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CEMK Edgerunners Folios LTR

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Hardpoint Handle

Role REF 7
Luck Death Save DEX 7
out of

HP 20 S Wounded
40 COOL 7
out of

-2 to all Checks when HP ≤ Above

ARMOR If damage penetrates armor, the SP goes down by 1

Body L Armorjack Head L Armorjack
vs Most Attacks vs Melee/Charged vs Most Attacks vs Melee/Charged

Tech Weapons
6 11
Tech Weapons
6 BODY 6
You’re always scoping the scene. Your reflexes are fine tuned.
Add +4 to any Initiative roll you make.

Weapon Skill Base (STAT + SKILL + BONUS) DMG Ammo ROF Notes
Excellent Quality
Mantis Blade Melee Weapon 7 + 6 + 1 = 14 3d6 — 2
Melee Weapon
Arasaka HJSH-18 Shoulder Arms 7 + 6 = 13
5d6 24 1 Power Weapon • Autofire (x4)
Masamune Autofire 7 + 6 = 13
A Skill Check = 1d10 + BASE + Any Bonuses Not Already Included in the Base

Acting 7 — 7 Handgun 7 6 13
Athletics 7 6 13 Heavy Weapons 7 — 7
Autofire 7 6 13 Human Perception 5 5 10
Brawling (2d6 DMG) 7 6 13 Interrogation 7 4 11
Bribery 7 — 7 Library Search 6 — 6
Business 6 — 6 Melee Weapon 7 6 13
Composition 6 — 6 Paramedic 5 — 5
Conceal/Reveal 6 — 6 Perception 6 5 11
Concentration 6 4 10 Persuasion 7 4 11
Conversation 5 2 7 Pick Lock 5 — 5
Cybertech 5 — 5 Pick Pocket 5 — 5
Dance 7 — 7 Play Instrument 5 — 5
Deduction 6 — 6 Resist Torture/Drugs 6 — 6
Drive Land Vehicle 7 4 11 Shoulder Arms 7 6 13
Education 6 5 11 Stealth 7 6 13
Electronics/Security 5 — 5 Streetwise 7 — 7
Evasion 7 6 13 Trading 7 — 7
First Aid 5 6 11 Wardrobe & Style 7 — 7

Cultural Origins Neuroport

The central control system for all your cyberware, loaded with extras. As
ubiquitous in Cyberpunk as smartphones are in the real world. Neuroports
Personality give you the following benefits.

• Holophone: A fully functional phone, capable of limited CitiNet access,

Wardrobe Style talk, text, and scheduling, all of which is notably brain-controlled and
requires no vocal commands.
• Biomonitor: Implant monitors pulse, temperature, respiration, blood
Hair Style
sugar, and other indicators, and constantly broadcasts this information
to the your HUD.
Value Most? • Virtu (aka Virtuality): Allows you to experience virtual presentations,
performances, and even simulations. It also allows Netrunners to fully
experience the Net when they’re deep diving. It does not allow you to
Feel About People? experience Braindances.
• HUD (aka Chyron): Information from your Holophone, Biomonitor, and
other cyberware is projected into your field of vision via direct con-
Family Background
nection to your optic nerve. Programs installed in the HUD even react
to your thoughts or additional installed databases to label important
objects and people, provide transcripts for conversations and media,
Environment and even visually translate foreign languages.
• Two Shard Slots (aka Chipware Sockets): Two sockets behind the ear
Crisis or in the neck allow for quick installation of up to two pieces of chipware
and the reading of data shards (memory chips).
• Personal Link (Interface Plug): A pull-out cord, usually embedded in the
Life Goals wrist, letting you to link directly to computers.

Arasaka Mantis Blade Cyberarm

Friend 1 You have a cyberarm with an integrated Mantis Blade. +1 to Attack Checks
made w/ this weapon (already included in the Attacks Section). While a Man-
tis Blade is deployed you can’t hold anything in your corresponding hand.
Friend 2
Moore Tech Berserk
A classic implant, capable of pushing your body to the edge in combat. Must
Enemy 1 be activated as an Action. When the Berserk Implant is activated, you ignore
the effects of the Seriously and Mortally Wounded Wound States for 60
seconds (20 Rounds) with one exception: If Mortally Wounded you must still
Enemy 2 make Death Saves. After the activation period expires, the implant cannot
be activated again for 1 hour.

Tragic Love Affair


Hand-to-hand (or foot or headbutt or elbow... you get the idea) combat. You can do the following Actions with it.

• Attack: A straight up punch/kick/bodyblow. Does 2d6 damage. ROF2.

• Grab: Initiate a grapple. Your Brawling Base vs your opponent’s Brawling Base. If you win, you now have
them in a grapple. Anyone involved in the grapple takes a -2 to all Checks. You can drop the grapple at any
time without an Action. ROF1.
• Choke: If you have a target in a grapple, you can automatically do damage to them equal to your BODY
without a Check. This is done directly to their HP and not affected by armor. If you choke them for 3
Rounds in a row, they pass out regardless of how much HP they have left. ROF1.
• Slam: If you have a target in a grapple, you can automatically slam them into the ground without a Check.
When you slam an opponent, you leave them in an adjacent square of your choice and damage to them
equal to your BODY. This is done directly to their HP and not affected by armor. ROF1.

Arasaka HJSH-18 Masamune (starts fully loaded with Basic Rifle Ammunition)
Assault Rifle • 5d6 Damage • 24 Ammo • ROF1 • Two-Handed • Not Concealable

• Power Weapon: Increase Critical Injury bonus damage by 5. You can ricochet shots at a -4 penalty.
• Single Shot: Use Shoulder Arms Skill. Deals 5d6 damage, expending 3 rounds w/ each Attack Check. If not
enough rounds are available to fire 3, the weapon fires all remaining rounds and deals 4d6 damage instead.
• Autofire: Use Autofire Skill. On a hit, roll 2d6 damage and multiply by the amount you beat the DV
by (up to x4). 10 bullets per Attack Check.

DV for Arasaka HJSH-18 Masamune based on range from target (in m/yds). Second # is for Autofire.
0-6 7-12 13-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 401-800
17/22 16/20 15/17 13/20 15/25 20/— 25/— 30/—

Mantis Blade
Heavy Melee Weapon • 3d6 Damage • ROF2 • Cyberware • Concealable • +1 to Attack Checks (included)


Binoculars Allows you to see over a distance.

Rifle Ammunition Extra Basic Rifle Ammunition x24.

CASH €$100

Attacker’s STAT + Skill + 1d10 vs. Defender’s STAT + Skill + 1d10 or Task Difficulty Value (DV)
You must beat the DV (surpass the DV by 1 or higher) and not just meet the DV.
Task DVs: 9 (Simple) • 13 (Everyday) • 15 (Difficult) • 17 (Professional)
21 (Heroic) • 24 (Incredible) • 29 (Legendary)

▶ Check Explosion ◀

Copyright © 2024 CD Projekt S.A. • Permission is granted to the user to print or copy this folio.
If you roll a 10 on a 1d10 for a Check, roll again and add the second roll to the first. Do not roll again if you roll another 10.
▶ Check Implosion ◀

If you roll a 1 on a 1d10 for a Check, roll again and subtract the second roll from
your STAT + Skill + 1st roll . Do not roll again if you roll another 1.
▶ Trying Again ◀

If you fail a Check, you can’t try again unless your chances of success have improved for some reason.
▶ Complimentary Skills ◀

With GM approval, a Character can make a single complimentary Skill Check to give a +1 bonus to the main Skill Check.
▶ Taking Extra Time ◀

Get a single +1 bonus to a Skill Check by spending 4x the required time on it.
▶ Using LUCK ◀

Each point of LUCK spent gives +1 to a Skill Check.


