good to bless your name, Holy Father,
God of mercy and peace. Because you wanted your Son, obedient to the
point of death on a cross, to precede us on the path that leads us to you,
the end of all human hope. In the Eucharist, head ment of his love, he
becomes spiritual food and drink, to nourish Take us on our journey
towards eternal Easter. With this pledge of the future resurrection, in
hope we now participate in the glorious table of your Kingdom and,
united with the angels and the saints, we proclaim the hymn of your
glory: Holy, Holy, Holy...

Christ, light of the nations
Truly it is just and necessary, it is our duty and salvation to give you
thanks always and everywhere, Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal
God, through Christ our Lord. Because [today] you have revealed in
Christ, the mystery river of our salvation, to illuminate all peoples with
its light; since, by manifesting Himself in our mortal flesh, You have
restored us with the new glory of His immortality. Therefore, with the
angels and the arcan gels, with the thrones and dominions and with all
the heavenly choirs, we sing without ceasing the hymn of your glory:
Holy, Holy, Holy...
Mary, model and mother of the Church
Truly it is just and necessary, it is our duty and salvation to give you
thanks. Praise you always and everywhere, Lord, holy Father, almighty
and eternal God, and praise you on this festival (commemoration) of the
Virgin Mary. Because she, by accepting your Word in her immaculate
heart, deserved to conceive it in her virginal womb and, by giving birth
to her Creator, she prepared the birth of the Church. Because she, by
accepting, next to the cross, the commission of your love, received all
men as children, redeemed by the blood of Christ. Because she, by
joining the prayers of the apostles and disciples, who were awaiting the
coming of the promised Holy Spirit, became the model of the
supplicating Church. And, since his glorious assumption into heaven, he
continues to show his love to the pilgrim Church, and protects its steps
towards the homeland of heaven, until the Lord comes, full of glory.

Therefore, with all the angels and saints, we praise you without ceasing,
saying: Holy, Holy, Holy...
The mystery of salvation
Truly it is just and necessary, it is our duty and salvation to give you
thanks. always and everywhere, Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal
God, through Christ our Lord. Who, pitying the error of men, wanted to
be born of the Virgin Mary; Dying on the cross, he freed us from eternal
death and, rising from the dead, gave us eternal life. Therefore, with the
angels and archangels, with the thrones and dominions and with all the
heavenly choirs, we sing without ceasing the hymn of your glory: Holy,
Holy, Holy...

l 0

Truly it is just and necessary, it is our duty and source of salvation to

Y give you thanks, holy Father, always and everywhere, through Jesus
Christ, your beloved Son. He is your Word, by Whom you made all
things; You sent him to us so that, made man by the work of the Holy
Spirit and born of Mary, the Virgin, he would be our Savior and
Redeemer. He, in compliance ment of your will, to destroy death and
manifest the Resurrection tion, stretched out his arms on the cross, and

E thus acquired for you a holy people. Therefore, with the angels and the
saints, we proclaim your glory, saying: Holy, Holy, Holy...
Holy indeed you are, Lord, source of all holiness; Therefore we ask you
to sanctify these gifts with the outpouring of your Spirit, so that they
become for us the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Who,
when he was going to be delivered to his voluntary Passion Rially
S accepted, he took bread, giving thanks to you, broke it and gave it to his
disciples, saying:
“Take and eat of Him, all of you, because this is my Body,
which will be delivered by you.”
In the same way, when the meal was over, he took the chalice, and
T thanking you again, he passed it to his disciples, saying:
“Take and drink of it, all of you, for this is the chalice of my Blood,
Blood of the new and eternal covenant, which will be shed
for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins.
Do this in commemoration of me.”
Then say one of the following formulas: I. This is the Mystery of faith.
O well:
This is the Sacrament of our faith.
Q. We announce your death, we proclaim your Resurrection. Come,
Lord Jesus!
II. This is the Mystery of faith.
Christ redeemed us.
Q. Every time we eat this Bread and drink this Chalice, we
announce your death, Lord, until you return.
III. This is the Mystery of faith. Christ gave himself for us.
Q. Savior of the world, save us, You who have freed us by your
cross and Resurrection.
So, Father, as we now celebrate the memorial of the death and
resurrection tion of your Son, we offer you the Bread of life and the Cup
of salvation, and we thank you because you make us worthy of serving
you in your presence.
We humbly ask that the Holy Spirit bring together in unity all of us who
participate in the Body and Blood of Christ.
Remember, Lord, your Church spread throughout the earth; A
On Sundays:
Remember, Lord, your Church spread throughout the earth and gathered
here on Sunday, the day on which Christ has defeated death and made us
participants in his immortal life;
and with Pope N. , with our Bishop N. , and all the pastors who care for N
your people, bring it to its perfection through charity.
Remember also our brothers who fell asleep in the hope rance of the
Resurrection, and of all those who have died in your misery cordia;

Admit them to contemplate the light of your face. Have mercy on all of
us, and so, with Mary, the Virgin, Mother of God, her Husband Saint
Joseph, the Apostles and all who lived in your friendship throughout the
ages, we deserve, through your Son Jesus Christ, to share eternal life
and sing your praises.
Through Christ, with Him and in Him, to you, God the omnipotent
Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all honor and all glory forever and
ever. A
The people cheer:

Follow the Communion Rite .


Holy indeed you are, Father, and with reason all your creatures praise
you, since through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord, with the power of
the Holy Spirit, you give life and sanctify everything, and you gather
your people without ceasing, so that offer in your honor a blameless
sacrifice from where the sun rises until it sets.

l 2

Therefore, Father, we beg you to sanctify by the same Spirit
these gifts that we have separated for you, so that they become the Body
and Blood of Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord, who commanded us
to celebrate these mysteries.

Y For He Himself, on the night in which He was to be betrayed, took

bread, and giving thanks, blessed you, broke it, and gave it to His
disciples, saying:
“Take and eat of it, all of you, because this is my Body,
which will be delivered by you.”

In the same way, after dinner, he took the chalice, giving thanks, blessed
you, and passed it to his disciples, saying:
“Take it, all of you, and drink of it, for this is
the chalice of my Blood, blood of the new and eternal covenant,
which will be poured out for you and for many
for the forgiveness of sins. Do this
S in commemoration of me.”
Then say one of the following formulas:
I. This is the Mystery of faith.
TO O well:
This is the Sacrament of our faith.
Q. We announce your death, we proclaim your Resurrection.
T Come, Lord Jesus!
TO II. This is the Mystery of faith.
Christ redeemed us.
Q. Every time we eat this Bread and drink this Chalice, we
announce your death, Lord, until you return.
III. This is the Mystery of faith.
Christ gave himself for us.
Q. Savior of the world, save us, You who have freed us by your
cross and Resurrection.
So, Father, as we now celebrate the memorial of the saving Passion of
your Son, of his admirable Resurrection and Ascension to Heaven, while
we await his glorious Coming, we offer you, in this Thanksgiving, the
living and holy sacrifice.
Direct your gaze on the offering of your Church, and recognize in it the
Victim by whose immolation you wanted to return your friendship to us,
so that, strengthened with the Body and Blood of your Son, and filled
with his Holy Spirit, we may form one in Christ. body and one spirit.
May He transform us into a permanent offering, so that we may enjoy
your inheritance together with your chosen ones: with Mary, the Virgin
Mother of God, her Husband Saint Joseph, the Apostles and the martyrs
( Saint N .: saint of the day or patron) , and all the saints, through whose
intercession we trust to always obtain your help.
We ask you, Father, that this Victim of reconciliation brings peace and
salvation to the entire world. Confirm in faith and charity your Church, a
pilgrim on earth, your servant, Pope N. , our Bishop N. , the episcopal
order, the priests and deacons, and all the people redeemed by you.
Heed the wishes and supplications of this family that you have gathered
in your presence.
On Sundays:
Heed the wishes and supplications of this family that you have gathered
in your presence on Sunday, the day in which Christ has defeated death
and made us participants in his immortal life.
Gather around you, merciful Father, all your children scattered
throughout the world. Receive our deceased brothers and all those who
died in your friendship into your Kingdom, where we hope to enjoy
together the eternal fullness of your glory, through Christ, our Lord,
through whom you grant all good things to the world.
Through Christ, with Him and in Him, to you, God the omnipotent
Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all honor and all glory forever and
The people cheer:
Faithful to the Savior's recommendation and following his divine
teaching, we dare to say: A
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be your Name; let your
kingdom come; Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give
us today our daily bread; forgive us our trespasses as we also forgive
those who trespass against us; do not lead us into temptation, and
deliver us from evil.
Deliver us from all evils, Lord, and grant us peace in our days, so that,
helped by your mercy, we may always live free from sin and protected
from all disturbance, while we await the glorious coming of our Savior
Jesus Christ.

l 4

The people conclude:
Yours is the Kingdom, yours the power and the glory, forever,
Lord Jesus Christ, who said to your Apostles: “Peace I leave you, my

Y peace I give you” , do not take into account our sins, but the faith of
your Church, and according to your word, grant us peace and unity.
You who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.
S. The peace of the Lord be with you always.
Q. And with your spirit.
S. Fraternally give each other peace.

It is sung or said:
Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, give us peace.

S The priest, with his hands joined, says secretly:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, who by the will of the Father,
cooperating with the Holy Spirit, gave life to the world with your death,
deliver me, by the reception of your Body and your Blood, from all my
faults and from all evil. Grant me to always fulfill your commandments
N and never allow me to be separated from you.
The priest genuflects, presents the consecrated Bread and the Chalice,
TO This is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. Blessed
are the guests at the Lord's dinner.
And, together with the people, he adds:
Lord, I am not worthy of you entering my house, but a word from
you will be enough to heal me.
S. The Lord be with you.
Q. And with your spirit.
S. The blessing of Almighty God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, descend
upon you.
Q. Amen.
S. They can go in peace.
Q. Thanks be to God.
Monday, January 1, 2024 15
Monday, January 1, 2024
Artificial intelligence and peace

Divine motherhood of Mary…

here are multiple aspects that this day
contains, within the Christmas season in
which we celebrate the mystery of the
incarnation of the Son of God: Christmas
octave, circumcision and name of Jesus,
divine motherhood of Mary, world day of
peace and beginning of a new year... The
divine motherhood of Mary is, however, the
most relevant idea of this liturgical day, as
highlighted in the prayers of the mass and,
above all, in the second reading: «When the
fullness of time arrives "God sent his Son,
born of a woman." This solemnity celebrates the part that she had in the
mystery of salvation and exalts the singular dignity enjoyed by the Holy
Mother, through which we deserved to receive the "Author of life" … With
the council of Ephesus (year 431) we confess, Therefore, Mary is the
"Mother of God" , because she is the one who gave human nature to Christ
Mary's acceptance of divine motherhood is, above all, an act of free faith
and obedience through which she actively cooperates - and not as a merely
passive instrument - for the salvation of men. That is why Elizabeth calls her
"blessed", because she has believed the word of God with her fortunate "let
it be done to me according to your word" ... Saint Augustine accentuates the
relationship between Mary's faith and her divine motherhood, emphasizing
that she conceived Christ through faith in her soul rather than in her body, so
that it is more merit and happiness for her to have been a disciple of Christ,
fulfilling the will of the Father, than to have been the mother of Jesus (Cfr.
LG 53. 56).
Divine motherhood is the basic reason for Mary's unparalleled dignity
and the key to all other greatness... In Mary the most surprising event in all
of human history took place: the encounter of God with man. I find it so
personal that the eternal Word – the Son of the Father – becomes human in
Mary and is incarnated in our race. Believing in the humanization of God is
believing in the " divinization " of man, since the Son of God becomes man
so that he becomes the son of God. Mary's motherhood is, thus, the bridge
that unites the two shores. For this reason, and rightly so, all generations will
bless it.

16 Monday, January 1, 2024
ENTRANCE: Eight days before Christmas, as a community full of
hope, we welcome a new year gathered around the altar of God. In this holy
Eucharist our attention is focused on the mystery of the divine motherhood
of Our Lady... Under her protection, we also remember today the World Day
of Peace, asking that this great gift that Christ came to bring us become a
reality in all the land.

1st. READING: [Num 6, 22-27] Evoking the very traditional blessing

with which the priests blessed the people, has a particular importance on this
first day of the year... Let us also receive it – full of faith – entrusting
ourselves to divine Providence!

2nd. READING: [Gal 4, 4-7] Writing to the Galatians, Saint Paul

highlights the fundamental role of Christ in our history... He – the one born
of “a Woman” who is also our Mother – has freed us from the slavery of sin.

GOSPEL: [Lk 2, 16-21] The gospel tells us the way of proceeding of the
family of Nazareth, always faithful to the duties that the Law of Moses
required... Mary is presented here as someone who opens herself with faith
to the plan of God, meditates on it and puts it into practice.

OFFERINGS: As we begin this new year with renewed spirit, let us

take our humble gifts to the altar... May firm trust in our Father in heaven
lead us to take more and more care of those in need!

COMMUNION: Without the strength that comes from above, we will

not be able to make our good resolutions come true... May the first of them
be to receive Holy Communion with dignity and frequently – especially on

FAREWELL: Let us ask our Lady for the grace to live fulfilling the will
of her Son in everything... Let us begin this year that the Lord gives us, with
trust placed in Divine Providence!

1st Monday
White / Blue
Reestablished in 1969 and Christmas Octave.
This Solemnity was the first Marian feast
of the Roman liturgy (around the 7th century).
MR p. 170 [ 185 ] / Lecc. I p. 444
ENTRY ANTIPHONE Cf. Is 9, 1. 5; Lk 1, 33
Monday, January 1, 2024
Today a light will shine on us, because the January
Lord has 17
born to us; and he will be called Wonderful, God, Prince of
Peace, Father of the world to come, and his Kingdom will have
no end.
It is called Gloria.
Lord God, who through the fruitful virginity of Mary gave
the human race the gift of eternal salvation, grant us to feel the
intercession of her through whom we received the author of life,
Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord. He who lives and reigns with
you in the unity of the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever.
[ They will call on my name and I will bless them. ]
From the book of Numbers 6, 22-27
At that time, the Lord spoke to Moses and said: "Tell Aaron
and his sons: 'This is how you will bless the Israelites: May the
Lord bless you and protect you, make his face shine on you and
grant you his favor. May the Lord look upon you with kindness
and grant you peace.'
So they will call on my name over the Israelites and I will
bless them." God's word.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 66, 2b. 3. 5abd. 7. 8b
R. Have mercy on us, Lord, and bless us.
Have mercy on us and bless us; Turn your eyes to us, Lord.
Let the earth know your goodness and the people your saving
work. R.
The nations sing to you with joy, because you judge the
world with justice; With equity you judge the people and rule
the nations on earth. R.
May all the people praise you, Lord, may the people praise
you all together. May God bless us and may the whole world
honor him. R.
[ God sent his Son, born of a woman. ]
From the letter of the apostle Saint Paul to the Galatians 4,
18 Monday, January 1, 2024
Brothers: When the fullness of time had come, God sent his
Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to rescue those of us
who were under the law, to make us his children.
Since you are already children, God sent the Spirit of his Son
into your hearts, who cries "Abba!", that is, Father! So you are
no longer a servant, but a son; and being a son, you are also an
heir by the will of God. God's word.
Hallelujah hallelujah.
On different occasions and in many ways in the past God
spoke to our fathers, through the mouth of the prophets. Now, in
these times, he has spoken to us through his Son. R. Hallelujah.

[ They found Mary, Joseph and the child. When the eight days
were finished, they named him Jesus. ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint Luke 2, 16-21
44, At that time, the shepherds hurried toward
Bethlehem and found Mary, Joseph and the child lying in
the manger. After seeing him, they told what they had been told
about that child and everyone who heard them was amazed.
Mary, for her part, kept all these things and meditated on them
in her heart.
The shepherds returned to their fields, praising and
Monday, January 1, 2024 19
glorifying God for everything they had seen and heard,
according to what was announced to them.
After eight days, they circumcised the child and gave him the
name Jesus, the same one that the angel had said before the
child was conceived. Lord's word.

It is called Creed.

Let us raise our supplicating voice to the Lord and – through
the powerful intercession of the Mother of her Son – let us
implore divine mercy in favor of all men:
1. That the faithful, in imitation of Mary, may meditate and
preserve in their hearts what they have heard from the Son of
God, let us pray to the Lord.
2. So that men of all races and peoples discover that they
have one God, Father of all, and never behave as enemies
among themselves, let us pray to the Lord.
3. That the lament of those who suffer because of wars may
reach the presence of the Lord, and that they may soon
experience the return of tranquility to their homes and nations,
let us pray to the Lord.
4. So that those of us who have gathered today to dedicate
the first fruits of this new year to the Lord may live in peace all
its days and be able to see its end with health and joy, let us
pray to the Lord.
Listen, omnipotent and eternal God, to our supplications and
bless the year we begin today. May our work give us our daily
bread, and may our souls find the nourishment necessary to
advance on the path of truth and good. Through Jesus Christ,
our Lord.


Lord God, who gives origin and fullness to all good, grant
that, as we celebrate, full of joy, the solemnity of the Holy
Mother of God, just as we glory in the first fruits of her grace,
we may also enjoy its fullness. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
20 Monday, January 1, 2024
Preface I of Saint Mary the Virgin ( in the Motherhood ), p. 526
[ 527 ].
If the Roman Canon is used, it is said Gathered in communion...
own, p. 557 [ 559 ]. In the other Eucharistic Prayers the proper
parts for this Mass are also said.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.


Lord, may these heavenly sacraments that we have received
with joy be a source of eternal life for us, who glory in
proclaiming the ever Virgin Mary as Mother of your Son and
Mother of the Church. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
The solemn blessing formula can be used, pp. 592-593 [600].

Circular Jubilee: Monday 1st, Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd:
The Holy Spirit (Homes of New Mexico), Our Lady. Mrs. de la
Encarnación, Santo Niño de Atocha (Balcones de la Cantera), San
Pablo (Copalita), La Divina Providencia (Lomas del Cuatro), San
Sebastián el Grande, Santa Rosa de Lima (La Estanzuela), El
Carmen (Ocotlán ).
Tuesday, January 2, 20242024
21 2 tuesday
Bishops and Doctors of the Church]
MR p. 661 [ 675 ] / Lecc. I p. 446
Basil (330-379) initially led a monastic life and drafted the
rules still observed by the monks of the East and later (370) he
was bishop of Caesarea, his hometown. Due to his activity and
his writings, he occupies a place of honor in the Church and
defender of the poor, of the freedom of the Church and of the
integrity of the faith. Gregory the theologian (330-389/390), a
friend of Basil, shared with him the life of a student monk. For
a year and a half, around 381, he was bishop of
Constantinople. As his character did not dispose him to activity,
he retired to his hometown, Nazianzus. There he lived dedicated
to the contemplation of God and the composition of profound
theological works.
ENTRY ANTIPHONE Cf. Sir 44, 15. 14
Let the people proclaim the wisdom of the saints, and the
Church sing their praises; Their names will live forever and
Our God, who deigned to instruct your Church with the
examples and teachings of the holy bishops Basil the Great and
Gregory of Nazianzus, let us humbly learn your truth and
through charity put it into practice. Through our Lord Jesus
Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of
the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever.
[ May what you have heard from the beginning remain in you. ]
From the first letter of the apostle Saint John 2, 22-28
My children: Who is the liar, but he who denies that Jesus is
Christ? That is the antichrist, because he denies the Father and
the Son. No one who denies the Son possesses the Father; but
whoever recognizes the Son, also possesses the Father.
22 Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Let what you have heard from the beginning remain in you.
If what you heard from the beginning remains in you, you also
will remain in the Son and the Father. This is the promise that
he himself made to us: eternal life.
I have written this to you, thinking of those who try to
mislead you. Remember that the anointing that you have
received from him remains in you and you do not need
teachings from anyone; This anointing, which is truth and not a
lie, enlightens them through all things; Therefore remain in him,
as the anointing teaches you.
Therefore, my children, abide in him, so that when he
appears we may have complete confidence and not be
confounded by him on the day of his coming. God's word.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 97, 1. 2-3ab. 3cd-4 R.
Let us sing the greatness of the Lord.
Let us sing a new song to the Lord, for he has done wonders.
His right hand and his holy arm have given him victory. R.
The Lord has made known his victory and revealed his
righteousness to the nations. Once again God has demonstrated
his love and loyalty towards Israel. R.
The entire earth has contemplated the victory of our God.
May all peoples and nations shout with joy to the Lord. R.


