Kumar Paper
Kumar Paper
Kumar Paper
based study
Aashish Kumar*, Usha Dasari & Manoj Kumar Mondal
Rajendra Mishra School of Engineering Entrepreneurship,
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, WB, India
S2 = 49 * 4.12 * 10-4 m2
= 201.88 m2
= 4.43 * 10 -4 m2
S2 = 49 * 4.43 * 10-4 m2
= 217.07 * 10-4 m2
Fig 2: Mesh structure of perforated pin fin Heat sink
Total surface area of heat sink with one
Design parameters: perforation = S1+ S2 = 263.7 * 10-4 m2
The model geometry consists of a heat sink base of Similarly, the total surface area of heat sink can be
dimension 7.5 cm * 7.5 cm * 0.5 cm. The cylindrical tabularized in Table1:
pin fin heat sink have radius = 0.25cm, height =
2.5cm and are located at an equidistant from each Table1: Perforation and effective surface area of the heat
other with seven in number in each row or column. sink
For perforated heat sink fins, the perforations are
equidistant depending on number of perforations, Perforation No 1-P 3-P 4-P
starting from the base point and its radius is 0.15cm. Perforation (S1) (S2) (S3)
Calculation of total surface area of heat sinks with
Total 248.33 263.7 308.8 324.87
different type of fins: surface * 10-4 * 10-4 94 * 10-4
area of * 10-4
Base plate surface area of heat sink: heat sink
Surface area of base plate (S1) = Cuboid surface area
– (49 * Area of the base of cylinder/cone) The formula used for the heat transfer is:
Now, if the heat flux given at the base of heat sink is S1 11.96 527.792 11.6855 533.121
maintained constant
S2 11.552 501.776 11.306 506.17
q = 12 Volt × 6 Amp = 72 Watt
S3 11.425 493.987 11.1864 498.123
Thus, for laminar flow and vertical fins,
And, Prandtl number, Pr is defined as: The various perforations that are considered for the
simulation are mentioned below:
Pr = (μ × Cp) / k Eq. 6
0p - No perforations on Heat sink fins
where, μ = air dynamic viscosity, is 1.846×10-5 at
3p - Three perforations on Heat sink fins
27 °C.
Cp = air specific heat = 1005 J/ (Kg*K) for dry air 4p - Four Perforations on Heat sink fins
Case 1: At natural convection for Aluminium heat
sink (hs)
Fig 3: Al 0p at t = 80 min
Temperature (K)
450 Heat sink of Cu 0p
400 Heat sink of Cu 1p
Heat sink of Cu 3p
Heat sink of Cu 4p
0 20 Time40
(in sec) 60 80
Fig 4: Al 1p at t= 80 min
Graph 2: Comparative heat transfer rate with respect to to larger surface area for convection and higher
perforation Nusselt number arguably due to the change in
The results and comparative analysis of heat transfer airflow directions. The construction process of the
for Copper heat sink can be seen under: perforated pin-fin heat sink is not complex and can
be accomplished easily and economically. Applying
this knowledge in cooling electronics components
and circuit, and CPUs is likely to help achieving
improved cooling performance and thus higher
reliability. Besides improving cooling performance
of electronic circuits, the perforated pin fin heat sink
can improve COP of thermoelectric systems. This
inference will aid in improving the COP of the
thermoelectric cooler by reduction of temperature
Fig 7: Cu 0p at t = 80 min between the hot and cold side of thermoelectric
module. Further experimental research needs to be
performed to compare the simulation results with
performance in real applications.
Table 6: Improvement %
Temperature difference: solid pin to one
Fig 9: Cu 3p at t = 80 min
10 20 30 40 50 60
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