When a combat starts, Attacker’s REF + Relevant Weapon Skill + 1d10
everyone rolls Initiative.
vs. DV Determined by Range & Weapon
REF + 1d10
▶ On Your Turn ◀ MELEE ATTACKS
Your Turn = 1 Move Action + 1 other Action Attacker’s DEX + Relevant Melee Attack Skill + 1d10
▶ Move Actions ◀ vs. Defender’s DEX + Evasion Skill + 1d10
On your Turn you can move a number
of m/yds = to your MOVE x2 or a RATE OF FIRE (ROF)
number of squares = your MOVE.
You can split your Move Action to
As part of an Attack Action, you can make
perform Check between movements
a number of Checks = to the ROF.
(move, shoot, move). This can be split across two weapons as
Special movement (climbing, jumping,
long as both weapons are ROF 2.
swimming, etc) is done at 1/2 MOVE.
-8 to the Attack Check in exchange for specifically aiming for the head. ROF 1.
Can aim Melee and Ranged Attacks.
On a hit, you deal x2 damage after Armor is subtracted.
CX300 • First Printing
Wrench Handle
Role REF 6
Luck Death Save DEX 8
out of

HP 25 S Wounded
50 COOL 7
out of

-2 to all Checks when HP ≤ Above

ARMOR If damage penetrates armor, the SP goes down by 1

Body L Armorjack Head L Armorjack
vs Most Attacks vs Melee/Charged vs Most Attacks vs Melee/Charged

Tech Weapons
6 11
Tech Weapons
6 BODY 8
For a Nomad, mobility is life. You spend as much time in the driver’s seat of your vehicle as you do outside of it.
+4 to Drive Land Vehicle Skill Checks (already included below).

Weapon Skill Base (STAT + SKILL + BONUS) DMG Ammo ROF Notes
Excellent Quality
Gorilla Arm x2 Melee Weapon 8 + 6 + 1 = 15 3d6 — 2
Melee Weapon
Kang Tao
Shoulder Arms 6 + 6 + 1 = 13 4d6 32 1 Smart Weapon • Shells
L-69 Zhuo
A Skill Check = 1d10 + BASE + Any Bonuses Not Already Included in the Base

Acting 7 — 7 Handgun 6 4 10
Athletics 8 6 14 Heavy Weapons 6 — 6
Autofire 6 — 6 Human Perception 5 2 7
Brawling (3d6 DMG) 8 6 14 Interrogation 7 3 10
Bribery 7 5 12 Library Search 5 — 5
Business 5 — 5 Melee Weapon 8 6 14
Composition 5 — 5 Paramedic 4 — 4
Conceal/Reveal 5 5 10 Perception 5 3 8
Concentration 7 4 11 Persuasion 7 4 11
Conversation 5 4 9 Pick Lock 4 — 4
Cybertech 4 — 4 Pick Pocket 4 — 4
Dance 8 5 13 Play Instrument 4 — 4
Deduction 5 — 5 Resist Torture/Drugs 7 6 13
Drive Land Vehicle 6 6+4 16 Shoulder Arms 6 6 12
Education 5 6 11 Stealth 8 4 12
Electronics/Security 4 6 10 Streetwise 7 2 9
Evasion 8 6 14 Trading 7 — 7
First Aid 4 4 8 Wardrobe & Style 7 3 10

Cultural Origins Neuroport

The central control system for all your cyberware, loaded with extras. As
ubiquitous in Cyberpunk as smartphones are in the real world. Neuroports
Personality give you the following benefits.

• Holophone: A fully functional phone, capable of limited CitiNet access,

Wardrobe Style talk, text, and scheduling, all of which is notably brain-controlled and
requires no vocal commands.
• Biomonitor: Implant monitors pulse, temperature, respiration, blood
Hair Style
sugar, and other indicators, and constantly broadcasts this information
to the your HUD.
Value Most? • Virtu (aka Virtuality): Allows you to experience virtual presentations,
performances, and even simulations. It also allows Netrunners to fully
experience the Net when they’re deep diving. It does not allow you to
Feel About People? experience Braindances.
• HUD (aka Chyron): Information from your Holophone, Biomonitor, and
other cyberware is projected into your field of vision via direct con-
Family Background
nection to your optic nerve. Programs installed in the HUD even react
to your thoughts or additional installed databases to label important
objects and people, provide transcripts for conversations and media,
Environment and even visually translate foreign languages.
• Two Shard Slots (aka Chipware Sockets): Two sockets behind the ear
Crisis or in the neck allow for quick installation of up to two pieces of chipware
and the reading of data shards (memory chips).
• Personal Link (Interface Plug): A pull-out cord, usually embedded in the
Life Goals wrist, letting you to link directly to computers.

Militech Subdermal Grip

Friend 1 An interface point built into your palm, connecting Smart Weapons like the
Kang Tao L-69 Zhuo to your Neuroport.

Friend 2 Gorilla Cyberarm x2

The fists of both your cyberarms are enhanced and considered Melee
Weapons. +1 to Attack Checks made w/ this weapon (already included in the
Enemy 1 Attacks Section). You can wield two-handed weapons in one hand. ROF rules
still apply. You can perform Checks to move objects/pry open doors, Choke,
and Slam as if you have BODY 11.
Enemy 2

Tragic Love Affair


Hand-to-hand (or foot or headbutt or elbow... you get the idea) combat. You can do the following Actions with it.

• Attack: A straight up punch/kick/bodyblow. Does 3d6 damage. ROF2.

• Grab: Initiate a grapple. Your Brawling Base vs your opponent’s Brawling Base. If you win, you now have
them in a grapple. Anyone involved in the grapple takes a -2 to all Checks. You can drop the grapple at any
time without an Action. ROF1.
• Choke: If you have a target in a grapple, you can automatically do damage to them equal to your BODY
without a Check. This is done directly to their HP and not affected by armor. If you choke them for 3
Rounds in a row, they pass out regardless of how much HP they have left. ROF1.
• Slam: If you have a target in a grapple, you can automatically slam them into the ground without a Check.
When you slam an opponent, you leave them in an adjacent square of your choice and damage to them
equal to your BODY. This is done directly to their HP and not affected by armor. ROF1.

Kang Tao L-69 Zhuo (starts fully with loaded Improved Smart Shotgun Shells)
Shotgun • 3d6 Damage • 32 Ammo • ROF1 • Two-Handed • Not Concealable

• Smart Weapon: +1 to Attack Check (included). Must be loaded w/ Improved Smart Ammunition.
• Slug: Cannot fire slugs.
• Shell: Use Shoulder Arms Skill vs DV13. Deals 4d6 damage to all targets in 6m/yd (3 square) area directly
in front of you. Fires 8 shells per Attack Check. Will not fire if there aren’t at least 8 shells loaded.

Improved Smart Shotgun Shells

When using this ammo you ignore all penalties due to darkness, smoke, fog, or other types of visual
obscurement. If you fail a Ranged Attack Check by 5 or less, you can immediately try to hit the target again.
The second attempt is made w/ 14 + 1d10 against the DV of the original Check. No bonuses are applied but
any penalties from the original Attack Check carry over.

Gorilla Arm x2
Heavy Melee Weapon • 3d6 Damage • ROF2 • Cyberware • Concealable • +1 to Attack Checks (included)


Techtool An all-in-one tool you carry in your pocket.