Hallelujah hallelujah.
On different occasions and in many ways in the past God
spoke to our fathers, through the mouth of the prophets. Now, in
these times, he has spoken to us through his Son. R. Hallelujah.
[ Someone who existed before me comes after me. ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint John 1, 19-28
This is the testimony that John the Baptist gave, when the
Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him: “Who
are you?”
Tuesday, January 2, 2024 23
He recognized and did not deny who he was. He stated, “I
am not the Messiah.” Again they asked him: “Who are you
then? Are you Elijah?” He answered them: “I am not.” "Are you
the prophet?" He responded: “No.” They said to him: “Then tell
us who you are, so that we can bring an answer to those who
sent us. What do you say about yourself?" John answered them:
“I am the voice that cries in the desert: 'Make straight the way
of the Lord,' as the prophet Isaiah announced.”
The envoys, who belonged to the sect of the Pharisees, asked
him: “Then why do you baptize, if you are not the Messiah, nor
Elijah, nor the prophet?” John answered them: “I baptize with
water, but among you there is one, whom you do not know,
someone who is coming after me, whose sandal straps I am not
worthy to untie.”
This happened in Bethany, on the other bank of the Jordan,
where John was baptizing. Lord's word.
REFLECTION: • When bearing witness to Christ before
the emissaries coming from Jerusalem, John the Baptist shows
all his greatness by declaring with all humility to be only " a
voice " (Cfr. Is 40, 3). The glory of this brave precursor was to
announce to the people the One who existed before him and
who was far superior to him. Christ, the Anointed One , is
already present, but is not yet recognized. Giving a coherent
testimony of Him, the “unknown” in our world – normally so
superficial and empty – must be the glory of those of us who
say we are His disciples.
Receive, Lord, this sacrifice that, for your glory, your people
offer in honor of Saints Basil and Gregory, and grant us to
achieve eternal salvation. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
We preach Christ crucified: Christ, the strength of God and
the wisdom of God.
May this heavenly table, almighty God, strengthen and
increase the spiritual vigor of all of us who celebrate the feast of
24 Wednesday, January 3, 2024
Saints Basil and Gregory, so that we may preserve the gift of
faith intact and walk along the path of salvation that he pointed
out to us. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

3 Wednesday
MR 662 [ 676 ] / Lecc I p. 449
When the day came when the Child was to be circumcised, he
was given the name Jesus, which means "God saves." Saint
Bernardino of Siena contributed greatly to the spread of the
cult of this exalted name. Pope Innocent XIII extended this
festival to the universal Church in 1721.
May every knee bow at the name of Jesus, in heaven, on
earth, in the abysses, and may every tongue proclaim that Jesus
Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Lord God, who in the incarnation of your Word laid the
foundation of the salvation of the human race, give your people
the mercy that they insistently ask of you, so that everyone
knows that there is no other name that must be invoked, but that
of your Only begotten. He who lives and reigns with you in the
unity of the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever.
[ He who abides in God does not sin. ]
From the first letter of the apostle Saint John 2, 29–3, 6
Dear children: If you know that God is holy, you have to
recognize that everyone who practices holiness has been born of
Look how much love the Father has had for us, because not
only do we call ourselves children of God, but we are. If the
world does not recognize us, it is because it has not recognized
Wednesday, January 3, 2024 25
him either.
My brothers, now we are children of God, but it has not yet
been revealed what we will be in the end. And we already know
that, when he appears, we will be like him, because we will see
him as he is.
And everyone who has this hope placed in him seeks to be
holy, as Jesus Christ is holy. Everyone who commits sin breaks
the law, since sin is a breaking of the law. And if you know that
God appeared to take away sins, it is because in him there is no
sin. Whoever abides in God does not sin. Anyone who lives
sinning is as if they had not seen or known God. God's word.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 97, 1. 3cd-4. 5-6 R.
Let us shout with joy to the Lord.
Let us sing a new song to the Lord, for he has done wonders.
His right hand and his holy arm have given him victory. R.
The entire earth has contemplated the victory of our God.
May all peoples and nations shout with joy to the Lord. R.
Let us sing to the Lord to the sound of the harp, let the
instruments sound. Let us acclaim the Lord, our king, to the
sound of the bugles. R.


Hallelujah hallelujah.
He who is the Word became man and dwelt among us. To all
who received him he granted the power to become children of
God. R. Hallelujah.
[ This is the Lamb of God. ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint John 1, 29-34
At that time, John the Baptist saw Jesus coming toward
him and exclaimed: "This is the Lamb of God, who takes away
the sin of the world. This is the one of whom I said: 'He who
comes after me has precedence over me, because he existed
before me.' I did not know him, but I have come to baptize with
water, so that he may be made known to Israel."
Then John gave this testimony: "I saw the Spirit descend
from heaven in the form of a dove and rest on him. I did not
know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water told
26 Wednesday, January 3, 2024
me: 'The one on whom you see the Holy Spirit descending and
resting, that is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.'
Well, I saw him and I testify that this is the Son of God."
Lord's word.
REFLECTION: The primary consequence of divine
filiation consists in doing good, eradicating from our lives the
sin that Christ came to eradicate. This is what the Baptist makes
evident in the evangelical text of this day. By proclaiming
before the crowd the “ Lamb of God ,” who takes away the sin
of the world, John is actually recognizing a suggestive
“messianic title.” This evokes both the " Servant of the Lord " -
described repeatedly and eloquently by the prophet Isaiah - and
the Paschal Lamb sacrificed for the liberation of the people
(Cfr. Is 42, 1-9; 49, 1-6; 50, 4-11; 52, 13–53, 12).
As you present these gifts that your generosity grants us, we
pray to you, Lord, that, just as you gave Christ, obedient to
death, the name by which we must be saved, you also grant us
his power to protect us. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Lord, our God, how admirable is your name in all the earth!
Lord, having received in communion the offering that we
present to your majesty to honor the name of Christ, we ask you
to infuse us abundantly with your grace,

so that we can rejoice that our names are also written in heaven.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Wednesday, January 3, 2024 27
4 White
MR p. 183 [ 194 ] / Lecc. I p. 451
In the beginning and before all centuries God was Word, and
the Word deigned to be born as Savior of the world.
Lord God, who, with the birth of your Only Begotten, began
the work of the redemption of your people, grant your servants
such great firmness in their faith that they may, led by him,
reach the promised reward of glory. . Through our Lord Jesus
Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of
the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever.
[ He who is born of God cannot sin. ]
From the first letter of the apostle Saint John 3, 7-10
My children: Do not let anyone deceive you. He who
practices holiness is holy, as Christ is holy. Whoever lives
sinning allows himself to be dominated by the devil, since the
devil is a sinner from the beginning.
Well, that is why the Son of God was incarnated: to undo the
works of the devil. No one who is a child of God continues to
commit sins, because the germ of life that God gave him
remains in him. He cannot sin, because he was born of God.
In this the children of God are distinguished from the
children of the devil: anyone who does not practice holiness is
not of God; Nor is he from God who does not love his brother.
God's word.
28 Thursday January 4, 2024
RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 97, 1. 7-
R. All the earth has seen the Savior. 8. 9
Let us sing a new song to the Lord, for he has done wonders.
His right hand and his holy arm have given him victory. R.
Rejoice the sea and the underwater world, the world and all
who live in it. May the rivers burst into applause and the
mountains jump for joy. R.
Let everyone rejoice before the Lord, because he is coming
to rule the world. Justice and righteousness will be the rules by
which all nations are governed. R.
Hallelujah hallelujah.
On different occasions and in many ways in the past God
spoke to our fathers, through the mouth of the prophets. Now, in
these times, he has spoken to us through his Son. R. Hallelujah.
[ We have found the Messiah. ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint John 1, 35-42
44 At that time, John the Baptist was with two of his disciples,
and looking at Jesus as he passed by, he said, "This is the Lamb
of God." The two disciples, hearing these words, followed
Jesus. He turned toward them, and seeing that they were
following him, he asked them, "What are you looking for?"
They answered him: "Where do you live, Rabbi?" (Rabbi means
'teacher'). He said to them, "Come and see."
So they went and saw where he lived and stayed with him
that day. It was about four in the afternoon. Andrew, brother of
Simon Peter, was one of the two who heard what John the
Baptist said and followed Jesus. The first whom Andrew found
was his brother Simon, and he said to him: "We have found the
Messiah" (which means 'the anointed one'). He brought him to
where Jesus was and he, looking at him, said: "You are Simon,
son of John. You will be called Kefas" (which means Peter, that
is, 'rock'). Lord's word.
REFLECTION: The gospel tells us about the first followers
of Jesus, some of whom had previously been disciples of the
Baptist. Then – and thanks above all to the exemplary testimony
Thursday January 4, 2024 29
of their teacher – they fortunately chose to share their fate. If we
truly want to demonstrate that " We have found the Messiah ",
like Andrew and John, and later like Peter himself, we too are
called to proclaim, in word and deed, that " No other can save
us " (Acts 4:12). ). Only in Him can be the reason for our faith
and the foundation of our hope.


Receive, Lord, our gifts, with which such a glorious
exchange is carried out, so that, by offering you what you gave
us, we may deserve to receive you yourself. Through Jesus
Christ, our Lord.
God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that
whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
Grant us, Almighty God, that the efficacy of these sacred
mysteries constantly strengthens our lives. Through Jesus
Christ, our Lord.

Circular Jubilee: Thursday 4, Friday 5 and Saturday 6: Jesus
Priest, Saint Joseph, Faithful Husband, New Saint Mary, Divine
Master (Col. Villa Guadalupe), San Juan Diego (Bosques de la
Victoria), San Felipe Apóstol (Cuquío), Sanctuary of Guadalupe
(Ocotlán), Sacred Heart (Ocotlán).
30 friday Friday, January 5,
5 White
2024 Friday
MR p. 185 [ 195 ] / Lecc. I p. 453
A light arises in the darkness for men of upright heart: the
gracious, just and compassionate Lord.
We ask you, Lord, to kindly illuminate your faithful and
always inflame their hearts with the radiance of your glory, so
that we may constantly recognize our Savior and truly welcome
him. He who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy
Spirit and is God forever and ever.
[ We are sure that we have passed from death to life, because
we love our brothers. ]
From the first letter of the apostle Saint John 3, 11-21
Brothers: This is the message that you have heard from the
beginning: that we love one another, not like Cain, who was of
the devil, and that is why he killed his brother. And why did he
kill him? Because his own works were evil, while his brother's
were good.
Do not be surprised, brothers, that the world hates you. We
are sure that we have passed from death to life, because we love
our brothers. He who does not love remains in death. He who
hates his brother is a murderer and you know well that no
murderer has eternal life.
We know what love is, in that Christ gave his life for us. So
we must also give our lives for our brothers. If anyone, having
enough to live on, sees his brother in need, and yet does not
help him, how will the love of God dwell in him?
My children, let us not love only in words, let us love in
truth and with deeds. In this we will know that we are of the
truth, and before God we will calm our conscience from
anything that it reproaches us with, because God is greater than
our conscience and knows everything. If our conscience does
not bother us, then, my brothers, our trust in God is total. God's
Friday, January 5, 2024 31
RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 99, 1-2. 3. 4.
R. Let us praise God, all men.
Let us praise God, all men, let us serve the Lord with joy and
with joy let us enter his temple. R.
Let us recognize that the Lord is God, that he was the one
who made us and we are his, that we are his people and his
flock. R.
Let us enter through its doors giving thanks, let us cross
through its atriums between hymns, praising the Lord and
blessing him. R.
Because the Lord is good, let us bless him, because his
mercy is eternal and his faithfulness never ends. R.
R. Hallelujah hallelujah.
A holy day has shone for us. Come, nations, and worship the
Lord, for today a great light has descended upon the earth. R.
[ You are the Son of God, you are the king of Israel. ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint John 1, 43-51
44 At that time, Jesus decided to go to Galilee, and meeting
Philip, he said to him: "Follow me." Philip was from Bethsaida,
the land of Andrew and Peter.
Philip met Nathanael and said to him: "We have found him
of whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote. It is
Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph." Nathanael replied, "Can
anything good come out of Nazareth?" Felipe answered: "Come
and see."
When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, he said, "This is a
true Israelite in whom there is no duplicity." Nathanael asked
him, "Where do you know me from?" Jesus answered him,
"Before Philip called you, I saw you when you were under
32 Friday, January 5, 2024
of the fig tree." Nathanael answered: "Teacher, you are he. Son
of God, you are the king of Israel." Jesus answered him: "You
believe, because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree.
You have to see greater things." Then he added: "I tell you the
truth, you will see heaven open and the angels of God ascending
and descending on the Son of Man." Lord's word.
REFLECTION: Our gospel story continues the account of
the first vocations of disciples of Jesus. And it reaches its
highest point in Nathanael's unexpected confession: "Master,
you are the Son of God, you are the king of Israel." After
overcoming his initial reluctance and even his caustic irony
regarding the origins of Jesus, Nathanael [Bartolomé] accepts
his friend Felipe's invitation to experience a personal encounter
with the Lord. This is how – once illuminated by the Spirit – he
manages to see in that “Son of man” nothing less than the “Son
of God.”


Accept graciously, Lord, the gifts of your people, so that we
may receive, through this heavenly sacrament, that which the
fervor of our faith moves us to proclaim. Through Jesus Christ,
our Lord.
In this the love that God has for us is manifested: in that he
sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through
Lord God, who unites us to you by allowing us to participate
in your sacraments, carry out their powerful effect on our hearts,
and may the very reception of this gift of yours make us more
worthy of continuing to receive it. Through Jesus Christ, our

6 saturday
Saturday January 6, 20242024
33 Mary,
Mass of the Blessed Virgin
Christmas time
MR p. 875 [ 914 ] / / Lecc. I p. 459
Mary gave birth to the eternal King, and with the joy of
being a mother, she carries the honor of virginity: nothing like it
was seen before her, nor will it be seen after.
Lord God, who through the fruitful virginity of Mary gave
the human race the gift of eternal salvation, grant us to feel the
intercession of her through whom we received the author of life,
Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord. He who lives and reigns with
you in the unity of the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever.
[ The Spirit, the water and the blood. ]
From the first letter of the apostle Saint John 5, 5-13
Dear children: Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the
one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus Christ
manifested himself through water and blood; he came, not only
with water, but with water and blood. And the Spirit is the one
who bears witness, because the Spirit is the truth. Thus, the
witnesses are three; the Spirit, the water and the blood. And all
three agree.
If we accept the testimony of men, the testimony of God is
worth much more and that testimony is the one that God has
given of his Son.
He who believes in the Son of God has that testimony within
him. He who does not believe God makes him a liar, because he
does not believe in the testimony that God has given of his Son.
And the testimony is this: that God has given us eternal life and
that life is in his Son. He who has the Son, has life; He who
does not have the Son, does not have life.
34 Saturday January 6, 2024
I have written these things to you who believe in the name of
the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal
life. God's word.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 147, 12-13. 14-15. 19-
20 R. Praise the Lord.
Glorify the Lord, Jerusalem, honor God, Israel. He
strengthens the bolts of your doors and blesses your children in
your house. R.
He maintains peace on your borders, with his wheat he better
satisfies your hunger. He sends his message to the earth and his
word spreads quickly. R.
He shows Jacob his thoughts, his rules and designs for Israel.
He has not done anything like this with any town, nor has he
entrusted his projects to another. R.


Hallelujah hallelujah.
In the splendor of the cloud the voice of the Father was
heard, saying: "This is my beloved Son: listen to him." R.
[ You are my beloved Son; I have my pleasures in you. ] From
the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 1, 7-11
44, At that time, John preached saying: "There is coming after
me one who is more powerful than I, one before whom I am not
worthy to even bow down to untie the strap of his sandals. "I
have baptized you with water, but he will baptize you with the
Holy Spirit."
In those days, Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was
baptized by John in the Jordan. When Jesus came out of the
water, he saw that the heavens were torn and that the Spirit, in
the form of a dove, descended on him. Then a voice was heard
from heaven saying: "You are my beloved Son; I am well
pleased with you." Lord's word.
REFLECTION: The exposition of Saint Mark is made up
of two parts: the presentation that the Baptist makes of Jesus
and the narration, in a very synthetic way, of the Baptism of the
Saturday January 6, 2024 35
Lord. By accepting this mysterious Bath, Jesus officially
receives the messianic investiture and the Spirit descends upon
Him " in the form of a dove ." With this supernatural anointing
He inaugurates his public life with a determined and generous
dedication, and in it is already contained – as in germ – the
entire rugged itinerary that will lead him to the cross and the
resurrection. (cf. Lk 12, 50).
As we celebrate this blessed time, which you consecrated
with the birth of your Only Begotten and the birth of the Virgin
Mary, we ask you, Lord, that this offering sanctify us and grant
us rebirth in Christ. He who lives and reigns forever and ever.
Blessed is the womb of the Virgin Mary, who carried the
Son of the eternal Father.
Fed with the Body and Blood of your Son, we ask you, Lord,
that this divine sacrament that we have received full of joy in
this commemoration of the Virgin Mary, makes us sharers in
the divinity of your Son. He who lives and reigns forever and

Evening Vigil Mass
MR p. 175 [ 188 ] / Lecc. I p. 456, as in the Mass of the day.
36 Sunday, January 7, 2024
Sunday, January 7, 2024 THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD
A « Star » that does not hide…

Today we celebrate the «

Epiphany » of
Lord, that is, the
manifestation of Jesus who shines
as light for all people. Symbol of
this light, which shines in the
world and wants to illuminate the
life of each one, is the star that
guided the Magi to Bethlehem. They
– the Gospel tells us – saw “
their star ” (Mt 2:2) and decided
to follow it: they decided to let
themselves be guided by the star
of Jesus… Also in our lives there
are various “stars”, lights that
shine and guide or that go out. and disorient. It is
up to us which ones to choose, which ones to follow.
The Wizards
They invite us to follow a stable light, a kind light, a
sure light that is not hidden, that is not intermittent,
because it is not of this world... This true light is the
light of the Lord or, rather, it is the Lord himself. He
is our light: a light that does not dazzle, but
accompanies and gives a unique joy, as the prophet Isaiah
reminds us: " Arise and shine, because your light has
come and the glory of the Lord dawns upon you " (Is 60 ,
By following it, we will have joy, as happened to the
Magi, who " when they saw the star they were filled with
immense joy " (Mt 2:10). Because where God is there is
joy. Whoever has found Jesus has experienced the miracle
of the light that tears through the darkness and knows
this light that illuminates and clarifies. And how to
find this divine light? Following the example of the
Magi, whom the Gospel describes as always in motion.
Whoever wants the light, indeed, goes out of himself and
seeks... The Christian life is a continuous path, made of
hope, made of search. A path that – like that of the Magi
– continues even when the star momentarily disappears
from view.
The Magi did it and found – with Mary, with Joseph, in
the stable – the Child Jesus. Then, “ they fell down and
worshiped him ” (Mt 2:11). They didn't just look at him,
they didn't just say a circumstantial sentence and leave.
No, they " worshipped him ": they entered into a personal
Sunday, January 7, 2024 37
communion of love with Jesus. Afterwards they gave him
gold, frankincense and myrrh, that is, their most
precious possessions... Let us learn from the Magi not to
dedicate to Jesus only what we have left over: the wasted
moments of time and a thought from time to time,
otherwise we will not have its light. Like the Magi, let
us set out, let us cover ourselves with light following
the star of Jesus, and let us worship the Lord with all
our being. [Synthesized from: Pope Francis, Angelus , 6-

ENTRANCE: Today we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord, that is, his
manifestation to all people... Like the famous Magi of the East, we too have
come here – guided by the star of faith – to recognize this reclining Child as
our God in a manger and wrapped in humble swaddling clothes. As the
Three Wise Men did, let us also offer our gifts to that Lord who comes to
save us.
1st. READING: [Is 60, 1-6] In order to encourage Jerusalem and its
inhabitants to put all their efforts into the restoration of the country, the
prophet Isaiah announces the arrival of a great light... Towards it they will
converge, rejoicing, all the peoples of the earth.
2nd. READING: [Eph 3, 2-3.5-6] The expected messiah is not an
exclusive privilege of Israel, but has been sent as an inheritance to all the
peoples of the earth... Saint Paul tells us about this great project of God
writing to the Ephesians.
GOSPEL: [Mt 2, 1-12] The visit of the Wise Men from the East to
Bethlehem is a biblical page full of rich symbolism... In it we are presented,
in narrative form, the universal perspective of salvation that comes to the
world with the birth of the Messiah.
OFFERINGS: In the mysterious characters who came from far away to
worship the Child God, all of us were represented... If they gave him gold,
frankincense and myrrh, let us offer him the best we have: all our love.
COMMUNION: We are all called to form one body with Christ... As we
approach to receive this heavenly Bread, we ask Him to make us partakers of
His grace and forgiveness.

