Antim Prahar 2024 Business Statistics and Analysis
Antim Prahar 2024 Business Statistics and Analysis
Antim Prahar 2024 Business Statistics and Analysis
9 Regression
• Regression is a statistical measurement used in finance, investing and
other disciplines that attempts to determine the strength of the
relationship between one dependent variable (usually denoted by Y)
and a series of other changing variables (known as independent
10 Probability (Card & Ball Question)
• In our day to day life the “probability” or “chance” is very commonly
used term. Sometimes, we use to say “Probably it may rain
tomorrow”, “Probably Mr. X may come for taking his class today”,
“Probably you are right”. All these terms, possibility and probability
convey the same meaning. But in statistics probability has certain
special connotation unlike in Layman’s view.
• The median is the middle score for a set of data that has been arranged in order of
• The mode is the most frequent score in our data set. On a histogram it represents the
highest bar in a bar chart or histogram. You can, therefore, sometimes consider the
mode as being the most popular option
12 Fisher Index Number
• Fisher's method is a way of combining the information in the p-values
from different statistical tests so as to form a single overall test: this
method requires that the individual test statistics (or, more
immediately, their resulting p-values) should be statistically
• Fisher's method is considered the most ideal because it uses both
prices and quantities of base and current period and is based on
geometric mean.
13 Mean Deviation & Standard Deviation
• Mean Deviation
• To understand the dispersion of data from a measure of central
tendency, we can use mean deviation. It comes as an improvement
over the range. It basically measures the deviations from a value. This
value is generally mean or median. Hence although mean deviation
about mode can be calculated, mean deviation about mean and
median are frequently used.
• Standard Deviation
• As the name suggests, this quantity is a standard measure of the
deviation of the entire data in any distribution. Usually represented
by s or σ. It uses the arithmetic mean of the distribution as the
reference point and normalizes the deviation of all the data values
from this mean.
14 Skewness Meaning and Types
• Skewness, in statistics, is the degree of distortion from the
symmetrical bell curve, or normal distribution, in a set of data.
Skewness can be negative, positive, zero or undefined. A normal
distribution has a skew of zero, while a lognormal distribution, for
example, would exhibit some degree of right-skew.
•The three probability distributions depicted below depict increasing
levels of right (or positive) skewness. Distributions can also be left
(negative) skewed. Skewness is used along with kurtosis to better judge
the likelihood of events falling in the tails of a probability distribution.