Conclusion Lateral Thinking
Conclusion Lateral Thinking
Conclusion Lateral Thinking
Lateral thinking is a skill that we can use as a tool to create new creative and innovative
Teaching has always promoted the logical sequence of thought as the only process to
process information. Classical teaching in schools and universities has stimulated logical
thinking or also vertical thinking.
Now there is nothing wrong with vertical thinking, even more so when it is the axis of our
results, effectiveness and productivity. The restrictive thing about this thinking is that it is
incomplete to get us out of a situation where the environment changes.
The concept of lateral thinking was granted in 1967 by EDWARD BONO in his book of
new thoughts in which it refers to the new technique of solving problems in an indirect way
and with a creative and distinctive approach.
Now when approaching a problem with vertical thinking we use a logical sequence and it is
possible that with this we will find a solution because we always use what we usually do.
But if we use a more open mind we face each new problem in a different positive and
creative way.
And that is the objective of lateral thinking: generating creative ideas using processes with
an intelligent structure of queries already existing in our mind, in this way we see the world
around us in a different way.