FAREWELL: As we return to our homes, let us be attentive to the many

ways in which the Lord manifests Himself to us, even in the very ordinary
things of our daily lives... May we never lose confidence that God is close to

7 Sunday White
38 sunday Sunday, January 7,
2024 Solemnity,
[The Memory of SAN RAIMUNDO is omitted
MR p. 177 [ 189 ] / Lecc. I p. 456.
ENTRY ANTIPHONE Cf. Evil 3, 1; 1 Chron 29, 12
Look, the almighty Lord is coming; In his hand are the
kingdom, the power and the empire.
It is called Gloria.
Lord God, who on this day revealed your Only Begotten to
the nations, guiding them by the star, grant to those of us who
already know you by faith, that we may come to contemplate
the beauty of your excellent glory. Through our Lord Jesus
Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of
the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever.
[ The glory of the Lord dawns upon you. ]
From the book of the prophet Isaiah 60, 1-6
Arise and shine, Jerusalem, for your light has come and the
glory of the Lord dawns upon you. Look: darkness covers the
earth and thick fog envelops the towns; but the Lord shines
upon you and his glory is manifested in you. People will walk in
your light and kings in the brightness of your dawn.
Raise your eyes and look around: everyone gathers and
comes to you; Your sons come from afar, your daughters are
carried in your arms. Then you will see this radiant with joy;
Your heart will rejoice and expand when the treasures of the sea
are poured out on you and the riches of the people are brought
to you. A multitude of camels and dromedaries will flood over
you, coming from Midian and Ephah. All those from Sheba will
come bringing incense and gold and proclaiming the praises of
the Lord. God's word.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 71, 1-2. 7-8. 10-11.
12-13 R. May all people worship you, Lord.
Communicate, Lord, your judgment and your justice to the
Sunday, January 7, 2024 39
king, to him who is the son of kings; so your servant will come
to the defense of your poor and rule your people justly. R.
Justice will flourish in his days and peace will reign, age
after age. His kingdom will extend from sea to sea and from one
end of the earth to the other. R.
The kings of the west and the islands will offer him their
gifts. Before him all kings and all nations will bow down. R.
He will deliver the weak from the powerful and help the one
who is without protection; He will take pity on the helpless and
poor and save the life of the unfortunate. R.
[ The pagans also share the same inheritance as us. ]
From the letter of the apostle Saint Paul to the Ephesians 3,
2-3a. 5-6
Brethren: You have heard of the distribution of God's grace,
which has been entrusted to me on your behalf. By revelation
this mystery was made known to me, which had not been
revealed to men in other times, but which has now been
revealed by the Spirit to his holy apostles and prophets: that is,
that through the Gospel, the pagans also are joint heirs of the
same inheritance, members of the same body and sharers of the
same promise in Jesus Christ. God's word.
Hallelujah hallelujah.
We have seen his star in the east and we have come to
worship the Lord. R. Hallelujah.
[ We have come from the East to worship the king of the Jews. ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint Matthew 2, 1-12
Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judah, in the time of King
Some wise men from the East then came to Jerusalem and
asked: "Where is the king of the Jews who has just died?"
40 Sunday, January 7, 2024
be born? Because we saw his star rise and we have come to
worship him."
When King Herod heard this, he was shocked, and all
Jerusalem with him. He then summoned the high priests and
scribes of the people and asked them where the Messiah was to
be born. They answered him: "In Bethlehem of Judah, for thus
the prophet has written: And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah, are
by no means the least among the illustrious cities of Judah, for
from you will come a leader, who will be the shepherd of my
people, Israel."
Then Herod secretly called the wise men to tell him the time
in which the star had appeared to them, and he sent them to
Bethlehem, telling them: "Go and find out carefully what is
about this child, and when you find him, tell me so that I'm
going to worship him too."
After hearing the king, the wise men set out, and suddenly
the star that they had seen rise began to guide them, until it
stopped above where the child was. When they saw the star
again, they were filled with immense joy. They entered the
house and saw the child with Mary, his mother, and they fell
down and worshiped him. Then, opening their chests, they
offered him gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. Warned during
their sleep not to return to Herod, they returned to their country
by another route. Lord's word.
In places where it is customary, the movable festivals of the
current year can be announced, after the Gospel, according to
the form proposed on p. 1265 [ 1329 ].
It is called Creed.
Let us present our prayers to the Lord on this holy day in
which God has manifested his power to the nations, salvation to
the people and to us the light of his glory:
1. For the holy Church of God, so that it may illuminate
men with the light that shines in the face of its Lord, dispel the
darkness of those who live in error and give courage to the
faithful so that they decide to make the light shine of Christ
Sunday, January 7, 2024 41
before all nations, let us pray to the Lord.
2. For the Churches that have just been born in the various
towns, so that their youth and vigor may be leaven of life for all
Christian communities, let us pray to the Lord.
3. For the people who have not yet been enlightened by the
Good News of salvation and for those who – having known
Christ – no longer confess Him as their Lord nor recognize Him
as their true God, let us pray to the Lord.
4. For us, who have been called from darkness to the
marvelous light, that we may be established in the true faith and
follow the teachings of the Gospel, let us pray to the Lord.
Hear our prayers, almighty and eternal God, and make those
of us who have known and worshiped your Son Jesus Christ
always live as children of light and strive to illuminate all
peoples and nations with his light. Through Jesus Christ, our
Look kindly, Lord, on the gifts of your Church, which no
longer consist of gold, frankincense and myrrh, but of what is
represented by these gifts, sacrificed and received as food, Jesus
Christ, our Lord. He who lives and reigns forever and ever.
Preface to the Epiphany, p . 491 [ 492 ].
If the Roman Canon is used, it is said Gathered in communion...
proper, p. 557 [ 559 ]. In the other Eucharistic Prayers the
proper parts for this Mass are also said.
We have seen his star in the East and we come with gifts to
worship the Lord.
We ask you, Lord, that your heavenly light always and
everywhere guides us, so that we contemplate with pure eyes
and receive with sincere love the mystery of which you wanted
to make us participate. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

The solemn blessing formula can be used, e.g. 593 [ 600 601 ].
Sunday, January 7, 2024 42


Visit to the Sanctuary of the Martyrs:

Deanery of Lourdes.

8 White Monday
MR p. 188 [ 199 ] / Lecc. I p. 148.


Immediately after Jesus received baptism, the heavens
opened and the Holy Spirit rested on him in the form of a dove,
and the voice of the Father rang out saying: "This is my beloved
Son, in whom I have put all my love." .

It is called Gloria.

Almighty and eternal God, who solemnly proclaimed Jesus
Christ as your beloved Son, when, upon being baptized in the
Jordan, the Holy Spirit descended upon him, grant to your
adopted children, reborn of water and the Holy Spirit, that they
may be preserved always worthy of your pleasure. Through our
Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in
the unity of the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever.
[ God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit. ]
From the book of Acts of the Apostles 10, 34-38
In those days, Peter addressed Cornelius and those who were
in his house with these words: "Now I realize that God makes
no distinction between persons, but accepts those who fear him
and do justice, whether of whatever nation. He sent his word to
the children of Israel, to announce peace to them through Jesus
Christ, Lord of all.
Sunday, January 7, 2024 43
You already know what happened throughout Judea, which
began in Galilee, after the baptism preached by John: how God
anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the power of the Holy Spirit
and how he went about doing good, healing all those oppressed
by him. devil, because God was with him." God's word.

RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 28, la-2. 3ac-4. 3b.

9b-10 R. We praise you Lord.
Children of God, glorify the Lord, give him the glory he
deserves. Prostrated in his holy temple, let us praise the Lord.
The voice of the Lord is heard over the torrential waters. The
voice of the Lord is powerful, the voice of the Lord is imposing.
The God of majesty made the thunder of his voice sound.
The Lord manifested himself over the waters from his eternal
throne. R.
Hallelujah hallelujah.
Heaven opened and the voice of the Father resounded,
saying: "This is my beloved Son; listen to him." R. Hallelujah.
[ You are my beloved Son; I have my pleasures in you. ] From
the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 1, 7-11
44, At that time, John preached saying: "There is coming after
me one who is more powerful than I, one before whom I am not
worthy to even bow down to untie the strap of his sandals. "I
have baptized you with water, but he will baptize you with the
Holy Spirit."
In those days, Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was
baptized by John in the Jordan. When Jesus came out of the
water, he saw that the heavens were torn and that the Spirit, in
the form of a dove, descended on him. Then a voice was heard
from heaven saying: "You are my beloved Son; I am well
pleased with you." Lord's word.
It is called Creed.
Sunday, January 7, 2024 44
REFLECTION: • Today we celebrate the feast of the
Baptism of the Lord, which concludes the Christmas season...
The gospel describes what happens on the banks of the Jordan.
At the moment when John the Baptist confers baptism on Jesus,
heaven opens. " As soon as he came out of the water ," says
Saint Mark, " he saw the heavens being rent ." Here we recall
the dramatic plea of the prophet Isaiah: “ If only you would tear
the sky and come down! » (Is 63, 19)… The open heavens
indicate that God has given his grace so that the earth bears its
fruit (Cf. Psalm 85, 13). With the Baptism of Jesus not only are
the heavens rent, but God speaks again making his voice
resonate: « You are my beloved Son; I am well pleased with you
» (Mk 1, 11). And then we are told about the coming of the
Holy Spirit, " in the form of a dove ": this allows Christ – the
Consecrated One of the Lord – to inaugurate his mission, which
is our salvation… • The Holy Spirit who totally animated life
and ministry of Jesus, is the same Spirit that today guides
Christian life, the existence of those who call themselves and
want to be Christians. Putting our life as Christians and the
mission that we all receive by virtue of Baptism under the
action of the Holy Spirit means rediscovering the apostolic
courage necessary to bring the Good News to the extreme ends
of the earth... May Mary – Mother of God and of the Church –
accompany the journey of all of us baptized, help us grow in the
love of God and in the joy of serving the Gospel, thus giving
full meaning to our lives. [Synthesized from: Pope Francis,
Angelus , 11-I-2015].
Accept, Lord, the gifts that we present to you in the
manifestation of your beloved Son, so that the oblation of your
children becomes the same sacrifice of the one who wanted in
his mercy to wash away the sins of the world. He who lives and
reigns forever and ever.
PREFACE: The Baptism of the Lord.
Truly it is just and necessary, it is our duty and salvation to
give you thanks always and everywhere, Lord, holy Father,
almighty and eternal God.
Because you showed in the Jordan with admirable signs the
Sunday, January 7, 2024 45
mystery of the new baptism, so that by that voice, coming from
heaven, we would believe that your Word was already dwelling
among us and, by the Holy Spirit, who descended in the form of
a dove, we would know that Christ, your Servant, was anointed
with the oil of joy and sent to announce the Gospel to the poor.
Therefore, together with the choirs of angels, we praise you
continually on earth, shouting without ceasing: Holy, Holy,


This is the one of whom John said: I have seen him and bear
witness that he is the Son of God.


Sated with these sacred gifts, we implore, Lord, your mercy,
so that, faithfully listening to your Only Begotten, we may call
ourselves and be truly your children. Through Jesus Christ, our

Circular Jubilee: Monday 8, Tuesday 9 and Wednesday 10: Our.
Mrs. de los Dolores, San Carlos Lwanga, San Carlos Borromeo,
San Vicente de Paul, Santa Elena de la Cruz, Señor de la Ascensión
(Jocotán), Las Cruces (Juchipila), San José de las Moras.

This day, after the Compline prayer,

Christmas time ends
and the first part of Ordinary Time begins.


Liturgy of the Hours: Volume III.
I Week of Ordinary Time.
I Week of the Psalter.
Sunday, January 7, 2024 46
Sunday Lectionary: Cycle B:
Fair Lectionary: Even years.
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 2024
47 9 tuesday
Fair or
Mass of the First Week of Ordinary Time
MR p. 413 [ 411 ] / Lecc. I p. 487

I saw a man sitting on the heavenly throne, worshiped by the
multitude of angels who sing with one voice: "This is he whose
power endures forever."
Accompany, Lord, with heavenly mercy, the desires and
supplications of your people, so that they know what they must
put into practice and firmly carry out what they have known.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns
with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit and is God forever and
[ The Lord remembered Hannah and her prayer, and she gave
birth to Samuel. ]
From the first book of Samuel 1, 9-20
At that time, after eating the ritual meal in Shiloh, Anna got
up and began to pray before the Lord. Full of bitterness and
with many tears, she made this promise: “Lord of hosts, look at
the affliction of your servant and remember me. If you give me
a male child, I will consecrate him to you for all the days of his
life, and as a sign of this, the razor will not touch his head."
Meanwhile, Eli the priest was sitting at the door of the
sanctuary. Ana prolonged her prayer and Eli watched her move
her lips, but he did not hear her voice. Thinking she was drunk,
he told her: “You have drunk a lot. Leave the presence of the
Lord until it passes.” But Ana replied: “No, sir. I am a troubled
woman. I have not drunk wine or intoxicating drinks; I was
pouring out my soul before the Lord. Do not think that your
servant is a shameless woman, for I have been speaking, moved
by my pain and my sorrow.”
48 Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Then Eli said to him: “Go in peace and may the God of Israel
grant you what you have asked of him.” She replied: “I hope
what you tell me comes true.” The woman left the temple, went
to her husband, and ate and drank with him. His face was no
longer the same as before.
The next morning they got up early, and after worshiping the
Lord, they returned to their home in Ramah. Elkaná had marital
relations with his wife Anna, and the Lord remembered her and
her prayer. Hannah conceived and gave birth to a son and
named him Samuel, saying, “I asked the Lord.” God's word.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM 1 Sam 2, 1. 4-5ab. 6-7. 8abcd R.
My heart rejoices in God, my savior.
My heart rejoices in the Lord, in God I feel strong and safe. I
can now respond to my opponents, because it is you, Lord, who
helps me. R.
The bow of the strong has been broken, the weak are filled
with strength. Those who were previously satisfied begin to
serve for a crust; and without having to work, the hungry can
satisfy their hunger. She who was sterile gives birth seven times
and the fertile one is no longer so. R.
The Lord gives death and life, lets die and saves from the
grave; He is the one who impoverishes and enriches, who
abases and elevates. R.
He raises the humiliated from the dust, he lifts the oppressed
from his shame, to make him sit among princes on a glorious
throne. R.


13 R. Hallelujah hallelujah.
Receive the word of God, not as a human word, but as a
divine word, as it really is. R. Hallelujah.
[ He did not teach like the scribes, but as one who has
authority. ] From the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 1,
4, At that time, Jesus was in Capernaum and on Saturday he
went to the synagogue and began to teach. The listeners
were left
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 49
amazed at his words, because he taught as one who has
authority and not as the scribes.
There was a man in the synagogue possessed by an unclean
spirit, who began to shout: “What do you want with us, Jesus of
Nazareth? Have you come to finish us off? I already know who
you are: the Holy One of God.” Jesus commanded him, “Shut
up and get out of him!” The unclean spirit, shaking the man
violently and shouting, came out of him. Everyone was shocked
and asked, “What is this? What new doctrine is this? “This man
has the authority to command even unclean spirits and they
obey him.” And very soon his fame spread throughout Galilee.
Lord's word.
REFLECTION: Today's evangelical scene takes place in
the synagogue of Capernaum. Jesus' message, his words and his
works – as in this first miracle in which he subdues the evil one
– revealed his superior authority and revealed, at the same time,
his messianic identity. People noticed the difference very well
and very quickly. That is why those with a simple heart did not
hesitate to exclaim: " Teach as one who has authority ." And
they admired him not so much for his power or his miracles, but
for his “charisma”, based on love and service.
We ask you, Lord, that the offering of your people by which
we receive sanctification and obtain what we piously ask for
may be acceptable to you. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Lord, in you is the source of life and your light makes us see
the light.
Renewed by your sacraments, we beseech you, Almighty
God, that we serve you worthily with a life that is pleasing to
you. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
50 Wednesday Wednesday,
10, 2024 Green

Fair or
Mass at the beginning of the calendar year
MR p. 1080 [1125] / Lecc. I p. 491


Know that I am with you always, until the end of the world,
says the Lord.
Eternal God, beginning of all creation, grant us during this
year, which we dedicate to you from today, not to lack what is
necessary for life and to bear witness to you with our good
works. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and
reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit and is God
forever and ever.
[ Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. ]
From the first book of Samuel 3, 1-10. 19-20
In the times when young Samuel served the Lord under Eli,
the word of God was rarely heard and visions were not frequent.
Eli's eyes had weakened and he could hardly see anymore.
One night, when the lamp of the Lord had not yet gone out,
while Eli was lying in his room and Samuel in his, inside the
sanctuary where the ark of God was, the Lord called Samuel
and he answered: “Here I am.” . He ran to Eli and said, “Here I
am. Why did you call me?" Eli responded, “I have not called
you. Go back to bed.” Samuel went to bed. The Lord called him
again and he got up, went to Eli and said to him: “Here I am.
Why did you call me?" Eli answered: “I have not called you, my
son. Go back to bed.”
Samuel did not yet know the Lord, because the word of the
Lord had not been revealed to him. For the third time the Lord
called Samuel;
Wednesday, January 10, 2024 51
He got up, went to Eli and said to him: “Here I am. Why did
you call me?"
Then Eli understood that it was the Lord who was calling the
young man and said to Samuel: “Go lie down, and if anyone
calls you, answer: 'Speak, Lord; your servant listens to you.'
“And Samuel went to bed.
Again the Lord appeared and called him as before: “Samuel,
Samuel.” He answered: “Speak, Lord; Your servant listens to
Samuel grew up and the Lord was with him. And everything
that the Lord told him was fulfilled. All Israel, from the city of
Dan to Beersheba, knew that Samuel was accredited as a
prophet of the Lord. God's word.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 39, 2abc. 5ab. 7-8a.
8b-9. 10 R. Here I am, Lord, to do your will.
I waited on the Lord with great confidence; He leaned
towards me and heard my prayers. Blessed is the man who has
put his trust in the Lord and does not go to idolaters, who go
astray through deceit. R.
You did not want sacrifices and offerings, instead you
opened my ears to your voice. You did not demand burnt
offerings for guilt, so I said, “Here I am.” R.
In your books I am commanded to do your will; This is,
Lord, what I desire: your law in the middle of my heart. R.
I have announced your justice in the great assembly; I have
not closed my lips, you know it, Lord. R.


Hallelujah hallelujah.
My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord; I know them and
they follow me. R. Hallelujah.
[ He cured many patients with various illnesses. ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark l, 29-39
44, At that time, when Jesus left the synagogue, he went with
James and John to the house of Simon and Andrew.
Simon's mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they
immediately told Jesus. He approached her, and taking her
52 Wednesday, January 10, 2024
by the hand, he lifted her up. At that moment his fever
broke and he began to serve them.
In the evening, when the sun was setting, they brought all
the sick and demon-possessed to him, and all the people
crowded around the door. He cured many sick people of various
illnesses and expelled many demons, but he did not let the
demons speak, because they knew who he was.
Early in the morning, while it was still very dark, Jesus got
up, went out and went to a solitary place, where he began to
pray. Simón and his companions went to look for him, and
when he found him, they told him: “Everyone is looking for
you.” He told them: “Let's go to the nearby towns to preach the
Gospel there too, because that's why I have come.” And he went
throughout Galilee, preaching in the synagogues and casting out
demons. Lord's word.
REFLECTION: In Capernaum – where we saw him
yesterday teaching with authority – in the space of two days,
Jesus displays intense activity. In the healing of Pedro's mother-
in-law, two verbs stand out: " rise " and " serve ." In the healing
of a large crowd, the presence of the " demoniacs " stands out. It
is the demons, curiously, who best grasp his identity, which He
wishes to keep hidden. These healings demonstrate His saving
power, which continually increases thanks to that communion
that He usually maintains with the Father in the intimacy of
May the offerings that we present to you be pleasing to you,
Lord, so that all of us who joyfully celebrate the beginning of
this year deserve to have it pass in its entirety in your love.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.


Accompany, Lord, the people who participated in this holy
sacrament, so that throughout this year no danger afflicts them,
since they are always trusting in your protection. Through Jesus
53 Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Christ, our Lord.

11 thursday
Green white
Fair or
Mass of the Body and Blood of Christ
MR p. 449 [ 447 ] / Lecc. I p. 495
He fed his people with the best of wheat and satisfied them
with honey taken from the rock.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, who in this admirable sacrament left
us the memorial of your passion, grant us to venerate the sacred
mysteries of your Body and Blood in such a way that we
continually experience in ourselves the fruit of your redemption.
You who live and reign with the Father in the unity of the Holy
Spirit and are God forever and ever.
[ Defeat of Israel and capture of the ark. ] From the first book
of Samuel 4, 1b-11
It happened in those days that the Philistines gathered to
make war on Israel and the Israelites went out to meet them.
They camped near Eben-Ezer and the Philistines at Aphek. The
Philistines arrayed themselves in battle against Israel. The battle
broke out and the Israelites were defeated and suffered four
thousand casualties. The army withdrew to the camp and the
elders of Israel asked themselves: “Why did the Lord allow the
Philistines to defeat us today? Let us bring the ark of the
covenant of the Lord from Shiloh, so that it may go among us
and save us from our enemies.”
They sent for the ark of the Lord of hosts, which sits on the
cherubim, to be brought from Shiloh. Eli's two sons, Hophni
and Pinchas, accompanied the ark.
When the Ark of the Covenant entered the camp, all the
Israelites shouted so loudly that they made the earth resound.
54 Wednesday, January 10, 2024
When the Philistines heard the shouting, they asked themselves,
“What does this great shout mean in the camp of the Hebrews?”
And they learned that the ark of the Lord had arrived at the
Then the Philistines were afraid. They said: “Their gods have
come to the camp. Poor us! Until now, such a misfortune had
not happened to us. Who will deliver us from the hand of those
powerful gods? These are the gods who punished Egypt with all
kinds of plagues. Take heart, Philistines, and be men. Lest we
have to serve the Israelites, as they have served us. Let us fight
like men.”
The Philistines fought and Israel was defeated. All the
Israelites fled to their tents. It was a disastrous defeat in which
Israel lost thirty thousand soldiers. The ark of God was captured
and Hophni and Pinchas, the two sons of Eli, died. God's word.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 43, 10-11. 14-15. 24-
25 R. Redeem us, Lord, by your mercy.
Now you reject and shame us; You no longer go out, Lord,
with our troops, you make us turn our backs on the enemy and
those who hate us plunder us. R.
You have made us the object of scorn and ridicule in border
towns. The nations mock us and the people make us ridiculous.
Wake up. Why are you still sleeping? Don't reject us
anymore; Lord, wake up. Why are you hiding from us? Why do
you forget our tribulations and miseries? R.
Hallelujah hallelujah.
Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom and cured all
kinds of diseases in the people. R. Hallelujah.
[ The leprosy was removed and he was clean. ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 1, 40-45
44, At that time, a leper approached Jesus to beg him on his
knees: “If you want, you can heal me.”
Jesus had compassion on him, and reaching out his hand,
touched him and said, “I do: be healed!” Immediately the
leprosy was removed and he was clean.
55 Wednesday, January 10, 2024
When he saw him off, Jesus sternly commanded him: “Do
not tell anyone; But for the record, go present yourself to the
priest and offer for your purification what was prescribed by
But that man began to spread the fact so much that Jesus
could no longer openly enter the city, but stayed outside, in
solitary places, where people came to him from all sides. Lord's
REFLECTION: By touching the leper –against the rigid
and discriminatory prescriptions of the legislation of his time–
Jesus not only did not make himself impure, but he healed the
sick person from the roots and comprehensively. His firm and
determined: " I want, be clean " then produces, along with the
external healing, the inner and profound liberation of that
socially and religiously marginalized man. Authentic love does
not exclude anyone and is always willing to go out to meet the
other with sincere concern and without paying attention to
possible inconveniences.


Lord, graciously grant to your Church the gifts of unity and
peace, mystically signified in the offerings we present to you.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
56 Friday, January 12, 2024
He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood
remains in me and I in him, says the Lord.
Grant us, Lord Jesus Christ, to enjoy eternally the joy of
your divinity that we now taste, in the communion of your Body
and your Blood. You who live and reign forever and ever.


Circular Jubilee: Thursday the 11th, Friday the 12th and

Saturday the 13th: San Juan Bautista (Mexicaltzingo), Ntra. Mrs.
de Aranzazú, Ntra. Mrs. Huentitán, Our Lady. Mrs. of Guadalupe
(Arandas Unit), La Divina Providencia (Arroyo Hondo), Lord of
Mercy (Ocotlán), El Remolino, San Pedro de Ruiz.