Improved Smart
Extra Improved Smart Shotgun Shells x32.
Shotgun Shells
Villefort Columbus
Your van.
V340-F Freight
CASH €$50

Attacker’s STAT + Skill + 1d10 vs. Defender’s STAT + Skill + 1d10 or Task Difficulty Value (DV)
You must beat the DV (surpass the DV by 1 or higher) and not just meet the DV.
Task DVs: 9 (Simple) • 13 (Everyday) • 15 (Difficult) • 17 (Professional)
21 (Heroic) • 24 (Incredible) • 29 (Legendary)

▶ Check Explosion ◀

Copyright © 2024 CD Projekt S.A. • Permission is granted to the user to print or copy this folio.
If you roll a 10 on a 1d10 for a Check, roll again and add the second roll to the first. Do not roll again if you roll another 10.
▶ Check Implosion ◀

If you roll a 1 on a 1d10 for a Check, roll again and subtract the second roll from
your STAT + Skill + 1st roll . Do not roll again if you roll another 1.
▶ Trying Again ◀

If you fail a Check, you can’t try again unless your chances of success have improved for some reason.
▶ Complimentary Skills ◀

With GM approval, a Character can make a single complimentary Skill Check to give a +1 bonus to the main Skill Check.
▶ Taking Extra Time ◀

Get a single +1 bonus to a Skill Check by spending 4x the required time on it.
▶ Using LUCK ◀

Each point of LUCK spent gives +1 to a Skill Check.


When a combat starts, Attacker’s REF + Relevant Weapon Skill + 1d10
everyone rolls Initiative.
vs. DV Determined by Range & Weapon
REF + 1d10
▶ On Your Turn ◀ MELEE ATTACKS
Your Turn = 1 Move Action + 1 other Action Attacker’s DEX + Relevant Melee Attack Skill + 1d10
▶ Move Actions ◀ vs. Defender’s DEX + Evasion Skill + 1d10
On your Turn you can move a number
of m/yds = to your MOVE x2 or a RATE OF FIRE (ROF)
number of squares = your MOVE.
You can split your Move Action to
As part of an Attack Action, you can make
perform Check between movements
a number of Checks = to the ROF.
(move, shoot, move). This can be split across two weapons as
Special movement (climbing, jumping,
long as both weapons are ROF 2.
swimming, etc) is done at 1/2 MOVE.
-8 to the Attack Check in exchange for specifically aiming for the head. ROF 1.
Can aim Melee and Ranged Attacks.
On a hit, you deal x2 damage after Armor is subtracted.
CX300 • First Printing
Connect Handle
Role REF 6
Luck Death Save DEX 6
out of

HP 20 S Wounded
40 COOL 8
out of

-2 to all Checks when HP ≤ Above

ARMOR If damage penetrates armor, the SP goes down by 1

Body L Armorjack Head L Armorjack
vs Most Attacks vs Melee/Charged vs Most Attacks vs Melee/Charged

Tech Weapons
6 11
Tech Weapons
6 BODY 4
You’re always ready to make a deal.
+4 to Trading (already included below).

Weapon Skill Base (STAT + SKILL + BONUS) DMG Ammo ROF Notes

Large Knife Melee Weapon 6 + 5 = 11 2d6 — 2 Melee Weapon

Handgun 6 + 6 = 12 3d6 9 2 Tech Weapon
M-76e Omaha x2
A Skill Check = 1d10 + BASE + Any Bonuses Not Already Included in the Base

Acting 8 6 14 Handgun 6 6 12
Athletics 6 4 10 Heavy Weapons 6 — 6
Autofire 6 — 6 Human Perception 7 6+2 15
Brawling (1d6 DMG) 6 2 8 Interrogation 8 — 8
Bribery 8 6 14 Library Search 8 — 8
Business 8 — 8 Melee Weapon 6 5 11
Composition 8 — 8 Paramedic 5 — 5
Conceal/Reveal 8 — 8 Perception 8 6 14
Concentration 7 6 13 Persuasion 8 5 13
Conversation 7 6 13 Pick Lock 5 — 5
Cybertech 5 5 10 Pick Pocket 5 — 5
Dance 6 5 11 Play Instrument 5 — 5
Deduction 8 — 8 Resist Torture/Drugs 7 4 11
Drive Land Vehicle 6 — 6 Shoulder Arms 6 — 6
Education 8 7 15 Stealth 6 5 11
Electronics/Security 5 — 5 Streetwise 8 7 15
Evasion 6 5 11 Trading 8 6+4 18
First Aid 5 6 11 Wardrobe & Style 8 6+2 16

Cultural Origins Neuroport

The central control system for all your cyberware, loaded with extras. As
ubiquitous in Cyberpunk as smartphones are in the real world. Neuroports
Personality give you the following benefits.

• Holophone: A fully functional phone, capable of limited CitiNet access,

Wardrobe Style talk, text, and scheduling, all of which is notably brain-controlled and
requires no vocal commands.
• Biomonitor: Implant monitors pulse, temperature, respiration, blood
Hair Style
sugar, and other indicators, and constantly broadcasts this information
to the your HUD.
Value Most? • Virtu (aka Virtuality): Allows you to experience virtual presentations,
performances, and even simulations. It also allows Netrunners to fully
experience the Net when they’re deep diving. It does not allow you to
Feel About People? experience Braindances.
• HUD (aka Chyron): Information from your Holophone, Biomonitor, and
other cyberware is projected into your field of vision via direct con-
Family Background
nection to your optic nerve. Programs installed in the HUD even react
to your thoughts or additional installed databases to label important
objects and people, provide transcripts for conversations and media,
Environment and even visually translate foreign languages.
• Two Shard Slots (aka Chipware Sockets): Two sockets behind the ear
Crisis or in the neck allow for quick installation of up to two pieces of chipware
and the reading of data shards (memory chips).
• Personal Link (Interface Plug): A pull-out cord, usually embedded in the
Life Goals wrist, letting you to link directly to computers.

Fashion Upgrades
Friend 1 You use light tattoos and EMP threading to emphasize your power, style, and
grace. +2 to Wardrobe & Style Checks (already included in the Skills Section).

Friend 2 Dynalar Voice Stress Analyzer

With the addition of a voice stress analyzer to your Neuroport, you’ve
become a human lie detector. +2 to Human Perception Checks (already
Enemy 1 included in the Skills Section).

Kiroshi Starlight Eyes

Enemy 2 You’ve replaced your ‘ganic eyes with the latest in Kiroshi technology,
allowing you to see in near dark conditions. You can ignore penalties to
Checks due to low light.
Tragic Love Affair

Hand-to-hand (or foot or headbutt or elbow... you get the idea) combat. You can do the following Actions with it.

• Attack: A straight up punch/kick/bodyblow. Does 1d6 damage. ROF2.

• Grab: Initiate a grapple. Your Brawling Base vs your opponent’s Brawling Base. If you win, you now have
them in a grapple. Anyone involved in the grapple takes a -2 to all Checks. You can drop the grapple at any
time without an Action. ROF1.
• Choke: If you have a target in a grapple, you can automatically do damage to them equal to your BODY
without a Check. This is done directly to their HP and not affected by armor. If you choke them for 3
Rounds in a row, they pass out regardless of how much HP they have left. ROF1.
• Slam: If you have a target in a grapple, you can automatically slam them into the ground without a Check.
When you slam an opponent, you leave them in an adjacent square of your choice and damage to them
equal to your BODY. This is done directly to their HP and not affected by armor. ROF1.