12 friday
Green red
Fair or
Mass of the mystery of the Holy Cross
MR p. 708 [ 727 ] / Lecc I p. 499
May our only pride be the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ,
because in him we have salvation, life and resurrection, and
through him we have been saved and redeemed.
Lord God, who wanted your Only Begotten to suffer the
cross to save the human race, grant that those of us who knew
his mystery on earth deserve to achieve the prize of his
redemption in heaven. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your
Son, who lives
Friday, January 12, 2024 57
and reign with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit and is God
forever and ever.
[ They will cry to the Lord against the king, but the Lord will
not answer them. ]
From the first book of Samuel 8, 4-7. 10-22
In those days all the elders of Israel gathered together and
went to Ramah to see Samuel and said to him: “Look, you are
old and your children do not follow your examples. Give us,
then, a king to govern us, as happens in all peoples.”
Samuel was displeased that they had asked him for a king to
rule them. Then Samuel called on the Lord and he answered:
“Give the people what they ask of you, for it is not you they
reject, but me, because they do not want me as king.”
Samuel told the people, who had asked him for a king, the
words of the Lord and said: “See how the king who reigns over
you will treat you: he will take your sons and make them serve
in his chariots and in his cavalry and he will make him run
before his own chariot; He will put some of them in charge of a
thousand soldiers and others, fifty; others will be forced to till
and harvest their lands; He will make others make weapons for
war and gear for their chariots. He will also take your daughters
as perfumers, cooks and pastry chefs. He will take your best
fields, vineyards and olive groves from you, and give them to
his ministers. He will demand a tithe of what your crops and
vineyards produce and will give it to his ministers and his
servants. He will take your male and female servants, your best
oxen and donkeys, and use them in his work. He will demand
tithes from your flocks and you yourselves will become his
slaves. On that day you will cry out to the Lord against the king
you yourselves choose, but the Lord will not answer you.”
The people, however, refused to listen to Samuel's warnings
and shouted, “It doesn't matter. We want to have a king and also
be like other nations. Our king will govern us and will lead us in
our battles.” Samuel heard the words of the people and repeated
them to the Lord, and the Lord said to him, “Listen to them and
let a king rule over them.” God's word.
58 Friday, January 12, 2024
RESPONSORIAL PSALM of the psalm Salt 88, 16-17.18-19
R. I will proclaim without ceasing the mercy of the Lord.
Lord, happy are the people who praise you and who walk in
your light, who rejoice in your name at all hours and who fill
with pride your justice. R.
Happy, because you are his honor and strength and your
favor exalts our power. Happy, because the Lord is our shield
and the Holy One of Israel is our king. R.
Hallelujah hallelujah.
A great prophet has arisen among us. God has visited his
people. R. Hallelujah.
[ The Son of man has power to forgive sins. ] From the holy
Gospel according to Saint Mark 2, 1-12
When Jesus returned to Capernaum, word spread that he
was home, and soon so many people gathered that there was no
longer room in front of the door. While he was teaching his
doctrine, they wanted to present him with a paralyzed man, who
was being carried by four of them. But since they could not get
close to Jesus because of the number of people, they removed
part of the roof above where Jesus was, and through the hole
they lowered the sick man on a stretcher.
Seeing the faith of those men, Jesus said to the paralytic:
“Son, your sins are forgiven.” Some scribes who were sitting
there began to think: “Why does this man speak like this? That's
blasphemy. Who can forgive sins but only God?”
Jesus knowing what they were thinking, said to them: “Why
do you think like this? What is easier, to say to the paralytic:
'Your sins are forgiven' or to say: 'Get up, pick up your stretcher
and go home?' "So that they may know that the Son of Man has
power on earth to forgive sins," he said to the paralytic, "I
command you: Get up, pick up your mat and go home."
The man immediately got up, picked up his stretcher and
left there in the sight of everyone, who was astonished and gave
glory to God, saying: “We have never seen anything like it!”
Lord's word.
Friday, January 12, 2024 59
REFLECTION: Forgiving sins is an exclusively divine
faculty, as those who understand the Law rightly thought. They,
without imagining it, are about to witness a comprehensive
healing and a double miracle. Jesus' wonderful intervention on
the paralyzed man thus combines his interest in the spiritual
aspect of the sinner and the physical aspect of the sick person. If
– under the weight of our guilt – we come to see ourselves
“paralyzed”, let us be certain that He will always be ready to
offer us a new opportunity, especially in the sacrament of
We pray to you, Lord, that this sacrifice, which on the altar
of the cross erased the sin of the entire world, purifies us from
all our offenses. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to
me, says the Lord.


Our Lord, Jesus Christ, strengthened with this holy food, we
ask you to lead to the glory of your resurrection those you
redeemed by the life-giving tree of the Cross. You who live and
reign forever and ever.
60 Saturday 13th Saturday
Saturday Green / White
13, 2024

Bishop and Doctor of the Church
MR pp. 663 and 896 [ 678 and 935 ] / Lecc. I p. 503
While still a layman, Hilary was elected bishop of Poitiers,
around 350. For decisively defending the divinity of Jesus,
proclaimed by the Council of Nicaea, against the Arians, he
was deported to the East for four years. When he returned to
Poitiers, he greatly favored the restoration of monastic life.
ENTRY ANTIPHONE Cf. Ez 34, 11. 23-24
I will seek my sheep, says the Lord, and I will give them a
shepherd to feed them, and I, the Lord, will be their God.
Grant us, Almighty God, the grace to properly understand,
and proclaim with certainty, the divinity of your Son, which
Bishop Saint Hilary constantly defended. Through our Lord
Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the
unity of the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever.
[ This is Saul, the man who will rule my people. ]
From the first book of Samuel 9, 1-4. 10. 17-19; 10, 1
There was a man from the tribe of Benjamin named Kish. It
was of great value. He had a son named Saúl, young and
handsome. Among the Israelites there was no one more
handsome than him. He was the tallest of all and none of them
reached his shoulder.
One day Chish lost his donkeys and he said to his son Saul:
“Take one of the servants with you and go look for the
donkeys.” They searched the mountains of Ephraim and the
region of Salisa, but they did not find them; They passed
through the territory of Saalin and were not there; Then, the
land of Benjamin and they did not find them either. Then they
went to the city where Samuel, the man of God, lived. When
Samuel saw Saul, the Lord said to him, “This is the man I told
Saturday January 13, 2024 61
you about. He will rule my people.”
Saul approached Samuel, who was at the gate of the city, and
said, “Please show me where the seer's house is.” Samuel
replied, “I am the seer. Go up before me to the sacred place and
stay to dine with me. “Early tomorrow I will say goodbye to
you, after telling you everything that is in your heart.”
Very early the next day, Samuel took the horn where he kept
the oil and poured it on Saul's head. Then he kissed him and
said: “The Lord has anointed you as leader of Israel, his people.
You will reign over the people of the Lord and free them from
the enemies that surround them.” God's word.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM of the psalm Salt 20, 2-3. 4-5. 6-7
R. The king rejoices in your power, Lord.
The king rejoices in your power, Lord, he rejoices in the
triumph you have given him. You granted him what he longed
for, you did not reject the request of his lips. R.
You filled him, Lord, with blessings, with gold you have
crowned his head. Life asked you, you gave it to her, a life
lasting for centuries. R.
Your victory, Lord, has given him fame, you have covered
him with glory and greatness. Without ceasing you grant him
your favors and fill him with joy in your presence. R.
R. Hallelujah hallelujah.
The Lord has sent me to announce the good news to the poor
and proclaim liberation to the captives. R. Hallelujah.
[ I have not come to call the righteous, but the sinners. ] From
the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 2, 13-17
At that time, Jesus went out again to walk along the shore
of the lake; The whole crowd followed him and he spoke to
them. As he passed by, he saw Levi (Matthew), the son of
Alphaeus, sitting on the bench.
62 Saturday January 13, 2024
taxes, and said to him, “Follow me.” He got up and followed
While Jesus was at table in Levi's house, many tax collectors
and sinners sat at table with Jesus and his disciples, because
there were many who followed him. Then some scribes of the
sect of the Pharisees, seeing him eating with sinners and tax
collectors, asked his disciples: “Why does your teacher eat and
drink in the company of tax collectors and sinners?”
Having heard this, Jesus said to them: “It is not the healthy
who need the doctor, but the sick. "I have not come to call the
righteous, but sinners." Lord's word.
REFLECTION: The gospel is situated in a controversial
context of successive discussions with scribes and Pharisees.
Three interdependent episodes come together here: the vocation
of Levi, who would later be called Matthew, the scandal and
criticism because the teacher eats with people of ill repute and,
finally, Jesus' clarifying response about true justice. In his Son
Jesus Christ, God accepts man as he is, with everything and his
fragility. The only condition is that he – abandoning his past –
recognizes himself as a sinner, wants to convert and is willing to
lead a new life.
Look favorably, Lord, on the offerings that we present on
your altar on this festival of Saint Hilary, so that they may grant
us your forgiveness and give glory to your name. Through Jesus
Christ, our Lord.
It is not you who have chosen me, says the Lord, it is I who
has chosen you and destined you to go and bear fruit and your
fruit will remain.
Nourished by these sacred mysteries, Lord, we humbly
beseech you that, following the example of Saint Hilary, we
strive to profess what he believed and to put into practice what
he taught. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Sunday, January 14, 2024 63
Sunday January 14, 2024
II SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME « Find » and « Follow »
the Messiah...

As in the feast of the Epiphany

and the Baptism of Jesus, today's
Gospel page also proposes the
theme of the " manifestation " of
the Lord... This time, it is the
Baptist who indicates it to his
disciples as the " Lamb." of God
", inviting them to follow him.
And so it is for us: He whom we
have contemplated in the mystery
of Christmas, we are now called
to follow in daily life.
Therefore, the gospel introduces
us perfectly to the “ordinary
liturgical time”, a time that serves to encourage and
verify our journey of faith in habitual life, in a
dynamic that moves between epiphany and following,
between manifestation and vocation… The Gospel story also
indicates to us the essential characteristics of the "
journey of faith ", which is the journey of the disciples
of all times, including our own, based on the question
that Jesus addresses to the disciples who - encouraged by
John Bautista – begin to follow him: « What are they
looking for? ».
In this search, the role of a true witness is
fundamental: a person who has walked the path before and
has found the Lord. In our gospel, John is that witness.
That is why he was able to guide his disciples towards
Jesus, who involves them in a new experience by telling
them: " Come and see "... Only a personal encounter with
Jesus generates a path of faith and discipleship. We can
have many experiences, do many things, establish
relationships with many people, but only the encounter
with Jesus, in that hour that God knows, can give full
meaning to our lives and make our projects and
initiatives fruitful.
It is not enough to construct an image of God based on
what we have heard. It is necessary to go in search of
the Divine Master: to go " where He lives "... This means
that we are called to overcome a routine religiosity,
rekindling the personal encounter with Jesus in prayer,
in meditation on the Word of God and frequenting the
sacraments. to be with Him and bear fruit thanks to His
help... " Search " for Jesus, " Find " Jesus, " Follow "
Sunday, January 14, 2024 64
Jesus: this is the path... May the Virgin Mary sustain us
in this purpose of following in her footsteps! , to go
and be there where He lives, to listen to His Word of
life, to adhere to Him, who takes away the sin of the
world, to find hope and spiritual impulse in Him!
[Synthesized from: Pope Francis, Angelus , 14-I-2018].

ENTRANCE: Once the Christmas cycle is over, we return – from
today until the beginning of Lent – to live the first part of the Sundays
of Ordinary Time… The liturgy reminds us that the Christian life is a
path of determined and realistic following in the footsteps of Jesus.
Our Divine Master invites us all to be his disciples and to collaborate
with Him in the joyful announcement of the Kingdom of God.
1st. READING: [1 Sam 3, 3-10. 19] God calls young Samuel to a
mission that is beyond his strength… With the help of the experienced
priest Eli – accustomed to constant and personal dealings with God –
he finally manages to give him a generous response.
2nd. READING: [1 Cor 6, 13-15. 17-20] Saint Paul reminds us
that the whole man, beginning with his own body, belongs to the
Lord... Our bodies – temples of the Spirit – will one day participate in
the glory of the Risen Christ.
GOSPEL: [Jn 1, 35-42] The gospel tells us the vocation of the
first disciples of Jesus... The following of Christ is born from listening
to a convinced testimony - like that of the Baptist - who presents them
as the "Lamb of God."
OFFERINGS: As living members of the Church, we are
committed to faithfully following Jesus, Master of life, truth and
love... As we present our offerings to Him, let us ask Him to lead us
to live a life consistent with our faith.
COMMUNION: Through baptism God calls us to be "living
temples of the Holy Spirit"... Let us come to devoutly receive Holy
Communion, in order to see ourselves strengthened on our path
towards the eternal homeland!
FAREWELL: Christ calls us to follow him and go to announce
the Good News... May we make true in our lives what was repeated
today in the responsorial psalm: "Here I am, Lord, to do your will."
14 sunday
Sunday, January 14, 2024 65
MR p. 414 [ 412 ] / Lecc. I p. 154. LH Week II of the Psalter.
May the entire earth fall before you, Lord; May everyone
sing hymns in your honor and praises to your name.
It is called Gloria.
Almighty and eternal God, who rules the heavens and the
earth, listen with love to the supplications of your people and
make the days of our lives pass in your peace. Through our
Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in
the unity of the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever.
[ Speak, Lord, your servant listens to you. ]
From the first book of Samuel 3, 3b-10. 19
In those days, young Samuel served in the temple under the
priest Eli. One night, while Eli was lying in his room and
Samuel was in his, inside the sanctuary where the ark of God
was, the Lord called Samuel and he responded: “Here I am.” He
ran to Eli and said, “Here I am. Why did you call me?" Eli
answered: “I have not called you. Go back to bed.”
Samuel went to bed. The Lord called him again and he got
up, went to Eli and said to him: “Here I am. Why did you call
me?" Eli answered: “I have not called you, my son. Go back to
Samuel did not yet know the Lord, because the word of the
Lord had not been revealed to him. For the third time the Lord
called Samuel; He got up, went to Eli and said to him: “Here I
am. Why did you call me?"
Then Eli understood that it was the Lord who was calling the
young man and said to Samuel: “Go lie down, and if anyone
calls you, answer: 'Speak, Lord; your servant listens to you.'
“And Samuel went to bed.
Again the Lord appeared and called him as before: “Samuel,
Samuel.” He answered: “Speak, Lord; Your servant listens to
Sunday, January 14, 2024 66
Samuel grew up and the Lord was with him. And everything
that the Lord told him was fulfilled. God's word.
from Psalm 39, 2abc. 4ab. 7-8a. 8b-9. 10cd. 11cd
R. Here I am, Lord, to do your will.
I waited on the Lord with great confidence; He leaned
towards me and heard my prayers. He put a new song in my
mouth, a hymn to our God. R.
You did not want sacrifices and offerings, instead you
opened my ears to your voice. You did not demand burnt
offerings for guilt, so I said, "Here I am." R.
In your books I am commanded to do your will; This is,
Lord, what I desire: your law in the middle of my heart. R.
I have announced your justice in the great assembly; I have
not closed my lips, you know it, Lord. R.
[ Your bodies are members of Christ. ]
From the first letter of the apostle Saint Paul to the
6, 13c-15a. 17-20
Brothers: The body is not for fornication, but for serving the
Lord; and the Lord, to sanctify the body. God resurrected the
Lord and will also resurrect us with his power.
Don't you know that your bodies are members of Christ?
And he who is united to the Lord becomes one spirit with him.
Flee, therefore, from fornication. Any other sin that a person
commits remains outside his body; but he who fornicates sins
against his own body.
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy
Spirit, whom you have received from God and dwells in you?
You are not your own owners, because God has purchased you
Sunday, January 14, 2024 67
at a very expensive price. Therefore glorify God with your
body. God's word.
Hallelujah hallelujah.
We have found Christ, the Messiah. Grace and truth have
come to us through him. R. Hallelujah
[ They saw where he lived and stayed with him. ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint John 1, 35-42
At that time, John the Baptist was with two of his
disciples, and fixing his eyes on Jesus, who was passing by, he
said: "This is the Lamb of God." The two disciples, hearing
these words, followed Jesus. He turned toward them, and seeing
that they were following him, he asked them, "What are you
looking for?" They answered him: "Where do you live, Rabbi?"
(Rabbi means "teacher"). He said to them, "Come and see."
So they went and saw where he lived and stayed with him
that day. It was about four in the afternoon. Andrew, brother of
Simon Peter, was one of the two who heard what John the
Baptist said and followed Jesus. The first whom Andrew found
was his brother Simon, and he said to him: "We have found the
Messiah" (which means "the Anointed One"). He took him to
where Jesus was and he, looking at him, said: "You are Simon,
son of John. You will be called Kefas" (which means Peter, that
is, "rock"). Lord's word.
It is called Creed.
Let us pray to the Lord and ask Him to compassionately
listen to our prayers:
1. For the holy Church of God, that God our Lord may
grant her peace and unity and protect her throughout the world,
we pray to the Lord.
2. For the rulers of our country and of all nations, so that
God directs their thoughts and decisions toward true peace, let
us pray to the Lord.
3. For those who are on the path of conversion and for
68 Sunday, January 14, 2024
those who are preparing to receive baptism, so that God opens
the door of his mercy to them and gives them a share in the new
life in Christ Jesus, let us pray to the Lord.
4. For our family and friends who are not here with us now,
that God may hear their prayers and bring their legitimate
desires to reality, let us pray to the Lord.
Our God, who shows the signs of your presence in many
ways, listen to the prayers of this family of yours so that – as
faithful followers of Christ – we may become convinced
apostles and prophets of your Kingdom. Through Jesus Christ,
our Lord.
Grant us, Lord, to participate worthily in these mysteries,
because every time the memorial of this sacrifice is celebrated,
the work of our redemption is carried out. Through Jesus Christ,
our Lord.
We have known the love that God has for us and we have
believed in it.
Infuse us, Lord, with the spirit of your charity, so that,
satisfied with the bread of heaven, we may always live united in
your love. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Visit to the Sanctuary of the Martyrs:
Deanery of Polanco.
Monday, January 15, 2024
2024 69
15 monday
Fair or
Mass for the sanctification of human work “A”
MR p. 1081 [ 1126 ] / Lecc. I p. 507


May your goodness, Lord, be poured out on us, and guide
the works of our hands.
Lord God, who through human work constantly perfects and
directs the immense work of creation, hear the prayers that your
people address to you, suppliant, and grant that all men enjoy a
dignified work in which, honoring their own human condition ,
can, more closely united, serve their brothers. Through our Lord
Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the
unity of the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever.
[ Obedience is worth more than sacrifice. The Lord has rejected
you as king. ]
From the first book of Samuel 15, 16-23
In those days, Samuel said to Saul: “I am going to tell you
what the Lord told me tonight.” He replied: “What did he tell
you?” Samuel continued: “Although you were worthless in your
own eyes, did you not become the leader of Israel? The Lord
anointed you as king of Israel. He ordered you to carry out an
expedition against the Amalekites, saying to you: 'Go and
destroy those sinners. Make war on them until you kill them all.'
Why have you not obeyed the voice of the Lord and kept the
spoils, doing what was displeasing to the Lord?
Saul answered Samuel: “No. I obeyed the Lord. I carried out
the expedition that he ordered me to do. I brought Agag, king of
Amalek, captive, and destroyed the Amalekites. It was the
people who took the best of the sheep and oxen from the spoils
to sacrifice them to the Lord, our God, at Gilgal.”
But Samuel replied: “Do you think that the Lord is more
70 Monday, January 15, 2024
pleased with burnt offerings and sacrifices than with obedience
to his words? Obedience is worth more than sacrifice, and
docility is worth more than the fat of rams. Rebellion against
God is as serious as the sin of witchcraft, and obstinacy is as
serious as the crime of idolatry. Because you have rejected the
command of the Lord, he rejects you as king.” God's word.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 49, 7ac-8. 16bc-17. 21.
23 R. Whoever gives thanks to me, he honors me.
I am not going to demand sacrifices from you, says the Lord,
because your burnt offerings are always before me. But I will no
longer accept calves from your house or goats from your flocks.
Why do you cite my precepts and speak at all hours of my
pact, you who detest obedience and throw my commands on
deaf ears? R.
You do this, and I have to shut up? Do you think I'm like
you? No, I will rebuke you and hold your sins against you. R.
Whoever thanks me, he honors me and I will save the one
who does my will. R.
Hallelujah hallelujah.
The word of God is living and effective and reveals the
thoughts and intentions of the heart. R. Hallelujah.
[ While the groom is with them, they cannot fast. ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 2, 18-22
44, On one occasion when the disciples of John the Baptist and
the Pharisees were fasting, some of them came to Jesus and
asked him: “Why do the disciples of John and the disciples of
the Pharisees fast, and yours do not? ”
Jesus answered them: “How can the guests at a wedding fast
while the bridegroom is with them? While the bridegroom is
with them, they cannot fast. But the day will come when the
Monday, January 15, 2024 71
It will be taken away from them and then they will fast.
No one puts a patch of new fabric on an old dress, because
the patch shrinks and tears the old fabric and makes the tear
worse. No one puts new wine into old wineskins, because the
wine breaks the wineskins, the wine would be lost and the
wineskins would be ruined. “To new wine, new wineskins.”
Lord's word.
REFLECTION: These two brief comparisons, of the cloth
and the new wine, come to clarify Jesus' response about fasting,
and both reaffirm the radical newness of the Gospel. Jesus is the
" Bridegroom " of God's wedding with his new people and with
the new humanity. They have been inaugurated in their person
and in their doctrine, at the service of the Kingdom. When they
lack this bridegroom, and when they have to suffer inevitable
persecutions and difficulties – a clear allusion to his redemptive
passion and death – then their friends will have to begin fasting.


You who with this bread and this wine that we present to you
give the human race the food that sustains it and the sacrament
that renews it, grant us, Lord, that we never lack this help for
body and soul. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


Whatever you say and whatever you do, do it in the name of
the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father, through Christ.
Having participated in this table of unity and charity, we
implore, Lord, your mercy, that, by fulfilling the tasks that you
have entrusted to us, we may find sustenance for our earthly life
and confidently build your Kingdom. Through Jesus Christ, our
Circular Jubilee: Monday 15, Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17: San
José Obrero (Zapopan), San José de Tateposco, San Sebastián de
Analco, Ntra. Mrs. of Guadalupe (Cerro del Cuatro), Our Lady.
72 Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Mrs. del Carmen (Las Pintitas), San José de las Flores, San José de
Palmarejo, San Francisco de Rivas.

16 tuesday

Fair or
Mass for family and friends
MR p. 1098 [ 1144 ] / Lecc I p. 511
ENTRY ANTIPHONE Cf. Ps 121, 6. 8
Say with all your heart: Jerusalem, may there be peace
among those who love you. For my brothers and companions I
will say: peace with you.
Lord God, who, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, infused the
gifts of your love into the hearts of your faithful, grant to your
servants, for whom we implore your mercy, health of body and
soul, so that they may love you with all their strength. and fulfill
with love what is to your liking. Through our Lord Jesus Christ,
your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy
Spirit and is God forever and ever.

[ David was anointed king of Israel before his brothers and the
spirit of the Lord was with him. ]
From the first book of Samuel 16, 1-13
In those days, the Lord said to Samuel: “How long will you
be sad for Saul? I have already rejected him and he will no
longer reign over Israel. Go to the house of Jesse in Bethlehem,
for I have chosen a king from among his sons. So fill your horn
with oil to anoint it and go.”
But Samuel replied: “How can I go? If Saul finds out, he will
kill me.” The Lord answered him: “Take a heifer with you and
say: 'I have come to offer a sacrifice to the Lord.' Invite Jesse to
the sacrifice and I will tell you what to do. Then you will anoint
Tuesday, January 16, 2024 73
the one I appoint for you.” Samuel did what the Lord had told
him. When he arrived in Bethlehem, the elders of the city
fearfully met him and asked him, “Are you coming in peace?”
He answered them: “Yes. I come to offer a sacrifice to the Lord.
Purify yourselves and come with me to the sacrifice.” Then he
purified Jesse and his sons and also invited them to the sacrifice.
When they appeared before him, seeing Eliab, the eldest son
of Jesse, Samuel thought: “This is, without a doubt, the one I
am going to anoint as king.” But the Lord said to him: “Do not
be impressed by his appearance or by his great stature, for I
have rejected him, because I do not judge as man judges. “Man
looks at appearances, but the Lord looks at hearts.”
Then Jesse called his son Abinadab and brought him before
Samuel, who said to him, “The Lord has not chosen this one
either.” Jesse brought Shammah in, but Samuel said to him,
“The Lord has not chosen this one either.” Thus seven of Jesse's
sons passed before Samuel; But Samuel said, “None of these is
the Lord's chosen one.” Then he asked Jesse, “Are these all your
sons?” He answered: “The smallest one is missing, who is
guarding the flock.” Samuel said to him, “Send him here,
because we will not sit down to eat until he arrives.” And Jesse
sent for him.
The boy was blonde, with bright eyes and good looks. Then
the Lord said to Samuel, “Get up and anoint him, for this is it.”
Samuel took the horn with the oil and anointed him before his
brothers. From that day on, the spirit of the Lord was with
David. Samuel said goodbye and returned to Ramah. God's

RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 88, 20. 21-22. 27-28

R. I have found David, my servant.
Speaking in a vision to your friends one day you said to
them: “I have chosen a mighty man from my people and I have
placed the crown on his temples. R.
I have found David my servant, and I have anointed him
with my holy oil. My hand will hold him and my arm will give
him strength. R. I have found David, my servant.
He will be able to tell me: 'You are my father, the God who
protects me and who saves me.' And I will name him my
74 Tuesday, January 16, 2024
firstborn over all the kings of the earth.” R.


18 R. Hallelujah hallelujah.
May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten our minds,
so that we may understand what hope his calling gives us. R.
[ The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.
] From the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 2, 23-28
4, On the Sabbath Jesus was walking among the fields, and his
disciples began to pluck ears of grain as he passed by. Then the
Pharisees asked him, “Why do your disciples do something that
is not permitted to be done on the Sabbath?”
He answered them, “Have you not read what David did when
he and his companions were in need and were hungry? He
entered the house of God, in the time of the high priest
Abiathar, ate the sacred bread, which only the priests could eat,
and he also gave it to his companions.
Then Jesus added: “The Sabbath was made for man and not
man for the Sabbath. And the Son of Man also owns the
Sabbath.” Lord's word.
REFLECTION: It is man who gives its value and its
measure to every law, since such a law was made for man and
not the other way around. If, as in the present case, the law turns
against man, it has diverted its purpose and, therefore, its
compliance is not binding. This is what the rigid Pharisees did
not want to understand, when trying to achieve salvation by
absolutizing means, times or places. Christ – vigorously
defending his disciples – relativizes those
mediations. The only sacred thing, after God, is man himself,
liberated by Christ.
Have mercy, Lord, on your servants, for whom we offer this
sacrifice of praise to your majesty, so that, by the effect of these
holy mysteries, they may obtain the grace of your heavenly
Tuesday, January 16, 2024 75
blessing and achieve the glory of eternal happiness. Through
Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother,
my sister, and my mother.
Upon receiving this divine sacrament, we pray to you, Lord,
that to your servants, to whom you granted to love us, you give
them forgiveness of their sins, your comfort in life and your
constant protection, so that, all serving you with the same heart,
we can enjoy together the vision of your face. Through Jesus
Christ, our Lord .

17 Wednesday
White / Red

Mexican Martyr *
MR p. 664 [ 678 ] / Lecc. I p. 515

He was twenty years old when he heard that passage from the
Gospel: "If you want to be perfect, go sell everything you have,
distribute the money among the poor and come and follow me."
Then he went into the desert. He is considered the father of the
monks of Egypt, where he lived for almost a century (+ 356). In
that solitary life many disciples followed him, who in austerity
sought to get closer to the Lord.
76 Wednesday, January 17, 2024
ENTRY ANTIPHONE Cf. Ps 91, 13-14

The righteous will flourish like a palm tree and multiply like
the cedar of Lebanon, planted in the house of the Lord, in the
courts of the house of our God.
Lord God, who gave Saint Anthony, Abbot, the gift of
serving you in the desert with an admirable life, grant us,
through his intercession, that, denying ourselves, we may
always love you above all things. Through our Lord Jesus
Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of
the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever.
[ David defeated Goliath with a sling and a stone. ] From the
first book of Samuel 17, 32-33. 37. 40-51
In those days David said to Saul, “Lord, do not let your heart
be afraid of this Philistine. “Your servant will go and fight with
him.” But Saul replied: “You cannot go fight against Goliath,
because you are only a boy, and he is a man trained for war
from his youth.” David answered, “The Lord, who has delivered
me from the clutches of the lion and the bear, will also deliver
me from the hands of that Philistine.” Saul said to him, “Go,
and may the Lord help you.”
David took the staff that he always carried with him; He
chose five very smooth stones from the stream, put them in his
backpack, and with the sling in his hand, he advanced towards
the Philistine. Goliath, preceded by his armor bearer,
approached David. The Philistine stared at him, and when he
saw that he was a young man, fair-haired and of good
appearance, he despised him and said: "Am I a dog that you
should come out to meet me with sticks and stones?" David
replied: “No. “You are worse than a dog.” Then Goliath cursed
him in the name of his gods and added: “Come closer, and I will
throw your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the
David replied: “You come to me with sword, spear and
javelin. But I am going against you in the name of the Lord of
Wednesday, January 17, 2024 77
hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have insulted.
Today the Lord is going to deliver you into my hands; I am
going to defeat you and I am going to cut off your head, and I
am going to throw your corpse and the corpses of the Philistines
to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the field. Thus all
the land will know that there is God in Israel, and all that
multitude will know that the Lord does not need spears or
swords to conquer, because he is the Lord of war and he will
deliver you into our hands.
When the Philistine began to advance against David, David
ran to meet him, reached into his backpack, took out a stone,
slung it, and struck the Philistine on the forehead. The stone
stuck in his forehead and the Philistine fell face down on the
David defeated the Philistine with a sling and a stone; He
wounded him and killed him, without having a sword in his
hand. David ran to where the Philistine was lying, took his
sword, pulled it out of its sheath, killed him, and cut off his
head. The Philistines, seeing that their leader was dead, fled.
God's word.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 143, 1. 2. 9-
R. Praise the Lord.
Blessed be the Lord, my firm rock; He trained my hands and
my fingers to fight in battles. R.
He is my faithful friend, my strength, my safe hiding place,
the shield in which I protect myself, the one that the people
surrender to my plants. R.
To the beat of my zither, new songs, Lord, I must tell you,
because you give the kings victory and save David, your
humble servant. R.
Hallelujah hallelujah.
Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom and cured the
people's illnesses and diseases. R. Hallelujah.
78 Wednesday, January 17, 2024
[ Can a man's life be saved on the Sabbath or should he be left
to die? ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 3, 1-6
44, At that time, Jesus entered the synagogue, where there was a
man whose hand was crippled. The Pharisees were spying on
Jesus to see if he would heal on the Sabbath so they could
accuse him. Jesus said to the cripple: “Get up and stand there in
the middle.”
Then he asked them: “What is it permissible to do on the
Sabbath, good or evil? Can a man's life be saved on the Sabbath
or should he be left to die? They remained silent. Then, looking
at them with anger and sadness, because they did not want to
understand, he said to the man: “Stretch out your hand.” He
stretched it out, and his hand was healed.
Then the Pharisees left and began making plans with Herod's
party to kill Jesus. Lord's word.
REFLECTION: We conclude the confrontation with his
usual and stubborn adversaries. If previously it was the disciples
who – according to the Pharisees – violated the Sabbath, today
it is Jesus himself who does it. And he does it precisely within
the synagogue by healing the man with his crippled hand. The
Lord proposes to us a religion based no longer on the external
observance of the law, but as a response to the loving initiative
of God who, in Christ, entered our history to free us from our
many "slavery" and elevate us to the noble condition of
“children in the Son.”
Accept, Lord, the offerings of our service, which we present
on your altar in the commemoration of Saint Anthony, and grant
that, free from the bonds of this world, you may be our only
wealth. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
If you want to be perfect, go and sell what you have, give the
money to the poor, and follow me, says the Lord.
Wednesday, January 17, 2024 79
Fed with the sacrament of salvation, grant us, our God, that
we always overcome all the snares of the enemy, you who
granted Saint Anthony to achieve such illustrious victories
against the power of darkness. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
MR p. 883 [ 922 ] / Lecc. I p. 515
ENTRY ANTIPHONE Cf. Ps 91, 13-14
This saint fought to the death for the law of God and was not
terrified by the threat of the wicked, since he was established on
solid rock.
Almighty and merciful God, who made your martyr Saint
Jannaro overcome the torments he suffered, grant to those of us
who celebrate the day of his triumph, that, with your protection,
we remain invincible against the snares of the enemy. Through
our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever.
Sanctify, Lord, with your blessing, the gifts that we present
to you, so that, by your grace, they may inflame us with that fire
of your love with which Saint Jannaro conquered all the
torments in his body. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Whoever wants to come with me, let him renounce himself,
take up his cross and follow me, says the Lord.
May the holy sacrament that we receive, Lord, communicate
to us that strength of spirit that made your martyr Saint Jannaro
faithful in your service and victorious in his passion. Through
Jesus Christ, our Lord.
80 Wednesday, January 17, 2024
He was born in Zapopan, Jal. (Archdiocese of Guadalajara),
on September 19, 1886, Vicar of Tamazulita, of the parish of
Tecolotlán, Jal, (Diocese of Autlán). His parish priest praised
his obedience. The faithful admired his rectitude, his fervor, the
eloquence of his preaching, and they gladly accepted the energy
of Father Janaro when he demanded that they be well prepared
to receive the sacraments. The soldiers and some farmers took
him prisoner along with some friendly parishioners when they
were going to the countryside. They set everyone free except
Father Jenaro, who was taken to a hill near Tecolotlán and they
prepared the gallows on a tree. Father Jenaro, placed in the
center of the troops, spoke to them with heroic serenity: « Well,
countrymen, they are going to hang me; I forgive you, may my
Father God also forgive you and may Christ the King always
live . The executioners pulled the rope with such force that the
martyr's head hit a branch of the tree hard. Shortly afterward he
died on that night of January 17, 1927. The soldiers' brutality
continued and at dawn they returned, took down the body, shot
him in the shoulder and stabbed him almost through the inert
body of the witness of Christ.

From January 18 to 25, the Octavario is celebrated

prayer for Christian unity.
Thursday January 18, 2024
2024 81
Fair or
Mass for the unity of Christians “A”
MR p. 1067 [ 1112 ] / Lecc. I p. 520


I am the good shepherd, because I know my sheep and they
know me, says the Lord. Just as the Father knows me, I know
the Father. I give my life for my sheep.
Lord, who love men so much, we ask you, kindly, to instill
upon us a more abundant grace of your Spirit and grant us that,
walking worthily in the vocation to which you called us, we
show men the testimony of the truth and seek confidently the
unity of all believers in the bond of peace. Through our Lord
Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the
unity of the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever.
[ Saul wanted to kill David. ]
From the first book of Samuel 18, 6-9; 19, 1-7
In those days, when David returned from having killed the
Philistine, the women of all the towns came out to welcome
King Saul, dancing and singing to the sound of drums and
timbrels, and shouting loudly for joy. As they danced, the
women sang in chorus: “Saul killed a thousand, but David killed
ten thousand.”
Those words did not sit well with Saul and he became very
angry and commented: “They attribute ten thousand to David,
and only a thousand to me. The only thing he needs is to be
king.” From then on, Saul looked at David with resentment.
One day, Saul told his son Jonathan and his servants that he
had decided to kill David. But Jonathan loved David very much
and said to him, “My father Saul, try to kill you. So take good
care of yourself tomorrow morning. Withdraw to a safe place
and hide. I will go out with my father in the field where you are
82 Thursday January 18, 2024
and I will tell him about you; "I'll see what he thinks and I'll let
you know."
Then Jonathan spoke to his father on David's behalf and
said, “Do not harm your servant David, my lord, for he has done
you no harm but great services. He risked his life to kill the
Philistine, with which the Lord gave a great victory to all Israel.
You saw it yourself and were happy. Why then do you want to
make yourself guilty of innocent blood, killing David without
cause? When Saul heard this, he relented and said, “I swear by
God, David will not die.”
Then Jonathan called David and told him what had
happened. Then he brought him before Saul, and David
continued in his service, as before. God's word.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 55, 2-3. 9ab-10. 11a. 12.
13-14ab R. I trust in the Lord and fear nothing.
Have mercy on me, Lord, because they harass me, persecute
me and attack me all day long; my enemies tread on me
incessantly; countless are those who harass me. R.
Take into account, Lord, all my steps and collect my tears.
May when I invoke you, the enemy will retreat. R.
I know well that the Lord is with me; Therefore in God,
whose promise I praise, I trust without fear. What man can
cause me harm? R.
R. Hallelujah hallelujah.
Jesus Christ, our Savior, has defeated death and made life
shine through the Gospel. R. Hallelujah.
[ The unclean spirits cried out: "You are the Son of God." But
Jesus forbade them to manifest it. ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 3, 7-12
44, At that time, Jesus withdrew with his disciples to the
seashore, followed by a crowd of Galileans. A great crowd,
from Judea and Jerusalem, from Idumea and Transjordan, and
from the part of Tire and Sidon, having heard of what Jesus was
doing, moved to where he was.
Thursday January 18, 2024 83
Then Jesus begged his disciples to get him a boat to get into,
because the crowd was so great that it was about to crush him.
In fact, Jesus had healed many, so that all those who were
suffering from any illness fell on him to touch him. When those
possessed by unclean spirits saw him, they fell at his feet and
cried: “You are the Son of God.” But Jesus forbade them to
manifest it. Lord's word.
REFLECTION: The gospel is a summary of the apostolic
ministry of Jesus in Galilee and, furthermore, a preview of what
will come in the future. Deep down, the Lord does not seem to
trust too much in people's enthusiasm. The crowd seeks him
more out of a desire for a " cure " than for a " conversion ."
They crowd around him and even overwhelm him, more
because of his miracle-working power than because of his own
message. Sadly, the deep mystery of his identity and his
mission, as sent by the Father, remained beyond the
understanding of many.


Lord, who with one and the same sacrifice acquired for
yourself a people of adoption, grant, favorably, to your Church,
the gifts of unity and peace. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
All of us who partake of the same bread and the same cup
are one body as the bread is one.
Lord, may this holy communion, which we have just
received, just as it means the union of the faithful in you, so also
bring about unity in your Church. Through Jesus Christ, our
General Meeting of the Muse
(Priest Automobile Mutuality) 11 am.
Parish of the Holy Cross (Manuel Acuña 2380,
Cabbage. Guevara Thief).
84 Friday, January 19, 2024
Circular Jubilee: Thursday the 18th, Friday the 19th and
Saturday the 20th: Mary Help of Christians, Saint Jerome, Saint
Michael (Atemajac), The Virgin of the Incarnation, Saint Francis
(Ahualulco), Saint Anthony of Padua (La Barca), Christ the King
(Col. Buenos Aires), San Pedro Apóstol (La Barca).

19 friday

Fair or
Mass to promote harmony
MR p. 1064 [ 1110 ] / Lecc I p. 524


The multitude of those who believed had one heart and one
soul. With great displays of power, the Apostles bore witness to
the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and they all enjoyed great
esteem among the people.
Lord God, who taught your Church to fulfill all your
heavenly commandments, as a sign of love for yourself and
your neighbor, give us a spirit of peace and benevolence, so that
your entire family may consecrate itself to you with all its heart
and achieve concord for purity of intention. Through our Lord
Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the
unity of the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever.
[ I will not lay a hand on the Lord's anointed. ]
From the first book of Samuel 24, 3-21
In those days, Saul took with him three thousand brave men
from all Israel and marched in search of David and his people,
in the direction of the rocks called “the Mountain Goats,” and
came to where there was a cattle pen, next to the road. There
was a cave there, and Saul entered it to satisfy his needs.
David and his men were sitting at the bottom of the cave.
They said to him: “The day has come that the Lord announced
Friday, January 19, 2024 85
to you, when he made this promise to you: 'I will put your
enemy into your hands, so that you can do with him what seems
best to you.'”
David stood up quietly and cut off the corner of Saul's cloak.
But David's conscience pricked him for cutting off Saul's cloak,
and he said to his men, "God forbid that I should raise my hand
against the king, for he is the Lord's anointed." With these
words David restrained his men and did not allow them to attack
Saul left the cave and continued on his way. David came out
after him and shouted, “My king and lord.” And when Saul
looked back, David bowed deeply to him, bowing his head to
the ground, and said to him, “Why do you listen to the people
who say, 'David is trying to harm you'? Realize that today the
Lord put you in my hands in the cave and I could have killed
you, but I spared your life, because I said to myself: 'I will not
lift my hand against the king, because he is the Lord's anointed.'
Look at the corner of your cloak in my hand. I cut it and didn't
kill you. Recognize, therefore, that there is no betrayal in me
and that I have not sinned against you. You, on the other hand,
are looking for the opportunity to take my life. May the Lord be
our judge, and may he do me justice. I will not raise my hand
against you, because as the old proverb says: 'The wicked do
evil.' Against whom have you gone out to war, king of Israel?
Who are you chasing? To a dead dog, to a flea. May the Lord be
the judge and judge us both. May he examine my cause and
deliver me from your hand.”
When David finished speaking, Saul answered him: “Are
you, David, my son, who speaks to me like this?” Saul began to
cry, and raising his voice, said to him: “You are more righteous
than me, because you only do good to me, while I seek your
evil. Today you have shown me your great kindness, because
the Lord put me in your hands, and you have not taken my life.
What man, who finds his enemy, allows him to go his way in
peace? May the Lord reward you for what you have done with
me today. Now I am certain that you will become king and that
the kingdom of Israel will be established in your hands.” God's
86 Friday, January 19, 2024
RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 56, 2. 3-4ac. 6. 1 R.
Lord, have mercy on me.
Have mercy on me, Lord, have mercy, for I take refuge in
you; I take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the
misfortune passes. R.
I am going to cry out to the most high God, to the God who
has showered me with favors; From heaven, your love and
loyalty will save me from my pursuers. R.
Lord, demonstrate your power and let the earth be filled with
your glory; because your love is bigger than the heavens and
your faithfulness touches the clouds. R.