Militech M-76e Omaha x2 (both start fully loaded with Basic Heavy Pistol Ammunition)
Heavy Pistol • 3d6 Damage • 9 Ammo • ROF2 • One-Handed • Concealable

• Tech Weapon: Equipped w/ a scope that can see simple target outlines through Thin Cover. By sacrificing
your Move Action you can charge the weapon until end of a Turn in which it is fired.
• Charged Shot: While charged the weapon remains ROF2 and expels 3 rounds instead of 1 per Attack
Check. If less than 3 rounds remain it empties the clip. It can fire through Thin Cover, and ignores 1/2
target’s SP (round up).

DV for Militech M-76e Omaha based on range from target (in m/yds).
0-6 7-12 13-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 401-800
13 15 20 25 30 30 — —

Large Knife
Medium Melee Weapon • 2d6 Damage • ROF2 • Concealable


Burner Phone An external holophone you can easily dump if it becomes compromised.

Heavy Pistol Ammunition Extra Basic Heavy Pistol Ammunition x18 (9 for each gun).

CASH €$250

Attacker’s STAT + Skill + 1d10 vs. Defender’s STAT + Skill + 1d10 or Task Difficulty Value (DV)
You must beat the DV (surpass the DV by 1 or higher) and not just meet the DV.
Task DVs: 9 (Simple) • 13 (Everyday) • 15 (Difficult) • 17 (Professional)
21 (Heroic) • 24 (Incredible) • 29 (Legendary)

▶ Check Explosion ◀

Copyright © 2024 CD Projekt S.A. • Permission is granted to the user to print or copy this folio.
If you roll a 10 on a 1d10 for a Check, roll again and add the second roll to the first. Do not roll again if you roll another 10.
▶ Check Implosion ◀

If you roll a 1 on a 1d10 for a Check, roll again and subtract the second roll from
your STAT + Skill + 1st roll . Do not roll again if you roll another 1.
▶ Trying Again ◀

If you fail a Check, you can’t try again unless your chances of success have improved for some reason.
▶ Complimentary Skills ◀

With GM approval, a Character can make a single complimentary Skill Check to give a +1 bonus to the main Skill Check.
▶ Taking Extra Time ◀

Get a single +1 bonus to a Skill Check by spending 4x the required time on it.
▶ Using LUCK ◀

Each point of LUCK spent gives +1 to a Skill Check.


When a combat starts, Attacker’s REF + Relevant Weapon Skill + 1d10
everyone rolls Initiative.
vs. DV Determined by Range & Weapon
REF + 1d10
▶ On Your Turn ◀ MELEE ATTACKS
Your Turn = 1 Move Action + 1 other Action Attacker’s DEX + Relevant Melee Attack Skill + 1d10
▶ Move Actions ◀ vs. Defender’s DEX + Evasion Skill + 1d10
On your Turn you can move a number
of m/yds = to your MOVE x2 or a RATE OF FIRE (ROF)
number of squares = your MOVE.
You can split your Move Action to
As part of an Attack Action, you can make
perform Check between movements
a number of Checks = to the ROF.
(move, shoot, move). This can be split across two weapons as
Special movement (climbing, jumping,
long as both weapons are ROF 2.
swimming, etc) is done at 1/2 MOVE.
-8 to the Attack Check in exchange for specifically aiming for the head. ROF 1.
Can aim Melee and Ranged Attacks.
On a hit, you deal x2 damage after Armor is subtracted.
CX300 • First Printing
Bluescreen Handle
Role REF 6
Luck Death Save DEX 6
out of

HP 18 S Wounded
35 COOL 7
out of

-2 to all Checks when HP ≤ Above

ARMOR If damage penetrates armor, the SP goes down by 1

Body L Armorjack Head L Armorjack
vs Most Attacks vs Melee/Charged vs Most Attacks vs Melee/Charged

Tech Weapons
6 11
Tech Weapons
6 BODY 4
Forget keyboards and touchscreens. You can use your brain to hack people!
You have Interface 4 and 3 Net Actions on your Turn for the purposes of Quickhacking.

Weapon Skill Base (STAT + SKILL + BONUS) DMG Ammo ROF Notes

Small Knife Melee Weapon 6+0=6 1d6 — 2 Melee Weapon

Militech M-10AF
Handgun 6 + 5 = 11 3d6 21 2 Power Weapon
A Skill Check = 1d10 + BASE + Any Bonuses Not Already Included in the Base

Acting 7 6 13 Handgun 6 5 11
Athletics 6 4 10 Heavy Weapons 6 — 6
Autofire 6 — 6 Human Perception 4 5 9
Brawling (1d6 DMG) 6 4 10 Interrogation 7 — 7
Bribery 7 — 7 Library Search 6 6 12
Business 6 — 6 Melee Weapon 6 — 6
Composition 6 — 6 Paramedic 8 2 10
Conceal/Reveal 6 — 6 Perception 6 6 12
Concentration 6 2 8 Persuasion 7 4 11
Conversation 4 6 10 Pick Lock 8 3 11
Cybertech 8 6 14 Pick Pocket 8 3 11
Dance 6 5 11 Play Instrument 8 — 8
Deduction 6 — 6 Resist Torture/Drugs 6 — 6
Drive Land Vehicle 6 — 6 Shoulder Arms 6 — 6
Education 6 6 12 Stealth 6 5 11
Electronics/Security 8 6 14 Streetwise 7 4 11
Evasion 6 4 10 Trading 7 — 7
First Aid 8 2 10 Wardrobe & Style 7 4+2 13

Cultural Origins Neuroport

The central control system for all your cyberware, loaded with extras. As
ubiquitous in Cyberpunk as smartphones are in the real world. Neuroports
Personality give you the following benefits.

• Holophone: A fully functional phone, capable of limited CitiNet access,

Wardrobe Style talk, text, and scheduling, all of which is notably brain-controlled and
requires no vocal commands.
• Biomonitor: Implant monitors pulse, temperature, respiration, blood
Hair Style
sugar, and other indicators, and constantly broadcasts this information
to the your HUD.
Value Most? • Virtu (aka Virtuality): Allows you to experience virtual presentations,
performances, and even simulations. It also allows Netrunners to fully
experience the Net when they’re deep diving. It does not allow you to
Feel About People? experience Braindances.
• HUD (aka Chyron): Information from your Holophone, Biomonitor, and
other cyberware is projected into your field of vision via direct con-
Family Background
nection to your optic nerve. Programs installed in the HUD even react
to your thoughts or additional installed databases to label important
objects and people, provide transcripts for conversations and media,
Environment and even visually translate foreign languages.
• Two Shard Slots (aka Chipware Sockets): Two sockets behind the ear
Crisis or in the neck allow for quick installation of up to two pieces of chipware
and the reading of data shards (memory chips).
• Personal Link (Interface Plug): A pull-out cord, usually embedded in the
Life Goals wrist, letting you to link directly to computers.

Fashion Upgrades
Friend 1 You use light tattoos and EMP threading to make a scene. +2 to Wardrobe &
Style Checks (already included in the Skills Section).

Friend 2 Paraline Mk.1-5 Cyberdeck

Your Neuroport is upgraded with a Cyberdeck Port and you’ve installed a
Paraline Mk.1-5 Cyberdeck, allowing you to Quickhack enemies and some
Enemy 1 local devices.

Paraline Self-ICE
Enemy 2 You’ve installed an extra level of security in your Neuroport’s NET
Architecture. Anyone trying to Quickhack you must first spend a Net Action
to bypass your DV6 Passwall.
Tragic Love Affair

Hand-to-hand (or foot or headbutt or elbow... you get the idea) combat. You can do the following Actions with it.

• Attack: A straight up punch/kick/bodyblow. Does 1d6 damage. ROF2.