Hallelujah hallelujah.
God has reconciled the world to himself, through Christ, and
has entrusted the message of reconciliation to us. R. Hallelujah.
[ Jesus called those he wanted to stay with him. ] From the
holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 3, 13-19
4, At that time, Jesus went up the mountain, called those whom
he wanted, and they followed him. He appointed twelve to stay
with him, to send them to preach and so that they would have
the power to cast out demons.
He then constituted the Twelve: Simon, to whom he imposed
the name of Peter; then, to James and John, sons of Zebedee, to
whom he gave the name Boanergues, that is, "sons of thunder";
to Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James of
Alphaeus, Thaddeus, Simon the Canaanite and Judas Iscariot,
who later betrayed him. Lord's word.
REFLECTION: The detail is important
introductory note with which the gospel begins, as a prologue to
the institution of the Apostles: " Jesus ascended a mountain ."
The mountains in the Bible, more than a topographical accident,
are places of " theophany ", that is, of the presence and
revelation of God. With this careful choice of the " Twelve ",
Jesus demonstrates his intention to prepare them to be guides
and pillars of the future people of God, which is his Church. He
Friday, January 19, 2024 87
associates them closely with his life and his mission. He sends
them to preach, with power to cast out even demons.
Lord God, who through your sacraments and your
commandments renew us according to your image,
compassionately direct our steps along your paths, so that, by
virtue of this sacrifice that we offer you, you may grant us the
gift of charity that we expect. receive from you. Through Jesus
Christ, our Lord.
Father, I ask you for those who will believe in me, so that
they may all be one in us and the world may believe that you
have sent me, says the Lord.
Having received the sacrament of unity, grant, Lord, to those
of us who have lived together today in your house in holy
harmony, that we may possess that peace that we have given
and preserve that which we have received. Through Jesus
Christ, our Lord.
20 Saturday Green / Red
o SAINT FABIÁN, Pope and Martyr
MR pp. 665 and 885 [ 680 and 924 ] / Lecc. I p. 529
He was martyred in Rome around the year 304. It is not easy to
distinguish historical data from purely legendary data in his
life. Historically it can be accepted that he was an upright
soldier and that he died a martyr for his Christian faith. He
cared for his brothers, the poor and the imprisoned and brought
them the Eucharist. He died during the time of Emperor
ENTRY ANTIPHONE Cf. Phil 3, 8. 10
He considered everything rubbish, as long as he knew Christ,
88 Friday, January 19, 2024
and conformed to his death in communion with his passion.
Grant us, Lord, the spirit of strength, so that, following the
glorious example of the martyr Saint Sebastian, we may learn to
obey you before men. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit and
is God forever and ever.
[ Why did the brave men fall in the middle of battle? ]
From the second book of Samuel 1, 1-4. 11-12. 19. 23-27
In those days, after defeating the Amalekites, David went to
Shequelag and stayed there for two days. On the third day a man
came from Saul's camp, his clothes torn and his head covered in
dust. He came to where David was and prostrated himself in
reverence. David asked him, “Where do you come from?” He
answered, “I am fleeing from the camp of Israel.” David asked
him: “What happened? Tell me.” He replied: “The people were
defeated in battle and fled. Many fell and among the dead were
Saul and Jonathan.”
Then David tore his clothes, and those who were with him
did the same. They began to mourn and weep, and fasted until
night for Saul and Jonathan, for the people of the Lord, and for
the house of Israel, because they had died by the sword. Then
David sang a eulogy for Saul and his son Jonathan:
"Your heroes, Israel, have been sacrificed on your
mountains. Why did the brave fall? Saul and Jonathan, loved
and admired, inseparable in life and united in death, faster than
eagles and stronger than lions.
Daughters of Israel, weep for Saul, who dressed you in
purple and linen and covered you with jewels and gold.
Why did the brave men fall in the middle of battle? Jonathan
lies dead in your mountains. For you, Jonathan, my brother, I
am full of sorrow. I loved you with all my soul and your
friendship was more valuable to me than the love of women.
Why did the brave fall and the flower of warriors perish? God's
RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 79, 2-3. 5-
Friday, January 19, 2024 89
R. Lord, turn your eyes to us.
Hear us, shepherd of Israel, who guides Joseph like a flock;
You, who are surrounded by cherubim, manifest yourself;
Before the ruin of Ephraim, Benjamin and Manasseh, awaken
your power and come save us. R.
Lord, God of hosts, how long will you remain angry and deaf
to the prayers of your people? You have given us tears for food
and drink, tears in abundance. We are the mockery of our
neighbors, the laughing stock of everyone around us. R.
R. Hallelujah hallelujah.
Open, Lord, our hearts, so that we understand the words of
your Son. R. Hallelujah.
[ His relatives said he had gone crazy. ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 3, 20-21
44, At that time, Jesus entered a house with his disciples and so
many people came that they would not even let them eat.
To the
90 Saturday January 20, 2024
When his relatives found out, they went to look for him,
because they said he had gone crazy. Lord's word.
REFLECTION: It is characteristic of Saint Mark to
highlight the disconcerting aspects of Jesus' activity. The
current evangelical piece, despite being so brief, offers us
eloquent proof of this. Indeed, today it is not his traditional
adversaries but his own relatives who come to take care of him,
" because they said he had gone crazy ." It is a difficult situation
for those who have to experience the most absolute
incomprehension, even on the part of their own. To this
judgment will later be added that of the conceited lawyers who
will affirm that He is " possessed by the devil ."
We present to you, Lord, these offerings in commemoration
of your holy martyr Sebastian, whom no temptation could
separate from the unity of the body of Christ. He, who lives and
reigns forever and ever.
He who follows me will not walk in darkness and will have
the light of life, says the Lord.


Renewed by these sacred mysteries, we pray to you, Lord,
that, imitating the admirable perseverance of Saint Sebastian,
we may deserve, through our perseverance, to obtain the eternal
prize. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Sunday, January 21, 2024 91
Sunday January 21, 2024
III SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME "Sunday of the Word of

The Kingdom of God: « Gift » and « Task »...

T oday's gospel presents us with

the beginning of Jesus' preaching
in Galilee. Saint Mark emphasizes
that Jesus began to preach "
after John had been imprisoned ."
Precisely at the moment in which
the prophetic voice of the
Baptist - which announced the
coming of the Kingdom of God -
was silenced by Herod, Jesus
began to travel the roads of his
land to bring to everyone,
especially the poor, " the Gospel
of God »… Jesus' announcement is similar to that of John,
with the substantial difference that
Jesus no longer indicates to another who must come: He
himself is the fulfillment of the promises. He himself is
the " good news " that must be believed, welcomed and
communicated to men of all times, so that they too
entrust their existence to Him.
Jesus Christ in person is the living and operative
Word in history: whoever listens to him and follows him
enters the Kingdom of God. Jesus is the One who gives man
the Holy Spirit, the " living water " (Cfr. Jn 4, 7) that
satisfies our restless heart, thirsty for love, freedom
and peace: thirsty for God... God – becoming man – made
our thirst his own, not only for material water, but
above all the thirst for a full life , of a life free
from the slavery of evil and death... It is good to
remember this as we celebrate, like every year, the Week
of Prayer for Christian Unity.
It is good that we remember, furthermore, that in the
heart of Christ there is this “human” and “divine” thirst
for the unity of his disciples. And we find this, above
all, in the prayer raised to the Father before the
Passion: " That they may all be one " (Jn 17:21). May
this thirst for Jesus become more and more our thirst
too! Let us continue, therefore, praying and committing
ourselves – enlightened by the Word of God – in favor of
the full unity of the disciples of Christ, with the
Sunday, January 21, 2024 92
certainty that He himself is at our side and sustains us
with the strength of his Spirit to May that goal be
closer... We now entrust our prayer to the maternal
intercession of the Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ and
Mother of the Church, so that She, like a good mother,
unites us all. [Synthesized from: Pope Francis, Angelus ,
January 25, 2015].

ENTRY: With this third Sunday of “ordinary time” we fully enter
into the characteristic of what we understand as “normal Lord's Day.”
However, on this day we have some particularities... We begin the
reading of Saint Mark, the evangelist of this year. And our celebration
– illuminated by the Word of God – is closely linked to the traditional
“Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.”

1st. READING: [Jon 3, 1-5. 10] God threatened to destroy

Nineveh because of the grave sins of its inhabitants... Nineveh,
however, listened to Jonah's preaching, turned away from his evil
ways, and merited God's forgiveness.

2nd. READING: [1 Cor 7, 29-31] In light of Saint Paul's message

that reminds us that "life is short", our faith asks us to look at
everything from another perspective... This - in practice - represents a
change of life that we must not leave “for tomorrow”.

GOSPEL: [Mc 1, 14-20] Jesus begins his preaching by

announcing the "good news" of the Kingdom of God... To those who
want to adhere to this original project, He asks them to be willing to
reorient their way of being and acting.

OFFERINGS: Let us offer to the Lord – along with the bread and
wine for the sacrifice – everything we are and have... May our joy be
to always live with Him as true disciples!

COMMUNION: Jesus instituted the Eucharist to feed us with his

own Body and thus give us a pledge of eternal life... Let us receive
this Sacrament in Holy Communion.

FAREWELL: Following Jesus is a radical and demanding

option... Let's share this message of renewed hope with all those who
live around us!
Sunday, January 21, 2024 93
21 sunday
[The Memory of SAINT AGNES, Virgin and Martyr is
MR p. 415 [ 413 ] / Lecc I p. 157. LH Week III of the Psalter.


Sing to the Lord a new song, men of all the earth, sing to the
Lord. There is brilliance and splendor in his presence, and in his
temple, beauty and majesty.
It is called Gloria.
Almighty and eternal God, direct our steps so that we can
please you in everything and thus deserve, in the name of your
beloved Son, to abound in all kinds of good works. Through our
Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in
the unity of the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever.
[ The inhabitants of Nineveh repented for their bad behavior. ]
From the book of the prophet Jonah 3, 1-5. 10
In those days, the Lord spoke to Jonah again and said to him:
"Get up and go to Nineveh, the great capital, to announce there
the message that I am going to tell you."
Jonah arose and went to Nineveh, as the Lord had
commanded him. Nineveh was a huge city: it took three days to
explore it. Jonah walked through the city for a day, proclaiming:
"Within forty days Nineveh will be destroyed."
The Ninevites believed in God, ordered a fast and dressed in
sackcloth, great and small. When God saw their works and how
they converted from their evil life, he changed his mind and did
not send them the punishment that he had determined to impose
on them. God's word.
Sunday, January 21, 2024 94
RESPONSORIAL PSALM of the psalm Salt 24, 4bc-5ab. 6-
7bc. 8-9 R. Discover to us, Lord, your ways.
Discover to us, Lord, your ways, guide us with the truth of
your doctrine. You are our God and savior and we have our
hope in you, R.
Remember, Lord, that your love and tenderness are eternal.
According to that love and tenderness, remember us, R.
Because the Lord is upright and kind, he shows sinners the
path, guides the humble along the straight path, and reveals his
ways to the poor. R.
[ This world we see is temporary. ]
From the first letter of the apostle Saint Paul to the
Corinthians 7, 29-31
Brothers: I want to tell you one thing: life is short. Therefore,
it is advisable for those who are married to live as if they were
not married; those who suffer, as if they did not suffer; those
who are happy, as if they were not happy; those who buy, as if
they did not buy; those who enjoy the world, as if they did not
enjoy it; because this world we see is temporary. God's word.
Hallelujah hallelujah.
The Kingdom of God is near, says the Lord; Repent and
believe in the Gospel. R. Hallelujah.
[ Repent and believe in the Gospel. ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 1, 14-20
After John the Baptist was arrested, Jesus went to Galilee
to preach the Gospel of God, saying, “The time has come and
the Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the
Jesus was walking along the shore of Lake Galilee when he
saw Simon and his brother, Andrew, casting their nets into the
lake, for they were fishermen. Jesus said to them, "Follow me
and I will make you fishers of men." They immediately left the
nets and followed him.
Sunday, January 21, 2024 95
A little further on, he saw James and John, sons of Zebedee,
who were in a boat, mending their nets. He called them, and
they, leaving their father in the boat with the workers, went with
Jesus. Lord's word.
It is called Creed.

Let us pray to God the almighty Father, in whose hands is
the destiny of the universe, and let us confidently ask him to
listen to the prayers of his people:
1. For the holy Church of God, that it may seek the face of
its Lord with greater zeal every day, and that its faithful may
strive to purify themselves from all their faults and sins, let us
pray to the Lord.
2. For those who govern the nations, so that they may work
with interest and perseverance for the well-being of their fellow
citizens, so that justice and peace may reign among the people,
we pray to the Lord.
3. For the sick, the imprisoned and for all those who suffer,
so that God, Father of mercy, may come to the aid of their evils,
let us pray to the Lord.
4. For all of us gathered here, that the Lord may grant us to
persevere in faith and progress in mutual love, let us pray to the
Our God, who in Christ, the eternal Word, has given us the
fullness of your word, make us feel the urgency of converting to
the Gospel, so that our whole life may announce to those who
doubt and live far away the only Savior of men, Jesus Christ. ,
your Son and our Lord, who lives and reigns forever and ever.
96 Monday, January 22, 2024
Receive, Lord, graciously our gifts, and sanctify them, so
that they may serve us for our salvation. Through Jesus Christ,
our Lord.
I am the light of the world, says the Lord; He who follows
me does not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.
Grant us, Almighty God, that as we experience the life-
giving effect of your grace, we may always feel blessed by this
gift of yours. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Visit to the Sanctuary of the Martyrs:
Miravalle Deanery and Family Section
and Older Adults.

22 monday
Green red

o SAINT VINCENT, Deacon and Martyr
MR pp. 666 and 885 [ 681 and 924 ] / Lecc. I p. 533

He was a deacon of Zaragoza, when he was condemned to die,

in Valencia, along with his bishop, Valerius (304 or 305). Like
Lorenzo of Rome, Vincent represents a complete model of
service in the Church: the deacon was an assistant to the bishop
to offer sacrifice and to govern the community. Furthermore,
Vincent accompanied his bishop in the supreme hour of truth.
Monday, January 22, 2024 97
ENTRY ANTIPHONE Cf. Phil 3, 8. 10
He considered everything rubbish, as long as he knew Christ,
and conformed to his death in communion with his passion.
Almighty and eternal God, kindly infuse your Spirit into us,
so that our hearts may be strengthened by that invincible love
with which your holy martyr Vincent conquered all bodily
torments. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives
and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit and is God
forever and ever.
[ You will be the shepherd of Israel, my people. ]
From the second book of Samuel 5, 1-7. 10
In those days, all the tribes of Israel went to Hebron to see
David, of the tribe of Judah, and said to him, "We are of your
own blood. Already before, although Saul reigned over us, you
were the one who led Israel, for the Lord had already told you:
'You will be the shepherd of Israel, my people; you will be their
So the elders of Israel went to Hebron to see David, king of
Judah. David made a covenant with them in the presence of the
Lord and they anointed him as king of all the tribes of Israel.
David was thirty years old when he began to reign. First he
reigned in Hebron, over Judah, seven years and three months.
Then he reigned over all Israel and Judah in Jerusalem for
thirty-three years. In total, his reign lasted forty years.
Once anointed king, David and his men marched to
Jerusalem, against the Yebusites who inhabited that land. They
said to David: "You will not enter here, for the blind and the
lame will be enough to reject you. They themselves say: 'David
will never enter here.'" He, however, took the fortress of Zion,
which was henceforth called "the city of David." David became
more and more powerful and the Lord was with him. God's

RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 88, 20. 21-22. 25-26

R. You will have my love and my loyalty.
98 Monday, January 22, 2024
Speaking in a vision to your friends one day you said to
them: "I have chosen a mighty man from my people and I have
placed the crown on his temples. R.
I have found David my servant, and I have anointed him with
my holy oil. My hand will hold him and my arm will give him
strength. R.
He will have my love and my loyalty and his power will
increase in my name. I will extend his empire over the sea, over
all the rivers, his dominion." R.
R. Hallelujah hallelujah.
Jesus Christ, our Savior, has defeated death and made life
shine through the Gospel. R. Hallelujah.
[ Satan has been defeated. ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 3, 22-30
44, At that time, the scribes who had come from
Jerusalem, they said about Jesus: "This man is possessed
by Satan, prince of demons, and therefore casts them out."
Jesus then called the scribes and said to them in parables:
"How can Satan cast out Satan? Because if a kingdom is divided
into opposing sides it cannot survive. A divided family cannot
survive either. In the same way, if Satan rebels against himself
and divides, he will not be able to survive, because his end has
come. No one can enter a strong man's house and take his things
without first tying him up. Only then can he plunder the house.
I assure you that men will be forgiven for all their sins and
all their blasphemies. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy
Spirit will never have forgiveness; will be guilty of eternal sin."
Jesus said this because they accused him of being possessed by
an unclean spirit. Lord's word.
REFLECTION: The perpetual and obstinate adversaries of
Jesus refuse to admit that the Kingdom of God can be
manifested in his teachings and miracles. Beginning with the
cures of the possessed, they malevolently attribute them to
complicity with the devil. Such slanderous accusation by the
Monday, January 22, 2024 99
lawyers of his person constitutes a " blasphemy against the
Holy Spirit ." This unforgivable sin is the frontal opposition to
the saving grace of God. It is the rebellious blindness to light,
attributing to the devil what is evidently the work of the Most
We present to you, Lord, these offerings in commemoration
of your holy martyr Vincent, whom no temptation could
separate from the unity of the body of Christ. He, who lives and
reigns forever and ever.
He who follows me will not walk in darkness and will have
the light of life, says the Lord.
Renewed by these sacred mysteries, we pray to you, Lord,
that, imitating the admirable perseverance of Saint Vincent, we
may deserve, through our perseverance, to obtain the eternal
prize. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


Circular Jubilee: Monday 22nd, Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday

24th: Saint Thomas More, Jesus Our Easter, Sacred Heart (Liberty
Sector), Birth of Jesus, Divine Providence (Arcos de Zapopan, 3rd
section), Lord of the Mount (Jocotepec), Pacana or Castro Urdiales,
María Reina (Ameca).
100 Tuesday Tuesday, January
2024 Tuesday

Memory (Advance) of
Bishop and Doctor of the Church
MR pp. 667 and 909 [ 682 and 948 ] / Lecc. I p. 537
He was essentially a shepherd of souls (1567-1622). He was a
missionary and later bishop of Geneva (residing in Annecy), he
founded the order of the nuns of the Visitation together with
Saint Jeanne Francisca Fremiot de Chantal. He did everything
to everyone through the spoken and written word, and held
theological conversations with Protestants. He cared about
everyone, small and great, and made spiritual life available to
all of them.
The mouth of the righteous proclaims wisdom, and his
tongue manifests what is true. Because the law of your God is in
your heart.
Our God, who for the salvation of souls wanted Bishop Saint
Francis de Sales to become everything to everyone, grant that,
following his example, we may always show the meekness of
your love in the service of our brothers. Through our Lord Jesus
Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of
the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever.
[ Amid general joy, David took the ark to Jerusalem. ]
From the second book of Samuel 6, 12-15. 17-19
In those days, David went to the house of Obededom, where
the ark of the covenant was, and transported it with great joy to
the city of David. Those carrying the ark had barely gone six
steps when he sacrificed a bull and a fatted calf.
David danced with all his strength before the Lord, girded
Tuesday, January 23, 2024 101
with a kind of linen apron, which the priests used. David and all
the house of Israel led the ark of the Lord with shouts of joy, to
the sound of trumpets.
They carried the ark of the Lord and placed it in its place, in
the middle of the tent that David had ordered to be pitched.
Then David offered burnt offerings and sacrifices of
thanksgiving to the Lord. When he finished, David blessed the
people in the name of the Lord of hosts and distributed to all the
people, to each man and woman of Israel, a loaf of bread, a
piece of roast meat, and a raisin cake. Then they all went, each
one to his house. God's word.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 23, 7. 8. 9.
R. The Lord is the king of glory.
Doors, open wide; Enlarge, eternal gates, because the king of
glory is going to enter! R.
And who is the king of glory? It is the Lord, strong and
powerful, the Lord, mighty in battle. R.
Doors, open wide; Enlarge, eternal gates, because the king of
glory is going to enter! R.
And who is the king of glory? The Lord, God of hosts, is the
king of glory. R.
R. Hallelujah hallelujah.
I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you
have revealed the mysteries of the Kingdom to simple people.
R. Hallelujah.
[ He who fulfills the will of God, that is my brother, my sister
and my mother. ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 3, 31-35
44, At that time, they came to where Jesus, his mother and his
relatives were; They stayed outside and sent for him. A crowd
was sitting around him, when they told him: "Out there are your
mother and your brothers, who are looking for you."
He answered them: "Who is my mother and who are my
102 Tuesday, January 23, 2024
siblings?" Then, looking at those sitting around him, he said,
"These are my mother and my brothers. "For whoever does the
will of God is my brother, my sister, and my mother." Lord's
REFLECTION: The apparent coldness of Jesus before the
arrival of " his mother and his brothers " has a certain
relationship with the passage in which - recently - we saw his
relatives coming for him, "because they believed him out of his
mind." In his disconcerting answer: " he who fulfills the will of
God ", we should not see any type of disinterest in those closest
to him, much less in his mother. No one like Mary managed to
put this demanding precept into practice so completely. Faced
with the values of the Kingdom, all other human or family ties
must take a backseat.
For this offering of salvation that we present to you, Lord,
light our hearts with that divine fire of the Holy Spirit with
which you admirably inflamed the heart full of meekness of
Saint Francis. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
He who meditates day and night on the law of the Lord will
bear its fruit in due time.
Grant us, Almighty God, that, through this sacrament that we
have just received, imitating on earth the charity and meekness
of Saint Francis, we may also obtain the glory of heaven.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
24 Wednesday
White / Blue
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Masses of the Virgin Mary [ Episcopal Conference
Española, 1998 ] No. 45 p. 202/Lecc. I p. 541
Because of his intimate and close relationship with the Son,
"Prince of Peace" (Cf. Is 9, 6; Is 9, 1-6), the Blessed Virgin has
been venerated more and more as "Queen of Peace": in some
Calendars of particular Churches - as is our case - as well as in
some religious Institutes, her memory is found under this
invocation. It is worth remembering that Benedict XV, in 1917,
in the midst of the European war, ordered this invocation to be
added to the Laurentian Litany. The eukological texts of this
mass have been taken from the fascicle Proprio delle messe per
le diocesi di Savona e Noli, Priamar Typography, Savona 1978,
p. 17.
A child has been born to us, a son has been given to us, and
his name is: "Prince of Peace."
Oh God, who through your Only Begotten Son grant peace
to men, through the intercession of the ever Virgin Mary, grant
our time the desired tranquility, so that we may form a single
family in peace and remain united in fraternal love. Through our
Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in
the unity of the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever.
[ I will magnify your son and consolidate his kingdom. ]
From the second book of Samuel 7, 4-17
In those days, the Lord spoke to the prophet Nathan and said
to him: “Go and tell my servant David that the Lord commands
him to say this:
'Do you think you are going to be the one to build me a house
for me to live in? Since I brought Israel out of Egypt until the
present, I have had no house, but have walked in a tent,
wherever the children of Israel have gone. In all that time did I
ask any of the judges, whom I appointed as shepherds of my
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
people, Israel, to build me a house of cedar?' January 2024 104
So tell my servant David: 'I brought you out of the
sheepfolds and from following the sheep, so that you could be
leader of my people Israel. I will be with you in everything you
undertake, I will destroy your enemies and make you as famous
as the most famous men on earth.
I will assign a place to my people, Israel; I will plant it there
to live in its own land. He will live in peace and his enemies
will no longer oppress him, as they have done since the times
when I established judges to govern my people, Israel. And you,
David, I will give you rest from your enemies. Furthermore, I,
the Lord, make known to you that I will give you a dynasty;
And when your days are fulfilled and you rest forever with your
fathers, I will magnify your son, blood of your blood, and I will
establish his kingdom. He will build me a house and I will
consolidate his throne forever. I will be a father to him and he
will be a son to me. If he does evil, I will punish him with a
strong rod and with stripes, but I will not withdraw my favor
from him, as I did from Saul, whom I removed from your way.
Your house and your kingdom will remain before me forever,
and your throne will be stable forever.'”
Nathan told David all these words, as the Lord had revealed
them to him. God's word.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 88, 4-5. 27-28 29-30
R. I will proclaim without ceasing the mercy of the Lord.
“I made an oath to David, my servant, an alliance I made
with my chosen one: 'I will consolidate your dynasty forever
and strengthen your throne forever.' R.
He will be able to tell me: 'You are my father, the God who
protects me and who saves me.' And I will name him my
firstborn over all the kings of the earth. R.
I will never withdraw my love from him or violate the oath I
made to him. His descendants will never be extinguished and
his throne will last as long as heaven. R.
R. Hallelujah hallelujah.
The seed is the word of God and the sower is Christ;
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
January 2024 105
everyone who finds it will live forever. R. Hallelujah.
[ The sower went out to sow. ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 4, 1-20
44, At that time, Jesus began to teach again by the lake, and
such a large crowd gathered that Jesus had to get into a boat;
There he sat, while the people were on land, next to the shore.
He taught them many things with parables and told them:
"Listen. The sower went out to sow. When I was sowing,
some grains fell on the sidewalk; The birds came and ate them.
Others fell on rocky ground, where there was hardly any land;
Since the soil was not deep, the plants sprouted immediately;
But when the sun rose, they were scorched, and for lack of root,
they withered. Other grains fell among thorns; The thorns grew,
drowning the plants and not allowing them to mature. Finally,
the other grains fell on good soil; The plants sprang up and grew
and produced thirty, sixty or a hundredfold.” And Jesus added:
“He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”
When they were alone, his companions and the Twelve
asked him what the parable meant. Then Jesus said to them:
“You have been entrusted with the secret of the Kingdom of
God; On the other hand, for those who are outside, everything
remains dark; Thus, no matter how hard they look, they will not
see; No matter how much they hear, they will not understand;
unless they repent and are forgiven.”
And he said to them: “If you do not understand this parable,
how will you understand all the others? 'The sower sows the
'The grains of the path' are those in whom the word is sown,
but when they finish hearing it, Satan comes and takes away the
word sown in them.
'Those who receive the seed on rocky ground' are those who,
upon hearing the word, immediately receive it with joy; But
they have no roots, they are fickle, and as soon as a problem or
a setback arises because of the word, they give up.
'Those who receive the seed among thorns' are those who
hear the word; but because of the worries of this life, the
seduction of riches and the desire for everything else, which
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
January 2024 106
invades them, they choke the word and make it sterile.
Finally, 'those who receive the seed on good soil' are those
who hear the word, accept it and produce a harvest: some,
thirty; others, sixty; and others, a hundredfold.” Lord's word.
REFLECTION: This well-known parable of Jesus is also
referred to by the other two synoptic evangelists (Cfr. Mt 13, 1-
23 and Lk 8, 4-15). It is a forceful response to those who, like
the village leaders, used to question the success of their mission,
at the service of the Kingdom. Although the first results
apparently speak of failure, the effectiveness of the seed is
assured. According to the detailed explanation that He Himself
gives, the seed fallen on fertile soil more than compensates for
the sterility of the falls on the " road ", on the " stony ground "
or among the " thorns ".
We offer you, Lord, this sacrifice of atonement, as we
celebrate the memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of
Peace, and we ask for your family the gifts of unity and peace.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
The Virgin gave birth to God and man, God restored peace
to us, reconciling heaven and earth with Himself.
Grant us, Lord, your Spirit of charity, so that, fed with the
Body and Blood of your Son, in this commemoration of the
Virgin Mary, Queen of peace, we may effectively cultivate
among ourselves the peace that he gave us. Through Jesus
Christ, our Lord.
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
January25 107
MR p. 668 [ 683 ] / Lecc. I p. 987
On his way to Damascus, Saul of Tarsus discovered that Jesus
of Nazareth was the Messiah, that he had risen on Easter
Sunday and that he was one with his brothers, the Christians.
This wonderful discovery would mark Pablo's entire life.
ENTRY ANTIPHONE 2 Tim 1, 12; 4, 8
I know well in whom I have put all my trust and I am
convinced that he is powerful; The Lord, the righteous judge,
will reward me on the day of his coming.
Our God, who indoctrinated the entire world with the
preaching of the apostle Saint Paul, grant that, walking towards
you following the example of him whose conversion we
celebrate today, we may be witnesses of your truth in the world.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns
with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit and is God forever and
[ You will be told what to do. ]
From the book of Acts of the Apostles 9, 1-22
In those days, Saul, still threatening the disciples of the Lord
with death, went to see the high priest and asked him, for the
synagogues of Damascus, for letters authorizing him to bring
prisoners to Jerusalem all those men and women who followed
the new doctrine.
But as he approached Damascus, a light from heaven
suddenly shone upon him. He fell to the ground and heard a
voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?"
He asked: "Who are you, Lord?" The answer was: "I am Jesus,
whom you persecute. Get up. "Go into the city and there you
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
will be told what to do." January 2024 108
The men who accompanied him on the journey had stopped,
speechless with astonishment, for they heard the voice, but saw
no one. Saul got up from the ground, and although his eyes were
open, he could not see. They took him by the hand to Damascus
and there he was blind for three days, without eating or
There was a disciple in Damascus named Ananias, to whom
the Lord appeared and said, "Ananias." He answered, "Here I
am, Lord." The Lord said to him, "Go to the main street and
look in Judas' house for a man from Tarsus, named Saul, who is
praying." Saul also had a vision of a man named Ananias,
coming in and laying hands on him so that he would receive his
Ananias replied: "Lord, I have heard many people speak of
this individual and the harm he has done to your faithful in
Jerusalem. Furthermore, bring authorization from the high
priests to imprison all those who invoke your name." But the
Lord said to him: "It doesn't matter. You go there, because I
have chosen him as an instrument, so that he may make me
known to the nations, to the kings and to the children of Israel. I
will show him how much he will have to suffer because of me."
Ananias went there, entered the house, laid his hands on Saul
and said to him: "Saul, brother, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to
you on the road, has sent me so that you may receive your sight
and be filled with the Holy Spirit." . Instantly, something like
scales fell away from his eyes and he regained his sight. He got
up and they baptized him. Then he ate and re He regained his
strength. He stayed with the disciples in Damascus for a few
days and began to preach in the synagogues, affirming that
Jesus was the Son of God.
All who heard it were surprised and said: "Is not this man the
one who was persecuting in Jerusalem those who call on the
name of Jesus and who has come here to take them prisoners
and hand them over to the high priests?" But Saul, with
increasing vigor, refuted the Jews living in Damascus,
demonstrating to them that Jesus was the Messiah. God's word.
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
1.2 January 2024 109
R. Go throughout the world and preach the Gospel.
Let all the nations praise the Lord, let all the peoples acclaim
him. R.
Because great is his love for us and his faithfulness lasts
forever. R.


Hallelujah hallelujah.
I have chosen you out of the world, says the Lord, so that
you may go and bear fruit and your fruit may remain. R.
[ Go throughout the world and preach the Gospel. ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 16, 15-18
44, At that time, Jesus appeared to the Eleven and said to them:
“Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every
creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; He who
refuses to believe will be condemned. These are the miracles
that will accompany those who have believed: they will cast out
demons in my name, they will speak new tongues, they will
pick up snakes in their hands, and if they drink deadly poison, it
will not harm them; They will lay hands on the sick and they
will be healed.” Lord's word.
REFLECTION: • This festival – instituted in Gaul in the
6th century, on the occasion of the transfer of some supposed
relics of the Apostle – entered the Roman calendar only around
the 9th century. It reminds us of the appearance of Christ to
Saint Paul on the road to Damascus, narrated in three passages
of the Acts of the Apostles (9, 1-30; 22, 3-21; 26, 9-20). Linked
to this surprising and extraordinary vision is the transition from
a mentality from an intransigent fanatic of the Law of Moses
and a staunch persecutor of Christians to a tireless Apostle of
Jesus Christ... • He – by receiving and developing the
universalist intuition of the deacon Stephen, from whose death
was a witness and almost an accomplice – he therefore becomes
a fearless herald of the Gospel and a tireless spreader of this
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Good News. Such "conversion" must be placedJanuaryat the2024 110of
many important elements of his doctrine, in particular the theme
of the power of grace that operates on behalf of God through
Christ and with the force of the Holy Spirit. This conversion is,
by the way, one of the most important events in the history of
the Church, which owes to him its missionary courage among
the pagans and the first global theological reflection on the
Christian message.


As we celebrate these divine mysteries, we beseech you,
Lord, that the Holy Spirit pour upon us the light of faith that
illuminated the apostle Saint Paul to spread your glory without
rest. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Preface I of the Apostles, p. 531 [ 532 ].


I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave
himself to death for me.


Lord, our God, may the sacraments that we have received
strengthen in us the fire of charity that was kindled with impetus
by the apostle Saint Paul, to take upon himself the care of all the
Churches. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

The solemn blessing formula can be used, e.g. 602 [ 611 ].

Circular Jubilee: Thursday 25th, Friday 26th and Saturday 27th:
Our. Mrs. of Guadalupe (Huentitán, el Alto), Our Lady. Mrs. of
Guadalupe (Zapote del Valle), San Luis Gonzaga, Lord of the Rays
(Atemajac), Asunción de la Virgen (Copala), Santa Anita, San José
de Potrerillos, Ntra. Mrs. de la Asunción (Ameca).
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
January26 111
MR p. 669 [ 684 ] / Lecc. I p. 991 and 552
The two of them, along with Saint Luke, were the faithful
collaborators of Saint Paul. Timothy, raised by his Jewish
mother, was baptized by Paul and accompanied him on his
missionary journeys until he was appointed bishop of Ephesus.
Titus was Paul's mission companion from the beginning of his
apostolate. He was in charge of the evangelization of the island
of Crete.
Announce the glory of the Lord among the nations and his
wonders to all peoples; because the Lord is great and very
worthy of praise.
Lord God, who enriched Saints Timothy and Titus with
apostolic virtues, grant us, through their intercession, that, living
justly and piously in this world, we deserve to reach the
heavenly homeland. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit and
is God forever and ever.
[ Dear Tito, my true son in the faith we share. ]
From the letter of the apostle Saint Paul to Titus 1, 1-5
I, Paul, am a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ,
to lead God's elect to faith and full knowledge of the true
religion, which is based on the hope of eternal life. God, who
does not lie, had promised this life from ancient times, and
when the opportune time arrived, he has fulfilled his word
through the preaching that was entrusted to me by command of
God, our savior.
Dear Titus, my true son in the faith we share: I wish you
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
grace and peace from God the Father and Christ 2024 112
January our
Savior. The reason I left you in Crete was so that you could
finish organizing what was missing and establish presbyters in
each city, as I ordered you. God's word.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM of the psalm Salt 95, l-2a. 2b-3. 7-
8a. 10 R. Let us sing the greatness of the Lord.
Let us sing to the Lord a new song, may the whole earth
sing to the Lord; Let us sing to the Lord and bless him. R.
Let us proclaim his love day after day, let us announce his
greatness to the people; from nation to nation, its wonders. R.
Praise the Lord, people of the world, recognize his glory and
his power and pay honors to his name. R.
“The Lord reigns,” we say to the people. He strengthened
the world with his power, ruling the nations with justice. R.
R. Hallelujah hallelujah.
I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you
have revealed the mysteries of the Kingdom to simple people.
R. Hallelujah.
GOSPEL [ Man sows his field, and without him knowing how,
the seed germinates and grows. ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 4, 26-34
4, At that time, Jesus said to the crowd: “The Kingdom of God
is like what happens when a man sows seed on the
ground; that the nights and days pass, and without him
knowing how, the seed germinates and grows; and the
earth, by itself, produces the fruit: first the stems, then the
ears, and then the grains in the ears. And when the grains
are ripe, the man takes hold of the sickle, because harvest
time has arrived.”
He also said to them: “To what shall we compare the
kingdom of God? With what parable can we represent it? It is
like a mustard seed that, when sown, is the smallest of seeds;
but once planted, it grows and becomes the largest of bushes
and makes branches so large that birds can nest in its shade.”
And with many other similar parables he explained his
message to them, according to what they could understand. And
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
he spoke to them only in parables; But he explained 2024 113
privately to his disciples. Lord's word.
REFLECTION: • We celebrate today, one day after the
feast of Saint Paul, the commemoration of two of his most
exceptional disciples and his closest collaborators: Saints
Timothy and Titus. Three letters are addressed to them, two of
which are addressed to Timothy and one to Titus. These
writings are known as pastoral letters , because they are
addressed to two great pastors and because – more than great
doctrinal developments – they offer very practical guidelines so
that both pastors and faithful remain in the unity of faith and of
good customs, within communities that were barely being
structured. • Timothy means "the one who honors God ." Saint
Luke mentions it six times in the Acts of the Apostles and Saint
Paul in his letters mentions it 17 times (in addition, it appears
once in the letter to the Hebrews). He was born in Lystra to a
Jewish mother and a pagan father (cf. Acts 16, 1). According to
the Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius, he was the first bishop of
Ephesus (cf. 3, 4).
• As regards Titus, we know that he was a Greek by birth, that
is, a pagan (Cf. Gal 2, 3). In the letter he addresses to him, the
Apostle praises him, defining him as " a true son according to
the common faith " (Tit 1:4). And on another occasion he calls
him "companion and collaborator" (2 Cor 8, 23), Later news
presents him as bishop of Crete (Cf. Tit 1, 5; 3, 12)... Timothy
and Titus teach us to serve the Gospel with generosity, knowing
that this can even involve great sacrifices in the service of the
Church of Jesus Christ.
Receive, Lord, the gifts of your people, presented on the
feast of your saints Timothy and Titus, and grant us to always
please you with a sincere heart. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Go throughout the world and proclaim the Good News; I will
be with you always, says the Lord.
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
The sacraments that we receive, Lord our God, strengthen in
us the faith that apostolic preaching taught us and. which Saints
Timothy and Titus carefully preserved. Through Jesus Christ,
our Lord.


Anniversary of the elevation of the Diocese of Guadalajara to the

rank of Metropolitan See.
Saturday January 27, 2024
2024 115
27 Saturday
Green / white
MR pp. 670 and 929 [ 685 and 969 ] / Lecc. I p. 555
She founded the Ursuline order in Italy for the education of
young girls and for missions. He established rules that did not
prescribe closure or many devotions, but rather insisted on the
search for human contacts, guided by prudence and love (1470-
Whoever keeps my commandments and teaches to keep
them will be great in the Kingdom of heaven, says the Lord.
We ask you, Lord, that Saint Angela Mérici, virgin, does not
stop entrusting us to your goodness, so that, imitating the
testimony of her charity and prudence, we can preserve your
teachings and proclaim them with our lives. Through our Lord
Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the
unity of the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever.
[ I have sinned against the Lord. ]
From the second book of Samuel 12, 1-7a. 10-17
In those days, the Lord sent the prophet Nathan to go see
King David. Nathan came to the king and said, “There were two
men in a city, one rich and the other poor. The rich man had
many sheep and many cattle. The poor man only had one little
sheep, which he had bought; he had raised her personally and
she had grown up with him and his children. I ate his bread,
drank his glass and slept next to him. He loved her like a
daughter. One day a visitor came to the rich man's house, and he
did not want to sacrifice any of his sheep or cattle, but instead
took the poor man's little sheep to entertain his guest.
Hearing this, David became furious and said to Nathan,
“Truly from God, the man who did this must die. Since he did
not respect the poor man's little sheep, he will have to pay four
times its value."
Then Nathan said to David, “That man is you! That is why
116 Saturday January 27, 2024
the Lord commands you to say: 'Death by the sword will never
depart from your house, because you have despised me by
taking the wife of Uriah the Hittite and making her your wife. I
will cause your misfortune to arise from your own house, I will
snatch your wives before your eyes and give them to another,
who will sleep with them in broad daylight. You did it secretly;
But I will fulfill what I say to you, before all Israel and in the
light of the sun.'”
David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.”
Nathan replied: “The Lord forgives you your sin. You will not
die. But because you have despised the Lord with what you
have done, the son born to you will die.” And Nathan went
The Lord sent a serious illness to the child that Uriah's wife
had given to David. He prayed to God for the child, he fasted
rigorously and at night he lay on the ground. His trusted
servants begged him to get up, but he did not listen to them and
did not want to eat with them. God's word.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 50, 12-13. 14-15. 16-
17 R. Create in me, Lord, a pure heart.
Create in me, Lord, a pure heart, a new spirit to fulfill your
commandments. Do not cast me away from you, Lord, nor take
your holy spirit from me. R.
Give me back your salvation, which rejoices, and keep in me
a generous soul. I will teach the wayward your ways and sinners
will return to you. R.
Deliver me from the blood, God, my Savior, and my tongue
will acclaim your justice. Lord, open my lips and my mouth will
sing your praise. R.
Hallelujah hallelujah.
God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that
everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. R.
[ Who is this, whom even the wind and the sea obey? ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 4, 35-41
4, One day, at sunset, Jesus said to his disciples: “Let's go to the
other side of the lake.” Then the disciples said goodbye
Saturday January 27, 2024 117
to the people and they took Jesus into the same boat he was
in. Other boats were also going.
Suddenly a strong wind broke out and the waves crashed
against the boat and filled it with water. Jesus slept in the stern,
reclining on a cushion. They woke him up and said, “Master,
don't you care if we sink?” He woke up, rebuked the wind and
said to the sea: “Be still, be still!” Then the wind ceased and a
great calm ensued. Jesus said to them: “Why were you so
afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Everyone was amazed and
said to one another: “Who is this, whom even the wind and the
sea obey?” Lord's word.
REFLECTION: Having finished Jesus' teaching about the
Kingdom of God through parables, now comes, in Saint Mark, a
cycle of four miracles. The fundamental intention of Jesus in the
story of the " calmed storm " is aimed at arousing and
confirming the faith of his apostles. A faith that must overcome
fears, discouragements and mistrust. A faith that is nothing
other than the loyal recognition of his condition as Son of God
and Lord of his Church, graphically represented here in that "
boat " buffeted by the wind, where Jesus – inexplicably – sleeps
May the offering of your holy people in the commemoration
of Saint Angela be acceptable to you, Lord, and grant that, by
participation in this sacrament, we give proof of your love.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
He who follows me does not walk in darkness, and will have
the light of life, says the Lord.
May this holy communion, Almighty God, strengthen us, so
that, like Saint Angela, we can manifest, both in our hearts and
with our works, brotherly love and the splendor of truth.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
118 Sunday, January 28, 2024
Sunday January 28, 2024

Powerful in " words " and in " deeds "...

T his Sunday's gospel is part of

the larger narrative, known as
the "day of Capernaum "... At the
center of today's passage is the
event of exorcism , through which
Jesus is presented as a powerful
prophet in words and in works...
He enters the synagogue of
Capernaum on the Sabbath and
begins to teach. And Jesus
teaches with authority, thus
revealing himself as the
Messenger of God, and not as a
simple man who must base his own
teaching only on preceding traditions. Jesus has full
authority. His doctrine is new and the gospel says that
people commented: " This man has the authority to command
even unclean spirits and they obey him ."
At the same time, Jesus also reveals himself to be
powerful in works. In the synagogue of Capernaum there is
a man possessed by an unclean spirit, who manifests
himself shouting: " What do you want with us, Jesus of
Nazareth?" Have you come to destroy us? I already know
who you are: the Holy One of God»… The devil tells the
truth: Jesus has come to defeat and destroy the devil.
This unclean spirit knows the power of Jesus and also
proclaims his holiness. Jesus shouts at him, saying: «
Shut up and get out of him! ». These few words of Jesus
are enough to obtain victory over Satan, who comes out of
that man " shaking him with violence ," says the
evangelical text... The power of Jesus confirms the
authority of his teaching. He doesn't just say words, he
acts. Thus he manifests the " project of God " with the
impetus of his words and with the power of his works.
Jesus is our divine Master, powerful in words and
deeds. Jesus communicates to us all the light that
illuminates the sometimes dark paths of our existence. He
also communicates to us the strength necessary to
overcome difficulties, trials and temptations. Let's
think about what a great grace it is for us to have known
this powerful and good God! A teacher and a friend, who
shows us the way and takes care of us, especially when we
119 Sunday, January 28, 2024
need it most... May the Virgin Mary, woman of listening,
help us to be silent around and within ourselves, to
listen - in the roar of the messages from the world – the
most authoritative word there is: that of his Son Jesus,
who announces the meaning of our existence and frees us
from all kinds of slavery. [Synthesized from: Pope
Francis, Angelus , January 28, 2018].

ENTRY: Jesus Christ, our Savior, comes to fulfill the ancient promises
and to establish a new and definitive Covenant with us. Only He speaks and
acts with authentic power, as the "Sent of the Father"... Let us feel Him close
through the Holy Scriptures, faithfully transmitted by Tradition and the
Magisterium of the Church to men and women of all times, nations and
1st. READING: [Dt 18, 15-20] God promises his people a great prophet
who will come to return them to the path of truth and goodness... The
acceptance or rejection given to such a messenger will be equivalent to
nothing less than acceptance or the rejection of the person who sends them to
2nd. READING: [1 Cor 7, 32-35] Faced with a passing world, Saint
Paul exhorts us to take care of the "things of the Lord"... If before he valued
the married state, he now exalts the value of virginity as a greater possibility
of donation to God and brothers.
GOSPEL: [Mc 1, 21-28] Saint Mark shows us Jesus' actions
characterized by surprising authority... His way of proceeding is not based
on imposition or force, but animated by love and generous dedication.
OFFERINGS: Let us present to the Lord, full of confidence, the
offerings of bread and wine... Through the action of his Holy Spirit, they will
later be for us the body and blood of our Redeemer.
COMMUNION: In Communion Jesus wants to make the love of God
closer to each of us... Knowing ourselves as members of a pilgrim people, let
us ask him for strength to advance more and more in his holy service.