• Grab: Initiate a grapple. Your Brawling Base vs your opponent’s Brawling Base. If you win, you now have
them in a grapple. Anyone involved in the grapple takes a -2 to all Checks. You can drop the grapple at any
time without an Action. ROF1.
• Choke: If you have a target in a grapple, you can automatically do damage to them equal to your BODY
without a Check. This is done directly to their HP and not affected by armor. If you choke them for 3
Rounds in a row, they pass out regardless of how much HP they have left. ROF1.
• Slam: If you have a target in a grapple, you can automatically slam them into the ground without a Check.
When you slam an opponent, you leave them in an adjacent square of your choice and damage to them
equal to your BODY. This is done directly to their HP and not affected by armor. ROF1.

Militech M-10AF Lexington (starts fully loaded with Basic Heavy Pistol Ammunition)
Heavy Pistol • 3d6 Damage • 21 Ammo • ROF2 • One-Handed • Concealable

• Power Weapon: Increase Critical Injury bonus damage by 5. You can ricochet shots at a -4 penalty.
• Single Shot: Use Handgun Skill. Deals 3d6 damage.
DV for Militech M-10AF Lexington based on range from target (in m/yds).
0-6 7-12 13-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 401-800
13 15 20 25 30 30 — —

Small Knife
Light Melee Weapon • 1d6 Damage • ROF2 • Concealable


Memory Shard Blank memory shard x2.

Lock Picking Set The tools you need for picking mechanical locks.

Techtool An all-in-one tool you carry in your pocket.

Heavy Pistol Ammunition Extra Basic Heavy Pistol Ammunition x21.

CASH €$100

Attacker’s STAT + Skill + 1d10 vs. Defender’s STAT + Skill + 1d10 or Task Difficulty Value (DV)
You must beat the DV (surpass the DV by 1 or higher) and not just meet the DV.
Task DVs: 9 (Simple) • 13 (Everyday) • 15 (Difficult) • 17 (Professional)
21 (Heroic) • 24 (Incredible) • 29 (Legendary)

▶ Check Explosion ◀

Copyright © 2024 CD Projekt S.A. • Permission is granted to the user to print or copy this folio.
If you roll a 10 on a 1d10 for a Check, roll again and add the second roll to the first. Do not roll again if you roll another 10.
▶ Check Implosion ◀

If you roll a 1 on a 1d10 for a Check, roll again and subtract the second roll from
your STAT + Skill + 1st roll . Do not roll again if you roll another 1.
▶ Trying Again ◀

If you fail a Check, you can’t try again unless your chances of success have improved for some reason.
▶ Complimentary Skills ◀

With GM approval, a Character can make a single complimentary Skill Check to give a +1 bonus to the main Skill Check.
▶ Taking Extra Time ◀

Get a single +1 bonus to a Skill Check by spending 4x the required time on it.
▶ Using LUCK ◀

Each point of LUCK spent gives +1 to a Skill Check.


When a combat starts, Attacker’s REF + Relevant Weapon Skill + 1d10
everyone rolls Initiative.
vs. DV Determined by Range & Weapon
REF + 1d10
▶ On Your Turn ◀ MELEE ATTACKS
Your Turn = 1 Move Action + 1 other Action Attacker’s DEX + Relevant Melee Attack Skill + 1d10
▶ Move Actions ◀ vs. Defender’s DEX + Evasion Skill + 1d10
On your Turn you can move a number
of m/yds = to your MOVE x2 or a RATE OF FIRE (ROF)
number of squares = your MOVE.
You can split your Move Action to
As part of an Attack Action, you can make
perform Check between movements
a number of Checks = to the ROF.
(move, shoot, move). This can be split across two weapons as
Special movement (climbing, jumping,
long as both weapons are ROF 2.
swimming, etc) is done at 1/2 MOVE.
-8 to the Attack Check in exchange for specifically aiming for the head. ROF 1.
Can aim Melee and Ranged Attacks.
On a hit, you deal x2 damage after Armor is subtracted.
CX300 • First Printing
Insurance Handle
Role REF 6
Luck Death Save DEX 5
out of

HP 20 S Wounded
40 COOL 5
out of

-2 to all Checks when HP ≤ Above

ARMOR If damage penetrates armor, the SP goes down by 1

Body L Armorjack Head L Armorjack
vs Most Attacks vs Melee/Charged vs Most Attacks vs Melee/Charged

Tech Weapons
6 11
Tech Weapons
6 BODY 7
Even in the Dark Future, someone has to heal people. That’s you. You can use the Surgery Skill with a Base of 12.
Once per Beat you can use a Speedheal to restore HP to a patient (an amount equal to their BODY + WILL).

Weapon Skill Base (STAT + SKILL + BONUS) DMG Ammo ROF Notes

Scalpel Melee Weapon 5+0+1=6 1d6 — 2 Excellent Quality

Arasaka TKI-20 Handgun 6 + 6 + 1= 13

3d6 30 1 Smart Weapon • Autofire (x4)
Shingen Autofire 6 + 6 + 1 = 13
A Skill Check = 1d10 + BASE + Any Bonuses Not Already Included in the Base

Acting 5 — 5 Handgun 6 6 12
Athletics 5 3 8 Heavy Weapons 6 — 6
Autofire 6 6 12 Human Perception 7 6 13
Brawling (3d6 DMG) 5 3 8 Interrogation 5 5 10
Bribery 5 — 5 Library Search 7 2 9
Business 7 — 7 Melee Weapon 5 — 5
Composition 7 — 7 Paramedic 8 6 14
Conceal/Reveal 7 — 7 Perception 7 4 11
Concentration 5 6 11 Persuasion 5 6 11
Conversation 7 6 13 Pick Lock 8 — 8
Cybertech 8 — 8 Pick Pocket 8 — 8
Dance 5 — 5 Play Instrument 8 — 8
Deduction 7 — 7 Resist Torture/Drugs 5 6 11
Drive Land Vehicle 6 — 6 Shoulder Arms 6 — 6
Education 7 6 13 Stealth 5 5 10
Electronics/Security 8 — 8 Streetwise 5 6 11
Evasion 5 5 10 Trading 5 — 5
First Aid 8 2 10 Wardrobe & Style 5 — 5

Cultural Origins Neuroport

The central control system for all your cyberware, loaded with extras. As
ubiquitous in Cyberpunk as smartphones are in the real world. Neuroports
Personality give you the following benefits.

• Holophone: A fully functional phone, capable of limited CitiNet access,

Wardrobe Style talk, text, and scheduling, all of which is notably brain-controlled and
requires no vocal commands.
• Biomonitor: Implant monitors pulse, temperature, respiration, blood
Hair Style
sugar, and other indicators, and constantly broadcasts this information
to the your HUD.
Value Most? • Virtu (aka Virtuality): Allows you to experience virtual presentations,
performances, and even simulations. It also allows Netrunners to fully
experience the Net when they’re deep diving. It does not allow you to
Feel About People? experience Braindances.
• HUD (aka Chyron): Information from your Holophone, Biomonitor, and
other cyberware is projected into your field of vision via direct con-
Family Background
nection to your optic nerve. Programs installed in the HUD even react
to your thoughts or additional installed databases to label important
objects and people, provide transcripts for conversations and media,
Environment and even visually translate foreign languages.
• Two Shard Slots (aka Chipware Sockets): Two sockets behind the ear
Crisis or in the neck allow for quick installation of up to two pieces of chipware
and the reading of data shards (memory chips).
• Personal Link (Interface Plug): A pull-out cord, usually embedded in the
Life Goals wrist, letting you to link directly to computers.

Moore Tech Berserk

Friend 1 A classic implant, capable of pushing your body to the edge in combat. Must
be activated as an Action. When the Berserk Implant is activated, you ignore
the effects of the Seriously and Mortally Wounded Wound States for 60
Friend 2 seconds (20 Rounds) with one exception: If Mortally Wounded you must still
make Death Saves. After the activation period expires, the implant cannot
be activated again for 1 hour.
Enemy 1
Paraline Self-ICE
You’ve installed an extra level of security in your Neuroport’s NET
Enemy 2 Architecture. Anyone trying to Quickhack you must first spend a Net Action
to bypass your DV6 Passwall.

Tragic Love Affair


Hand-to-hand (or foot or headbutt or elbow... you get the idea) combat. You can do the following Actions with it.

• Attack: A straight up punch/kick/bodyblow. Does 3d6 damage. ROF2.

• Grab: Initiate a grapple. Your Brawling Base vs your opponent’s Brawling Base. If you win, you now have
them in a grapple. Anyone involved in the grapple takes a -2 to all Checks. You can drop the grapple at any
time without an Action. ROF1.
• Choke: If you have a target in a grapple, you can automatically do damage to them equal to your BODY
without a Check. This is done directly to their HP and not affected by armor. If you choke them for 3
Rounds in a row, they pass out regardless of how much HP they have left. ROF1.
• Slam: If you have a target in a grapple, you can automatically slam them into the ground without a Check.
When you slam an opponent, you leave them in an adjacent square of your choice and damage to them
equal to your BODY. This is done directly to their HP and not affected by armor. ROF1.

Arasaka TKI-20 Shingen (starts fully loaded with Basic Heavy Pistol Ammunition)
Heavy SMG • 3d6 Damage • 30 Ammo • ROF1 • Two-Handed • Not Concealable

• Smart Weapon: +1 to Attack Check (included). Can load w/ Improved Smart Ammunition.
• Single Shot: Use Handgun Skill. Deals 3d6 damage, expending 3 rounds w/ each Attack Check. If not enough
rounds are available to fire 3, the weapon fires all remaining rounds and deals 2d6 damage instead.
• Autofire: Use Autofire Skill. On a hit, roll 2d6 damage and multiply by the amount you beat the DV by (up to
x4). 10 bullets per Attack Check.

DV for Arasaka TKI-20 Shingen based on range from target (in m/yds). Second # is for Autofire.
0-6 7-12 13-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 401-800
15/20 13/17 15/20 20/25 25/30 25/— 30/— —

Light Melee Weapon • 1d6 Damage • ROF2 • Concealable • +1 to Attack Checks (included)


Medtech Bag A bag containing all the tools you need for field surgery.

Heavy Pistol Ammunition Extra Heavy Pistol Ammunition x30.

CASH €$100

Attacker’s STAT + Skill + 1d10 vs. Defender’s STAT + Skill + 1d10 or Task Difficulty Value (DV)
You must beat the DV (surpass the DV by 1 or higher) and not just meet the DV.
Task DVs: 9 (Simple) • 13 (Everyday) • 15 (Difficult) • 17 (Professional)
21 (Heroic) • 24 (Incredible) • 29 (Legendary)

▶ Check Explosion ◀

Copyright © 2024 CD Projekt S.A. • Permission is granted to the user to print or copy this folio.
If you roll a 10 on a 1d10 for a Check, roll again and add the second roll to the first. Do not roll again if you roll another 10.
▶ Check Implosion ◀

If you roll a 1 on a 1d10 for a Check, roll again and subtract the second roll from
your STAT + Skill + 1st roll . Do not roll again if you roll another 1.
▶ Trying Again ◀

If you fail a Check, you can’t try again unless your chances of success have improved for some reason.
▶ Complimentary Skills ◀

With GM approval, a Character can make a single complimentary Skill Check to give a +1 bonus to the main Skill Check.
▶ Taking Extra Time ◀

Get a single +1 bonus to a Skill Check by spending 4x the required time on it.
▶ Using LUCK ◀

Each point of LUCK spent gives +1 to a Skill Check.


When a combat starts, Attacker’s REF + Relevant Weapon Skill + 1d10
everyone rolls Initiative.
vs. DV Determined by Range & Weapon
REF + 1d10
▶ On Your Turn ◀ MELEE ATTACKS
Your Turn = 1 Move Action + 1 other Action Attacker’s DEX + Relevant Melee Attack Skill + 1d10
▶ Move Actions ◀ vs. Defender’s DEX + Evasion Skill + 1d10
On your Turn you can move a number
of m/yds = to your MOVE x2 or a RATE OF FIRE (ROF)
number of squares = your MOVE.
You can split your Move Action to
As part of an Attack Action, you can make
perform Check between movements
a number of Checks = to the ROF.
(move, shoot, move). This can be split across two weapons as
Special movement (climbing, jumping,
long as both weapons are ROF 2.
swimming, etc) is done at 1/2 MOVE.
-8 to the Attack Check in exchange for specifically aiming for the head. ROF 1.
Can aim Melee and Ranged Attacks.
On a hit, you deal x2 damage after Armor is subtracted.
CX300 • First Printing
Thorn Handle
Role REF 6
Luck Death Save DEX 7
out of

HP 28 S Wounded
55 COOL 7
out of

-2 to all Checks when HP ≤ Above

ARMOR If damage penetrates armor, the SP goes down by 1

Body L Armorjack Head L Armorjack
vs Most Attacks vs Melee/Charged vs Most Attacks vs Melee/Charged

Tech Weapons
6 11
Tech Weapons
6 BODY 10
You aren’t world famous yet, but you’re working on it. If the GM determines an NPC is a fan, you gain a +4 to all
Social Skill Checks (Acting, Bribery, Conversation, Interrogation, and Persuasion) made against them.

Weapon Skill Base (STAT + SKILL + BONUS) DMG Ammo ROF Notes

Brawling Attack Brawling 7 + 6 = 13 3d6 — 2 —

Budget Arms Power Weapon • Shell
Shoulder Arms 6 + 6 = 12 5d6 5 1
Carnage Poor Quality
A Skill Check = 1d10 + BASE + Any Bonuses Not Already Included in the Base

Acting 7 6+2 15 Handgun 6 2 8

Athletics 7 5 12 Heavy Weapons 6 — 6
Autofire 6 — 6 Human Perception 6 6 12
Brawling (3d6 DMG) 7 6 13 Interrogation 7 — 7
Bribery 7 — 7 Library Search 4 4 8
Business 4 — 4 Melee Weapon 7 — 7
Composition 4 6 10 Paramedic 5 — 5
Conceal/Reveal 4 — 4 Perception 4 4 8
Concentration 8 5 13 Persuasion 7 6 13
Conversation 6 6 12 Pick Lock 5 — 5
Cybertech 5 — 5 Pick Pocket 5 — 5
Dance 7 4 11 Play Instrument 5 6+2 13
Deduction 4 — 4 Resist Torture/Drugs 8 — 8
Drive Land Vehicle 6 4 10 Shoulder Arms 6 6 12
Education 4 4 8 Stealth 7 6 13
Electronics/Security 5 — 5 Streetwise 7 6 13
Evasion 7 6 13 Trading 7 — 7
First Aid 5 6 11 Wardrobe & Style 7 6+2 15

Cultural Origins Neuroport

The central control system for all your cyberware, loaded with extras. As
ubiquitous in Cyberpunk as smartphones are in the real world. Neuroports
Personality give you the following benefits.