FAREWELL: As Jesus did in his time, let us now also go to announce

his message of salvation... Let us do it not only with words, but - above all -
with the testimony of a righteous life!

28 Sunday Green
120 Sunday, January 28, 2024
Priest and Doctor of the Church]
MR p. 416 [ 414 ] / Lecc. I p. 159. LH Week IV of the Psalter.
Save us, Lord and our God; Gather us together from among
the nations, so that we may give thanks for your holy power and
our glory may be to praise you.
It is called Gloria.
Grant us, Lord our God, to worship you with all our soul and
to love all men with spiritual affection. Through our Lord Jesus
Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of
the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever.
[ I will give you a prophet and I will put my words in his mouth.
From the book of Deuteronomy 18, 15-20
In those days, Moses spoke to the people, saying: "The Lord
God will raise up among you, among your brothers, a prophet
like me. They will listen to him. This is what they asked of the
Lord, their God, when they were gathered on Mount Horeb: 'We
do not want to hear the voice of the Lord our God again, nor see
that great fire again; Well, we don't want to die.'
The Lord answered me: 'What they said is right. I will raise
up among his brothers a prophet like you. I will put my words in
his mouth and he will say what I command him. Whoever does
not listen to the words he speaks in my name, I will hold him
accountable. But the prophet who dares to say in my name what
I have not commanded him, or speaks in the name of other
gods, will be liable to death.'" God's word.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 94, 1-2. 6-7abc. 7d-9
R. Lord, may we not be deaf to your voice.
121 Sunday, January 28, 2024
Come, let us shout cheers to the Lord, let us acclaim the God
who saves us. Let us draw near to him, full of joy, and give
thanks to him. R.
Come, and on our knees, let us worship and bless the Lord,
who made us, for he is our God and we are his people; He is our
shepherd and we are his sheep. R.
Let us listen to the Lord, who tells us: "Do not harden your
hearts, as on the day of rebellion in the desert, when your
fathers doubted me, although they had seen my works." R.
[ The single woman worries about the things of the Lord. ]
From the first letter of the apostle Saint Paul to the
Corinthians 7, 32-35
Brothers: I would like you to live without worries. The single
man worries about the things of the Lord and how to please
Him; On the other hand, the married man worries about the
things of this life and how to please his wife, and that is why his
heart is divided. In the same way, the woman who no longer has
a husband and the single woman care about the things of the
Lord and can dedicate themselves to Him body and soul. On the
contrary, the married woman worries about the things of this life
and how to please her husband.
I tell you all this for your own good. I tell you this, not to set
a trap for you, but so that you can live constantly and without
distractions in the presence of the Lord, just as it is appropriate.
God's word.


Hallelujah hallelujah.
The people who walked in darkness saw a great light. On
those who lived in a land of shadows a light shone. R.
[ He did not teach like the scribes, but as one who has
authority. ] From the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 1,
44, At that time, Jesus was in Capernaum and on Saturday he
122 Sunday, January 28, 2024
went to the synagogue and began to teach. The listeners
were left
123 Sunday, January 28, 2024
amazed at his words, because he taught as one who has
authority and not as the scribes.
There was a man in the synagogue possessed by an unclean
spirit, who began to shout: "What do you want with us, Jesus of
Nazareth? Have you come to finish us off? I already know who
you are: the Holy One of God." Jesus ordered him: "Shut up and
get out of him!" The unclean spirit, shaking the man violently
and shouting, came out of him. Everyone was shocked and
wondering, "What is this? What new doctrine is this? "This man
has the authority to command even unclean spirits and they
obey him." And very soon his fame spread throughout Galilee.
Lord's word.

It is called Creed.

Let us invoke with unanimous heart and fervent prayer, God
the Father, source and origin of all good:
To each invocation we will respond: Listen to us, Lord.

1. For the holy Church, gathered here in the name of the

Lord and spread throughout the world, let us pray to the Lord.
2. For our community, for its prosperity and for that of all
those who live in it, let us pray to the Lord.
3. For those who are traveling, for the sick and for the
prisoners, for the poor and for all who suffer, let us pray to the
4. For our deceased brothers, so that God receives them in
his kingdom of light and happiness, let us pray to the Lord.

Our God, who in Christ, your Son, has given us the only
teacher of wisdom and the true liberator from the forces of evil,
make us strong in the confession of faith, so that we may always
proclaim – in word and deed – Your truth. Through Jesus Christ
our Lord.
Please receive, Lord, these gifts that we place on your altar
as a sign of our submission to you and turn them into the
124 Monday, January 29,
2024 of our redemption. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


Blessed are the poor in spirit, because theirs is the Kingdom
of heaven. Blessed are the humble, for they will inherit the
We pray to you, Lord, that, nourished with the gift of our
redemption, this help of eternal salvation may always strengthen
our faith in the truth. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


Visit to the Sanctuary of the Martyrs:

Deanery of Getzemaní de la Cruz.

29 Green
Fair or
Mass for the progress of people
MR p. 1086 [ 1132 ] / Lecc. I p. 559

If anyone, having enough to live on, sees his brother in need,
and yet does not help him, how will the love of God dwell in
Lord God, who gave an identical origin to all peoples and
from them you wanted to gather a single family for yourself, fill
the hearts of all with the fire of your love and kindle in them the
desire for a just progress for their brothers, so that , through the
goods that you give in abundance for all, each person may be
fulfilled as a human person and, with all division suppressed,
Monday, January 29, 2024
equality and justice be strengthened in the world. Through125
Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in
the unity of the Holy Spirit and is God forever and ever.
[ Let us flee from Absalom. Let Shimei curse me, because the
Lord has commanded him to do so. ]
From the second book of Samuel 15, 13-14. 30; 16, 5-13
In those days, a man came to tell David: “All the Israelites
have sided with Absalom.” Then David said to his servants who
were with him in Jerusalem: “Let us flee quickly, for if
Absalom comes, he will not let us escape. Let's leave quickly,
because if he gets ahead of us and catches up with us, he will
kill us and put all the inhabitants of the city to the sword."
As David went up the Mount of Olives, weeping, with his
head covered and his feet bare. All his companions were also
with their heads covered and crying.
When they arrived at Bahurim, a man from Saul's family
named Shemei, son of Gerah, met them and followed them. He
was cursing them and throwing stones at David and all his men.
The people and the soldiers gathered around David. Shimei
shouted at him: “Get out of here, you evil murderer. The Lord is
punishing you for all the blood of the house of Saul, whose
throne you have usurped. The Lord has given the throne to your
son Absalom and you have fallen into disgrace, because you are
a murderer.”
Abishai, son of Zeruiah, then said to David, “Why should
that dead dog curse my lord? "Let me go to where he is and I'll
cut off his head." But the king answered: “What are we going to
do to him? Leave it alone; For if the Lord has commanded him
to curse me, who will dare to ask him to account?”
Immediately David said to Abishai and all his servants: “If
my own son wants to kill me, how much more reason is this
man from Saul's family? Let him curse me, for the Lord has
commanded him to do so. Perhaps the Lord will have mercy on
my affliction and turn today's curses into blessings.” And David
and his men continued on their way. God's word.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 3, 2-3. 4-5. 6-
126 Monday, January 29,
R. Arise, Lord, and save me, my God.
Look, Lord, how many opponents I have, and how many
have risen up against me; How many say about me: “Not even
God can save him.” R.
But you, Lord, are my shield, my glory and my victory;
From your holy mountain you answer me when my voice calls
upon you. R.
In peace I lie down, sleep and wake up, because the Lord is
my defense. I will not fear the enormous crowd that surrounds
me and stalks me. R.
Hallelujah hallelujah.
A great prophet has arisen among us. God has visited his
people. R. Hallelujah.
[ Unclean spirit, get out of this man. ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 5, 1-20
44, At that time, after crossing the lake of Gennesaret,
Jesus and his disciples reached the other shore, to the
region of the Gerasenes. As soon as Jesus disembarked, a man
possessed by an unclean spirit, who lived in the tombs, came
running from the cemetery. They couldn't even hold him with
chains; Sometimes they had tried to restrain him with rings and
chains, but he broke the chains and destroyed the rings; no one
had the strength to dominate him. He spent days and nights in
the tombs or on the mountain, screaming and hitting himself
with stones.
When that man saw Jesus from afar, he ran, came to
prostrate himself before him and shouted at the top of his voice:
"What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God?
I pray to God that you do not torment me."
He said this because Jesus had commanded the unclean spirit
to come out of that man. Then Jesus asked him, "What is your
name?" He replied: "My name is Legion, because we are
many." And they begged him insistently not to expel them from
that region.
Monday, January 29, 2024
There was a large herd of pigs there, which were eating 127
the slopes of the mountain. The spirits begged Jesus: "Let us get
out of here and get into those pigs." And he allowed it. The
unclean spirits came out of the man and entered the swine; and
all the pigs, about two thousand, rushed over the cliff into the
lake and were drowned.
Those who were taking care of the pigs ran away and told
what had happened, in the town and in the field. People went to
see what had happened. They approached Jesus and saw the
formerly demon-possessed man, now in his right mind, sitting
and dressed. Then they were afraid. And those who had seen
everything told them what had happened to the demon-
possessed man and about the pigs. They began to beg Jesus to
leave their region.
While Jesus was embarking, the demon-possessed man
begged him to admit him into his company, but he did not allow
it and told him: "Go home to live with your family and tell them
how merciful the Lord has been to you." And that man left there
and began to proclaim throughout the region of the Decapolis
what Jesus had done for him. And everyone who heard it was
amazed. Lord's word.
REFLECTION: This Gospel episode is one of the most
difficult miracles of Jesus to interpret. Without completely
denying its historicity, scholars agree that there are quite a few
“literary” and “anecdotal” elements in it. In its deepest
intention, we can say that it is, primarily, Jesus' victorious
confrontation with the power of the devil. Christ's action is a
sign of a diverse power that overcomes the forces of evil. This
integral liberation includes the entire man, body and spirit, and
always tends to restore him to his full dignity.
Listen with pleasure, Lord, to the prayers of those who
supplicate you, and, upon receiving the oblation of your Church,
grant that all men may be filled with the spirit of children of
God, so that, overcoming all injustice through charity, the
peoples become one family, in your peace. Through Jesus
Christ, our Lord.
128 Monday, January 29,
2024 ANTIPHONE Luke 11,
Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find,
knock and it will be opened to you, says the Lord.
Fed with the same bread, through which you ceaselessly
renew the human family, we pray to you, Lord, that from the
participation of the sacrament of unity, we obtain a genuine and
pure love to help the progress of peoples and fulfill, moved by
the charity, the demands of justice. Through Jesus Christ, our


Circular Jubilee: Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 and Wednesday 31:

Sacred Heart (Jardines de la Calera), María Reina del Rosario, San
Lázaro, El Sagrario Metropolitano, Santa María Magdalena
(Tesistán), San Juan Bautista (El Teúl), Immaculate Conception
( Atequiza), Sanctuary of Our Lady. Mrs. Guadalupe (Ahualulco).
129 Tuesday 30 Tuesday,
Tuesday Green / Red
30, 2024

Mexican Martyr *
MR p. 883 [ 922 ] / Lecc. I p. 564
[Memory in the place where they are kept
the relics of his body].
The Lord granted him a tough fight, so that he would know
how to win, because wisdom is more powerful than everything.
Omnipotent and merciful God, who made your martyr Saint
David Galván overcome the torments he suffered, grant to those
of us who celebrate the day of his triumph, that, with your
protection, we remain invincible against the snares of the
enemy. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and
reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit and is God
forever and ever.
[ My son, Absalom, I wish I had died in your place. ]
From the second book of Samuel 18, 9-10. 14b. 24-25a. 30–
19, 4
In those days, after being defeated by David's men, Absalom,
his son, fled. He was riding a mule, and when the mule went
under the branches of a leafy oak, Absalom's head got stuck
between the branches and he hung in the air and the mule
continued running. One of the soldiers saw him and went to tell
Joab: "I just saw Absalom hanging from an oak tree." Joab
approached Absalom, took three arrows in his hand, and stuck
them in his heart.
Meanwhile, David was in Jerusalem, sitting at the city gate.
The sentry, installed on the viewing platform above the gate in
the wall, looked up and saw that a man was running alone. He
shouted to the king to warn him.
130 Tuesday, January 30, 2024
The king replied: "If he comes alone, it is a sign that he brings
good news. Let it roll. You, stay there." The sentry let him pass
and remained at his post.
The man who was running, who was an Ethiopian, came to
David and said, "I bring good news to my lord the king. God
has given you justice today, freeing you from those who had
rebelled against you." The king asked him, "But my son
Absalom, is he well?" The Ethiopian replied: "May all your
enemies and all those who rebel against my lord, the king, end
like him."
Then the king shuddered. He went up to the viewing
platform above the city gate and began to cry, saying, "My son,
Absalom; my son, my son, Absalom. "I wish I had died in your
place, Absalom, my son."
They then told Joab that the king was inconsolable over
Absalom's death. Therefore, that victory became a day of
mourning for the entire army, when they learned that the king
was inconsolable over the death of his son. Therefore, the troops
entered the city stealthily, as an army that has fled from battle
enters in shame. God's word.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 85, 1-2. 3-4. 5-6 R.
Protect me, Lord, because I love you.
Listen, Lord, to my prayer, for I am a poor man, full of
misfortunes. Protect me, Lord, because I love you; Save your
servant, who trusts in you. R.
Have mercy on me, for I cry to you, my God, all day long,
and since I lift up my soul to you, Lord, fill this servant of yours
with joy. R.
Since you are, Lord, good and gracious and all love with
whom your name invokes, listen to my prayer and give a
prompt answer to my supplication. R.


Hallelujah hallelujah.
Christ made our weaknesses his own and bore our pain. R.
Tuesday, January 30, 2024 131
[ Listen to me, girl, get up! ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 5, 21-43
4, At that time, when Jesus returned in the boat to the other
side of the lake, he stayed on the shore and there many people
gathered around him. Then one of the leaders of the synagogue,
named Jairus, approached. When she saw Jesus, she fell at his
feet and begged him insistently: "My daughter is dying. Come
lay hands on him so that he may be healed and live." Jesus went
with him, and many people followed him and crowded around
Among the people was a woman who had been suffering
from bleeding for twelve years. He had suffered a lot at the
hands of doctors and had spent his entire fortune on it, but
instead of getting better, he had gotten worse. He heard about
Jesus, came and approached him from behind among the people
and touched his cloak, thinking that if he only touched his
garment he would be cured. Immediately the source of her
bleeding dried up and she felt in her body that she was cured.
Jesus instantly noticed that a healing force had come out of
him, and he turned to the people and asked them, "Who touched
my cloak?" His disciples answered him: "You are seeing how
people push you and you still ask: 'Who touched me?' But he
kept looking around, to find out who it had been. Then the
woman approached, scared and trembling, realizing what had
happened; He fell at his feet and confessed the truth. Jesus
reassured her, saying, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go
in peace and be healed of your illness."
Jesus was still speaking when some servants came from the
synagogue leader's house to tell him: "Your daughter has
already died. Why do you keep bothering Master?" Jesus
overheard what they were saying and said to the leader of the
synagogue: "Do not be afraid, just have faith." He did not allow
anyone other than Peter, James and John, James's brother, to
accompany him.
When he arrived at the house of the leader of the synagogue,
Jesus saw the commotion of the people and heard their crying
and shouting. He came in and said to them, "What does all this
crying and commotion mean? The girl is not dead, she is
132 Tuesday, January 30, 2024
asleep". And they laughed at him.
Then Jesus drove the people out, and with the girl's parents
and his companions, he entered where the girl was. He took her
by the hand and said: "Talitá, kum!", which means: "Listen to
me, girl, get up!" The girl, who was twelve years old,
immediately got up and started walking. Everyone was amazed.
Jesus sternly ordered them not to tell anyone and ordered them
to feed the girl. Lord's word.
REFLECTION: We read two miracles of Jesus, one
included in the narrative of the other. In them we find two styles
of expressing faith: openly in one case and, as if " in secret ", in
the other. Believing in Jesus is the indispensable condition for
Him to achieve the integral salvation of the person. By the way,
this will be an opportunity for Him to reaffirm the faith of those
who will later accompany Him in very significant moments.
This healing power continues in the Church, which – especially
in the Word and Sacraments – provides us with multiple
“contacts” with our Savior.


Sanctify, Lord, with your blessing, the gifts that we present
to you, so that, by your grace, they may inflame us with that fire
of your love with which Saint David Galván conquered all the
torments in his body. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


Whoever loses his life for me, says the Lord, will save it


May the holy sacrament that we receive, Lord, communicate
to us that strength of spirit that made your martyr Saint David
Galván faithful in your service and victorious in his passion.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
He was born in Guadalajara, Jal., on January 29, 1881.
Tuesday, January 30, 2024 133
Professor at the Guadalajara Seminary. His great charity
towards the poor and workers made him organize and help the
shoemakers' guild, a trade he carried out alongside his father.
Defender of the sanctity of marriage, he helped a young girl
persecuted by a soldier, who, already married, intended to marry
her. This brought Father Galván the enmity of the lieutenant
who, in the end, became his executioner. On January 30, 1915,
for spiritually helping soldiers wounded in a battle in
Guadalajara, he was taken prisoner. While awaiting execution,
his fellow prisoner told him that he had not had breakfast, and
Father Galván calmly told him: " Today we are going to eat
with God ." And, in front of those in charge of executing him,
he calmly pointed to his chest to receive the bullets.
ns_lit_doc_20000521_galvan-bermudes_ sp.html
134 Wednesday, January 31, 2024
31 Wednesday
MR pp. 671 and 901 [ 686 and 940 ] / Lecc. I p. 569
In Turin, Italy, as a priest, he dedicated his entire life to the
young people of the town, although his aspirations extended
beyond that Italian region. He founded the congregation of the
Salesians and that of Mary Help of Christians, who would
serve the youth of the entire world (1815-1888).


The Lord chose him to be his priest, so that he could offer
him a sacrifice of praise.
Our God, who raised up Saint John Bosco, priest, as father
and teacher of youth, grant that, inflamed by a love similar to
his, we may seek the good of souls and live dedicated to your
service. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives
and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit and is God
forever and ever.
[ It is I, Lord, who has sinned. What is their fault, the sheep? ]
From the second book of Samuel 24, 2. 9-17
In those days, King David gave Joab and the commanders
of the army who were with him this order: “Go around all the
tribes of Israel, from the city of Dan to the city of Beersheba, to
take a census of the population, so that I can know how many
people I have.”
Joab gave the results of the census to the king: in Israel
there were eight hundred thousand men fit for war, and in Judah
five hundred thousand. But David's conscience bothered him
for having ordered the census to be taken and he said to the
Lord: “I have sinned grievously; But you, Lord, forgive the
Wednesday, January 31, 2024 135
guilt of your servant, for I have committed a great folly.”
That same night the Lord spoke to the prophet Gad, David's
advisor, and said: “Go to David and tell him that I, the Lord,
command him to say this: 'I propose three punishments to you.
Choose one and I will do it.'”
In the morning, Gad came to David and asked, “What
punishment do you prefer? three years of hunger in your
territory; three months of fleeing, pursued by your enemies; or
three days of plague in your domains? Think about it and tell
me, so that I can answer the Lord who sent me.”
David replied: “I am in great trouble. But I prefer to fall into
the hands of God, who is the Lord of mercy, than into the hands
of men.” And he chose the plague.
It was the time of the wheat harvest, when the Lord sent the
plague on Israel, from that same morning until the appointed
time. Seventy thousand men died from Dan to Beersheba. But
when the angel of the Lord had stretched out his hand toward
Jerusalem to unleash the plague there, the Lord had compassion
and said to him: “Enough! “Take your hand away.” At that
time, the angel was near Jerusalem, in the fields of Araunah, the
Then King David, distressed by the extermination, prayed
thus: “It is I, Lord, who have sinned; It is I, the pastor, who has
done wrong. What is their fault, the sheep? “Punish me, then,
and mine.” God's word.

RESPONSORIAL PSALM from Psalm 31, 1-2. 5.

R. Forgive us, Lord, our sins.
Blessed is he who has been absolved of his guilt and his sin.
Blessed is he in whom God finds neither crime nor deceit. R.
Before the Lord I acknowledged my guilt, I did not hide my
sin. I confessed to you, Lord, my great crime and you have
forgiven me. R.
Therefore, in the moment of anguish, let every believer call
upon you, and the great waters will not reach him, even if they
overflow their banks. R.
136 Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Hallelujah hallelujah.
My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord; I know them and
they follow me. R. Hallelujah.
[ Everyone honors a prophet, except those from his country. ]
From the holy Gospel according to Saint Mark 6, 1-6
44, At that time, Jesus went to his country in the company of
his disciples. When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the
synagogue, and the crowd listening to him wondered in
amazement: “Where did this man learn so many things? Where
does that wisdom and power to perform miracles come from?
Isn't this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James,
Joseph, Judas and Simon? Don't your sisters live here among
us? And they were bewildered.
But Jesus said to them: “Everyone honors a prophet, except
those of his country, his relatives and those of his household.”
And he could not perform any miracles there, he only healed
some sick people by laying his hands on them. And I was
surprised at the incredibility of that people. Then he went to
teach in neighboring towns. Lord's word.
REFLECTION: Jesus' countrymen are surprised and even
scandalized by his extraordinary wisdom and his stupendous
miracles, but they do not believe in Him. They fail to
understand, finally, that the Messiah could come from such a
humble origin. It will be the last time that Jesus teaches in a
synagogue and – while quoting Jeremiah 11, 21 – he says
goodbye not only to his fellow citizens, but also to official
Judaism. In this way you will be able to commit yourself to the
arduous task of making your closest collaborators grow and
mature in faith.


Almighty God, we humbly beg your majesty that just as the
gifts offered in honor of Saint John Bosco manifest the glory of
divine power, in the same way the fruit of your salvation may
Wednesday, January 31, 2024 137
reach us. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
I will be with you every day until the end of the world, says
the Lord.
Fed with holy delicacies, grant us, Almighty God, to
constantly follow the examples of Saint John Bosco, to serve
you with generous dedication and to love everyone with tireless
charity. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

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