• Holophone: A fully functional phone, capable of limited CitiNet access,

Wardrobe Style talk, text, and scheduling, all of which is notably brain-controlled and
requires no vocal commands.
• Biomonitor: Implant monitors pulse, temperature, respiration, blood
Hair Style
sugar, and other indicators, and constantly broadcasts this information
to the your HUD.
Value Most? • Virtu (aka Virtuality): Allows you to experience virtual presentations,
performances, and even simulations. It also allows Netrunners to fully
experience the Net when they’re deep diving. It does not allow you to
Feel About People? experience Braindances.
• HUD (aka Chyron): Information from your Holophone, Biomonitor, and
other cyberware is projected into your field of vision via direct con-
Family Background
nection to your optic nerve. Programs installed in the HUD even react
to your thoughts or additional installed databases to label important
objects and people, provide transcripts for conversations and media,
Environment and even visually translate foreign languages.
• Two Shard Slots (aka Chipware Sockets): Two sockets behind the ear
Crisis or in the neck allow for quick installation of up to two pieces of chipware
and the reading of data shards (memory chips).
• Personal Link (Interface Plug): A pull-out cord, usually embedded in the
Life Goals wrist, letting you to link directly to computers.

Fashion Upgrades
Friend 1 You use light tattoos and tech hair to make a scene. +2 to Wardrobe & Style
Checks (already included in the Skills Section).

Friend 2 Grafted Muscle and Bone Lace

Working out is for gonks. You paid for your muscles and a reinforced
skeleton, too. Your BODY has been upgraded to 10, which makes you
Enemy 1 stronger and more durable than anyone short of a full borg.

Dynalar AudioVox
Enemy 2
Your vocal chords and voice box have been enhanced with the latest in
cybernetic technology, allowing you to perfectly modulate your voice. +2
to Acting and Play Instrument Checks when singing (already included in the
Tragic Love Affair
Skills Section).

Hand-to-hand (or foot or headbutt or elbow... you get the idea) combat. You can do the following Actions with it.

• Attack: A straight up punch/kick/bodyblow. Does 3d6 damage. ROF2.

• Grab: Initiate a grapple. Your Brawling Base vs your opponent’s Brawling Base. If you win, you now have
them in a grapple. Anyone involved in the grapple takes a -2 to all Checks. You can drop the grapple at any
time without an Action. ROF1.
• Choke: If you have a target in a grapple, you can automatically do damage to them equal to your BODY
without a Check. This is done directly to their HP and not affected by armor. If you choke them for 3
Rounds in a row, they pass out regardless of how much HP they have left. ROF1.
• Slam: If you have a target in a grapple, you can automatically slam them into the ground without a Check.
When you slam an opponent, you leave them in an adjacent square of your choice and damage to them
equal to your BODY. This is done directly to their HP and not affected by armor. ROF1.

Budget Arms Carnage (starts fully loaded with Basic Shotgun Slugs)
Shotgun • 5d6 Damage • 5 Ammo • ROF1 • Two-Handed • Not Concealable

• Poor Quality: Jams on a roll of 1. The gun fires but must then be unjammed, which takes an Action.
• Power Weapon: Increase Critical Injury Bonus Damage by 5. You can ricochet shots at a -4 penalty.
• Slug: Use Shoulder Arms Skill. Deals 5d6 damage.
• Shell: Use Shoulder Arms Skill vs DV13. If loaded w/ Shells, deals 3d6 damage to all targets in 6m/yd (3
square) area directly in front of you.

DV for Budget Arms Carnage based on range from target (in m/yds).
0-6 7-12 13-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 401-800
13 15 20 25 30 35 — —


Electric Guitar The classic. Complete with a pocket amplifier.

Audio Recorder An external recording device, allowing you to record to a memory shard.

Memory Shards Blank memory shard x2.

Shotgun Slugs Extra Basic Shotgun Slugs x10.

CASH €$100

Attacker’s STAT + Skill + 1d10 vs. Defender’s STAT + Skill + 1d10 or Task Difficulty Value (DV)
You must beat the DV (surpass the DV by 1 or higher) and not just meet the DV.
Task DVs: 9 (Simple) • 13 (Everyday) • 15 (Difficult) • 17 (Professional)
21 (Heroic) • 24 (Incredible) • 29 (Legendary)

▶ Check Explosion ◀

Copyright © 2024 CD Projekt S.A. • Permission is granted to the user to print or copy this folio.
If you roll a 10 on a 1d10 for a Check, roll again and add the second roll to the first. Do not roll again if you roll another 10.
▶ Check Implosion ◀

If you roll a 1 on a 1d10 for a Check, roll again and subtract the second roll from
your STAT + Skill + 1st roll . Do not roll again if you roll another 1.
▶ Trying Again ◀

If you fail a Check, you can’t try again unless your chances of success have improved for some reason.
▶ Complimentary Skills ◀

With GM approval, a Character can make a single complimentary Skill Check to give a +1 bonus to the main Skill Check.
▶ Taking Extra Time ◀

Get a single +1 bonus to a Skill Check by spending 4x the required time on it.
▶ Using LUCK ◀

Each point of LUCK spent gives +1 to a Skill Check.


When a combat starts, Attacker’s REF + Relevant Weapon Skill + 1d10
everyone rolls Initiative.
vs. DV Determined by Range & Weapon
REF + 1d10
▶ On Your Turn ◀ MELEE ATTACKS
Your Turn = 1 Move Action + 1 other Action Attacker’s DEX + Relevant Melee Attack Skill + 1d10
▶ Move Actions ◀ vs. Defender’s DEX + Evasion Skill + 1d10
On your Turn you can move a number
of m/yds = to your MOVE x2 or a RATE OF FIRE (ROF)
number of squares = your MOVE.
You can split your Move Action to
As part of an Attack Action, you can make
perform Check between movements
a number of Checks = to the ROF.
(move, shoot, move). This can be split across two weapons as
Special movement (climbing, jumping,
long as both weapons are ROF 2.
swimming, etc) is done at 1/2 MOVE.
-8 to the Attack Check in exchange for specifically aiming for the head. ROF 1.
Can aim Melee and Ranged Attacks.
On a hit, you deal x2 damage after Armor is subtracted.
CX300 • First Printing
Maven Handle
Role REF 7
Luck Death Save DEX 5
out of

HP 20 S Wounded
40 COOL 5
out of

-2 to all Checks when HP ≤ Above

ARMOR If damage penetrates armor, the SP goes down by 1

Body L Armorjack Head L Armorjack
vs Most Attacks vs Melee/Charged vs Most Attacks vs Melee/Charged

Tech Weapons
6 11
Tech Weapons
6 BODY 6
If it is technology, you can build it, break it, or fix it.
You gain a +4 to Cybertech and Electronics/Security Tech Checks (already included below).

Weapon Skill Base (STAT + SKILL + BONUS) DMG Ammo ROF Notes
Shoulder Arms 7 + 6 = 13 5d6 2 1 Tech Weapon • Shell
DB-2 Satara
Techtronika Power Weapon
Shoulder Arms 7 + 6 + 1 = 14 5d6 4 1
SPT32 Grad Excellent Quality
A Skill Check = 1d10 + BASE + Any Bonuses Not Already Included in the Base

Acting 5 — 5 Handgun 7 6 13
Athletics 5 3 8 Heavy Weapons 7 — 7
Autofire 7 — 7 Human Perception 5 4 9
Brawling (2d6 DMG) 5 3 8 Interrogation 5 — 5
Bribery 5 — 5 Library Search 8 5 13
Business 8 — 8 Melee Weapon 5 — 5
Composition 8 3 11 Paramedic 8 3 11
Conceal/Reveal 8 3 11 Perception 8 6 14
Concentration 5 6 11 Persuasion 5 2 7
Conversation 5 2 7 Pick Lock 8 2 10
Cybertech 8 5+4 17 Pick Pocket 8 — 8
Dance 5 3 8 Play Instrument 8 — 8
Deduction 8 6 14 Resist Torture/Drugs 5 — 5
Drive Land Vehicle 7 3 10 Shoulder Arms 7 6 13
Education 8 2 10 Stealth 5 6 11
Electronics/Security 8 6+4 18 Streetwise 5 4 9
Evasion 5 5 10 Trading 5 5 10
First Aid 8 2 10 Wardrobe & Style 5 3+2 10

Cultural Origins Neuroport

The central control system for all your cyberware, loaded with extras. As
ubiquitous in Cyberpunk as smartphones are in the real world. Neuroports
Personality give you the following benefits.

• Holophone: A fully functional phone, capable of limited CitiNet access,

Wardrobe Style talk, text, and scheduling, all of which is notably brain-controlled and
requires no vocal commands.
• Biomonitor: Implant monitors pulse, temperature, respiration, blood
Hair Style
sugar, and other indicators, and constantly broadcasts this information
to the your HUD.
Value Most? • Virtu (aka Virtuality): Allows you to experience virtual presentations,
performances, and even simulations. It also allows Netrunners to fully
experience the Net when they’re deep diving. It does not allow you to
Feel About People? experience Braindances.
• HUD (aka Chyron): Information from your Holophone, Biomonitor, and
other cyberware is projected into your field of vision via direct con-
Family Background
nection to your optic nerve. Programs installed in the HUD even react
to your thoughts or additional installed databases to label important
objects and people, provide transcripts for conversations and media,
Environment and even visually translate foreign languages.
• Two Shard Slots (aka Chipware Sockets): Two sockets behind the ear
Crisis or in the neck allow for quick installation of up to two pieces of chipware
and the reading of data shards (memory chips).
• Personal Link (Interface Plug): A pull-out cord, usually embedded in the
Life Goals wrist, letting you to link directly to computers.

Fashion Upgrades
Friend 1 You use light tattoos and tech hair to show off. +2 to Wardrobe & Style
Checks (already included in the Skills Section).

Friend 2 Maven Custom Built Cyberoptic

A Cybereye you built and upgraded yourself. +2 to Conceal/Reveal and
Perception Checks involving vision.
Enemy 1
Paraline Self-ICE
You’ve installed an extra level of security in your Neuroport’s NET
Enemy 2 Architecture. Anyone trying to Quickhack you must first spend a Net Action
to bypass your DV6 Passwall.

Tragic Love Affair


Hand-to-hand (or foot or headbutt or elbow... you get the idea) combat. You can do the following Actions with it.

• Attack: A straight up punch/kick/bodyblow. Does 2d6 damage. ROF2.

• Grab: Initiate a grapple. Your Brawling Base vs your opponent’s Brawling Base. If you win, you now have
them in a grapple. Anyone involved in the grapple takes a -2 to all Checks. You can drop the grapple at any
time without an Action. ROF1.
• Choke: If you have a target in a grapple, you can automatically do damage to them equal to your BODY
without a Check. This is done directly to their HP and not affected by armor. If you choke them for 3
Rounds in a row, they pass out regardless of how much HP they have left. ROF1.
• Slam: If you have a target in a grapple, you can automatically slam them into the ground without a Check.
When you slam an opponent, you leave them in an adjacent square of your choice and damage to them
equal to your BODY. This is done directly to their HP and not affected by armor. ROF1.

Rostović DB-2 Satara (starts fully loaded with Basic Shotgun Slugs)
Shotgun • 5d6 Damage • 2 Ammo • ROF1 • Two-Handed • Not Concealable
• Tech Weapon: Equipped w/ a scope that can see simple target outlines through Thin Cover. By sacrificing
Move Action user can charge the weapon for 60 sec (20 Rounds) or until it is fired.
• Charged Shot: While charged the next Attack is ROF1, can fire through Thin Cover, and ignores 1/2 tar-
get’s SP (round up).
• Slug: Use Shoulder Arms Skill. Deals 5d6 damage.
• Shell: Use Shoulder Arms Skill vs DV13. Deals 3d6 damage to all targets in 6m/yd (3 square) area directly
in front of user.
DV for Rostović DB-2 Satara based on range from target (in m/yds).
0-6 7-12 13-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 401-800
13 15 20 25 30 35 — —

Techtronika SPT32 Grad (starts fully loaded with Basic Rifle Ammunition)
Sniper Rifle • 5d6 Damage • 4 Ammo • ROF1 • Two-Handed • Not Concealable
• Excellent Quality: +1 to Attack Checks made w/ this weapon (included).
• Power Weapon: Increase Critical Injury bonus damage by 5. User can ricochet shots at a -4 penalty.
• Requires an Action to work its bolt action before it can be fired again.
DV for Techtronika SPT32 Grad based on range from target (in m/yds).
0-6 7-12 13-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 401-800
30 25 25 20 15 16 17 20


Tech Bag A bag containing all the tools you need for field repairs.

Shotgun Slugs Extra Basic Shotgun Slugs x10.

CASH €$100
Attacker’s STAT + Skill + 1d10 vs. Defender’s STAT + Skill + 1d10 or Task Difficulty Value (DV)
You must beat the DV (surpass the DV by 1 or higher) and not just meet the DV.
Task DVs: 9 (Simple) • 13 (Everyday) • 15 (Difficult) • 17 (Professional)
21 (Heroic) • 24 (Incredible) • 29 (Legendary)

▶ Check Explosion ◀

Copyright © 2024 CD Projekt S.A. • Permission is granted to the user to print or copy this folio.
If you roll a 10 on a 1d10 for a Check, roll again and add the second roll to the first. Do not roll again if you roll another 10.
▶ Check Implosion ◀

If you roll a 1 on a 1d10 for a Check, roll again and subtract the second roll from
your STAT + Skill + 1st roll . Do not roll again if you roll another 1.
▶ Trying Again ◀

If you fail a Check, you can’t try again unless your chances of success have improved for some reason.
▶ Complimentary Skills ◀

With GM approval, a Character can make a single complimentary Skill Check to give a +1 bonus to the main Skill Check.
▶ Taking Extra Time ◀

Get a single +1 bonus to a Skill Check by spending 4x the required time on it.
▶ Using LUCK ◀

Each point of LUCK spent gives +1 to a Skill Check.


When a combat starts, Attacker’s REF + Relevant Weapon Skill + 1d10
everyone rolls Initiative.
vs. DV Determined by Range & Weapon
REF + 1d10
▶ On Your Turn ◀ MELEE ATTACKS
Your Turn = 1 Move Action + 1 other Action Attacker’s DEX + Relevant Melee Attack Skill + 1d10
▶ Move Actions ◀ vs. Defender’s DEX + Evasion Skill + 1d10
On your Turn you can move a number
of m/yds = to your MOVE x2 or a RATE OF FIRE (ROF)
number of squares = your MOVE.
You can split your Move Action to
As part of an Attack Action, you can make
perform Check between movements
a number of Checks = to the ROF.
(move, shoot, move). This can be split across two weapons as
Special movement (climbing, jumping,
long as both weapons are ROF 2.
swimming, etc) is done at 1/2 MOVE.
-8 to the Attack Check in exchange for specifically aiming for the head. ROF 1.
Can aim Melee and Ranged Attacks.
On a hit, you deal x2 damage after Armor is subtracted.
CX300 • First Printing

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